Spellbound..Mesmerized...that's what I experience when I see R.Nureyev dancing ...combining fixed poses and steps with light flowing movements ..wow..the several clicks while defying gravity
Such a treat to see them both dance! I saw Nureyev around 1970. Such a privilege. I hope to see Polunin before I die. This too would be a privilege. ❤️🩰
I don't speak Russian. But I love your country for its culture. I love the musicians like P. I. Tchaikovsky Borodin, Sergei Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Mussorgsky, Igor Stravinsky and so more. The Ballet Mariinsky of Saint Petersburg with the dancers Ulyana Lopatkina, Alina Somova, Diana Vishneva... and the Vaganova's School Galina Mezenseva, Irina Kolpakova, Gabriela Komleva, .... The Bolshoi ballet with Vladimir Vasiliev and Ekaterina Maximova, Maya Plizetskaya, Liuvov Kounakova, Natalia Osipova, the bad boy Alexander Polunin, and so on... And of course the writers L Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky,... Enchanted. Aurora, like The Staring role of The Sleeping Beauty. By. ♥️🌹
Your words beautiful and so true . I forget sometimes , just how sublime he was in stage . I was just a few years too young to know him well . I did see him here in Australia though early 70”s ? History making setting a standards
Well said Mickey. Actually, well said all three of you... he is beyond words to describe sometimes and you've all been very eloquent here. I thank you.
Ну все таки это балетные артисты разных поколений, думаю, когда Рудольфа видели в зале эффект был потрясающий, запись мне не дает такого эффекта, но я верю впечатлению большого количества поклонников. Сергей Полунин лучший из лучших, технически, конечно намного превосходящий с позиций сегодняшнего дня, и артист замечательный. Харизматик.
Over 50 years ago when I was 12, I took the bus alone to the other side of town to see An Evening With the Royal Ballet, which contained Le Corsaire. I fell in love with Rudy and ballet, and I still love both.
what fabulous, treasured memories!! Wow! Thank you so much for sharing, and i'm so happy my video led to your lovely, lovely comment. I saw him dance in the states when I was a VERY young child (my grandmother brought me) and though I remember little of the performance, I am so very proud to be able to say "i saw him."
Classic, beautiful, strong, entertaining. Both have a one of a kind, essence. Both are captivating. Truly magical dancers. Beautiful gifts sent to earth. So grateful for the gift of dance they have and are giving the world. 💙💫💛✨
You don’t have to compare, I ll do it for it. Both are great dancers, however Sergei’s moves are light like a feather, so elegant, effortless and graceful I feel like Nureyev and Baryshnikov and others had to flex to let the world know that it’s a man in tights dancing. I don’t see that in Sergei. That’s just my option. So Sergei all the way for me.
For me its; Baryshnikov, Polunin and Nureyev. They are ALL equally and supremely brilliant, its no contest. But...just my personal attraction to them. How lucky are we to be able to watch these magnificent men at a moments notice and at our fingertips? 😍🍷
Amen, amen. It’s ironic that all 3 gave the same reason for quitting their Russian company: Boredom with the same ballets over and over; wishing to work with different choreographers and styles; and the lack of opportunity to practice their artistic creativity. Also, all 3 expressed a deep desire to help young dancers and all 3 formed foundations. They all spoke of these wishes in almost the same exact words!
This video is truly a celebration of two exceptional dancers!! Thank you, Pam. C❤❤❤Each dancer brings an individual style to the stage which is definitely memorable.
Thank you for this new post. I wasn't feeling well. But upon seeing these two magnificent dancers, I started feeling better. Both of course are fantastic and fabulous. I love Nureyev. I love Sergei more. I can't help it. Have a beautiful weekend. Wishing you all the best!🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️
To know that my little video helped brighten your day dear Eulogia, warms my heart. So touched to be able to play even the smallest part in something like that. I too love and appreciate Nureyev, but my heart belongs to Sergei. I can't help it either lol. Enjoy your weekend as well my friend. Hope you continue to feel better.
@@PamBoehmeSimon thank you my dearest beautiful friend and such a wonderful ballerina. I keep watching your vid over and over. It's so inspiring. Wish you all the best. Have a lovely weekend! God speed!
Both of them are dancers. Both of them are good. Polunin is a very good dancer. But Nureyev is the God of all the dancers. I would wish to see both of them on the stage... I think that Polunin sit down below to learn the elegance, feeling, charming and technical of his Master Rudolf Nureyev.
Нуриев обладает превосходной техникой, за которой стоит огромная работа. Сергей выполняет все движения, играючи не напрягаясь, как будто он с ними родился.
Именно так! У Нуреева так, как будто он подвиг совершает, он выходит и как бы говорит, смотрите, я танцую, Сергей же просто живет в танце, как дышит, это его естественное состояние
Rudolf Nuriev did not just perform ballet steps and jumps. He ... reincarnated as his heroes! On stage, not a dancer, but Prince Siegfried, Albert, and so on. Temperament, passion execution set him apart from a number of the many fine dancers.
I hate to say this, but Polunin is a fascist, a homophobe. He has a portrait of Putin tattooed on his chest. He supports Russias invasion of Ukraine. Many of the world’s best ballet companies will no longer hire him.
His moves and elegance awweee so much graceful then the other dude no doubt he’s the winner there lols 😂 Love you Sergio you are the best ❤️❤️❤️🙏 no comparison in his flawless moves
I first saw Nureyev in 1963, dancing with Fonteyn in Margurite and Armand. I first saw Baryshnikov and Makarova in Swan Lake before they left the Kirov. If I could see Polunin. I would die a happy woman.
Beautiful to see, both are giants of their crafts. Polunin has magnificent slow jumps but Nureyev... my gods. The elegance, softness, you don't feel technicality and facial expressions are natural, feels like he really is a part of the role. Both magnificent.
Конечно сравнивать не нужно, потому что все танцовщики танцуют исходя из своих физических данных и возможностей, ну и характера, конечно, и только потом мастерство. У этих танцовщиков мастерства хоть отбавляй, но как хорошо, что они разные и как приятно смотреть на них, полное НАСЛАЖДЕНИЕ
What an amazing side-by-side! Would love to see one with Baryshnikov and Sergei as well. While I think Nureyev danced with more heart, there’s an effortlessness to Sergei’s movement that just leaves me in awe. So brilliant, the both of them. Thank you, Pam!
Thank you Pam! You post the most fantastic videos of Sergei. I hope you will continue to do so. And I love the photo of Sergei at the end of this video.
Thank YOU Janet. As long as worthy ideas keep coming, I'll be making videos lol. I appreciate your sweet compliment, and I too love that ending photo. It was just the perfect way to end the video I thought. Please take care. Peace, love, and Sergei!!
It is not possible to compare them. Nureyev is ethereal, with a unique elegance and an unbeatable charisma. Polunin has a powerful stage presence, he dances and everything around him seems to disappear. Nureyev is already a legend, Polunin is on his way to becoming one
Тот единственный в мире балета случай, когда благодатная почва гения танца дала возможность взойти другому гению и в этом сопоставлении мы наглядно убеждаемся в правоте божьего промысла.... Два гения и нам нелегко дать предпочтение,кто гениальнее,хотя у Полунина идеальные пропорции...
Wow!! Thank you so much for this! It brings back my childhood!! I was so fortunate to be able to see Nureyev in person in Chicago when I was only nine. I didn’t think I would ever see anything as magnificent as Nureyev ever again!! Now-all I want is to be able to see Sergei in person at least once. Hoping he will come to the USA!! Thanks again Pam! I really enjoyed watching this video!🥰
Thank YOU for the kind words. What a treasure of a memory that must be, seeing Nureyev. Wow. And, I too, am waiting for Sergei to dance in the US. I saw him in Sacramento when he briefly took the stage with Estas Tonne, but I want to see more!! Where are you in the states? I'm near Houston.
I cannot thank you enough for all the time and effort and love that went into the making of this video. It is truly appreciated. I will watch it again and again. MAGNIFICENT is the only word I can think of that covers both men. Thank you again for sharing 🧡
THank YOU for the very kind comment. I am so glad you are enjoying it. Yes, it took hours of finding just the right clips, then piecing them together just so lol. But I enjoyed every minute. It was a labor of love and admiration. Thanks again, for watching and taking the time to write. Big hugs from TEXAS.
Thank you so much for these wonderful videos - I’ve been very lucky and privileged to have seen Nureyev dance at the Royal Opera House several times many years ago and Polunin more recently too. Both exceptional dancers in different ways. Thanks for sharing
What a treasure that memory must be. I am so glad to hear from you as an actual witness to Nureyev's legend. I, too saw him dance but was so little I just have brief flashes of memories. My grandmother took me so I could one day say I saw him lol.
Pam Boehme Simon yes indeed, definitely memories that I treasure. Must have been lovely to share with your Grandma. I just remember that apart from anything else, Nureyev had such wonderful stage presence, even when simply standing on stage and not even dancing. It was extraordinary.
Полностью солидарна с вами! Нуриев - превосходен! Живет в танце и делится своей фантастической энергетикой с нами! А, Полунин, бесспорно, хорошо исполняет партию, техника 100%, а скучно! Мне не интересно в балете смотреть на набор гимнастических упражнений, сделанных под музыку на отлично.....
Необыкновенно интересное представление получилось! Нуриев, танцуя, кричит - Я БОГ! Полунин в танце красив человеческой мужской красотой, в движениях какая то природная чистота и искренность. Оба великолепные танцоры, оба вошли в историю балета. Спасибо за такое прекрасная видео!! 👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️
Respect, Pan! I am happy to see this video! Two greatest dancers, but one is history, other is our contemporary! Every of them is the best at one time! I will look forward for more video about ballet!
I greatly appreciate the great amount of work on your part this mixed video must have required. It was an excellent learning experience for me that I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you.
Ещё и ещё раз просмотрела ролик с двумя великими танцовщиками : от Нуреева мороз по коже . Он прекрасное животное, свободно выражающий свои чувства! Прекрасен!!!!
I know right?! Nureyev was a true character, larger than life on and off the stage lol. In my searches for just the right clips I ran across so many times he'd finish what he was doing dance-wise, stare deadpan straight at the camera, and then wink or give a sly smile. It's hard to believe he started his serious ballet studies at such an "old" age lol. Shows what hard work and innate talent can get you. I appreciate your writing. I value your opinion greatly.
Pam Boehme Simon I love his knowing winks and smiles to camera. Who knows how he was playing the media, what was truth and what was not! My favourite is the one where he doesn’t speak at all (possibly when arrested with Margot Fonteyn) just smiles to every question. Epic!
Увы....сплошная гимнастика!!!! Набор гимнастических упражнений, отлично выполненых....а не танец музыкальный. В парном катании на льду специальное разделение: спортивные танцы и фигурное катание, специально! Так вот и балет скоро нужно будет делить на спортивный балетный и музыкальный балетный танец.
Very nice comparison of two outstanding dancers! Both of them could be considered are products of the Soviet/Russian ballet tradition. In my modest, unprofessional opinion. if Nureyev, whom I had chance to see live a few times, called a Prince of ballet, so Polunin will definite could be called Archangel of dance and piece. He is in the air seems absolutely like in the outer space, he is gently soars in the air and always return at the same spot. And during his dance, his soul just shining thru all his movements. Nureyev, and later Baryshnikov, both great technicians, charmed the West, because the level of dance in USSR was much higher than on the west (though both of those superstars left behind at the time at least a dozen on equal them dancers). And, of course, escape of the 'iron curtain' played significant part in their publicity. Now we see Polunin returning to his roots with extraordinary openness and calls for piece in the dangerous world without politics. (Tattoo of Putin was just Polunin's protest on the extraordinary, politically motivated campaign again leader of the country, who just want to rebuild it after dramatic collapse and which gave to the world thru centuries so many talents.)
Grazie per il video, per me Nureyev resta unico, perfetto, elegante, gentile nei movimenti e a tutt'oggi ineguagliabile! Caratteraccio ..ma come tutti i perfezionisti... io lo capisco e l'ho stimato e stimo tutt'oggi. Precisione espressione e passione non si imparano a scuola di danza. Nureyev emoziona ancora tutto il mondo.
I attended the Barishnikov highlights concert in Toronto, staged at the O'Keefe Center, on the very night when Mr. B. defected to the West, with the help of Canadian friends and contacts from the dance world. He was partnering that last night with a stupendous dancer, Strutchkova, who the Toronto dance critic, William Littler at the time described as shot from a cannon, so astonishing was her energy and attack on stage. I would agree with the assessment. Strutchkova turned in a mesmerizing performance. The much younger partner, Barichnikov was also highly praised throughout the company's Toronto run. And at the very end of the evening, I arose from my orchestra seat, which was very close to the stage, to applaud the Russian dancers. As fate would have it I was the first one on my feet and my eyes along with Barishnikov's locked instantly. It was an eerie moment. However, when it was revealed in all of the newspapers the following morning and indeed all over the world, that Mr. B had defected,, I totally understand the somewhat terrified gaze he sent my way. Two thousand people were seated and I, for a moment anyways, was the only one standing to applaud the company. An evening to remember.
Оба гениально одарены, оба на лучших страницах истории классического балета. Я рада, что в виде Сергея Полунина нашему поколению достался счастливый билет. А что дальше, повезет ли так нашим детям и внукам?
Глядя на выпуски той же Вагановки последние пару лет (да и на остальные спектакли, где появляются и другие, более младшие, курсы) есть надежда, что наши дети увидят достойных танцоров. Есть несколько потрясающе талантливых мальчишек, другой вопрос: пробьються ли? Да и в других школах, в мировых масштабах, иногда мелькают очень очень занятные ребята. Будем надеяться на лучшее)) Но Нуриев это однозначная любовь, хотя и Сергей невероятен)))
Thanks for the hard work put into this very interesting video. You are right, we should treat it as a celebration and not a comparison. I was privileged to see Nureyev in several roles at Covent Garden in the 1970s. One had a feeling of amazement and once-in-a-lifetime experience just as one has when seeing Polunin dance. (I've never seen Polunin on stage - only on video). They are both thrilling in their own unique ways in the proper context of technique and stage presence at their own tmes in dance history. Please post more celebrations!
I appreciate your kind comment. What a treasure to have seen Nureyev!! Wow! I’m glad you enjoyed this and hope to be able to create more in celebration of ballet and dance!!
Thank you Larissa. I am quite proud of the technical work I was able to do in this video. I must admit, I was amazed and very excited how it turned out. I am not always able to get the video to do what I want it to, but this, while it did take hours and hours of painstakingly detailed cutting and pasting, went very smoothly and I enjoyed every second of it.
@@PamBoehmeSimon Yes, Pam, exactly! It goes so smoothly, that we have opinion to see both of great dancers together on one scene. Great gift for of us! Thank you! 🙏
I think Sergey has this alpha-male qualities that draw both, female and male audience to him. Nureyev has different energy, intense and spell-binding, but no sex appeal. Sergey is a man, Rudolf is a spirit
interesting, I was getting the opposite impression. Polunin seems very regal but watching Nureyev I got the impression that he had a much more lively sex life.
Nureyev incanta. È’ un angioletto. Ti incanta. Non smetteresti mai di guardarli. Quando sono giù di morale guardò lui e mi passa. La stessa cosa la provo con Maja Plisetskaja e Galina Ulanova. Polunin comunque è superlativo. Grazie infinite per il video.
Dos d los mas grandes bailarines., perfectos en tecnica ..saltos brillantes y giros con una estabilidad q rallan las perfeccion absoluta.. dos fenomenos d la danza clasica ., emociona el verlos juntos y en paralelo... 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Thank you, dear Pam. I,ve been doing this comparison since the first time I could watch Sergey magical dancing. That was real magic in ballet art and PERFECTION! Perfection in everything techniques, artistry, ACTING etcétera. No comparison, NO. But today my heart is bleeding. I wish him to have the best possible future in all his projects, but something is going strange and scary since he moved to Russia. Thank you, Pam. Best wishes for you.
Прежде всего, огромное спасибо Пэм! Её работы наполнены любовью и действенной поддержкой великолепному артисту Сергею Полунину. Скажите пожалуйста, что Вы, Виктория, имеете ввиду, говоря о страшном, что происходит с Сергеем после его переезда? То, что его игнорирует западный истеблишмент, как когда-то Нуреева "вычеркнули" в СССР? Или что-то другое? Извините, читать по-английски могу, а вот писать пока не очень.
First of all, thank you so much Pam! Her works are filled with love and effective support for the great artist Sergey Polunin. Please tell me, what do you mean, Victoria, when you talk about the terrible things that happen to Sergei after his move? The fact that he is ignored by the Western establishment, as once Nureyev was "crossed out" in the USSR? Or something else? Sorry, I can read English, but I can't write very well yet.
Что меня беспокоит? Первое - артистам балета НЕОБХОДИМА ежедневная, интенсивная работа над телом (класс), что технически тяжело осуществить находясь в постоянных гастролях и распыляясь на на другие виды деятельности.Второе-в классическом балете, да и в современном, артист в таком возрасте отдаёт всего себя одному виду деятельности, работая над постановками и спектаклями. Да, всего себя. Это не певцы эстрады или звёзды оперы. Это не звёзды кино. Там совсем другая, свойственная природе тех видов искусства организация . Только крупные, твёрдо стоящие на ногах, обеспеченные звёзды КИНО и ПОП искусства, позволяют себе участие в политике. Политика не для таких душ как Сергей. Не он отвернулся от Запада, где ему помогли достичь высокого уровня в балете, дали приобщиться к миру кино, стать любимцем фотографов, звездой youtube, etcétera....Он был любимцем всех и везде.Немного больше терпения и его сфера деятельности ещё больше бы расширилась. НО.... В этом разделённом мире, в мире политики таким как он не место. Он очень подпортил свою карьеру. Ни коем случае я его не критикую. «Каждому своё».Просто очень и очень жаль.Перед его талантом преклоняюсь. От всей души желаю ему счастья во всем.
I used to like Nureyev and he was my favourite dancer but when I discovered Polunin, I realized he was much more ' complete': his technique, elevation, perfect body and height, facial expression and most of all CHARISMA. Now, when I watch this video, I can see several 'errors' in Nureyev and, sorry to say, his height and mainly his legs sometimes seem ridiculously short! Again, thank you Pam for your work.
Spellbound..Mesmerized...that's what I experience when I see R.Nureyev dancing ...combining fixed poses and steps with light flowing movements ..wow..the several clicks while defying gravity
Such a treat to see them both dance! I saw Nureyev around 1970. Such a privilege. I hope to see Polunin before I die. This too would be a privilege. ❤️🩰
Сергей танцует так легко , как будто не прилагая усилий . Потрясающе !!!
Нуриев-экспрессия, мощь, сила, огонь! Полунин- грация, плавность, четкое благородство! Они разные и оба великолепны в своей индивидуальности!
Королева в восхищении...
I don't speak Russian. But I love your country for its culture. I love the musicians
like P. I. Tchaikovsky Borodin, Sergei Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Mussorgsky, Igor Stravinsky and so more. The Ballet Mariinsky of Saint Petersburg with the dancers Ulyana Lopatkina, Alina Somova, Diana Vishneva... and the Vaganova's School Galina Mezenseva, Irina Kolpakova, Gabriela Komleva, .... The Bolshoi ballet with Vladimir Vasiliev and Ekaterina Maximova, Maya Plizetskaya, Liuvov Kounakova, Natalia Osipova, the bad boy Alexander Polunin, and so on...
And of course the writers L Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky,...
Enchanted. Aurora, like The Staring role of The Sleeping Beauty. By. ♥️🌹
@@aurorafigueroasoto9241 ,👍❤️❤️❤️❤️
Лучше и не скажешь. Но Серёжа ещё тонкий. Ранимый. Очень чуткий.
В танце Нуриева больше чувств, больше экспрессии.Он гений балета!
Nureyev had such a ethereal poetry so magnetic that it was magical to watch.
Your words beautiful and so true . I forget sometimes , just how sublime he was in stage . I was just a few years too young to know him well . I did see him here in Australia though early 70”s ? History making setting a standards
Well said Mickey. Actually, well said all three of you... he is beyond words to describe sometimes and you've all been very eloquent here. I thank you.
Нуреев манерный
Благодарю! Было очень интересно наслаждаясь наблюдать исполнительскую особенность одних и тех же вариаций двумя великими артистами!!!
Ну все таки это балетные артисты разных поколений, думаю, когда Рудольфа видели в зале эффект был потрясающий, запись мне не дает такого эффекта, но я верю впечатлению большого количества поклонников. Сергей Полунин лучший из лучших, технически, конечно намного превосходящий с позиций сегодняшнего дня, и артист замечательный. Харизматик.
А мне и запись даёт.
Да нельзя сравнивать уникальных людей, это прекрасно, что они такие разные!
Две ярчайщие звёзды балета🔥🔥🔥🔥душа радуется🙏обожаю обеих ❤️❤️❤️легкость, полёт, море обояния 💯
Over 50 years ago when I was 12, I took the bus alone to the other side of town to see An Evening With the Royal Ballet, which contained Le Corsaire. I fell in love with Rudy and ballet, and I still love both.
what fabulous, treasured memories!! Wow! Thank you so much for sharing, and i'm so happy my video led to your lovely, lovely comment. I saw him dance in the states when I was a VERY young child (my grandmother brought me) and though I remember little of the performance, I am so very proud to be able to say "i saw him."
@@PamBoehmeSimon He was a once in several lifetimes artist💕
Classic, beautiful, strong, entertaining.
Both have a one of a kind, essence. Both are captivating.
Truly magical dancers. Beautiful gifts sent to earth.
So grateful for the gift of dance they have and are giving the world.
Rudolf UNICO e inigualable´- Dora
You don’t have to compare, I ll do it for it. Both are great dancers, however Sergei’s moves are light like a feather, so elegant, effortless and graceful
I feel like Nureyev and Baryshnikov and others had to flex to let the world know that it’s a man in tights dancing. I don’t see that in Sergei. That’s just my option. So Sergei all the way for me.
For me its; Baryshnikov, Polunin and Nureyev. They are ALL equally and supremely brilliant, its no contest. But...just my personal attraction to them. How lucky are we to be able to watch these magnificent men at a moments notice and at our fingertips? 😍🍷
Right??!! We are so fortunate.
Amen, amen. It’s ironic that all 3 gave the same reason for quitting their Russian company: Boredom with the same ballets over and over; wishing to work with different choreographers and styles; and the lack of opportunity to practice their artistic creativity. Also, all 3 expressed a deep desire to help young dancers and all 3 formed foundations. They all spoke of these wishes in almost the same exact words!
This video is truly a celebration of two exceptional dancers!! Thank you, Pam. C❤❤❤Each dancer brings an individual style to the stage which is definitely memorable.
We got u. Ea one as perfect as the other. Thanks life for givg birth to another as great as Nureyev's was. We miss his dancg.
Два "айсберга " в мировом балете :Нуреев , Полунин.Они разные,но они прекрасные!
Гениальные оба.
Add Mischa.
Saw Nureyev dance live in 1972, age 20, had been a ballet fan since I was 5, and I saw the Bolshoi do Swan Lake in 1962!
Oh my what wonderful memories those must be. Absolute treasures! Thank you for sharing.
Pam Boehme Simon yes although the ultimate dream was Rudi IN SL, didn’t see that. Hope someday to see Sergei, until then thank you for the videos!
Полунин в Корсаре просто Бог!
Thank you for this new post. I wasn't feeling well. But upon seeing these two magnificent dancers, I started feeling better. Both of course are fantastic and fabulous. I love Nureyev. I love Sergei more. I can't help it. Have a beautiful weekend. Wishing you all the best!🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️
To know that my little video helped brighten your day dear Eulogia, warms my heart. So touched to be able to play even the smallest part in something like that. I too love and appreciate Nureyev, but my heart belongs to Sergei. I can't help it either lol. Enjoy your weekend as well my friend. Hope you continue to feel better.
Yes, Eulogia, when I don't feel well, ballet and classical music can be a great booster.
So much beauty!! Audio and visual that lifts one!
@@PamBoehmeSimon thank you my dearest beautiful friend and such a wonderful ballerina. I keep watching your vid over and over. It's so inspiring. Wish you all the best. Have a lovely weekend! God speed!
I think there is still so much more to come from Polunin. He is exploring and pushing the boundaries.
Both of them are dancers. Both of them are good.
Polunin is a very good dancer.
But Nureyev is the God of all the dancers. I would wish to see both of them on the stage... I think that Polunin sit down below to learn the elegance, feeling, charming and technical of his Master Rudolf Nureyev.
Нуриев обладает превосходной техникой, за которой стоит огромная работа. Сергей выполняет все движения, играючи не напрягаясь, как будто он с ними родился.
Именно так! У Нуреева так, как будто он подвиг совершает, он выходит и как бы говорит, смотрите, я танцую, Сергей же просто живет в танце, как дышит, это его естественное состояние
Сережа,мягок и грациозен, как тигр. И в общении очень приятный молодой человек.
@@TheMumsel как точно Вы сказали!!!
They are both sublime. But Nureyev was out of this World.
Rudolf Nuriev did not just perform ballet steps and jumps. He ... reincarnated as his heroes! On stage, not a dancer, but Prince Siegfried, Albert, and so on.
Temperament, passion execution set him apart from a number of the many fine dancers.
@@ВалентинаИзтитова yes indeed.. his every movement speaks, not just dancing movement
@@ВалентинаИзтитова you nailed it!
Actually his posture was very poor and quite novice-like at times. His feet also weren't great.
Но явно не божественен)))
Полунин гениален в балете!
Но идиот в жизни.
Polunin is great Nureyev was iconic.
Polunin has the time on his side, he is still young, his legend has to be written yet !
I met Nureyev back in1976 at a party in London.
I hate to say this, but Polunin is a fascist, a homophobe. He has a portrait of Putin tattooed on his chest. He supports Russias invasion of Ukraine. Many of the world’s best ballet companies will no longer hire him.
His moves and elegance awweee so much graceful then the other dude no doubt he’s the winner there lols 😂
Love you Sergio you are the best ❤️❤️❤️🙏 no comparison in his flawless moves
I first saw Nureyev in 1963, dancing with Fonteyn in Margurite and Armand. I first saw Baryshnikov and Makarova in Swan Lake before they left the Kirov. If I could see Polunin. I would die a happy woman.
Beautiful to see, both are giants of their crafts. Polunin has magnificent slow jumps but Nureyev... my gods. The elegance, softness, you don't feel technicality and facial expressions are natural, feels like he really is a part of the role. Both magnificent.
Конечно славен Нуриев не танцами..а дикой жизнью
Они великолепны! Зачем сравнивать?
Конечно сравнивать не нужно, потому что все танцовщики танцуют исходя из своих физических данных и возможностей, ну и характера, конечно, и только потом мастерство. У этих танцовщиков мастерства хоть отбавляй, но как хорошо, что они разные и как приятно смотреть на них, полное НАСЛАЖДЕНИЕ
Браво Полунину! За великое мастерство, благородство и человеческую стойкость!)
Если сравнивать; Полунин как кувалда а Нуреев гений танца!
Полунин на голову выше , совершеннее,академичнее своего предшественника... Я уже не говорю о харизме...
@@ХолидаХаерова Очень грубый комментарий(((
@@АннаПетрунина-в2ф Согласен , скорее всего автор подслеповат , под глуховат , ну , в общем настоящий эксперт балета !) 😂
What an amazing side-by-side! Would love to see one with Baryshnikov and Sergei as well. While I think Nureyev danced with more heart, there’s an effortlessness to Sergei’s movement that just leaves me in awe. So brilliant, the both of them. Thank you, Pam!
Won't compare both but rather praise them. Even Polunin himself couldn't imagine to be compared to the icon
We shouldn’t compare, both are magnificent
Спасибо!Оба великолепны,каждый по -своему!Не хочется кого-либо выделять.
Thank you Pam! You post the most fantastic videos of Sergei. I hope you will continue to do so. And I love the photo of Sergei at the end of this video.
Thank YOU Janet. As long as worthy ideas keep coming, I'll be making videos lol. I appreciate your sweet compliment, and I too love that ending photo. It was just the perfect way to end the video I thought. Please take care. Peace, love, and Sergei!!
It is not possible to compare them. Nureyev is ethereal, with a unique elegance and an unbeatable charisma. Polunin has a powerful stage presence, he dances and everything around him seems to disappear. Nureyev is already a legend, Polunin is on his way to becoming one
Хоть бы Сергей жил подольше и посчастливее
Оба - великие!!!! Спасибо за ролик!!!!
Оба артисты гениальны! Сергей - более изящный, тонкий.
И молодой.
Тот единственный в мире балета случай, когда благодатная почва гения танца дала возможность взойти другому гению и в этом сопоставлении мы наглядно убеждаемся в правоте божьего промысла.... Два гения и нам нелегко дать предпочтение,кто гениальнее,хотя у Полунина идеальные пропорции...
His legs are too short though.
А на мой взгляд, наоборот. Если не видеть кадры с Нуриевым, то да, Полунин действительно кажется легким. А по сравнению с Нуриевым, увы...
@@jopitt609 это на Ваш взгляд
Nureyev is magic. He has such a travel and impeccable artistry.
His soft foot falls and ending 5th positions are so pleasing!
Гей магия
@@Myohomoto Манерность)
На Полунина хочется смотреть бесконечно!
Wow!! Thank you so much for this! It brings back my childhood!! I was so fortunate to be able to see Nureyev in person in Chicago when I was only nine. I didn’t think I would ever see anything as magnificent as Nureyev ever again!! Now-all I want is to be able to see Sergei in person at least once. Hoping he will come to the USA!! Thanks again Pam! I really enjoyed watching this video!🥰
Thank YOU for the kind words. What a treasure of a memory that must be, seeing Nureyev. Wow. And, I too, am waiting for Sergei to dance in the US. I saw him in Sacramento when he briefly took the stage with Estas Tonne, but I want to see more!! Where are you in the states? I'm near Houston.
Однозначно Нуриев!!!!!!!! ❤
Не надо сравнивать! Оба изумительны. Просто наслаждаюсь ❤❤
I cannot thank you enough for all the time and effort and love that went into the making of this video. It is truly appreciated. I will watch it again and again. MAGNIFICENT is the only word I can think of that covers both men. Thank you again for sharing 🧡
THank YOU for the very kind comment. I am so glad you are enjoying it. Yes, it took hours of finding just the right clips, then piecing them together just so lol. But I enjoyed every minute. It was a labor of love and admiration. Thanks again, for watching and taking the time to write. Big hugs from TEXAS.
Nuryev, technically perfct and an unbelievable human machine. Emotional vibes of Polunin are captivating and beautiful.
Смотрю любуюсь и наслаждаюсь Сергей как хорошо что Вы здесь у нас а не за границей творите Вам много дано
Thank you so much for these wonderful videos - I’ve been very lucky and privileged to have seen Nureyev dance at the Royal Opera House several times many years ago and Polunin more recently too. Both exceptional dancers in different ways. Thanks for sharing
What a treasure that memory must be. I am so glad to hear from you as an actual witness to Nureyev's legend. I, too saw him dance but was so little I just have brief flashes of memories. My grandmother took me so I could one day say I saw him lol.
Pam Boehme Simon yes indeed, definitely memories that I treasure. Must have been lovely to share with your Grandma. I just remember that apart from anything else, Nureyev had such wonderful stage presence, even when simply standing on stage and not even dancing. It was extraordinary.
Oh, both these dancers are out of this world in their own special way...Sergei will always be closest to my heart😌
Right?? I tried to be completely unbiased in making this video, but I'm all Sergei all the way. He just can't be touched!! Perfection...
Sergei is air and untouchable 💫 Rudolf was energy and totaly charismatic ⚡️
Кто лучше? Я не могу быть беспристрастным судьёй. Моё сердце принадлежит Сергею Полунину. Навсегда!!!
That was freaking fantastic!!!!!
& proved my memories of Nureyev were bang on. & my feelings about Polunin were correct.
Thanks Mz Pam! Well done.
Thank YOU Robin. Means a great deal to me that you liked it. ❤️❤️❤️
Love Polunin most , he's from this era. Only heard about Nureyev , seems to be a great dancer, the greatest they say.
Полунин это планета 🌌
thank you ,THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!! I loved it! both!!But,POLUNIN,ohhhhh,my love!!
My pleasure to be sure!! So glad you like it. Thanks so much for your great comment. I love your passion.
Вызывают восторг оба танцовщика! И все-таки от выступления Нуриева щемит сердце, это чувство непередаваемо. Спасибо за ролик!
Полностью солидарна с вами! Нуриев - превосходен! Живет в танце и делится своей фантастической энергетикой с нами! А, Полунин, бесспорно, хорошо исполняет партию, техника 100%, а скучно! Мне не интересно в балете смотреть на набор гимнастических упражнений, сделанных под музыку на отлично.....
@@Инкина смотрите не усните под Полунина ...
Необыкновенно интересное представление получилось! Нуриев, танцуя, кричит - Я БОГ! Полунин в танце красив человеческой мужской красотой, в движениях какая то природная чистота и искренность. Оба великолепные танцоры, оба вошли в историю балета. Спасибо за такое прекрасная видео!! 👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️
My favorite is Sergio period hands down all time the best period that’s all
Folks ❤️❤️🙏🙏😻
Respect, Pan! I am happy to see this video! Two greatest dancers, but one is history, other is our contemporary! Every of them is the best at one time! I will look forward for more video about ballet!
I greatly appreciate the great amount of work on your part this mixed video must have required. It was an excellent learning experience for me that I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you.
Ещё и ещё раз просмотрела ролик с двумя великими танцовщиками : от Нуреева мороз по коже . Он прекрасное животное, свободно выражающий свои чувства! Прекрасен!!!!
Wow, just wow. Amazing dancers and artists both of them. So wonderful to see them alongside each other like this. How far beyond his time was Nureyev!
I know right?! Nureyev was a true character, larger than life on and off the stage lol. In my searches for just the right clips I ran across so many times he'd finish what he was doing dance-wise, stare deadpan straight at the camera, and then wink or give a sly smile. It's hard to believe he started his serious ballet studies at such an "old" age lol. Shows what hard work and innate talent can get you. I appreciate your writing. I value your opinion greatly.
Pam Boehme Simon I love his knowing winks and smiles to camera. Who knows how he was playing the media, what was truth and what was not! My favourite is the one where he doesn’t speak at all (possibly when arrested with Margot Fonteyn) just smiles to every question. Epic!
Lol yes!!!!!
Оба прекрасноы. Но прыжки полунина завершаются более мягко и чётко. А кабриоли в вертикальныйх прыжков просто обворожительны.
Опыт спортивной гимнастики сделал своё дело!
Увы....сплошная гимнастика!!!! Набор гимнастических упражнений, отлично выполненых....а не танец музыкальный. В парном катании на льду специальное разделение: спортивные танцы и фигурное катание, специально! Так вот и балет скоро нужно будет делить на спортивный балетный и музыкальный балетный танец.
Завистники. Ну и что что опыт гимнастики? Дальше что? Языки завистливые помойте!
@@elenatenkovskaya203 да он гимнастикой занимался в 4 года, какой опыт, он танцовщик и танцует превосходно
@@Инкина далась вам эта гимнастика
They are both brilliant in own way
Very nice comparison of two outstanding dancers! Both of them could be considered are products of the Soviet/Russian ballet tradition. In my modest, unprofessional opinion. if Nureyev, whom I had chance to see live a few times, called a Prince of ballet, so Polunin will definite could be called Archangel of dance and piece. He is in the air seems absolutely like in the outer space, he is gently soars in the air and always return at the same spot. And during his dance, his soul just shining thru all his movements. Nureyev, and later Baryshnikov, both great technicians, charmed the West, because the level of dance in USSR was much higher than on the west (though both of those superstars left behind at the time at least a dozen on equal them dancers). And, of course, escape of the 'iron curtain' played significant part in their publicity. Now we see Polunin returning to his roots with extraordinary openness and calls for piece in the dangerous world without politics. (Tattoo of Putin was just Polunin's protest on the extraordinary, politically motivated campaign again leader of the country, who just want to rebuild it after dramatic collapse and which gave to the world thru centuries so many talents.)
Grazie per il video, per me Nureyev resta unico, perfetto, elegante, gentile nei movimenti e a tutt'oggi ineguagliabile! Caratteraccio ..ma come tutti i perfezionisti... io lo capisco e l'ho stimato e stimo tutt'oggi. Precisione espressione e passione non si imparano a scuola di danza. Nureyev emoziona ancora tutto il mondo.
Amazing, from Italy. Love for those two incredible artists...
I attended the Barishnikov highlights concert in Toronto, staged at the O'Keefe Center, on the very night when Mr. B. defected to the West, with the help of Canadian friends and contacts from the dance world. He was partnering that last night with a stupendous dancer, Strutchkova, who the Toronto dance critic, William Littler at the time described as shot from a cannon, so astonishing was her energy and attack on stage. I would agree with the assessment. Strutchkova turned in a mesmerizing performance. The much younger partner, Barichnikov was also highly praised throughout the company's Toronto run. And at the very end of the evening, I arose from my orchestra seat, which was very close to the stage, to applaud the Russian dancers. As fate would have it I was the first one on my feet and my eyes along with Barishnikov's locked instantly.
It was an eerie moment. However, when it was revealed in all of the newspapers the following morning and indeed all over the world, that Mr. B had defected,, I totally understand the somewhat terrified gaze he sent my way. Two thousand people were seated and I, for a moment anyways, was the only one standing to applaud the company. An evening to remember.
What an absolutely outstanding video Pam - thank you so much. Your work and dedication are deeply appreciated.
Thank you Jayney. Your kind words are very much appreciated. Big hugs from Texas🧡. Take care.
Оба гениально одарены, оба на лучших страницах истории классического балета. Я рада, что в виде Сергея Полунина нашему поколению достался счастливый билет. А что дальше, повезет ли так нашим детям и внукам?
Глядя на выпуски той же Вагановки последние пару лет (да и на остальные спектакли, где появляются и другие, более младшие, курсы) есть надежда, что наши дети увидят достойных танцоров. Есть несколько потрясающе талантливых мальчишек, другой вопрос: пробьються ли? Да и в других школах, в мировых масштабах, иногда мелькают очень очень занятные ребята. Будем надеяться на лучшее)) Но Нуриев это однозначная любовь, хотя и Сергей невероятен)))
@@nanadneprovski5864 9
Thanks for the hard work put into this very interesting video. You are right, we should treat it as a celebration and not a comparison. I was privileged to see Nureyev in several roles at Covent Garden in the 1970s. One had a feeling of amazement and once-in-a-lifetime experience just as one has when seeing Polunin dance. (I've never seen Polunin on stage - only on video). They are both thrilling in their own unique ways in the proper context of technique and stage presence at their own tmes in dance history. Please post more celebrations!
I appreciate your kind comment. What a treasure to have seen Nureyev!! Wow! I’m glad you enjoyed this and hope to be able to create more in celebration of ballet and dance!!
wow , again , Sergei is truly amazing,
Thank you, Pam, it is wonderful. And a masterpiece of cut)) It was very interesting to see them both in the same part of ballets! Pure beauty 😍❤️
Thank you Larissa. I am quite proud of the technical work I was able to do in this video. I must admit, I was amazed and very excited how it turned out. I am not always able to get the video to do what I want it to, but this, while it did take hours and hours of painstakingly detailed cutting and pasting, went very smoothly and I enjoyed every second of it.
@@PamBoehmeSimon Yes, Pam, exactly! It goes so smoothly, that we have opinion to see both of great dancers together on one scene. Great gift for of us! Thank you! 🙏
I think Sergey has this alpha-male qualities that draw both, female and male audience to him. Nureyev has different energy, intense and spell-binding, but no sex appeal. Sergey is a man, Rudolf is a spirit
interesting, I was getting the opposite impression. Polunin seems very regal but watching Nureyev I got the impression that he had a much more lively sex life.
Ambos excelentes! Polunin parece más seguro en sus pasos pero los brazos y las manos de Nureyev son como alas que te invitan a volar!
Спасибо за раскадровку интересно.Рудольф упокойся с миром достойная смена выросла не хуже.
Great Polunin!!!!!!!!!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Полунина а Корсаре могу смотреть бесконечно...
This is really beautiful!
Nureyev incanta. È’ un angioletto. Ti incanta. Non smetteresti mai di guardarli. Quando sono giù di morale guardò lui e mi passa. La stessa cosa la provo con Maja Plisetskaja e Galina Ulanova. Polunin comunque è superlativo. Grazie infinite per il video.
No one like Nureyev♥
Оба хороши гениально в сравнении Полунин шикарный четко взмах руки как птица
Wonderful to see men with power and grace
For me Nureyev is the best of the bests!!!
Si. Sono d'accordo. È il migliore
More ágil is Polunim
Both dancers are tramendously impressive, though very different, what I feel is that Nureyev was very musical in his style and this gave him the edge.
Viva Rusia y su escuela de ballet. Gracias Polunim por volver, larga vida a tu talentosa existencia.
Thank You for this video.
Amazing performances!
București, RO, EU
Nureyev insuperabile. Lui aveva il Daimon della Danza.
Nureyev always. His charisma on stage will never be forgotten by me. I queued for his autograph in the 70s
And did you get it?? What a treasure that must be.
I think Polunin has very subtle preparations before the big moments, and instinctive grace.
Dear Pam, I'm enthusiast about this video. And about your playlists! Also that of 😺 kitties
That's really a celebration! It's a moment with God.
Well said. Brilliant comment, my dear Antonio.
Оба поцелованные Богом таланты. Разные и в чем-то похожи.
Полунин великолепен !
Прекрасны оба!!!
Dos d los mas grandes bailarines., perfectos en tecnica ..saltos brillantes y giros con una estabilidad q rallan las perfeccion absoluta.. dos fenomenos d la danza clasica ., emociona el verlos juntos y en paralelo... 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Thank you, dear Pam. I,ve been doing this comparison since the first time I could watch Sergey magical dancing. That was real magic in ballet art and PERFECTION! Perfection in everything techniques, artistry, ACTING etcétera. No comparison, NO. But today my heart is bleeding. I wish him to have the best possible future in all his projects, but something is going strange and scary since he moved to Russia. Thank you, Pam. Best wishes for you.
Прежде всего, огромное спасибо Пэм! Её работы наполнены любовью и действенной поддержкой великолепному артисту Сергею Полунину. Скажите пожалуйста, что Вы, Виктория, имеете ввиду, говоря о страшном, что происходит с Сергеем после его переезда? То, что его игнорирует западный истеблишмент, как когда-то Нуреева "вычеркнули" в СССР? Или что-то другое? Извините, читать по-английски могу, а вот писать пока не очень.
First of all, thank you so much Pam! Her works are filled with love and effective support for the great artist Sergey Polunin. Please tell me, what do you mean, Victoria, when you talk about the terrible things that happen to Sergei after his move? The fact that he is ignored by the Western establishment, as once Nureyev was "crossed out" in the USSR? Or something else? Sorry, I can read English, but I can't write very well yet.
I too would be interested to know what you meant, thank you in advance
Что меня беспокоит? Первое - артистам балета НЕОБХОДИМА ежедневная, интенсивная работа над телом (класс), что технически тяжело осуществить находясь в постоянных гастролях и распыляясь на на другие виды деятельности.Второе-в классическом балете, да и в современном, артист в таком возрасте отдаёт всего себя одному виду деятельности, работая над постановками и спектаклями. Да, всего себя.
Это не певцы эстрады или звёзды оперы. Это не звёзды кино. Там совсем другая, свойственная природе тех видов искусства организация .
Только крупные, твёрдо стоящие на ногах, обеспеченные звёзды КИНО и ПОП искусства, позволяют себе участие в политике. Политика не для таких душ как Сергей. Не он отвернулся от Запада, где ему помогли достичь высокого уровня в балете, дали приобщиться к миру кино, стать любимцем фотографов, звездой youtube, etcétera....Он был любимцем всех и везде.Немного больше терпения и его сфера деятельности ещё больше бы расширилась. НО....
В этом разделённом мире, в мире политики таким как он не место. Он очень подпортил свою карьеру. Ни коем случае я его не критикую.
«Каждому своё».Просто очень и очень жаль.Перед его талантом преклоняюсь. От всей души желаю ему счастья во всем.
Я Вас понимаю. И счастье, и беда Сергея в том, что он неординарен. Мне кажется, что именно это притягивает к нему внимание людей.
Божественное сравнение! СПАСИБО!
I used to like Nureyev and he was my favourite dancer but when I discovered Polunin, I realized he was much more ' complete': his technique, elevation, perfect body and height, facial expression and most of all CHARISMA.
Now, when I watch this video, I can see several 'errors' in Nureyev and, sorry to say, his height and mainly his legs sometimes seem ridiculously short!
Again, thank you Pam for your work.
Thank you for your kind appreciation, for watching, and taking the time to write. I do believe we think a lot alike.
For the record, NIJINSKY was 5’4” tall.
Que hermosura de video, muchas gracias
Как интересно! Спасибо большое!