I am glad I watched this video, I didn’t know Colonel Atnafu was such a courageous, principled, non-violent and educated officer and gentleman. I used to think he was like Mengistu, the then brutal, poorly educated and pigheaded leader of the Derg. Colonel Atnafu himself was unfortunately one of the hundreds of thousands of people Mengistu murdered in broad light. The fact that no one dared to ask Mengistu why Colonel Atnafu was murdered is a tragic commentary on how hypocritical, servile and cowardly the members of the Derg like Feseha Desta and Wogderese were. Yet they have tried so hard to have us believe that they were revolutionaries although they did not have the guts to utter a word in protest when one of their comrades was snatched from them and brutally murdered. Incredible as it might seem, Colonel Atnafu’s crime for which he was convicted, sentenced and executed by the Devil Incarnate Mengistu was expressing his opinions and convictions at a meeting. Such was the enormity of the injustice, inhumanity and cruelty perpetrated against the peoples of Ethiopia by the Derg.
no matter what, Atenafu involved in the killings of 60 officials without a due process of law. therefore, he was criminal no lesser than mingestu in that.
No questions, these tugs without any plan they overthrow the functioning government of course with some problems which could have been corrected by shuffling the cabinet and keeping the monarchy as a rubber stamp. Ethiopia is paying the price for all these uneducated, blood thirsty sh I rt shortsigntedness.
If I got a one day power leading Ethiopia, I will wipe out all of those marxists who dragged our country hundred years back. Because of those arrogants we living in hell today.
The flute music in the background is so distracting that listening to the interview is hard. It is very loud. Normally, background music is soft and not loud. The idea of loud music as a background may have been done by someone who is unprofessional and unskilled man who has no idea about music.
They wiped out two generations. The 60 ministers and the half a million youth during "Red Terror." I wish they describe them as they were terrorists so that the new generation know them.
Ante madtawesha anbebhe new yehe sew gen be amrow yemyeastawesewn new yetnagerw gen melkamenetun tengerwal mesgana newere hone malte new tarik le ethiopia teret hone beka miskinoche .....
ጀግናው አጥናፉ አባተ ፋሽሽት ደርግን ማመኑ ይገርማል የዘሩትን አጨዱ ዘሩ ይባረክ ።
ይህን ቃለመጠይቅ ሰሰማ የባሰ ያናደኛል፣እዚህ ግባ በማይባል ምክንያት ነው የገደሉት ማለት ነው።እናንተ ልጆቹ ደግሞ ተልካሻ ምክንያት አትደርድሩ ፣ዛሬ ለረከሰ ዩንቨርስቲ በማታም፣በርቀትም ተምራችሁ ዲግሪ ይዛችሁ ጥሩ ሥራ ያዙ፣ካልቻላችሁ እውጭ ውጡ፣ሾፌር ምናምን አትበሉ።የእሳት ልጅ አመድ አትሁኑ።
የሆነ ሆኖ ሁሉም የእጁን አግኝቷል አጥናፉ የተባለውም ንጉሠ ነገሥቱን አራተኛ ክፍለ ጦር የታሠሩበት ክፍል ገብቶ አንተ ጥንብ ሽማግሌ ስዊዝ የስቀመጥከውን ገንዘብ ኮዱን አምጣ እያለ ሲያሰቃያቸው እንደነበረ ከቻምየለህ ታምሩ በማስረጃ አስደግፎ አስነብቦናል
@@zeleketeklue2483 ደግ አረገ
@@zeleketeklue2483 ውሸትክን ነው
What a producer! This id the nan who put transparency to the the truth story which i have lived through! Thamk you Ati Tesfaye of the Yahoo!
የኢትዮጵያ ወታደር በማለት ይስተካከል.
ዘመኑ መጥፎ ነበር ማለት ይሻላል። የመቀዳደም ነገር ነው የሆነው። እነ ተፈሪና ሞገስ እንዲሁም አለማየሁ ኢህአፓ ደርግ ውስጥ አሥርጋ ያስገባችበት ሁኔታ ነበር። ባይቀድማቸው መንግሥቱን አይምሩትም እላለሁ። አጥናፉ ያነሳው ሃሳብ እውነትም ጊዜውን መጠበቅ ነበረበት ነገር ግን ለግድያ አያበቃም። ብቻውን ነው ምንም የሚያመጣው ጉዳት አልነበረም። አምባሳደር አድርጎ ልኮ ቢያንስ ልጆቹን እንኳን እያሳደገ እንዲኖር ማድረግ ነበረበት።
I am glad I watched this video, I didn’t know Colonel Atnafu was such a courageous, principled, non-violent and educated officer and gentleman. I used to think he was like Mengistu, the then brutal, poorly educated and pigheaded leader of the Derg. Colonel Atnafu himself was unfortunately one of the hundreds of thousands of people Mengistu murdered in broad light. The fact that no one dared to ask Mengistu why Colonel Atnafu was murdered is a tragic commentary on how hypocritical, servile and cowardly the members of the Derg like Feseha Desta and Wogderese were. Yet they have tried so hard to have us believe that they were revolutionaries although they did not have the guts to utter a word in protest when one of their comrades was snatched from them and brutally murdered. Incredible as it might seem, Colonel Atnafu’s crime for which he was convicted, sentenced and executed by the Devil Incarnate Mengistu was expressing his opinions and convictions at a meeting. Such was the enormity of the injustice, inhumanity and cruelty perpetrated against the peoples of Ethiopia by the Derg.
ምንም አላማ ሳይዝ አገራችንን ለዚህ ሁሉ ምስቅልቅል የዳረጋትን ደርግ የፈጠረ፡ የንፁሃንን ግድያ እንኳ ማስቆም ያልቻለን የደርጉ ዋና ባለስልጣን ከደሙ ንፁህ ሊሆን አይችልም።
እኔ ያልገባኝ ልጆቹ ወታደር ታጋይ ወይ የፖለቲካ ተሳትፎዋቸው ምን ነበር? እድሜያቸውስ? እውነት አባታቸው እንዲህ በጥላቻ ይሰብካቸው ነበር ወይስ ምን ? በወቅቱ የነበሩትን መኮንኖች እስከማበሻቀት ደርሶ እሚያናግር እውቀት ነበራቸው? አይመስለኝም
Sekaram Nachew Lejochu Endemtalachew Afachen Mekefetu
የአጥናፉ ልጆች ዝም በለዉ ነው የሚዘባርቁት
ራሻና ኩባ ኢትዮጵያን ባይረዱ ኖሮ የሶማሌ መቆሚያ አዳማ ነበር እናም ኮ/ፍሥሃ ያለወቅቱ ነው ያሉት ትክክል ነው።
Surafel ,you were my classmate 4th grade felege yordanos krinchaf .long time.may your father RIP.
"አምጥተን ገደልናቸው " 😡 Ethiopia አሳፋሪ ሀገር ናት!
መንጌ ሰው በላ ነው ያን ሁሉ ሰው ጨርሶ እንዴት ይተኛ ይሆን ግን በቁም እየው ሲለው ነው እድሜው የረዘመው መሞትኮ ግልግል ነው ግን በቁሙ በፍርሀት መኖር መኖር አይበለው በልጁ አየው በሽተኛ ወልዳ
ከትግሬ ደርግ ይሻላል የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት ልጅ ከኮሪያ
no matter what, Atenafu involved in the killings of 60 officials without a due process of law. therefore, he was criminal no lesser than mingestu in that.
No questions, these tugs without any plan they overthrow the functioning government of course with some problems which could have been corrected by shuffling the cabinet and keeping the monarchy as a rubber stamp. Ethiopia is paying the price for all these uneducated, blood thirsty sh I rt shortsigntedness.
እናንተ ልጆች የአጥናፉን ገዳዮች ተከታትላችሁ መበቀል አለባችሁ፣ሁሌ ይቆጨኛል አገዳደሉ።እኒያ ሰውበላዎች ሀሳብ አቀረብክ በማለት ነው የገደሉት ማለት ነው ።ስንቱን ፈጁት፣አቡነቴዎፍሎስን ጨምሮ።
You have also a brother called Tedros who went to Menlik Secondary School and I remember he was telling me the way Mengistu killed Atnafu .
one of the top butcher after mengestu.....
Story is interested but z background music kills it so plzz stop z music next time
ይገርማል ሀሳብ ማቅረብም ያስ ገድል ነበር።
መንግሥቱ እና የሱ ጓደኞች ሰውበላወች ነበሩ፣የገዛ ጓደኛውን አጥናፉን የገደሉ።
The back ground music was unnecessary. Very annoying.
all of them including Mr Atenafu are responsiple .
ሰው የፈለገውን ሀሳብ ቢያቀርብ መገደል የለበትም :: ደርግ የወጠጤዎች ስብስብ ስለሆነ እንጂ ዝም ብሎ ሰው በመግደል ምን ትርፍ ሊገኝ ይችላል?
Atnafu was no saint. He signed the death sentence of the 60 former officials and General Aman Andom. Execution without trial. Karma
አጥናፉ የእጁን ነው ያገኘው ይህ ደንቆሮ 60 አባቶቻችን ያስገደለ ዕብድ ነው።
Teddy Amhara Ende Abey Ahmed yelehum alneberkum le malet eko new
ሀይለሥላሴ እንኳን ገደሉት፣እነበላይን የገደለ፣ለሰይጣን የሚገብር አስማተኛ ነበረ።
ፈሳም ቅራቅቦ ደቆሮ ለራስህ
If I got a one day power leading Ethiopia, I will wipe out all of those marxists who dragged our country hundred years back. Because of those arrogants we living in hell today.
menegesetu yehene hulu gefe serto fetare lemene marewe? deme yetemawe aremene newi
መንግስቱ ባይፈጥን ናሮ አገሪቱ የኢሃፓና የሱማሌ ጅልንፎች አሽከር ትሆን ነበር።
ተመጣጣኝ እርምጃ ሊወሰድ እየተቻለ፡ መገደሉ ሊወገዝ ቢገባም፡ ኣጥናፉ ግን ልክ ኣልነበረም። የውጭና የውስጥ ሃይሎች ኣቋም ሲታይ የሚያዋጣ ኣልነበረም።
The flute music in the background is so distracting that listening to the interview is hard. It is very loud. Normally, background music is soft and not loud. The idea of loud music as a background may have been done by someone who is unprofessional and unskilled man who has no idea about music.
Yonas gugsa, agree with you. This the weakness of the editor.
Poor presentation and the background music so annoying you can't focused on the story. I left after 3 min. Very poor & unprofessional documentary
አጥናፉ አባተ ራሽያኖች ሲገቡ በሕይወት አልነበሩም አትዋሽ ሱራፌል
One of the minister was my cousin,,,Fiseha and all Derg are the criminals
Really? How about TPLF
የምታሳራጨው ያለሄውን ታሪክ ትክክል ኣይደለም። የሃጸ ሃይለ ስላሰ ስርዓት መውደቅ እና የደርግ ስርኣት መምጣት ንቅንቁ የተነሳው በሁለተኛ ክፍለጦር ኤርትራ በነበረ ሰራዊት ነበር። ምናልባ የጀረናል ተሾመ እርገቱ ሁኔታ ሊሆን ይችላል።
They all have blood in their hands.
አጥናፉ አባተ. ያ ንጉሰ ነገስቱ ላይ በቅናት የደበነ አይጥ የኦነግ አሽከር, እንኳን አፈር በላ ❗️እግዚያብሄር ነፍሱን አይማረው ❗️ደሞ ልጆቹ አባት አለን ብለው ሊያወሩ ነው ❗️🤭
አጥናፉ አባተ እኮ ጎጃሜ ነው እንዴት ነው ኦነግ የሚሆነው ? 😂 አይ አለማወቅ
All are criminal mafia gangsters
They wiped out two generations. The 60 ministers and the half a million youth during "Red Terror." I wish they describe them as they were terrorists so that the new generation know them.
Wushetam Atnafu Abate Nigus Hailselassie Ermija yiwesdibachew bilo yefermebet debedabe ale eko.
ሀይለሥላሴን እንኳን ገደሉት ይህ አስማተኛ፣ሰይጣን አምላኪ።
I hate that 'Washint'
Ante madtawesha anbebhe new yehe sew gen be amrow yemyeastawesewn new yetnagerw gen melkamenetun tengerwal mesgana newere hone malte new tarik le ethiopia teret hone beka miskinoche .....
ደርግ ወታደር የለውም ዶማ ሁሁሉ
የኢትዮጵያ ወታደር የነበረው የደርግ ስልጣን አስጠባቂ ሆነ። ደንቆሮ ወታደሮች የሚመሩት መንግስት አገሩን ለአገር አፍራሾች አስረክቦ ራሱም ከገነባው መናኛ የወታደር ክምር ጋር ፈረሰ። ይኸው ነው የደርግ ታሪክ።
የትኛው ነው የኢትዮጵያ ወታደር የሚባለው አንተ ግማታሙ
እርኩስ አጥናፉ አባተ የወጣቱ ደም ይፍረድብህ
ሁላችሁም ውሸታሞች በደም የተጨማለቃችሁ ሌቦች እግዚአብሔር ፍርዳችሁን ይስጣችው ምድረ ሌባ
The evil people ever