Did he run out of bullets? What the hell is he doing tying the hogs up that way, you already caught them....I'm confused, help me understand what going on?
I have to agree...I am also a hunter. I'm not sure what he is trying to do, but if it's just pest eradication, then quickly dispatch the wildlife in a humane manner. It's what the Native Americans did
Sadistic? How? The hogs are not injured hanging that way. They will tire out quickly and have no lasting injury any more than a leg snare burn. They won’t be banging their heads against the trap until they have lacerations and a whole lot of blood loss. Maybe even fracturing their jaw if you have never observed wild hogs in a metal trap. This way the trapper has time to prepare them any way he wants. Maika’i hana pa’a pua’a ahiu.
Wow! Good job my friend.🤩🤩🤩
Did he run out of bullets? What the hell is he doing tying the hogs up that way, you already caught them....I'm confused, help me understand what going on?
Props brotha, it takes serious strength to lift those fighting hogs that way!
I have been a hunter for 30 years, this is totally unnecessary and a pointless exercise that just creates needless trauma
marvin warren Agreed!
I have to agree...I am also a hunter. I'm not sure what he is trying to do, but if it's just pest eradication, then quickly dispatch the wildlife in a humane manner. It's what the Native Americans did
Im a Hunter also this is insane!!!
Im a farmer........this is just plain stupid. I thought....they were suppose to be shot on sight ???
Aí caboclo bruto💪👏👏👍
Caboclo bruto é quando pega com a mão
That’s funny. It looks like he got them by the sack. Lol
If that was a upgrade.......I'd love to see the original.
Kool vlog love it Lol
But this video is incomplete. What became of the pigs?
Bruh I could trap a pig in a parking lot in Hawaii they’re everywhere
Takticool yessah. . Hawaii they get No where to go. Harder here in Florida.
Strong dude...pulled the pig as if nothing.
Very nice 👍
Что красивого придурок?
Porqué no de los comen?
This is torture, not pest control.
It is cruel this wild Animals much better than that man with rope.
Don't be disrespectful with animals. No need to make them suffer.
David Rojas Elbirt they all suffered. Don’t eat meat.
Why this cruelty ? It’s a disgusting way to kill them.
Для чего он это сделал?
он кастрирует их, и отпускает набирать вес на природе.
Some people pay money to have that done to them....
That was the most cruel treatment of an animal I think I've ever seen!
I wouldn't mind seeing this clip IF you FREAKIN' roped him PROPERLY! EDGIT
Far soffrire cosi un animale è una cosa abominevole
Yes.man your. Boss
Tu conhece oq faz parabéns
Se llama maltrato animal y hay que prohibirlo y darle al autor un castigo ejemplar, que se acuerde toda su jodida vida ⛔
Cant imagine if the guy felt
can't see how this is necessary don't look well handled to me
Sadistic? How? The hogs are not injured hanging that way. They will tire out quickly and have no lasting injury any more than a leg snare burn. They won’t be banging their heads against the trap until they have lacerations and a whole lot of blood loss. Maybe even fracturing their jaw if you have never observed wild hogs in a metal trap. This way the trapper has time to prepare them any way he wants. Maika’i hana pa’a pua’a ahiu.
maddad621 try doing that to yourselves
maddad621 ou ever been to a hog slaughter house? Worse than that. Next time you eat any kind of meat,think about it.
Even if the hog was injured fuc anybody that doesn't understand,, go watch television or something else it's that simple
maddad621 1
Must an easier why to do this!!!
Coisa de quem não tem o Qui fazer mesmo
Omg that was funny as f$$%$$ nice
The skills exibited in this video were wanting compared to the earlier version of 8.47 minutes.
Chamar por isso você vai ver
왜 이런 방법을 쓰나요? 그냥 고통없이 보내면 안되나요....
이제 잡아먹습니까?
Next upgrade is essential I guess.
왜 저러는 걸까요? 말이라도 좀 하면서 끈으로 묶으시지ㅠ
Omg that body of yours 🤤😍😍😍
We love bacon😋
No es fasil trabajar solo asi cn estos animale xq son peligrosos adememas uno se puede resfalar y hay te puede lastimar
ну и зачем поймал?) сожрать...поржать?)
Niyə kəsirsən yetimçə yazığun gəlmir.
Trapping eh, 2 ez......
Fazer sofrer não né... sem noção
Leberwurst und Blutwurst
الخواجه معلق الدبايح عنده عشاء
Что написал амэ ???
hello do you wanna look my animals :)))
carajo q hace?
Es cacería compa, puede ser para vender su carne, para consumirla él mismo o para disecar los o para adornos como trofeo, ¿para que los usarías tú?
얘들 우짜노ㅋ!
그냥 잡아 먹지 저리 묶어 놓으면 살 빠졋 맛 없을듯..
Jams last
Vou chamar a polícia você vai ver
Kkkkkkkkk essa. Foi boa
This is animal cruelty. You can do it without animal cruelty. You should do that.
Gue. Horror deixa os animais em paz. 😟😟😟😟😔😔😔😔😔👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😭
QUE coño hace el tipo ese?
Das ist scheiße hör auf da mit das macht Mann nicht
This is reprehensible.🤬
what a fu... sadist and amateur. I hope he will fall in his cage ! Shame on you
Yeah, there's better ways to do it. If only there was a computer site where you could watch videos of people using different methods of catching hogs.
Stfu pussy ppl are suposed to kill them dumbass