How NOT to FIX an UGLY lawn during summer



  • @matthewfsharp
    @matthewfsharp Рік тому +9

    The battle of lawn care without herbicides is tough, really tough.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +1

      haha for sure mate, I really could have used some for this lawn.

  • @prattler26
    @prattler26 2 місяці тому +1

    This is your best video ever! Real!
    I think the lesson is to only seed an area that can be covered by a sprinkler and an automatic timer.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  2 місяці тому

      Thanks mate, appreciate it 🙏
      100% agree, seed only the areas you can be sure of you can keep moist

  • @CKillit
    @CKillit Рік тому +1

    Much respect to you for mastering ways to keep your lawn pristine without the use of herbicides. Can’t imagine taking care of a lawn without it. I’m realizing what we take for granted here in the States. Keep spreading that positive energy brother 👏👏

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Thanks man, appreciate it. It is a challenge sometimes but you do what you have to do right :)

  • @twn6426
    @twn6426 Рік тому +1

    I have heard from a expert that our lawn is in hibernation, your welcome to resurrect that once your are done with your in-laws lawn. ;-)
    Keep up the good work! 👍🏻

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Haha, lätt! 🥳🤙🏼

  • @steveg7739
    @steveg7739 Рік тому +1

    Nice video Sam, like you, we’ve had record high temperatures in the south of the UK, and now a looming hose pipe ban, I tried some fescue on my lawn and hardly any of it took. Gonna wait till the end of the month and then scalp it, scarify and over seed… keep the videos coming buddy 👍

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Hey Steve, yeah it's crazy out there, can't barely walk outside during the day, just too hot. But next week we are having some lower temps and even some rain, if the forecast holds. Thought I would try to overseed then. Kinda have to start, especially with fescu since it takes so long to establish. I bet when colder weather does come it will do so with a vengeance 😂
      Let me know how you progress with your overseeding mate.

  • @colinmitchell8135
    @colinmitchell8135 Рік тому +1

    Great video thanks 🙏

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Hey Colin, thanks a lot dude, appreciate it :)

  • @wayneessar7489
    @wayneessar7489 Рік тому +2

    There is information on Barenburg's website suggesting clover doesn't like acidic soil....maybe no lime and fertilizer like Ammonium sulphate might be helpful.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +2

      Read that too and the soil test I did showed that my in laws had a ph of 7.5 so that would explain why clover likes it so much.

    • @wayneessar7489
      @wayneessar7489 Рік тому

      @@SamsLawn It is hard to go downwards!

  • @lucymoazzo3097
    @lucymoazzo3097 Рік тому +1

    I loved your video! All of them actually. I am also planning to scarify and overseed in late September, in Greece it is still hot in September and we all have underground irrigation installed. I am really looking forward to see the results after you overseed again. I do it every autumn and it works fine. Weeds are a different story.
    I don't like using herbicides so I am in a constant fight with them manually 😁 Thanks for your videos!

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +1

      Hey Lucy, wow thanks a lot, appreciate it 🙏
      I was in Rhodes last month, loved going around watching warm season grass, the only idiot in Rhodes looking at the grass 😅
      What kind of grass do you have? Cool season or warm?
      Underground irrigation would be awesome, so jealous, maybe maybe next year 😁
      Thanks again Lucy.

    • @lucymoazzo3097
      @lucymoazzo3097 Рік тому +1

      I have cool season grass. A mix of fescue, rye and blue grass...also some crabgrass, nutsedge and clover 😎

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +1

      @@lucymoazzo3097 haha sounds good, as long as it's green 😜😅

  • @GB-go6gp
    @GB-go6gp Рік тому +1

    Sam, thanks for another great video ! You're right about watering the grass seed. I live in Auburn in Washington State (the NW corner of the US), and whenever I seed, I have to make sure the ground is damp, as well as the grass, after it sprouts. That doesn't affect my vacation, because I'm retired. What all that watering does affect is my wallet ! Even though I live in a wet part of the US, with plenty of snow melt, my water bill is very high.
    Keep your videos coming !

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Hey mate, yeah I can imagine the water bill goes up, thankfully water isn't that expensive over here, at least I don't think so, guess it's relative. Hopefully we get some rain in the coming months, really would like to fix this lawn 😁
      Appreciate your support 🙏

  • @amit_dhami
    @amit_dhami Рік тому +1

    I couldn’t imagine lawn renovation without herbicide like glyphosate. All the best!
    And, I tell people that grass is just dormant, don’t do anything. Wait for fall season temperature and rains to come back, it’ll be back to it’s glory again. Anyways, my grass never goes dormant even without watering.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Hey Amit, well it sure would have made things easier, but since it is illegal to use here, not much of a choice :)
      Do you do anything special to your lawn during summer to keep it out of dormancy?

    • @amit_dhami
      @amit_dhami Рік тому +1

      @@SamsLawn First of course, lawn is very healthy because of good lawn care habits. Apart from this I mow it tall, at least 4 inches. Roots are shaded and grass blade preserve water better as water just doesn’t evaporate from clay soil.

  • @gaurasrspublishing
    @gaurasrspublishing Рік тому +1

    No problem here though, like you say really unusually hot and very very dry summer; so simple overseed a little later when this weather breaks and it will look fine.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Yeah I think it's going to be just fine as soon as the weather cools off a bit, hopefully I can show a nice lawn at the end of the next reno video :D

  • @Arietje
    @Arietje Рік тому

    I'm also wondering if the grass will be able to grow in the new sand above the old grass? It could be a disruptive layer

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Hmm, good question dude. I can't imagine that it would be an issue since this has a lot of regular soil in it and not just sand, but who knows. I guess we will find out in September. Maybe I release a second fail video :D

  • @keneil01
    @keneil01 Рік тому +1

    Jeg tror vi alle opplever både oppturer og nedturer. Fint at du deler begge! For min del så har vi ikke hatt noe sommer - kun konstant regn - Veldig mye regn :(

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +1

      Tjena Kenneth, jasså? Trodde hela Europa hade torka och sol, vet inte vad jag hade föredragit, gräsnörden i mig vill säga regn, meeeen det har ändå varit trevligt med så mycket sol :)

  • @znailzzz
    @znailzzz Рік тому +1

    When are you planning for the reseed? I've read that you want at least 6 weeks before the frost, and that's last week in August for me.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +2

      Hey mate, I am planning for late August or beginning of September. There is always a risk, especially with KBG and fescue since they take so long to establish, but I would rather cover 100% with new seeds and have some of it die off during winter, than leaving it bare until spring, weeds will just take over that way

  • @Mannertheman
    @Mannertheman Рік тому +1

    Går det bra att göra samma process men närmare hösten?Men tanke på svalare väder och förhoppningsvis mindre bevattning?

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Tjena, absolut, det är nog till och med mer fördelaktigt, jag fixade min egen matta under våren så det blev så sent när vi fixade svärfars och sen kom värmeböljan. Så kör till hösten och du kan följa samma process.

  • @typisknorsk1
    @typisknorsk1 Рік тому +1

    Hva heter trommelen du bruker 11:08 i videoen? Forstår ikke helt hva det er du kaller den. Bestilte gittervals hörby på bauhaus i håp om at dette var samme, men denne har ikke noe luke å putte toppdressing i 🙈 googler nok en gang masse norske sider men finner ikke noe som ligner.

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +1

      Tjena, det är en Landzie, dyr grej att köpa men gör saker och ting så mycket lättare och smidigare. ALLA lånar den av mig just nu, släkt och vänner 😅
      Gjorde en video om den för några månader sedan om du vill se lite mer hur den fungerar 😊

  • @slimjdidi
    @slimjdidi Рік тому +2

    Vart ifrån köpte du jord ? Pris?

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому

      Tjena Slim, jag köpte från rodenåkarna, kostade 3200 för 2.5 ton, plus tillägg för kranbil för att få över den över buskarna. Är inte billigt att få jord fraktat. Har man möjlighet att åka och hämta blir det ca hälften skulle jag tro.

  • @lisah6076
    @lisah6076 Рік тому +1

    What about natural weed killers and summer isn't a good time to reseed 😊 Good job anyway

    • @SamsLawn
      @SamsLawn  Рік тому +1

      Hey Lisa! haha yep, but usually we don't get that high consistent temps, caught me a bit by surprise :) next time I will be more careful ;)