This legendary boon the increase your chance to find fish in each chamber by 20% is a fix one i think... maybe it is not... but i got it in every safe file shortly after unlocking the fishing... so i think its a "story given boon" in this point.
Five types of run: "Well I guess I'm using the cast now :T" "I just want to chill in the lava to reset cos my dps sucks" "I sneezed and killed the minotaur because my dps is so high" "This is my sixth death defiance I bought from Charon wells but at least I'm going to beat hades" "There is no way I'm getting to hades but at least I can buy a diamond from the last Charon shop" Bonus sixth run: "They gave me continuous shot hammer for the bow in the first room and I'm living my best life"
My run technique is wildly dash around and hit everything with the twin fists while getting as many centaur hearts as possible and using Cerberus’s collar, it’s my most successful technique so far, I also usually go for Poseidon, ares, or Zeus boons
@@wrenwhite8402 that's pretty much how I beat Hades for the first time... I wanna say I play more sophisticated these days, but sometimes.. Sometimes you just wanna mash buttons
Thanks to my underperforming computer, I constantly crash the game and instead of considering it a loss or saving it, the game resets the run, so with enough crashes I started to predict layouts and rewards. Using this knowledge and unfathomable patience (saving the game and rebooting the computer after every room) I managed to perfect my most sucessful build up to date: Adamant rail, Infinite Chamber, Explosive Fire, Support Fire, Pressure Points, Heartbreak Strike (Weak) and Blight Flourish (Poison) to trigger Privileged Status, Clean Kill, Heart Rend, that one Hermes boon to attack fast and some other stuff I forgot (also I poked a little cast on the bosses for the increased damage). I destroyed everything in my path with the wrath of a million projectiles, even Lord Hades himself perished before the might of Stationary Machinegun Turret Zagreus... But there was still one foe who could not be beaten by arrows or bullets, the game crash I lost the run, lost most of my sanity and yote some stuff out the window. Moral of the story: update your video card driver
I mean i completed the run around 3 times on my day of purchase ( with OP zagreus runs ) but he hsd to act like the game was finished. So the only god of chance is the developer and when they'll finish the game ( though it's supergiant and they are fairly reputable so lets see )
I guess lately I have preferred the open ended runs, I would like to think any given seed has the potential to win a run and just roll with it and make good decisions. I had a spear special run in mind last night and it ended up as a privileged status run with a massive cast, never even picked up a special, its amazing how much a run can change.
All In runs almost sound like a challenge, high opportunity cost, but highly satisfying if suceeded. Thanks for this video, looks like so much editing! Looks really good and slick
The biggest numbers I ever got was from Nemesis sword + World Splitter mod + Aphrodite attack + bonus damage on weak enemies + Artemis bonus crit damage + Artemis / Aphrodite duo boon (crits deal more damage to weak enemies) + epic Chaos attack buff. Also I managed to upgrade the Aphrodite attack boon to Heroic via Eurydice. My single attacks were critting for around 1300-1500.
I just had my first successful escape with the shield and the Zeus aspect. I primarily used Zeus, and Athena for lightning and deflects. Seeking arrows and critical effects from Artemis were nice as well. Lots of range with the shield and because it takes a while to come back to you, you can have it follow you and hit enemies while you’re running around dodging everything.
Yesterday I was running cosmic egg and wasn’t expecting to even fight hades just wanted to collect as much loot as I could and save up coins and maybe buy titan blood but it somehow ended super well with me running into patroclus giving 2 death defies and then in the 4th region the saytr bag was in the last room so I just spent my coins on a Hermès boon with doge chance of 20%, before I had faced hades twice the first time dying to his first faze and the second dying to him with a really good build(in my standards with 2 revives and a Achilles spear build) and I went into the fight thinking I would die but actually ended up beating hades for the first time after my 19th run
I understand that your duo/legendary runs have a specific boon in mind from the start, but in general I've found all my highest power duo legendary runs start as open ended runs, since you still have all God keepsakes available after tartarus, and can double up on whatever you stumbled upon there. I've had runs punish me by barely offering me boons from the God whose keepsake I started the run with.
It's true, sometimes a run really doesn't come together. It often seems like you are being pushed towards some gods and not others. I think it's because I make videos that I like to test things out and try out new types of builds. In order to have that level of control I almost always take the god keepsakes.
I am late on this, but I just started playing about a week ago, and it has consumed my life, I am slowing down now though that I have kinda done everything I really wanted to try to do. I'd say a type of run for me is the weapon run, like picking a weapon and it's an aspect and than kinda building around that, like if I want to play Chaos shield I go in hoping to get a very solid special, and I really like going after chaos rifts for special damage, and going for hammers to upgrade the speed of the charge, I feel like once you have all of that the run is just pretty much done. A hard one that I have that really lowers my fun in the game is when I really want to do something and the games rng is like nope we really want you to go this other way, I have a lot more fun if I just let it ride and just pick strong stuff.
For my runs I just do the amount of heat I need to to get the next bounties. I already have all the prophecies done so now just getting more supply's for future updates
0:54 Open ended- just sorta go wherever the wind takes you. 2:26 All In- Plume or Butterfly runs. 5:56 Duo/Legend- Just try and fo for a certain duo or legendary boon ya like. 9:47 Farming- Use Poseidon/Chaos to try and get Gems/Darkness. Using a Dark Thirst weapon also helps. 11:53 Big Numbers- Just... big numbers. Try for the highest number.
nice video,i go with the pierced butterfly most of my runs :) ,clean kill is the artemis boon that gives you extra crit dmg and also priviliged status mirror upgrade is great for big numbers! cheers
When using the shield, you can get higher damage with Beowulf aspect, if you get the Chaos boon or Charon item that gives you one more cast. You just have to equip all your casts to your shield.
I really like The Athena/Demeter Duo with the mirror setting to give you, rather than 3 death defiance, the extra chance per room as of late. Got a lot of chill with my lasers and the chill explosion buff with chill on my Guan Yu so I was basically an Ice cold farmer the whole run haha.
Then there is the "perfectionist collector" run, a.k.a. "lets try to get all boons from ONE SINGLE GOD!!!" (I managed with Dyonisus and the fists of Malfor, I called tis build "THE PUNCH-DRUNK" xD) Also, there is a greek goddess of chance, Tyche, the Goddess of Luck, called Fortuna by the romans.
My first run with the rail ever, I got some sort of combination that was putting my special at over 2000 when it crit. I got all the way to Lord Hades, which was the farthest I'd been before.
Got my first win about a week ago on my 28th attempt. I escaped with the Shield Of Chaos and paired alot of doom from Ares and some deflect from Athena with Artemis's call. I had the most impenetrable defense and played a cautious methodical game against Hades. It felt sooooooooo satisfying to finally drop him in phase 2 of the fight, the best I've ever done prior was maybe dealing 25% damage and then dying. Shield OP
Hey man, just noticed that you had a Patreon in this vid. I'd love to support you if I was in a better spot than I am right now, but I'm sure others will be! Feel free to plug it during your runs sometimes as it may go unnoticed.
Hazard Bomb and Targeting System for the Adamant Rail upgrades are the easiest way for big numbers game. it's easy to reach 1K damage (without crit) using those two and damage boost boons from the Gods and Chaos.
I was wondering if you either tested or knew about this but, if you have Zagreus Aspect (sword) and Flurry Slash and hold down attack it will do 2 sword swaps, but if while holding down attack and start pressing your cast button as fast as you can it makes you attack way faster.
I actually quite like the zeus special upgrade with the chaos shield. Because the base damage is so low, % increases are kinda meh, but the lightning bolt hits on every shield, and then if you get the double strike upgrades it's made for some really easy runs.
I usually always go for a duo boons, my only complaint is sometimes I feel like I don't get enough boons early on, or as you know you don't get the attack, special, dash or cast that you are searching for. Many times I feel that when I get to asphodel I will usually always get 2 Hermes throughout the level, but if Im wearing a specific keep sake I notice I only get one of the boons to even spawn. I did just get to where I start with 6 of the fated authority's so that has been some help. I always have the Hades gamepedia pulled up so I can see what I need for each duo boon. Sometimes I can get 2 or 3 in a run which is nice, most of the time the it wont be all together until the end rooms. Im trying to do runs now to see how early on in the escape I can acquire a duo. I've have a few pretty good luck runs but lately it seems that its not giving me the correct choices or rarity of the boons
I also had a run the other day where I got 2 epic favor boons from master chaos. I was stoked, i think one was 26% and the other I got late was I want say 31%. I've been picking the egg in the beginning hoping for gates to spawn
@@JawlessPaul Onky made it to 9%, Elysium Fields are beyond me running unscathed. But that was unraveled, with Achilles aspecf I mzde if to over 10%, and the second biome is pretty hard to no hit because of how often the special oveeshoots into lava. Bet I could make 20% with the gloves if I work at it, get the right boons and play super safe.
More analytical content! PS I saw the legendary chaos boon the other day. It was pretty neato. Edit: I feel like they should change butterfly to let you keep the bonus if you switch it out. To me this would open more strategic options when selecting when to change your trinket. Thoughts?
idk how high it can truly go, but if you use Black Shawl on the shield, and get lucky on hammers and get Minotaur rush and the upgrade that turns it into a range blast you can easily hit hit 4 digits with a crit
The pierced butterfly… It’s super handy to force you to learn to play better, but the boon is meh. If I play very carefully, and very skillfully, I will have a +60% damage boost by the end. Or I can just take the Ares pin and he’ll show up in the first chamber and say “hey, I heard you like damage, here’s +100%”
My favorite run is hestia rail special with eris aspect. Still haven't maxed it but like i said in previous video i think. I had deadly flourish heroic level 13 and heart rend. Plus a 118% chaos boon for added special damage. Got almost 12k damage from a rocket bomb cluster bomb upgrade. I hp skipped asterius and i 2 shotted 2nd phase hades. Also had heroic special speed from Hermes. Also a completed 32 heat hestia. Lastly im pretty sure chaos boons dont stack anymore
I just beat Hades the firs time with Chaos Shield, Hangover on my special and Doom on my attacks, Athena cast and Aphrodite Call. I tried using the Arrow and Rail Gun once but I died against the fury both times 😂😂
I've been trying spear and bow for my 32 heat runs but bosses really screw me over. I haven't done much shield upgrades but would you suggest I try to learn it if I want to be successful at the higher heats?
Well, it sounds like our playstyles are super different. I really struggle with spear and bow, but if those are your best weapons then I would keep trying with those. I feel the shield is the strongest weapon, especially chaos aspect. The ability to block when needed followed by a charge knockback attack is so strong. Chaos aspect then gives you a massive burst of damage after the charge. It just gets ridiculous.
@@JawlessPaul I'm going to give it a shot for a few runs, im bleeding titans blood anyway lol. Worst case scenario I don't do well with the shield BUT I gain an crap ton of resources during my heat runs! Good luck on your retrys!
The best boons to have with the Bow are Dyonisus, especialy with Chiron or Rama aspects since they allow you to focus your fire on one target, so you can quickly stacks Hangover to the max. Basicaly go with Dyonisus's trinket, get the hangover on your special as soon as possible and Pome the hell out of it. You will be poisoning your enemies so much they will pretty much die on their own. For the hammer, its important to get the one that gives more arrows to your special, and with Chiron, the one that replaces the power shot to continuous shot helps setting up the "Homing" on the special faster. Remember: you have time to shoot 3 specials before the homing target fades. As for Rama, the pain split lasts 8 seconds, and even if the target is alone, he takes bonus damage.
@@JawlessPaul first time I tried it I ran out of death defiances and had one HP left once I reached Hades' second phase. And through the second phase I literally just dodged every attack even if it seemed like I'll get hit lol. It was very funny
I'm 50 runs in and I haven't even beaten Hades yet. I have the mirror all unlocked and mostly maxed out but I still find it hard not to take damage on the last 2 areas (Elisium and the final one). Could you please make a video with comprehensive tutorial explaining when to dash attack and when to commit to an attack (you stay in the same spot). Basically make a video on how to take very little damage on the later stages. Thank you.
Athena dash is very helpful for that as well as splash dash. Splash dash does amazing damage and keeps the poisoners away from you... I'll try and think about a video to cover that...
i usually use the bow with hera aspect , with the rose keepsake and gwet aphros cast asap it turns the low range cast into a long range burst and i load all my casts into one attack and i can one hit ko most enemies. i also try to get Zeus aspect on my attack with the curse so the attacks hurts other enemies. then i either get Posiden's dash or athena's dash though i say my bow runs are crazy with that multicast attack lol
@@JawlessPaul it was mostly through trial and error lol you dont want demeter cast with Hera lmao im planning to try a dionysys/aphrodite build or aphro/ares just to get doom with my weak how crazy that would be
Do you follow any speed runs or try them yourself? Also, do you have any specific favorite runs? Like going for Doom on Chaos Shield, or Artemis on Chiron Bow. I tried the Doom on Chaos Shield the other day, but Ares refused to give me the special, so I went with Doom on Attack and got the Pulverizing Blow (2 swings, no push) from Hammer. That went pretty well and earned me my first sub 20 minute run. That was real fun, but made me think that the Shield might be OP - a bit. But that may very well just be bias...
I am definitely not a speed runner so I didn't really include it, but I love watching. Haelians speedruns! You can learn a lot from watching them! Shield is pretty amazing right now!
@@JawlessPaul bruh, I did exactly what you said, and beat him on my 38th attempt. My life now feels complete. Then I got another run with an ares boon that inflicted doom with attack, and I had the machine gun (I can’t remember the name), but your input was greatly appreciate.
Big Fans! I just started this game and stumbled upon your guides! Enjoyed it very much. Thanks!! But i got a question. Am still beginner. Almost kill the Hades. Can you tell me what i can do next to be more efficient? Should i start over with hell mode? Is it gonna be very hard? And when can is start doing farming run?
Hey! Don't worry about hell mode. It doesn't really have anything you can't find in a regular mode save. Just start adding to the pact of punishment and get some bounties for weapon aspects and keepsakes
I do have a hell mode save file I've been playing for my livestreams, but I don't play it too much. Budget cuts are pretty annoying, and it's the main reason I wouldn't want to play hell mode all the time.
@@JawlessPaul alright. Thank you so much. I'll make a normal savefile to play on. I assume u can upgrade alot of stuff in the Mirror to pretty high without budget cuts
Death defiance is better 90% of the time. At high heat stubborn defiance can be great, but it's not as good in my opinion because a miniboss or a boss room often claims 2 or more death defiances, so if all you have is one the run is over.
@@mauronaranjoorlando9236 Basically, all of the regular aspects are unlocked when you have the weapons and you get to the hades fight. For the legendary aspect you have to talk to an NPC. Beowulf = Chaos, Lucifer = Zeus, Rama = Artemis, Guan Yu = Achilles, Arthur = Nyx. It may take a while before they give you the words to unlock though. I hope that helps! Persistence is key! Keep talking to everyone when they have !s over their heads.
Any way to get the companions ive exhaused all conversations with Meg, Nyx, Hades, and Sisyphus and Boldy and have them all at 6 hearts and I still cant get Nyx to tell me where the scroll is x.x
Cory, I wish I could help, but there are some seriously twisty dialogue trees. If it persists you might submit a bug report to supergiant on their discord
Totally! Have you checked out my guide video playlist? I think one of the early videos goes over that basics! Let me know if there is specific stuff you are interested in learning about!
Yeah, I started with your full run guide video and you were talking about heat and moving pretty fast. I'm slowly starting to get it though. Trying to get through my first clear right now.
I usually rage quit games like this. But Hades is so much fun. I feel like I'm terrible at this game though. 170 runs and still no Hades kill. My RNG is always horrible. I completely destroyed Theseus and The Minotaur last night with a good Rail Gun build but once i get to Hades he completely destroyed me. Seems like Doom damage is nerfed for him.
It isn't nerfed. I think the most important thing is to stay away from his big swing. Once he swings there is a brief window where he just stands there. Just need more practice! You'll get it!
@@JawlessPaul OH DANG! JP himself replied! I feel honored you took the time to personally reply. thanks for the advice, I will try that. I'm at 170 attempts and no Hades kills. Loving the Rail Gun build you suggested. Got me the closest I've ever been to beating him. Thsnks again JawlessPaul for the reply. You made my day!
Poseidon once gave me a legendary boon as soon as I started the run to increase my chance to find fish in each chamber by 20%. I'll say it paid off.
It's great when you are building up your resources! Fishing is such a nice diversion
This legendary boon the increase your chance to find fish in each chamber by 20% is a fix one i think... maybe it is not... but i got it in every safe file shortly after unlocking the fishing... so i think its a "story given boon" in this point.
I purged this one for ~500 coins and unlocked a not expected achievement with it
Five types of run:
"Well I guess I'm using the cast now :T"
"I just want to chill in the lava to reset cos my dps sucks"
"I sneezed and killed the minotaur because my dps is so high"
"This is my sixth death defiance I bought from Charon wells but at least I'm going to beat hades"
"There is no way I'm getting to hades but at least I can buy a diamond from the last Charon shop"
Bonus sixth run:
"They gave me continuous shot hammer for the bow in the first room and I'm living my best life"
Actually i allways try to save enough gold to buy the diamond or titan blood if i am confident i can beat theseus and can reach the last stage...
This is...... surprisingly accurate
My run technique is wildly dash around and hit everything with the twin fists while getting as many centaur hearts as possible and using Cerberus’s collar, it’s my most successful technique so far, I also usually go for Poseidon, ares, or Zeus boons
@@wrenwhite8402 that's pretty much how I beat Hades for the first time... I wanna say I play more sophisticated these days, but sometimes.. Sometimes you just wanna mash buttons
@@wrenwhite8402 you should try getting Athena attack for the fists. It’s super nice
There is a god of chance, it's RNGesus.
@Nebelworfer From a literal standpoint, the goddess of fortune/prosperity/chance was Tyche...
...but RNGesus is obviously better
@@Disembow1280 *gives nectur to Tyche*
I always thought it was spelled RNGsus
@@Disembow1280 or Fortuna in the Roman pantheon
Thanks to my underperforming computer, I constantly crash the game and instead of considering it a loss or saving it, the game resets the run, so with enough crashes I started to predict layouts and rewards. Using this knowledge and unfathomable patience (saving the game and rebooting the computer after every room) I managed to perfect my most sucessful build up to date:
Adamant rail, Infinite Chamber, Explosive Fire, Support Fire, Pressure Points, Heartbreak Strike (Weak) and Blight Flourish (Poison) to trigger Privileged Status, Clean Kill, Heart Rend, that one Hermes boon to attack fast and some other stuff I forgot (also I poked a little cast on the bosses for the increased damage).
I destroyed everything in my path with the wrath of a million projectiles, even Lord Hades himself perished before the might of Stationary Machinegun Turret Zagreus...
But there was still one foe who could not be beaten by arrows or bullets, the game crash
I lost the run, lost most of my sanity and yote some stuff out the window. Moral of the story: update your video card driver
That is crazy! I've done similar things trying to squeeze every last drop of value out of a rig.
Edge of tomorrow be like
8:15 Zagreus is the god of chance. He keeps hoping theres a chance he'll get out
In Roman mythology, there is the goddess Fortuna for chance, but I don't think she has a Greek equivalent.
@@Rognik The more you know! 🌈
I mean i completed the run around 3 times on my day of purchase ( with OP zagreus runs ) but he hsd to act like the game was finished.
So the only god of chance is the developer and when they'll finish the game ( though it's supergiant and they are fairly reputable so lets see )
@@Rognik Tyche is the greek equivalent.
I've finally bit the bullet of learning more about this game by doing more than just playing it and these videos have been a huge help.
I guess lately I have preferred the open ended runs, I would like to think any given seed has the potential to win a run and just roll with it and make good decisions.
I had a spear special run in mind last night and it ended up as a privileged status run with a massive cast, never even picked up a special, its amazing how much a run can change.
All In runs almost sound like a challenge, high opportunity cost, but highly satisfying if suceeded.
Thanks for this video, looks like so much editing! Looks really good and slick
This is a better guide than most of the ACTUAL new player guides
The biggest numbers I ever got was from Nemesis sword + World Splitter mod + Aphrodite attack + bonus damage on weak enemies + Artemis bonus crit damage + Artemis / Aphrodite duo boon (crits deal more damage to weak enemies) + epic Chaos attack buff. Also I managed to upgrade the Aphrodite attack boon to Heroic via Eurydice. My single attacks were critting for around 1300-1500.
@Go Fork Yourself well it IS a pretty compelling video game! 🤣
I mean you get that with hestia using just an attack buff and arty attack boon
Thanks for all the great information. It's really helped my runs be smoother and more successful. Keep up the great work and awesome content!
Glad to hear it!
I just had my first successful escape with the shield and the Zeus aspect. I primarily used Zeus, and Athena for lightning and deflects. Seeking arrows and critical effects from Artemis were nice as well. Lots of range with the shield and because it takes a while to come back to you, you can have it follow you and hit enemies while you’re running around dodging everything.
Yesterday I was running cosmic egg and wasn’t expecting to even fight hades just wanted to collect as much loot as I could and save up coins and maybe buy titan blood but it somehow ended super well with me running into patroclus giving 2 death defies and then in the 4th region the saytr bag was in the last room so I just spent my coins on a Hermès boon with doge chance of 20%, before I had faced hades twice the first time dying to his first faze and the second dying to him with a really good build(in my standards with 2 revives and a Achilles spear build) and I went into the fight thinking I would die but actually ended up beating hades for the first time after my 19th run
Nice work!!
Doge chance? Sounds OP AF
I also hope to beat Hades, but maybe another 200 runs before I do. I suck at this game.
@@britking I beat it on my 3rd try, you can do it
I like this video. The breakdown in types of runs is really a nice starting point for decisions to make. Thanks!
I understand that your duo/legendary runs have a specific boon in mind from the start, but in general I've found all my highest power duo legendary runs start as open ended runs, since you still have all God keepsakes available after tartarus, and can double up on whatever you stumbled upon there. I've had runs punish me by barely offering me boons from the God whose keepsake I started the run with.
It's true, sometimes a run really doesn't come together. It often seems like you are being pushed towards some gods and not others. I think it's because I make videos that I like to test things out and try out new types of builds. In order to have that level of control I almost always take the god keepsakes.
I am late on this, but I just started playing about a week ago, and it has consumed my life, I am slowing down now though that I have kinda done everything I really wanted to try to do. I'd say a type of run for me is the weapon run, like picking a weapon and it's an aspect and than kinda building around that, like if I want to play Chaos shield I go in hoping to get a very solid special, and I really like going after chaos rifts for special damage, and going for hammers to upgrade the speed of the charge, I feel like once you have all of that the run is just pretty much done. A hard one that I have that really lowers my fun in the game is when I really want to do something and the games rng is like nope we really want you to go this other way, I have a lot more fun if I just let it ride and just pick strong stuff.
Definitely! Both can be fun!
For my runs I just do the amount of heat I need to to get the next bounties. I already have all the prophecies done so now just getting more supply's for future updates
0:54 Open ended- just sorta go wherever the wind takes you.
2:26 All In- Plume or Butterfly runs.
5:56 Duo/Legend- Just try and fo for a certain duo or legendary boon ya like.
9:47 Farming- Use Poseidon/Chaos to try and get Gems/Darkness. Using a Dark Thirst weapon also helps.
11:53 Big Numbers- Just... big numbers. Try for the highest number.
Thanks for putting this together!
nice video,i go with the pierced butterfly most of my runs :) ,clean kill is the artemis boon that gives you extra crit dmg and also priviliged status mirror upgrade is great for big numbers! cheers
When using the shield, you can get higher damage with Beowulf aspect, if you get the Chaos boon or Charon item that gives you one more cast. You just have to equip all your casts to your shield.
Indeed... I don't believe beowulf existed in the game when I made this video...
I really like The Athena/Demeter Duo with the mirror setting to give you, rather than 3 death defiance, the extra chance per room as of late.
Got a lot of chill with my lasers and the chill explosion buff with chill on my Guan Yu so I was basically an Ice cold farmer the whole run haha.
Sounds awesome!
Then there is the "perfectionist collector" run, a.k.a. "lets try to get all boons from ONE SINGLE GOD!!!" (I managed with Dyonisus and the fists of Malfor, I called tis build "THE PUNCH-DRUNK" xD) Also, there is a greek goddess of chance, Tyche, the Goddess of Luck, called Fortuna by the romans.
My first run with the rail ever, I got some sort of combination that was putting my special at over 2000 when it crit. I got all the way to Lord Hades, which was the farthest I'd been before.
That is awesome! I just love the big numbers!
Got my first win about a week ago on my 28th attempt. I escaped with the Shield Of Chaos and paired alot of doom from Ares and some deflect from Athena with Artemis's call. I had the most impenetrable defense and played a cautious methodical game against Hades. It felt sooooooooo satisfying to finally drop him in phase 2 of the fight, the best I've ever done prior was maybe dealing 25% damage and then dying. Shield OP
Shield is amazing for that first win! It's so safe!
Hey man, just noticed that you had a Patreon in this vid. I'd love to support you if I was in a better spot than I am right now, but I'm sure others will be! Feel free to plug it during your runs sometimes as it may go unnoticed.
True! Maybe I'll mention it sometime soon
Don't forget Speed Runs!!! :D Think about it as friendly competition.
Dude im just jumping into this game and dude tank you!
thanks brian
is... is this rockhardgaming?
@@JawlessPaul super hard
Hazard Bomb and Targeting System for the Adamant Rail upgrades are the easiest way for big numbers game. it's easy to reach 1K damage (without crit) using those two and damage boost boons from the Gods and Chaos.
I was wondering if you either tested or knew about this but, if you have Zagreus Aspect (sword) and Flurry Slash and hold down attack it will do 2 sword swaps, but if while holding down attack and start pressing your cast button as fast as you can it makes you attack way faster.
I'm gonna have to try this!
I beat my first run using the Plume and Zagreus Fists to do an all-in dodge build and it was OP! Stacked with Hermes Dodge chance too 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
I actually quite like the zeus special upgrade with the chaos shield. Because the base damage is so low, % increases are kinda meh, but the lightning bolt hits on every shield, and then if you get the double strike upgrades it's made for some really easy runs.
Yeah, if you can get those lightning strikes pumped up they can be pretty amazing. :)
I usually always go for a duo boons, my only complaint is sometimes I feel like I don't get enough boons early on, or as you know you don't get the attack, special, dash or cast that you are searching for. Many times I feel that when I get to asphodel I will usually always get 2 Hermes throughout the level, but if Im wearing a specific keep sake I notice I only get one of the boons to even spawn. I did just get to where I start with 6 of the fated authority's so that has been some help. I always have the Hades gamepedia pulled up so I can see what I need for each duo boon. Sometimes I can get 2 or 3 in a run which is nice, most of the time the it wont be all together until the end rooms. Im trying to do runs now to see how early on in the escape I can acquire a duo. I've have a few pretty good luck runs but lately it seems that its not giving me the correct choices or rarity of the boons
I also had a run the other day where I got 2 epic favor boons from master chaos. I was stoked, i think one was 26% and the other I got late was I want say 31%. I've been picking the egg in the beginning hoping for gates to spawn
Aspect of Talos magnetic attack would probably pair well with a Plume, practically an auto-aim attack and melts mobs.
Could be interesting!
@@JawlessPaul Onky made it to 9%, Elysium Fields are beyond me running unscathed.
But that was unraveled, with Achilles aspecf I mzde if to over 10%, and the second biome is pretty hard to no hit because of how often the special oveeshoots into lava. Bet I could make 20% with the gloves if I work at it, get the right boons and play super safe.
@@JawlessPaul Oh and I confused the Plume with the Pierced Butterfly. I want that damage bump, fast clears would be a lot harder for me.
More analytical content!
PS I saw the legendary chaos boon the other day. It was pretty neato.
Edit: I feel like they should change butterfly to let you keep the bonus if you switch it out. To me this would open more strategic options when selecting when to change your trinket. Thoughts?
XCeazyX Agreed
That would be cool!
idk how high it can truly go, but if you use Black Shawl on the shield, and get lucky on hammers and get Minotaur rush and the upgrade that turns it into a range blast you can easily hit hit 4 digits with a crit
That is... a really interesting idea!
The greek goddess of chance is Tyche. She is said to be the daughter of the titan Oceanus while others say she is daughter to Zeus so pray to her.
Haha, sounds good Ogre!
i love ur vids
The pierced butterfly… It’s super handy to force you to learn to play better, but the boon is meh. If I play very carefully, and very skillfully, I will have a +60% damage boost by the end. Or I can just take the Ares pin and he’ll show up in the first chamber and say “hey, I heard you like damage, here’s +100%”
Haha the nice thing with butterfly is you can get both the ares boon AND the 60% buff on ALL your damage sources. It is quite a commitment though
My favorite run is hestia rail special with eris aspect. Still haven't maxed it but like i said in previous video i think. I had deadly flourish heroic level 13 and heart rend. Plus a 118% chaos boon for added special damage. Got almost 12k damage from a rocket bomb cluster bomb upgrade. I hp skipped asterius and i 2 shotted 2nd phase hades. Also had heroic special speed from Hermes. Also a completed 32 heat hestia. Lastly im pretty sure chaos boons dont stack anymore
Dang! Sounds strong!
I just beat Hades the firs time with Chaos Shield, Hangover on my special and Doom on my attacks, Athena cast and Aphrodite Call. I tried using the Arrow and Rail Gun once but I died against the fury both times 😂😂
Congrats! That first win is sweet. I have such a hard time with the rail unless I have spread shot
I've been trying spear and bow for my 32 heat runs but bosses really screw me over. I haven't done much shield upgrades but would you suggest I try to learn it if I want to be successful at the higher heats?
Well, it sounds like our playstyles are super different. I really struggle with spear and bow, but if those are your best weapons then I would keep trying with those. I feel the shield is the strongest weapon, especially chaos aspect. The ability to block when needed followed by a charge knockback attack is so strong. Chaos aspect then gives you a massive burst of damage after the charge. It just gets ridiculous.
@@JawlessPaul I'm going to give it a shot for a few runs, im bleeding titans blood anyway lol. Worst case scenario I don't do well with the shield BUT I gain an crap ton of resources during my heat runs! Good luck on your retrys!
The best boons to have with the Bow are Dyonisus, especialy with Chiron or Rama aspects since they allow you to focus your fire on one target, so you can quickly stacks Hangover to the max. Basicaly go with Dyonisus's trinket, get the hangover on your special as soon as possible and Pome the hell out of it. You will be poisoning your enemies so much they will pretty much die on their own. For the hammer, its important to get the one that gives more arrows to your special, and with Chiron, the one that replaces the power shot to continuous shot helps setting up the "Homing" on the special faster. Remember: you have time to shoot 3 specials before the homing target fades. As for Rama, the pain split lasts 8 seconds, and even if the target is alone, he takes bonus damage.
With lambent plume I always go fists if zagreus to stack the dodge chance
Love that stacked dodge!
@@JawlessPaul first time I tried it I ran out of death defiances and had one HP left once I reached Hades' second phase. And through the second phase I literally just dodged every attack even if it seemed like I'll get hit lol. It was very funny
I got a hammer upgrade for the shield that hit for like 2100, was like a charge shot.
@@JawlessPaul thanks man, just started two days ago and now i have everything the pets and arthur/beowulf. Your content IS AWESOME MAN. Keep it up 👍😎
How do you get 200 gold from Cthonic coin purse? Mine is level 3 at 150. seems like your other keepsakes are a level above my maxed out ones as well.
also how did you avoid unlocking the twin fists weapon?
This video was made a loooong time ago :) Coinpurse got nerfed and the fists hadn't been released yet.
@@JawlessPaul thanks for the reply.
I'm 50 runs in and I haven't even beaten Hades yet. I have the mirror all unlocked and mostly maxed out but I still find it hard not to take damage on the last 2 areas (Elisium and the final one). Could you please make a video with comprehensive tutorial explaining when to dash attack and when to commit to an attack (you stay in the same spot).
Basically make a video on how to take very little damage on the later stages. Thank you.
Athena dash is very helpful for that as well as splash dash. Splash dash does amazing damage and keeps the poisoners away from you... I'll try and think about a video to cover that...
You'll get there B just keep grinding
In hades's house, could you enter the 2 doors on the left or the winery in the kitchen?
I don't think so, but I will try!
i usually use the bow with hera aspect , with the rose keepsake and gwet aphros cast asap it turns the low range cast into a long range burst and i load all my casts into one attack and i can one hit ko most enemies. i also try to get Zeus aspect on my attack with the curse so the attacks hurts other enemies. then i either get Posiden's dash or athena's dash though i say my bow runs are crazy with that multicast attack lol
Hera with Aphrodite cast is incredible!
@@JawlessPaul it was mostly through trial and error lol you dont want demeter cast with Hera lmao im planning to try a dionysys/aphrodite build or aphro/ares just to get doom with my weak how crazy that would be
Where your Malphons at my guy. Best imo. Did they get added later or have you just not got them yet?
Oh yeah WAY before Malphons
Do you follow any speed runs or try them yourself?
Also, do you have any specific favorite runs? Like going for Doom on Chaos Shield, or Artemis on Chiron Bow.
I tried the Doom on Chaos Shield the other day, but Ares refused to give me the special, so I went with Doom on Attack and got the Pulverizing Blow (2 swings, no push) from Hammer. That went pretty well and earned me my first sub 20 minute run. That was real fun, but made me think that the Shield might be OP - a bit. But that may very well just be bias...
I am definitely not a speed runner so I didn't really include it, but I love watching. Haelians speedruns! You can learn a lot from watching them! Shield is pretty amazing right now!
I just picked this up (don’t judge me, I’ve had stuff going on) and I’m afflicted, but damn I am struggling in the 3rd and 4th areas!
I feel like it's a big difficulty spike when you get to Elysium! Tidal dash helps a ton when you are in Styx
@@JawlessPaul noice! Imma try that out now. Thanks for the input, and the amazing content.
@@JawlessPaul bruh, I did exactly what you said, and beat him on my 38th attempt. My life now feels complete. Then I got another run with an ares boon that inflicted doom with attack, and I had the machine gun (I can’t remember the name), but your input was greatly appreciate.
Big Fans! I just started this game and stumbled upon your guides! Enjoyed it very much.
But i got a question. Am still beginner. Almost kill the Hades.
Can you tell me what i can do next to be more efficient? Should i start over with hell mode? Is it gonna be very hard? And when can is start doing farming run?
Hey! Don't worry about hell mode. It doesn't really have anything you can't find in a regular mode save. Just start adding to the pact of punishment and get some bounties for weapon aspects and keepsakes
Do you play on Hellmode? I play on hellmode and is there any reason why hellmode has budget cuts as a punishment within the mode itself?
I do have a hell mode save file I've been playing for my livestreams, but I don't play it too much. Budget cuts are pretty annoying, and it's the main reason I wouldn't want to play hell mode all the time.
@@JawlessPaul alright. Thank you so much. I'll make a normal savefile to play on. I assume u can upgrade alot of stuff in the Mirror to pretty high without budget cuts
Which run is the Try Hard run
I've heard of not starting with Aphrodite's Eternal Rose. Doesn't sound like it's for me.
Opinions of death defy over the green one
Death defiance is better 90% of the time. At high heat stubborn defiance can be great, but it's not as good in my opinion because a miniboss or a boss room often claims 2 or more death defiances, so if all you have is one the run is over.
@@JawlessPaul Thanks! I just unlocked heats so i needed this!
god of chance is called RNGesus
Do you have a video where you explain how to get the aspects of beowulf, hades, etc.
I have some weapon aspect videos that goes over the basics
@@JawlessPaul I looked for it among your video and I did not see them
@@mauronaranjoorlando9236 Basically, all of the regular aspects are unlocked when you have the weapons and you get to the hades fight. For the legendary aspect you have to talk to an NPC. Beowulf = Chaos, Lucifer = Zeus, Rama = Artemis, Guan Yu = Achilles, Arthur = Nyx. It may take a while before they give you the words to unlock though. I hope that helps! Persistence is key! Keep talking to everyone when they have !s over their heads.
@@JawlessPaul I thank you very much, for the help and your time, I kept making videos like this, greetings from Argentina BsAs
I'd love a video of this style on Gunfire Reborn and/or Rogue Legacy 2.
That would be cool! I'll need to play those games more! 😅
me i just stack hp with arthur and usually end up with 400+ with all death defiance available at hades
That's fun!
Any advice PoP for casual or that didn't make any sense
Hmmm... not sure what you are asking for! Sorry!
Any way to get the companions ive exhaused all conversations with Meg, Nyx, Hades, and Sisyphus and Boldy and have them all at 6 hearts and I still cant get Nyx to tell me where the scroll is x.x
Cory, I wish I could help, but there are some seriously twisty dialogue trees. If it persists you might submit a bug report to supergiant on their discord
The god of chance would be RNJesus
How do u unlock almost eveyrthing in game and dont get Twin Fists of Malphon?
Haha, this was made before the fists had been released
@@JawlessPaul oh
all of my runs were open ended and they all nearly worked out or beat hades
Far out!
Why is your sword so purple!??!?!?!
God of Chance a.k.a. RNGesus
rail w/ sea storm and burst fire and homing bullets shreads hades
Interesting! I usually don't take homing bullets
Really enjoy your videos but I wish they were a little bit more beginner friendly to understand lol
Totally! Have you checked out my guide video playlist? I think one of the early videos goes over that basics! Let me know if there is specific stuff you are interested in learning about!
Yeah, I started with your full run guide video and you were talking about heat and moving pretty fast. I'm slowly starting to get it though. Trying to get through my first clear right now.
and look at that, I got my first clear while watching one of your vids!
Right on! I might make another beginner guide one day.
Zeus call combo is way2overPowered dont tell the devs
They've already nerfed it a bunch! Actually I think Dionysus's call is even more nuts!
I usually rage quit games like this. But Hades is so much fun. I feel like I'm terrible at this game though. 170 runs and still no Hades kill. My RNG is always horrible. I completely destroyed Theseus and The Minotaur last night with a good Rail Gun build but once i get to Hades he completely destroyed me. Seems like Doom damage is nerfed for him.
It isn't nerfed. I think the most important thing is to stay away from his big swing. Once he swings there is a brief window where he just stands there. Just need more practice! You'll get it!
@@JawlessPaul OH DANG! JP himself replied! I feel honored you took the time to personally reply. thanks for the advice, I will try that. I'm at 170 attempts and no Hades kills. Loving the Rail Gun build you suggested. Got me the closest I've ever been to beating him. Thsnks again JawlessPaul for the reply. You made my day!
with hera
Mmmm... the only issue is surviving until you find hunting blades 🤣
@@JawlessPaul yeah...
Why does your UI show PS buttons (triangle, X, R1) when there is no official PS version?
... you hook up the controller to pc.
Okay, I just realized, why isn’t Hera a god in this game??
I'm glad you liked it!
As a beginner I just like big bombs lol
Big bombs are pretty cool! 😀
Hermes is the good of chance. Flip a coin to him xp
No, he isn't..
What is wrong with that Skelly
Old skelly skin? A lot of the footage here is from an older build of Hades
35 runs and still haven’t escaped 🤣
You'll get it!! Good luck!
Write some talking points, man. You're saying the same thing over and over. Good luck, all the best.
I know I know, a lot of these videos are more like a podcast. Some like it, some don't. I'm trying to make both kinds of videos. Cheers!
Pray to RNGesus
Prayers gonna pray!
damn it... this looks soo much better on ps4/pc than switch...
It does play a bit smoother I hear.
I wished you talked about 90% less and said 100% more. You talk too much, show us the goods.
Merry Christmas Galactic!