Thanks for sharing the brilliant documentary. Generation after generation, it's too bad the "revolution" continues to cost too many precious lives, lost for nothing.
Very exaggerated drama. Does it attract you to listen to this? should’ve been like News not the same AMARA=GURA . Good for nothing all of them. Too much talk no action.=AMARA. Eritrean & Ppl of Tigray = action and result.
Action for what? To be fighting each other with in 5 years and continue a cold war for 30 years. Eritrean and Tigray are the same good for nothing war mongers. No difference.
ልዩ ጉዳይ፡-
- አብዮተኞቹና አሳዛኙ መጨረሻቸው፤
- ተስፋዬ ደበሳይ፣ ሀይሌ ፊዳ፣ ብርሀነመስቀል ረዳ፤
- የአብዮቱ ዘመን ትዝታዎች፤
- አብዮት በዩኒቨርስቲው ግቢ፤
- አብዮት የበላቸው አብዮተኞች፤
ሙሉ ክፍል
Can 667f😅😊😅😅😅😅😅 26:48 a 555055c
ለአሁኑ ቀውስ የመሠረት ድንጋይ ናቸው ::
እስከ ጥፋታቸው ከዚህ ከእኔ ትውልድ በብዙ እጥፍ የተሻሉ ነበሩ
Thanks for sharing the brilliant documentary.
Generation after generation, it's too bad the "revolution" continues to cost too many precious lives, lost for nothing.
Ye Guder lencha. I am so proud of you Abdeta. Your blood was shed not in vain.
አነዝያ አብዮት ሲያካሂዱ ነዉ የአሁን ጊዜ ልጆችና ስህማግልዎች ግን ምንም ሳ ያውቁ ነው የሚጨፈ ጨፉት
ወጣቱን የፈጀው መኢሶን ነበር ።ደርግ ተባባሪ ነው ።
ከ አሁኑ ጊዜ የባሰ የለም
U are wrong. Thier rank was not from 1st to 3rd. Probably they were between 10th to 15th in rank.
በክፍል ክፍል ቆራርጣችሁ አቅርቡ። በአንድ ጊዜ 3:48:13 ይደብራል።
ፎቶዎቹ ከንባቡ ጋር አይሄድም
ፎቶዎቹ ከንባቡ ጋር ባይሄድሎትም ከሚነበበው ታሪክ ከወቅት ወይም ከዘመኑ ጋር ይሃዳል ።
ካሀዲዎቹ አሉና እርምጃ መውሰድ አይደንቅም
ከሀዲው ማነው?
Why do talk like that? Ayamrim
በበዝባዡ መንግሥት የተገደለው ጥላሁን መሆኑን ሁሉም ይወቀው እየተባለም ይዜም ነበር ፡፡ ያ ዘመን አሁን ፀፀት ሆኖብኛል ዋ ያዘመን አለ ፈ ኢትዮጵያ ያሁኑ ባሳት ድሮ ደሀ እየበላ እየጠጣ ነዉ ፡ የአሁኖቹ በረሀብና በማፈናቀል እየጨረሱት ነዉ ፡፡
Very exaggerated drama. Does it attract you to listen to this? should’ve been like News not the same AMARA=GURA . Good for nothing all of them. Too much talk no action.=AMARA.
Eritrean & Ppl of Tigray = action and result.
Action for what? To be fighting each other with in 5 years and continue a cold war for 30 years. Eritrean and Tigray are the same good for nothing war mongers. No difference.
ደደብ የድሀ ልጅ ዛሬም ስለ አማራ ታወራለህ እስኪ በልተህ እደር መጀመሪያ