So I also had a rebellious rock phase in my teens departing temporarily from my religious upbringing. Exactly as your guest described, I was about 16 years old when I fell asleep one night listening to the Marilyn Manson album Anti-Christ Superstar on my Sony discman with headphones. After a while of dead silence and deep sleep, I was abruptly awakened by "music" playing again. The display on my discman said track 99 was playing but it was playing demonic sounding vocals with chaotic clashing music - a different track in each ear and I believe playing backwards. It freaked me out so bad, I immediately repented and threw all that junk out.
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
I had a similar experience with Marilyn Manson music when I was about 8 or 9 years old. One day listening to it started making me feel sick to my stomach and nervous
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
@revelation 2:9 acts 13:1 I know there are goats and sheep of every tribe tongue and nation and language.So are you saying that Jesus only saves from one tribe?
I always thought the pentagrams on the side of the temple were ominous. The Mormon girl I was dating at the time said the symbols had been hijacked by the pagans.
Upside down 5 sided stars. I think what you meant. They also have Sun stones on the bottom Moon stones in the middle and the Stars on the top. The opposite of the three degrees of Glory they teach. The SLC temple has phase of Moon stones which witches use for spell casting.
@@KyleTheDalek The LDS Church never said what the symbols mean. There are many in SLC where I grew up. No one seemed to know what they meant. Beehive state. Lots of workers. Later I learned it is a primary Masonic Symbol and dates back to Nimrod. It is based on the fact that worker bees are all the same and they serve as commanded. We see this from the Elites. they consider us all as if we were worker bees. Beneath them.
@@KyleTheDalek they can be. But occult symbols like the pentagram, baphomet, etc have always meant one thing only, occult knowledge and black magick. The Mormon church wasn’t even started until the 1800’s, occult magick practices including the pentagram and celestial bodies have been around since before Christ. They were practices taught by the watchers to the population of the world corrupted with Nephilim prior to the great flood. And have been taught again over the millennias.
Can I just say that this stuff seems intriguing and interesting but it’d be good to stress the horrible spiritual consequences and sin that comes with dabbling in this. There is no fear of God in necromancy, etc. I totally get that you guys know this but the audience hopefully can see past the veil and know it is evil and to stay far far away from it. :)
I'm hoping that is in part 2 of this interview :) Seems like they're going to get into some insane stuff...sad to leave it on a bit of a cliffhanger haha
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
I have to say, things like this really amp up my skepticism that these things are supernatural. I don't believe in visions or anything like that. I don't know how much of this is justified biblically, it seems to me that it comes from another place. To me, it's like those who speak in togues. They are making it up or imagining it.
It is very real. Just because you have not had it happen to you does not mean it does not happen to others. Guess you do not believe in much of the Bible. Visions are all over the Bible and many verses in the New Testament about speaking in tongues. Even if you just see it as a Satanic thing that does not make it unreal. I assure you this earth was created. Tons of evidence it did not just magically spring into existence. Believing that is really just believing in a different kind of magic.
@@steveangell1072 These have nothing in common with what is spoken about in the bible. If you disagree, show me about commonplace visions like these among the people in the bible. No, they were more sensible and didn't make things up or imagine them. Modern "speaking in tongues" is not supported biblically, it's a lie. It's evil because it's false teaching. I've been in such churches and I know all about this an people dancing around because they "got the holy ghost". These people are harming Christianity with their foolishness. I'm no atheist, so you don't have to tell me about existence out of nothing.
@@justinkase1360 Do you not believe Saul (Paul) had a vision of Jesus Christ? Every prophet in the Old Testament had visions. Moses seeing the burning bush for example. Seems you really oppose those who speak in tongues yet it is in the New Testament. There are five places in the New Testament where speaking in tongues is referred to explicitly: Mark 16:17, which records the instructions of Christ to the apostles, including his description that "they will speak with new tongues" as a sign that would follow "them that believe" in him. Acts 2, which describes an occurrence of speaking in tongues in Jerusalem at Pentecost, though with various interpretations. Specifically, "every man heard them speak in his own language" and wondered "how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" Acts 10:46, when the household of Cornelius in Caesarea spoke in tongues, and those present compared it to the speaking in tongues that occurred at Pentecost. Acts 19:6, when a group of approximately a dozen men spoke in tongues in Ephesus as they received the Holy Spirit while the apostle Paul laid his hands upon them. 1 Cor 12, 13, 14, where Paul discusses speaking in "various kinds of tongues" as part of his wider discussion of the gifts of the Spirit; his remarks shed some light on his own speaking in tongues as well as how the gift of speaking in tongues was to be used in the church. Other verses by inference may be considered to refer to "speaking in tongues", such as Isaiah 28:11, Romans 8:26 and Jude 20. I do not disagree with you that many who practice this do it wrongly and instead of doing that they become demonically possessed but demon possession is the real problem. But I witnessed this problem in many Churches who did not do this practice as well. Demonic possession is far too common in Christian Churches. The best way to do this, is to take it to the next level. Speak in tongues briefly then go on to simply receiving revelations from God. Or find someone who can interpret the tongues. I have only seen that a couple of times. Better still just pray to God and God will help you. I oppose this, too dangerous. But it is in the Bible.
@@steveangell1072 Yes, PROPHETS had profound visions that gave to them some wisdom. These served a specific purpose and were given to specific and special people. Do I even have to mention the difference between this and average people describing visions that are simply "spooky" or even the common person claiming to have visions or be a prophet? Do you believe every prophet? There are plenty of false prophecies these days, just as there are plenty of false visions. I do not say that I can know that there are no true visions, but I do believe that we should be VERY skeptical when they DO NOT fit the pattern given to us by the bible. The man here who is a former Mormon describes visions in the context of Mormonism. I hope that even you admit that these are not from God. I argue that they are simply made up for effect, perhaps you think they are supernatural in the other direction, of which there is no evidence or support for. There are also a lot of ghost stories around, I hope that you can see the category error in pretending that these things are remotely similar. I'm sorry, but I really do feel like there is some discernment involved in seeing these things for what they are and I'm sad that some can not see it. Jame White has plenty of material on "speaking in tongues" and I happen to share his stance on this. I think you might get something out of watching this content, even if you still disagree. Also, I tend to, though not always, agree with John Gills exposition of the bible and it can be useful. It's always nice to hear other views so that you may consider it all and test it all against scripture. This is a verse-by-verse exposition, which can be helpful. Mark 16:17 - For a specific purpose, for a specific period of time, to specific (important) people, using actual languages. This simply does not apply to the modern gibberish "speaking in tongues". Acts 2 - Much the same as the first. Not only this, they were also made to understand foreign languages. Still not analogous to modern common "spiritual" gibberish and also not spoken by average people. Again, just like the Mark 16 situation and a fulfillment even. Acts 10:46 - Again, people made to speak foreign languages for God's purpose. Not something common, not gibberish, not a special language that is only for God or some other nonsense. Not a common sign of "the holy ghost".... Acts 19:6 - Having had hands laid on them by Paul, the spoke foreign languages and spoke, as gifted by the spirit, and the prophecies. Not analogous to spiritual gibberish just blurted out for no purpose. We could keep going with this but there just is a clear difference between what was described in the bible and what is claimed today. It is not the same thing and it is not biblical. I get it, people want a miracle so they make one up. Also, they just learn to do this. Much of my family have spoken in tongues, I don't say this with anything approaching hatred. They get worked up and they do it, it's ma performance for themselves as much as for others. Ultimately, yes, I think it's detrimental to all involved and Christianity as a whole. Well-intentioned folly. I do not think those who "do it incorrectly" are demon-possessed, as you do. It's a performance. I do not even know what your criteria would be for "doing it wrongly". I would love to hear it. It seems the most obvious litmus test would be speaking a legitimate language that can be interpreted in the normal manner and for a profound purpose that is rarely occurring. I know that your standard must be different than that, because you are talking about something different from biblical speaking in tongues. I described biblical speaking in tongues. We are just in complete disagreement that what you describe is biblical or described in the bible. I say it plainly isn't. The desire comes from elsewhere and the performance is an insult to the actual miracles described in the bible. It is a corruption, but one of many that we see. There are those who say that if you have not spoken in tongues then you have not received the spirit and this are not saved. Now THAT is evil, an evil we should all condemn.
At the 39:00 mark, I would recommend Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie on the whole Second Chance issue. He disagrees especially for those who have e knowledge. The afterlife witnessing encounters are for those who didn’t hear a lick of anything (like people in Mozambique, Africa for example). For those like me who have a bunch of old Mormon works and know the theology really well despite never being a Mormon, I wouldn’t get a second chance. That again only works for those who never heard anything.
John Lombard: I greatly respect Bruce R. McConkie but Mormon Doctrine was not published, recommended, or declared the doctrine/scripture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our doctrine/scripture is contained in the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and contains the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. I do not believe in a "second chance." What I believe in is this scripture. Doctrine & Covenants 137:7 "Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying: All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God; 8 Also all that shall die henceforth without a knowledge of it, who would have received it with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that kingdom; 9 For I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts. 10 And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven." The purpose of missionary work for the spirit after death is to help those who did not have the opportunity or could not comprehend the gospel while in this life. They will be taught in the spirit when they can understand.
@@dleoburns McConkie agrees with your explanation regarding there not being a second chance. I was just responding in light of the claims made in the video. I wanted to represent things accurately from you all's side. Hey David, how would you critique the Trinity for those who hold it form the Bible?
@@mr400meter: I don't believe there is anything in the Bible that supports the Trinitarian doctrine. They are a trinity since there are three of them and the word "trinity" means three. 1 John 5:7 (AKJV) "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." So, how are they one? Hebrews 2:11 "For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren," All three are sanctified (Holy). Remember, we accept the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible as doctrine/scripture.
@@dleoburns 1 John 5:7 that you quoted isn't in the earliest manuscripts of 1 John. I'm not convinced John wrote that. Trinity means "triunity." I couldn't find the phrase "one in purpose" in the standard works either.
@@mr400meter: The Authorized (King James) Version (compare at is the version of the Bible we have accepted by common consent as doctrine/scripture. Doctrine & Covenants 28:13 "For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith." 1 John 5:7 (AKJV) "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." The three that bear witness on earth "agree in one in verse 8. They are Holy Ghost (Spirit), water (baptism), and Blood (the Savior's perfect sacrifice). by which we are sanctified. So, placing the two verses in context, 1 John 7:6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth." The Spirit (Holy Ghost) bears record both in heaven and earth. It agrees in one as a witness with the water and blood. Bruce R. McConkie was never President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but was an Apostle that in time accepted the President's revelations. Today, I have a Black Stake President that provides leadership to my Bishop and the other Ward Bishops in his stake!
It makes sense why mormons are rich if they use magic the shit is real and does work amazing magic rituals for martial wealth the 5 points that's crazy it's for wizards your calling upon the 5 demons are wizards would say gods its crazy
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
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I’m from South East Idaho as well and moved to Utah. My husband and I left the LDS church a couple years ago.
Praise God
So I also had a rebellious rock phase in my teens departing temporarily from my religious upbringing. Exactly as your guest described, I was about 16 years old when I fell asleep one night listening to the Marilyn Manson album Anti-Christ Superstar on my Sony discman with headphones. After a while of dead silence and deep sleep, I was abruptly awakened by "music" playing again. The display on my discman said track 99 was playing but it was playing demonic sounding vocals with chaotic clashing music - a different track in each ear and I believe playing backwards. It freaked me out so bad, I immediately repented and threw all that junk out.
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting
it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
@@hopethroughprophecy2370 just in case anyone can’t tell this is a scam^
Would really love to watch an interview with Michael Heiser
Same thing happened to me at lake Mead. Satan revealed himself to my mind and drove me straight to the arms of Jesus.
Pretty interesting testimony - can't wait to hear the rest. I hope you'll do a Cultish show about Baha'i one of these days.
I had a similar experience with Marilyn Manson music when I was about 8 or 9 years old. One day listening to it started making me feel sick to my stomach and nervous
Cool guest, looking forward to part 2. hopefully this guy starts a youtube channel hes very interesting to listen to
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting
it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
Okay. That was a trifle bit disturbing. Looking forward to the second part and his salvation story!
Hey why isn't this video and others in your "Cultish" playlist??
Not you, the random soliscitation
What a fascinating dialogue! I was hooked the whole time. Can’t wait for part 2. 👍🏼
Or putting on the apron after Saran tells them to in the garden video
Knowing that spirits exists can NEVER convince any unconverted person that Jesus is the only way to the Father, only the Gospel changes hearts.
@revelation 2:9 acts 13:1 Was that comment for me?
@revelation 2:9 acts 13:1 Ok,so your claim is all white people are Esau AND ALL BLACK PEOPLE are the original Israelites?I don't want to get it wrong.
@revelation 2:9 acts 13:1 I know there are goats and sheep of every tribe tongue and nation and language.So are you saying that Jesus only saves from one tribe?
@revelation 2:9 acts 13:1 Only believers are God's Israel,there is no Jew or Gentile in Christ.
@@aaronjames7266 I figured he was one of those,thanks.
Hey im an exmormon from Las Vegas and knew a ton of fawcetts! It must be one of those big mormon family names
This Ghost hunting is divination I am glad he finally called it out as conversing with demons.
what do you guys use for a microphone in this format?
Eager for next week! 😊
This is great. Keep it going.
I always thought the pentagrams on the side of the temple were ominous. The Mormon girl I was dating at the time said the symbols had been hijacked by the pagans.
Upside down 5 sided stars. I think what you meant.
They also have Sun stones on the bottom Moon stones in the middle and the Stars on the top. The opposite of the three degrees of Glory they teach.
The SLC temple has phase of Moon stones which witches use for spell casting.
So symbols can’t be changed and the means can’t change?
That’s been some time and time again.
@@KyleTheDalek The LDS Church never said what the symbols mean. There are many in SLC where I grew up. No one seemed to know what they meant. Beehive state. Lots of workers. Later I learned it is a primary Masonic Symbol and dates back to Nimrod. It is based on the fact that worker bees are all the same and they serve as commanded. We see this from the Elites. they consider us all as if we were worker bees. Beneath them.
Freaky, I never knew this. When you put it together with the sun and moon phases, it really does seem pagan.
@@KyleTheDalek they can be. But occult symbols like the pentagram, baphomet, etc have always meant one thing only, occult knowledge and black magick. The Mormon church wasn’t even started until the 1800’s, occult magick practices including the pentagram and celestial bodies have been around since before Christ. They were practices taught by the watchers to the population of the world corrupted with Nephilim prior to the great flood. And have been taught again over the millennias.
Where’s the 2nd one?? Been waiting 2 weeks: I thought it’d only be one......
So. . . what's the deal with the Roman pilum in the corner?
Where's part 2??
Can I just say that this stuff seems intriguing and interesting but it’d be good to stress the horrible spiritual consequences and sin that comes with dabbling in this. There is no fear of God in necromancy, etc. I totally get that you guys know this but the audience hopefully can see past the veil and know it is evil and to stay far far away from it. :)
I'm hoping that is in part 2 of this interview :) Seems like they're going to get into some insane stuff...sad to leave it on a bit of a cliffhanger haha
The man’s biceps are like tree trunks 😮
I am a Christian and I love horror movies. I just think it’s fun.
Thank you for your comment and support. your comment and constant support have brought me this far. Keep supporting
it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....
This guy needs to tell us about the bar fight he got into.
Actually by 3 yr old who is on the spectrum threw a water bottle at my face the week we were shooting timing lol
@@St_Rhino Ouch! Well that's kids for you. Wild and rambunctious.
mlj trust joan bakewell interviews dr. martyn lloyd jones
I guy who gets anxiety attacks who goes ghost hunting?
2/3 way through... This isn't about ghosts.
I was waiting for it too...
I have to say, things like this really amp up my skepticism that these things are supernatural. I don't believe in visions or anything like that. I don't know how much of this is justified biblically, it seems to me that it comes from another place. To me, it's like those who speak in togues. They are making it up or imagining it.
It is very real. Just because you have not had it happen to you does not mean it does not happen to others. Guess you do not believe in much of the Bible. Visions are all over the Bible and many verses in the New Testament about speaking in tongues.
Even if you just see it as a Satanic thing that does not make it unreal. I assure you this earth was created. Tons of evidence it did not just magically spring into existence. Believing that is really just believing in a different kind of magic.
@@steveangell1072 These have nothing in common with what is spoken about in the bible. If you disagree, show me about commonplace visions like these among the people in the bible. No, they were more sensible and didn't make things up or imagine them. Modern "speaking in tongues" is not supported biblically, it's a lie. It's evil because it's false teaching. I've been in such churches and I know all about this an people dancing around because they "got the holy ghost". These people are harming Christianity with their foolishness. I'm no atheist, so you don't have to tell me about existence out of nothing.
@busy catter Why even make this useless comment? Support your argument or save your breath.
@@justinkase1360 Do you not believe Saul (Paul) had a vision of Jesus Christ? Every prophet in the Old Testament had visions. Moses seeing the burning bush for example.
Seems you really oppose those who speak in tongues yet it is in the New Testament.
There are five places in the New Testament where speaking in tongues is referred to explicitly:
Mark 16:17, which records the instructions of Christ to the apostles, including his description that "they will speak with new tongues" as a sign that would follow "them that believe" in him.
Acts 2, which describes an occurrence of speaking in tongues in Jerusalem at Pentecost, though with various interpretations. Specifically, "every man heard them speak in his own language" and wondered "how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?"
Acts 10:46, when the household of Cornelius in Caesarea spoke in tongues, and those present compared it to the speaking in tongues that occurred at Pentecost.
Acts 19:6, when a group of approximately a dozen men spoke in tongues in Ephesus as they received the Holy Spirit while the apostle Paul laid his hands upon them.
1 Cor 12, 13, 14, where Paul discusses speaking in "various kinds of tongues" as part of his wider discussion of the gifts of the Spirit; his remarks shed some light on his own speaking in tongues as well as how the gift of speaking in tongues was to be used in the church.
Other verses by inference may be considered to refer to "speaking in tongues", such as Isaiah 28:11, Romans 8:26 and Jude 20.
I do not disagree with you that many who practice this do it wrongly and instead of doing that they become demonically possessed but demon possession is the real problem.
But I witnessed this problem in many Churches who did not do this practice as well. Demonic possession is far too common in Christian Churches.
The best way to do this, is to take it to the next level. Speak in tongues briefly then go on to simply receiving revelations from God. Or find someone who can interpret the tongues. I have only seen that a couple of times. Better still just pray to God and God will help you.
I oppose this, too dangerous. But it is in the Bible.
@@steveangell1072 Yes, PROPHETS had profound visions that gave to them some wisdom. These served a specific purpose and were given to specific and special people. Do I even have to mention the difference between this and average people describing visions that are simply "spooky" or even the common person claiming to have visions or be a prophet? Do you believe every prophet? There are plenty of false prophecies these days, just as there are plenty of false visions. I do not say that I can know that there are no true visions, but I do believe that we should be VERY skeptical when they DO NOT fit the pattern given to us by the bible. The man here who is a former Mormon describes visions in the context of Mormonism. I hope that even you admit that these are not from God. I argue that they are simply made up for effect, perhaps you think they are supernatural in the other direction, of which there is no evidence or support for. There are also a lot of ghost stories around, I hope that you can see the category error in pretending that these things are remotely similar. I'm sorry, but I really do feel like there is some discernment involved in seeing these things for what they are and I'm sad that some can not see it. Jame White has plenty of material on "speaking in tongues" and I happen to share his stance on this. I think you might get something out of watching this content, even if you still disagree. Also, I tend to, though not always, agree with John Gills exposition of the bible and it can be useful. It's always nice to hear other views so that you may consider it all and test it all against scripture. This is a verse-by-verse exposition, which can be helpful.
Mark 16:17 - For a specific purpose, for a specific period of time, to specific (important) people, using actual languages. This simply does not apply to the modern gibberish "speaking in tongues".
Acts 2 - Much the same as the first. Not only this, they were also made to understand foreign languages. Still not analogous to modern common "spiritual" gibberish and also not spoken by average people. Again, just like the Mark 16 situation and a fulfillment even.
Acts 10:46 - Again, people made to speak foreign languages for God's purpose. Not something common, not gibberish, not a special language that is only for God or some other nonsense. Not a common sign of "the holy ghost"....
Acts 19:6 - Having had hands laid on them by Paul, the spoke foreign languages and spoke, as gifted by the spirit, and the prophecies. Not analogous to spiritual gibberish just blurted out for no purpose.
We could keep going with this but there just is a clear difference between what was described in the bible and what is claimed today. It is not the same thing and it is not biblical. I get it, people want a miracle so they make one up. Also, they just learn to do this. Much of my family have spoken in tongues, I don't say this with anything approaching hatred. They get worked up and they do it, it's ma performance for themselves as much as for others. Ultimately, yes, I think it's detrimental to all involved and Christianity as a whole. Well-intentioned folly. I do not think those who "do it incorrectly" are demon-possessed, as you do. It's a performance. I do not even know what your criteria would be for "doing it wrongly". I would love to hear it. It seems the most obvious litmus test would be speaking a legitimate language that can be interpreted in the normal manner and for a profound purpose that is rarely occurring. I know that your standard must be different than that, because you are talking about something different from biblical speaking in tongues. I described biblical speaking in tongues.
We are just in complete disagreement that what you describe is biblical or described in the bible. I say it plainly isn't. The desire comes from elsewhere and the performance is an insult to the actual miracles described in the bible. It is a corruption, but one of many that we see. There are those who say that if you have not spoken in tongues then you have not received the spirit and this are not saved. Now THAT is evil, an evil we should all condemn.
At the 39:00 mark, I would recommend Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie on the whole Second Chance issue. He disagrees especially for those who have e knowledge. The afterlife witnessing encounters are for those who didn’t hear a lick of anything (like people in Mozambique, Africa for example). For those like me who have a bunch of old Mormon works and know the theology really well despite never being a Mormon, I wouldn’t get a second chance. That again only works for those who never heard anything.
John Lombard: I greatly respect Bruce R. McConkie but Mormon Doctrine was not published, recommended, or declared the doctrine/scripture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our doctrine/scripture is contained in the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and contains the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. I do not believe in a "second chance." What I believe in is this scripture.
Doctrine & Covenants 137:7 "Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying: All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God; 8 Also all that shall die henceforth without a knowledge of it, who would have received it with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that kingdom;
9 For I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts. 10 And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven." The purpose of missionary work for the spirit after death is to help those who did not have the opportunity or could not comprehend the gospel while in this life. They will be taught in the spirit when they can understand.
@@dleoburns McConkie agrees with your explanation regarding there not being a second chance. I was just responding in light of the claims made in the video. I wanted to represent things accurately from you all's side.
Hey David, how would you critique the Trinity for those who hold it form the Bible?
@@mr400meter: I don't believe there is anything in the Bible that supports the Trinitarian doctrine. They are a trinity since there are three of them and the word "trinity" means three. 1 John 5:7 (AKJV) "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." So, how are they one? Hebrews 2:11 "For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren," All three are sanctified (Holy). Remember, we accept the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible as doctrine/scripture.
@@dleoburns 1 John 5:7 that you quoted isn't in the earliest manuscripts of 1 John. I'm not convinced John wrote that. Trinity means "triunity."
I couldn't find the phrase "one in purpose" in the standard works either.
@@mr400meter: The Authorized (King James) Version (compare at is the version of the Bible we have accepted by common consent as doctrine/scripture. Doctrine & Covenants 28:13 "For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith." 1 John 5:7 (AKJV) "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." The three that bear witness on earth "agree in one in verse 8. They are Holy Ghost (Spirit), water (baptism), and Blood (the Savior's perfect sacrifice). by which we are sanctified. So, placing the two verses in context, 1 John 7:6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth." The Spirit (Holy Ghost) bears record both in heaven and earth. It agrees in one as a witness with the water and blood.
Bruce R. McConkie was never President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but was an Apostle that in time accepted the President's revelations. Today, I have a Black Stake President that provides leadership to my Bishop and the other Ward Bishops in his stake!
Man y’all are getting some weird comments
Your podcast is great but this sound is unbearable to listen to, the way your voice echos is terrible in headphones 🙅🏻♀️
It makes sense why mormons are rich if they use magic the shit is real and does work amazing magic rituals for martial wealth the 5 points that's crazy it's for wizards your calling upon the 5 demons are wizards would say gods its crazy
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it's an orphanage that has a baby dying from cancer please send an email to MD in charge for more Support....