Candor aeternae Deitatis alme - Hymnus in Solemnitate Nativitatis Domini - Gregorian for Christmas

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • ‪@latingregorianchant‬


  • @latingregorianchant
    @latingregorianchant  8 місяців тому +3

    Merry Christmas to all!

  • @alextapia2107
    @alextapia2107 5 місяців тому +1

    ❤️🙏 Thank you very much 🙏❤️
    Candor æternæ Deitatis alme,
    Christe, tu lumen, venia atque vita
    advenis, morbis hominum medela,
    porta salutis. Bright splendor of divinity,
    O Christ, our only life and light,
    You bring the sick a remedy,
    And set our crooked paths aright.
    Intonat terræ chorus angelorum
    cælicum carmen, nova sæcla dicens,
    gloriam Patri, generique nostro
    gaudia pacis. So let the angels' song resound,
    To usher in the age of grace
    And tell of glory all around,
    Proclaiming joy unto our race.
    Qui iaces parvus dominans et orbi,
    Virginis fructus sine labe sanctæ,
    Christe, iam mundo potiaris omni,
    semper amandus. You lie, an infant, ruling earth,
    Now rule our hearts forevermore,
    To whom a spotless Maid gave birth,
    O Christ, our most beloved Lord.
    Nasceris cælos patriam daturus,
    unus e nobis, caro nostra factus;
    innova mentes, trahe caritatis
    pectora vinclis. You came to give us heav'n above,
    As one of us, you took our flesh;
    Entwine our hearts with bonds of love
    And with your grace our minds refresh.
    Cœtus exsultans canit ecce noster,
    angelis læto sociatus ore,
    et Patri tecum parilique Amori
    cantica laudis. Behold we join the angels' song
    And cry to you with one accord,
    To whom all hymns of praise belong,
    The Holy Trinity, one Lord.

  • @isaiah3872
    @isaiah3872 13 днів тому

    Is this hymn ever used for adoration? The English words seem so familiar to me but not from Holy Mass