MLM HORROR STORIES #33 | Fat shamed as a child and forced to take Herbalife

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @paulabarnes7098
    @paulabarnes7098 2 роки тому +634

    The cookware was Salad Master, my husband passed away when we were young however, I wasn't a "poor widow", I was invited to one of the Salad Master parties and I was sold, I was going to buy a set. When I tried to buy the cookware, they told me they could only talk to couples, not to a single adult. (I'm sure they meant poor single women, I think they assumed I didn't have a dime to my name) They wouldn't sell me a set. Fast forward 7-8 years, I had remarried and we were invited to a Salad Master party and we bought a set, looking back, I should have ate their food and told them that I had already bought nice cookware from someone willing to sell to someone they assumed was poor and they could shove their cookware to where the sun doesn't shine but I was just excited that they would finally sell me a set! I do like the cookware and other than skillets over the years, we still use the cookware, it has to be at least 30 years old. After writing this story, I'm mad at them all over again!

    • @RealSigmaQueen
      @RealSigmaQueen Рік тому +30

      Just reading your salad master story. I remember being “invited” to a time share presentation in Las Vegas along with my friends. Well, we got to the presentation. Being single I was immediately disinvited. Couldn’t afford a time share anyway. But my friends were married. Unfortunately, this was before gay marriage was legal in the USA (we’re Canadian) and my friends were treated horribly. These 2 women had extremely good jobs and travelled to Vegas on a regular basis. Someone missed out on a very big commission.

    • @arw4408
      @arw4408 Рік тому +8

      I’m the second generation using these pots and pans. They are great.

    • @Treesandgrass1030
      @Treesandgrass1030 Рік тому +15

      Salad master! A little googling will reveal that you can get a similar set at regular stores for less than half the price. High quality cookware, yes, but waaaaaaay overpriced.

    • @janabomersbach4466
      @janabomersbach4466 Рік тому +5

      My in-laws had these pans. My sister-law still uses them. Extremely expensive especially for the day & time so at least a good product.

    • @IraLuxuria
      @IraLuxuria 7 місяців тому +10

      Wait, they turned down a sale because you were single?? Wtf why

  • @NWAWskeptic
    @NWAWskeptic Рік тому +31

    Seeing my little girl desperately cry just over wanting to eat a potato would have broken me. That poor girl. Glad she became a stronger woman.

    • @NikkiRN-CLC
      @NikkiRN-CLC Місяць тому

      It broke my heart hearing that.

  • @CatLady555
    @CatLady555 2 роки тому +99

    I lost a lot of weight a couple years ago and only ONE person since then has privately asked me "did you want to lose the weight?" before congratulating me. It really opened my eyes to how weird it is that people automatically say good job for weight loss, especially if its someone they barely know.

  • @adribun5951
    @adribun5951 2 роки тому +598

    hello!!! I'm the dancer from story 4!! thank you for reading my story and affirming my feelings about the whole situation. I appreciate the comments I've seen about wishing me well in my diagnosis journey 💜💜

    • @mariontheantiquarian7849
      @mariontheantiquarian7849 2 роки тому +9

      I hope you find answers soon!

    • @mylittlesuperhero581
      @mylittlesuperhero581 2 роки тому +12

      I truly hope you find answers soon. your story just broke me. MLM huns are so predatory. congratulations on your baby❤

    • @adribun5951
      @adribun5951 2 роки тому +6

      @@mylittlesuperhero581 thank you so much ❤️❤️

    • @dianeolson8449
      @dianeolson8449 2 роки тому +5

      Enjoy your baby and be well!

    • @mi_lo6544
      @mi_lo6544 2 роки тому +2

      I hope you have a good day!!

  • @pennypaints8091
    @pennypaints8091 2 роки тому +552

    The Herbalife story- being starved by her own otherwise “normal” family after a stranger told them to, is a literal horror story.

    • @jenl7094
      @jenl7094 2 роки тому +55

      They were not normal for body shaming her, forcing her to wear a corset or girdle daily and then go on a ridiculously restrictive starvation “diet” without consulting a doctor. As a child. That’s got to be abusive behavior. I am happy she’s found a healthy, loving relationship now.

    • @MermaidMakes
      @MermaidMakes 2 роки тому +13

      actually that would really make a good horror novel or movie. Sounds like a story from Stephen King.

    • @harlowblackadder356
      @harlowblackadder356 Рік тому +15

      I feel so bad for Luna! 😔 I have PCOS and thyroid issues that weren't diagnosed until my 20s. Before that, I just starved and starved myself and used all sorts of supplement pills that are now illegal. SMH. That herbalife rep was a predator and saw Luna as dollar signs!

    • @jenniferculipher4058
      @jenniferculipher4058 Рік тому +11

      Yeah I call that child abuse. That’s so sad that happened to her

    • @israa.6375
      @israa.6375 Рік тому +18

      during middle school too, she was still a preteen and a child. nutrition is so important during those years, i feel so bad for the poor kiddo…

  • @kathyerickson5566
    @kathyerickson5566 2 роки тому +570

    My daughter struggled with anorexia as a young teen. She had to stay above 16 body fat or the doctor would put her into residential eating disorder treatment. I felt sick hearing someone thought this poor girl should have a body fat of 10. My daughter went into treatment several times and is doing great 10 years later. She’s getting married next month and I am so proud of how far she’s come!

    • @aHavenForTheLost
      @aHavenForTheLost 2 роки тому +28

      I am so happy for your daughter and for you. I struggled with bulimia for years. I am now almost 40 and have finally overcome this disease and I know how hard it was to do so. God bless

    • @desiv3025
      @desiv3025 2 роки тому +6

      I'm so happy to hear of her success!!

    • @christopher4028
      @christopher4028 2 роки тому +3


    • @theirmanager5204
      @theirmanager5204 2 роки тому +2

      So good to hear that ❤️

    • @hashtagKELSEXY
      @hashtagKELSEXY 2 роки тому +1

      Congratulations to you and your daughter! ♥️

  • @miguelangellopez8235
    @miguelangellopez8235 2 роки тому +223

    What’s that famous Shakespeare quote? … Ah, yes, “An MLM by any other name would be just as predatory” or something like that 😉

  • @lazy_little_leopard
    @lazy_little_leopard 2 роки тому +346

    Brb… crying. The Herbalife teen story made me so emotional! No child or teen or even human should have to go through that! I’m so happy she found love and overcame what happened to her!

    • @heatherframpton9693
      @heatherframpton9693 2 роки тому +21

      ...and how horrible that this happened with encouragement by her family!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 How about have taken your daughter to an actual medical doctor, registered dietitian and other educated and licensed medical professionals for treatment?!? 🙄

    • @JuMiKu
      @JuMiKu 2 роки тому +4

      @@heatherframpton9693 He probably made himself out to be something like that. He was definitely a scammer and for all we know the parents' English might not have been very good.

    • @mirensummers7633
      @mirensummers7633 2 роки тому +5

      Same, that was the most heartbreaking story and it really gives an amazing insight into what it's like to experience fatphobia. Honestly, as a person who has never been overweight, it's hard to understand, but that just summed it up so perfectly

    • @mirensummers7633
      @mirensummers7633 2 роки тому +8

      @@JuMiKu he said he was a nutritionist, which is technically ok to say because it's not a protected title. Dietician is, never take nutritional advice from anyone other than a dietician because they could have no qualifications at all if they call themselves a nutritionist

    • @JuMiKu
      @JuMiKu 2 роки тому +1

      @@mirensummers7633 I know, but how many do? Also, that doesn't change anything about him being a scammer. He sells dangerous, over-priced concoctions and ideas, while wearing a thin veil of legitimacy. How is that not scamming people, even if he just let's people assume he has credentials? (And we all know how these people love to make themselves appear to be authorities.)

  • @daftoptimist
    @daftoptimist Рік тому +8

    The story about the little girl crying and begging to eat a potato made me cry. I’ve very much been there. Diet culture is so cruel, especially to kids; multiply it by parental pressure, and MLMs, and you’ve got a real horror story.

  • @Lisa85
    @Lisa85 2 роки тому +85

    The second story really hits home - I’ve always been plump but was told so often “I had a pretty face”. My mom enrolled me in Weight watchers at 16 and said I couldn’t go on a class trip if I didn’t get below 200lbs. 🙄 it’s really messed me up - I link my worthiness of nice things/experiences to my weight. I’m still deconstructing

    • @krystinaxxlea
      @krystinaxxlea Рік тому +6

      No lie. That sounds like my mom too, she's a bigger woman who grew up s size2 she blamed my sister and I for her gaining weight for having us. Everyday before school she would tell me "my friend and I were talking and we both agree you'd be so pretty if you lost weight" that was my freshman year, I was out of school for months because of health issues due to the E.D I got because of my mom's "helpful" words every day. I couldn't even go into school without having a full panic attack because I felt like every one was judging me for not.being skinny. Because of that I moved to my dad's and was in therapy 3 days a week for 2 years before I went back for my senior year. Where I had to spend an extra 6 months in school because my homeschooling didn't transfer for the 2 years I was homeschooled mom convinced me to quit school and get my ged. Yea. That was another mistake on my part. Last time I ever listened to her about my life.

    • @embodyingmysticalmac
      @embodyingmysticalmac 6 місяців тому +5

      I am so sorry this happened to you. You’re worthy and beautiful because you exist. Hope you’re doing better and again, I’m so sorry this was your experience 😔

  • @adriennepressnall
    @adriennepressnall 2 роки тому +25

    I got super sick and lost a ton of weight. People would compliment me constantly. I would tell them that I was sick and that the weight loss was unintentional and I swear 9 times out of 10 they'd respond with something like "Well, at least you look great!"

    • @Nylak-Otter
      @Nylak-Otter Рік тому +7

      Ugh, same here. Every time I have issues with a longstanding health issue, I lose up to 20 pounds in the hospital (my ideal weight for my size is 120lbs and I weigh 110 on average, and can get down to 80-90). My partner said I looked like "a concentration camp survivor" last time, and I still got plenty of positive comments.
      Ladies, I looked and felt like a corpse. Change your standards. 😬

    • @caoimhenimhuireadhaigh1303
      @caoimhenimhuireadhaigh1303 4 місяці тому +2

      Same here! And whenever I would try to explain to people that I was way underweight for my height and build they'd claim that I was in fact "totally healthy" and that they knew people taller and broader than I who weighed less... let's just say that my medical team were concerned at times over my weight and leave it at that 😂

  • @ruthhine5610
    @ruthhine5610 2 роки тому +53

    I love the bit "the products sell themselves" but wait you have to stay up till 3am working on your "business", you gotta hunt people down in shops to "share the opportunity", you gotta work work work or get shouted at by your upliner. Hardly sounds like selling itself to me.

  • @undecidedmiddleground5633
    @undecidedmiddleground5633 2 роки тому +331

    The first pots and pans story feels like Royal Prestige as well. Before we married we went to a similar presentation, without the cooking, and ended up buying a set of pots and pans. Honestly, we still have them today ~23 years later with only one broken piece of plastic. Now, I don't think they were a good buy at $1200 in the late 90s, but we haven't had to buy any other pots since, so we are getting our money out of them. We were suckered in by our ignorance of the MLM pyramid schemes, an ignorance this channel helps end!

    • @okoala62
      @okoala62 2 роки тому +22

      Yes!!! My family were pressured to buy Royal Prestige in the 90s too; and same, my aunt and mother both still have some of those pots and pans so yes, they HAVE lasted and endured however, they were not worth the small fortune they cost 🙄👋🏼😑

    • @helenfrazier2858
      @helenfrazier2858 2 роки тому +13

      I agree with Royal Prestige. Seems they go to wedding events and pick young couples. My husband and I was targeted in Branson, Missouri.

    • @JaimeLeighArt
      @JaimeLeighArt 2 роки тому +6

      Yes also Royal Prestige in the 90’s! My fiancé at the time was scammed into going to the presentation and ended up buying the pans and I remember being so mad that he spent that much on cookware! We couldn’t afford it at the time and the “trip” they offered we never took because there were too many stipulations.

    • @livelovelaugh2787
      @livelovelaugh2787 2 роки тому +3

      All I heard was the price and induction pots! First thought RoyalPrestige. I have them and bought them about 5yrs ago. My mother in law is a sucker for mlms and convinced hubby and I to get a set. Cost about $1600. Never again! but yes they are very good.

    • @Aquadacat
      @Aquadacat 2 роки тому +13

      >$1200 in the late 90s
      wHAT THe FUCK

  • @BlancaPerdomo
    @BlancaPerdomo 2 роки тому +199

    I saw “ I was a lularoe hun assistant” and immediately clicked on the video 😂

  • @shannonigans_
    @shannonigans_ 2 роки тому +267

    The Herbalife story is what happens to all of us when we lose weight. We realize that people could have been nicer to us but they chose not to because they think because we’re fat we don’t matter. No amount of weight loss fixes knowing that.

    • @ridinwithjake
      @ridinwithjake 2 роки тому +5

      No, we don’t think you don’t matter, but we do wonder why you choose to stay so unhealthy and not take any steps to remedy your situation.

    • @kammys22
      @kammys22 2 роки тому

      @@ridinwithjake oh shut up ...i bet you must be a joy to be around.

    • @meagangoodwin8713
      @meagangoodwin8713 2 роки тому +45

      @@ridinwithjake Just because someone is fat does not mean that they are unhealthy. Additionally you do not know if they have struggled with trying to lose weight and being healthy. The more someone YoYo diets the harder it can become to lose and maintain weight lose. Lastly, there are some medical conditions in women that will cause them to be over weight.

    • @dizzylilthing
      @dizzylilthing 2 роки тому +29

      @@ridinwithjake Y'all treat overweight people worse, take it from someone who went from 225 lbs to 146, I know exactly the difference in how people get treated.

    • @krystinaxxlea
      @krystinaxxlea Рік тому +17

      @@ridinwithjake wow you must be a real hoot at parties. 🙄

  • @-chloe-8728
    @-chloe-8728 2 роки тому +12

    the herbalife story is awful. i’m currently loosing weight and i’m absolutely noticing people 1000% treat you better if you weigh less. my personality has always been friendly and joking, that hasn’t changed. the ONLY change has been my weight. it’s incredibly disappointing that people, consciously or not, treat people worse if they’re a different size.

  • @pearlsbeforeswine60
    @pearlsbeforeswine60 2 роки тому +177

    I wanted to add to this by saying that the mother with the fat daughter is the REAL abuser in this case.
    When I hit puberty, my mother became insanely abusive. From the age of 9 she restricted my food. I was allowed a poached egg on one cracker for breakfast. Lunch was at school, thank god. Half a blueberry yogurt was permitted when I got home from school. Dinner was usually a hamburger patty, or chicken with vegetables.
    One afternoon she b ecame incensed with me for existing, and forced me to strip and try on her clothes, mocking me when they nearly fit.
    I was 5'6" and 105 pounds. Cue my eating disorder, which lasted til I was 22. I begged to be sent away to school, and when I found I could eat anything I wanted there, I went crazy. I had no idea how to eat normally.
    I'm sure my mother would have bought into the whole Herbalife grift and tortured me with it if it had been presented to her.

    • @KimC657
      @KimC657 2 роки тому +12

      That’s horrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you.

    • @jenl7094
      @jenl7094 2 роки тому +19

      I’m sorry this happened to you as well. 5’6” and 105 lbs is definitely underweight, and the fact that she thought this was unacceptable speaks to your mom’s own unhealthy obsession with body image and food. I hope you are doing better now ❤️

    • @NocturnalGhostFairiee
      @NocturnalGhostFairiee Рік тому

      I’m so sorry that happened to you. Your mom is a fkn monster… people like that don’t deserve kids and definitely shouldn’t have them

    • @jaeydnheeren
      @jaeydnheeren 3 місяці тому +2

      5’6” is my height and ive never weighed anything below 120 after i hit puberty. thats insane. 114 is the absolute lowest the average person should be at this height, anything below that is considered critically underweight. i am so so incredibly sorry you faced that. you are valid, your body is valid. we love and support you❤️❤️

  • @hahaveggie
    @hahaveggie 2 роки тому +39

    The Herbalife story hit a cord in me. I also have PCOS and it’s hard to loose weight. Every time I start to feel confident or beautiful in my body, someone always has to bring up my weight in a negative way.
    (I think I have told this story before on some anti MLM video, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself)
    When I was 12(?) I went to the gym with my mom. She is a health conscious lady and she got me to want to work out. When to sign up, the 20 something juice head trainer also had me hold a game controller type thing. He then told me my fat percentage and said that it was really high/bad. He then told me that if I continue that way, I’m going to get diabetes, heart issues, etc.
    I was 12.
    Also, I am pretty sure that he didn’t really understand how a pre teen female’s body worked in regards to health.
    It still haunts me to this day and I’m 28.
    I feel like a female trainer should have done that “test” for me and an emphasis on being active and loving my body should have been made…again, I was 12.

  • @tessroxas4145
    @tessroxas4145 2 роки тому +85

    The cookware one HAAAAAS to be salad master 😂 ive been fed those bland chickens by my aunt hosting one of these parties

    • @susanoline5823
      @susanoline5823 Рік тому +3

      I have expensive stainless pans from a state fair lol. Lifetime or something. But I still use them 25 years old and they replaced a lid free several years later. Overpriced but I didn't go thru a bunch of cheapies over the years; and I love my Overpriced cutco knives. Lol

  • @tifftastic87
    @tifftastic87 2 роки тому +79

    OMG the story of the middle school girl being forced to eat lettuce and protein shakes legit made me tear up. I developed my issues with food and disordered eating around that age and it just struck such a nerve. I'm so relieved to hear she found support and is feeling better about herself (I think that made me tear up even more).

  • @martianpudding9522
    @martianpudding9522 2 роки тому +22

    (TW: illness, death, diet culture)
    The second story made me make a connection I hadn't before. When my mother lost weight due to a terminal illness, her and people around her treated it like some kind of silver lining, like "hey at least you get to be skinny, that's nice". She ended up basically starving to death after not being able to eat for several days. I still admire her positivity and how she was able to find silver linings like that, but it's also really messed up when you think about it. Like her body was visibly starting to disappear and that was a positive.

    • @kristita_888
      @kristita_888 Рік тому +2

      I’m so sorry. It’s hard enough to lose your mother, but to have that level of insensitivity and pain accompanying her death must have been excruciating.

  • @WonderKitty24
    @WonderKitty24 2 роки тому +65

    Waterless Cookware! My husband and I got caught that one when we were newlywed too!! It was the first ‘big purchase’ we made and had to finance it. We didn’t spend more than $500 though, I’m fairly certain. We really like the pots though. Still have and use them over 15 years later!

  • @Hamptonivy
    @Hamptonivy 2 роки тому +71

    Would not surprise me if that Walmart hun just puts random expensive items in her cart to find people to pitch to while they’re shopping, then leaves without buying anything, and probably leaves the full cart for the store employees to put back.

  • @thatweirdgirl1977
    @thatweirdgirl1977 2 роки тому +32

    I think the moral of the story here is - Never let them take you to a second location. Like with kidnapping, the second location is where they get you ;-)

  • @dawnf.1703
    @dawnf.1703 2 роки тому +35

    My niece is a Scentsy rep & I am praying she will see the light soon. I’ve had a couple (very gentle) conversations with her about how the business model is not a good one but she’s not ready to see the truth. She is highly educated (she has a Masters degree) yet she was still sucked in. It makes me sad but I’m hopeful she will get out soon.

    • @meinenklinke
      @meinenklinke 2 роки тому +3

      How did Disney partner with Scentsy? I hate that it gives them credibility. I own some scentsy burners because I can’t say no to a friend, and they were so overpriced. Pretty cute though.

    • @ThatGirlJD
      @ThatGirlJD 2 роки тому +5

      @@meinenklinke They have partnered with a few companies, they have had Avon merchandise for years. Disney is about money.

    • @janabomersbach4466
      @janabomersbach4466 Рік тому +4

      I sold antiques & vintage items at a local store with vendor booths. A woman who sold scentsy set up across the aisle from me. I had to quit due to extreme allergies to fragrances. I could not stock my booth. 😢

    • @dawnf.1703
      @dawnf.1703 Рік тому

      @@janabomersbach4466 I’m so sorry. I’m allergic to fragrance as well. In this case I’m grateful because I have a built in reason not to support my niece in her MLM. I hope you have found another venue to sell your items.

  • @semirelatablesarah
    @semirelatablesarah 2 роки тому +4

    When my body was at 9% body fat, I was in an impatient metal health hospital. As I was underweight my whole life I did not suffer from amenorrhea but the doctor were certain I would have osteoporosis later in life. For someone to insist a child sound be at that level of BF is absolutely insane

  • @PaperMario64
    @PaperMario64 Рік тому +4

    For me, it wasn’t a herbal life rep, it was doctors who constantly shamed me for my weight. Turns out I had lipedema, a medical condition that means I can literally starve myself and the fat on my arms and legs will not budge. To this day I hate going to the doctors and avoid it when I shouldn’t.

  • @TheRealCardoso
    @TheRealCardoso 2 роки тому +38

    As a personal trainer, the handheld controller to measure how “healthy” they are is a body fat monitor lol what a shame on the parents.
    & no 10% body fat is not healthy for a middle schooler unless it’s a super naturally skinny male athlete.

  • @manifestationsofasort
    @manifestationsofasort 2 роки тому +29

    That LuLaRoe story was hilarious! I love the pettiness!

  • @ashleyhildebrandt7482
    @ashleyhildebrandt7482 2 роки тому +211

    My husband and I “won” a hotel stay and wedding rings and we just had to go to dinner. It was a presentation too and the dinner was better 😂 But the pitch was also for pots and pans. I remember “American” was in the name of the pots and pans. You had to purchase in order to get the vouchers. I don’t think it was an MLM thing but definitely a scam. Several people bought the pans…so probably a different company but still a weird experience!

    • @kristyrussell1748
      @kristyrussell1748 2 роки тому +14

      Yes!!! We had that happen to us too. But I can't remember the name.

    • @elenmelon18
      @elenmelon18 2 роки тому +14

      That was me, my husband and I got free rings with a voucher and a hotel voucher. It was strange.

    • @karamobley4137
      @karamobley4137 2 роки тому +11

      Yes!! My husband and me too!! 1st story is bringing back the memories!!

    • @heidihaw8119
      @heidihaw8119 2 роки тому +4

      My ex husband and I got this too before our wedding, but it wasn’t rings, it was silverware. And it was a cruise not a hotel stay. Very expensive pots and pans that didn’t work as advertised.

    • @kimlapinski8690
      @kimlapinski8690 2 роки тому +8

      My husband and I had this happen to us but it was way back in 2009. They said we won a pair of expensive watches instead of champagne flutes and the vouchers were for airfare but the rest was the same. When we went to claim our "prizes", we were among a bunch of other couples at a Hilton Garden Inn. The pitch was for very overpriced cookware. The company was called Royal Prestige.

  • @GoldenSparrow31
    @GoldenSparrow31 2 роки тому +146

    Wow, that second story. That one got me. That made me tear up. That is so wrong to do to a kid and is just a recipe for an eating disorder. I've always struggled with weight (also have pcos) it sucks to hear that. Her mom should be absolutely ashamed for this behavior and not just loving her kid for who she is.

    • @JuMiKu
      @JuMiKu 2 роки тому +6

      I could relate to her so much... I had a similar mum, who meant well, but just made everything so much worse by destroying my self-confidence.

    • @GoldenSparrow31
      @GoldenSparrow31 2 роки тому +1

      @@JuMiKu oh man, I'm sorry to hear that.

    • @WolfGan0178
      @WolfGan0178 2 роки тому +4

      10% body fat thing had me FUMING. Professional women bodybuilders don't even typically get that lean, and bodybuilding is NOT healthy.

  • @Rachopin77
    @Rachopin77 2 роки тому +8

    I will never understand treating someone differently because of their body weight. My sister gained a lot of weight at one point from some medication, health issues, and having a baby, but she is still my sister. Eventually she decided she wanted to get her weight back down because her body wasn't feeling good and she was struggling to do some things that are important to her. When she lost some weight, I was happy for her being able to do more of the active things she likes to do, and I was impressed with her ability to decide to do something and do it, the same way I would be proud if she decided she wanted to meet a weightlifting goal or something. But the whole time she's been my sister and best friend and it's never been my job to comment on her body. Half the time when people make comments it's almost like they assume the person can't feel their own body or are dumb.

  • @darianchill
    @darianchill 2 роки тому +11

    Story 5 reminds me of a time my husband and I were approached in a mall! Some guy and his wife walked up to us, no chill at all, and asked what we do for a living. We were young, about 22 and 24 at the time, so he looked surprised when we said my husband is a mechanical engineer and I work in medical imaging 😅 He asked if we liked our jobs and my husband goes "oh, I LOVE my job!" And pulls us away. So yes, the tactics are changing!

  • @elainehill6504
    @elainehill6504 2 роки тому +83

    Huh. The Walmart story reminded me of something that happened a couple years ago. I was walking into the grocery store next to my house, and a woman by the doors got all excited about my sunglasses. "Oh I love your sunglasses! They're so cute!" They were very plain, cheap plastic sunglasses that I had bought at that store a couple weeks earlier. I thought it was really weird that she was so enthusiastic about them, but I just politely said thank you. Then she asked me where I got them and I said "Here, actually, they have a rack of them next to the checkstands" and continued walking inside. I was really confused by this interaction, and did take a closer look at the sunglasses, but there was nothing particularly cute or unique about them haha. So I'm guessing she was a Hun and that was her opening pitch.

  • @limitlessbianca
    @limitlessbianca 2 роки тому +21

    My cousin has someone approaching her at Target. She asked her for some decor suggestions (apparently she’s new to town and wanted to decorate her new place). Then she started talking about how she met her mentor and now she’s set with her business, and that she never needed to finish college to be successful. She also offered to introduce my cousin to her mentor. Major weirdo.

    • @fallingfornatureinsuburbia8625
      @fallingfornatureinsuburbia8625 2 роки тому +2

      Literally met a woman at target too! And she mentioned a mentor and then proceeded to ask me for my phone number. I never learned what mlm it was though.

    • @gymdilettante8407
      @gymdilettante8407 Рік тому +1

      My wife was approached the exact same way at Target. Mentor mention and all. Luckily she didn't fall for it.

  • @DreamingCatStudio
    @DreamingCatStudio 2 роки тому +109

    Argh the Walmart story got me! Dear sisters practice saying: “Thank you. I’m not interested.” And walking away. You aren’t obligated to talk to any stranger-or even someone you know. It gets easier!

    • @maryeckel9682
      @maryeckel9682 2 роки тому +9

      I did that today with some kids shilling for one of those shady "energy bill savings" companies who had a setup at WM.

    • @Ninas3rafina
      @Ninas3rafina 2 роки тому +4

      Or this always works o can I pay with food stamps or ious. O no ok no I don't want BYE FELICIA

    • @Jen-cs3fu
      @Jen-cs3fu 2 роки тому +4

      @@Ninas3rafina ious 😂😂 would love to c the look on their face!! Shit they will tell anyone “borrow money, sell this or that, charge ur card…etc” so why not say some equally ridiculous shit right back at them

    • @alexandraeilise
      @alexandraeilise 2 роки тому +6

      It’s good to add “and there’s nothing you can say to change my mind.” It’s a bit rude, but in retail we’re taught to “attempt to overcome objections” and pushback three times before accepting a “no.”

    • @DarkyDark80
      @DarkyDark80 Рік тому +1

      I was just “accosted” leaving Walmart by aspca and having watched these and all the “just say no” things helped me I’d talk to them but make it 100% clear I had no money

  • @kornkorn4202
    @kornkorn4202 2 роки тому +28

    I've heard Herbalife targets the Latino community specifically, that story is so heartbreaking even without it but I got an extra creep factor having heard that. I think John Oliver did a segment on herbalife addressing this?

    • @BewareTheLilyOfTheValley
      @BewareTheLilyOfTheValley Рік тому +2

      Think he did, but I heard of the Latino community targeting from the channel illuminaughtii.

  • @kristenhall283
    @kristenhall283 2 роки тому +24

    About 10:45 am on a Friday. About to make coffee and get angry about people’s absolute audacity.

  • @bananajewell8846
    @bananajewell8846 2 роки тому +23

    The fact that I’m seeing different companies named for the first story is 🥴

  • @danielleroseshaw
    @danielleroseshaw 2 роки тому +23

    There was someone at my old work who was a Herbalife rep, his car was completely posted in Herbalife signage, I didn't know it was a MLM at that point. I just remember thinking the pitches he gave to other employees about the benefits was hilarious as he was overweight and in the 6months he worked there he didn't loose any weight.

  • @rebeccaleegabbard
    @rebeccaleegabbard 2 роки тому +12

    The Herbalife story makes me so mad! I can remember the moment my relationship with food changed. My grandma told me my arse was getting fat in high school (I was average sized) and from that exact moment on, I have had an eating disorder. I have pictures from in my 20's that I was almost skeletal, but I didn't see that at the time. I, like many people, have gained a couple C19 pounds. Last week, my dad said my arse is getting fat and it's traumatizing all over again.

  • @desiv3025
    @desiv3025 2 роки тому +37

    The second story made me so upset because it hits close to home. I've struggled (and am still struggling) with my relationship with food and exercise. Hearing her experiences during her adolescence, reminded me of behaviors from my family and the thoughts I had way back when. I'm so glad she's on the road to recovery 💖 makes me hopeful for mine

    • @cocobobo18
      @cocobobo18 2 роки тому +2

      I had a very similar experience. My mom put me in a weight loss group the summer between 6th and 7th grade. I was the youngest person by about 30 years and i still feel the damage that experience did to me. I was 13 and breaking down because I would gain 1/4 of a pound in a week and have to announce that to the group. I was in the program for a couple of years. I still struggle with self acceptance 20 years later.

  • @ReadAndThrift
    @ReadAndThrift 2 роки тому +24

    That Herbalife story was heartbreaking! The “nutritionist” should be held responsible for essentially causing an eating disorder. This is why people hate mlms! Predatory people.

  • @Daniela-Christianson
    @Daniela-Christianson Рік тому +4

    One valuable note regarding turning right- we're so busy looking to the left to check for an opportunity to pull out, that we forget that a pedestrian could be on our right. You don't have to be texting to make this mistake and I see people do it ALL the time. I was one of them until driving at 46, my daughter yelled out to me as I pressed the gas to enter the road. I narrowly missed a guy on a bike. To this day, I always check my right after finding an opening to the left. Hope this helps someone.
    This is regarding the dancer who was hit by a car. So happy to know that she's doing well with a family of her own now. Really enjoying your MLM huns stories!

  • @BobbiGail
    @BobbiGail 2 роки тому +2

    "You should still know the difference between a Carly and a Shirley!" (quote of the week)

  • @ELLewers
    @ELLewers Рік тому +9

    Story 4's autoimmune disorder might be Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It's not uncommon in dancers. Its effect on joints initially benefits them but brings on progressive pain. It can be confirmed by genetic testing. I wish her the best.

  • @atrain84
    @atrain84 2 роки тому +5

    Girl going to the gym! Keep it up! Congrats. Love seeing all sorts of body types at the gym cuz we’re all trying to get healthier and live better/longer.
    Good on you!!!

  • @spookywitchxx
    @spookywitchxx Рік тому +2

    The baked potato part almost made me start crying that is SUCH a devastating scene

  • @kenziewhite6806
    @kenziewhite6806 Рік тому +6

    The story about 7 minutes in about the chicken and carrots is called Kitchen Charm I believe! Back in 2016 I went to an event exactly like this, thinking I won a dinner for my fiancé and I. We were served this exact same “dinner” handed out on plastic forks from a guy who had horrible hygiene 🤢 to us and 5 other couples. We still laugh about to this day 😂

  • @mallorywishall142
    @mallorywishall142 2 роки тому +16

    I think "Absolutely NOT" should be a phrase on your merch 😆

    • @AxelaxiB
      @AxelaxiB 6 місяців тому +1

      I’ve been waiting for her to release a shirt with this phrase I know I can just make my own but honestly I’d like to support Hannah and her cats 😂🎉

  • @gongalicious
    @gongalicious 2 роки тому +37

    I have PCOS too and struggled with my weight throughout middle and high school, and my family was never judgemental about it but I STILL had so many body image problems. I can't imagine having a family that shamed you and starved you for gaining weight that wasn't your fault 😔 that poor person

    • @meinenklinke
      @meinenklinke 2 роки тому +3

      Same!! I was thinking exactly the same thing. I’m glad my parents never food shamed me like this. Don’t get me wrong, I also binge-ate frozen cinnamon bread that I would sneak from the basement freezer, but I think that was my own issue and not influenced by my parents attitudes towards food.

    • @cw5001
      @cw5001 2 роки тому +2

      I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 39. I understand what you going through.

  • @blazeddiamonddoll
    @blazeddiamonddoll Рік тому +2

    i’m from the uk, and when i was little,one of my dad’s friends was part of the salad master mlm. she gave the whole speech they do to rope you in, and by the end of it she told my mum that she had to buy the £2000 pot set to get started too. my mum ended up caving in and we never heard from her again! at least they were good quality pots 🙄

  • @Andr0meda_
    @Andr0meda_ 2 роки тому +28

    Okay, MLMs are RAMPANT at dance studios. Every mom is in one or another mlm and they're a breeding ground for beauty and fitness huns. I danced as a kid but never kept up with it, my sister on the other hand did. She went on to compete internationally and is now in Music Man on Broadway (so proud!!!) but all childhood my mom was pitched mlm after mlm and there was so many products in our house I lost track. Everyone wants a little side money to pay for competition season and that was the primary pain point.

  • @burnttoastspacegirlfriend8769
    @burnttoastspacegirlfriend8769 2 роки тому +21

    So much love to Luna! I have PCOS and did crazy things in jr. high and high school to stay a similar body size as the other girls, including food restriction and high activity levels. Fat shaming was the norm in my family, and I had to watch my younger siblings eat sweet treats while I got nothing. It led to a binge eating disorder, which I still struggle with at the age of 43.
    Fast forward to 2011, where MLMs swept into our little beach city like a tide! I got roped into Herbalife that started as an "innocent" walking group hosted by a couple in our church. Sure enough, Herbalife shakes, supplements, and that tea powder reared their ugly heads. I did genuinely like the taste of the products, but the calorie restriction sent me into a spiral of binging and restriction that lasted for years after I stopped using the products.
    When I was diagnosed with PCOS at 28, it was a relief! Finally, some validation that I wasn't "fat and lazy", I had a hormone issue! After lots or research, I settled on food types that helped regulate my period (which only happened 2-7 times a year), slow my hair loss, and steady my weight fluctuations. It's different for every body, and certainly not a one-size-fits-all shake to replace meals! I still have a lot of issues to work though about my body image, and I hope that these stories illuminate the powerful psychological impact that body shaming has on young children, especially when that shame comes from our own family.
    Thank you for sharing your story, Luna! You are worthy of respect and acceptance!

    • @isabellamorris7902
      @isabellamorris7902 2 роки тому +1

      Oh my god. That first paragraph is a near-exact mirror of my own experience. My family never explicitly shamed me but I got a lot of "concerned" comments when really I was just a slightly chubby kid. I don't think I have PCOS but yeah, sending solidarity

    • @DarkFire1536
      @DarkFire1536 Рік тому

      My best friend fat shames me all the time. She is always telling me to go work out. I didn't realize it until just now when I read your comment. And I think while it really upset me, I am just so used to being fat shamed by everyone in my life, that I didn't realize how often she was doing it to me.

    • @jaynenunya6070
      @jaynenunya6070 Рік тому +1

      ​@@DarkFire1536ugh, that's so awful. I'm sorry

  • @Saburi0504
    @Saburi0504 2 роки тому +35

    I got engaged last month and I’ve avoided nearly every wedding or bridal expo because of MLMs. We only went to one at the most high end hotel in our area, and I checked the vendor list beforehand just to be sure. I won’t even shop for anything at David’s Bridal too since they sell your info to Mary Kay

    • @emmyjulianne6850
      @emmyjulianne6850 2 роки тому +13

      I had no idea David’s Bridal did that…I’m glad I saw this bc I just got engaged and ironically am about to become a Meeker 😂 congrats 🎉

    • @Saburi0504
      @Saburi0504 2 роки тому +5

      @@emmyjulianne6850 that’s so funny omg!! It’s not a common name but it’s a special one! Welcome to being a Meeker!

    • @Jen-cs3fu
      @Jen-cs3fu 2 роки тому +8

      For a second I was like huh what’s a meeker until I saw both of your last names 😂 congrats on getting married soon !!

    • @amandawright9790
      @amandawright9790 2 роки тому +1

      I work at Mr. Burch Formal wear I guarantee you we don't sell anyone's info at all

  • @atheenacollis8582
    @atheenacollis8582 2 роки тому +8

    I started taking Herbalife when I was 9 years old. I would have it 1-2 times a day depending on what my mom could afford. And my weight became a huge focus for her. My sister has always been naturally really skinny which made it even harder, and when I look back at pictures, I was a totally normal weight. My sister was under weight. But that’s the weight my mom went by, compared me to her consistently and would tell me I needed to get on a diet.
    A doctor (who was obese himself) then yelled in my face saying, “who said you don’t need to get on a diet? You are fat! You do need a diet.”
    I was 9 years old, and shortly after that is when I began taking Herbalife religiously for 10 years.
    By the time I was 11, I was using the products to aid in the bulimia I had developed for a few years.
    Grateful to be in a new stage in my life.

  • @hannimalcrossing
    @hannimalcrossing 2 роки тому +2

    For the story of a hun harassing someone in a walmart, that is against walmarts policies of no soliciting. So if anyone gets pitched on their premise, you can use that

    • @maryeckel9682
      @maryeckel9682 2 роки тому

      Unless it's a company that WM actually allows to set up a booth and bug people. Had to brush off the "energy bill savings" kids this afternoon.

  • @zombieariel6041
    @zombieariel6041 2 роки тому +47

    That 2000$ pots story kinda sounds like Zepter to me. They have overpriced cutlery and aren't popular in the US from what I hear, but they're running rampant in Europe.

    • @AlienZizi
      @AlienZizi 2 роки тому

      i was thinking of them! I've been wondering if they're done king of MLM, but never saw them mentioned.
      i actually like some of their products 🥴

    • @annakout
      @annakout Рік тому

      I was thinking the same exact thing because my mom sold Zepter for a while when I was a teen (almost 20 yrs ago). She still has the pots and pans and loves them but regrets getting into that mlm.

  • @toiletfrog
    @toiletfrog 2 роки тому +6

    I had amenorrhea for several years due to undiagnosed anorexia. I went to several doctors and they could find nothing wrong, so I convinced myself I must not be that sick/have an ED (part of the mental illness)
    I’m 5 years in recovery as of April! My heart breaks for the girl in the second story. Comments about my body and praise for losing weight at age 12/13 really traumatized me and set me on a bad path towards and ED, and I didn’t go through anything close to as horrible as girl in story 2 (Herbalife quack).
    ❤️❤️❤️No matter your size/shape/whatever, you deserve recovery and your issues around food/body are valid and deserve care. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @ashleearnett5428
    @ashleearnett5428 2 роки тому +7

    Yes, Mary Kay tactics are sneaky to say the least. I always hated inviting people for a "pampering session" just for them to find out that they are the ones preforming the session on themselves. The way we were told to word it makes it sound like they would be getting pampered by us.

  • @autumnzellers3855
    @autumnzellers3855 2 роки тому +2

    My husband and I were just talking about this the other day! We had the same experience with the pots and pan demonstration right before we got married, down to the voucher for the hotel and the champagne flutes. I wish I could remember the name of the company. We too sat through the demo, got a couple of morsels to taste and then the pitch for the outrageous pan set. We politely declined and went to Olive Garden to have a proper meal after that. We ended up not being able to use the vacation voucher, some reason or another similar to the first person’s experience. Thank you so much for sharing, I’m grateful the OP didn’t get roped into spending so much money on those pans.

  • @missamelissa84
    @missamelissa84 2 роки тому +5

    It never ceases to amaze me how these companies and "huns" prey on the vulnerable. So gross.

  • @knitronics
    @knitronics 2 роки тому +56

    I also attended this same thing for the pots and pans, they're called Vita Craft. But the cooking demo seemed much more legit because the girl had a whole mini-fridge to keep the chicken in. We ended up buying the pots and pans and I use them almost daily still. I don't think it's an MLM because there was zero recruitment attempts and I haven't heard anything since I bought my set. I think it's just a straight sales thing.

    • @Annie_Annie__
      @Annie_Annie__ 2 роки тому +6

      I bought really similar pans back when my husband and I were newlyweds in about 2006-ish. They were either $1200 or $1500 (I forget which)for a set back then.
      We still have them but hate them. Food sticks to them, the sidewalls are thick so they don’t stack well and take up a ton of space (we have a small kitchen so it’s a huge issue), and we’re constantly having to screw the handles back on the pans.
      We’ve wanted to get rid of them for ages, but we spent so much on them that we can’t bring ourselves to do it. Sunk cost fallacy, I guess?
      I can’t remember the name of the brand, but now I’ll have to check if they’re MLM when I go downstairs. I don’t think they’re MLM unless it’s a Cutco-type brand. I got the vibe that it’s just a scammy, overpriced product that sells at expos.

    • @knitronics
      @knitronics 2 роки тому +2

      @@Annie_Annie__ it did take some practice to figure out how to keep the food from sticking to the sides, it’s definitely something that they don’t really explain well. Now that I figured out how to use them I love them, but I agree they’re overpriced. I don’t understand why they don’t sell them more straightforward in a storefront. I honestly wouldn’t know how to buy them without finding someone selling them at a wedding expo, so yeah, that definitely seems scammy in retrospect.
      I just looked up their website and I can’t find anything that would suggest it’s an MLM. I can’t find how someone would even become a salesperson either.

    • @Nuraar1
      @Nuraar1 2 роки тому

      My mom and her friend ended up with the same thing. A guy came over to our house and showed us how they can be used. Some of the pans/pots also had a section on the bottom full of liquid to heat it up differently as opposed to directly from the burner.
      Definitely wasn't an mlm, but if we referred a friend we got a discount. I think my family still has them.

    • @knitronics
      @knitronics 2 роки тому

      @@Nuraar1 I didn't end up having the person come over because the only issue turned out to be that I was using too high of heat. I also just remembered that we got a voucher for a free cruise for attending the demo and actually making a purchase. So I guess that made up for the pots being so expensive haha.

  • @kahmehkoh
    @kahmehkoh 4 місяці тому +1

    "I wouldn't make this offer to just ANYONE! Only random people in a random walmart in a random aisle...." 😂😂😂

  • @amydost
    @amydost 2 роки тому +2

    The Herbalife story is heartbreaking. So so devastating. She was eating under 800 calories a day which is about as much as an INFANT consumes....during puberty...her hormones are clearly damaged, it just makes me so mad and sad 😭😭

  • @hyacinthpixie8054
    @hyacinthpixie8054 2 роки тому +5

    Omg, I was forced onto crash diets as a kid and Herbalife was one of them.

  • @esthekatie
    @esthekatie 2 роки тому +1

    Oh my god that Herbalife rep should have criminal charges

  • @viviantong6396
    @viviantong6396 2 роки тому +8

    So proud of Luna for telling their story and working to live their best life!
    Living well is the best revenge

  • @peaceweaver3
    @peaceweaver3 2 роки тому +4

    I hope our dancer friend gets a diagnosis and the help she needs for her chronic illness! I have chronic illness myself, and aside from the physical nightmare that it is, it’s extremely frustrating, mentally draining, emotionally isolating, and on and on and on! I’m cheering for you!

  • @claudiahdz20
    @claudiahdz20 Рік тому +1

    Your videos made me realize that my mom was always a part of some sort of MLM (she didn’t really sell except to close friend or family) but it just dawned on me that she was most likely targeted because she was a single mother working all day every day. So crazy how things start to make sense. Bc of this I avoid MLMs at all costs even when a stranger tries to be nice I’m a bitch bc there’s no way I’m getting pushed into one of these cults

  • @shia7421
    @shia7421 Рік тому +1

    The assistent story is my favourite so far from all of the other stories. It was so relatable.

  • @mariebellwood4376
    @mariebellwood4376 5 місяців тому +1

    That poor girl on Herbalife. I have struggled with my weight since before puberty, it really resonated with me. I'm happy to know there is hope to recover from painful programming like this.

  • @beckynaughts810
    @beckynaughts810 2 місяці тому +1

    I had health issues a while ago where when I ate I was in excruciating pain. I lost loads of weight in a short amount of time and it probably is a very unhealthy amount to lose so fast. Everyone at work was complimenting me and treating me better. I even had a nurse when I had a occupational health consultation about my illness (making sure I was fit for work and my manager supports me in the correct way) even said “I must be happy with the amount of weight lost”. I was literally in tears. It made me think what was wrong with me before? Why do I have to be in literal pain and starving myself for people to be nice?!
    I ended up having to have emergency surgery but it took me a long time to rebuild my relationship with food. The fear I got for gaining back the weight and everyone treating me differently. I found myself restricting still even though I was fine.
    I’m happy to say that my relationship with food is back on track. Even years after I have those thoughts and dislike that I’ve gained some of the weight back.
    People need to be careful when complimenting weight loss, if it was unintentional it can stir up some emotions - especially if the person is trying to lose weight and majorly restricting them selves. As you said it’s like a reward and it can spiral into an ED

  • @keyanicrow6149
    @keyanicrow6149 2 роки тому +8

    To the person who wrote the Herbalife story: I can 100% relate to your story. And I’m glad you’re doing so much better now. I have family who have criticized my weight since I was a child. They’ve always expected me to be a 0 just like them., and treated me differently just because I wasn’t perfectly thin like them. I have my mama’s Latina curves, and always have. I was also put on diets and forced to restrict my diet severely and forced to exercise for long periods as well. I don’t talk to them anymore. But I just wanted to say, I really related to this 😓

  • @pattipeters9861
    @pattipeters9861 2 роки тому +8

    Wonder if that hun in Walmart actually ended up buying the items in their cart or did they just use them as props and abandon the cart filled with items when they were done with their “workday” for some poor Walmart employee to restock. I bet I can guess…

  • @bhskhs2010
    @bhskhs2010 2 роки тому +4

    I’m DYING over the LulaRoe assistant! Absolute icon!

  • @B.H.56
    @B.H.56 2 роки тому +2

    Why would you pitch kitchenware to engaged couples? Who likely have a REGISTRY for such things.

  • @fagaction
    @fagaction 2 роки тому +2

    That second story..... that's child abuse. Outright child abuse. I am so sorry for the OP, but I'm glad she's better off now.

  • @nicoleoregan6619
    @nicoleoregan6619 Рік тому +1

    Oh my god. I am so incredibly heartsick over this poor young girl who was so horribly abused. That is absolutely child abuse. God this is so horrendous. That poor girl deserved so much better that is such a horrifying experience.

  • @CookieObsession
    @CookieObsession 4 місяці тому +1

    Oh gosh, Hannah impresonating the Plexus hun had me in stitches. I went back and replayed. The voice, the hand, the expression, the timing. Chef's kiss.

  • @Starsania
    @Starsania 2 роки тому +4

    That first story happened to me and my husband too, broke one of the champagne flutes almost immediately and never used the travel voucher. The "dinner" was a small bite of food. The pots and pans were so so so expensive and multiple packages for higher and higher prices.

  • @uncannedspaghetti
    @uncannedspaghetti 2 роки тому +18

    Story five really hit close to home, I too have avoided places and also people for months at a time if anything remotely uncomfortable happened lol. It’s really gross and unfortunate that that woman would so clearly push someone’s boundaries like that

  • @MathStar100
    @MathStar100 2 роки тому +6

    Hearing all these stories (from this video and others) is making me realize how important it is to teach kids that it's ok to be confrontational when necessary. I think adults put all this effort into raising "good" kids that do as they're told at home and school, without realizing that the flip side of that is them seeing adults as an authority they shouldn't go against. This can be bad when it comes to MLMs, but outright dangerous in other situations. I remember being nonconfrontational even in my early 20s, and i finally grew out of it by my early 30s and now don't mind being a shit starter. This isn't true for everyone though and some ppl never learn how to stand up for themselves. And that's what makes them easy targets for MLM pitches

  • @megsley
    @megsley 2 роки тому +2

    Teenage girl: *reveals story of how Herbalife traumatized her and left her with emotional scars to this day*
    Herbalife Rep: "For me, it was Tuesday."

  • @maryrowe1504
    @maryrowe1504 2 роки тому +2

    The Herbalife story... I’m just glad my narcissistic grandma didn’t get a visit from a “nutritionist” but we did have some Herbalife supplements as a kid- one in particular involved something being added to milk, making it taste off. Of course I was forced to drink it. Grandpa finally put his foot down but I asked if the milk “had the stuff in it” for months after. Don’t get me started on the “energy tonic” for 50.00 that had the same ingredients as a store bought energy drink

  • @whatdafork5148
    @whatdafork5148 2 роки тому +1

    I bet it was Royal Prestige! Dinners and free cooking parties that turn out to be cooking chicken out of plastic containers are their go-to strategy.

  • @maryeckel9682
    @maryeckel9682 2 роки тому +14

    Omg laughing so hard at the LLR lady story
    Ok...Plexus haunts the chronic illness community like a hungry ghoul. They don't care if you have a diagnosis; on the contrary, they see dollar signs.

  • @karisagilman-hernandez2638
    @karisagilman-hernandez2638 Рік тому +1

    The first story: my husband use to work in the call center for either that company or one just like it. They would call all the couples from the bridal expos and let them know that they had not won the big prize, normally a cirtificate or tickets to a movie or Broadway Across America show, but they could come to a cooking demo and get 2 champaign flutes free. It was for making a wedding registry so you essentially ask other people to buy your the really expensive stuff.
    He hated working there for lots of reasons but the boss was really cool about giving away the tickets for stuff to the staff and they were REALLY good seats. At one play, the usher asked us who we knew because the section we were sitting in was reserved for the producers of the show. Not an MLM but also shady AF.
    What she described is the experience of the salespeople who were paid by commission and had to pay for all their expenses out of pocket. They got to keep a large % of the sales so many of them made good money but the ones on the road, and who were not near a home office probably did just what the LW described. I think the company was Celebrity China.

  • @lisabever2115
    @lisabever2115 2 роки тому +2

    I had no idea how much of a part MLMs have been part of my life till binge watching your videos. I'm such a people pleaser and always wanting to help others but this is eye opening as to how participating in these schemes don't work or help anybody.

  • @emo7636
    @emo7636 Рік тому +2

    When parents try to force their young children to lose weight and call them fat it has a lasting and often devastating impact on them. My childhood best friend's mother constantly tried to control my friend's weight. She was always forcing a different diet on her. I remember my friend would show up for school with just a baggie of bacon for lunch because her mother put her on the 'Atkins Diet', stuff like that. Fast-forward to current days and my former friend who used to be a perfect beautiful shape and size has now been morbidly obese for years, and it's only gotten worse for her. Her mother 'gave up' on her and her weight but left devastating and reverberating consequences in her wake. This is the same friend who used to sneak over to my house just to eat junk food and snacks. Her mom found her eating cookie dough at our house one time, and I remember the look of shock, betrayal, and disgust on her mom's face.

  • @lev4392
    @lev4392 Рік тому +1

    Lol the calling the number after getting it is such a move. I once went on a bad date and at the end of it he pressed me to give my number and immediately called it to make sure I had given my real number. If you suspect that someone gave you a fake number then you should already know the date/pitch went bad!

  • @6eehappy
    @6eehappy 2 роки тому +5

    I had pretty much the same experience when I was getting married 12 years ago! I won a prize (weekend getaway) at the wedding expo, got invited to a lunch. Come to the lunch with my fiancé turns out it’s a group presentation with other couples. The lady warns us “this will not be a full lunch” even though they definitely enticed us with saying we’d get a meal. In our case it was unseasoned chicken and 2 floretes of broccoli.
    Then the pressure to buy these things was enormous and so much lying. It was thousands of dollars for this 10-piece set and They had a payment program but if you did it, you ended up paying like 30% more! The free getaway and other things was only if we bought the set. So we walked away with a his and hers aprons. I still use the apron 🤷‍♀️
    In my case it was royal prestige. I guess they’re still at it more than a decade later.

  • @staceywadzeck9537
    @staceywadzeck9537 2 роки тому +4

    I love your videos and just want to thank you for being so compassionate for the people who share stories. I'm amazed at how many problematic and abusive marketing tactics are used in MLMs. The effect they have on people is so hurtful and I believe you are the comfort people need when they have been preyed upon. Thank you!

  • @queenfinn3503
    @queenfinn3503 4 місяці тому

    Hearing that the writer of story 2 listens while they crochet as I am listening while I am crocheting hits different 😌😌 I love listening to these. They are so fascinating and you read these so well and it is so soothing to listen to. 💕💕

  • @AshatHome
    @AshatHome 2 роки тому +9

    That 2nd story broke my heart. I was the "fat" one in my family. Thankfully my family was wonderful but when I was a teen kids at school weren't great it was the early 2000s and it led me to b*lemia. Thankfully when I became pregnant with my oldest child I was able to turn it around and now that I have 2 teen daughters I am very body positive and teach them to love their bodies because I don't want them to ever go through what I did.

  • @embodyingmysticalmac
    @embodyingmysticalmac 6 місяців тому +1

    The fact that that Herbalife rep was telling a tween to get her body fat under 10% is NUTS. I am someone who has always had low body fat but it’s never affected my health and the BMI consistently says I am malnourished when I am very healthy. Truthfully, if I gained fat it would compromise my major organs greatly because that’s where it would sit on my body. All that to say that while I recognize I am more of an outlier, I have never tried to cut fat because I know how important it is to have as an afab woman. If someone told my kid to do these things I would say no and run the other way. This kind of messed up way of viewing food and setting these dangerous goals is how ED’s can begin 😢

  • @cordeliacullen2621
    @cordeliacullen2621 Рік тому +1

    The first story . . . that’s exactly what happened to me, wedding expo full of MLM vendors, getting called that you “won” a drawing, going to a hotel conference room for a “meal” with other couples and being sold pots . . . It’s definitely a well used tactic.

  • @michellelynngarceau3851
    @michellelynngarceau3851 5 місяців тому

    The second story resonates with me so much. I have always been heavy, growing up I was “different” than the other kids and always made to feel invalid as a person because of my weight. I genuinely believed I deserved anything bad that happened to me and any problems I had didn’t really count because I’m fat. It’s taken me a long time to develop a healthier relationship with my body and I am finally at a place where I am comfortable with myself and able to address my fitness goals from a place of acceptance rather than hate but it’s definitely a daily challenge.
    I hope you are in a better place with yourself now and I want you to know you’re not alone! Sending lots of love!

  • @loaf_y
    @loaf_y 2 роки тому +5

    I love your delivery and compassion with every video. I look forward to MLM horror stories every week, this made my whole day!

  • @Schmitz_Creek
    @Schmitz_Creek 2 роки тому +3

    Omg! I could have written that Scentsy story word for word! It took me 7 years to get out, but I’m so happy that I did!