tebarek wendimie ...ye ethiopia hizib wishet new yelemedew. ye wishet tarik be ye metshafu tej biet eyetezegaje yibetenal hizbu sayatara yikebelal. lielam tarikoch endezih new yemiwashut.
Really sad the guy became a pente ,eventhough tht is his right but promoting the religion at the expense of colonel atnafu is a crime.Atnafu abate was a hero , honest and innocent man.
Colonel atnafu was a visionary man he just told to his collegues derg members socialism does not wirk 4 Ethiopia. At tht time every intellectual was advocating socialism.SImply mengistu and derge killed him bcz he told them the truth . Colonel atnafu was the one who had been instrumental to lead the derge , eventually to grab the power from the emperor.
The guy is lying, Atnafu abate was a dedicated orthodox ., his wife also an orthodox woman , she was the best friend of mengistus' wife weyzero webanchi a very dedicated orthodox woman
ante gin gazetegna neh weys ?menfesawi.... ye Egzhaberin sew gabize esu mawrat yefelegew sile Eyesus bicha new ... anet demosile abatu....min ayinet sew neh...Geta mastawal yistiki...ante gin ye Egzhaberin sewchi megabezi yelebikim eshi
በጣም የምወደው ፕሮግራም ተባረኩልኝ
የምታቀርቡት ምስክርእነት በሀይማኖት የላላውን ያበረታታል ቀጥሉበት ፣ያጥናፉ አባተ ልጅ በመቅረቡ ደስ ብሎናል መንግስቱ ሀይለማሪያም ሰው በላ ጭራቅ ነበር
I love the journalist I can tell he so humbled and sweet God bless you bro
ይቅርታ በንጉሱ ዘመን ክልክል አልነበረም ንጉሱ እኮ ቢሊግራሃምን አግኝተዋቸዋል ዩትዩብ ላይ አለ። ብዙ ሚሽበሪዎችን ት /ቤቶች እንዲከፍቱ ፈቅደው አስገብተው ነው በየክ/ሃገሮቹ ያስተማሩት።
Thank you for noticing from the interview. These shits don't get satisfied unless HIM is being defamed.
በንጉሱ ሳይሆን በደርግ ጊዜ ነበር ክልክል የነበረው የፕሮተስታንት እምነት
እግዚአብሔር ፀጋውን ያብዛልህ
እንኳን ጌታን አገኛችሁ ስለ እሳቸው በሌላ ፕሮግራም ሰምቼ ነበር
Beneberebachew chigir gebtachihu yehonal Pente yaderegachwachew !!! Pente ye seytan derjit new...wede orthodox endimelesu entselyalen !!
Pente ye Geta telat new..ye sodom degafi new..Pente ye ethiopia afrash new.
I can’t hear your voice, pleases fix. When you ask him I can’t hear what questions you ask him. Other than that everything is good. GOD bless you!!!
😄 የሰውን ዘር በጅምላ ለመጨረስ ተንበርክኮ በፀሎት መጀመር ይገርማል። የእግዚአብሔር ፍርድ አይዘገይምና ሁሉም የእጃቸውን አግኝተዋል የቀሩትም ከዚህ አያመልጡም።
tebarek wendimie ...ye ethiopia hizib wishet new yelemedew. ye wishet tarik be ye metshafu tej biet eyetezegaje yibetenal hizbu sayatara yikebelal. lielam tarikoch endezih new yemiwashut.
God bless you brother,thanks God you become servant of the Lord,not servant of Derg.
Jesus is Lord!!
Pente is not servant of Jesus..Pente is servant of money and wealth..orthodox is truth and Ethiopian Christians life.
Wow what a great news but Your father was a hero
Ene oromo negn amhara ayidelehoum finfine ye oromo nate
beyezemenu hagerechin lay gif yiseral egizabiher yikiryibelen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
አንዴ ኮሎኔል አንዴ ሻለቃ ይላል አዘጋጁ እንዴት ነው?
Abo tebeji bedatam shele
Apostle betam dese belogal selayehu
ye Egzhaber sew tiru teyaki algetemewhum Eiji bizu ayawreaw neger neberw sile Eyesus....gazetegnaw gin zim bilo yizeberkal......
min yeegziabher sew nachihu pentewich ? pente seytan hodam new...@@tigesttadesse1293
Really sad the guy became a pente ,eventhough tht is his right but promoting the religion at the expense of colonel atnafu is a crime.Atnafu abate was a hero , honest and innocent man.
lol that was really funny Shalka Atnafu wife hung up the phone on Colonial Mengistu Haimarime. Kkkkkkkk. will make me laugh until eternity.
ለካስ ኡውነታቹ ነው አብይ አብይ የምትሉ የድርግ ልጆች ናቹ ከመከላክልያ ጎን ነን የገዳይ ልጆች በሃይማኖት ነጋዴዎች የለጥ ግዜ ትላለህ እንዴ የድም መፍሰስ ግዜ ነው የኑጉሳቹ የአብይ ዘመን
እረኛ ❤
እኔ የሠለጥሁት አባቱ ባቋቋመው የጦር ካምፕ በስሙ በሚጠራው ቦታ ነው ።
Hasetega nebeyatoch endememetu belesegenane yemesebeku endememetu bemegelete yenegeren yehew eyayenew yalenewen hulu kememetatachew befet yenegeren new
ኡኡቴ እንዲህም አድርጎ ጸሎተኛ የለም! 60ዎቹን የአገር ባለውለታዎች ከመንግስቱ ጋር ቀርጥፎ የበላ ጃንሆይን አንተ እያለ አበሻቅጦ እንዲገደሉ ያደረገ ነብሳ በላ እጥናፌ አባተ ነው! የእጁንነው ያገኘው
የአጥናፉ ቤተሰብ ጎጃሜ ስንት ገዳማት ካሉበት ቦታ መጥተው ጴንጤ ሆኑ ? shame shame . ያሳፍራል
ድምፅ ይስተካከል ።
Abo tebeji shermuta shele
Colonel atnafu was a visionary man he just told to his collegues derg members socialism does not wirk 4 Ethiopia. At tht time every intellectual was advocating socialism.SImply mengistu and derge killed him bcz he told them the truth .
Colonel atnafu was the one who
had been instrumental to lead the derge , eventually to grab the power from the emperor.
tililiki ye Egzhaber sewchin eyakerebikachew..gin yemititeykewn atawkim ..min aynet gazetegna nehi
The guy is lying, Atnafu abate was a dedicated orthodox ., his wife also an orthodox woman , she was the best friend of mengistus' wife weyzero webanchi a very dedicated orthodox woman
Yeteyakiwe demetse ayisemame
Orthodox በሰይጣን እምያምነው???
Ene oromo negn amhara ayidelehoum finfine ye oromo nate
ካለአንተ በስተቀር በሰይጣን የሚያምን ኢትዮጵያዊ የለም፣ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ክርስቲያን፣ ከካቶሊክና ከቤንጤ ቀድሞ የነበረ ነው።
@@negagetachew974 ጌታው እኔም እኮ እንደዛ ነው ያልኩት don't get me wrong
ante gin gazetegna neh weys ?menfesawi.... ye Egzhaberin sew gabize esu mawrat yefelegew sile Eyesus bicha new ... anet demosile abatu....min ayinet sew neh...Geta mastawal yistiki...ante gin ye Egzhaberin sewchi megabezi yelebikim eshi
Programu eko ye Pente mesbekya ayidelem !!!
Ene oromo negn amhara ayidelehoum finfine ye oromo nate
Your father was a killer
We can t forget Haylslase cabnet
Your father killed them
Pls dont tell me that reading bible
አቤት ውሸት እግዚያብሔር አናገረኝ ትላለህ
Endet ato telewal hawareya eko new enkanem esu ayedelem hasetegochem nebey tebelewal
Ene oromo negn amhara ayidelehoum finfine ye oromo nate
ምን ጴንጤን ብርቅ አረጋችሁት!! ተዉ እንጂ! የክርስትና ኪሳራ አይደል ምንድን ነው ዶግማዉ! 123 ብለህ ግለጽ ሀይማኖት ካለህ።።።
ye betekirstiyan midia lemin tatabibalki ...tarkimeteyeki kefeleki ..wed alemaw midia lemin athedim...ye Egzhaberin sewchi eyeteraki..yemit zebarki.? demo ato yibalal ageligay min aynet sew neh ?
Geta Eyesu yibarki Aposte.. yetwild abat neh
ፕሮግራምሽን ያዘብሽ?