NOTES ON THIS EPISODE: - Apparently the stereotypical vampire accent is Hungarian or Romanian, not Slavic. My apologies. Should've researched that more. - Sorry about the Raid image *bug* - I forgot to include the Lich's "Dead man walking" quote. It's a movie title from 1995. - The Crypt Fiend also says "I like chicks who are into bandage," a BDSM pun on "bondage" - "The sleeper awakes" is more likely a reference to the 1910 novel of the same name by H. G. Wells.
The quotes from Sylvanas where she complains about being undead are also taken from a cinematic - the one before the start of her first solo mission if The Frozen Throne.
The varimathras eviscerating a man can be a reference to a dracula movie where van helsing opens a corpse showing it to his students and then leaves after they all passed out
What I think is even funnier is the acolyte saying “once you head down the path of darkness there is no turning back... and you get dental.” It’s just so hilarious to imagine all of these Lorderon peasants becoming acolytes of the Scourge just to get free dental care.
the Shade has attack lines, because if you selected multiple unit types and made the shade the selected "group leader" (as to determine which units' abilities to be displayed for use), and you issued an attack order to that group, the shade would say those lines.
Late reply I know, but what I found funny is that these attack lines were never translated in the german dub of the game. Imagine my surprise when my custom shade started talking in English...
7:54 Fun fact: The real historical Dracula (Vlad the impaler) was Wallachian (predecessor of Romania) and Béla Lugosi (who played Dracula in the famous movie) was Hungarian. Both of these countries are mostly surrounded by Slavic countries but neither of them are actually Slavic.
damn straight only half slavic in our case, and we are porad of our heritage, now if only we could solve our politician problem and start geting back our land that they sold....
I think the crypt fiend’s “the sleeper awakes” is a reference to the Gothic 1 game, where you would try to awaken the sleeper, which is a god that looks very much like the crypt fiend (both look like weird spider-ant hybrids)
Hands down, the Undead used to be my favorite preferred choice when I played WC3 all those years ago as a teen. And then when I transitioned to WoW, I picked Undead Warrior as my first character.
Abelhawk you are making me feel like a child waiting for the next episode of his favorite show being released I really appreciate all the passion and time you put into this
The Sylvanas quote is taken out of a conversation she has in the campaign, it makes a lot more sense in context. Random Banshee: "I thought you would be overjoyed to be free." (or something along those lines) Sylvanas: "What joy is there in this curse?"
Ahh, good point. I haven't played the campaign for a while, but I remember every time I do I notice how many of those lines are contextual to the campaign. "It's time to even the scales," etc.
Wc3 voice acting is better in general. In wow everyone is always screaming. In wc3 they all sound more calm and collected in normal dialogue, without all the drama
@@endo4137 But they nailed the Old Gods voice, especially with C'Thun (calm, collected, unemotional) and Yoggy (yelling and maniacal). They need to be loud because spell and attack sound effect are also loud.
10:49 The Russian version actually changed this line a little bit! It goes like this: "Just look at what this Arthas did! Killed tons of people, turned me into some kind of monster!" She still complains, but she emotes more while doing so.
The big reason for the 'units having lines despite being non-playable' I would assume is because of the map editor, kind of a bonus for people creating map content and giving more lines to work with. Why this doesn't extend to every character (Manneroth, Archimonde) I'm unsure.
@@oneblacksun Another thought that came to mind, even if beta builds allowed units like Ticondrious and such to be playable (like say instead of 1 race per chapter you instead alternated on a timeline, allowing levels with Kel'Thuzard spreading the plague and all that), there is also the fact that Manneroth and Archimond are the big bads for multiple factions. With the main scourge gameplay involvement probably ending at the end of the Undead campaign (Or at most, the Dreadlord Illidan finishes off with the power of the Skull) there'd still be not a lot of room to play as the ACTUAL Burning Legion, thus all they needed was cutscene props and an Archimonde to be AI controlled in the final level.
It really helps me to understand some references from my language version of the game. Some quotes are different (so they are easier to understand for players from my country) but a lot of them are just translated from English, and hard to understand (because can have not so popular sources or never translated sources)
And that's how you know how much Blizzard cared ! They went through the trouble of not only localizing the game, but also the freaking jokes ! For instance, the human peons does monty Python references ? In french it's nothing but french movies references !
Mannoroth's sound set is superbly useful for all Eredar for all the maps. Archimonde soundset is probably just a bugged left over, it should use mannoroth lines. On creep units especially from TFT you should take a look at sounds that tuskars and other northrend units added in it have. They dont use their own but changed versions of existing wolf sounds which arent in the files. Which probably means that they are mixing the existing sound on the go or that its baked in somewhere inaccessible like ambient sounds from maps.
So, "Russian localization part 3". About the Alliance: SoftClub tried to give dwarves a caucasian accent (well you know - mountain people like the scots) but only gryphon rider has this accent. Dwarf was translated like "Гном"/"Gnome" because from the time of translation of Tolkien we have problem with dwarves and gnomes. "Dragohawk" is just "Hawk". And he also say "Glory to the hight elves" not "the blood elves". But Speall Breaker became cooler because he was translated like "Witcher" (yes after 2015 it is really funny). And some quotes of course: "My sword - plus one dead orc." (Footman) "Not gonna give in my life my gun or my wife. *Laugh*" (Rifleman) "Good, bad... The main thing is who has a gun." (Rifleman) "Who comes with a sword to us, those easier to shoot." (Rifleman) - reference to Alexander Nevskiy "He laughs best who shoots first." (Rifleman) "-You, me and mortar. -That's all what we need to win." (Mortar team) "-Sight 15 tube 120. -Bang bang and missed." (Mortar team) - reference to film "Marriage in Malinovka"/"Свадьба в Малиновке "-Tell me, uncle. it was not for nothing? -Of course not. (Mortar team) - reference to Lermontov's "Borodino"/"Бородино" "-Hey, old man, how it was in Warcraft II? -The sun shone brighter, the sky was bluer and orcs were no match for todays." (Mortar team) "Guess in which ear i hear the buzz." (Gyrocopter) - reference to cartoon "Carlson has returned!"/"Карлсон вернулся!" "I see an unknown flying object." (Gyrocopter) "Crew requires flight attendant." (Gyrocopter) "Scalpel, sponge, magic wand. Oh, alcohol." (Priest) "An autopsy revealed: the patient was asleep." (Priest) "So we heal or let him live? (Priest) "Time cures, but the priest is faster." (Priest) "Whant to make the end of the world? Press the "reset" button." (Sorceress) "I am a born magician. Does anyone disagree?!" (Witcher) "I stole it! Precious! Gollum, Gollum. (Witcher) - reference to "The Lord of the Rings" (is also funny because this voice actor will be the voice of Gollum in "Hobbit") "Stealing spells is vulgar. You need to do everythnig yourself." (Witcher) "*Inhales like a drug* Goood magic. Strong." (Witcher) "That's right: armed and very dangerous." (Hawk) - reference to "Armed and dangerous" "*Sob* Blizzards will make my action figure... posthumously." (Hawk) "We build, you rest. That's the motto of "Union of the elven builders". So rest and don't interrupt my work." (Elf worker) "I hit twice: first on head, later on the coffin lid." (Paladin) "Goblin in armor: canned dragon breakfast." (Paladin) "Good, good! .. The gods are watching favorably. The world is clearing of filth." (Archmage) - reference to Yuri Nikita's "Three from the forest"/"Трое из леса" "The real war will be tomorrow with a hangover." (Mountain king) "As our dear chef says: "Even sobers and people with an ulcer drink at someone else's expense." (Mountain king) - reference to film "The Diamond Arm"/"Бриллиантовая рука" "Wings, legs, tails... The main thing is blood." (Blood mage) - reference to cartoon "Wings, legs and tails"/"Крылья, ноги и хвосты" "Hello, my name is Roy. And i got hooked on magic. It all started a long time ago and at first I didn’t think it would be a problem. Well you know: conjure before the work, cast some spells at lunch and relax a little before bedtime. But later I began to realize that I really could no longer live without magic. And now i don't know what to do." (Blood mage) "I sense...changings in magic of the world of warcraft." (Jaina) "Alright, let's play by your rules. But i will ask questions. So, what was name of Gloin's father? Time runs!" (Muradin) "Well, audience assistance? Calling a friend? Last wish?" (Muradin) "And now the right answer! No, after commercial break." (Muradin) "It's like my nimbus tarnish. Please, look at it." (Uther)
This is fantastic! I love hearing all these. I wish I could understand all the languages and their references. You should post this comment on the human video and comment on any of the other races on their videos!
Funny thing about Shade. In czech version his regular voice lines are obviously translated in czech but his attack lines aren't. The localization didn't think anybody would try to give Shade's voice to some other unit in World editor. It's funny to hear his regular speech and suddenly he starts speak in english with completely different voice.
To everyone getting confused and saying that the Warcraft 3 Crypt Lord is way better: Abelhawk agrees. That's what he said. He was saying that the voice actor from WoW failed to really capture the awesomeness of the Warcraft 3 voice, which was done by Steve Blum iirc.
OOOH i always thought the abom said "must hear and obey" rewatching these all kidna helps to know what they are really saying, ofc when i first heard it at 5 i kinda had head canon of it and its hard to break
Another bit of evidence that Tichondrius must've been controlled at some point: the Dreadlord is the only hero you don't get to control in a single mission of RoC. The same later applied to the Pit Lord in TFT, but Blizzard must have realized this and made Varimathras a mixed Dread/Pit Lord hero.
Honestly, Pit Lord kind of makes sense in context, because those are Burning Legion aligned monsters for the most part. It's probably also why Manneroth and Archimonde uses various creep noises instead of their voice acting, they were cutscene props first and foremost, so even giving them control lines for the editor may have been too much time wasted.
Darkness? I haven't found the Demon Hunter number yet! Yes , yes. We will meet at the merchant in Sunken Ruins. Oh you in Kalimdor now? I'll meet you soon, i'm in Ashenvale. Just talking with Malfurion, nothing else. Ah yeah, i have visited Cenarius' grave. Alright, alright. Wait for me at the Tauren's camp, ok?
Mysterious voice: Hey guys! I learnt the Demon hunter tries to enter the Nexus,but he doesn't know he can't,illidan and Valla took the place. Hey not the protoss nexus,the strange realm you gone for vacation last month. Yeah,right the one with the raven guy. Ok,i cannot come because i try to make my own shadow archon body to dominate my universe now. No,i cannot go take void buss again,the void walker driver is the worst,he cannot drive without hitting a void tree,even if the void is 90% emptiness!
Regarding shade, you can just group him up with attacking units and tab his unit card and then send them on attack thats when his attack quotes comes to play..
Dreadlord: And then...after i overthrow this fool.. oh! Hello! I-I didnt know you were t-there! I think this is my favourite. I think he breaks the 4th wall and refers to the player that hes gonna overthrow you 😂
What I like about it is the drastic change in his voice when he's 'discovered'; he goes from this deep, menacing tone, to his fake and jovial accent. Great voice acting.
How about the fiend? Truth be told i remember him from DotA...Nevermore...but he had good lines too; i was anxiously waiting for his lines...."And then, after i overthrow this fool....oh...hello...i didn't know you were there" =)) Also some Darkness puns if i remember correctly
@@gratuitouslurking8610 it probably has to do with interference from Activision, the writers maybe don't get as much time to work out a proper story as before
1:26 is also referenced several times in WoW and Hearthstone with C'Thun being referred to as "The Sleeper." First one that comes to mind is the Hearthstone card "Skeram Cultist." He says "The Sleeper has awoken!" when he's first played.
Another great episode. Hey by the way, on your orc video I think you forgot to mention that Grom's "I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Has Gone" is (in addition to being the song reference) playing on our expectation that they'd just pull "I can see clearly now." from his line from the campaign when he is cured of the blood rage, like how they lifted Sylvanas' line you mention here.
The Arthas quote eference, I only found out yesterday, while i was snooping around my war 3 editor. Long before I knew about this video. Anyway, great job!
Minolica Matheson’s Sylvanas sounds so nasal and whiny, and then when she raises her voice it sounds goofy: like if Tom Cruise and Mila Jovovich had a kid who was born 50 years old and screamed as goofily as they did. I prefer the softer, subtler, and more sinister Copolla (that one time in Silverpine Forest from Cataclysm was so out of character, and it exemplifies the nasal whine of Matheson’s Sylvanas that makes me cringe every time I hear her speak - which is ALL the time in BfA)
6:35: I thought I said this when you uploaded the video originally, but for this line: the Lich is a reincarnation of an undead sorcerer from WCII, either an Ogre Magus, or a Deathknight, who is itself an aberation created using the spirit of a warlock from WCI to possess a knight or ogre. So he's literally a spirit from Warcraft(s) past.
Love the videos. Small note, if you boot up reign of Chaos, then archimonde actually have lines, i believe they are snippets of what he says during the campaign
I want to say that I personally think it's very disappointing that there weren't any Dreadlords in Warcraft lore that were loyal to the Scourge what a wasted opportunity they had Varimathras defect to Sylvanas for a relatively forced reason why not have a Dreadlord defect to the Scourge it would have been awesome
These videos are awesome, thanks for bringing it to us. Ive played all blizz games sine Warcraft 1 and still there are easter eggs that i never got to know about.
- Apparently the stereotypical vampire accent is Hungarian or Romanian, not Slavic. My apologies. Should've researched that more.
- Sorry about the Raid image *bug*
- I forgot to include the Lich's "Dead man walking" quote. It's a movie title from 1995.
- The Crypt Fiend also says "I like chicks who are into bandage," a BDSM pun on "bondage"
- "The sleeper awakes" is more likely a reference to the 1910 novel of the same name by H. G. Wells.
You mean the image bug?
Dead man walking is my favorite quite said by The Undertaker from his early WWE time
The quotes from Sylvanas where she complains about being undead are also taken from a cinematic - the one before the start of her first solo mission if The Frozen Throne.
@@relinfearous1343 Who said Abelhawk videos didn't have bugs?
The varimathras eviscerating a man can be a reference to a dracula movie where van helsing opens a corpse showing it to his students and then leaves after they all passed out
You forgot the best Acolyte - *All i see is darkness... ohh my hood's down* .
That's supposed to be a reference to... ?
@@jamesrexus8555 its just a funny quote
What I think is even funnier is the acolyte saying “once you head down the path of darkness there is no turning back... and you get dental.” It’s just so hilarious to imagine all of these Lorderon peasants becoming acolytes of the Scourge just to get free dental care.
Smh it got transformed to "I see Great Darkness... damnit, my hood is down"
I love the Crypt Lord's voice, I'll never forget his "my might cannot be matched" line.
he has always been a powerhouse to be reckoned with
Anub'Arak from WC3 was badass . In HOTS Abathur share the same voice actor . To bad not for the alternative Anub'Arak .
it was correct indeed. he was incredibly tanky and hard to take down
The best
"I consume the living AND the dead"
Crypt Lord: “Raid!”
Me: “Shadow Legends haha . . ha . . ha . . .”
*dies inside*
You forgot to mention the Dread Lord joke: I'm a Dread Lord not a drug Lord
I didn't include it since it's not really a "reference," but that is a funny one!
@@Abelhawk do you watch Carbot Animations? Please answer. I would love to see a reference of the drug joke in Herostorm by the way
Oml XD
I've never noticed that
"For the LAST time, I'm a Dreadlord, NOT a drug lord!"
Crypt Lord in Warcraft 3 is actually so great
Voice like butter
It makes him feel insectoid. I don't think it matches Anubarak,but it is good for a random crypt lord
Because he was voiced by a legend called
*Steve Blum*
Who also voiced Rexxar
Fun fact
Voice actor for crypt lord is the same guy who also voice Rexxar and Beastmaster
@@RecoveringLoLAddict oh, you already pointed out.
didnt read, sorry
Famous use of "No guts, no glory" is in Die Hard 3: With a Vengeance". The ghoul may be referencing that. Splendid work!
the Shade has attack lines, because if you selected multiple unit types and made the shade the selected "group leader" (as to determine which units' abilities to be displayed for use), and you issued an attack order to that group, the shade would say those lines.
While me in the minority, learned that through playing DotA as pugna
But shades cannot attack
@@andreasfritz723 But the other units you selected can.
Late reply I know, but what I found funny is that these attack lines were never translated in the german dub of the game. Imagine my surprise when my custom shade started talking in English...
_"Oblivion awaits."_ is one of my favorite lines in WC3. His voice is just so good.
gives me the shivers sometimes...
Coolest bro to Arthas, and most awesome voice hero of the undead!
His french voice is top notch aswell.
7:54 Fun fact: The real historical Dracula (Vlad the impaler) was Wallachian (predecessor of Romania) and Béla Lugosi (who played Dracula in the famous movie) was Hungarian. Both of these countries are mostly surrounded by Slavic countries but neither of them are actually Slavic.
damn straight only half slavic in our case, and we are porad of our heritage, now if only we could solve our politician problem and start geting back our land that they sold....
@@isidorbanuta4765 Goodluck, but if politicans sold it well. I don't think normal citizens can do anything.
Even so, their accents when they speak English sound like Slavic too
@@czthjvvnot really
I think the crypt fiend’s “the sleeper awakes” is a reference to the Gothic 1 game, where you would try to awaken the sleeper, which is a god that looks very much like the crypt fiend (both look like weird spider-ant hybrids)
Hands down, the Undead used to be my favorite preferred choice when I played WC3 all those years ago as a teen.
And then when I transitioned to WoW, I picked Undead Warrior as my first character.
Abelhawk you are making me feel like a child waiting for the next episode of his favorite show being released
I really appreciate all the passion and time you put into this
The Sylvanas quote is taken out of a conversation she has in the campaign, it makes a lot more sense in context.
Random Banshee: "I thought you would be overjoyed to be free." (or something along those lines)
Sylvanas: "What joy is there in this curse?"
Ahh, good point. I haven't played the campaign for a while, but I remember every time I do I notice how many of those lines are contextual to the campaign. "It's time to even the scales," etc.
Also when she says "The moment is upon us!".
Just soundbites of her in the campaign strung together
"it's evil, don't touch it!"
*immediatly sticks their hands into it at same time*
I love the Crypt Lord voice in WC3 it more deeper and isn't over the top unlike WOW
Wc3 voice acting is better in general. In wow everyone is always screaming. In wc3 they all sound more calm and collected in normal dialogue, without all the drama
@igor šajinović Yeah its just weird and gets old quickly. Just the stereotypical/cliché bad guy or demon.
@igor šajinović the only notable exception there is is varimathras, his voice is almost the same, but its a little more projected.
Compare SC1 with SC2... also horrible
@@endo4137 But they nailed the Old Gods voice, especially with C'Thun (calm, collected, unemotional) and Yoggy (yelling and maniacal). They need to be loud because spell and attack sound effect are also loud.
10:49 The Russian version actually changed this line a little bit! It goes like this: "Just look at what this Arthas did! Killed tons of people, turned me into some kind of monster!" She still complains, but she emotes more while doing so.
fun fact: in the german version of the game the shade still uses english voice line when attacking xD
It's the same in the Spanish version but is the shaman orc who still speak in English
That is even more weird since the shade at least can't attack in the game.
German voice over sucks in wc3. Russian much more epic.
That's interesting! That must mean they decided he would not have attacks before the game was translated!
My favorite shade line in french : "To be or not to be ?..
...Not to be..."
"Us hear and obey" is referring one of the "Omen" movies, the third one I believe
Thanks, added to the wiki:
Literally abelhawk videos come out
I dont need sleep i need answers
I love the fact that ablehawk still makes w3 contents after all these years of subscribing
The big reason for the 'units having lines despite being non-playable' I would assume is because of the map editor, kind of a bonus for people creating map content and giving more lines to work with. Why this doesn't extend to every character (Manneroth, Archimonde) I'm unsure.
Probably because of how modded they are.
@@oneblacksun Another thought that came to mind, even if beta builds allowed units like Ticondrious and such to be playable (like say instead of 1 race per chapter you instead alternated on a timeline, allowing levels with Kel'Thuzard spreading the plague and all that), there is also the fact that Manneroth and Archimond are the big bads for multiple factions. With the main scourge gameplay involvement probably ending at the end of the Undead campaign (Or at most, the Dreadlord Illidan finishes off with the power of the Skull) there'd still be not a lot of room to play as the ACTUAL Burning Legion, thus all they needed was cutscene props and an Archimonde to be AI controlled in the final level.
@@gratuitouslurking8610 If I remember correctly, the burning legion was going to be its own race, but Blizzard ran out of time.
@@kylebutler9865 Makes sense I suppose. Kinda got close with the Naga in the expansion, but sadly they didn't get to become a playable race.
You again.
It really helps me to understand some references from my language version of the game. Some quotes are different (so they are easier to understand for players from my country) but a lot of them are just translated from English, and hard to understand (because can have not so popular sources or never translated sources)
And that's how you know how much Blizzard cared ! They went through the trouble of not only localizing the game, but also the freaking jokes ! For instance, the human peons does monty Python references ? In french it's nothing but french movies references !
Maybe I should consider going down the dark path.
Dental sounds nice
"You are the weakest Lich" seriously killed me, had to pause the video for a second.
I was hoping for "Prepare to be Lich slapped!"
Yeah, when I heard that one again, it slew me.
Its so funny that I have heard the voicelines of all unplayable characters do to custom games.
you are doing great job. glad to see people who are still devoted to this masterpiece. best regards :-)
I remember one time as a young boy, I made a custom map and placed every unit down so I could listen to all their custom voices. Aaah back in the day.
Oh man, that "I'm the ghost of Warcraft past" unit bark aged real well
Mannoroth's sound set is superbly useful for all Eredar for all the maps. Archimonde soundset is probably just a bugged left over, it should use mannoroth lines. On creep units especially from TFT you should take a look at sounds that tuskars and other northrend units added in it have. They dont use their own but changed versions of existing wolf sounds which arent in the files. Which probably means that they are mixing the existing sound on the go or that its baked in somewhere inaccessible like ambient sounds from maps.
So, "Russian localization part 3". About the Alliance:
SoftClub tried to give dwarves a caucasian accent (well you know - mountain people like the scots) but only gryphon rider has this accent.
Dwarf was translated like "Гном"/"Gnome" because from the time of translation of Tolkien we have problem with dwarves and gnomes.
"Dragohawk" is just "Hawk". And he also say "Glory to the hight elves" not "the blood elves".
But Speall Breaker became cooler because he was translated like "Witcher" (yes after 2015 it is really funny).
And some quotes of course:
"My sword - plus one dead orc." (Footman)
"Not gonna give in my life my gun or my wife. *Laugh*" (Rifleman)
"Good, bad... The main thing is who has a gun." (Rifleman)
"Who comes with a sword to us, those easier to shoot." (Rifleman) - reference to Alexander Nevskiy
"He laughs best who shoots first." (Rifleman)
"-You, me and mortar.
-That's all what we need to win." (Mortar team)
"-Sight 15 tube 120.
-Bang bang and missed." (Mortar team) - reference to film "Marriage in Malinovka"/"Свадьба в Малиновке
"-Tell me, uncle. it was not for nothing?
-Of course not. (Mortar team) - reference to Lermontov's "Borodino"/"Бородино"
"-Hey, old man, how it was in Warcraft II?
-The sun shone brighter, the sky was bluer and orcs were no match for todays." (Mortar team)
"Guess in which ear i hear the buzz." (Gyrocopter) - reference to cartoon "Carlson has returned!"/"Карлсон вернулся!"
"I see an unknown flying object." (Gyrocopter)
"Crew requires flight attendant." (Gyrocopter)
"Scalpel, sponge, magic wand. Oh, alcohol." (Priest)
"An autopsy revealed: the patient was asleep." (Priest)
"So we heal or let him live? (Priest)
"Time cures, but the priest is faster." (Priest)
"Whant to make the end of the world? Press the "reset" button." (Sorceress)
"I am a born magician. Does anyone disagree?!" (Witcher)
"I stole it! Precious! Gollum, Gollum. (Witcher) - reference to "The Lord of the Rings" (is also funny because this voice actor will be the voice of Gollum in "Hobbit")
"Stealing spells is vulgar. You need to do everythnig yourself." (Witcher)
"*Inhales like a drug* Goood magic. Strong." (Witcher)
"That's right: armed and very dangerous." (Hawk) - reference to "Armed and dangerous"
"*Sob* Blizzards will make my action figure... posthumously." (Hawk)
"We build, you rest. That's the motto of "Union of the elven builders". So rest and don't interrupt my work." (Elf worker)
"I hit twice: first on head, later on the coffin lid." (Paladin)
"Goblin in armor: canned dragon breakfast." (Paladin)
"Good, good! .. The gods are watching favorably. The world is clearing of filth." (Archmage) - reference to Yuri Nikita's "Three from the forest"/"Трое из леса"
"The real war will be tomorrow with a hangover." (Mountain king)
"As our dear chef says: "Even sobers and people with an ulcer drink at someone else's expense." (Mountain king) - reference to film "The Diamond Arm"/"Бриллиантовая рука"
"Wings, legs, tails... The main thing is blood." (Blood mage) - reference to cartoon "Wings, legs and tails"/"Крылья, ноги и хвосты"
"Hello, my name is Roy. And i got hooked on magic. It all started a long time ago and at first I didn’t think it would be a problem. Well you know: conjure before the work, cast some spells at lunch and relax a little before bedtime. But later I began to realize that I really could no longer live without magic. And now i don't know what to do." (Blood mage)
"I sense...changings in magic of the world of warcraft." (Jaina)
"Alright, let's play by your rules. But i will ask questions. So, what was name of Gloin's father? Time runs!" (Muradin)
"Well, audience assistance? Calling a friend? Last wish?" (Muradin)
"And now the right answer! No, after commercial break." (Muradin)
"It's like my nimbus tarnish. Please, look at it." (Uther)
This is fantastic! I love hearing all these. I wish I could understand all the languages and their references. You should post this comment on the human video and comment on any of the other races on their videos!
Жизнь за Нерзула
You can find everything you need in there
Some of these are so much better than the original quotes
@@Abelhawk well if you're still interested in how it sounds
Thank you, brother! I've been waiting this for days!
8:13 “standard uniform” could be a reference to the breakfast club; “tights” scene
Funny thing about Shade. In czech version his regular voice lines are obviously translated in czech but his attack lines aren't. The localization didn't think anybody would try to give Shade's voice to some other unit in World editor. It's funny to hear his regular speech and suddenly he starts speak in english with completely different voice.
"Wake up time to die" could also be a reference to dreadlord's sleep skill
2:10 In spanish this line is literally translated as: I always get moody during my period.
To everyone getting confused and saying that the Warcraft 3 Crypt Lord is way better: Abelhawk agrees. That's what he said. He was saying that the voice actor from WoW failed to really capture the awesomeness of the Warcraft 3 voice, which was done by Steve Blum iirc.
"I hope you're not sick of death puns..." Brah I started listening when you said "Scourge".
8:14 This is a reference to the film Dracula Dead and Loving It.
This was interesting and fun to hear this units again. It's been like 10 years since I played wc3.
OOOH i always thought the abom said "must hear and obey" rewatching these all kidna helps to know what they are really saying, ofc when i first heard it at 5 i kinda had head canon of it and its hard to break
Another bit of evidence that Tichondrius must've been controlled at some point: the Dreadlord is the only hero you don't get to control in a single mission of RoC. The same later applied to the Pit Lord in TFT, but Blizzard must have realized this and made Varimathras a mixed Dread/Pit Lord hero.
Honestly, Pit Lord kind of makes sense in context, because those are Burning Legion aligned monsters for the most part. It's probably also why Manneroth and Archimonde uses various creep noises instead of their voice acting, they were cutscene props first and foremost, so even giving them control lines for the editor may have been too much time wasted.
I never noticed that you don't control a dreadlord. How odd!
I love every damn Abelhawk video
0:59 typing on single player mode to see all enemies xD
Darkness? I haven't found the Demon Hunter number yet! Yes , yes. We will meet at the merchant in Sunken Ruins. Oh you in Kalimdor now? I'll meet you soon, i'm in Ashenvale. Just talking with Malfurion, nothing else. Ah yeah, i have visited Cenarius' grave. Alright, alright. Wait for me at the Tauren's camp, ok?
Mysterious voice: Hey guys! I learnt the Demon hunter tries to enter the Nexus,but he doesn't know he can't,illidan and Valla took the place. Hey not the protoss nexus,the strange realm you gone for vacation last month. Yeah,right the one with the raven guy. Ok,i cannot come because i try to make my own shadow archon body to dominate my universe now. No,i cannot go take void buss again,the void walker driver is the worst,he cannot drive without hitting a void tree,even if the void is 90% emptiness!
4:14 If you have the shade in a group and attack with it as a whole while having the shade selected you get those attack voice lines.
Ha ha, almost like he's cheering his attacking friends on. :D
Wth i never realize on that
10:30 he predicted the future of Blizzard... A couple of decades ago D:
Just realizing how amazing some of these Puns are:
"every man lives, but not every man truly dies" - necromancer
LOL thats dark...
The goul will say "my precious" if you press f1 more
i ain't got nobody can also be a reference to Louis Prima - Just a Gigolo
Holy shit that "I'm the fifth beetle" from anub got me 3😂😂😂
So glad I found this channel.
You know the biggest necromancy achievement ever ? I don't know...Maybe darkness know...
Regarding shade, you can just group him up with attacking units and tab his unit card and then send them on attack thats when his attack quotes comes to play..
Took me like 16 years to find out what he says.
I always thought Abominations said: "Must hear and obey" until today.
I just misheard "us" for "we're"...
Dreadlord: And then...after i overthrow this fool.. oh! Hello! I-I didnt know you were t-there!
I think this is my favourite.
I think he breaks the 4th wall and refers to the player that hes gonna overthrow you 😂
What I like about it is the drastic change in his voice when he's 'discovered'; he goes from this deep, menacing tone, to his fake and jovial accent. Great voice acting.
How about the fiend? Truth be told i remember him from DotA...Nevermore...but he had good lines too; i was anxiously waiting for his lines...."And then, after i overthrow this fool....oh...hello...i didn't know you were there" =)) Also some Darkness puns if i remember correctly
My might cannot be matched! - Anub'arak's best line
Great video. Im too drunk right now to write anything else.
So good job man.
Always thought that one was a reference to the song Just A Gigolo by Louie Prima.
Its a hit.
Yep! That's the same song.
Thanks for doing these! Love it!
I love the research that happens for these videos!
really good video I like how you are quick and to the point and dont take one minute per quote going into pedantic time filler.
Just found your stuff buddy, don't stop doing this it was some of the best watch i've ever had... thanks ^^'
How to Sylvanas: Complaining and complaining and you will be warchief soon!
End up rule 34 as well
@@Temmoie TFW people are making R34 of Anduin and Sylvanas.
@@Temmoie everyone end up, even anub
And then once you're warchief you can eat the babies and never get axed because reasons.
...God the writing got dumb in Blizzard as of late.
@@gratuitouslurking8610 it probably has to do with interference from Activision, the writers maybe don't get as much time to work out a proper story as before
RIP originaly stood for "Requiescat in pace".
IMHO, dreadlord should have Batman quotes and references.
Cryptlord "And they say Blizzard games Dont have Bugs".
6:48 Cannot believe the Weakest Link custom game didn't have you all be Lichs and use this line. Devastated
1:26 is also referenced several times in WoW and Hearthstone with C'Thun being referred to as "The Sleeper." First one that comes to mind is the Hearthstone card "Skeram Cultist." He says "The Sleeper has awoken!" when he's first played.
I absolutely love Michael McConnohie as Kel'Thuzad. sends chills up my spine.
Sylvanas getting the laziest writing is highly ironic.
Another great episode. Hey by the way, on your orc video I think you forgot to mention that Grom's "I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Has Gone" is (in addition to being the song reference) playing on our expectation that they'd just pull "I can see clearly now." from his line from the campaign when he is cured of the blood rage, like how they lifted Sylvanas' line you mention here.
The Arthas quote eference, I only found out yesterday, while i was snooping around my war 3 editor. Long before I knew about this video. Anyway, great job!
Great work! Always wanted to see what was actually referenced. Thanks for that :)
I will say this to the day I die:
Pierra Copolla did Sylvanas better than PJ “nasally growl” Matheson
"I'm listening..."
Both actresses are good. Coppola made Sylvanas sound more hostile than Matheson did.
Minolica Matheson’s Sylvanas sounds so nasal and whiny, and then when she raises her voice it sounds goofy: like if Tom Cruise and Mila Jovovich had a kid who was born 50 years old and screamed as goofily as they did. I prefer the softer, subtler, and more sinister Copolla (that one time in Silverpine Forest from Cataclysm was so out of character, and it exemplifies the nasal whine of Matheson’s Sylvanas that makes me cringe every time I hear her speak - which is ALL the time in BfA)
Damn it, Abelhawk!
This entire video must be liked!
6:35: I thought I said this when you uploaded the video originally, but for this line: the Lich is a reincarnation of an undead sorcerer from WCII, either an Ogre Magus, or a Deathknight, who is itself an aberation created using the spirit of a warlock from WCI to possess a knight or ogre. So he's literally a spirit from Warcraft(s) past.
I love these, keep'em coming! :D And dont forget to answer when Darkness calls ^_^
That line about Darkness could be a foretelling of KonoSuba!
These are great thanks for all the hard work.
Love the videos. Small note, if you boot up reign of Chaos, then archimonde actually have lines, i believe they are snippets of what he says during the campaign
I love these videos keep em coming!
I've been playing warcraft 3 for about 7 years now and most of these I've never heard
4:20 that's the devs being nice to map makers
you forgot about Pit lord Azgalors voice, he is hilarious.
Oh he's the one with the Jerry Springer bit and "I think I have someone stuck in my teeth."
He's neutral, so wait for him in the neutral episode.
Awesome video!!! I had no idea there was so many refrences !!
6:36 Oooh that one aged poorly for Blizzard, might as well replace it along with the word blacklist and random artworks
This channel is like a time machine to a simpler times.
I want to say that I personally think it's very disappointing that there weren't any Dreadlords in Warcraft lore that were loyal to the Scourge what a wasted opportunity they had Varimathras defect to Sylvanas for a relatively forced reason why not have a Dreadlord defect to the Scourge it would have been awesome
Nice job
You spent timmme to mske it good job!
The abomination talks like that because he was stiched together with multiple corpses
The same thing with the protoss archon from SC!
i saw time bandits so many years ago when i was 10 years old. i could not find that movie to save my life. thank you so much for this video.
These videos are awesome, thanks for bringing it to us. Ive played all blizz games sine Warcraft 1 and still there are easter eggs that i never got to know about.
“You are the weakest lich” has always been one of my favorites. It’s so unexpected.
Nicely done, much appreciated.
I love it when a video compiles together