4 Proofs of the Resurrection - Lee Strobel from The Case for Christ

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
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    #leestrobel #thecaseforchrist #easter
    Did Jesus die on the cross? Was he dead? Virtually every scholar on planet Earth concedes that Jesus was dead after crucifixion. We have no record of anyone, anywhere, ever surviving a full Roman crucifixion. Even the Journal of the American Medical Association publish a peer reviewed reviewed scientific medical study of the evidence for the death of Jesus and said, “Clearly the weight of the evidence indicates that Jesus was dead even before the wound was inflicted.” Even the atheist New Testament scholar Gerd Lüdeman says, “Historically it’s indisputable that Jesus was dead.” So, Jesus was dead.
    The second category of evidence is the early accounts we have for the resurrection. In other words, I used to think is an atheist that the resurrection was a legend and that took a long time to develop in the ancient world. What I learned is that we have preserved for us a creed of the earliest Christian Church. A creed that is an eyewitness-based report of the resurrection of Jesus. Now this creed has been dated back by scholars to within months of the death of Jesus - within months. That is historical gold. So, we’ve got a news flash from ancient history on the resurrection.
    The best evidence for the empty tomb is even the opponents of Jesus implicitly admitted the tomb was empty. When the disciples began proclaiming that Jesus had risen what the opponent said was, “The disciples stole the body.” They’re conceding that the tomb was empty, they’re just trying to explain how it got empty. So, everybody’s conceding that the tomb was empty. How it got empty is the real issue, and that goes to the fourth category of evidence, which is eyewitnesses.
    For most of what we know about ancient history, it comes from one or maybe two sources of information and yet for the conviction of the disciples that they encountered the resurrected Jesus, we have no fewer than 9 ancient sources inside and outside the New Testament confirming and corroborating the conviction of the disciples that they encountered the risen
    Christ. That is an avalanche of a historical data.
    So, you put all that together and you have a really good case for Easter.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,2 тис.

  • @bigviewsmallwindow8335
    @bigviewsmallwindow8335 2 роки тому +39

    Apostle Paul said without the Resurrection our faith is useless. Thank God for Jesus! He is alive!

    • @razorbeard6970
      @razorbeard6970 2 роки тому +2

      Paul is wrong when he says this. He knows that if he is wrong then God still exists. To err is human. Not saying that he is wrong about the faith claim of Jesus only about the added stipulation that faith is useless. Is the Jews faith in God apart from Jesus useless? No. If Jesus wasn't God was he teaching aside from claiming to be God valid? Jewish scholars say a resounding "Yes!" Paul's opinion is just his opinion just like the other apostles disagreeing over whether converts of other cultures had to keep Jewish laws to be practicing believers. If you want to be as Christlike as possible, you do. Is it essential for being a believer? No

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      How would you know what the Apostle Paul said? Were you there? Do you have a recording of him from the 1st century?

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      @@razorbeard6970 Exactly! At best the Pauline epistles are just a bunch of hearsay from a religious nut who never met an earthly Jesus and claims to have gotten all his information through divine revelation: "The gospel I preached is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ" (Galatians 1:11-12). That's a trustworthy source? If I make some bizarre claim and then say that magic space Jesus appeared to me and told me so...would that make my claim more credible...or LESS credible? 😃 😄 😁

    • @justindaron9094
      @justindaron9094 Рік тому +1

      @@mythbuster1483we have many of his letters…..
      Do you have any of your grandparents love letters???
      How do you know what they said to each other?? Were you there? Did you record your grandparents conversations when they were 18 or 19???
      Oh wait!! You have what?? Their letters that they wrote to each other while your grandfather was serving in the Navy????

    • @erichetherington9314
      @erichetherington9314 Рік тому +1

      Therefore: Our faith is useless.

  • @WrestlingFlicks
    @WrestlingFlicks 4 роки тому +36

    Funny how so many atheists are on the comment section saying they don't hate the Bible while clearly they are. Jesus is alive. He is Risen. God bless, everyone.

    • @nakkadu
      @nakkadu 4 роки тому +4

      I am an atheist and I don't hate the Bible....why is that funny?

    • @terryperring104
      @terryperring104 4 роки тому +2

      Why bang on about 'He died for us' then? ANSWER me. According to the story he was god-so it was just a three day party trick- no pain and ZERO sacrifice. But even that's not true is it-it is all 100% man made bollocks, just like the Islam nonsense.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +3

      @@terryperring104 Historically something happened, but the Christian version is a fairy tale. And funny thing is, in order to "defend the faith" (i.e. do Christian apologetics) you have to understand it's the same thing as an attorney defending a client accused of a crime. If you believe the client is innocent but the client is actually guilty, you're in deep schitt. So to do a good job, you have to know the client is guilty.
      Christian apologists are just con men. They don't really believe the fairy tale themselves, that's just bullshit for the sheeple in the pews to eat.

    • @domwings4329
      @domwings4329 4 роки тому

      @Larry Cavalli it's an argument from ignorance. Since they don't know why the tomb is empty (even if there was a tomb) then, therefore, it must be....

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      @Christian Slayer There's something funnier, until you think what its impact on history has been. And that's that christian apologists who say "believe this, believe that" and it's stuff nobody should believe, they don't believe it themselves. Guys like Lee Strobel have done their homework and know what's actually in the Bible. Con men. You don't have to be a lyin' hypocrite to be a Buddhist priest or a Hindu sadhu, why should beating people over the head with the Creed be a requirement for teaching Christianity?
      Well, because Christians like Muslims are defined as "believers". So that's what a churchmen has to turn the people in the pews into.
      A few years ago I was in a bookstore (remember what those were?) checkout line with my daughter. She elbowed me and pointed to a book on the impulse buy rack. "What Buddhists Believe" ... We both busted out laughing. We assumed it was written by a Christian who was so clueless that he thought that religion is inherently about "believing stuff". ...... Well I eventually ran into the book again online in a story by its author. A very competent Buddhist scholar. And the whole deal was to get you to read through the whole book, and at the end realize that you never found out what Buddhists "believe".

  • @longblondsam4648
    @longblondsam4648 3 роки тому +3

    IT IS TRUE HISTORY! Even non Christians know it happened and they are having to admit that it happened! In some of the history books it says that Jesus was resurrected. True history

    • @longblondsam4648
      @longblondsam4648 3 роки тому

      @River Scott ua-cam.com/video/kyZqniGGERY/v-deo.html

    • @longblondsam4648
      @longblondsam4648 3 роки тому

      @River Scott if you aren’t Christian I’m not gonna judge you. So don’t judge me

    • @longblondsam4648
      @longblondsam4648 3 роки тому

      @River Scott no no no no no no no no. Nobody is gonna snatch me from God’s hands

    • @longblondsam4648
      @longblondsam4648 3 роки тому

      @River Scott I’m saved by Christ and I wanna keep it that way

    • @longblondsam4648
      @longblondsam4648 3 роки тому

      @River Scott There are millions of stories where people have died and visited Heaven and saw Jesus. He exists

  • @thomas7571
    @thomas7571 4 роки тому +1

    You people will try anything to deny the fact that Jesus is real 👁👄👁

    • @thomas7571
      @thomas7571 4 роки тому +1

      Christian Slayer
      Jesús is proven historically, along with His resurrection, this is proven 👀

    • @thomas7571
      @thomas7571 4 роки тому

      Christian Slayer
      “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”
      ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:1-22‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      You should really line scripture up with scripture.

    • @thomas7571
      @thomas7571 4 роки тому

      Christian Slayer
      It’s literally just talking about if Jesus didn’t raise then the gospel would be false, that’s all.

    • @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50
      @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50 3 роки тому

      All we require is one eyewitness account from someone who knew Jesus.

    • @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50
      @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50 3 роки тому

      It shouldn’t be hard to find since as you claim the the resurrection is proven to have happened. Or is someone just making a bunch of baseless claims

  • @John14-6...
    @John14-6... 3 роки тому

    I wish he said more about the creed. I think he's talking about 1 Corinthians

  • @danielesorbello619
    @danielesorbello619 Рік тому +14

    6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?
    7 The Lord is with me; he is my helper.
    I look in triumph on my enemies.
    -psalm 118

    • @johnpro2847
      @johnpro2847 5 місяців тому

      are not your enemies other peoples loved ones and god loves them too...

  • @absofjelly
    @absofjelly 3 роки тому +6

    Within months of the death of Jesus? Sorry but I'm calling B.S. on that. Where's your evidence?

    • @Ixiah27
      @Ixiah27 3 роки тому +2

      The Bible, both Claim and its own evidence in one.
      At least if you are a moron like this guy in the video.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      @@Ixiah27 Well, Christians love to make claims about the gospel tales, but what they don't realize is that their earliest manuscripts of these STORIES are dated hundreds of years after the supposed events, by anonymous, biased cult members, and these manuscripts are filled with proven fiction, forgery and fraud. That makes them the LEAST CREDIBLE kind of claims, and are not 'evidence' for the stories being true.

    • @Nameless-pt6oj
      @Nameless-pt6oj 2 роки тому

      Atheists love to make these claims and bully those who disagree with them (I saw you call one Christian stupid earlier). Tacitus’ manuscripts date hundreds of years later, so do Homer and so on. The earliest New Testament manuscript dates less than one hundred years after composition, that’s amazing for an ancient document. Every author is biased, that’s a ridiculous reason to reject a written document. You’re biased so I can’t trust you by your logic.

  • @joshuag8675
    @joshuag8675 3 роки тому +109

    Jesus Christ has risen!

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +5

      If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased cult members, then it MUST be a reliable source, right?

    • @magicker8052
      @magicker8052 3 роки тому +2

      Really where? I would love to meet him.. can you hook me up with am introduction

    • @comptonghost9013
      @comptonghost9013 3 роки тому +4

      @@mythbuster1483 yo I’m all for proven the facts on this but you seriously need a life dude you went on everyone’s comments to try and put them down and prove them wrong go get a better hobby bruh and I’m not a religious person at all I just think what your doing is sad af

    • @comptonghost9013
      @comptonghost9013 3 роки тому +2

      @@mythbuster1483 again

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +2

      @@comptonghost9013 Don’t murder your wife and kids today if they choose a different faith, just because a member of some death cult CLAIMS that god said so: "If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, 'Let us go and worship other gods'...Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people" (Deut. 13:6-9). If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased cult members, then it MUST be a reliable source, right?

  • @paulkachari85
    @paulkachari85 3 роки тому +45

    Hallelujah 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @mythbuster1483
    @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +6

    If we should believe absurd claims in a book just because 'some guy said so', then why not believe the Quran, the Book of Mormon, or the Bhagavad Gita? Why would an all-powerful God reward some people for believing nonsense based on NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, and punish others for doing exactly the same thing?

    • @Nameless-pt6oj
      @Nameless-pt6oj 2 роки тому

      God has revealed His character to us and two aspects of His character is that He’s all-knowing and cannot lie. Jesus is God, He taught the Old Testament is true, we know His character, so we have great reason to believe that it’s true. Jesus is resurrected, it stands to reason that God inspired the New Testament writings.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      @@Nameless-pt6oj I’m sure you’re not some credulous moron who would believe RIDICULOUS CLAIMS about a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies just because some anonymous, biased religious nut said so in a debunked book of ancient fairy tales, right? You must have found some actual EVIDENCE that these ABSURD STORIES are actually true, right? So where is it? "And these signs will accompany those who believe...when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all" (Mark 16:17-18). Go ahead! Let’s see you post a video drinking deadly poison. It's not like the Bible is full of lies, right? Dr. Bart Ehrman, Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina: "But good Christian scholars of the Bible, including the top Protestant and Catholic scholars of America, will tell you that *the Bible is full of lies* , even if they refuse to use the term." - Who Wrote The Bible and Why It Matters

  • @godsgospelgirl
    @godsgospelgirl 6 місяців тому +6

    Lee Strobel's book, The Case for Christ, helped me so much when I had a major faith crisis as a teenager!

  • @jonw.3886
    @jonw.3886 2 місяці тому +2

    I believe in the resurrection. I believe in Jesus. I also know that I'm weak and I'm a sinner and that my human mind can't comprehend the mysteries of God our father.

  • @carlosibarra4041
    @carlosibarra4041 2 роки тому +35


    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      "This is what the Lord Almighty says...put to death men and women, children and infants." (1 Samuel 15:2-3). You think some guy telling you to kill babies is a credible source if he claims to hear invisible voices from the sky telling him murder children? If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased members of a death cult who thought the world was flat and illness was caused by demons, then it MUST be a reliable source of real history?!! *SUCKER* - “a person who believes everything they are told and is therefore easy to deceive” - Cambridge Dictionary

    • @kennybeginner4087
      @kennybeginner4087 Рік тому +1

      The story of Jesus was copied by the story of Mithra

    • @carlosibarra4041
      @carlosibarra4041 Рік тому +3

      @@kennybeginner4087 100% WRONG

    • @carlosibarra4041
      @carlosibarra4041 Рік тому +3


    • @britanykunzler632
      @britanykunzler632 Рік тому


  • @MainframeSupertasker
    @MainframeSupertasker 5 років тому +70

    I used to believe in all those lies in these skeptic comments when I was an atheist. People dont "want" to accept the evidence, and that leads them to finding some way out or another. Sorry skeptics, you just lost one of your greatest men to the side of real truth.

    • @BassicAustinSludge
      @BassicAustinSludge 4 роки тому +7

      Mainframe Supertasker Then you should know that as an atheist, a large chunk of them are here because they’re trying to find greater deeper reason to believe this stuff.

    • @MainframeSupertasker
      @MainframeSupertasker 4 роки тому +12

      @@BassicAustinSludge Nope, they're here to find holes or so called "mistakes" in Christ so that they could disprove it. They are not here to find true meaning in Christ. I never had the will to understand Jesus' resurrection. I called it fake. It was not until I truly went deep into it.

    • @colinmatts
      @colinmatts 4 роки тому +14

      @@MainframeSupertasker I'm here to point out the obvious flaws in Strobel's theory. But you say we don't WANT to accept the evidence. Present us with some actual evidence and we will have no choice but to believe it. Atheism is the lack of belief. NOT an unwillingness to believe

    • @Kevin-nr9hp
      @Kevin-nr9hp 4 роки тому +7

      Mr Gatica that’s right! Don’t take a person rejection of truth as a sign of true unbelief. They are really acting off emotions and bias, and the stronger the reactions are the more they are truly seeking truth I think.
      An atheist or at least someone who’s agnostic can’t really justify their beliefs other than subjectivism.
      The evidence is so strong, it would take more faith to be an atheist than in God. (Dr Frank Turek)
      So don’t give up, be kind and patient, and most of all tolerant! Only God can convict and save them, we can only communicate the Good News

    • @hannahmuller70
      @hannahmuller70 4 роки тому +2

      @@colinmatts first present us with your "obvious" flaws in his argument, then we will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

  • @jean-pierre9698
    @jean-pierre9698 3 роки тому +44

    people in the comment sections acting like PHD in history and as if they know better than historians😂

    • @TheSoloObserver
      @TheSoloObserver 3 роки тому +4

      @Abdur Raoof Bruh, did you even hear the beginning of this video. You sound ridiculous.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +2

      Dr. William Dever, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Arizona: “The overwhelming scholarly consensus today is that MOSES IS A MYTHICAL FIGURE." Current Attitudes On Bible History And Archaeology, Bible . org
      “No other ancient sources corroborate the story and no archaeological evidence supports it. This has led many scholars to conclude that MOSES WAS A LEGENDARY FIGURE and the Exodus story a CULTURAL MYTH.” - Moses, Ancient History Encyclopedia.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +2

      Dr. Burton Mack, professor emeritus in early Christianity at the Claremont School of Theology: "The Gospels are fictional mythologies" - Who Wrote the New Testament?

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +2

      @River Scott Your earliest manuscript of Josephus dates to the 11th century, and were written by Christian monks who were notorious for forgery and fraud. Dr. Louis H. Feldman: "there are no extant (surviving) manuscripts of Josephus' works that can be dated before the 11th century, and the oldest of these are all Greek minuscules, copied by Christian monks." - Josephus, the Bible, and History. Read it and weep, buddy. Thou art refuted.

    • @comptonghost9013
      @comptonghost9013 3 роки тому

      Depends on what historians you listen to

  • @BerishaFatian
    @BerishaFatian 3 роки тому +30

    I loved that last sentence!

  • @ricoparadiso
    @ricoparadiso 3 роки тому +167

    Hallelujah Christ has risen!

    • @xdcmagicker
      @xdcmagicker 3 роки тому +6

      really? where? You must have some extraordinary proof for this extraordinary claim.. let's have it.

    • @omnipotentlenny
      @omnipotentlenny 3 роки тому +3

      Superman did it better

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +6

      If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased cult members, then it MUST be a reliable source, right?

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 3 роки тому +1

      @My Bad
      It would be nice if sorts like yourself could stop using outside sources and explain for yourself or just please delete your comment and i don't think i like the man or you either

    • @devb9912
      @devb9912 3 роки тому +1

      Thank god for Viagra!

  • @savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394
    @savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394 2 роки тому +10

    praise the only true living LORD and GOD bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen 💖✝️✝️✝️

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      Your posts prove that prayer to your imaginary god is no different than praying to any other imaginary god. The gospel fairy tales claim: "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (Matt. 21:22), “Whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you" (John 16:23), "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24). Clearly, those claims are false, or you’d be able to post a video demonstrating your magic Jeebus prayer superpowers. Go ahead and pray for Jesus to appear to you on video, and then post it to UA-cam! My prediction: you won’t, because you know *NOTHING WILL HAPPEN* , because praying to imaginary gods doesn’t work. All you can do to defend your ridiculous ancient cult and book of debunked mythology is to repeat "Magic book says so" (fallacy of circular reasoning), or "Some member of my cult claimed that these stories are true" (fallacy of anonymous authority), none of which is EVIDENCE that the stories are true. You have *NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER* that a god exists, let alone that he impregnated some guy’s mother 2,000 years ago. How would you know? Because “Magic book says so”? Or because “Some member of my cult claimed that Jesus’ mother was impregnated by a god”? And how would they know? Did they witness this happening? LOL!

  • @pandukuchipudi
    @pandukuchipudi 3 роки тому +19


    • @greglisk9408
      @greglisk9408 3 роки тому +2

      No Luke, I am your father!!

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 3 роки тому +2

      No resurrection either is all fake news

  • @raf74hawk12
    @raf74hawk12 5 років тому +46

    There is, in fact, a difference between arguments and proof.
    An argument is reasoning.
    Proof is some sort of observable evidence.
    What you gave here were arguments, not proof.

    • @DavidTextle
      @DavidTextle 5 років тому +3

      You want facts, evidence, and proof. If you want to make sure you aren’t straw man’ing thre resurrección check out inspiring philosophy’s 4 videos on it , MIND BLOWING. If you can dismantle that then I’ll stop believing in Christ how bout that

    • @thinboxdictator6720
      @thinboxdictator6720 4 роки тому +2

      @@DavidTextle you won't stop believing after it.
      because believe doesn't work that way.
      and IP is using invalid reasoning all the time.
      but he has to,he is defending bible.
      maybe you should check paulogia's videos on jesus's life and ressurection
      and then watch IP's again,if you think IP have something real there.
      you know,one side is doing apologetics and turning off comments
      and one side is trying to be as unbiased as possible and is open for criticizm.
      apologetics is not way to know truth

    • @DavidTextle
      @DavidTextle 4 роки тому

      thinbox dictator I’ll check it out . But as far as I’ve seen , just like in this video, apologetics isn’t doing that. But maybe it’s nice to feel that the other side is being immoral in some way, it’s almost like a girlfriend that tries finding things that aren’t there to justify her breakup.

    • @DavidTextle
      @DavidTextle 4 роки тому +1

      thinbox dictator also, in his debate, if you’ve watched them, his reasoning is very solid . If it weren’t , people like Aaron Ra or Matt Dillahunty would have called him out in it during the debates. But I could be wrong , I’ll watch the video and make my assessment after

    • @thinboxdictator6720
      @thinboxdictator6720 4 роки тому +4

      @@DavidTextle every person I know about doing apologetics is using invalid reasoning and/or sources.
      yes, in my oppinion they are "lying for jesus"
      and yes I take them as immoral because of that.
      they can do debates,because you can't check their claims that fast if you don't know their souces already
      but when you check their sources, they're done.
      try it sometimes.

  • @Domtronic
    @Domtronic 4 роки тому +137

    This is honestly the only part that matters when we talk about if God is real.

    • @Domtronic
      @Domtronic 4 роки тому +11

      @Christian Slayer I dont understand how you've gotten that from those texts. Are we reading the same book?

    • @Domtronic
      @Domtronic 4 роки тому +10

      @Christian Slayer The verses you cited from what I can see had zero correlation to your arguments. Idk if I'm missing something but I think you're mistaken. That is basically the equivalent of me going. "Tide pods taste delicious, and I am a potato." John 1:16 How could God think Tide pods are delicious when John is a potato?! An obvious contradiction!

    • @Domtronic
      @Domtronic 4 роки тому +9

      Do me a favor and reread the whole chapter. I did just to check myself and I still dont know what you're talking about.

    • @Domtronic
      @Domtronic 4 роки тому +3

      @Christian Slayer In Ezekial there is no mention of the prophecies of resurrection. www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+15&version=NIV

    • @Domtronic
      @Domtronic 4 роки тому +7

      @Christian Slayer I haven't actually made an argument. I'm trying to understand yours before I make my case. I thought I was pretty clear about that. Your argument is based on sources that I to the best of my knowledge can not verify support what you're saying. The fact that you responded to someone asking what you meant to say by spouting credentials and passive aggressive comments on my character would imply you might want to reexamine your methods of philosophy as well as your own willingness to learn. Technically speaking most conversations are lower degrees of arguments, and if you wanted to pull a case from me questioning your hypothesis it would most likely be that your If X (There was a contradictory prophecy foretold) then Y (Jesus could not have rose from the dead) statement is not relevant because there is no evidence X occured. That case is based off an assumption of information I have asked and not yet received from yourself. Which is why further questioning would be necessary before making it.

  • @andrewmaldonado71
    @andrewmaldonado71 3 роки тому +9

    All 4 are based on one type of evidence: another persons written word. It all require faith in the end.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +2

      If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased cult members, then it MUST be a reliable source, right?

    • @kantarelljulletjolahopp5607
      @kantarelljulletjolahopp5607 3 роки тому +2

      @@mythbuster1483 Except the Bible is not one book, but a collection of books and scripture comprised over a period of many centuries. The genre, if you will, of the gospels is not the same as the genre of the book of genesis.

    • @kantarelljulletjolahopp5607
      @kantarelljulletjolahopp5607 3 роки тому +2

      @@mythbuster1483 By that logic, The Lord of the Rings is of the same genre as To Kill A Mockingbird, since they're both fiction

    • @kantarelljulletjolahopp5607
      @kantarelljulletjolahopp5607 3 роки тому +1

      @@mythbuster1483 Whether it's likely or not is of no importance. It's unlikely that we should even exist in a perfectly fine tuned universe like the one we live in, yet that's just how it is.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      @@kantarelljulletjolahopp5607 Hey genius, 99.9999% of the universe is a lethal, radiation-filled vacuum, with most of the matter in it being gas and stars where nothing can live. And our planet is one where the living things in it survive by killing and eating each other. The "finely tuned universe" is a debunked Christian talking point. Try going anywhere in the universe other than Earth and see how long you survive.

  • @summertea545
    @summertea545 3 роки тому +3

    And that's the catch he's pushing the resurrection like it's already proof.....no he didn't rise from the dead. Fake information.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased cult members, then it MUST be a reliable source, right?

  • @darrylelam256
    @darrylelam256 4 роки тому +48

    "4 things that I can't prove but my bible says happened so they must of happened."
    Same old arguments that have never counted as proofs for anything.

    • @theminecraftprime1
      @theminecraftprime1 4 роки тому +14

      Load of shit. All the evidence for the res erection we need to prove it is actually outside of the bible. Also the bible itself is a historical document, with testimony's of things that can be corroborated by other sources at the time. The bibles account of that time period is very reliable.

    • @KarthikArmstrong
      @KarthikArmstrong 4 роки тому +6

      @@theminecraftprime1 yet the bible was written by MAN tho?

    • @theminecraftprime1
      @theminecraftprime1 4 роки тому +12

      @@KarthikArmstrong Written by many men you are correct. That does not mean the bible is not reliable, we know a lot of the historical accounts in it are very reliable, and is considered by all historians a reliable historical document. They just rebuke the idea of a God. In saying that what is your point in your response?

    • @KarthikArmstrong
      @KarthikArmstrong 4 роки тому +1

      @@theminecraftprime1 because men lie, and it can be false we dont know for sure and we never will, u can believe in the word of a guy who claims Jesus was real but that doesnt make it reliable proof, its not like the book had photos of Jesus or blood samples of Jesus

    • @theminecraftprime1
      @theminecraftprime1 4 роки тому +5

      @@KarthikArmstrong You seem to be missing the point. we do no for sure because it is corroborated by various other sources which increase its authenticity. Your correct men do lie, But the chance of someone lying is not enough to dismiss it. Every other historical document "can" be lies. There are many prophesy in the bible from, EG, psalms written about 700 years before the Crucifixion (this is historically dated to that time and is fact) Explains how the son of God will come to earth and be crucified. (written before crucifixion was a thing btw) 700 years later he is crucified. This is but one example of the amount of proven prophesy's in the bible. Also, are you saying Jesus wasn't real? Every single historian on the face of this earth knows Jesus was real. And blood samples wouldn't have been preserved 2 thousand years later, and photos weren't a thing, Paintings were which we have many of Jesus. If your going to continue to make asinine assertions about the existence of Jesus, Than you are not worth my time. It is hard fact Jesus existed and theirs no denying it.

  • @annmyann437
    @annmyann437 3 роки тому +9

    May I post this here to the glory of God? Thank you!
    Yeshua Ha Massiach
    Acts Chapter 4 verse 12: " There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved."
    Who is Christ? Who is Jesus?
    Born of a virgin, Mary.
    Mathew Chapter 1 verse 20: " behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him (Joseph), in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that (Christ)which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus, the Christ, is God's word made flesh. Jesus is Jehovah God's (The Creator's) Word made into flesh.
    1 John chapter 5 verse 7: " For there are three that bear a record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one."
    John chapter 1 verse 1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    John chapter 1 verse 14: " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
    John chapter 1 verse 10: " He was in the world, and the world knew Him not."
    Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12: " For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
    How beautiful and awesome is God's Word, who is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, magnificent in all His glory, is He.Amen!
    John's Vision Of Christ Seated On His Throne In Heaven:
    Revelation chapter 4 verse 2 to 3: " Immediately, I (John), was in the Spirit, and behold a throne sat in Heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance, and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald."
    Why did Christ Jesus came and sacrificed His precious life for sinners like us?
    Christ (God's Word made into flesh), came because through flesh (Adam's flesh) sin entered the world, and then because of sin death entered the whole earth. Through flesh(Jesus Christ's flesh), the earth will be saved, sin is destroyed, and the curse of death shall be broken, death and the grave shall be cast into hell.
    Christ, who is God's Word made into flesh, sacrificed His life for us. He was crucified for our sins and transgressions.
    Christ died, and on the third day He resurrected in the flesh, conquering death and the grave. Now, Christ is seated in Heaven, at the right hand of Power(God). Through Christ's sacrifice we gain Salvation through God's abundant mercy and grace. We are reconciled and recompensed back to God, through the shed blood of His beloved Son Christ Jesus.
    John chapter 3 verse 16: " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who ever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
    Romans chapter 5 verse 8: " But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
    Christ came to undo the sin and eternal death brought upon the world through the sin of Adam.
    Death in Adam, Life In Christ:
    Romans chapter 5 verse 19: " For as by one man's disobedience(Adam), many were made sinners, so also by one Man's (Jesus)obedience, many will be made righteous."
    Romans chapter 5 verse 18: " Therefore, as through one man's (Adam's) offense judgement came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even through one Man's (Christ's) righteous act, the free gift came to all men, resulting in the justification of life."
    Romans chapter 5 verse 17: " For if by the one man's offense(Adam's offense), death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in the life through the One(Jesus Christ).
    Romans chapter 5 verse 12: " Therefore, just as through one man (Adam)sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned."
    Romans chapter 5 verse 21: " "So that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
    Do you now see that through Adam, sin and death entered the world, so that is why Christ Jesus came to give life, and give it more abundantly? Yes Christ came to give eternal life through Salvation.
    Adam's flesh brought sin, death, destruction, and condemnation.
    Christ's sacrifice, the crucifixtion of His flesh, brings reconciliation of sins, life, resurrection, eternal life, salvation
    Christ is coming back again, not as a sacrificial lamb. He is coming back as a roaring, waring lion, to destroy sin, death, and the grave once and for all. Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Hallelujah!
    Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 to 13: " And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. "
    Now do you see friends, Why Christ Jesus is so so Important for our Salvation? Yes.
    Now, do you understand why there is only one way to God, and that is only through Christ Jesus,only? Yes.
    Christ is Salvation. Christ is our Lord and Saviour. Christ is the only way to God. Christ is the only Mediator between God and men(us humans).
    God loves us so much, He does not want anyone to perish in hell. God wants all sinners to be saved. That is why He sent His Word to save the world. God's Word became flesh, and dwelt among us to save us.
    Will you accept Christ and be saved?
    Romans chapter 6 verse 23: " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
    John Chapter 3 verse 16: " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who ever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
    Salvation is free!
    Salvation is free!
    Christ already paid the price, all you have to do is recieve salvation through acceptance of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach.
    So who is Christ?
    He is The Word Of God. He is the Son of God. He is God. He is the image of the unseen God. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. He is the Great I Am. He is Emmanuel. He is The Christ. He is The Messiah. He is The Creator. He is our Lord and Saviour. He is our Mediator. He is the Lion and the Lamb. He is Salvation. He is the way, the truth, and life.
    I love you Lord!
    God created the heavens and the earth with His spoken Word. Did you know that Jesus is that Word, through which all things were created? Yes.
    John chapter 14 verse 6: " Jesus said to him," I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
    Colassians chapter 1 verse 15 to 16:
    He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him."
    John chapter 1 verse 1 to 4:
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."
    I hope that you know Christ, and understand Christ better now,to the glory of God.
    Christ is for all who will receive Him.
    Please pray this prayer with me. ***Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for me. Please come in to my heart. I accept You as my Lord and Savior, You are the Son Of God, You are the Word Of God, You are God. You are the Great I Am, the One Who Was, Who Is and Who Is To Come. I believe that You sacrificed your life for me and died, and on the third day You awoke and raised up your body in the flesh. I believe You are coming back again in the flesh (In your resurrected body). I believe Salvation is only through You. No one comes to God (Jehovah) The Father, but through You. Forgive me Lord of my sins. I renounce all of my sins past and present this day. I will sin no more with your help dear Lord. I want to be close to you Lord, now and forevermore. Keep me in Your bosom. Heal me oh Lord, and please help me, be near me and never let me go. Write my name in Your Book of Life. Please prepare a place for me, in Your Father's House. Hear my prayer dear Lord. In Jesus mighty name, I pray. Amen ****
    May the Lord continue to be with you and strengthen you through any difficult journeys ahead.
    This is how our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said we should pray.Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 to 13:
    "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
    Now that you understand who Christ is, share Christ with others. Amen!
    Repent of your sins.
    Submit to Jehovah-God.
    Love God with all your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit.
    Love one another.
    Forgive one another.
    It is written, "resist the devil, submit to God, and the devil will flee from you."
    Hate sin with all your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit.
    For starters read: Mark 9: 36 - 37, Roman 12: 2, 2 Timothy 1: 7, Ephesians 6: 10-18, 1 Corinthians 15. Read the Book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, read the Book of Daniel, read the Book Of The Revelation Of Jesus Christ. Let us read and study the Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelations. Read a little, or alot everyday, and pray to God everyday. Also, pray for understanding of his words.
    1 Corinthians 15: 51, "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +1

      Anytime you want to prove your book of debunked ancient fairy tales with the talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, which promises magic poison resistance to believers---go ahead! "And these signs will accompany those who believe...when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all" (Mark 16:17-18). So post your video demonstrating the magic poison-resistance superpowers that Lying Jesus promised! It's not like the Bible is full of lies, right? Dr. Bart Ehrman, Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina: "But good Christian scholars of the Bible, including the top Protestant and Catholic scholars of America, will tell you that *the Bible is full of lies* , even if they refuse to use the term." - Who Wrote The Bible and Why It Matters

    • @comptonghost9013
      @comptonghost9013 3 роки тому +1

      Hey Ann you need a life wtf are you doing writing a novel on UA-cam comments for get off the computer go outside

  • @rubansamuel4270
    @rubansamuel4270 5 років тому +51


    • @ajm6456
      @ajm6456 5 років тому +1

      Great, then where is he now. If death cant hold him, he must be alive........

    • @dicliew
      @dicliew 4 роки тому +1

      @Jia Kai, Nicholas Soo Sooo, Jesus didn't stay dead for our sins?

    • @saidinmas
      @saidinmas 4 роки тому

      @Jia Kai, Nicholas Soo Did he die within six hours by the Crucifixion was designed to slowly die by asphyxiation at least after a few days?

    • @saidinmas
      @saidinmas 4 роки тому

      @Dd S Do you know that his crucified mates were still alive, so he should also be alive instead of dead prematuraly so soon, right?

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased members of a death cult, then it MUST be a reliable source?!! *SUCKER* - “a person who believes everything they are told and is therefore easy to deceive” - Cambridge Dictionary

  • @VincentCMercandetti
    @VincentCMercandetti 6 місяців тому +1

    His 9 sources of evidence (outside of the New Testament) that the disciples saw Jesus after his death are from sources 125, 200, and 300 years AFTER Jesus died.

  • @Realworlddummy
    @Realworlddummy 4 роки тому +62

    Just search up Holy Spirit or Testimonies. Or if you REALLY REALLY want to know who Jesus is. All you got to do is to kneel today and pray. YELL AT GOD , ASK WHO GOD IS. ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU WHO HE IS... Anything tell Him your struggles etc.... "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

    • @Realworlddummy
      @Realworlddummy 4 роки тому +3

      If my life’s a hallucination then I’ll give you that M’kay

    • @Kevin-nr9hp
      @Kevin-nr9hp 4 роки тому +5

      Jr Juarez hallucination doesn’t occur with masses of people, it’s a single-person event like you just explained. Hundreds of people have claimed to have seen, touched and interacted with the risen Jesus.
      Remember, many people saw all the miraculous things He did when He was present on earth, but they still chose to not believe.
      Problem with many people is not evidence for the intellect, it’s a condition of the heart. Many people just don’t want to believe this, even if they knew it was true.

    • @Kevin-nr9hp
      @Kevin-nr9hp 4 роки тому

      Urrcreavesh hallucination doesn’t occur with masses of people, it’s a single-person event like you just explained. Hundreds of people have claimed to have seen, touched and interacted with the risen Jesus.
      Remember, many people saw all the miraculous things He did when He was present on earth, but they still chose to not believe.
      Problem with many people is not evidence for the intellect, it’s a condition of the heart. Many people just don’t want to believe this, even if they knew it was true.

    • @Kevin-nr9hp
      @Kevin-nr9hp 4 роки тому +2

      Urrcreavesh I doubt the Bible sometimes too, that’s natural as humans. We’re skeptic. But let me ask you... if it is actually true, would you believe?

    • @Kevin-nr9hp
      @Kevin-nr9hp 4 роки тому

      Jr Juarez what do you mean more historically reliable? why would a book written 600 *years* (“years” added was my edit) after Jesus tell me the truth about His life, where I got a book that was written down during the lifetime of the eye witness accounts within a few years of the death of Christ?
      Also have you ever considered that the Quran actually instructs us to obey ‘the book of the people’ referring the Bible, and the Jews & Christians.
      Have you ever considered that the Quran pays a great amount of respect to the Bible?
      Pls read Sura 3:64

  • @bryanhk1982
    @bryanhk1982 4 роки тому +121

    I love Yeshua! It is simple people, yet profound, if you really want to know the truth, soften your heart just enough to ask Him yourself. "If you are real, I want to know the truth." And see for yourself.
    Disclaimer: go knows a sincere heart.

    • @mahergampong7394
      @mahergampong7394 4 роки тому +1

      You love the Father i think. Its not Jesus a.s btw. Alhamdulillah

    • @bryanhk1982
      @bryanhk1982 4 роки тому +1

      @@mahergampong7394 what does this mean? "Its not Jesus a.s btw. Alhamdulillah"

    • @mahergampong7394
      @mahergampong7394 4 роки тому +1

      @@bryanhk1982 if you dont worship Jesus a.s, and you worship is the Father and you follow the real teaching of jesus. Thats what muslim believes

    • @jeffersonbarnes3663
      @jeffersonbarnes3663 4 роки тому +1

      God knows a sincere heart

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      Christian apologists who actually know what's in the Bible and know all the alibis to "defend it", know a sincere gullibilly sitting in the pews.
      You may not realize it, but the guys who know their Bible and profess to defend it as "true believers", are atheists who do NOT believe that stuff. Con men.
      Any Christian apologists who know their stuff (not just wannabees who only have a list of slogans to recite) who dispute my assertion that you are a con man atheist, please post and I'll be glad to take you for a test drive so the Christians here can watch you crash.

  • @andrewschafer8986
    @andrewschafer8986 8 місяців тому +1

    1. Has nothing to do with evidence of a resurrection.
    2. Lol if 25-30 years later is early.. then maybe. Where did you eat lunch last week?
    3. The empty tomb is possibly the best evidence you got. Except we can’t agree on where it is let alone if there was time to build him one before his death… probably was thrown in a mass grave.
    4.there are zero first hand eyewitnesses.. best available is third hand.

  • @SamuelLiebermann
    @SamuelLiebermann 4 роки тому +53

    The earliest documentation about "witnesses" is generations after the "events"

    • @theminecraftprime1
      @theminecraftprime1 4 роки тому +2

      were did you get that information from? I assume your alluding to the book of john

    • @brianpottiebeardedchild
      @brianpottiebeardedchild 4 роки тому +7

      Can’t believe this ignorant uninformed comment got 9 other likes! Nothing worse then an atheist spewing outright lies to try and show God doesn’t exist! Hey Pinocchio, if you have to make things up to prove God doesn’t exist then chances are He does!! Go tell a few more while you’re at it! Absolutely no clue what you’re talking about!

    • @SamuelLiebermann
      @SamuelLiebermann 4 роки тому +14

      How about you try showing the tooth fairy doesn't exist?
      God is a fruit of your imagination, do I need to debunk any of your illusions and nightmares?

    • @brianpottiebeardedchild
      @brianpottiebeardedchild 4 роки тому +8

      Samuel Liebermann Oh yes, the tooth fairy comparison again. The tooth fairy doesn’t haven’t thousands of ancient documents and witnesses to back him up. The tooth fairy doesn’t have more historical data then almost any other ancient living person! Jesus does. There’s more evidence for Jesus life, death and resurrection then Julius Caesar but I doubt you claim he never existed. This is the difference between you and me. You can say whatever lies you want and I am bound by the truth if I want to honour Him! Maybe do some actual research about Jesus before spouting off ignorant things.

    • @SamuelLiebermann
      @SamuelLiebermann 4 роки тому +16

      You don't have thousands of documentations too. It is all copies of the same document. Much like harry potter has millions of copies.
      Not to mention that your documentations are conflicting each other, and that the "witnesses" talking about events they could not witness. Who verified Merry was a virgin? Some events are reported even when there was no one there. Who wrote the flood story?
      Besides, the tooth fairy leaves actual money. It is not just stories. Millions of kids all over the world can tell you their experience with that. Not some questionable stories of middle eastern cavemen.

  • @gabrielbrindle5320
    @gabrielbrindle5320 3 роки тому +17

    Does anyone know where i can find sources for what he is talking about on each of these points?

    • @xdcmagicker
      @xdcmagicker 3 роки тому +15

      sure.. he went to the top christian apologists and asked them what would make him the most money .. then he wrote it down (he did not interview a single critical scholar at all)

    • @richieheyendaal
      @richieheyendaal 3 роки тому +4

      His book is called: The Case for Christ. ISBN: 9780310345862

    • @EddieSchultz62
      @EddieSchultz62 3 роки тому +2

      What Andy Bird said.

    • @EddieSchultz62
      @EddieSchultz62 3 роки тому

      @River Scott No, always been this name.

    • @eleniarapi1828
      @eleniarapi1828 3 роки тому

      @@xdcmagicker you carnal mind

  • @gdevelek
    @gdevelek Рік тому +1

    The tomb was empty cause my bible tells me so. Take that, atheists!! And the non-biblical authors simply report what christians told them they believed. It's that simple. No historian of the time ever wrote "I found out in roman (or jewish) documents/archives that some crucified rabbi resurrected and appeared to people".

  • @albertfralinger2711
    @albertfralinger2711 3 роки тому +4

    But none of that is actual proof

    • @InitialPC
      @InitialPC 3 роки тому

      what is proof to you

    • @albertfralinger2711
      @albertfralinger2711 3 роки тому +2

      @@InitialPC Proof is typically some form of physical evidence that can be measured and presented. I know that having proof of a supernatural event in ancient times is nearly impossible, but that doesn't mean Lee's statements can be considered proof like he claims. His first proof of the resurrection was that Jesus died. This is in no way proof of a resurrection, it is simply the first condition required for the story. If it was proof of resurrection, then every person that has died has proof of their resurrection.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      @@InitialPC 'Some anonymous, biased cult member said so' is not EVIDENCE that his claim is true, right? Liars can claim anything, and fools can believe anything on faith, but “The burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, then the claim is unfounded.” So let me know when you find some evidence to support absurd claims about an *INVISIBLE MAGIC SKY GENIE* , or that he impregnated Jesus’ mother 2,000 years ago, or that Jesus was a *VIRGIN-BORN DEMIGOD WITH SUPERPOWERS* and that his *ROTTING CORPSE MAGICALLY RETURNED FROM THE DEAD* before levitating bodily into outer space, or evidence for the talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, etc.

    • @comptonghost9013
      @comptonghost9013 3 роки тому

      @@mythbuster1483 here you go again

    • @Nameless-pt6oj
      @Nameless-pt6oj 2 роки тому

      Yeah, here he goes again.

  • @jaxsonbateman
    @jaxsonbateman 4 роки тому +24

    (Proof) "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means".

    @JESUSISLIFE230 7 місяців тому +1

    He delivered me from pornography and sinful lifestyle he restored me redeemed me jesus is indeed living God ✝️🥺❤️

  • @mythbuster1483
    @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +25

    4 Proofs that the Wizard of Oz was a true story (by assuming the inerrancy of The Wizard of Oz):
    Fact 1: The existence of the Yellow Brick Road. If the Yellow Brick Road did not exist, there would be no way for Dorothy to get to the Emerald City from Munchkin Land. Since we know that she did make it to the Emerald City, the Yellow Brick Road must logically have existed. Furthermore, the existence of the Yellow Brick Road has been verified through the independent eye witness testimonies of the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion who also traveled it.

    • @juansamudio1171
      @juansamudio1171 3 роки тому

      We’ll if that was the only way to get there then yea

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +1

      @@juansamudio1171 How else could you get to the Emerald City unless you follow the Yellow Brick Road?!! That's called LOGIC! 😉

    • @toddgraves8547
      @toddgraves8547 2 роки тому

      The wizard of oz was written a made up story.the bible has eye witness acvounts. Archeological evidence .you can mock it if you wish but one day you will face Jesus and every knee will bow every tongue confess that he is Lord I hope you will actually explore all the evidence amd like many skeptics come to belive that way one day I will see you in heaven as a brother where you will live forever. I pray God open your eyes for Jesus is real.Jesus is God and he can not lie and has promised all who come to him he will not cast out and he will give them eternal life. Many scholers and akeptic who set out to prove that the bible is myth become belivers based on the evidence. If you are right then all life is meaning less for we will all die & cease to exist and one day due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics there will be a heat death of the entire universe and all life will cease so nothing will have mattered.if your wrong and God exists .he iffees you forgivness for denying him , for micking him fir sin and will give you the free gift of eternal life. Not one atgiest whos a scholer denys tgat christ died on the cross its a historic fact if any persin took a bullet for you wouldnt you have at least some respect or graditude? Trying watching what christ suffered on the cross and even if yout hought he was just a man you shoukd still be thankful but if yiu examine the evidence and knkw he did rise from the dead then yiu can know he is who he said he is and can give you the free gift if eternal life if you change your mind based in the evidence and realize yoo have rejected the God whi made yiu who suffered and died to give you life and you mock him and yet he still loves you and offers you forgivness and eternal life if yiu woukd only look at the evidence and belive and ask him i pray you will cause I know he is real.you may just snap back at me with some insult but i am praying and begging tgat you miggt knkw he is real and live forever love somone who hopes you will ve in heaven with me as a brother

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      @@toddgraves8547 The pathetic posts of Christian defenders actually DISPROVES the bible and their imaginary god. The anonymous scribes who wrote the gospel fairy tales claim that Jesus said: "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (Matt. 21:22). “Whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you" (John 16:23), "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24). If those claims were true, Christians would simply post a video of them praying for Jesus to appear, and the resulting miracle! After all, the bible claims that Jesus appeared to people after his supposed death (1 Cor. 15:3-8), including the claim that he appeared to 500 people at once, and appeared to Paul. So the authors of the gospel tales knew that it was necessary to PROVE claims by having Jesus appear to people after his death in order to provide EVIDENCE that he was really resurrected (Acts 1:3). But Christians have no evidence, and have to resort to pathetic UA-cam posts filled with logical fallacies and excuses. *FACTS*
      1) If Jesus was real, and a god, he COULD appear to you, or to anyone.
      2) He supposedly appeared to others in ancient stories that we have no evidence for.
      3) Jesus supposedly promised that believers would “receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matt 21:22).
      4) Regardless how much you pray or ask...Jesus won't appear.
      The most likely explanation for the above? Jesus won’t appear because he CAN’T. Fictional literary characters can't hear prayers or do anything in real life. The authors of the gospel tales were liars. Praying to Jesus is no different than praying to Spider-Man or Gandalf, or any other fictional character in a book. All Christians can do is make pathetic excuses, just like any other follower of a fake religion.

    • @-yeeyeetus417-4
      @-yeeyeetus417-4 2 роки тому +3

      the Bible referrs to it as a real story but the wizards of oz claims to be fantasy

  • @SnakeMan448
    @SnakeMan448 4 роки тому +33

    The story does not prove the story.

    • @pmmini3157
      @pmmini3157 3 роки тому +1


    • @lefraudjames4729
      @lefraudjames4729 3 роки тому +4

      Snake Man448,
      Good thing there is evidence outside of the Bible!

    • @Elihamgeri
      @Elihamgeri 3 роки тому +5

      @@lefraudjames4729 please state & cite the evidence outside the bible for proof of his resurrection by a non-christian

    • @xdcmagicker
      @xdcmagicker 3 роки тому +5

      @@lefraudjames4729 Really.. can't wait to hear what this is.. please tell me you are not referring to the few times when (writing generations later) various historians stated "hey there are a bunch of people over there who called themselves christians and worship some risen messiah" because clearly this is not evidence of anything other than the existence of christians. So you were saying..

    • @burntgod7165
      @burntgod7165 3 роки тому +1

      @@Elihamgeri Tumbleweed... 😂

  • @royrogers3133
    @royrogers3133 Рік тому +1

    Here’s what we know. Jesus died, his body went missing and his disciples said they saw him alive again.
    I’m no atheist, I believe god is real. But the argument is either his disciples stole his body, and someone impersonated him. Or every aspect of an entire religion is true.
    I just find it hard to not question it.

  • @mpelite5527
    @mpelite5527 4 роки тому +13

    Jesus is so good

    • @mpelite5527
      @mpelite5527 4 роки тому

      itsasin1969 it’s the people’s own fault for choosing to go to hell

    • @mpelite5527
      @mpelite5527 4 роки тому

      itsasin1969 free will he gives us the ability to do as we please

    • @mpelite5527
      @mpelite5527 4 роки тому

      itsasin1969 the lord directs our steps he doesn’t force them

    • @mpelite5527
      @mpelite5527 4 роки тому

      Christian Slayer were all entitled to our opinions. Not sure why you hate religion so much, but everyone has their own set of problems.

    • @mpelite5527
      @mpelite5527 4 роки тому

      itsasin1969 you clearly never in your life even got close to reading the Bible

  • @darrylelam256
    @darrylelam256 4 роки тому +3

    The bible's claim of Jesus's crucifixion differ from how we know crucifixions actually happened. In actual crucifixions it took days sometimes a week *BEFORE* the victim to die and they were left on the cross for weeks after they died and then they were thrown into a unmarked mass grave. That was the normal. Yet according to your fairytale, Jesus was crucified died and removed from the cross in less than 24 hours, and than given the honor of being put in a tomb. That smells of BS.

    • @archetype253
      @archetype253 4 роки тому

      Actually, Jesus didn't die from the crucifixion, he died from a broken heart, metaphorically a literally.

    • @darrylelam256
      @darrylelam256 4 роки тому

      @@archetype253 LOL that's not how it works stupid. Try again and read EVERYTHING that I wrote. Its completely possible that someone who was crucified died within hours of being crucified. Now read the rest of what I wrote.
      You also need a of biology because there is no such things as dying literally from a 'broken heart'. Its a metaphorically way of speaking.

    • @WhiteScorpio2
      @WhiteScorpio2 4 роки тому

      @@darrylelam256 He means the spear of Longinius.

    • @lefraudjames4729
      @lefraudjames4729 3 роки тому +1

      @Darryl Elam, “The bible's claim of Jesus's crucifixion differ from how we know crucifixions actually happened. In actual crucifixions it took days sometimes a week BEFORE the victim to die and they were left on the cross for weeks after they died and then they were thrown into a unmarked mass grave. That was the normal. Yet according to your fairytale, Jesus was crucified died and removed from the cross in less than 24 hours, and than given the honor of being put in a tomb. That smells of BS.”
      Okay you need to do some more studying buddy. If you read what Jesus endured before he was crucified you would know why he died in six hours. Also Joseph of Arimathea chose to take Jesus into his tomb which is why he wasn’t thrown into an unmarked grave. Fairytale? Don’t make me laugh! You clearly know nothing buddy.

    • @darrylelam256
      @darrylelam256 3 роки тому

      @@lefraudjames4729 Again YOU are the one lacking here. What Jesus is *claimed* to gone through it not how it would of been. You are focusing on the wrong thing. Is it possible that someone who was crucified to die within 6 hours, yes. Unlikely but possible. But the idea that he was on the cross for *less* than 24 hours is not how that would be done. Him being put in a tomb is not something that would be done. It's a f**king fairytale, and you clearly know nothing.

  • @johnbehneman1546
    @johnbehneman1546 6 місяців тому +1


  • @asianhippy
    @asianhippy 3 роки тому +10

    I would say that your '4 proofs' are just assertions. In fact, geographically, the bible did get some thing right but everything else is just assertions.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      'Magic book says so' isn't a valid argument?!

  • @mythbuster1483
    @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +8

    4 Proofs that Harry Potter was real and a wizard! FACT #1: Harry Potter was enrolled as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The school only accepts those with magical powers, so Harry clearly had magical powers and was not a muggle. FACT #2: Harry was friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, who were also students at Hogwarts, and who are eyewitnesses to Harry’s magical powers. FACT #3: Voldemort's killing curse rebounded off Harry's defensive spell (Expelliarmus), killing Voldemort. How could Harry have defeated Voldemort unless he was a real wizard? FACT #4: Harry and Ginny married and had three children, and Ron and Hermione married and had two children. How could they have children if they were fictional?

  • @thebumblebeemovie3514
    @thebumblebeemovie3514 Рік тому +1

    Paul stated that Jesus appeared before over 500 people including the disciples before himself, with many of them still living by the time he was saved. That’s a great deal of eyewitness accounts.

  • @DawnHub666
    @DawnHub666 3 роки тому +16

    None of these are proofs. Not even colloquialy. Belief in a story at best.

    • @DawnHub666
      @DawnHub666 3 роки тому

      @@mythbuster1483 this is atheist copy pasta. Grow up

    • @DawnHub666
      @DawnHub666 3 роки тому

      @@mythbuster1483 im here saying its fiction. Sort urself out. Im a witch not a Christian

    • @DawnHub666
      @DawnHub666 3 роки тому

      @@mythbuster1483 thats copy pasta too.. u just copy pasta atheist rage.. at people who agree with u even ?

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      @@DawnHub666 Hey psycho, anytime you want to prove your magic witch superpowers, post your video! LOL!

    • @DawnHub666
      @DawnHub666 3 роки тому

      @@mythbuster1483 like u did with ur pull ups.. LMAO

  • @leonardskosana9072
    @leonardskosana9072 Рік тому +3

    He died and Rose hallelujah. And we shall also die and Rose with Him ❤

  • @natewsmith6941
    @natewsmith6941 2 роки тому +2

    But all of those points come from the Bible. That's not independent imperical data.

  • @stevieh9860
    @stevieh9860 3 роки тому +3

    Jesus only died if he was alive. If he was, there is no evidence he was the son of any god.
    A crucifixion may have happened. No evidence it was him, or he was the son of any god.
    The tomb may be empty, or not. Either way, no evidence.
    Eye witnesses? To what? And..... where is your evidence.?
    Nice try.

    • @shemyemantecle4703
      @shemyemantecle4703 3 роки тому

      Then how did jesus have 23 chromosomes when scientists exmained his blood which was found alive.
      He only had 23 from his mom which proves he was concieved thru a virgin.

    • @shemyemantecle4703
      @shemyemantecle4703 3 роки тому

      There were 500 witnesses after his death
      And for the people to take his body is impossible cause there were 16 roman guards there and why would they die for a lie???
      Peter was crucified upside down
      Some were stabbed
      James behaded
      One got burnt alive

    • @stevieh9860
      @stevieh9860 3 роки тому

      @@shemyemantecle4703 Could you provide more source material? We only discovered that we had 46 chromosomes in the 1950s. Did we have live samples of Jesus blood? Where had they been until then? And why?

    • @stevieh9860
      @stevieh9860 3 роки тому

      @@shemyemantecle4703 I’m not suggesting anyone was lying . I’m doubting that it happened. In 2019, a reported 5917 people from the USA alone saw UFOs.
      There isn’t enough evidence for biblical versions of events, and plenty which disprove them.....

    • @shemyemantecle4703
      @shemyemantecle4703 3 роки тому

      @@stevieh9860 those were fallen angels.
      Theree a differnece between a resserecution and a ufo.
      These people were willing to die for jesus.
      If they lied why would they die for it?
      The people who claimed to see UFO
      Are claims.
      They are fallen angels ill explain how.
      When the rapture happens the go enemy will have to make an exuse to say what has happened before people realise the Christians were right.
      He will use aliens and abductions to lie to them.
      Have u realised the increasing amount of alien talk and ufo sightings???
      Makes no snese

  • @WildArtistsl
    @WildArtistsl 4 роки тому +6

    I grieve for the lost

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +1

      inclusive of those who believe themselves to be "saved", I hope

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      @HuckFinn You just described how preachers collaborated with southern politicians to keep the Bible Belt from having to enter the 20th and 21st centuries.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      @HuckFinn The Republican National Committee even had a name for it-- "The Southern Strategy", launched during the 1960's. Of course it was just an evolutionary stage of what preceded it, slavery justified by vigorous Bible-thumping while pointing to the sky and yelling "It's the Word of God!" An actual stage maneuver all of us old fogies know. The conspiracy to keep whites enslaved by telling them they're superior and so blame black folks instead of politicians and preachers for their impoverishment, morphed into the "Christian Right" and the "Tea Party", more recently calling themselves "patriots". Not realizing that one of the most famous statements in the English language was approximately "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" and that statement I wholeheartedly agree with.

    • @BombalurinaAI
      @BombalurinaAI 4 роки тому

      I grieve for the ignorant. The people who buy into the Bible without a second thought.

  • @jacksonsnorek7795
    @jacksonsnorek7795 Рік тому +1

    He references a creed but doesn’t say which creed?

    • @Codestud
      @Codestud 6 місяців тому

      Scholars believe that Paul references it in 1 Corinthians 15:3

  • @tomashromnik108
    @tomashromnik108 4 роки тому +5

    So no real evidence. Just faith in people who told a story about Jesus. That's no evidence.

    • @Anapaubeltran
      @Anapaubeltran 4 роки тому

      Dd S why u people do not have even a little bit of faith? He is real, and He changes lives, you should open your mind:)

    • @tomashromnik108
      @tomashromnik108 4 роки тому +2

      @@Anapaubeltran Little children also believe in Santa Claus and he seems to be real for them. Whatever you believe does not mean it is true even it looks like it's true. The reality can be surprisingly different like with the Santa Claus. Having open mind does not mean believing everything and consider it to be true. It's fanaticism and dogmatism.

    • @Anapaubeltran
      @Anapaubeltran 4 роки тому

      Tomáš Hromník Well, that’s santa we are talking about hahah, of course he isn’t real even tho as kids we thought so
      But we are here talking about the only one creator of mankind, flowers, birds, cells, puppies, kittens, beautifully made skies to galaxies, cosmos, the perfect attributes the earth has to sustain life , oxygen, oceans, fish, blood, hearts, intelligent brain, the miracle of birth, the baby slows down its growth exactly at the perfect timing for us not to be a giant baby in our mothers wound, you know? There’s order in this life, and you know it in your heart!
      So yea, he is real, even tho he is an invisible God he has worked in my life in a visible way, and He can do it in yours too!! you should definitely read the Bible, There’s great scientific facts written long time before they were discovered by other scientists :0 so yea it’s pretty coool and interesting!!

    • @tomashromnik108
      @tomashromnik108 4 роки тому

      @@Anapaubeltran Amazing. Santa Claus also works in children's life and they think He is real because of their experience. But is it reliable proof for his existence?
      Yes, The Bible is amazing, but the sad thing about this great book is that there are hundreds and thousands of interpretations of this great book. So which one to choose as the right one? That's my problem with The Bible. There are too many (mis)interpretations and it's hard to understand which one is correct. Of course every one claims that his interpretation of The Bible is the best :D

    • @Anapaubeltran
      @Anapaubeltran 4 роки тому

      Tomáš Hromník well, I can’t interpretate it you know? We as humans are very very unreliable haha, but I always pray before reading it, and I always get a clear message :) it’s pretty beautiful. When I’m struggling with certain topic, that’s a way God can talk to us if you are willing to give it a shot.
      You should definitely try reading it, there are lots of translations, but every one of them tells the same message:
      We are sinners, God is a judge, we need a savior.
      It’s like this: I robbed a bank, and I go to the judge and tell him: Oh I’m sorry I won’t do it again! But see I have done very good things
      The judge will tell you: well good for you, you should, but what are you talking about, the crime has to be punished. You need to go to jail.
      What you need is a savior, that’s Jesus
      He paid our fine, The judge can freely let you go even tho you’re guilty. That’s the message Jesus wants you to know!! You don’t know when you are going to die, and this is eternity we are talking about :0
      It’s like jumping from a plain without a parachute, you don’t just believe in the parachute, but you put it on, the only thing you got to do to receive that gift is
      Repent directly with Jesus and trust him, not your good acts!

  • @OscarQuant87
    @OscarQuant87 4 роки тому +14

    A case for feast of firstfruits my friend 😊

    • @OscarQuant87
      @OscarQuant87 4 роки тому

      @Jesus Is King its the actual biblical holiday Jesus fulfilled through His resurrection. Easter is not biblical and absolutely has nothing to do with our Messiah. But I understand, we've all been misinformed for centuries.

    • @OscarQuant87
      @OscarQuant87 4 роки тому

      @Jesus Is King yea i hear you, but what I'm saying is that Easter isn't found nowhere in the bible. King James scratched out the name Pentecost and replaced it with the word Easter. Easter is a ancient pagan holiday that was adopted by the Catholics and pretty much stamped "Jesus" on it to make it "holy"...if you want to celebrate Gods holidays just read Leviticus 23 and do some research on it brother. I love you God bless.

    • @OscarQuant87
      @OscarQuant87 4 роки тому

      @Jesus Is King sure, but that's not the context or origin of Easter. It all comes down to this....follow mans traditions...or follow Gods ways.....remember, Yeshua rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for placing mans traditions over Gods instructions. Will you be a bible keeper? Or a tradition follower? Gods commands us not to follow into any pagan ways, no if's or but's...God bless

    • @OscarQuant87
      @OscarQuant87 4 роки тому

      @Jesus Is King consider studying the book of Leviticus chapter 23. It lays down the instructions of how to celebrate Gods holidays. Then do some more research on Gods feast days listed in Leviticus 23 and how they symbolize and are fulfilled and also are yet to be fulfilled in Jesus. Yahweh will be pleased.

    • @OscarQuant87
      @OscarQuant87 4 роки тому

      @Jesus Is King Jesus promised that when you become a true disciple of His, He will give you the Holy Spirit that will guide you in all truth. I believe His Spirit will give you the answer to that question eventually. The more you seek God through His Word...the more your eyes will open to His truth. Always remember, God never changes, neither does His Word. Don't let anyone ever convince you that some of God's TRUTH has been abolished, destroyed, done away with, etc etc...i love you man

  • @js.gobinyadav6516
    @js.gobinyadav6516 3 роки тому +1

    Empty tomb? Doesn't mean he raised from death.. It can be stolen this body from tomb that is why tomb is empty.
    Question is if Jesus raised from death why we can't see legit proof in Bible

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      The bible contains STORIES that are CLAIMS. Proof of these claims would have to come from outside the bible, or it would just be a circular reasoning fallacy of 'magic book says so', which works for the Quran, Book of Mormon, or any other religious book. Right?

  • @driftingmelodies
    @driftingmelodies 4 роки тому +12

    Why believers always have evidences which are not evidences by definition? 🤐

    • @Justin2cu
      @Justin2cu 4 роки тому +2

      Religion has nothing to do with spirituality. But Humanity never preserves spirituality without religion. Again, religion spoils spirituality.

    • @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50
      @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50 3 роки тому

      @Matti#1778 my 10 year old son said he’d be willing to help you with your horrible grammar let me know if you want his help.

  • @mikeash7193
    @mikeash7193 4 роки тому +7

    Why does ANY modern man believe this silly nonsense?

    • @prettyme3150
      @prettyme3150 4 роки тому +1

      @Mike Ash. I'll pass the question to you. Why would any nation/people that claim to be superior spread this nonsense to Africa? Now, most of your generation are accepting atheism and again, spreading it to other part of the world. Damn! You can't keep controlling our mind. You can't keep dictating social and religious ideology.
      Anyway, I'm glad they did spread Christianity to Africa. However, we would be glad if you keep your ever-changing ideology to yourself.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +1

      Because they watch television, the most powerful stupefying machine ever invented. Makes heroin look like a "smart drug" by comparison.

    • @beelite9612
      @beelite9612 4 роки тому

      Because it's true. Also it kinda makes people like you take their fingers out of there ears to type something like that out.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +1

      @@beelite9612 Christian apologists who know their stuff, know what's in the Bible and therefore do NOT personally believe Christian theological claims. They're just hypocrite con men. I've exposed about 50 of 'em. Every last one a nonbeliever. Some of 'em are so conflicted that they're controlled by a demon. Provably, even an atheist can watch it and come to that conclusion.
      So, do YOU personally believe the Christian theological claims, especially those pertaining to "the Resurrection of Christ"? Are you volunteer #51?

    • @beelite9612
      @beelite9612 4 роки тому

      @@DavidJohnson-xr2rz excuse me, but to believe in ANYTHING Christian, you must believe Christ is all He says He is. So yeah, I do.

  • @JohnNewby-o8d
    @JohnNewby-o8d 7 днів тому

    What is unusual about Jesus's crucifixion is allowing him to be removed from the cross after death . Romans routinely left the bodies there as an example to others so he would not of been transferred to a tomb as the bible claims. Eyewitness reports of him being resurrected come from the new testament that was written 60 years after his death not by any actual witnesses

  • @Kaylakaze
    @Kaylakaze 4 роки тому +7

    This is so disgusting. This guy HAS to know that he's lying through his teeth, but he does it with such a smile on his face.

    • @myrhh2260
      @myrhh2260 4 роки тому

      Sorry, but what exactly does he benefit from by lying? He is helping lead people towards the love of Jesus, how is that disgusting?

    • @Kaylakaze
      @Kaylakaze 4 роки тому +2

      @@myrhh2260 It's disgusting because he's blatantly lying to line his pockets. He's a grifter.

    • @myrhh2260
      @myrhh2260 4 роки тому +2

      @A Speck Of Spock satan isnt proud of anyone but himself. I use to think just like Kayla, so I understand where shes coming from. The best way to show someone the truth of christ is by living like christ. hopefully one day their hearts may soften to the infinite and perfect love that jesus has for everyone, and that those who are currently struggling with pain, insecurity, depression or anxiety might find true, final peace and refuge for their hurting soul in the love of christ.

    • @Kaylakaze
      @Kaylakaze 4 роки тому

      @A Speck Of Spock Another gullible sucker propping up conmen. Keep being stupid and bigoted. Donald Trump is proud of you.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 4 роки тому

      @@myrhh2260 you need to ask him that, but he lies literally about everything in the video. more than likely his motivation is to make money. he writes books and exploits stupid suckers like you with his fake conversion story.

  • @Wraithknight2
    @Wraithknight2 5 років тому +12

    So many presuppositions...so little time to pick them apart....where are your no fewer than 9 sources inside and outside of the new testament....where are they - the old testament? please...his dishonesty is astounding.

    • @harrywhyte551
      @harrywhyte551 4 роки тому +2

      Old testament didn't include Jesus at all. You are misinformed. He should provide his sources though, he made a lot of claims without sufficient evidence.

  • @mythbuster1483
    @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому +2

    Dr. Robert W. Funk (chairman of the graduate department of religion at Vanderbilt University): "In the absence of hard information, scholars theorize that the New Testament gospels were composed during the last quarter of the first century by third-generation authors on the basis of folk memories preserved in stories that had circulated by word of mouth for decades. The oral stories the four evangelists recorded had been shaped, reshaped, augmented, and edited by numerous storytellers for a half century or more before achieving their final written forms...The written gospels were then copied and recopied, modified, corrected, and augmented for the next century or more before reaching the physical state in which modem scholars know them." - The Acts of Jesus: The Search for the Authentic Deeds of Jesus.

    • @seth5143
      @seth5143 2 роки тому

      Don't forget about Markian authority. God hates stealing so much yet the gospel writers stole from each other.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      @@seth5143 You're well-informed! Some scholars consider Matthew and Luke to be radical edits of Mark. It's amazing that they didn't even bother to write their own story, just take the text by the anonymous author of Mark and add fake birth stories (that contradict each other), fake genealogies (that contradict each other), and fake post-resurrection appearances of Jesus (that contradict each other). What's particularly funny is comparing the empty tomb story in Mark to that in Matthew. Wow! Clearly the author of Matthew was a blatant liar trying to make the story more dramatic.

    • @rocketeightyseven1823
      @rocketeightyseven1823 2 роки тому


  • @inkbythebarrelandpaperbyth6905
    @inkbythebarrelandpaperbyth6905 4 роки тому +9

    Interesting thing I learned about ancient people. They weren't stupid if they were we wouldn't be here talking on UA-cam.

    • @phillipgraf4856
      @phillipgraf4856 3 роки тому +1

      It's called "chronological snobbery" to think we are smarter because we are born at a later time.

  • @LindeeLove
    @LindeeLove 5 років тому +12

    If I had known this is the best evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, I never would have become a Christian when I was a kid.

    • @mremberton7919
      @mremberton7919 5 років тому +3

      Oh there is more way more than mans teachings like evolution. We all believe that and it's a belief.

    • @LindeeLove
      @LindeeLove 5 років тому +1

      @@mremberton7919 I don't understand what you mean.

    • @dannyadams7
      @dannyadams7 4 роки тому +3

      actually there are solid sources for all of the proofs he cited. don't be lazy and look at videos all day.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +1

      @Dd S throes of delusion. ....... The most important thing I learned in life, I learned at the age of 6. And that's that the adult world is governed by delusion. How did I discover that fact? By watching a famous preacher (Archie Word) turn the audience into blithering idiots, and then the money going into the collection box afterwards.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +2

      @@dannyadams7 Danny, read your Bible. The Christian god "Jesus Christ" was dreamed up by Paul, a fellow who never met Jesus, in a series of visions and hearing voices. Paul then claimed that this "Jesus Christ" was one and the same as the Jesus who'd been crucified a few years earlier. And that he Paul was a latecomer apostle of that Jesus. When the real apostles found out what Paul was preaching, they denounced him as a fake apostle and sent emissaries to his churches in Asia Minor to get them straightened out. ...... In short, the proof that the Christian god "Jesus Christ" is a figment of one man's imagination, and not to be identified with the historical Jesus, comes from none other than the guy who dreamed up that god -- Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul.
      In order to be a good apologist, you have to know what's in the Bible. That's why apologists are just bullshitter con men who bamboozle the sheeples in the pews. They don't actually believe that stuff themselves.
      The irony (and the further indictment of the hypocrite con men) is that they know there is sound teaching to be found in the Bible, and they want nothing to do with it.

  • @johnedelmann6711
    @johnedelmann6711 2 роки тому +1

    I really want to believe this to be true, but where are the sources besides a person or a group of people? You know, citations?
    I want to look this up to secure my faith in Christ.

  • @trivetteamy
    @trivetteamy 2 роки тому +4

    Jesus loves you!!

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      Jesus tricked idiots into killing themselves! "And these signs will accompany those who believe...when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all" (Mark 16:17-18). You believe what some anonymous ancient scribes claim that Jesus said, right? What happens when fools believe liars? "A preacher and another leader...died early yesterday after drinking strychnine at a service" - 2 Drink Strychnine At Service and Die In Display of Faith, New York Times. It's not like the Bible is full of lies, right? Dr. Bart Ehrman, Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina: "But good Christian scholars of the Bible, including the top Protestant and Catholic scholars of America, will tell you that THE BIBLE IS FULL OF LIES, even if they refuse to use the term." - Who Wrote The Bible and Why It Matters

  • @sandycarr22
    @sandycarr22 4 роки тому +9

    What eye witnesses?

    • @loganortiz4580
      @loganortiz4580 4 роки тому +3

      @Sandy Carr The ones Paul was _first told about_ and then _mentioned in his first letter to Corinthians._ Let's just ignore the eyewitnesses of Acts, since even most serious bible scholars reckon it's plagiarized and contradictory.

    • @logans.butler285
      @logans.butler285 4 роки тому +3

      @Mauricio Villasante Someone once asked me, then why didn't the Corinthians attempted to confirm Paul's claim about the witnessers? The fact that his letter remained relevant for the Christian doctrine and history works as yet another circunstancial evidence for Christianity.
      But still, it does have some flaws. How could they confirm it to begin with? In any case, everything occurred approximately 20 years after the events, no evidence whatsoever coulda been encountered so, nah 👍
      Oh and if you check the original translations of Corinthians' letter, you'll notice Paul literally stated he was just *told* about those witnessers, he didn't even know who were they or whatever. He does state he saw Jesus by himself as well, but not even the most serious Bible scholars agree on what exactly he meant, was it spiritual or physical? ... Does it even matter?

    • @sandycarr22
      @sandycarr22 4 роки тому +5

      John S. Butler for the bible tells me so...

  • @strumminfuel4625
    @strumminfuel4625 3 роки тому +1

    that's not proof, its an explanation. try telling a judge"I have new evidence your honour, we'll, its more of an explanation of something that I heard happened 2000 years ago.....

  • @swolejeezy2603
    @swolejeezy2603 4 роки тому +20

    “Even Jesus’ opponents admitted the tomb was empty.”
    Who? Where? The only place where Jesus’ enemies “admit” the tomb was empty is in the gospels, explicitly pro-Jesus tractates. Not to mention that the empty tomb is given no prominence by Paul, who seems to not care too much about the resurrection as a historical event, but rather what it implies-God vindicating his holy man.

    • @letruweldonothsa2622
      @letruweldonothsa2622 4 роки тому +7

      I'm a catholic, and that's true. I believe whole heartedly that the new testament is a truthful document, but his argument here is, in a sense, circular.

    • @cowdyimammurrahtabari973
      @cowdyimammurrahtabari973 4 роки тому +6

      @itsasin1969 These mistakes are just simple scibal errors.

    • @cowdyimammurrahtabari973
      @cowdyimammurrahtabari973 4 роки тому +4

      @itsasin1969 What's the point of protecting scribes from doing scibal errors when they don't have any impact?

    • @cowdyimammurrahtabari973
      @cowdyimammurrahtabari973 4 роки тому +2

      @itsasin1969 You don't love your creator. You don't want heaven. You don't deserve heaven and deserve hell.

    • @eig1979
      @eig1979 3 роки тому +1

      @River Scott As TMM points out. ua-cam.com/video/3oPuc0M9F6A/v-deo.html&ab_channel=TMM
      The whole point of crucifixion, is to humiliate the crucifie. They were left there to die slowly, and rot.
      Why would the Roman's allow him a dignified burial, after crucifying him.
      A empty tomb doesn't prove anything one way or the other.

  • @jamesellis701
    @jamesellis701 4 роки тому +15

    Praise Jesus

    • @TheJimtanker
      @TheJimtanker Рік тому


    • @Locutus.Borg.
      @Locutus.Borg. Рік тому

      @@TheJimtanker If you truly knew Him, you wouldn't ask that question.

    • @TheJimtanker
      @TheJimtanker Рік тому

      @@Locutus.Borg. Knew whom? The god that you claim exists? Please provide evidence to support your claim.

  • @noneofyourbusiness153
    @noneofyourbusiness153 4 роки тому +2

    It's a good thing you're not a scientist, because as far as evidence goes... Fucking hell.

  • @andrebrown8969
    @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому +6

    Lies and more lies.

  • @dwo356
    @dwo356 5 років тому +29

    Why do these videos never provide links that we can check out ourselves?
    I'd like a link to the scholars and their evidence about the early eyewitness accounts.
    The only accounts I can find are from the Bible.

    • @ajm6456
      @ajm6456 5 років тому +9

      Ssshhhhee your not supposed to question the religion. /s. Funny enough, a lot of courts worldwide have strict rules on eye witness testimony, but the church is above that as usual.

    • @dwo356
      @dwo356 5 років тому +6

      @@ajm6456 But how could I ever come to know that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior without actual evidence?
      I mean nobody would ever simply believe that based on nothing but a book, right?

    • @ajm6456
      @ajm6456 5 років тому +4

      @@dwo356 My question to all the believers is how do you know which religion to follow? There thousands and thousands of books that one can base their delusions on.

    • @wolfie4733
      @wolfie4733 4 роки тому +1

      @Dd S mate, we can keyboard warrior out here until the end of time. You seem like you want to argue for the sake of arguing but here goes. What I said was that what these historians write points to the fact that the gospels are real historic biographical documents about a person named Jesus and are reliable documents and not works of fictions. You can then judge their content. Beliefs originate from somewhere, so if you conceited the existence of Jesus and the early church then you would need an explanation on why people believed Jesus rose from the dead within the first century. You would need and explanation on why we have four documents which are written by different people in different places in different times in the first century which corroborate and claim that Jesus rose again from the dead. There is your evidence. The evidence is the gospel writers who wrote the gospels and claimed to either have been with Jesus or knew people who had seen/been with Jesus. The evidence is that the people who claimed to have seen Jesus rise again from the dead believed this so much that they died for their belief(some of the apostles/disciples) . Liars make poor martyrs which means they sincerely believed they had seen the risen Jesus. You have again, Paul, the sceptic turned Christian, after an encounter with Jesus, who was killing the early church which also reiterates that Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead in his letter to the Church in Corinth(1 Corinthians 15) and claims he got this information from eyewitnesses as well. When you put all the facts together(like Lee Strobel here did after a year or so of investigation as an atheist) you realise that the only viable explanation is that Jesus was who He claimed to be and that to prove this He died on the cross and resurrected again from the dead 3 days later. and see if his worldview holds up and makes more sense than mine. I went on my own journey of doubt in my faith and spent a long time researching on the subject. Pretty much everyone in the scholarly world who write on this stuff agree on the death of Jesus on the cross(atheists, hindus, agnostics,deists, the american medical journal and so on, (except probably liberal scholars who nobody takes seriously)), then 2/3 of scholars writing on the subject admit the empty tomb. You are simply left with what did the apostles see that convinced them that they had seen the risen Jesus. Christianity stands in the Resurrection, if the Resurrection is true then it is all true. Paul even says that if Jesus did not rise from the dead then we are the most pitied people out of all and we might as well just 'eat and drink for tomorrow we die'(1 Corinthians 15) Lee Strobel is not a scholar, I agree with that, but just because he is not a scholar that does not mean that he does not have sound arguments. Also just because someone spends their whole life studying something that does not mean they are right. How sound the arguments are is what matters. Genetic fallacy much? I do not claim that I have read everybody and Strobel is not my main source but I have read enough to come to the conclusion that what I believe is true. I am comfortable with that because you cant change historical facts. I recommended Lee Strobel to you because it challenges your assumptions(like he did with his own in talking to Christians) and not all people understand scholarly work. You commented here so I assumed that this was the level you were at. But anyway as I said if you take your extreme sceptical view of the historicity of Jesus thats fine, but then you have to apply the same level of scepticism to other historical figures that predated Jesus. Godspeed in denying BC historical figures and first century historical personalities. If we cant assume that Jesus was a real person and analyse what was written about Him just because there are claims of miracles then I am basically wasting my time discussing this. P.S. Why do I believe that the Muslim beliefs are wrong? Simple, I applied the same level of scepticism to the Muslim writings that I applied to the gospels. Mohammed does not even come close in terms of evidence to Jesus. Plus the Quran states that Jesus appears to have died and did not actually die which is plain false. P.P.S. Please lose the belittling attitude when you discuss with people who differ from you in the future:)

    • @wolfie4733
      @wolfie4733 4 роки тому +1

      @Dd S 🙄

  • @johnpro2847
    @johnpro2847 5 місяців тому

    Lee should have stayed with traffic enforcement...his delving into antiquity is leading him down rabbit holes and to highly superstitions conclusions..amen

  • @skyhr
    @skyhr 2 роки тому +4

    Great 2 minute summary!

  • @ravensnightmare9448
    @ravensnightmare9448 2 роки тому +4

    I want the evidence for
    Lee Strobel's PhD in Biblical scholarship.

    • @Nameless-pt6oj
      @Nameless-pt6oj 2 роки тому +1

      He was an investigative journalist, you don’t really need a PhD in biblical studies to find evidence for the resurrection. It’s just a degree, what matters is the arguments. I’ve seen people with PhD degrees making horrific arguments against Christianity.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 2 роки тому

      @@Nameless-pt6oj The foundation of the Christian cult can be summed up as simply "some guy said so". Every Christian will eventually make this claim, and they mistakenly think that absurd supernatural claims by anonymous cult members with NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER is a rational argument. The problem is that the bible isn’t just a bunch of moronic fairy tales---it contains dangerous hate speech that tells credulous fanatics with poor critical thinking skills to murder gays (Lev. 20:13), witches (Exodus 22:18), their own wife and children if they choose another faith (Deut. 13:6-16), women who aren't virgins on their wedding night (Deut 22:13-21) the children & infants of their enemies (1 Sam. 15:2-3), etc. These fanatics are unable to differentiate between some man CLAIMING that god said something, and God actually saying it.

    • @bonesrhodes3762
      @bonesrhodes3762 2 роки тому +5

      --- he hasn't one: he was given an 'honorary doctoral degree' from Southern Evangelical Seminary for his apologetics BS - this guy is a clown

    • @ramigilneas9274
      @ramigilneas9274 Рік тому +5

      Well, the arguments that Strobel presents here are just pathetic.

    • @p.vanslooten5124
      @p.vanslooten5124 Рік тому

      ​@@ramigilneas9274 absolutely not.
      Jesus got murdered, his grave was empty after a few days and over 500 eyewitnesses saw Him alive and even His enemies and people that hated Him wrote about it
      If this is not enough for you then i don't know what is. Oh wait, maybe a photo or video in hd.
      But who's to say it isn't photoshopped or edited.
      What about medical records?
      Ahh shoot, they didn't have those back in the days.
      What we do have is the testimony and witnessaccount of over 500 people. And as Lee Strobel said, the records that wrote about it within months of the happening

  • @PirateRadioPodcasts
    @PirateRadioPodcasts 5 місяців тому

    Physically DEAD?
    N.B. Pilate was SURPRISED how QUICKLY it had taken.

  • @analog9768
    @analog9768 4 роки тому +30

    2:02 "we have no fewer than nine sources inside and outside the new testament..."
    Show me the sources outside the new testament.

    • @logans.butler285
      @logans.butler285 4 роки тому +5

      Not to mention the COUNTLESS apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the Catholic Church worldwide. Why would anyone make up such myths? It just wouldn't have worked. Catholicism must be true then!

    • @magicker8052
      @magicker8052 4 роки тому +6

      @A Speck Of Spock all anyone wants is the truth.. emotions are not relevant

    • @matthewhrmich5350
      @matthewhrmich5350 4 роки тому +12

      @A Speck Of Spock how is this hate? Questioning this is hate? Wow you Christians are sensitive

    • @NA-oc7eq
      @NA-oc7eq 4 роки тому +5

      @Ashish Entertainments (AE) it doesn't speak about jesus

    • @WeirdWonderful
      @WeirdWonderful 3 роки тому +1

      @A Speck Of Spock So him wanting to see the thing Strobel says exists and simply not *trusting him* it does without any additional information is somehow being filled with hate ?

  • @T2revell
    @T2revell 4 роки тому +4

    Wow... the amount of reach and lack of scholarship here is amazing..

  • @AP-di6gu
    @AP-di6gu 5 місяців тому

    5. Angry atheists getting angry over someone whom apparently didn't exist.

  • @nmssis
    @nmssis 5 років тому +47

    how about the actual site of these sources...where can we find those?

    • @ajm6456
      @ajm6456 5 років тому +4

      Why you question him, his iq is 200. /s

    • @nmssis
      @nmssis 5 років тому +3

      to find out what is true...just sayin

    • @Realworlddummy
      @Realworlddummy 4 роки тому +12

      To find out the truth. The source is the Bible. You will see how every event lead to the crucifixion if you start reading Matthew.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому +5

      Apologists are just atheist con men pretending to be otherwise, so they can get their jollies hoodwinking gullibilly Christians.
      There's good solid evidence that there was a historical Jesus, and that he did "resurrect". Apologists are very familiar with that evidence, but THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT IT IS. Because neither Jesus nor the "resurrection" were what the Christian religion claims they were.
      So-- do we have any apologists reading this, someone who ISN'T an atheist con man, who will gladly provide good solid evidence of both a historical Jesus and a historical "resurrection"? Hint: it's stuff that all good apologists are familiar with.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      @Dd S That's true, but I know personally a guy who resurrected while being packed in ice for the morgue. Christian apologists hate the "swoon" theory in detail, because that's exactly what the Gospels describe AND THEY KNOW IT. There are about eight physical resurrections in the Bible, every one of them credible (whether or not actually historical). People back then weren't half a stupid as the people in the pews today. But, they had no "clinically dead" - no clinic. You were either awake, or asleep, or dead. If dead, but not decapitated and not rotting and stinking and not dead for more than three days, you might resurrect. All this is pointed out in the Bible itself. Do you think Christian apologists actually believe their shtick? Nope, they're just as atheist as Richard Carrier, they just like being able to pull clever con games and bamboozle people with bullshit. Fukkin' lyin' hypocrites. I love outing them con men.

  • @usapangchurch917
    @usapangchurch917 4 роки тому +5

    Any link for point 2?

  • @dallasburns677
    @dallasburns677 Рік тому

    The apostolic creed being dated back to months after Jesus’ death literally proves nothing. I don’t even think you can seriously claim that such a creed goes back that far.

  • @maayanburroughs2159
    @maayanburroughs2159 4 роки тому +3

    Yes there have been survivors..come on...even Josephus himself talks about one survivor besides the Jesus story... your answers are so simplists.with no refrences... all historians know that the gospels werene't written by Matthew, Mark etc..there were ngiven names as most greek authors did. And the stories are not consistant about the resurrection..
    Life 76
    And when I was sent by Titus Caesar with Cerealins, and a thousand horsemen, to a certain village called Thecoa, in order to know whether it were a place fit for a camp, as I came back, I saw many captives crucified, and remembered three of them as my former acquaintance. I was very sorry at this in my mind, and went with tears in my eyes to Titus, and told him of them; so he immediately commanded them to be taken down, and to have the greatest care taken of them, in order to their recovery; yet two of them died under the physician’s hands, while the third recovered.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      I see that you have some experience calling bullshit on apologists. Most "atheists" assume that apologists are just ignorant or can't think straight, but the good ones know their stuff. They don't believe the bullshit any more than you do. They're de facto atheist con men. The sound of con man smirk is all over the enterprise.
      That having been said, the Gospel of Mark is on your side. The thing has a history as does John Mark of Cyrene himself. It was written in the early to mid 50's CE by John Mark of Cyrene after he parted ways with Paul and had also figured out that Peter and the other Galilean disciples were a bunch of clueless idiots who "did not understand". When Nazoreans in Alexandria got a copy of Mark's gospel, they sent him a letter telling him to get his butt to Alexandria because they'd just made him bishop of Africa. That's why northern Africa to this very day is called "the See of Mark".
      The Gospel of Mark is history's finest example of the storytelling art. It was the narrative foundation of the other three canonical gospels, and therefore shows up four times in every Christian Bible ever printed. No other story is even in second place. Mark's narrative dramatic sequence is based on the principles of Greek Tragedy, the story of the flawed hero. Who because he was a hero despite being flawed, is the model for us to do what needs to be done despite our flaws and not wait for Superman or a God who obeys our wishes to show up and do it for us.
      You may also be familiar with the Bhavagad-Gita, Hinduism's great story of the flawed hero. That narrative is very different from that of Mark, but the two great stories share the same point: our highest calling in life is to simply do the duty to which circumstances have called us to do.

  • @ConnorByrneDrums
    @ConnorByrneDrums 4 роки тому +10

    The evidence spoken about hasn't been provided unfortunately

  • @bhslefty
    @bhslefty Рік тому

    The resurrection story was written 50 years after Jesus died by unknown authors. No one knows who wrote the gospels. The reason the romans didn't produce the body was because it was 50 years after Jesus died. The disciples or someone had to come up with a story as to why Jesus died. So they said oh he was god and did this and that. No one could say that didn't happen as they were probably dead. Its all hearsay. If Jesus was god then god needed someone to commit a sin for this whole thing to work. god the father needed someone to murder his son/himself to make his "plan" work. A plan the jews knew nothing about and they were supposed to believe a guy saying he was god to everyone which goes against their entire religion. Jesus was a jew and worshiped on saturday. he was circumsized. he didnt eat certain foods. However Paul came along and was like nah you dont have to follow any of those rules. Worship on Sunday, eat whatever you want, dont worry about circumcision. People will believe anything. drink this grape juice and ride the comet. its all nonsense.

  • @StaceyC123
    @StaceyC123 5 років тому +10

    Contradictory fairy tales aren't "evidence", let alone "proof".

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      St. Paul's own writings document the fairy tale. When you read his own account, you'll be left scratching your head "So Paul had a vision of a newfangled god that talked to him. Why should anyone besides Paul himself take it seriously?" There is no such reason.
      To be a competent Christian apologist, you have to at least read the New Testament and paid some attention to what you were reading. That means you know the Christian god "Jesus Christ" is bogus. And that to "defend the faith", the arguments are going to have to be bullshit.
      That's why the arguments false, misleading, irrelevant, everything but true. Apologists are religious con men who don't believe their own shtick. And they're the people who run churches. No wonder that "Churchianity" is such a dumbing-down force -- it's all about churchmen bamboozling the people in the pews with bullshit.

  • @phillipseifert694
    @phillipseifert694 3 роки тому +7

    Big on stories
    Light on evidence

    • @omnipotentlenny
      @omnipotentlenny 3 роки тому


    • @seth5143
      @seth5143 2 роки тому +1

      Welcome to religion. Circular reasoning, confirmation bias, and willful ignorance of what actually constitutes 'evidence'.

    • @il-vit484
      @il-vit484 Рік тому

      We are not God

  • @modelrushfan
    @modelrushfan 5 місяців тому

    Hate when they put music behind a message. It is very distracting.

  • @goaliedude32
    @goaliedude32 5 років тому +21

    This isn't evidence...

    • @justindaron9094
      @justindaron9094 Рік тому

      If it is not evidence, then what is it??

    • @goaliedude32
      @goaliedude32 Рік тому

      ​@@justindaron9094just words. Witness accounts is not enough "evidence" for this kind of claim. The claim is too large to have such weak testimony

    • @justindaron9094
      @justindaron9094 Рік тому

      @@goaliedude32 you are not serious, right?
      Do you understand how any sort of ancient literature “works”?
      Do you disbelieve everything written down in history books?
      And if not, then by what criteria do you use to determine what has been written down as reliable or not?

    • @goaliedude32
      @goaliedude32 Рік тому

      @@justindaron9094 you are not serious, right?
      It doesn't matter what Napoleon did. It's okay if the accounts weren't entirely accurate and even if a lot of the things said. It doesn't exactly effect what people are currently doing on this planet.
      Like yes it shaped the world we live in but it doesn't still influence a significant part of the population in any meaningful way.
      The claims about Napoleon aren't completely out of this world either. The laws of physics need not be broken for anything Napoleon did. They fall within a reasonable range of possibilities.
      I think you're either being dishonest if you're actually arguing that there's nothing special about the story of Jesus compared to other human history.
      It's clearly a very different kind of account of history. Laws of physics were broken. Words are not enough to support such a claim. There HAS to be more. If you don't demand more you are failing.
      It's as if someone wrote down that the most efficient way to cook electronics is to have them completely submersed in water. Operating as though those words are accurate, people would be building devices and keeping them under water. Not doing due diligence to confirm the original claim would lead them to redesign the entire device when it doesn't work. It would continue to fail until the root cause has been addressed. Water is not acceptable to make contact with energized electrical components. The original claim was wrong and it's something we can test and see for ourselves.
      Saying someone was resurrected 2000 years ago does nothing for us right now. We can't inspect it, we can't recreate and test it. It's useless words. Except a majority of human civilization uses that kind of "evidence" to dictate their entire lives. They're effectively running their lives submerged in water for no reason other than they're afraid to challenge the original claim.
      I should not have responded with as much detail to your ridiculous response.

    • @justindaron9094
      @justindaron9094 Рік тому

      @@goaliedude32 why do we even know Napoleon’s name? He was a leader. He did brash things. I believe there are military historians and doctrines that would take you to task on: “Nothing he did really effects us today.” Again, I assume there are some students at West Point that would like to have a word with you.
      You say break the laws of physics, well that is somewhat of the definition of a miracle. However, let’s take a look at just the parting of the Red Sea. The scripture mentions the two towns, on opposite shores, of where the water split.
      We also know that stretch of the Red Sea is by FAR the shallowest stretch of the Red Sea. The scriptures say there there was a strong wind the blew and split the waters. (Not sure if we have actually broken any laws of nature yet.) On top of all that we have chariots at the bottom of said sea, right in the place where they should be. Atheist want to argue that the chariots are from the wrong time period, but have super weak answers for why they are there in the first place.
      Now, more to your point: we are talking about Resurrection. Yes, difficult to prove scientifically, but that’s partly why it’s called faith, right?
      On the scientific note though: what do you make of near death experiences? People who have NDEs and can tell everyone days later the letter and number combinations of operating equipment in the ER room, that you would have only been able to see if you were Soiderman on the ceiling??
      Are you okay with the Criminal Justice system and using circumstantial evidence?? (I mean, that’s what we are really talking about, right?)
      I do appreciate the back and forth m, even if we don’t agree!

  • @willis11of12
    @willis11of12 3 роки тому +17

    It would be nice if he provided citation of any hand written account dated to within months of his death. I am skeptical about this claim that I have never heard of, and it claims to be far better dating than any if the New Testament books written many years, decades, later.

    • @nnennaamaike6330
      @nnennaamaike6330 2 роки тому +4

      Hello Willis. He (Lee ) wrote a book titled "Case for Christ". This book has a lot of references to ancient writings and pieces of work that might be of interest

    • @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50
      @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50 2 роки тому +1

      @@nnennaamaike6330 care to name a few

    • @willis11of12
      @willis11of12 2 роки тому +4

      @@nnennaamaike6330 I'm well aware of the book he wrote, which is how I found this clip. I've searched online for anything like he claims here and found nothing like that to exist. If you are aware of any citation in the book for this or any evidence for it at all, please share. It appears to not be true. Truth is more important than convincing people to believe what you want them to believe is how I look at it. I welcome any true facts you can share it and cite.

    • @Serve24
      @Serve24 2 роки тому

      This video includes the citations (they’re written out explicitly in the information section as well as throughout the video)

    • @Serve24
      @Serve24 2 роки тому

      This video includes the citations (they’re written out explicitly in the information section as well as throughout the video)

  • @LaneS89
    @LaneS89 6 місяців тому

    Curious, you didn't site your sources "inside and outside the New Testament"

  • @josuegonzalez5576
    @josuegonzalez5576 4 роки тому +10

    He forgot the Shroud of Turin.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +5

      That's because the Shroud of Turin is a proven forgery that not even the Catholic Church says is authentic, and is only believed by credulous morons.

    • @InitialPC
      @InitialPC 3 роки тому +1

      @@mythbuster1483 "Is a proven forgery"
      1. The first radiocarbon test saying its from the Middle Ages has since been disproven, the sample used for that test came from a patch made to the Shroud and not the Shroud itself.
      2. Subsequent testing with multiple samples sent to multiple independent labs consistently place the age of the Shroud between 200 BC and 200 AD, the time of Jesus.
      3. We have one source saying Middle Ages, and a dozen others saying 200-200. In the scientific world the one single source saying Middle Ages is what is called an outlier.
      4. To this day the image on the Shroud has not been replicated and that is because the Shroud is not just an image but a photo negative. The closest we have come to replicating it is using high powered UV lights and even then we could not replicate it fully.
      5. The Catholic Church only has authority over Catholic theology and not the entire Christian faith. Other denominations such as Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy reject the authority of the Catholic Church.
      6. The Catholic Church never denied its authenticity, they said they believe it is possible the Shroud is authentic.
      7. "credulous morons" is only used by the arrogant and ignorant such as yourself.

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +3

      @@InitialPC Dr. Antonio Lombatti, Università Popolare, Parma: “In short, not a single (professional) physicist who performs C14 has ever doubted the medieval date of the Turin Shroud. Not a single (professional) Biblical Archaeologist, who has dug Second Temple tombs in Israel, is convinced that the Turin Shroud is a Jewish funerary cloth from the time of Jesus.” - The CNN Shroud of Turin

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +3

      @@InitialPC "628-year-old fake news: Scientists prove Turin Shroud not genuine (again). Forensic analysis of possible bloodstains suggest marks could only have been made by someone adopting different poses, not dead Messiah lying still in tomb before the resurrection" Independent, 2018

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому +2

      @@InitialPC Dr. Michael Martin, professor at Boston University, "However, recent radiocarbon dating of the shroud indicates that it does not date from the first century but from the Middle Ages. This evidence should not come as a surprise to those who have studied its history and the arguments against its authenticity, because there was excellent reason to suppose that the shroud was a forgery prior to its radiocarbon dating. Beside the finding of Walter McCrone, an analytic chemist, that the "blood" was made of artist's pigments, the different accounts of Jesus' burial in the Gospels (for example, the account of John (19:40) suggesting that Jesus was washed and anointed as was the burial custom of the Jews) are difficult to reconcile with the claim that the shroud showed blood stains." The Case Against Christianity, pg 87

  • @lostfan5054
    @lostfan5054 3 роки тому +6

    This is the best you have?
    People believe this nonsense even when this is the best you have????

    • @mythbuster1483
      @mythbuster1483 3 роки тому

      If it says so in a book with a talking snake, talking donkey, 900-year-old men, virgin birth and zombies, written by anonymous, biased cult members, then it MUST be a reliable source, right?

  • @jerometaperman7102
    @jerometaperman7102 Рік тому

    I've been watching a bunch of these kinds of videos lately and they all have one thing in common. All the stuff that they say is evidence is taken from the bible itself. "Here is proof that the story is true: It says it's true right here within the story." How patently baseless can you get?

  • @mam241
    @mam241 4 роки тому +5

    roflll This has triggered the supreme, college educated, free-thinking, skeptic trolls! Who have literally 0 reason to believe george washington ever existed because there is no "proof" according to their specific demand for what "proof" is! 😅

    • @mam241
      @mam241 4 роки тому

      @Arno Exactly !! they freely think about gender on a spectrum!! so factual!

    • @mam241
      @mam241 4 роки тому

      @Arno Yeah man who needs scientifically testable and observable evidence, objective facts, and those STUPID black and white chromosomes!! I'd much rather be viewed by my peers at starbucks as "deep" and "complicated"!! Where my biological identity is on a coloful spectrum, not bound to the binary and takes into account my life experience, my personal unique needs and the vastness of love I have to share with those around me. Pffffff science, math, who needs it! My feelings are my truth!

    • @mam241
      @mam241 4 роки тому

      @Arno NONONO dont you dare quote that stupid iron aged book written by old white guys thousands of years ago!! come back brother!! Come to your sexual and emotional senses!! Remember the bible only said the earth was a suspended floating sphere hundreds of years before that was ever hypothesized!! Job 26:7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in...
      Feelings>Facts brother c'mon dont let me lose you!! Breathe, hold a puppy, experiment with your sexuality, and then die off into eternal nothingness... thats why life is all about! :p

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      @@mam241 This video is all about the resurrection. Christian apologists who know their stuff, the ones who've done their homework and actually read the Bible, don't believe the Christian teaching about the resurrection, or the virgin birth, or "the Bible is the Word of God", etc, etc. They're just con men who get a kick out of bamboozling the sheeples under the steeples, and atheists who don't even know what's in the Bible. Did you hear Lee Strobel say that he personally believes in the supernatural resurrection of the Christian god "Jesus Christ" ? I didn't hear him say that and I don't expect to hear him say it.
      Here's why. www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+15&version=NIV
      You don't believe it yourself, do you?

  • @seldenkid48
    @seldenkid48 2 роки тому

    The Earth is Billions of years old and the Universe is huge. There is no such thing as Heaven and Earth. Grow up.

  • @Steelmage99
    @Steelmage99 4 роки тому +9

    I have yet to meet an honest religious apologist.
    This video didn't change that.

    • @Steelmage99
      @Steelmage99 4 роки тому +2

      @forever belonging What has that got to do with what I just said?
      " just go to God yourself."
      I obviously can't.
      "Hes not a man to lie."
      Says who?
      "Humble your heart and seek him."
      There is nothing humble about thinking, that the creator of the universe listens to me or wants to have a relationship with me. That is monumentally arrogant.

    • @Wyckateer
      @Wyckateer 4 роки тому

      Steelmage99 then try it out for yourself with an open mind and heart (intention) and prove everyone wrong then. It seems like an impossible thought but he created us TO have a relationship with us. Of course he’s listening, as he hears everything. We are important. Seek him and he’ll come to you bro

    • @Steelmage99
      @Steelmage99 4 роки тому +2

      "then try it out for yourself with an open mind and heart (intention) and prove everyone wrong then."
      What makes you think I haven't tried that....?
      Oh, and the "with an open mind and heart" is a transparent and pathetic get-out-of-jail-free card. Please, do better.
      "but he created us TO have a relationship with us"
      I see no evidence of that. I don't even seen any evidence of the Yahweh-entity existing in the first place.
      "Of course he’s listening, as he hears everything."
      Don't talk about attributes, before existence is established.
      "Seek him and he’ll come to you bro"
      What makes you think I haven't tried.....?

    • @Wyckateer
      @Wyckateer 4 роки тому

      Steelmage99 get out of jail free card to do what? i’m telling you to stop going to him with doubts. I know you haven’t tried with your 100% whole existence because he would have come to you in some form. Whether it’s the underlying doubt or the potential stubbornness, i don’t know as i’m not you.
      “i see no evidence in that..........” So the prophets “guessing” the future wasn’t enough?

    • @Wyckateer
      @Wyckateer 4 роки тому

      Steelmage99 existence has been established through the prophets already.

  • @dicliew
    @dicliew 4 роки тому +4

    Jesus dead or alive, not a big deal. The true miracle here is that the comments are not disabled for this video. Very brave.

    • @nathanwalsh6300
      @nathanwalsh6300 4 роки тому +3

      Not really. Many Christian channels have comments open for topics like this. Christians ought to be open to this kind of stuff if it is so strongly believed to be true.

    • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
      @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 4 роки тому

      @@nathanwalsh6300 Yep. Great opportunity to teach by actual demonstration so as to leave no doubt.

  • @dopeydonaldtrump3744
    @dopeydonaldtrump3744 Рік тому

    You do realise that those 'proofs' that you have elucidated, aren't proofs ?

  • @cnault3244
    @cnault3244 4 роки тому +11

    " Virtually every scholar on planet Earth concedes that Jesus was dead after crucifixion. We have no record of anyone, anywhere, ever surviving a full Roman crucifixion. "
    We also have no record ( outside of the Bible) anywhere of any of the miracles claimed in the Bible.
    We also have no record ( outside of the Bible) anywhere of the crucifixion of Christ.
    The second category of evidence is the early accounts we have for the resurrection."
    That is backwards.It is these early accounts of the resurrection that must be proved with evidence. You cannot prove the accounts by saying the accounts are the proof.
    There are empty tombs allover the world. Is each empty tomb evidence that the former occupant was resurrected?
    And the eyewitness accounts are the claims that must be proved.
    "we have no fewer than 9 ancient sources inside and outside the New Testament "
    The ones in the new testament can be dismissed as evidence, since it is those accounts you are trying toprove.They are the claims,not the evidence.
    The ones outside the new testament are not eyewitness accounts, they are accounts relating what the writers have been told happened.

    • @wemuk5170
      @wemuk5170 4 роки тому +1

      C Nault I am a skeptic like you and have read the Koran, read up on Buddhism, Hinduism & Sikhism, etc.
      You could try the one written by a highly skeptical lawyer like myself & see what you think. If you seek the truth, with all your heart, some day, you will find it. Try:

    • @cnault3244
      @cnault3244 4 роки тому +5

      @@wemuk5170 The book is titled "Who moved the stone?"
      There are immediate problems just from the title. The title is claiming there was a tomb with a large stone sealing it BEFORE proving this tomb existed.
      You have to prove the tomb existed and prove there was a large stone sealing it before you need to ask the question of who moved it.
      The only accounts about Christ's tomb are from the gospels,and they all differ considerably.
      Some things the gospels cannot agree on:
      - was the tomb guarded?
      - who were the first visitors to the tomb?
      - what time of day was it when they approached?
      - was the stone in place when they arrived?
      - was there an earthquake?
      - was anyone else there when they arrived?
      Asking "who moved the stone" is like asking "how did Prometheus steal fire from the other gods?"
      You have to prove there is something needing an explanation BEFORE you start speculating or arguing about what the explanation is.

    • @wemuk5170
      @wemuk5170 4 роки тому +1

      C Nault Hi Nault, you are making presumptions, can you not see? You need to read something like the Koran or the Bible with an open mind?
      You cannot criticise very well before you do, either. I learnt Arabic in primary school before I appreciate its beauty but if I keep asking presumptuous questions like you, I would touch neither with a 10-foot pole and would have lost out on a great deal of enjoyment, beauty and the benefit of seeing from where others come, you follow? If you have read both, the quality of your thinking & debating skills will improve immensely.
      Once you have read what you do not agree with, you can then proceed to destroy the assumptions on which they are based. I know this as I was a champion debater in my youth. Old now. 😂
      On a totally different point, that is why I read the Financial Times, the Telegraph, the ‘i’ and the Guardian. When I am too busy, I still stick with the Guardian and FT.

    • @cnault3244
      @cnault3244 4 роки тому +4

      @@wemuk5170 "You need to read something like the Koran or the Bible with an open mind?
      You cannot criticise very well before you do, either."
      Wrong. When the books such as the Bible and Quran make extraordinary claims there is no need to criticize. All I need to do is say "prove it". So far, no one has been able to prove any claim of a miracle has actually happened.
      With no evidence to prove a miracle,there is no reason to believe a miracle occurred.
      "You are making presumptions, can you not see? "
      No.I am rejecting the presumption that there is a tomb somewhere that has us wondering who moved the stone.
      "Once you have read what you do not agree with, you can then proceed to destroy the assumptions on which they are based."
      When the thing you are asking me to read is titled with an unproven assumption, there is no need to proceed.
      If I asked you to read a book I wrote and claimed was true titled "How the leprechauns in my garden killed my tomato plants" do you really think you couldn't dismiss the assumptions before reading the book?

    • @wemuk5170
      @wemuk5170 4 роки тому +1

      C Nault You cannot judge a book by its cover.
      If you do, you will, sooner or later, become a terrible lawyer (if you happen to be one) who will send his clients to the death penalty. Far away in the States, criminal cases have been overturned & lives saved from the ultimate injustice, when you do not judge a book by its cover. Every case, however certain guilt looks must be looked into again & again in depth. Every stone must not be left unturned if you seek to save the defendant’s life, so to speak.
      It is far better to start from a position of either curious ignorance or curious humility than from one of all-knowing confidence or close-minded arrogance.
      The insecure man, woman (religious/atheist/agnostic) will not read the scriptures of the major faiths - lest he be persuaded.
      The lurking fear resides secretly there but he/she will not admit in his/her inadvertent simplicity, ignorance & blindness. He will fight ferociously, earnestly and blindly. Why blindly? It is because he is not well read. He has not read in any depth from all the major sides. He is afraid, & yet sadly, he knows it not.
      From a relatively settled position, I am not afraid to read opposing opinions & articles from left and right wing media. Once a skeptic, always a skeptic.
      That is all I will say, sir.

  • @IIIElijah
    @IIIElijah 4 роки тому +6

    I am the man who on 20th Adar 5777 experienced Malachi Chpt 3. The dead are not alive and the living will never die. I raised my own Mother from death. She was in the middle place when she returned from C.o.p.d narcosis and death. I took her home from palliative care. She lived two yrs as Jonah did. She accepted Christ then returned to FatherSon. I have seen the Father. I meet with Jesus often. He is returning. Read Enoch, Thomas Gospel and Philip. Hidden keys, hidden books.

    • @ballasog
      @ballasog 4 роки тому

      What is dead shall never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.

    • @religionisevil8850
      @religionisevil8850 2 роки тому

      Um, okay?

    • @rasin9391
      @rasin9391 2 роки тому

      press x to doubt

    • @IIIElijah
      @IIIElijah 2 роки тому

      @@rasin9391 Get thee hence Satan.
      Corruption and error made you forgetful.
      You have your reward with you.
      Your family raised a moronic idiot in you.
      Your shame is your honour and badge.
      Your family will forsake you and leave you in a care home to be abused by your Father
      Elijah with Enoch

    • @IIIElijah
      @IIIElijah 2 роки тому

      @@ballasog Many are dead already having never truly been alive.