Are we worshiping the WRONG way? Let's find out...

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024


  • @SurrenderNovena
    @SurrenderNovena Рік тому +1

    Excellent video! Especially the segments on only priests offering the Eucharist, bowing in worship, and does loving saints take away from love of God. Thank you Sara🌹& Joe☘

  • @heidigabalski6335
    @heidigabalski6335 Рік тому

    This is great ❤ I could listen to Joe all day!! So helpful 🙏

  • @HumanDignity10
    @HumanDignity10 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this discussion. That blue creature was weird and funny!

  • @MrPeach1
    @MrPeach1 Рік тому +2

    my mom had us rapture ready also and we have always been Catholic

  • @PolymorphicPenguin
    @PolymorphicPenguin Рік тому +2

    When you and Joe talk about worship, it reminds of the song "The Heart of Worship" by Matt Redman (I had to look up the artist) He says, "I'll give you more than a song because a song in itself is not what you have required" (might not be word for word) The Eucharist is one of those differences between Catholics and Protestants. Catholics consider the Eucharist to be really important, but Protestants often don't really value it. Maybe it's because Catholics believe that the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Jesus. Well, I think that you faithful Catholics should go right ahead and get a lot out of receiving the Eucharist and don't let us Protestant naysayers dissuade you. 😁

    • @rafiki1017
      @rafiki1017 Рік тому +2

      It’s not about our personal preference. It’s about what’s true. Our personal preferences and feelings don’t determine what Truth is. So we need to figure out what that Truth is from a logical, evidence-based, historical, and scriptural perspective.
      Only priests can consecrate the bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus. It’s either true or it isn’t. And since the Eucharist is true, we have to worship that way. I say all of this as a convert.

    • @PolymorphicPenguin
      @PolymorphicPenguin Рік тому +1

      @@rafiki1017 Determining the Truth can be difficult. Catholics and Protestants tend to disagree over the truth of a lot of issues. Fortunately, we don't need to agree on how Christ is present in the Eucharist to love each other. I hope we can love each other even while maintaining our own beliefs.

    • @EJ-gx9hl
      @EJ-gx9hl Рік тому +1

      As a catholic who truly believes the true presence of our Lord Jesus Christ present in the holy Eucharist, I appreciate your sentiment and how you worded it instead of saying that it’s false and lies and idolatry. We may not agree on the true presence in the Eucharist but I appreciate your charity.

    • @PolymorphicPenguin
      @PolymorphicPenguin Рік тому

      @@EJ-gx9hl Thank you, that was a very kind thing to say.

  • @hometownapologist7879
    @hometownapologist7879 Рік тому +2

    P.S. how do you define which groups of Reformers fall in the category of “classical Protestants”?

    • @paulsmallwood1484
      @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому +2

      Classical Protestantism is a tradition. It is more than just the Reformers since as a particular Christian tradition Protestantism is five centuries old so obviously a lot has transpired since the 16th century. In answer to your question, classical Protestantism applies to those groups who can trace their origins to the Reformation and whose identity is embedded in the Reformation. That would be these three (Lutheran, Anglican, Reformed). Classical Protestantism distinguishes itself from American Evangelicalism which is a movement that began in America in the 18th century. The Evangelical movement has no connection to the Reformation, doesn’t generally claim one, and many of its adherents don’t even like to call themselves Protestant. There are serious theological differences between classical Protestantism and Evangelicalism. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t many fine Christians within Evangelicalism. It just means that they aren’t Protestant. Many Roman Catholics and some Evangelicals incorrectly assume that a Protestant is simply anyone that isn’t a Roman Catholic. Not so.

    • @EpoRose1
      @EpoRose1 Рік тому +1

      @@paulsmallwood1484You’re right- not everyone who isn’t Roman Catholic is Protestant- there are Eastern Catholics, too! 😁

    • @paulsmallwood1484
      @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому

      @@EpoRose1 and let’s not forget the Copts!

  • @paulsmallwood1484
    @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому +2

    Protestant response: My dear friend you really need to do some serious review of classic Protestant theological formularies and then you would see how uninformed your comment was in stating that Protestants entire concept of the Eucharist or Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion is restricted to “saying what Jesus said” and then “having some wine and bread or grape juice”. You couldn’t be more wrong. If you are going to contrast Protestantism with Roman Catholicism at least be accurate as to official Protestant teaching. Your guest just let that slide and I know he knows better (but that is sad to say what you get with Catholic Answers). I will be glad to assist you by providing excerpts from historic Protestant formularies with regard to the Eucharist and the Protestant tradition that teaches it is so central in the life of any Christian and it is so much more than “just saying the words that Jesus said and having some wine and bread (or grape juice)”. You obviously were not properly catechized if that was your understanding of Holy Communion”.

    • @hometownapologist7879
      @hometownapologist7879 Рік тому +6

      “Official Protestant teaching” - now that’s rich. Now can you point me to where would I go about finding this universal set of teachings?

    • @paulsmallwood1484
      @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому

      @@hometownapologist7879 Not when you ask for it in a snarky manner like this. Please take your attitude somewhere else. I have better uses of my time than to waste it on you. You are nothing but a crass sectarian.

    • @johnchrysostom330
      @johnchrysostom330 Рік тому +3

      @paul, is there an OFFICIAL Protestant teaching? Lutherans, Calvinism, Anglicans, etc do not even agree on the Eucharist.

    • @paulsmallwood1484
      @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому

      @@johnchrysostom330 News flash! At least 40% of American Catholic Laity no longer believe in transubstantiation and believe the Eucharist is merely symbolic. Bishop Barron calls this a major crisis. To this Protestant, you are the ones who can’t agree! Classical Protestants agree on the fact of the Real Presence only the how is understood in nuanced differences. Your folks can’t even agree on the real presence let alone the how.

    • @tiberbridgecatholic
      @tiberbridgecatholic  Рік тому +2

      Hi Paul, thanks as always for your comments. I'm not able to get to all of them today but wanted to chime in here and say that I agree, I wasn't properly catechized when I was younger - but that isn't because I wasn't brought up in a tradition that labeled itself as protestant. It's because I was brought up in a Mennonite church that was a product of the radical reformation. In that tradition we really don't see liturgy like we do in other traditions and definitely don't see the Eucharist as anything more than a symbol too. I'm wondering if this is a geographical thing because most of the "evangelical" or "Non-denominational" churches in my area will label themselves as protestant because most of the leadership has roots in traditions from the radical reformation. So although they do call themselves protestant both collectively and individually, they don't have a liturgical practice. So I'm mostly speaking from my experience in those circles, rather than a major study of all classical protestant positions. That's not to say that I haven't studied them in general, I have. I've also been to many services in many different denominations that would be considered "classically protestant". In particular, I was involved with a presbyterian youth group where I was exposed to that particular tradition. But anyway, all that to say, just wanted to bring some clarity to where I'm coming from on those points and why I tend to use the term "protestant" a bit more loosely than you have defined. I apologize if I've offended, as that is really not what I'm trying to do! I appreciate your point of view even though we disagree! Thanks for watching! :)

  • @paulsmallwood1484
    @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому

    Protestant response. What seems to be the inevitable conclusion here is that only a Roman Catholic Priest is able to dispense salvation through the Eucharist because no Eucharist is valid unless it is performed by a Roman Catholic Priest so if you want to be confident that you can experience salvation, you must be Roman Catholic because it is only through the sacramental actions of a Roman Catholic priest that salvation can be dispensed. Protestant pastors are wasting their time presiding over the Lord’s Supper because nothing they do is valid. Protestant lay people are being duped. Please correct me if I got that wrong but with all due respect, that is not the Gospel message as well intentioned as it may be. It is also, and please excuse me for saying so, highly sectarian. The Holy Spirit is not the lapdog of the Roman Catholic priesthood. I might add that the sacerdotal priesthood did not arrive on the scene in Christian history until the 4th century. The first century church knew nothing of a sacerdotal priesthood. That is an historical development.

    • @wesleystrickland6583
      @wesleystrickland6583 Рік тому +5

      God has designed His Church and does ask us to worship Him in certain ways. If we worship Him the way we want to and not His way doesn’t mean He won’t accept it. Although He might not accept it either. We end up just worshiping ourselves if we just do what makes us feel good or right. Read Numbers Ch. 16 where some made themselves Priests and not from the Levite’s tribe. They said they were Holy too we are gonna do what we want and offer the sacrifices. It says that the earth opened, then swallowed them all, and then closed back up again. I am glad I am in the Catholic Church. I am staying right where I am.

    • @wesleystrickland6583
      @wesleystrickland6583 Рік тому +2

      Also if you came up to me and told me the words “You are under arrest”. Would I then be under arrest? You are not a police officer are you? If not then if a properly ordained officer of the law came up to me and said the words “You are under arrest” then by golly I would be under arrest. His words have the power to change my reality b/c he is a properly ordained officer of the law. So it is with God and His managerial Priests and Bishops. If they say the words of consecration then God performs the miracle.

    • @wesleystrickland6583
      @wesleystrickland6583 Рік тому +2

      Also God is not bound by His own rules. He knows the heart and the mind. The point is what do you know what God wants and where is your heart? What are your intentions? Is it love of God and what He wants or of something else?

    • @barborazajacova7633
      @barborazajacova7633 Рік тому +6

      Paul, with all respect, you seem to be very sensitive to the correct understanding of terms like Protestantism. Could you do the same for Catholicism? Not all Catholics are Roman Catholics, that is only one of the rites. No need to add "Roman" all the time unless you specifically want to talk about the Roman rite. All Catholic rites celebrate the same Eucharist. And we also believe that the Orthodox have valid Eucharist too.

    • @paulsmallwood1484
      @paulsmallwood1484 Рік тому

      @@barborazajacova7633 Respectfully, since you are interested in the valid use of terms. You must also know that your particular Communion considers the Eastern Orthodox to be schismatics because they reject the supreme authority of the Pope over all Christians. They are not in union with the Pope therefore they do not have the fullness of truth. Also, it is incorrect to call Protestants “non-Catholic” since Protestants consider themselves to be part of the Catholic Church. Just so you know. Thanks!