I feel so bad for the second to last guy who said he hates himself for staying in his abusive relationship and letting her ruin him. Jesus, I'm so sorry for him...
Yeah, I think that has to be a hard balance. He has to realise how her behaviour wasn't his fault, but on the other hand, it's good to keep himself somewhat accountable so can learn to get out immediately the next time, because there could always be a next time.
I had to stop when I read that one, because it sounded 100% EXACTLY like my last relationship, down to the insecure and angry partner breaking up with me. I hope OP is being kinder to himself; if he hasn't already, he'll realize that he dodged a major bullet there, and that he will be a stronger and wiser person for it. Oof.
I was really hurting for this guy, especially since just two months ago i broke up with a guy who was exactly like his girlfriend and we'd been together for 2 years. I know all too well how it feels to be so mad at yourself for refusing to see the obvious red flags and not getting the fuck out sooner... Glad this is behind and i wish for everyone in fucked up relationships to get out safely and recover from it.
these aren’t “creepy” so much as they are signs of just plain abuse. fellas, regardless if you’re a man or a woman, if your significant other starts behaving this way, RUN.
Run through the valley, the forest, the mountains, the desert, to the other side of the world. Fuck it! Escape to Mars. These people will never let you go. They always make sure you’re unhappy aka my ex boyfriend.
Yeah exactly. Flip the genders in this and most of these men would be called rapists/abusers etc. But when it's women they're just "creepy" nah my dudes, some women are just as horrible as some men.
Huge red flag is when she flips out because you got her something "cheap". And I don't mean she just gets a little grumpy. She flips every table in the room screaming at you. Take it from a fellow woman. When a girl does that, you run. Often means she's a gold digger. If a girl truly appreciates you she doesn't need anything. (I decided to edit the last bit because ppl were commenting on that lol)
Exactly. Like, I'd be pretty upset if I got a gift that was clearly bought BECAUSE it was cheap. But if someone is genuinely getting you a good gift, not as an afterthought, and it happens to even remotely represent "cheapness," suddenly the whole world goes crashing down! It's toxic.
@Queen_Of_Neptune This is so true! If she's happy with you making her a card and getting her chocolates that aren't expensive then she's probably the one. If she gets angry because you didn't spend a fortune on her then she's usually super toxic, and you need to break up with her IMMEDIATELY before things get worse.
A lot of what these guys are talking about are abusive relationships! Be aware of the warning signs because just because its not physical doesn’t mean its not abuse!
@BLAIR M Schirmer Yet nobody believes such a thing, because men are shunned down whenever they talk about how they suffer abuse, its sad really, how much power women have, it's not physical, but people sure are biased towards them, with women it's innocent until proven guilty, with men, it's guilty until proven innocent
Completely agree. Honestly my mother is really toxic to my dad, and I wish he could realize he shouldn't have to deal with it. He really loves her a lot though, and is completely loyal. He really doesn't deserve the way he's treated most of the time. I'd hate them getting a divorce, but I don't really like the way things are with them right now either.
@Engla Himla when you're a victim of emotional abuse, you're often so brainwashed and manipulated that you honestly don't realize it's abuse. In fact, your dad probably thinks all of this is HIS fault.
littlecatbaby You're on point. (I read your other comment about your abusive ex btw). It's especially bad if you are abused during your first or second relationship when you're still young/a teen. My first girlfriend literally made me try to kill myself multiple times in the 1 1/2 year we were together. I was literally just 14 years old when it started. Basically still a little kid, and that relationship has fucked me up for life because i now have so many insecurities, fears, and trust issues from her that only got worse with every time i got lied to, used or betrayed from sequential relationships. It's become basically impossible for me to just trust someone else, even if that person never did anything wrong, just because my mind's hard-wired to never trust anyone because of how bad i got hurt repediately. Add being cheated on, ghosted, used (borderline raped), and neglected by those afterwards into the mix and it's a guaranteed way to fuck up someone's life. But I'm a guy, so society doesn't care and my fears mean I'm weak
That first one isn't mere creepy behavior. That's a red flag for abusive behavior- the woman was trying to isolate her partner from his friends and potential support system. A woman continuing to put her hands on a man despite being turned down is definitely still sexual harassment, at that.
I've been guilt tripped and belittled for not wanting sex. It felt like I did something wrong if I didn't want it. One time she tried to force my pants off when I didn't want to. When I realized she would guilt trip and force herself on me I got out. Never told anybody that I know, thought they'd make fun of me for it because I'm a man. Be careful out there guys, just because she asks you too doesn't give her the right to demand or force you!
Oh man, i'm sorry to hear that. There is no shame in refusing sex. What's the deal about that anyway, it's not like all we want is sex no stop. That notion needs to die already.
@@arwenjoseph7199 My mans abuse isn't just "annoying". Abuse has SERIOUS effects on the victims overall health, mental health especially. Their lives can be crushed because of their antisocial or paranoid behaviour that they developed over time. Also generally when people, including men get abused they don't kill or even hurt the abuser, victims of abuse are too scared to act negatively towards their abuser due to an inferiority complex and or stockholm syndrome. I see what you're trying to say, but saying that abuse is only "annoying" is honestly disgusting, no offense.
@@kaelanmcalpine2011 That's nice. Try to break the habit sometime and buy yourself a chocolate bar and watch a favorite show and just put your energy elsewhere - maybe talk to someone, too? Honestly it takes up wayy too much energy, self-loathing. Don't take shit from the person who has the absolute, _biggest_ obligation to serve and care for you, _you._ Hope you're doing better soon
Quick tip: If she says she wants you to be her husband and have children on the 1st date, remember to be on guard. It's probably the work of an enemy stand.
@@Isabeltherat The sad thing about this is that the justice system more often than not, benefits women more than men because "hUrR dUrR fEmInIsM" and that white knights exist.
Yeah, they're not really 'signs of creepiness' as much as descriptions of abusive relationships. A sign a girl is not in her right mind is when she raises her voice pitch and tries to act more cutesy, or refers to herself in the third person (cringy though this may sound, it seriously happens) when talking to men. Two very psycho women I've not met, but heard about, were like this. (One was my great-uncle's wife when she was young, she had six kids and abused them verbally routinely, scarring them enough that none of the five that are still alive have stable relationships despite all being well over 40; and the other one is one of my mother's co-workers, a girl who is ~25 yo, at the very least, and who sometimes scares my 50+ yo mother.)
Yeah the GPS tracking thing is illegal. I had an ex who put a tracker in my car (loJack system thankfully I found it a few days later when I went to plug in my diagnostics scanner to check on a pesky check engine light). He freaked the fuck out when it went offline.
If the person you are with doesn't make you happy, my God GET OUT!! There are so many other people out there who don't possess the defects of the one you are leaving behind. You have a right to be happy - don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.
33melonpaws77 given that the woman who made women's abuse shelters in Britain got bomb threats and needed police intervention when she tried to do the same for men, imma say many people don't like this idea
When God has a plan that involves your entire race being doomed forever for eating his apple, and already knows how that plan will unfold before it even happens.
This looks like fun. Let me try.....when they kill your whole family, destroy your home, and make you deathly Ill to show their hated enemy that you still love them.
@Fergil The Fox A quick Google search would tell you. Basically, it's when somebody does their best to make you think that you've gone insane. Most of the time, the only people would try and do this are already insane. Maybe they just want company! Either that or they're horribly manipulative, though that could just be another form of insanity.
@@abrahamnotlincoln3439 Gaslighting is a form of *serious psychological abuse* People who gaslight others sometimes have personality disorders. The most basic element is that the abuser is trying to make the abusee question their sense of reality. This can take a lot of forms. At its most bombastic, the abuser is literally trying to make the abusee believe they are going crazy (it is named for the old mystery movie "Gaslight" with Ingrid Bergman, which is worth a watch) But it often takes much more ordinary forms, like telling someone they must be getting forgetful because they keep misplacing items or cash (when really the abuser is stealing from them. ) Or, for a personal example, someone I know had a mother in law who probably has a personality disorder. When my friend became pregnant with her first child, the m in law was suddenly cozying up to her, and then kept "confiding" in her about what my friend's husband REALLY wanted to name the child, how often he wanted the infant to leave the house, his ideas about child rearing etc etc. The m in law told my friend that he was afraid to cause an argument with his pregnant wife and probably wouldnt admit these things if asked, but *really* wanted these things and was talking to his Mom about it. She said "men will tell their mothers things they would never tell their wives." But... Husband never had those conversations and didn't want any of those things...some were the total opposite of what he wanted! His Mom wanted them. She is very manipulative and a blithe liar. Which my friend knew....and when she finally spoke to her husband, he assured her in no uncertain terms that he had never said those things, but it took him weeks to fully convince her because it was a poisonous, reality bending experience for his wife. He had to remind his wife repeatedly that he didn't trust or even like his Mom and reason with her before she stopped worrying. THAT is gaslighting. *Anyone who thinks they're experiencing it, or is concerned that maybe THEY do it, should find and confide in a good counselor as soon as possible*
@@melissasaint3283 cheers to telling me, now i know im kinda fucked cause i actually do a have shitty memory so im probs going to be gas lighted in the future, rip.
Okay, most extroverted guys kinda like shy and quiet girls. I like them because I like getting close to them and opening them up little by little. This also goes for platonic friendships. And there is a good chance the quiet one isn't bat shit insane.
@@Zyn_Shi Apparently Yespacitio needs to get a life yet you, are practically doing the same thing as him watching videos. You are probably salty because you can't get likes.
Randomeline me too!!! His story broke my heart! I’m a mom to two adult sons, they’ve grown up in a peaceful family and their dad (my husband still, lol) is a gentle giant, I can almost imagine that happening to them because they would have no idea....
@@reneebrady8389 It's one of the things that bugs me about how we regard relationships; there's so much stuff to warn women about unhealthy relationships, and ways for them to get out of such relationships, but so little to help men.
both him and her with her bipolar... but sorry, there was something more than bipolar there as i know a few bipolar people. yes they act out sometimes, but not as bad as this girl was... maybe theres different levels or something, but still, jesus lady!
@@Randomeline I agree 100%! I am happy that there is more attention to this issue, but sadly no where NEAR enough at this time, but hopefully men will get the support they need and deserve. No one...absolutely NO ONE deserves to be abused and everyone should be able to get support without shame
Always remember there are things much, much, much worse than being single... It won't make you happier, but it will let you see your situation in a slightly better light. Sometimes that's all it takes to keep going.
Amen! Don't rush into anything, it's really not worth it! I'd rather be slightly lonely and do whatever I want whenever I want than deal with the crap I hear about on here or from friends.
@Undead King Then you might be out of luck mate. Better socialize and get some pals to hang out with. There are people literally everywhere cmon men are not that hard to approach.
2:06 Take notes, everyone. THIS is a textbook example of gas lighting. Gas lighting is not people not involved with the events having doubts about your retelling/version of them. Gas lighting is the abuser outright denying that the abuse ever happened, and/or telling you that you're remembering it wrong, when you(the victim of that abuse) confront them about it. As seen in the post, this often causes the victim to question their own sanity and perception of reality. Needless to say, if someone attempts to gas light you. GET. THE HELL. OUT. It's probably safe to say that they know what they're doing when they lie through their teeth about something you were both present for, so they can't play a "I didn't know I was doing that" innocence card, at least not believably.
@Stella Clap I AM a feminist and I know women are much more likely to be abused, but as a feminist I'm looking for equality and I also know that abuse against men is much more stigmatized. If a man did half of these things to a woman, we would all see him as an abuser, so why is it that you see the woman as only creepy? My point was not to invalidate female abusers victims but rather raise awareness for males
@Stella Clap I personally don't believe that you are an actual feminist and rather a misandrist or 'feminazi' you are unwilling to accept that feminism is important to the equality of both men and women and when I pointed out an example of society treating men unfairly you almost immediately took it as an attack on women. My name is GRACE, i AM a woman.
@@jinglehells7027 the opposite! These are examples of men being emotional or in some rarer cases (like the throwing of objects) phsycially abused by their partners but because the people being abused are men, it is seen as a 'creepy' girlfriend instead of an abusive one.
Another sign is when she makes two accounts and makes romantic advances on you on both accounts but doesn't tell you they're both the same person. Assuming you don't want her because you didn't text her in your sleep is also a huge red flag.
As a gal with BPD, it can get pretty intense so don't date someone with it unless they're actively trying to get better or are willing to try with a little bit of guidance. Often times I can see how it would turn into an abusive relationship. Otherwise (unrelated to the disorder) just in general stay away from people looking to control you, blame you, harm you, or make you heavily uncomfortable- look out for warning signs and stay safe everyone! :)
yeah BPD seems to be pretty difficult to deal with while having relationships, of course i'll never know how it feels, but seems like the thoughts come already poisoned by the strong range of negative emotions you are prone to have, and can regrettably translate into emotionally and manipulative behavior that is just an attempt to get out of those feelings. I wish you godspeed in your relationships.
6:00 I have all my husband's passwords. Not because I don't trust him but because he forgets when things (bills, important documents, etc) are due and can never remember his own passwords. He was on his sixth email account when we met because he'd just make a new one when he forgot the old password
Hahaha... going back to roots as i see... when Eve deceived Adam into also eating the apple. There's a reason 'God' make sure women would feel pain giving birth, since they made sure Man would lose immortality to pretend it can evolve into 'God' himself via knowledge and know good and evil...
Or constantly telling about herself. Or constantly bemoaning all her troubles in life, and patting herself on the back for how hard she has it and how hard she works.
Actually happenend to me. My ex boyfriend was talking about his last ex literally any time he could, and as I end the relationship he texted me a few days later that he was never loving me so much as her cause he could have forgotten her with me. That still hurts.
7:34 my ex girlfriend used to say she loved my green eyes and wanted to keep them in a jar. Rainbowspranks, did we have the same girlfriend? what did she look like, what was her name?
I'm a girl, but I had a boyfriend(also have green eyes) when we broke up, he said "I'll cut your eyes out and switch them for mine" FREAKED ME THE FUCK OUT.
To the guy who was talking about the girl with bipolar, please don't be so angry at yourself. Anger at her? Thst's okay. Anger at yourself? That's natural, but don't stay in it. I get how abusive relationships work, I've been in them. The other person is sick enough to drag you into their sickness, you aren't yourself when you're with them... I'm sure you know. You've probably heard of gaslighting, that's part of why she wouldn't let you hang out with other people. I don't know how to explain this well... just, people like that are very good at making people get stuck, especially people who are loving and caring and empathetic. Those qualities don't make you weak. People like that don't look for weak people, weak people need taking care of themself and would never be able to handle a person like her. They look for people who are strong, but still loving... honestly, one of the best combinations out there. The only problem is where you direct your love and strength. You have to make sure you put yourself first, that's how you avoid abusive, manipulative relationships. So please, don't hate yourself. Love yourself.
I have been there, too. She was my first gf and i was mad in love. She was different in that she always had to make me jealous. She would't follow me around everywhere, but I always had to come with her to everything (even to her 'girls only evenings' and birthday parties of friends of hers I've never seen or talked to), and then see her flirting with other guys and later saying that that was nothing. And I'm not saying just dirty talk flirting. But to be honest I'm glad I've met her early in my life. I was so "bluepilled" about love and would have probably stayed that way, until something really really f'd up would take away more of my life. I'll say the following to my fellow men out there: Life teaches you hard lessons. You will either learn or become broken, and I've seen far too many broken men.
@@flow1465 Simple. Anyone who tries to change you, forcefully reject. Anyone who extorts you (do this or I won't do that for/with you anymore), forcefully reject. Both of these are traits of tyrants, and in this day and age, you don't want that for a girlfriend (or boyfriend for that matter). Anyone who doesn't respect you as you are, is not worth your time or effort. That said, rage can be productive. It's a healthy response to betrayal, especially for men (calling it toxic won't change male nature). Fan the flames until that bridge is burned - then let the fire burn out on it's own.
@Batman Read the book "Why does he do that" by Lundy Bancroft. It's really good. It only talks about male abusers but you can apply it to women too, of course.
I had a girlfriend that was a nightmare once. The signs that she was a bad choice was there from the start but, instead of breaking up with her, I'd assume she'd break up with me once she got to know me. I tend to be unusually quiet, secretive, and fiercely independent. These aren't traits for a happy relationship. So yeah, I just assumed she would leave me and everything would end well. I was wrong. I said things were bad from the start so let's start there. She was a long time friend that spoke English as a second language. We became friends as a taught her more English. For the first couple years of our friendship, she was happily married for 14 years and had four kids with this guy. One day we're talking and just talking it easy when she kisses me. It freaks me the eff out. To the best of my knowledge, she was still married. Come to find out, she and her husband had split a year prior and she just hadn't said anything. 1st and 2nd read flag. We start dating and immediately she wants to come over to my place. Again, I'm secretive so I wasn't thrilled about it. So she starts to stalk me in order to find out where I live. She always failed at that due to my raging paranoia. If a car is behind me for more than a block, then I start to panic. 3rd red flag. During her attempts at stalking me, she learned I had more female friends than male friends. And she lost her effing mind. She was jealous of them all. What made it so strange was that she was more attractive than all of them combined and most of my female friends are happily married. The one she was most jealous of was easily the strangest one. Me and this girl are always playing with each other, pissing each other off, then making amends as sickenly sweet as possible. To a lot of people, we have good chemistry. But the twist here is that she doesn't find black people (I'm black) attractive at all while I don't find ghetto girls like her attractive. So we had a friendship that could last due to the fact that we weren't attracted to each other in the slightest. But that didn't stop me ex. 4th red flag. There were arguments about us moving in together as early as three months into our relationship, about me doing things on my own without inviting her, her coming over unannounced then getting pissed if I wasn't home and yelling at me to come back, her demanding to see my phone, telling I can't leave my home without her consent, demanding I drop everything and go see her at once, and all that crazy extra stuff. 100+ red flags. After a while, I got curious. What caused her marriage to fall apart. She clearly had left over baggage from it and it was doing nothing but causing problems now. My ex claimed he cheated on her. I didn't believe that for a second since she accused me of cheating on a regular basis. She once saw me give the mailwoman directions to the place where I get my tacos and that was all it took to convince her that the mail woman and I were screwing around. No, what happened (according to her older sister and ex-husband) after my ex got her citizenship, she lost her effing mind. She tried taking control of this guy's life and stopping him from leaving his home, tried to make him cut off his friends, every insane things she did to me she had tried with him. Smart thing to do here is to simply break up with her. I didn't do that. I tried working with her through her issues. That was a mistake. She was still into stalking me and the last time was the final time for me. To abridged this part of the story, my sister was sick and stayed with me for a few days. When she got better I walked her home. My ex saw me with her and flipped out. I was accused of having sex with me sister. I cursed this girl out so bad and threw out of my apartment. Our relationship wasn't quite over yet. That happened in a few days when she sent me a text telling me the men she had been sleeping with since I had been cheating on her. That's when it was officially over.
man, i'm sorry you had to go through all that, it's really messed up how some people just randomly assume you're cheating on them just because you're doing normal human social interactions with them. that last accusation (fucking your sister) was very much far fetched and ridicously exaggerated, i hope you have been able to learn from your mistakes, and i hope you have a happy relationship if you ever get in another one, good luck dude.
5 років тому
The only red flag I can understand is where you have female friends. A lot of people end up having affairs with their friends of the opposite sex because we’re programmed to like people over time if we get along with them even as a friend it’s almost inevitable. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t as hot or are already married they can still be liked or like someone else if given enough time. That’s why I avoid staying friends with women and woman aren’t even great at being friends other than having subliminal sexual tension over time.
2:07 thats abuse. really glad the guy didnt fall for it 7:49 thats also abuse. very severe abuse. ive known similar girls and im really glad she didnt stay longer, i hope he can heal and forgive himself.
One of my exs, who I'm just friends with now, asked for my passwords/logins. Not thinking anything of it, I started to give them to her, because I barely ever used my accounts anyway except as a way to log in to games more easily. Before I could even get out my email though, she stopped me and said "You know what, never mind. Sorry. My mom always makes me paranoid when she visits." Apparently her mom, who had never had a decent relationship in her life, had decided to sabotage all of her daughters by constantly whispering things in her ear and giving backhanded compliments. Things like "wow, you let him go to a work function knowing there are girls he hangs around there without you?" or "hi honey, you look great! If only you'd do something about those ten pounds on your hips". Anyway, we ended up breaking it off a few months down the line, as we just weren't compatible in a long term romantic sense, but she's still one of if not my best friend, because I know I can trust her, and I know if she is having problems with me, or with anyone else for that matter, we can talk about it without it blowing up into something more than it is.
lol my mom does this to me too. She supports me mostly, though. But when I would talk abt my ex boyfriend going to the movies with his class friends she'd cut me off and say, "oh and you trusted him to do that? What if he's cheating on you?" and would just drill in tiny amounts of insecurity that built up in a really bad way. Still really mad about that stuff. It made a bad impact on me where I was almost becoming one of the "creepy" girls.
I met a girl who was a medical technology student who wanted to draw some blood from me. I obliged thinking it was common for medtech students to do that. As I it was done I asked her if it was for a project or something, she said(and I shit you not): " *It was for her personal collection because she liked me so much* " I have never wanted to run out of my own house in my life that time.
@@naomiealexandre9026 like always trying to be around or involved in the other person's life, to the extent where it's unnecessary. in my experience, this person has tried to insert themselves into my friendships and asked for private information (which they then told everyone about), but always wanted to be the most important/the closest/the only one to another person. if you can give the other person space and show trust by not asking for everything right away, you'll be fine. i actually didn't want to be friends with this person, i had said "nice backpack" to her while in a good mood and she instantly glued herself to me.
@@naomiealexandre9026 I'd say just listen when he says no or is uncomfortable with it. I like my girl to be around alot, but when I need time for myself it must be respected. Talk about it with your bf, negotiating and just informing him whats going on in your head will go a long way.
Had a girl that i had been talking to for a few days, we'd been getting along and she invited me out to her lake house. At the time i drove a low sports car with low profile tires, and the drive out to the lake house was hell once you got to a very narrow and small dirt road/trail. Nothing sketchy about the location, dotting the dirt trail were other lake houses, what was sketchy/creepy was what she said after we got there. "Man, i feel bad for my tires. That trail is hell" "Yeah! Well i wanted to make sure i pick somewhere you can't get away quickly" Ok...kind of chuckled it off like maybe she just had a weird sense of humor, until as we were walking in she looked back at me and said "I love how secluded it is out here. I could kill you in your sleep and put you in my basement and no one would ever know", then went to the liquor cabinet, got a bottle of rum and told me to "Drink up". Turned around and just walked out, which turned out to be the right thing to do since she became *enraged* instantly. Like, 0-1000 in half a second instantly. Went from all smiles and giggles to, "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING GET IN HERE AND BE WITH ME NOW" while trying to get in my way so i couldn't walk. Nah, i'm good.
My bf knows my computer/phone passwords, but that's because I openly gave them to him when asking him to do something for me or text back a friend while I'm driving, or if he's over at my place and I'm showering he'll watch Netflix or something on my computer if he didn't bring his. I have no issues with him having them because I have nothing to hide and because he never asked for them, it just came up one day when I was like "hey babe can you text back my friend for me since I'm driving? My password is..." or "hey I'm gonna take a shower, if you wanna watch Netflix or whatever (cause I take long showers) you can use my computer, here's the password" I've never been weird about him having my passwords, and I actually like that he has my phone password because if there's ever an emergency he can get into my phone and call my emergency contacts, also cause I end up with a lot of adorable and weird selfies of him on my phone that I'll notice a few hours later.
Get that trusting relationship nonsense OUTTA HERE! In all honesty, glad you two have a relationship like that. Many people are not secure or truthful enough to do so.
Note to all: when your girl gets angry if you change your plans (if that's not a pitfall of yours, like being extremely unrealiable or impulsive), she might be hiding something from you (cheating?) and needs to know where you are at all times in order not to run into you. I've been in each corner of the love triangle, trust me, I know.
for someone i know, its because thye wanted to controll everything he did. she alloud only college time- 6 hours and half an hour max for going there and getting home, not half hour each, but 15 minuts roughly each but no more than 30 minuits. if he wanted a guys night out wand the guys had girlfreinds over, wouldnt allou it. she also told him to stop speaking to his mother because that was incest... when she saiud that to him that was the final straw for him. even thought she said 'dont talk to tfemale teachers as they only want to rape you and you'll be cheating on me otherwise. and i hate that'. he now suffers from deopression and some kind of ptsd- not sure of thats the right word for it tho
If she gets angry because you don't let her go through your phone and throw a tantrum, if she always waited for you to get back home after a night out if she forces herself on you in public get tf out of the relationship
There used to be a way to correct this behavior. But then everybody got all sensitive, and you're not allowed to slap people anymore for acting stupid or being hysterical.
Two simple red flags that have always proven true. 1) She goes from happy to grumpy FAST. Like, multiple times within a few hours. 2) She tells stories about friend drama from years ago. If either of those pop up, bail out fast.
@@fleeviokmr Dude if she is still upset about petty things her friends said years ago, imagine what will happen when you say or do the "wrong" thing. Unless its really worth working through, save yourself the trouble.
@@user-rv3nv7ov7i It's form of abuse in which the abuser will try to make someone think they are going crazy by denying something that happened or acting like the person they are abusing is blowing things out of proportion to make them doubt their own mind and only rely on the abusers judgement. It comes from a play in which a man who abused his wife kept lighting gas lamps when she wasn't looking and tried to convince her she was going crazy when she noticed they kept getting brighter. This person's "girlfriend" (abuser) was gaslighting him by denying that her fits of rage in which she would assault him by throwing things at him ever happened and apparently it worked and he ended up recording it just to know he wasn't going crazy. I am glad he finally left her. If your partner or parents ever try to do something like this to you, RUN!
My cousin was hanging out with this girl and the girl with no warning pinned her down and forced her to make out with her. Big no-no, considering my cousin was very likely sexually molested(we don't really know, she's repressed it but he's in jail now and she has certain triggers)by her bio dad. Same girl has claimed to be married at 16, been in several poly-amorous relationships for the sole purpose of making both boys jealous, and claimed pregnancy 3 different times. Oh, yeah, she's also faking being genderfluid on every platform of social media because the tags attract views.
A relationship shouldn't be a prison. You should be able to hang out with whoever you want as long as there isn't anything going on. If you can't trust your significant other you shouldn't be with them.
When she tells you that she is stabbing a cardboard box with a pair of scissors because "she couldn't stab real people." Yes. That really did happen to me several years ago.
I have a boss that yells at me “shut and and get back to work” while I’m dead silent doing my job. And my usual reply is “you’re not my boss” All in good fun though, great boss
Gosh, the one about mental illness spoke too close to home. I still can't believe I dated someone like that. We were both depressed (I was diagnosed, him idk honestly) and I got so many "add-ons" to my illness because of him. I'm so glad that I'm with someone better now
@TurnipsAge I get it, people have had it worse and people currently have it worse than I do. But I am diagnosed by professionals that's why I say I have depression. I wouldn't otherwise
To explain, this crazy girl in my class would always play have conversations with herself and play truth or dare with herself. One day, at the end of gym class, she walked up to me, planted a disgusting kiss onto me. I had no idea it was coming. One of the worst days of my life, no lie. Also, she told me that she was plating truth or dare when I asked her why the heck she'd do that.
@@emmanuelalagbala9590 I have broken my neck 47 times over the last 15 years practicing and perfecting the Borok head smash. If I was in your position, I'd be a little more careful about your choice of words...
A man not being able to go somewhere because their girlfriend wont allow them it is normal. A woman not being able to go somewhere because their boyfriend wont allow them people get worried
1) Wild mood swings. 2) Disturbing or specious insinuations drawn from your words. (Think Cathy Newman interviewing JP). 3) Inability to hold a rational or serious conversation on any topic. (Boooooring!) 4) Inability to compromise on literally anything. 5) Casual low-level violence against men. 6) Temper not controlled. 7) Propensity to judge or mock people openly solely based on appearance, make damaging insinuations or spread rumors. 8) Refusal to take no for an answer when you're not in the mood for sex, usually accompanied by insults, scorn or accusations of being weak or gay. I recommend every man refuse sex at least once before marriage. You really learn a lot about your partner that way. 9) Treating you like a meal service or ATM. 10) Making even the slightest comment that she is in some way, shape or form interested aboit your money. 11) A complete lack of a 'warm and nurturing mood'. Some would call this mood radiance. 12) Completely uncritical belief in pseudo-science. I understand not eveyone has had the proper education or information given, but if you gobble this stuff up like candy, that's a major red flag for every single Taurus. 13) Radical feminist, at this point the movement has become so blatantly anti-male that even ordinary feminists are suspect. 14) And last but not least... She never genuinely apologizes for anything.
Ay Fonsi DY Oh Oh no, oh no Oh yeah Diridiri, dirididi Daddy Go Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY) Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh) Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah) Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube) (Sube, sube) Quiero ver bailar tu pelo Quiero ser tu ritmo Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby) Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro Hasta provocar tus gritos Y que olvides tu apellido (Diridiri, dirididi Daddy) Si te pido un beso ven dámelo Yo sé que estás pensándolo Llevo tiempo intentándolo Mami, esto es dando y dándolo Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bom, bom Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bom, bom Ven prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje Empecemos lento, después salvaje Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas Pero pa montarlo aquí tengo la pieza Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube) (Sube, sube) Quiero ver bailar tu pelo Quiero ser tu ritmo Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby) Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro Hasta provocar tus gritos Y que olvides tu apellido Despacito Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico Hasta que las olas griten "¡ay, bendito!" Para que mi sello se quede contigo Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby) Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito Hasta provocar tus gritos Y que olvides tu apellido (DY) Despacito
When I went to high school, there was this one girl from another class who had German lessons with me. She started talking to me regularly after I lent her my jacket once when she wanted to go buy something, but had forgotten to bring one herself and it was raining. She started trying to mix with me and my group at school (badly). She became a little too touchy for my tastes and wouldn't catch on to hints or even an outright "leave me alone" When we had a 10-day school trip to England, she would always follow me everywhere and would randomly hook arms with me. People started asking me if I was going out with her, which was very uncomfortable, because I didn't like her, found her highly unattractive, and I absolutely hate it when others believe things about me because of what someone else is doing. I was also quite offended that people had so much romance on the brain that they'd ask me if I was going out with her, after I had audibly told her to fuck off with a lot of those people being present. I started getting a bit more clear about not wanting to be around her. My friends and I started treating her like air when she was around and if she approached us, we would purposefully turn away from her. At one point that caused her to physically lash out at one of us, which ended with the contents of her bag getting dumped on top of the lockers, then falling behind them where she couldn't reach. She finally left me alone after that. The following year, she was gone from school for a couple of months. Apparently she had been admitted to a mental hospital after having weird episodes about being telepathically linked to some guy who she said wanted to kill her. Her mother was also allegedly seen begging at the mall that was close to our school, so it was clear that some weird shit was going on with her and her family. At first I only thought "I should stay away from crazy people", I've developed a dislike for proactive women a while after that, because I noticed that they had the same tendency to not accept a simple 'no' just like that mental case
I trusted partners with my passwords since I had nothing to hide. The thing that stopped me doing that is having to explain conversations that I had with other people that didn't involve her
I'm severely mentally ill and sometimes message my husband saying I feel terrible, but I never expect him to come home, I just want him to be aware that it's a bad day. Just to say that you shouldn't count out mentally ill girls completely, some of us only destroy ourselves, not others.
Yeah, but who wants to watch someone they care about destroy themselves? If I went to go get a puppy, and there's one that is literally eating it's own feet, that's not the one I'm bringing home.
Im also a very insecure person but I’m honest about it and I can tell when I’m being unreasonably jealous won’t change anything about the way I feel but I still don’t try to blame my partner I just openly talk to him about my insecurities ...it’s just cuz I’m used to helping my crushes getting together with a girl they liked #sisterzonedallthetime
Let me be the middle ground here. Going for it is risky, anybody telling you "you just need to look for the right one, and nothing will go wrong" is an idiot. There is always a risk. But there's also a potential benefit. We could discuss how big it really is, but you have your own ideas already. You might be happier with the outcome, or not. Only thing you should never do is pick one road when you really want the other.
Dont know if this counts as crazy but: She talks to you till 3 am for a week and a half, then for the next 2 weeks she leaves you on opened or replies "lol". When you stop trying to talk to her, she gets really angry.
Being into astrology at all should be grounds enough. If people ask me my starsign I refuse to answer and stop talking to them if they bring it up again.
7:48 I really felt this story since ive kinda had the same experience with one girl. She used to be mad if I didn't talk to her enough or go to sleep when we were texting, she used to seek attention from me 24/7 and said that i didnt care about her if I wasn't able to respond. One of the worst things was when I was taken in by a hospital and I couldnt respond to her texts (since I was really sick and could barely move) and said "You know what, just text me when you're dead.." I went into surgery a couple minutes later. Edit: Broke it off with her after my recovery
I really hate the "trust issues" in a relationship, I mean if I didn't do anything to broke the trust you must trust me, that is one of the pillars of a relationship, follow someone or ask for social media passwords means that you don't trust me and if that is the case, Why you are in a relationship with me in the first place?
That second to last guy really hurt my heart because it’s similar to what my bf went through with one of his exes. He also confessed that it took a lot of time for him to get over the emotional abuse to gave him because he’d hate himself for “being weak” and learning to accept it. It was hard to get him to truly open up to me in the beginning of our relationship, but as I’ve worked to prove my genuine feelings, he’s has gotten much better with being open and allowing himself to be cared for.
"I only hang out with guys." I totally agree with the rest, but maybe not this one lmao I hang out mostly with guys because too many women in my life were abusive, and men usually don't have a hidden manipulative agenda to destroy your life just because you used a lemon zester as a cheese grater.
Yes they do, I won't say all of them but the majority are just sitting by and waiting for their chance with you. They won't give any signal they think about you romantically but trust me they are just waiting for you to be vulnerable to pounce on you. Again not all of them but a good majority. I've seen it to many times when your guy friends finally confess they've been in love with you forever and maybe you know or don't but that's how it always happens.
@@haroldnelson3312 Hey, give them the benefit of the doubt, yeah? One of my guy friends lives with me as a roommate and actively asks me for advice whenever he meets a girl he's interested in and wants to get to know her/needs date ideas. Another has been a great friend for a few years, and although it started because of romantic interest in a different friend who was a girl we were both friends with (and who ended up being extremely psycho and abused us BOTH) we've remained friends and he's told me that he's thankful I'm here for him and that I'm his friend. A third I've been friends with since we were 14, and he's probably my best friend of all time because of how well he knows me and the shit we've been through together. Not all of the guys I hang out/around with/am forced to be around are like this, obviously, since it's not hard to tell which ones only see me as potential and which ones see me as genuine friends. I appreciate it if your words are coming from a place of care, however!
I didn't say all of them. But your dealing with the Laws of Nature and guys are wired this way. But to think that hanging out with guys because girls are all about drama is better is false. Guys are just better at hidding their drama. Guys have just as many hidden motives if not more than girls do. I've had more than one girlfriend who is so confused after finding out that her good guy friend of 20 years had been madly in love with her the whole time without given one signal. I've seen it more than once. It's just the way it is. And girls are either aware of it and allow it for whatever reason or totally oblivious to it. Again these are Laws of Nature.
Agreed, I don’t like the stigma that’s attached to it. My best friends are guys and I’m hesitant to say they are “guys” because I know that might put a bad taste in people’s mouths. It is possibly to be friends with the opposite sex 🤷♀️
@@Christine-le5pp Best damn friends I have in this world are women, universally. My current roommate literally saved my life from homelessness after a bad transition out of the Army, and I'd never trade my friendships with women for anything. It's nice just...knowing where you stand, what you mean by something, and trusting each other without any long term plans beyond 'we're best friends.'. Most damn rewarding relationships I've had, after most male friends in the Army turned out to be scheming jackasses and all of my biological and step parents were horribly abusive. :P
Not a crazy story but still a funny one. My sister's mate dated a girl who was physically disabled and they weren't really happy, however, he couldn't bring himself to dump her because he would feel like a dick for dumping a disabled girl. One day he walked into the school library with a spring in his step and a smile on his face, my sister and their friends asked "Why are you so happy?" And he said quite happily "She dumped me!" To which they all looked on in amazement and confusion.
(Unrelated but I'm a girl) I once dated a girl who told me she was suicidal the first time we met. No problem there. I told her I struggled with depression too and she started getting condescending, telling me that she had 'actual depression' not just feeling sad. I thought nothing of it and we went out. She would tell me every day about how shit her life was, how she just wanted to end it. This started stressing me out as I would be constantly worried about her doing something stupid. She would never ask me how I was, and if I so much as mentioned about having a bad day she would scream down the phone (we are both very antisocial so didn't actually go out anywhere) about how I knew nothing and my life was so much better. I constantly let it slide because I realised she was going through a rough time and couldn't help feeling bad. But then when I called her in tears one day and told her that my grandad was seriously ill and wasn't expected to live to see Christmas, she shouted at me for not asking her about her day and hung up. The next day she calls me in tears and apologises, saying she was just really down that day. It took me 6 months to break up with her. She's now got a new, much shyer girlfriend who (from what I can tell) lets her walk all over her. Btw tell me if I'm overreacting about this or just being an attention seeker. Edit: thanks for all the support guys. But to those implying that her depression was faked, I know it wasn't. Her father left when she was 10, and she was bullied a lot at school. That's one of the reasons I forgave her so many times.
I don't think you're over reaching or being attention seeking. Though I do warn you, relax, don't worry about being "attention seeking" most people aren't, and those who are don't ask if they're over stepping.
What a selfish bitch! Mental illness isn't an excuse for belittling other people's problems. Ever. Anyone doubting your depression and saying stuff like "you have it so much better" is a huge red flag. These people have no empathy and will always expect the whole world to revolve around them. It's not overreacting, my father is that kind of person too and being raised by him led to me having more mental illnesses than you can count on one hand. I always forgave him because he had a tough life, but when I realized if it wasn't for my mom, I would have killed myself, I cut all ties with him. Emotional abuse is no joke, people who make you feel like shit all the time are seriously harmful for you.
Had a really similar experience with a girl I knew in university. We weren't going out or anything, but things went pretty crazy after I stopped her from jumping off a bridge once. Who knows if she would have actually done it, but I was just trying to be a good person, you know? She was kind of annoying, but I at least got the other people in class to give her a chance, e.t.c. Computer stuff, so this was the first time a lot of the students had tried the whole 'talking to other people' thing. Come exam season, there is no end to the text messages. All she wants to do is come to my place, so she can talk about herself constantly. This includes hand-in days that we would have both known about. The implied message was always 'my life is more important'. Wasted all of her own student loans on her boyfriend, so she can't leave home, and now any life advice I try and give her is deflected by him, calling me patronising. I also find out that she's stirring crap about other people behind their backs, trying to score 'friend points', despite all the effort I put into getting people to play nice with her. Still feel like a bad person for cutting it off, but what can you even do in a situation like that? If somebody doesn't meet you half way, what's the point in being emotionally drained by the experience? If somebody is only happy with you being a doormat, what's the relationship going to be like in a years time?
You aren’t overreacting and didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Anyone who cares about you (whether dating or not) will do what they can to make you feel better instead of putting you down for not suffering “enough”. Plus, one person’s struggle shouldn’t be compared to another like some rigid number; the fact of the matter is that if you feel bad about something, you have a genuine issue you don’t know how to deal with yourself. I’ve done a lot of lecturing and presenting as a TA and it no longer phases me, but I wouldn’t judge someone with less experience, more stress, &c. for being afraid to present in front of students. So really, she shouldn’t have even gotten to _thinking_ your problems weren’t as substantial as yours and didn’t need the same attention. But most importantly, she shouldn’t have _said_ it, which as you know, helped no one.
7:50 got way too dark way too fast. it is exactly what happened to my best friend/boyfriend of four years when he left me for a girl who turned out to be scarily similar to the one described. he is really messed up after that long year with her and we are trying our best to move on but there are some days that are awful. we are both hurt after it. if you are in an abusive relationship, please do anything to remove yourself from it. the longer you are together, the more it will drain from you. it is better to use all of your courage at once to leave than to be slowly drained of your willpower just because you feel you are wanted by someone.
In 4th grade, I stalked my crush’s Facebook account every day for 2 years. I stopped when I realized how creepy it was. i told him this the other day and he was like “weirdo” 😂
2:13 That's literally my parents in a nutshell, except it's my parents acting like they hadn't been screaming at one another and me and my sibs having to convince ourselves that they were
To be fair on the thread itself, it's probably filled posts about women actually just being creepy and not abusive (like the one about "If she likes horses"). The person who made this video probably tried to pick the ones that would help the most; the ones that stood out. S/he probably wanted to do an episode on this thread anyway. If they changed the name of the thread, people would complain. It would also get less views because "Men, what is your story with abusive women?" sounds a lot more sad than "Men, what makes a woman creepy?". The latter implies more lightheartedness and humour. Call me an unrealistic optimist for this next part, but maybe the video makers purposefully chose the abusive ones to get the point of "not just men are abusive" across? Comments like yours would then be intended so that people think long and hard about their perception of abuse and the perps of said abuse. Again, unrealistically optimistic to expect a popular UA-camr to use their platform as a subliminally great way to get important messages like this across, but we can but hope
"she ended up carving my name into her foot" Yeahhh, sorry, middle school was an uncomfortable time for all of us 😅 Some of us just didn't know how to handle all those hormones
I feel so bad for the second to last guy who said he hates himself for staying in his abusive relationship and letting her ruin him. Jesus, I'm so sorry for him...
Me too..
Yeah, I think that has to be a hard balance. He has to realise how her behaviour wasn't his fault, but on the other hand, it's good to keep himself somewhat accountable so can learn to get out immediately the next time, because there could always be a next time.
I relate to that guy... Makes me feel less lonely about that... Doesn't make me feel that much better, but less lonely lol
I had to stop when I read that one, because it sounded 100% EXACTLY like my last relationship, down to the insecure and angry partner breaking up with me. I hope OP is being kinder to himself; if he hasn't already, he'll realize that he dodged a major bullet there, and that he will be a stronger and wiser person for it. Oof.
I was really hurting for this guy, especially since just two months ago i broke up with a guy who was exactly like his girlfriend and we'd been together for 2 years. I know all too well how it feels to be so mad at yourself for refusing to see the obvious red flags and not getting the fuck out sooner... Glad this is behind and i wish for everyone in fucked up relationships to get out safely and recover from it.
these aren’t “creepy” so much as they are signs of just plain abuse. fellas, regardless if you’re a man or a woman, if your significant other starts behaving this way, RUN.
@Manfreski if you're eating food, finish it, you're gonna need the energy to *run*
DA na na na na na na na na na,
Run through the valley, the forest, the mountains, the desert, to the other side of the world. Fuck it! Escape to Mars. These people will never let you go. They always make sure you’re unhappy aka my ex boyfriend.
Yeah exactly. Flip the genders in this and most of these men would be called rapists/abusers etc. But when it's women they're just "creepy" nah my dudes, some women are just as horrible as some men.
these aren't creepy, these are abusive. please guys, if you're in a relationship like this, get yourselves out!
Idk, coming from a "girl" I'd say some of them are creepy and others really are just abuse its like a 50 50 really
Huge red flag is when she flips out because you got her something "cheap". And I don't mean she just gets a little grumpy. She flips every table in the room screaming at you.
Take it from a fellow woman. When a girl does that, you run. Often means she's a gold digger. If a girl truly appreciates you she doesn't need anything.
(I decided to edit the last bit because ppl were commenting on that lol)
Exactly. Like, I'd be pretty upset if I got a gift that was clearly bought BECAUSE it was cheap. But if someone is genuinely getting you a good gift, not as an afterthought, and it happens to even remotely represent "cheapness," suddenly the whole world goes crashing down! It's toxic.
@Queen_Of_Neptune This is so true! If she's happy with you making her a card and getting her chocolates that aren't expensive then she's probably the one. If she gets angry because you didn't spend a fortune on her then she's usually super toxic, and you need to break up with her IMMEDIATELY before things get worse.
Not necessarily creepy, but surely a thing to look out for.
I mean, I would be pretty mad if something was so cheap that it carried a disease that killed thousands of people.
Oooo. Oooh no I do not mean something like that! LOL
A lot of what these guys are talking about are abusive relationships! Be aware of the warning signs because just because its not physical doesn’t mean its not abuse!
@BLAIR M Schirmer Yet nobody believes such a thing, because men are shunned down whenever they talk about how they suffer abuse, its sad really, how much power women have, it's not physical, but people sure are biased towards them, with women it's innocent until proven guilty, with men, it's guilty until proven innocent
Completely agree.
Honestly my mother is really toxic to my dad, and I wish he could realize he shouldn't have to deal with it. He really loves her a lot though, and is completely loyal. He really doesn't deserve the way he's treated most of the time.
I'd hate them getting a divorce, but I don't really like the way things are with them right now either.
@Engla Himla when you're a victim of emotional abuse, you're often so brainwashed and manipulated that you honestly don't realize it's abuse. In fact, your dad probably thinks all of this is HIS fault.
littlecatbaby You're on point. (I read your other comment about your abusive ex btw).
It's especially bad if you are abused during your first or second relationship when you're still young/a teen. My first girlfriend literally made me try to kill myself multiple times in the 1 1/2 year we were together. I was literally just 14 years old when it started. Basically still a little kid, and that relationship has fucked me up for life because i now have so many insecurities, fears, and trust issues from her that only got worse with every time i got lied to, used or betrayed from sequential relationships. It's become basically impossible for me to just trust someone else, even if that person never did anything wrong, just because my mind's hard-wired to never trust anyone because of how bad i got hurt repediately. Add being cheated on, ghosted, used (borderline raped), and neglected by those afterwards into the mix and it's a guaranteed way to fuck up someone's life.
But I'm a guy, so society doesn't care and my fears mean I'm weak
That became longer than i intended, guess i got carried away a bit..
That first one isn't mere creepy behavior. That's a red flag for abusive behavior- the woman was trying to isolate her partner from his friends and potential support system. A woman continuing to put her hands on a man despite being turned down is definitely still sexual harassment, at that.
Assault more like
@Basesixty I dunno if your comment is a joke or not, but it still can definitely apply when it’s a woman.
@Basesixty It’s fine.
I've been guilt tripped and belittled for not wanting sex. It felt like I did something wrong if I didn't want it. One time she tried to force my pants off when I didn't want to. When I realized she would guilt trip and force herself on me I got out. Never told anybody that I know, thought they'd make fun of me for it because I'm a man. Be careful out there guys, just because she asks you too doesn't give her the right to demand or force you!
I'm so sorry, that really sucks
Speed the Speed respect to u bro
That’s so wrong I’m sorry you’ll be better off without her and that pressure
@Fuck You Women tends not to understand how tired a man can be after a long day of physical work.
t. Construction and wood worker
Oh man, i'm sorry to hear that. There is no shame in refusing sex. What's the deal about that anyway, it's not like all we want is sex no stop. That notion needs to die already.
7:50 isn't just creepy it's literally abuse
Dated a girl like that for 8 months and we broke up in October and I'm still trying to get over the anger I have for myself
When men domestically abuse women it's treated as the most unholy sin.
Women abusing men? Just creepy
Anyone with half a brain and human decency should come to the conclusion that it's more than just creepy when a woman abuses a man.
At least they don't call it funny, as so many other people do.
The people who answered this were meant to say creepy, It's just a coincidence that they only had abusive stories. Not intentional.
only men who feel they're super manly and women who like macho assholes think that women abusing men is funny or not that bad
@@arwenjoseph7199 My mans abuse isn't just "annoying". Abuse has SERIOUS effects on the victims overall health, mental health especially. Their lives can be crushed because of their antisocial or paranoid behaviour that they developed over time. Also generally when people, including men get abused they don't kill or even hurt the abuser, victims of abuse are too scared to act negatively towards their abuser due to an inferiority complex and or stockholm syndrome. I see what you're trying to say, but saying that abuse is only "annoying" is honestly disgusting, no offense.
So many of these are just emotionally abusive. Be safe my dudes
I already abuse myself with jealousy and self-loathing every other Sunday, no seriously, it seems to always be Sunday.
@@kaelanmcalpine2011 That's nice. Try to break the habit sometime and buy yourself a chocolate bar and watch a favorite show and just put your energy elsewhere - maybe talk to someone, too? Honestly it takes up wayy too much energy, self-loathing. Don't take shit from the person who has the absolute, _biggest_ obligation to serve and care for you, _you._ Hope you're doing better soon
You too person
Quick tip: If she says she wants you to be her husband and have children on the 1st date, remember to be on guard.
It's probably the work of an enemy stand.
Pedobear TheBeast Hello person im meeting for the first time
*Wanna live with me forever*
Unless you’re a mormon or extreme Christian. It’s probably normal then.
Is it Yellow Temperance?
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@erebuskaslana1583 I thought it was Thot Slayer Dio?
a lil deviation from "creepy" into "outright abusive & obsessive" at points
people forget that women are abusive to men too :(
@@Isabeltherat The sad thing about this is that the justice system more often than not, benefits women more than men because "hUrR dUrR fEmInIsM" and that white knights exist.
Yeah, they're not really 'signs of creepiness' as much as descriptions of abusive relationships.
A sign a girl is not in her right mind is when she raises her voice pitch and tries to act more cutesy, or refers to herself in the third person (cringy though this may sound, it seriously happens) when talking to men.
Two very psycho women I've not met, but heard about, were like this. (One was my great-uncle's wife when she was young, she had six kids and abused them verbally routinely, scarring them enough that none of the five that are still alive have stable relationships despite all being well over 40; and the other one is one of my mother's co-workers, a girl who is ~25 yo, at the very least, and who sometimes scares my 50+ yo mother.)
Most of that isn't creepy, it's goddamn abusive and a lot are criminal.
lloydgush it just goes to show how low a lot of men’s standards are for how they should be treated.
@@theVolunteer24 low, the standards are really low.
Yeah the GPS tracking thing is illegal. I had an ex who put a tracker in my car (loJack system thankfully I found it a few days later when I went to plug in my diagnostics scanner to check on a pesky check engine light). He freaked the fuck out when it went offline.
@@samikay9599 lol!
Did the cops told you the face he made?
They deserve to be single
If the person you are with doesn't make you happy, my God GET OUT!! There are so many other people out there who don't possess the defects of the one you are leaving behind. You have a right to be happy - don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.
Sometimes they make you feel happy on the outside for a bit. And you don't realise how much damage they are truly doing
I thought you said ‘someone else’s socket”, like eye socket lol
"don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket" - that's an amazing quote and I don't think I'll ever forget it. A lovely analogy.
Easier said than done when your self-esteem is nonexistent.
Dang, I love that last line
Proof that many women abuse their partners. Proof that women can be the perpetrators of abuse.
All humans are capable of abuse. Only dumbasses will make it about race or gender.
T. Fairuz sadly there are a lot of dumbasses like them
well yeah, who is denying men can be victims and women can be perpetrators?
33melonpaws77 a lot of people, actually
33melonpaws77 given that the woman who made women's abuse shelters in Britain got bomb threats and needed police intervention when she tried to do the same for men, imma say many people don't like this idea
An easy one is if they talk to me, usually a good sign they're crazy or desperate
Relatable self deprecation, friend
Or both, really
Ditto me boiii
More than both probably, maybe a little pitty
too real
When she gives you an apple from an illegal tree because a snake told her.
When the tree and the snake is put there to give God an excuse to kick you out of paradise
When God has a plan that involves your entire race being doomed forever for eating his apple, and already knows how that plan will unfold before it even happens.
When you realize that your greatest enemy is your creator.
This looks like fun. Let me try.....when they kill your whole family, destroy your home, and make you deathly Ill to show their hated enemy that you still love them.
*forbidden tree
the woman around 2:15 "forgetting" she screamed and threw things was gaslighting him
Exactly! That was either gaslighting or something gravely wrong neurologically!
what does gaslighting mean? i assume its the same as the " shit test " to see what someone will put up with?
@Fergil The Fox
A quick Google search would tell you. Basically, it's when somebody does their best to make you think that you've gone insane. Most of the time, the only people would try and do this are already insane. Maybe they just want company!
Either that or they're horribly manipulative, though that could just be another form of insanity.
@@abrahamnotlincoln3439 Gaslighting is a form of *serious psychological abuse* People who gaslight others sometimes have personality disorders.
The most basic element is that the abuser is trying to make the abusee question their sense of reality. This can take a lot of forms.
At its most bombastic, the abuser is literally trying to make the abusee believe they are going crazy (it is named for the old mystery movie "Gaslight" with Ingrid Bergman, which is worth a watch)
But it often takes much more ordinary forms, like telling someone they must be getting forgetful because they keep misplacing items or cash (when really the abuser is stealing from them. )
Or, for a personal example, someone I know had a mother in law who probably has a personality disorder. When my friend became pregnant with her first child, the m in law was suddenly cozying up to her, and then kept "confiding" in her about what my friend's husband REALLY wanted to name the child, how often he wanted the infant to leave the house, his ideas about child rearing etc etc. The m in law told my friend that he was afraid to cause an argument with his pregnant wife and probably wouldnt admit these things if asked, but *really* wanted these things and was talking to his Mom about it. She said "men will tell their mothers things they would never tell their wives."
Husband never had those conversations and didn't want any of those things...some were the total opposite of what he wanted!
His Mom wanted them.
She is very manipulative and a blithe liar. Which my friend knew....and when she finally spoke to her husband, he assured her in no uncertain terms that he had never said those things, but it took him weeks to fully convince her because it was a poisonous, reality bending experience for his wife. He had to remind his wife repeatedly that he didn't trust or even like his Mom and reason with her before she stopped worrying.
THAT is gaslighting.
*Anyone who thinks they're experiencing it, or is concerned that maybe THEY do it, should find and confide in a good counselor as soon as possible*
@@melissasaint3283 cheers to telling me, now i know im kinda fucked cause i actually do a have shitty memory so im probs going to be gas lighted in the future, rip.
i don't know because i'm unattractive
some random guy
Bruh same
You must not have two testicles
I felt this
Wait I remember you
And I thought I was boring for being shy around guys... I prefer being shy than being that much of a nutcase.
Magi Algarin As a guy, I agree.
Yeah Stay the way you are. Some of these girls are absolute sociopaths.
Okay, most extroverted guys kinda like shy and quiet girls. I like them because I like getting close to them and opening them up little by little. This also goes for platonic friendships.
And there is a good chance the quiet one isn't bat shit insane.
Thanks for not being cray cray
For anyone who doesn't know:
FWIW = For what it's worth
YMMV = You milage may vary.
I appreciate this. I've had no idea what these mean.
Thank you! This is very much appreciated.
Thank you so much
Yo thanks
The only reason I was looking through the comments! Thank you!
The weirdest things that's ever happened to me is when my body pillow started moving on it's own.
The semen on it turned into a living being
The norm for me
Just cause you throw a pillow case over that kid you jacked doesn't make it a body pillow
@@Enrique-peralta There's a body inside that pillow, I'm not sure I get your point.
@@rumblefish2798 r/wooosh
-If she's a Yandere that's an instant no-
Yespacito starting to see you everwhere
the new Justin Y.
@@Zyn_Shi Apparently Yespacitio needs to get a life yet you, are practically doing the same thing as him watching videos. You are probably salty because you can't get likes.
If she's a Yandere that's an instant Yes
9:37 "I was basically linked to her twenty four over seven."
Oh shit you know its bad when your relationship turns fractional.
@Ryan Corrigan It’s mathematically incompatible
Had a good laugh to this comment.. Kinda sad that I won't remember this good ol' comment.. you will be remembered. 🗿
What a fractured relationship they had
I feel really bad for the second-to-last guy. I really hope he gets some therapy or something.
Randomeline me too!!! His story broke my heart! I’m a mom to two adult sons, they’ve grown up in a peaceful family and their dad (my husband still, lol) is a gentle giant, I can almost imagine that happening to them because they would have no idea....
@@reneebrady8389 It's one of the things that bugs me about how we regard relationships; there's so much stuff to warn women about unhealthy relationships, and ways for them to get out of such relationships, but so little to help men.
both him and her with her bipolar... but sorry, there was something more than bipolar there as i know a few bipolar people. yes they act out sometimes, but not as bad as this girl was... maybe theres different levels or something, but still, jesus lady!
@@Randomeline I agree 100%! I am happy that there is more attention to this issue, but sadly no where NEAR enough at this time, but hopefully men will get the support they need and deserve. No one...absolutely NO ONE deserves to be abused and everyone should be able to get support without shame
Always remember there are things much, much, much worse than being single...
It won't make you happier, but it will let you see your situation in a slightly better light. Sometimes that's all it takes to keep going.
Amen! Don't rush into anything, it's really not worth it! I'd rather be slightly lonely and do whatever I want whenever I want than deal with the crap I hear about on here or from friends.
@Undead King Then you might be out of luck mate. Better socialize and get some pals to hang out with. There are people literally everywhere cmon men are not that hard to approach.
2:06 Take notes, everyone. THIS is a textbook example of gas lighting.
Gas lighting is not people not involved with the events having doubts about your retelling/version of them.
Gas lighting is the abuser outright denying that the abuse ever happened, and/or telling you that you're remembering it wrong, when you(the victim of that abuse) confront them about it. As seen in the post, this often causes the victim to question their own sanity and perception of reality.
Needless to say, if someone attempts to gas light you. GET. THE HELL. OUT.
It's probably safe to say that they know what they're doing when they lie through their teeth about something you were both present for, so they can't play a "I didn't know I was doing that" innocence card, at least not believably.
Most of these are examples of abusive relationships, stop the stigma of abuse against men!
So men can't be abused?
@@jinglehells7027 That is not what this person said *facepalm*
@Stella Clap I AM a feminist and I know women are much more likely to be abused, but as a feminist I'm looking for equality and I also know that abuse against men is much more stigmatized. If a man did half of these things to a woman, we would all see him as an abuser, so why is it that you see the woman as only creepy? My point was not to invalidate female abusers victims but rather raise awareness for males
@Stella Clap I personally don't believe that you are an actual feminist and rather a misandrist or 'feminazi' you are unwilling to accept that feminism is important to the equality of both men and women and when I pointed out an example of society treating men unfairly you almost immediately took it as an attack on women. My name is GRACE, i AM a woman.
@@jinglehells7027 the opposite! These are examples of men being emotional or in some rarer cases (like the throwing of objects) phsycially abused by their partners but because the people being abused are men, it is seen as a 'creepy' girlfriend instead of an abusive one.
Another sign is when she makes two accounts and makes romantic advances on you on both accounts but doesn't tell you they're both the same person. Assuming you don't want her because you didn't text her in your sleep is also a huge red flag.
That was hard man😂
The first one is really specific 😂😂😂 anyway, still creepy asf
@@OhKeiSyd Yeah that's because I'm speaking from experience.
I know a girl who did that same thing to her boyfriend but being an idiot lead him to actually take the bait.
As a gal with BPD, it can get pretty intense so don't date someone with it unless they're actively trying to get better or are willing to try with a little bit of guidance. Often times I can see how it would turn into an abusive relationship. Otherwise (unrelated to the disorder) just in general stay away from people looking to control you, blame you, harm you, or make you heavily uncomfortable- look out for warning signs and stay safe everyone! :)
yeah BPD seems to be pretty difficult to deal with while having relationships, of course i'll never know how it feels, but seems like the thoughts come already poisoned by the strong range of negative emotions you are prone to have, and can regrettably translate into emotionally and manipulative behavior that is just an attempt to get out of those feelings. I wish you godspeed in your relationships.
Yiazmats Thank you.
This just made me realize my ex might be better left off as an ex. Thank you
timbo slice they’re an ex for a reason
That ^
Dodge the bullet dude
Same here.
She was extremely emotionally abusive towards me and I'm glad I broke up with her
Eeriel Constantine I did, I just have a few more to dodge before she runs out
This is a big bowl of Yikes Crispies.
Oof. Shit. Fuck. Yikes crispys
Don't you mean
Yikes Creepsies?
I... I'll leave now
Possibly followed a big bowl of Ray Rice Crispies… if you know what I mean.
Girls being mentally ill and definitely not ready for relationships is a lot different than creepy
6:00 I have all my husband's passwords. Not because I don't trust him but because he forgets when things (bills, important documents, etc) are due and can never remember his own passwords. He was on his sixth email account when we met because he'd just make a new one when he forgot the old password
Heh ok you get a pass on that one
Dont forget to post random memes on his social medias
That one doesn't apply once you're married.
Ya marriage doesn’t count with that one. My parents share all passwords because they both use all the accounts.
See that makes sense. I'm on number 4 myself.
When she tries to give you a poisoned apple
Mr Neddlemouse: The legendary Sanic Master when she curses you in your castle
When she tries to trade legs for your voice
@@-khushlush I want to like this a million times lol
When she tries to take my outfit and say she's saving china.
Hahaha... going back to roots as i see... when Eve deceived Adam into also eating the apple. There's a reason 'God' make sure women would feel pain giving birth, since they made sure Man would lose immortality to pretend it can evolve into 'God' himself via knowledge and know good and evil...
For me it's when she never stops talking about her ex.
Or constantly telling about herself. Or constantly bemoaning all her troubles in life, and patting herself on the back for how hard she has it and how hard she works.
Actually happenend to me. My ex boyfriend was talking about his last ex literally any time he could, and as I end the relationship he texted me a few days later that he was never loving me so much as her cause he could have forgotten her with me. That still hurts.
7:34 my ex girlfriend used to say she loved my green eyes and wanted to keep them in a jar. Rainbowspranks, did we have the same girlfriend? what did she look like, what was her name?
...Okay, what the flying fuck. That makes three of us my dude.
Smh who keeps eyes in a jar
*Keep that stuff in a safe*
I'm a girl, but I had a boyfriend(also have green eyes) when we broke up, he said "I'll cut your eyes out and switch them for mine" FREAKED ME THE FUCK OUT.
just curious, were y'all's eye stealer girl black with glasses? because if so it may be the same girl.
What’s up with your exes and green eyes?
To the guy who was talking about the girl with bipolar, please don't be so angry at yourself. Anger at her? Thst's okay. Anger at yourself? That's natural, but don't stay in it. I get how abusive relationships work, I've been in them. The other person is sick enough to drag you into their sickness, you aren't yourself when you're with them... I'm sure you know. You've probably heard of gaslighting, that's part of why she wouldn't let you hang out with other people. I don't know how to explain this well... just, people like that are very good at making people get stuck, especially people who are loving and caring and empathetic. Those qualities don't make you weak. People like that don't look for weak people, weak people need taking care of themself and would never be able to handle a person like her. They look for people who are strong, but still loving... honestly, one of the best combinations out there. The only problem is where you direct your love and strength. You have to make sure you put yourself first, that's how you avoid abusive, manipulative relationships. So please, don't hate yourself. Love yourself.
How will I able to find out the early signs? I really don't want to suffer the same like them.
Look, as a girl who was in a year long friendship that was quite similar to this guy's relationship: thank you, i still sometimes need to hear that💕
I have been there, too. She was my first gf and i was mad in love. She was different in that she always had to make me jealous. She would't follow me around everywhere, but I always had to come with her to everything (even to her 'girls only evenings' and birthday parties of friends of hers I've never seen or talked to), and then see her flirting with other guys and later saying that that was nothing. And I'm not saying just dirty talk flirting.
But to be honest I'm glad I've met her early in my life. I was so "bluepilled" about love and would have probably stayed that way, until something really really f'd up would take away more of my life.
I'll say the following to my fellow men out there: Life teaches you hard lessons. You will either learn or become broken, and I've seen far too many broken men.
@@flow1465 Simple. Anyone who tries to change you, forcefully reject. Anyone who extorts you (do this or I won't do that for/with you anymore), forcefully reject. Both of these are traits of tyrants, and in this day and age, you don't want that for a girlfriend (or boyfriend for that matter). Anyone who doesn't respect you as you are, is not worth your time or effort.
That said, rage can be productive. It's a healthy response to betrayal, especially for men (calling it toxic won't change male nature). Fan the flames until that bridge is burned - then let the fire burn out on it's own.
@Batman Read the book "Why does he do that" by Lundy Bancroft. It's really good. It only talks about male abusers but you can apply it to women too, of course.
I had a girlfriend that was a nightmare once. The signs that she was a bad choice was there from the start but, instead of breaking up with her, I'd assume she'd break up with me once she got to know me. I tend to be unusually quiet, secretive, and fiercely independent. These aren't traits for a happy relationship. So yeah, I just assumed she would leave me and everything would end well.
I was wrong. I said things were bad from the start so let's start there. She was a long time friend that spoke English as a second language. We became friends as a taught her more English. For the first couple years of our friendship, she was happily married for 14 years and had four kids with this guy. One day we're talking and just talking it easy when she kisses me. It freaks me the eff out. To the best of my knowledge, she was still married. Come to find out, she and her husband had split a year prior and she just hadn't said anything.
1st and 2nd read flag.
We start dating and immediately she wants to come over to my place. Again, I'm secretive so I wasn't thrilled about it. So she starts to stalk me in order to find out where I live. She always failed at that due to my raging paranoia. If a car is behind me for more than a block, then I start to panic.
3rd red flag.
During her attempts at stalking me, she learned I had more female friends than male friends. And she lost her effing mind. She was jealous of them all. What made it so strange was that she was more attractive than all of them combined and most of my female friends are happily married. The one she was most jealous of was easily the strangest one. Me and this girl are always playing with each other, pissing each other off, then making amends as sickenly sweet as possible. To a lot of people, we have good chemistry. But the twist here is that she doesn't find black people (I'm black) attractive at all while I don't find ghetto girls like her attractive. So we had a friendship that could last due to the fact that we weren't attracted to each other in the slightest. But that didn't stop me ex.
4th red flag.
There were arguments about us moving in together as early as three months into our relationship, about me doing things on my own without inviting her, her coming over unannounced then getting pissed if I wasn't home and yelling at me to come back, her demanding to see my phone, telling I can't leave my home without her consent, demanding I drop everything and go see her at once, and all that crazy extra stuff.
100+ red flags.
After a while, I got curious. What caused her marriage to fall apart. She clearly had left over baggage from it and it was doing nothing but causing problems now. My ex claimed he cheated on her. I didn't believe that for a second since she accused me of cheating on a regular basis. She once saw me give the mailwoman directions to the place where I get my tacos and that was all it took to convince her that the mail woman and I were screwing around. No, what happened (according to her older sister and ex-husband) after my ex got her citizenship, she lost her effing mind. She tried taking control of this guy's life and stopping him from leaving his home, tried to make him cut off his friends, every insane things she did to me she had tried with him.
Smart thing to do here is to simply break up with her. I didn't do that. I tried working with her through her issues. That was a mistake. She was still into stalking me and the last time was the final time for me. To abridged this part of the story, my sister was sick and stayed with me for a few days. When she got better I walked her home. My ex saw me with her and flipped out. I was accused of having sex with me sister. I cursed this girl out so bad and threw out of my apartment. Our relationship wasn't quite over yet. That happened in a few days when she sent me a text telling me the men she had been sleeping with since I had been cheating on her. That's when it was officially over.
man, i'm sorry you had to go through all that, it's really messed up how some people just randomly assume you're cheating on them just because you're doing normal human social interactions with them. that last accusation (fucking your sister) was very much far fetched and ridicously exaggerated, i hope you have been able to learn from your mistakes, and i hope you have a happy relationship if you ever get in another one, good luck dude.
The only red flag I can understand is where you have female friends. A lot of people end up having affairs with their friends of the opposite sex because we’re programmed to like people over time if we get along with them even as a friend it’s almost inevitable. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t as hot or are already married they can still be liked or like someone else if given enough time. That’s why I avoid staying friends with women and woman aren’t even great at being friends other than having subliminal sexual tension over time.
Carved her name into a foot? Jesus...
wahmen nuts!
I knew a girl who carved a name into her arm by her elbow. She was fat, so she wasn't hitting bone lol.
That’s... uh, wonderful.
I hope his name was Andy
I knew a girl in high school who had carved her crush's name with a knife (I think it was a knife) on her inner thigh.
Yeah, all of that was textbook abusive behavior.
Jokes on these horrible women I can't attract anyone
They're not ruining my life
It's ruined already
Trust me hon, you're better off without.
Yeah, can't be hurt if I'm single.....
*cries in single*
2:07 thats abuse. really glad the guy didnt fall for it
7:49 thats also abuse. very severe abuse. ive known similar girls and im really glad she didnt stay longer, i hope he can heal and forgive himself.
One of my exs, who I'm just friends with now, asked for my passwords/logins. Not thinking anything of it, I started to give them to her, because I barely ever used my accounts anyway except as a way to log in to games more easily. Before I could even get out my email though, she stopped me and said "You know what, never mind. Sorry. My mom always makes me paranoid when she visits." Apparently her mom, who had never had a decent relationship in her life, had decided to sabotage all of her daughters by constantly whispering things in her ear and giving backhanded compliments. Things like "wow, you let him go to a work function knowing there are girls he hangs around there without you?" or "hi honey, you look great! If only you'd do something about those ten pounds on your hips". Anyway, we ended up breaking it off a few months down the line, as we just weren't compatible in a long term romantic sense, but she's still one of if not my best friend, because I know I can trust her, and I know if she is having problems with me, or with anyone else for that matter, we can talk about it without it blowing up into something more than it is.
"Let's just be friends"
*actually stays friends*
That was kinda nice to hear, thank you for sharing
Poor girl. Having shitty parents has to be such an uphill battle
lol my mom does this to me too. She supports me mostly, though. But when I would talk abt my ex boyfriend going to the movies with his class friends she'd cut me off and say, "oh and you trusted him to do that? What if he's cheating on you?" and would just drill in tiny amounts of insecurity that built up in a really bad way. Still really mad about that stuff. It made a bad impact on me where I was almost becoming one of the "creepy" girls.
I met a girl who was a medical technology student who wanted to draw some blood from me. I obliged thinking it was common for medtech students to do that.
As I it was done I asked her if it was for a project or something, she said(and I shit you not): " *It was for her personal collection because she liked me so much* " I have never wanted to run out of my own house in my life that time.
I'd probably be the fascinated idiot that replies with "Can I see it?" only to get locked up in her basement. lol
oh man... if that were me i'd be breaking the sound barrier running away from her.
Err..I hope she doesn't commit a crime, and sprinkle your blood around..
If she's very clingy and dependant on you, don't do it. I have an extremely clingy "friend" and it will suck the life out of everything you do.
And my crush says she's the bad friend. Can I leave now?
Whats the definition of clingy? Like besides the obvious abuse stuff....cause im very affectionate and i dont wanna be a clinger
@@naomiealexandre9026 putting a . here so I get notified when you get answered because I also share your sentiments
@@naomiealexandre9026 like always trying to be around or involved in the other person's life, to the extent where it's unnecessary. in my experience, this person has tried to insert themselves into my friendships and asked for private information (which they then told everyone about), but always wanted to be the most important/the closest/the only one to another person.
if you can give the other person space and show trust by not asking for everything right away, you'll be fine.
i actually didn't want to be friends with this person, i had said "nice backpack" to her while in a good mood and she instantly glued herself to me.
@@naomiealexandre9026 I'd say just listen when he says no or is uncomfortable with it. I like my girl to be around alot, but when I need time for myself it must be respected. Talk about it with your bf, negotiating and just informing him whats going on in your head will go a long way.
This highlights that it’s important to realize that women can be abusive too.
Had a girl that i had been talking to for a few days, we'd been getting along and she invited me out to her lake house. At the time i drove a low sports car with low profile tires, and the drive out to the lake house was hell once you got to a very narrow and small dirt road/trail. Nothing sketchy about the location, dotting the dirt trail were other lake houses, what was sketchy/creepy was what she said after we got there.
"Man, i feel bad for my tires. That trail is hell"
"Yeah! Well i wanted to make sure i pick somewhere you can't get away quickly"
Ok...kind of chuckled it off like maybe she just had a weird sense of humor, until as we were walking in she looked back at me and said "I love how secluded it is out here. I could kill you in your sleep and put you in my basement and no one would ever know", then went to the liquor cabinet, got a bottle of rum and told me to "Drink up".
Turned around and just walked out, which turned out to be the right thing to do since she became *enraged* instantly. Like, 0-1000 in half a second instantly. Went from all smiles and giggles to, "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING GET IN HERE AND BE WITH ME NOW" while trying to get in my way so i couldn't walk.
Nah, i'm good.
I legit think she planned on killing you bro
What the fuck she murders innocent guys like you 😅😅😅
So she was a psycopath and a killer
Wow dude that sucks like bruh there is something wrong with that girl
@@nosywendigo592 no no the code is only If she has killed we dont know that
My bf knows my computer/phone passwords, but that's because I openly gave them to him when asking him to do something for me or text back a friend while I'm driving, or if he's over at my place and I'm showering he'll watch Netflix or something on my computer if he didn't bring his. I have no issues with him having them because I have nothing to hide and because he never asked for them, it just came up one day when I was like "hey babe can you text back my friend for me since I'm driving? My password is..." or "hey I'm gonna take a shower, if you wanna watch Netflix or whatever (cause I take long showers) you can use my computer, here's the password" I've never been weird about him having my passwords, and I actually like that he has my phone password because if there's ever an emergency he can get into my phone and call my emergency contacts, also cause I end up with a lot of adorable and weird selfies of him on my phone that I'll notice a few hours later.
Olivia Rogerson you don’t need a password to take selfies but ok
@@uwuseokie4123 True, but you get my point.
Olivia Rogerson dhhd yeah I get it I was just foolin
Your so nice
Get that trusting relationship nonsense OUTTA HERE!
In all honesty, glad you two have a relationship like that. Many people are not secure or truthful enough to do so.
Note to all: when your girl gets angry if you change your plans (if that's not a pitfall of yours, like being extremely unrealiable or impulsive), she might be hiding something from you (cheating?) and needs to know where you are at all times in order not to run into you. I've been in each corner of the love triangle, trust me, I know.
It's probably the work of an enemy stand
@@daddydark9675 wut?
@@daddydark9675 What's an enemy stand?
for someone i know, its because thye wanted to controll everything he did. she alloud only college time- 6 hours and half an hour max for going there and getting home, not half hour each, but 15 minuts roughly each but no more than 30 minuits.
if he wanted a guys night out wand the guys had girlfreinds over, wouldnt allou it.
she also told him to stop speaking to his mother because that was incest... when she saiud that to him that was the final straw for him. even thought she said 'dont talk to tfemale teachers as they only want to rape you and you'll be cheating on me otherwise. and i hate that'.
he now suffers from deopression and some kind of ptsd- not sure of thats the right word for it tho
@@MackenziiRivers I think the right word would be complex ptsd.
If she gets angry because you don't let her go through your phone and throw a tantrum, if she always waited for you to get back home after a night out if she forces herself on you in public get tf out of the relationship
There used to be a way to correct this behavior. But then everybody got all sensitive, and you're not allowed to slap people anymore for acting stupid or being hysterical.
@@NightmareMindset true😂
@Altoid Bazingá she'd throw the what you don't trust me bs
It's not "in public." If she forces herself on you. You call the police. And get out.
@taothewanderer dude idk what the vid is but fuck yes
When she changes to an Ogre at night
bro that's my kink
it’s creepy signs , not beautiful reasons to marry her
@anime gurl Shrexy*
to each theyr own i guess
"Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"
Two simple red flags that have always proven true. 1) She goes from happy to grumpy FAST. Like, multiple times within a few hours. 2) She tells stories about friend drama from years ago. If either of those pop up, bail out fast.
Lmao kill me, she does both and I kinda want to break up, can't keep going and would like to break things off as soon as possible...
@@fleeviokmr Dude if she is still upset about petty things her friends said years ago, imagine what will happen when you say or do the "wrong" thing. Unless its really worth working through, save yourself the trouble.
Are there women who don't do this?
@@markgarrett7428 yeah, it has been going on for eight months now and red flags keep coming up, getting fewer options left after each day to be honest
The first one......if it happens more than twice she is probably on her period. I know this because I have a sister. This happens every month
PSA: The one at 2:16 is using an abuse tactic known as gaslighting. If she starts doing that, get out of there!
What's gaslighting never heard of it
@@user-rv3nv7ov7i It's form of abuse in which the abuser will try to make someone think they are going crazy by denying something that happened or acting like the person they are abusing is blowing things out of proportion to make them doubt their own mind and only rely on the abusers judgement. It comes from a play in which a man who abused his wife kept lighting gas lamps when she wasn't looking and tried to convince her she was going crazy when she noticed they kept getting brighter. This person's "girlfriend" (abuser) was gaslighting him by denying that her fits of rage in which she would assault him by throwing things at him ever happened and apparently it worked and he ended up recording it just to know he wasn't going crazy. I am glad he finally left her. If your partner or parents ever try to do something like this to you, RUN!
@@FireZeldaSprkleParty oh OK thanks I won't have to worry tho I want to be single
@@user-rv3nv7ov7i good for you kiddo
Another sign is when she directly threatens you with a knife
Paulo Gomes
Rip dude jfc
My cousin was hanging out with this girl and the girl with no warning pinned her down and forced her to make out with her. Big no-no, considering my cousin was very likely sexually molested(we don't really know, she's repressed it but he's in jail now and she has certain triggers)by her bio dad. Same girl has claimed to be married at 16, been in several poly-amorous relationships for the sole purpose of making both boys jealous, and claimed pregnancy 3 different times. Oh, yeah, she's also faking being genderfluid on every platform of social media because the tags attract views.
Cara Buker
Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s illegal
@@carabuker897 Did your cousin report it? That was definitely sexual assault
A relationship shouldn't be a prison. You should be able to hang out with whoever you want as long as there isn't anything going on. If you can't trust your significant other you shouldn't be with them.
"For some reason, all my friends abandon me..."
Yeah... that was an obvious red flag.
When you find her name and a black and white picture of her in a grave from 1964.
Sounds like the start of a great movie
You okay my man ?
I like this plot
When she tells you that she is stabbing a cardboard box with a pair of scissors because "she couldn't stab real people." Yes. That really did happen to me several years ago.
Thats when you fucking RUN
I have a boss that yells at me “shut and and get back to work” while I’m dead silent doing my job.
And my usual reply is “you’re not my boss”
All in good fun though, great boss
Remember kids, if they have an anime profile picture, they are always wrong
Idk how to feel about this
@@g_in_garage r/woooosh with extra o to wooosh you away
Omg I love this comment so much. xDD
hold up
*hold down*
Gosh, the one about mental illness spoke too close to home. I still can't believe I dated someone like that. We were both depressed (I was diagnosed, him idk honestly) and I got so many "add-ons" to my illness because of him. I'm so glad that I'm with someone better now
@ya boi skinny penis yes, I'm trying not to lol
@TurnipsAge I get it, people have had it worse and people currently have it worse than I do. But I am diagnosed by professionals that's why I say I have depression. I wouldn't otherwise
@TurnipsAge Please educate yourself about mentall illness. It doesn't work like you think it does.
Kind of watching this to make sure I'm not creepy.
Also one time this girl was playing truth or dare with herself and dared herself to kiss me.
Brandon Skalniak what the fuck
no comment, wait, how do you know that?
Lucky you they do that to slap me.
To explain, this crazy girl in my class would always play have conversations with herself and play truth or dare with herself. One day, at the end of gym class, she walked up to me, planted a disgusting kiss onto me. I had no idea it was coming. One of the worst days of my life, no lie.
Also, she told me that she was plating truth or dare when I asked her why the heck she'd do that.
When she insists Bionicle memes are long dead
Degenerates like her belong on a cross.
That deserves a capital punishment
I mean...she wouldn't be *wrong*
@@emmanuelalagbala9590 I have broken my neck 47 times over the last 15 years practicing and perfecting the Borok head smash. If I was in your position, I'd be a little more careful about your choice of words...
Bionicle memes are a thing?
Why am I only hearing this now?!
“Heed my words or be doomed” Damn. Ominous but correct
The first one is sorta accurate on some girls
A girl liked me and she started to stalk me after I rejected her she started to stalk me even more and started to attack me
rewester17 woah she’s a bit obsessed
@@rew1677 did everyone clap at the end
@@G5568H no
@@badabingbadaboom5164 she stood next to me in doge ball and got me hit a lot and got hit just to stay near me
A man not being able to go somewhere because their girlfriend wont allow them it is normal.
A woman not being able to go somewhere because their boyfriend wont allow them people get worried
You're right, and it's unfair. It's abusive behavior regardless of the sex of the person it comes from.
They are both not normal. Not everything is about the sex of a person. Everyone's different and all think differently.
@@maddie2470 You missed the point.
@@maddie2470 But generally a quick, mostly bad assumption is made on the 2nd one. I do agree that people have different opinions
@@CurveOBP same here I just wanted to pint that out ( all on good terms here :) )
After watching this video i feel pretty happy to be in a relationship with my right hand
Forever Capsfo
to Caps
mine's pretty abusive.
*_which one?_*
1) Wild mood swings.
2) Disturbing or specious insinuations drawn from your words. (Think Cathy Newman interviewing JP).
3) Inability to hold a rational or serious conversation on any topic. (Boooooring!)
4) Inability to compromise on literally anything.
5) Casual low-level violence against men.
6) Temper not controlled.
7) Propensity to judge or mock people openly solely based on appearance, make damaging insinuations or spread rumors.
8) Refusal to take no for an answer when you're not in the mood for sex, usually accompanied by insults, scorn or accusations of being weak or gay. I recommend every man refuse sex at least once before marriage. You really learn a lot about your partner that way.
9) Treating you like a meal service or ATM.
10) Making even the slightest comment that she is in some way, shape or form interested aboit your money.
11) A complete lack of a 'warm and nurturing mood'. Some would call this mood radiance.
12) Completely uncritical belief in pseudo-science. I understand not eveyone has had the proper education or information given, but if you gobble this stuff up like candy, that's a major red flag for every single Taurus.
13) Radical feminist, at this point the movement has become so blatantly anti-male that even ordinary feminists are suspect.
14) And last but not least... She never genuinely apologizes for anything.
Well that rules out a solid 90 percent of all the women I've ever met. It's better to be single anyways. People mean pain.
"every Taurus" hilarious.
What about if she never initiates sex/only he wants it?
Oh no, oh no
Oh yeah
Diridiri, dirididi Daddy
Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote
Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY)
Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome
Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh)
Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah)
Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido (Diridiri, dirididi Daddy)
Si te pido un beso ven dámelo
Yo sé que estás pensándolo
Llevo tiempo intentándolo
Mami, esto es dando y dándolo
Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bom, bom
Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bom, bom
Ven prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe
Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe
Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje
Empecemos lento, después salvaje
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza
Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas
Pero pa montarlo aquí tengo la pieza
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido
Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico
Hasta que las olas griten "¡ay, bendito!"
Para que mi sello se quede contigo
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido (DY)
Sealdrop oh god not you
Howdy bitch
O h N o
*Yandere-Chan has entered the chat*
even yan-chan pales compared to these bitches
@@enderborn6860 You REALLY don't understand Yandere if you think that.
@@ChaosoneX yuno is the only yandere I've seen that I've legit been scared of.
When she won't let you watch "spiderman 2 pizza time 10hours" on yt for the 356567th time
Domineering bitch
Now, I for one call it quits for the the 400 000th time... less than that is abusive
Furnicoli furnicolaaaaaaaaaaa *but Mr aziz*
That's abuse
When I went to high school, there was this one girl from another class who had German lessons with me.
She started talking to me regularly after I lent her my jacket once when she wanted to go buy something, but had forgotten to bring one herself and it was raining.
She started trying to mix with me and my group at school (badly). She became a little too touchy for my tastes and wouldn't catch on to hints or even an outright "leave me alone"
When we had a 10-day school trip to England, she would always follow me everywhere and would randomly hook arms with me. People started asking me if I was going out with her, which was very uncomfortable, because I didn't like her, found her highly unattractive, and I absolutely hate it when others believe things about me because of what someone else is doing. I was also quite offended that people had so much romance on the brain that they'd ask me if I was going out with her, after I had audibly told her to fuck off with a lot of those people being present.
I started getting a bit more clear about not wanting to be around her. My friends and I started treating her like air when she was around and if she approached us, we would purposefully turn away from her. At one point that caused her to physically lash out at one of us, which ended with the contents of her bag getting dumped on top of the lockers, then falling behind them where she couldn't reach.
She finally left me alone after that. The following year, she was gone from school for a couple of months. Apparently she had been admitted to a mental hospital after having weird episodes about being telepathically linked to some guy who she said wanted to kill her.
Her mother was also allegedly seen begging at the mall that was close to our school, so it was clear that some weird shit was going on with her and her family.
At first I only thought "I should stay away from crazy people",
I've developed a dislike for proactive women a while after that, because I noticed that they had the same tendency to not accept a simple 'no' just like that mental case
Big feckin oof
Yup. Sometimes people just be crazy.
*Story starts out in German class*
Uh Oh
*Reads rest of story*
Jeez, and that girl I had a crush on thought I was bad.
that's literally just flat out sexual harassment, if the genders were reversed you probably would have been arrested lol.
@@sparda_ oh no doubt about that.
I trusted partners with my passwords since I had nothing to hide.
The thing that stopped me doing that is having to explain conversations that I had with other people that didn't involve her
1:30 Those two guys are now married and couldn't be happier.
I ship it
Ayyeeeee I ship it
I'm severely mentally ill and sometimes message my husband saying I feel terrible, but I never expect him to come home, I just want him to be aware that it's a bad day.
Just to say that you shouldn't count out mentally ill girls completely, some of us only destroy ourselves, not others.
That's still not good, get some help.
Yeah, but who wants to watch someone they care about destroy themselves? If I went to go get a puppy, and there's one that is literally eating it's own feet, that's not the one I'm bringing home.
Destroying yourself destroys those who love you.
@@tiki_trash Focus on yourself, make sure you can still smile and DONT do anything rash.
@@cheesecheese4591 I think you got the wrong impression. I'm just pointing out that when people hurt themselves they are also hurting other people.
Im also a very insecure person but I’m honest about it and I can tell when I’m being unreasonably jealous won’t change anything about the way I feel but I still don’t try to blame my partner I just openly talk to him about my insecurities ...it’s just cuz I’m used to helping my crushes getting together with a girl they liked #sisterzonedallthetime
This kind of makes me feel good to be single
There's still many good fish in the sea, bro. These are just the big-toothed, scraggily, predatorial ones
Stay single. people aren't worth it
@Dan none are
Let me be the middle ground here. Going for it is risky, anybody telling you "you just need to look for the right one, and nothing will go wrong" is an idiot. There is always a risk.
But there's also a potential benefit. We could discuss how big it really is, but you have your own ideas already.
You might be happier with the outcome, or not.
Only thing you should never do is pick one road when you really want the other.
@Dan yo dan he was just trying to give some advice, calm down
Dont know if this counts as crazy but:
She talks to you till 3 am for a week and a half, then for the next 2 weeks she leaves you on opened or replies "lol". When you stop trying to talk to her, she gets really angry.
That sounds familiar...
Daniel Castillo an unhealthy on and off situation.
Sounds like insecurity. She’s really obsessed, but thinks weirdly ghosting you will seem cool and not desperate
Unfollow or block her. She will continue to waste your time.
Kadyn Hendrickson I stopped bothering to talk to her about a month ago. Thanks for the advice though
>Girl asks for your sign.
>Proceed to log off of life
"So what's your sign?" "Stop."
Being weirdly heavily into astrology.
Being into astrology at all should be grounds enough.
If people ask me my starsign I refuse to answer and stop talking to them if they bring it up again.
foxylee why?
@@crisan_of_arc2145 because astrology should offend your intelligence.
When she says she hears "Yanny"
7:48 I really felt this story since ive kinda had the same experience with one girl. She used to be mad if I didn't talk to her enough or go to sleep when we were texting, she used to seek attention from me 24/7 and said that i didnt care about her if I wasn't able to respond. One of the worst things was when I was taken in by a hospital and I couldnt respond to her texts (since I was really sick and could barely move) and said "You know what, just text me when you're dead.." I went into surgery a couple minutes later.
Edit: Broke it off with her after my recovery
I really hate the "trust issues" in a relationship, I mean if I didn't do anything to broke the trust you must trust me, that is one of the pillars of a relationship, follow someone or ask for social media passwords means that you don't trust me and if that is the case, Why you are in a relationship with me in the first place?
Anyon else getting whiplash from these stories and the kirby music?
Heaven Ascension Justin Y it’s that and the weird way the text to speech guy pronounces words
That second to last guy really hurt my heart because it’s similar to what my bf went through with one of his exes. He also confessed that it took a lot of time for him to get over the emotional abuse to gave him because he’d hate himself for “being weak” and learning to accept it.
It was hard to get him to truly open up to me in the beginning of our relationship, but as I’ve worked to prove my genuine feelings, he’s has gotten much better with being open and allowing himself to be cared for.
"I only hang out with guys."
I totally agree with the rest, but maybe not this one lmao
I hang out mostly with guys because too many women in my life were abusive, and men usually don't have a hidden manipulative agenda to destroy your life just because you used a lemon zester as a cheese grater.
Yes they do, I won't say all of them but the majority are just sitting by and waiting for their chance with you. They won't give any signal they think about you romantically but trust me they are just waiting for you to be vulnerable to pounce on you. Again not all of them but a good majority. I've seen it to many times when your guy friends finally confess they've been in love with you forever and maybe you know or don't but that's how it always happens.
@@haroldnelson3312 Hey, give them the benefit of the doubt, yeah? One of my guy friends lives with me as a roommate and actively asks me for advice whenever he meets a girl he's interested in and wants to get to know her/needs date ideas. Another has been a great friend for a few years, and although it started because of romantic interest in a different friend who was a girl we were both friends with (and who ended up being extremely psycho and abused us BOTH) we've remained friends and he's told me that he's thankful I'm here for him and that I'm his friend. A third I've been friends with since we were 14, and he's probably my best friend of all time because of how well he knows me and the shit we've been through together.
Not all of the guys I hang out/around with/am forced to be around are like this, obviously, since it's not hard to tell which ones only see me as potential and which ones see me as genuine friends. I appreciate it if your words are coming from a place of care, however!
I didn't say all of them. But your dealing with the Laws of Nature and guys are wired this way. But to think that hanging out with guys because girls are all about drama is better is false. Guys are just better at hidding their drama. Guys have just as many hidden motives if not more than girls do. I've had more than one girlfriend who is so confused after finding out that her good guy friend of 20 years had been madly in love with her the whole time without given one signal. I've seen it more than once. It's just the way it is. And girls are either aware of it and allow it for whatever reason or totally oblivious to it. Again these are Laws of Nature.
Agreed, I don’t like the stigma that’s attached to it. My best friends are guys and I’m hesitant to say they are “guys” because I know that might put a bad taste in people’s mouths. It is possibly to be friends with the opposite sex 🤷♀️
@@Christine-le5pp Best damn friends I have in this world are women, universally. My current roommate literally saved my life from homelessness after a bad transition out of the Army, and I'd never trade my friendships with women for anything. It's nice just...knowing where you stand, what you mean by something, and trusting each other without any long term plans beyond 'we're best friends.'. Most damn rewarding relationships I've had, after most male friends in the Army turned out to be scheming jackasses and all of my biological and step parents were horribly abusive. :P
Not a crazy story but still a funny one.
My sister's mate dated a girl who was physically disabled and they weren't really happy, however, he couldn't bring himself to dump her because he would feel like a dick for dumping a disabled girl. One day he walked into the school library with a spring in his step and a smile on his face, my sister and their friends asked "Why are you so happy?" And he said quite happily "She dumped me!" To which they all looked on in amazement and confusion.
When she starts trying to guilt you about how you're spending your money
Bonus points for when she never spends any on you
Sounds like a gold digger
He was doing it PRO, so I think it's justified.
(Unrelated but I'm a girl)
I once dated a girl who told me she was suicidal the first time we met. No problem there. I told her I struggled with depression too and she started getting condescending, telling me that she had 'actual depression' not just feeling sad. I thought nothing of it and we went out. She would tell me every day about how shit her life was, how she just wanted to end it. This started stressing me out as I would be constantly worried about her doing something stupid. She would never ask me how I was, and if I so much as mentioned about having a bad day she would scream down the phone (we are both very antisocial so didn't actually go out anywhere) about how I knew nothing and my life was so much better. I constantly let it slide because I realised she was going through a rough time and couldn't help feeling bad. But then when I called her in tears one day and told her that my grandad was seriously ill and wasn't expected to live to see Christmas, she shouted at me for not asking her about her day and hung up. The next day she calls me in tears and apologises, saying she was just really down that day.
It took me 6 months to break up with her.
She's now got a new, much shyer girlfriend who (from what I can tell) lets her walk all over her.
Btw tell me if I'm overreacting about this or just being an attention seeker.
Edit: thanks for all the support guys. But to those implying that her depression was faked, I know it wasn't. Her father left when she was 10, and she was bullied a lot at school. That's one of the reasons I forgave her so many times.
I don't think you're over reaching or being attention seeking. Though I do warn you, relax, don't worry about being "attention seeking" most people aren't, and those who are don't ask if they're over stepping.
What a selfish bitch! Mental illness isn't an excuse for belittling other people's problems. Ever. Anyone doubting your depression and saying stuff like "you have it so much better" is a huge red flag. These people have no empathy and will always expect the whole world to revolve around them.
It's not overreacting, my father is that kind of person too and being raised by him led to me having more mental illnesses than you can count on one hand. I always forgave him because he had a tough life, but when I realized if it wasn't for my mom, I would have killed myself, I cut all ties with him.
Emotional abuse is no joke, people who make you feel like shit all the time are seriously harmful for you.
Had a really similar experience with a girl I knew in university. We weren't going out or anything, but things went pretty crazy after I stopped her from jumping off a bridge once. Who knows if she would have actually done it, but I was just trying to be a good person, you know? She was kind of annoying, but I at least got the other people in class to give her a chance, e.t.c. Computer stuff, so this was the first time a lot of the students had tried the whole 'talking to other people' thing.
Come exam season, there is no end to the text messages. All she wants to do is come to my place, so she can talk about herself constantly. This includes hand-in days that we would have both known about. The implied message was always 'my life is more important'. Wasted all of her own student loans on her boyfriend, so she can't leave home, and now any life advice I try and give her is deflected by him, calling me patronising. I also find out that she's stirring crap about other people behind their backs, trying to score 'friend points', despite all the effort I put into getting people to play nice with her.
Still feel like a bad person for cutting it off, but what can you even do in a situation like that? If somebody doesn't meet you half way, what's the point in being emotionally drained by the experience? If somebody is only happy with you being a doormat, what's the relationship going to be like in a years time?
You aren’t overreacting and didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Anyone who cares about you (whether dating or not) will do what they can to make you feel better instead of putting you down for not suffering “enough”. Plus, one person’s struggle shouldn’t be compared to another like some rigid number; the fact of the matter is that if you feel bad about something, you have a genuine issue you don’t know how to deal with yourself. I’ve done a lot of lecturing and presenting as a TA and it no longer phases me, but I wouldn’t judge someone with less experience, more stress, &c. for being afraid to present in front of students.
So really, she shouldn’t have even gotten to _thinking_ your problems weren’t as substantial as yours and didn’t need the same attention. But most importantly, she shouldn’t have _said_ it, which as you know, helped no one.
You arent overreacting, that is a toxic relationship.
The first rule of bro code is "bros before hoes" for a reason. If she won't let you hang out with your friends, you drop her on the spot!
''Met this girl in church''
Say no more, fam! Say no more...
7:50 got way too dark way too fast.
it is exactly what happened to my best friend/boyfriend of four years when he left me for a girl who turned out to be scarily similar to the one described. he is really messed up after that long year with her and we are trying our best to move on but there are some days that are awful. we are both hurt after it.
if you are in an abusive relationship, please do anything to remove yourself from it. the longer you are together, the more it will drain from you. it is better to use all of your courage at once to leave than to be slowly drained of your willpower just because you feel you are wanted by someone.
monywehat I hope you didn’t take him back out of pity? He did dump you, after all
VanityDivined we arent actually together now.
In 4th grade, I stalked my crush’s Facebook account every day for 2 years. I stopped when I realized how creepy it was. i told him this the other day and he was like “weirdo” 😂
*horrifically depressing story* TWENTY FOUR OVER SEVEN
That's literally my parents in a nutshell, except it's my parents acting like they hadn't been screaming at one another and me and my sibs having to convince ourselves that they were
It's like my dad
Its like my mom
Why would you voluntarily not descalatw things after a conflict? It makes sense they'd calm down after a fight.
I love how when woman are abusive it's just creepy
To be fair on the thread itself, it's probably filled posts about women actually just being creepy and not abusive (like the one about "If she likes horses"). The person who made this video probably tried to pick the ones that would help the most; the ones that stood out. S/he probably wanted to do an episode on this thread anyway. If they changed the name of the thread, people would complain. It would also get less views because "Men, what is your story with abusive women?" sounds a lot more sad than "Men, what makes a woman creepy?". The latter implies more lightheartedness and humour. Call me an unrealistic optimist for this next part, but maybe the video makers purposefully chose the abusive ones to get the point of "not just men are abusive" across? Comments like yours would then be intended so that people think long and hard about their perception of abuse and the perps of said abuse. Again, unrealistically optimistic to expect a popular UA-camr to use their platform as a subliminally great way to get important messages like this across, but we can but hope
"she ended up carving my name into her foot"
Yeahhh, sorry, middle school was an uncomfortable time for all of us 😅
Some of us just didn't know how to handle all those hormones
The 9 dislikes are from creepy women
Amy or you know, people who dont like the video
I think creepy women wouldn't like being outed on a video describing what they are like.
@@Galaxxyss or people who dont get the joke.
Last Man Standing facts my guy