Ben Shapiro on Christianity vs Judaism | Collision w/ Jeff Durbin

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @ApologiaStudios
    @ApologiaStudios  Рік тому +4

    To watch the full response and to better equipped to respond to worldview issues like this visit and join All-Access today! Lots of powerful and informative content for our partners just like you!

    • @raimiranda126
      @raimiranda126 9 місяців тому

      Btw can I ask a question? We all know that Paul wrote ... far be it from me to boast except for the cross of Christ ... (Galatians 6:14) ... but WHERE in Scripture does it say, we should WEAR a cross as a necklace like you do? Thank you for your answer FROM the Scripture ONLY.

  • @quralwilliams9716
    @quralwilliams9716 Рік тому +15

    Pastor Jeff durbin I love you brother you’re content has helped me a lot 5 months since I was born again

    • @pinerider19
      @pinerider19 Рік тому +2

      Listening to a teacher, that is so grounded is scripture, will in all cases, is a very great help.

    • @swebilbo
      @swebilbo 27 днів тому

      your so fooled. Wake up, be rational and leave this shit man. Study how the bible came to be and you will see all the faults there....

  • @storozha777
    @storozha777 Рік тому +15

    It’s comes down to justification vs sanctification. When it comes to justification, it’s by faith alone. When we are saved the Holy spirit gives us a new heart that desires righteousness. And that’s when the Holy spirit leads us through sanctification where we do good works as a result of our right standing with God.

  • @xylonbeats1459
    @xylonbeats1459 Рік тому +40

    Thank you Pastor Jeff. This turned out to be a very good teaching. Struggled a bit with Romans 3 and James 2 but this helped.

    • @uganda_mn397
      @uganda_mn397 Рік тому +3

      James 2 is for the people who are already saved.

    • @uganda_mn397
      @uganda_mn397 Рік тому

      James 2:10

    • @uganda_mn397
      @uganda_mn397 Рік тому +1

      @PickingAGoodChristianMentor Jesus spoke of sin, if you want to be like Him, speak like Him, faith comes by hearing

    • @Mojo32
      @Mojo32 Рік тому +1

      ​@@uganda_mn397...and hearing by the Word of God. "...Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures..." AMEN!

  • @danielnoel3540
    @danielnoel3540 Рік тому +53

    Rock solid video. I'm preaching through the book of Daniel at my church and the proof that Jesus truly is the Messiah and the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecies is overwhelming.

    • @henniecronje2868
      @henniecronje2868 Рік тому

      I couldn't imagine Pastor John MacArthur trying to catch a shine on social media over what he's preaching about. Just saying. 😊

    • @danielnoel3540
      @danielnoel3540 Рік тому

      @henniecronje2868 not trying to catch any attention for myself, I apologize if it appeared that way. Just giving context for the statement regarding the support I have found in the prophecies of Daniel.

    • @majorcajun5524
      @majorcajun5524 Рік тому +1

      @@danielnoel3540 it didn’t appear that way, don’t worry

  • @kencress3665
    @kencress3665 Рік тому +8

    How come nobody wants to debate Jeff Durbin in person? Because Jeff is too good never seen him lose a debate Especially when he's paired up with you-know-who, all praise and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through his blood and sacrifice we have salvation Lord save us from ourselves 1:16

  • @72586jejones
    @72586jejones Рік тому +70

    I honestly think he knows the truth and has chosen to believe what he is going to believe because he does not want to face the rejection of his family, tradition, etc. I find myself praying for him a lot. In the end, his great mind will be a waste if he does not accept Jesus. One only needs to read Genesis 3 to see the real problem Jesus came to solve during his first arrival. His second arrival will be very much like Jews expect (politically supreme, visibly ruling forever), but many Jews will sadly be grieved on that day.

    • @psalm2forliberty577
      @psalm2forliberty577 Рік тому +2

      You make some great points !
      I do think that Jesus reign is forever upon David's Throne, in heaven now, per Psalm 2, 110:1, Hebrews, Isaiah 9:7.
      Do you have particular passages that say Jesus Christ as KING sits upon an earthly throne ?
      I'm not aware of any myself.
      It's a seemingly minor point with massive implications.
      God bless you David

    • @alantinoalantonio
      @alantinoalantonio Рік тому

      Yeah, no different from the jews in the old and new testaments. They just keep rejecting Him.

    • @yamahajapan5351
      @yamahajapan5351 Рік тому

      I honestly believe that YOU know the truth and you have chosen to believe what YOU are going to believe because you do not want to face rejection of YOUR family, tradition etc.
      See how easy that was? Now go and sin no more….

    • @yamahajapan5351
      @yamahajapan5351 Рік тому

      Nowhere in the Hebrew Bible does it say that the Davidic Messiah will die and rise from the dead-that should pretty much guarantee that Jesus is a fraud….Read it for yourself.

    • @connorhofmann5691
      @connorhofmann5691 Рік тому +8

      Isaiah 53

  • @RoubsNoel
    @RoubsNoel Рік тому +22

    Ben always have a lot to say about the faith when no one is there to defend it but soon as someone challenges his objective he suddenly not interested

    • @AmaliaMagenCohen
      @AmaliaMagenCohen 7 місяців тому

      Jews are not particularly in to “apologetic “ especially since we don’t seek converts

  • @johna6828
    @johna6828 Рік тому +18

    Thanks for the edifying video. Praying for Ben just as I pray that all may come to the knowledge of the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

  • @Adj528
    @Adj528 Рік тому +285

    Ben is a student of the Talmud so we already know the blasphemies he believes about Jesus. Praying for his repentance.

    • @texasfirst3991
      @texasfirst3991 Рік тому +1

      The problem is that most Christians have never heard of the Talmud, let alone know what it says.
      Christians that have listened to Ben Shapiro for years have no idea that he belongs to one of the only anti-Christ religions.

    • @jamesh6966
      @jamesh6966 Рік тому +4

      Jesus is never mentioned in the Talmud, Mate. There were a few people of similar names, but they lived at different times. Cheers

    • @Xx21.
      @Xx21. Рік тому +20

      I don’t think he said he was mentioned in the Talmud

    • @texasfirst3991
      @texasfirst3991 Рік тому +53

      @jamesh6966 According to the Talmud, Jesus is burning in hell in boiling excrement, so you can imagine how they feel about Christians.
      There's an entire book on this called "Jesus in the Talmud" by Peter Schaefer if you'd like to learn more.

    • @Adj528
      @Adj528 Рік тому +21

      @@texasfirst3991excellent book and talks about parallels with the Toledot Yeshu which is undoubtedly a Jewish apologetic meant to mock our Lord.

  • @nicknickson3650
    @nicknickson3650 Рік тому +33

    Shapiro the Pharisee

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому +1


    • @Contramundum429
      @Contramundum429 Рік тому

      He obeys the wicked Talmud. Why do any Christians follow Shapiro or Prager. So silly

    • @LawOfNonContradiction
      @LawOfNonContradiction 4 місяці тому +1

      jesus was a pharaisee as was paul, the founder of christianity. Most of Jesus's most famous quotes were said eariler by PHARISEES

    • @nicknickson3650
      @nicknickson3650 4 місяці тому +1

      @@LawOfNonContradiction "Jesus was a Pharisee" lmao source?

    • @LawOfNonContradiction
      @LawOfNonContradiction 4 місяці тому

      1. he was referred to as "rabbi", a term used for pharisee teachers.
      2. His most famous sayings were borrowed from pharisees. For example, his quote "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12) is exactly what the famous pharisee rabbi Hillel said before him. Literally word for word.
      3. He literally is quoted as affirming the AUTHORITY of the pharisees: T"hen Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees SIT IN THE SEAT OF MOSES. 3 SO YOU MUST BE CAREFUL TO DO EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU." Here he is affirming the rabbinic claim of having an unbroken chain of tradition from Moses on down.
      4. At that time (first century), Jews were broken up in basically three distinct sects: the Sadducees, the Pharisees, and the Essenes. Jesus was definitely not a a Sadducees, since they didn't believe in any of the prophets (they only believed in the 5 books of Moses) or the resurrection of the dead. He wasn't an Essene, since they were a secluded sect that separated themselves from society. Hence, he fell within the sect of the pharisaic traditional sect.
      5. Unlike Paul's innovations and writings, which Paul himself claimed he received through "revelation", all the recordings that the gospels have of Jesus' teachings fell in line with the Pharisees. Jesus, unlike Paul, is repeatedly quoted as affirming the law and commandments of Moses, on numerous occasions. For instance: Jesus is quoted to have said: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. THEREFORE ANYONE WHO SETS ASIDE ONE OF THE LEAST OF THE COMMANDMENTS and teaches others accordingly WILL BE CALLED LEAST in the kingdom of heaven, but WHOEVER PRACTICES AND TEACHES THESE COMMANDMENTS will be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven."
      Hence, Jesus, unlike Paul's later inventions, always told people to follow the commandments and statutes of the torah, just as you would expect of a Pharisaic RABBI.
      6. Even in instances where the gospels try to portray Jesus arguing with the pharisees (rabbis), its obvious the gospels are lying. For example, the Pharisees were never against violating the Sabbath in order to heal someone from danger, illness or death. In fact, the Pharisaic tradition explicitly says one OUGHT to violate the sabbath in such instances. So the gospels put up a strawman of the pharisees which they themselves would've never argued.

  • @roguecalvinist
    @roguecalvinist Рік тому +5

    I'm so glad that you are covering this interview

  • @davekendall1139
    @davekendall1139 Рік тому +11

    Many people dont even understand what faith is, Thats the problem, Faith is being faithful, faithful to Jesus and taking him at his word, a true believer will have good works because they have faith in Christ, a person with no good works is not a true believer because he is not being faithful to the words of Jesus. Thats how u can tell who is a true follower and who is not a true follower, true believers will have good works as a byproduct of their faith.

    • @adamguy33
      @adamguy33 Рік тому

      Whats a good work? By the law no flesh is justified and all rightous acts of men is a filthy rag. So what is a good work? Only God is good and only his rightousness covering your sins makes one rightous. But again you being evil please tell me what is a good work.

  • @theseedistheword3603
    @theseedistheword3603 Рік тому +8

    Thank you brother Jeff. I just listened to a fellow believer who believes the truth, it is so refreshing.

  • @Kehvo_exe
    @Kehvo_exe Рік тому +10

    I really enjoy these Collision videos on the channel Jeff! Please continue to do them. God bless ❤

  • @smoothvelvetsinger
    @smoothvelvetsinger Рік тому +6

    Jeff is such an intellectual powerhouse for Jesus❤️➕

  • @Rom3v23-25
    @Rom3v23-25 Рік тому +40

    Now we gotta deal with Michael Knowles. 😂

    • @FreedomEagle1776
      @FreedomEagle1776 Рік тому

      Romans 2:13; James 2:14-20; Matthew 7:21; Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 8:21; John 13:17 He knows the truth, he is within the one true church, bride of Christ.

    • @Rom3v23-25
      @Rom3v23-25 Рік тому +2

      @@FreedomEagle1776 You can’t use those verses to justify Catholicism. Protests know these verses exist and these verses have nothing to do with justification and being right before God.

  • @deniemarie5010
    @deniemarie5010 Рік тому +2

    Excellent teaching for Jews and Christians. Thanks Pastor Jeff.

  • @KasaniNatania
    @KasaniNatania Рік тому +12

    Jeff I’ve gotta to tell you this was a fantastic collision episode. Unfortunately you will NEVER get a Jewish person to debate you or evem have a conversation on this, and there’s a reason for that. Thank you for all you do I love you and Apologia.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Рік тому +2

      What reason is that? Do tell.

    • @amielcohen
      @amielcohen Рік тому

      With all due respect Jewish people have no interest in debating Christians. We just don’t care. Not interested in converting you.

    • @24tommy109
      @24tommy109 Рік тому

      @@Yesica1993 They're jewish

  • @BadgolferJimmyJam
    @BadgolferJimmyJam Рік тому +2

    Ben is a prime example of being unable to come to God unless He changes your heart and causes you to be born again (Ezekiel 36:26). He is extremely intelligent but cannot understand. Jesus said, to you it has been granted to know and to them it has not been granted. (Matthew 13:11). I like Ben a lot. I pray God , if it is according to His will, that God will change his heart so he can perceive and come to Christ. Jeff Durbin is such a blessing in Christ to be able to base his argument in Scripture. I love Jeff Durbin's work through Christ.

  • @caseycockerham3925
    @caseycockerham3925 Рік тому +19

    One is a religion of works and self. The other is all of Grace and Grace Alone, so that no man may boast.

    • @HokageFlete
      @HokageFlete Рік тому +4

      Ephesians 2:8-9 😏

    • @deborahbillings4252
      @deborahbillings4252 Рік тому +1

      Yes, out of his own mouth he claims judaism is the religion of works, by which no man can be justified, which is why Christ came to be the perfect sacrifice for sin.

    • @scootanow85
      @scootanow85 7 місяців тому +1

      Hello. Can you please cite the scripture where it says that Christianity is not of works that any man may boast? Thank you

    • @caseycockerham3925
      @caseycockerham3925 7 місяців тому

      @@scootanow85 Eph 2:8-9

    • @scootanow85
      @scootanow85 7 місяців тому

      @@caseycockerham3925 Thanks for the reply. Yes it is absolutely true that we are not able to earn our salvation and can’t get into heaven on our own, and the Jews could not fulfill the law of righteousness. Only Jesus could do that and that’s why God sent Him. I do however believe that you are misunderstanding what Paul meant by “works”, in his letters and what is Judaism doctrine.
      Just because we cannot fulfill the law with our good deeds when separate from Jesus does not equal or mean that as part of our faith in Jesus we don’t have to serve Jesus and do works such as surrender, obey, and show allegiance, yes they are a requirement.
      Paul is using word “works” in the same context as he did in much of the Romans and Galatians, describing it as a method or doctrine used by Jews to achieve salvation, that was separate from God’s intended plan.
      If you look in Romans, Paul talked a lot about works, which was Jews being hypocrites and NOT attempting to follow the moral law, but proclaiming that they were saved by circumcision, keeping the food laws and sabath, or in other words Jewish cultural markers, believing they were justified by national righteousness, apart from keeping the moral law. Paul’s problem with judizers was that they did not keep the moral law and not legalism, which is other way around from what you thought, and contrary to Lutheran influenced beliefs.
      In other words, we cannot get salvation through the method of our works alone when without Jesus. We need Jesus, however, once again faith in Him means serving and obeying him for he’s not just a savior but a saving King. Also, contrary to the popular modern believe in the west, the Jewish covenant did not mean that they must do “Good works” to earn salvation, but that they were saved by faith and grace and the moral law was a way to stay in the covenant family. In terms of old covenant, faith to Paul meant that Jews DO FOLLOW the moral law, not the other way around. And I already explained what he meant by works.
      Good Bless

  • @TS-ee7jx
    @TS-ee7jx Рік тому +12

    Ben is a brilliant mind but he wants none of this truth.

  • @andyk3113
    @andyk3113 Рік тому +3

    Thank you Jeff

  • @mbgrafix
    @mbgrafix Рік тому +18

    When it comes to the notion that Jews are about actions and Christians are about faith, I think that Ben must have skipped over the entire book of *James...*
    _"But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith _*_by my deeds."_*
    *JAMES 2:18*

    • @whoathatsanicememe3093
      @whoathatsanicememe3093 Рік тому +3

      I doubt Ben has ever read James, being that it's in the New Testament, or if he has he did so simply out of curiosity...
      What I don't understand is how *any* Jewish person can read Psalms 22 or Isaiah 52, 53 and not see Jesus....

    • @chocolatesandwichesofficia8445
      @chocolatesandwichesofficia8445 Рік тому +2

      james 2:26 continues this idea also - faith in christ is a vital part of being a Christian - but if one lives their life failing to live out their faith as Jesus has instructed - can one really call themselves a Christian?

    • @mbgrafix
      @mbgrafix Рік тому

      I can't say whether or not he has read the NT, however, I do get the impression that he is well read. Nevertheless...
      _"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."_
      *2 CORINTHIANS 4:4*

    • @davidschalit907
      @davidschalit907 Рік тому +1

      James KEPT the commandments!
      He kept kosher.
      He kept the Sabbath.
      Christianity eventually left all of that behind.

    • @claudiadubbe3758
      @claudiadubbe3758 Рік тому

      Right! Because Jesus said he didn't come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. Therefore, we are now under Grace, not the Law as it leads to death. Christ came to give us life and more abundantly. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  • @rroyr5698
    @rroyr5698 Рік тому +3

    Jeff, you are awesome handling the word of the Lord.

  • @francescaknapp
    @francescaknapp Рік тому

    I’ve really wanted to hear a rebuttal to his viewpoint so I have a better idea what to mention if it ever comes up for me in conversation! Thankyou so much!

  • @cubancavalier3051
    @cubancavalier3051 Рік тому +4

    I’ve always wondered what a “heart of stone” looks like in like where Pharaoh is said to have one but then I see Ben talk about Jesus being the messiah and his unwillingness to entertain the idea and I see that heart of stone. He simply doesn’t want to believe it’s true

    • @patriciahunter1566
      @patriciahunter1566 Рік тому

      I don’t think Ben has a heart of stone at all. We do not know how the Holy Spirit will work in his life, to quicken his heart and remove the spiritual blinders. I still am praying that Ben will come to a full knowledge of Jesus the Messiah. It’s not too late until he dies or thenLord returns.

  • @KingDogRescue
    @KingDogRescue Рік тому +3

    So many people think Ben is so smart but he is just a good, fast speaker. He needs more education on the Bible

  • @frankalbertyap9132
    @frankalbertyap9132 Рік тому +1

    Always a good one, Pastor Jeff.

  • @Jessemart99
    @Jessemart99 Рік тому +1

    This was some great Insight Jeff!! Thank you

  • @adlaibrown5216
    @adlaibrown5216 Рік тому +3

    What up fellow brother's and sister's in Christ!

  • @jhartenberg4985
    @jhartenberg4985 Рік тому

    Amazing commentary and bible study! Much love from Holland ♥

  • @ghostingalong
    @ghostingalong Рік тому +5

    To be fair, what Ben said was that Christianity is about faith first and good works coming out from that. But everything Jeff said was pretty much straight fire. Very well presented.

  • @Pete_B_773
    @Pete_B_773 Рік тому +4

    You got to stop thinking that modern day "jews" like Shapiro, have anything to do with the Old Testament. They have the Talmud, which is their New Testament, and which even instructs to contradict the Torah on many occasions. Second, there was no such thing as "jews" even in Biblical times. There was stock of the prophets Abraham, Issac and Jacob, and the Israelites, and there were Judeans, who were the "mixed multitudes" of Canaanites etc.... Even Paul said he's a "Hebrew" propper term, and when he stated he's a "Jew of Tarsus" he meant location Judean, like a Californian.

    • @bham7bh
      @bham7bh Рік тому

      Yep, and Kabbalah and the Zohar. Synagogue of satan

    • @infinitelink
      @infinitelink Рік тому

      Incorrect almost from the outset.
      The Talmud isn't a Jewish New Testament. (And actual Jewish scholars call the New Testament "clearly Jewish" (just not the strain that came to be seen as Judaism later).)
      The Talmud to Jews is a collection of traditions and arguments. It's not a systematic body of belief.
      They study it much like Eastern Orthodox study the Patristics, which also disagree on much and thus with similar effects.

    • @Pete_B_773
      @Pete_B_773 Рік тому

      @infinitelink nope, you're wrong. Don't know what you think is "incorrect", but you don't know what you're talking about. 13th Century Paris Disputations are great proof of what the Talmud is to the jews

  • @azstrollingviolinist1256
    @azstrollingviolinist1256 Рік тому

    Jeff, I love your heart and your content, but the background music is really distracting.

  • @jg4x
    @jg4x Рік тому

    Content is great, as always. Background music is distracting and becomes more and more irritating the further in I listen.

  • @p4pdestined8
    @p4pdestined8 Рік тому +3

    Ben gets his information from the Talmud (old testament commentaries ) interpreted by his rabbi. He doesn't understand Christianity, that the entire OT points to Jesus and His accomplishing the covenant of redemption. Ben is very smart, and I agree with him on almost everything politically, but he is wrong here. And his false caricature of what Judaism is vs Christianity, tells me he doesn't have the incentive to seek the truth. The commandments are a transcript of God's character, which is Holy. None of us can become Holy on our own accord, which is why need a savior. Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law, and His perfect righteousness is imputed to the account of those who trust in Him. Ben needs a righteousness that is not his own; but he's under the false assumption that his "good works" can make him right before a Holy God. I pray that His eyes are open to the gospel. Excellent video Jeff!

  • @kennethash7
    @kennethash7 Рік тому +1

    Great series. Phenomenal video

  • @briancasey4917
    @briancasey4917 Рік тому +1

    I have watched John MacArthur, William Lane Craig, and Voddie Bauchman witness to Ben Shapiro and I don't think he " hears" the Gospel, so I pray the Holy Spirit regenerates Ben so he will hear the Gospel.

  • @marktowers7619
    @marktowers7619 Рік тому +3

    The difference between the offerings of Cain and Abel. The heart matters.

  • @deadeye851
    @deadeye851 Рік тому

    So many ads... had to constantly stop what I'm doing and skip them just to keep my train of thought.

  • @windowsoflife
    @windowsoflife Рік тому

    Right on! Presenting caricatures of Christianity is so misleading. Thanks for presenting so well the relationship of faith and works.

  • @theignitedlife
    @theignitedlife Рік тому

    You have to do a interview with Ben. It would be so interesting!

  • @amomentwithanimals7429
    @amomentwithanimals7429 Рік тому +6

    Thank you Jeff for your insight. God bless you and your family in Jesus name. 🙏🏻

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Рік тому

    Wow, the adblocker is no longer working on UA-cam?!

  • @johnny2303
    @johnny2303 Рік тому +1

    Why the annoying background music? Its distracting

  • @rocketsurgeon1746
    @rocketsurgeon1746 Рік тому

    It would be nice to see Ben with a calvinist and non calvinist. Calling calvinism christianity is debatable. Ben did a great job asking questions when talking to alley stuckey

  • @BenjiProffitt
    @BenjiProffitt Рік тому

    Very well said Pastor!!!! GOD bless you and your's. Thank you for your Faith, understanding, teachings and Love through JESUS our redeemer!!!!!!!!!

  • @CarlosGomez-gj5tg
    @CarlosGomez-gj5tg Рік тому

    Pastor Jeff, have you ever invited Ben to a debate? I don't think he would oppose. He's already had conversations with pastor John Macarthur and dr. William Lane Craig.

  • @lbee8247
    @lbee8247 Рік тому

    How can you obey the first and second commandment as an atheist?

  • @lightningsamurai4134
    @lightningsamurai4134 Рік тому +1

    Ben Shapiro probably has never read Isaiah 53 because that's an OT that gives a clear description of Jesus' crucifixion. In fact not many people who actually follow Judaism don't even know that Jesus was Jewish or many things in the OT.
    Some of them believe that He was a Catholic, Protestant, etc, but not Jewish. Many of them believe that Christians were responsible for the death of Jews because Hitler said that he was a Catholic, which is 1 of the reasons many of them reject Jesus.
    Christianity, Catholicism, etc didn't exist until after Jesus left the Earth. If you read Acts 26:11, that's the scripture that mentions Christianity for the 1st time.
    They're likely unaware of the fact that Hitler burned many books & over 90% of them were Bible's because it's a Jewish book & Hitler also wanted a non Jewish Bible. They're also told not to read the NT because they're told that if they do they'll get kicked out of the Synagogue.
    This is also another reason why that many of them don't know why don't know that Jesus was Jewish. If they did they would know that Jewish 1st preached in a Synagogue at age 12.
    How would he be able to do that if He wasn't Jewish? We all know that He was called Rabbi, which no gentile was ever called to this day. They're not being told all the true about details about Jesus.

  • @jackiephifer5617
    @jackiephifer5617 Рік тому +1

    Excellent the law is our schoolmaster and by faith we are born again and His power is in us

  • @jondw1372
    @jondw1372 Рік тому

    One thing missed in this video is also that for most Jewish Atheists Ben and Jeff are not speaking to what these people think. Most Jews who call themselves Jewish atheists arent thinking about Jewish practice (aka Judaism). They are identifying with their Jewishness (culture and lineage which YES does have some to do with traditions at times).

  • @antoniusjohanneshulsebos6166

    Love that you point out that it is not just faith, but the will or heart to keep God's commandments has to be part of that faith.
    Most of the church doctrine supports what Ben is saying by drawing a cross and showing the text "Law" on the left of the Cross and the text "Grace" on the right.
    You pointed out in Mathew 5:17 that we should "not even think!!" that He came to abolish the Law or the Prophets, and in verse 19, Jesus is saying that we have to teach even the least of the commandments. This is part of the great commission!!
    Hebrew 11 is one of my favourite chapters in scripture, listing a whole list of the Old (First) Covenant believers and all of them were saved through faith, not works, but all of them also walked in God's ways following His instruction/Torah!!

  • @RideOrDieSB
    @RideOrDieSB Рік тому

    thats was so great and amazing! thanks

  • @ToqTheWise
    @ToqTheWise Рік тому

    Brother, you should mute your audio when the clip is playing. I can hear your breathing and it’s distracting.

  • @ALavaPenguin
    @ALavaPenguin Рік тому +10

    As smart as Ben can be in some things, and I don't mean this disrespectfully but I don't know how else to say it, he is completely incompetent on theological thinking. I remember around the time he tried to write that ridiculous book on religion and all the nonsense he was spouting from it, well it made it clear to me. I remember I saw in an interview he was basically asked what his view of an afterlife is from Judaism and he basically said you get literally absorbed into God and become part of Him. Basically merge with Him and literally become part of God's being. [sound familiar to any new age/eastern religions?]. Maybe his view has changed but I was shocked when I heard him saying that. I think it was some interview around the time he was writing that book about religion.
    And honestly, what do you expect? Look at the Christians that are with him on the Daily Wire. I mean they were once asked in an interview that from a Christian perspective did they think that Ben Shapiro might have to be held accountable for his sins and go to hell because he rejects Christ, and I know at least the ones who spoke up basically joked to get out of it but basically said nah he will make it to heaven anyway probably. I mean it was a ridiculous answer that you had sitting there 4 Christians with Ben and not one of them when presented actually could state what Jesus clearly taught on the subject.
    Don't get me wrong I love the daily wire guys but it was quite sad. I mean I get Klavan is a pretty liberal Christian cause he has trouble with the homosexuality being wrong thing [not that he is homosexual, but that it is wrong in general], and Knowles and Walsh are both Catholic so that does effect quite a bit their view on salvation [but even in the Catholic view, Ben isn't making it to Heaven dude..... well I guess unless Pope Francis has his way and everyone does cause whatevz] and Jeremy Boring seems to constantly take scripture out of context and twist it for his own points and seems to have quite a bit of disdain for people who take the Bible for what it actually means [just my impression on him from watching him a lot when these questions come up][and he is a prime example of a pick and choose what parts of the bible you like sort of guy, and then reinterpret the stuff you don't like out of it, and then anyone who wants the Bible to actually mean what it says he says they are worshiping the Bible and using it as a totem or something and gets all mad at them]. But it was still sad. They are nice guys and they say they are Christians, but can't even tell someone the basic fundamentals of Jesus when asked on it. Not one of them and then even says the opposite.
    Don't get me wrong, I quite like all of them over there at the Daily Wire of that group. But you almost have to turn off the video if they try and talk deeply about religious issues. Oh sometimes they make a few good points, sure, but often it ends up being just ridiculous and theologically a joke despite them being quite smart on other issues.

  • @emanuelghetiu27
    @emanuelghetiu27 Рік тому

    You should debate him officially!

  • @hozn
    @hozn Рік тому

    Abe’s Justification by faith before the Torah
    “just as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”?”
    ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  • @ChaChaRah
    @ChaChaRah Рік тому

    Please do more on this subject!!! I know many people who are moving away from traditional Christian holidays and going back to Jewish holidays. Their arguments is Jesus celebrated them and Christians have adopted pegan holidays.
    I thought Jesus fulfillment release us from the law. Maybe I’m mistaken?

  • @raimiranda126
    @raimiranda126 9 місяців тому

    YES YES! YES PLEASE DO put Ben Shappiro in his place. Keep us posted

  • @LawOfNonContradiction
    @LawOfNonContradiction 4 місяці тому

    "I didn't come to abolish"... yet Pauline Christianity literally abolished the entire law and statutes.

  • @wendiwestenburg6052
    @wendiwestenburg6052 Рік тому

    My question is how well would 7 commandments mix with the 10 commandments?

  • @stoneyq4259
    @stoneyq4259 11 місяців тому

    Curious on your take on leviticus 19:22

  • @jimijames7703
    @jimijames7703 Рік тому

    Here’s what I struggle with.
    I say that we obviously don’t kill steal commit adultery etc.
    I know personally that we can see that we enter into continuous Rest in Jesus as read in Hebrews 4:1-10.
    However if we say we keep the law how do we explain Sabbath to someone who’s taking this all literall-black and white?
    I see Jesus tell us in Mathew 5 6 and 7 that we will always fall short of keeping the law,
    I interpret that without us being covered in His Righteousness in His Blood we are doomed.
    We now walk in Spirit not flesh.
    Does that make sense?

    • @lawrence1318
      @lawrence1318 Рік тому

      We don't keep the law. We walk by faith instead.

  • @davidgartrell90
    @davidgartrell90 11 місяців тому

    I’d love to see a collaboration with you and Rabbi Tovia Singer on if Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the messiah.

  • @obkook7205
    @obkook7205 Рік тому

    Great stuff around the 7-min mark, what you're bringing up is the argument Paul makes in Roman 9. Not all children of Abraham are part of God's promise. It's always been grace through faith

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому

      Who would be considered children of Abraham?

  • @AmaliaMagenCohen
    @AmaliaMagenCohen 7 місяців тому

    I’m Jewish. I have respect for Jesus and Christians. But I gotta say it’s quite disheartening that the most liked comment here puts down our Jewish writing …. . But hey I do appreciate the good Christians .

  • @emilius.525
    @emilius.525 Рік тому

    The background music is really distracting

  • @Nickbr549
    @Nickbr549 Рік тому

    I would be willing to bet that even Ben Shapiro would not show up for this debate, because he is intellectual and self aware enough to realize that he chooses to have a blind spot in this area.

  • @michaelfoster259
    @michaelfoster259 Рік тому

    What's incredible about Christianity is that it is a beautiful picture of action and belief. "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 There is an action that we are commanded to take part in, baptism, and we must have the belief that God will save us when we obey Him and live for Him. Many faith only people think baptism is archaic and not needed, it's a "work". Well, they're right, it is a work... a work of God where He circumcises our hearts. Baptism is a work of God and He washes us clean in the waters of baptism when we partake in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

    • @lawrence1318
      @lawrence1318 Рік тому

      No. When you're born again you are baptised by definition. Immersion in water is not necessary.

  • @charlotteroath9904
    @charlotteroath9904 Рік тому +1

    How do you love the Lord your God with all your heart if you are an athiest though?

  • @candicebeebe6688
    @candicebeebe6688 11 місяців тому

    I think being a Jew, Mormon, Atheist means to ignore the reason, logic and evidence of scripture.

  • @cynthiahunter2570
    @cynthiahunter2570 11 місяців тому

    Is it not true Abraham was justified by the obedience of faith? So in a sense he was justified by his obedience, but the obedience was his faith.

  • @wendiwestenburg6052
    @wendiwestenburg6052 Рік тому

    Other question who’s claiming more authority?

  • @sammygeiger3562
    @sammygeiger3562 Рік тому

    Can you do a video on Hebrew roots??!

  • @Freaky-Alien-o6d
    @Freaky-Alien-o6d Рік тому +1

  • @wendiwestenburg6052
    @wendiwestenburg6052 Рік тому

    And what parties were involved in killing Jesus?

  • @rocketsurgeon1746
    @rocketsurgeon1746 Рік тому

    7:55, where does the Bible say there is none righteous, without first stating that they are fools, like in psalms 53:1-3?

  • @andreastarks2780
    @andreastarks2780 Рік тому +1

    Yes it’s clear Ben has never read Paul’s impassioned letter to the Galatians and then the more measured letter to the Romans.

    • @godzillioinaire
      @godzillioinaire Рік тому +1

      his basis in this clip was just the opinions of people he has had on his show or in his circle. Does not seem likely he would ever do actual study of the bible in his current state

    • @alejandrourbinaalva3740
      @alejandrourbinaalva3740 Рік тому

      I don't think they view the New Testament as credible if I'm not mistaken.

  • @wendiwestenburg6052
    @wendiwestenburg6052 Рік тому

    What color robe did they put on Jesus? Before his death?

  • @bham7bh
    @bham7bh Рік тому +10

    Let’s have a real conversation and talk about Kabbalah and the Talmud. You know, things Jews actually believe in

    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 Рік тому +5

      Oh, then, you’d have to talk about money, too.

    • @infinitelink
      @infinitelink Рік тому +1

      You'd then have to point out that many know little or nothing about the Talmud, many who do take it as a collection of various positions in argument not a systematic doctrine, and the Kabbalah believers are a sort of separate cult within Jewish groups...
      Before talking about the Mishnah, commentaries, various sects and schools...
      Saying "Jews believe" is encompassed well in the jokes from Jews themselves like
      "a man asks for the opinion of two Rabbis and gets five..."

    • @SlZIJI
      @SlZIJI Рік тому

      @ricksonora6656 so you have multiple accounts and are doing damage control for evil talmudist jews. Okkike

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому +1

      I’d rather not discuss that diabolical Talmud. I am full aware of all the nastiness that it contains

    • @bham7bh
      @bham7bh Рік тому

      @@infinitelink look how subversively your mind works. Go back to Israel, Kike.

  • @robertrodrigues7319
    @robertrodrigues7319 Рік тому +2

    Ben Shapiro has also heard the truth about Jesus from John McArthur. Hope he sees the light before it is too late, and gets saved! Pray for him.

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому +1

      Ben also heard from John that Judaism and Christianity have the same God. That is nonsense.

  • @timterrell5133
    @timterrell5133 Рік тому

    "Very respectfully" (w/ sarcasm) "Where's your temple?"

  • @melissaculpepper7663
    @melissaculpepper7663 Рік тому

    The Word of Hod says that many will be deceived and spiritually blinded due to their rejection of Jesus Christ.

  • @paulv7554
    @paulv7554 Рік тому

    Shapiro wouldn't fair too well in a debate with Durbin on religion. Shapiro is a lightweight in this realm. He's excellent when debating the politics of our day, however.

  • @FreedomEagle1776
    @FreedomEagle1776 Рік тому

    Catholicism enters the chat... Faith + Works clearly the true way.

  • @lbee8247
    @lbee8247 Рік тому +1

    What I find cool is Ben is being used to have the gospel being shared over and over by different Christians on his channel for Jews and atheist to hear.
    Maybe that is Ben's secret.

  • @rickhanna2606
    @rickhanna2606 Рік тому +2

    Ben had John Macarthur on his show and that vid is on utube,Mr Macarthur gave Ben the Gospel perfectly from both Old and New testaments,Ben didnt believe just like the when Christ came before,the Jews rejected Him,as does Ben,let of pray earnestly for him,its his only hope

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому

      John also told Ben in that video that Judaism and Christianity have the same God. Which is a load of horse Pucky

    • @rickhanna2606
      @rickhanna2606 Рік тому

      They are the same God,Macarthur 50yrs pastor same church, PHD Talbot Theological seminary, author of over 40 books,created the Macarthur study Bible,just some of his accomplishments, pretty sure he knows more than you😉

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому

      @@rickhanna2606 judaism and Christianity are not morally the same. Just a casual reading of both the Bible and the Talmud make that very clear. Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism. Different morality equals different gods.

    • @rickhanna2606
      @rickhanna2606 Рік тому

      Hebrews 9:27,then you'll know the answer,Godbless you friend

    • @veritas2145
      @veritas2145 Рік тому

      @@rickhanna2606 so you have nothing to say

  • @mikemorris1760
    @mikemorris1760 Рік тому

    It’s not Ben’s time to acknowledge the deity of Yeshua. The scales still cover his eyes.

  • @Yahschild0515
    @Yahschild0515 Рік тому

    Brother everything i hear sounds spot on. I havent watched all your stuff but the stuff i have watched i dont see any preaching of the law. The sabbath, the high sabbaths, the preaching of worshiping of false Els.

  • @scolson18
    @scolson18 Рік тому

    what is your general conclusion on predestination and the elect?

    • @godzillioinaire
      @godzillioinaire Рік тому +1

      Jeff is a calvinist, reformed baptist.

    • @scolson18
      @scolson18 Рік тому

      @@godzillioinaire answers my question. Thanks.

  • @lanasawyer9812
    @lanasawyer9812 Рік тому

    How can you say obey God and yet do not even obey His instructions to assemble yourselves on His designated holy days which lay out the entire plan of salvation? You don’t need a temple to gather and worship. The sacrifice has been made so that’s not required. It just seems logical that God would rather we honor the days He designated rather than the days man created (ex: Christmas).

  • @matthewpohlman
    @matthewpohlman Рік тому +1

    The New Covenant was with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Why are you applying it to all people?

    • @lawrence1318
      @lawrence1318 Рік тому

      The House of Judah represents the Gentiles.

    • @matthewpohlman
      @matthewpohlman Рік тому

      @@lawrence1318 That's an interesting assertion. On which scripture(s) is it based?

  • @dannyisjuan4706
    @dannyisjuan4706 Рік тому

    So are we under torah ( the law or just the 10 commandments?)

    • @lawrence1318
      @lawrence1318 Рік тому

      The Christian is "dead to the law" (Rom 7:4.)

  • @bubba4088
    @bubba4088 Рік тому

    Please do debate Ben. I pray that he would accept our Lord Jesus Christ as his Messiah. Thank you for all you do at apologia studios!

  • @psalm2forliberty577
    @psalm2forliberty577 Рік тому +2

    At 04:55 great salient points.
    Also in the Genesis 15 passage, God puts Abraham asleep so he's 100% passive & Jehovah is 100% performing Covenant Promise by HIMSELF.
    Now that's "the Sovereignty of GOD" in action.
    Sad to say, Ben Shapiro & his branch of "faith" has re-written God's Covenant in terms sensible to them, something they can perform.
    "Strange Fire" is nothing new...

  • @obstn81
    @obstn81 Рік тому

    You don't wanna debate Ben Shapiro. As a Catholic I tell you he would shred you

  • @coleburns5497
    @coleburns5497 Рік тому

    What were some of the Rabbinic answers to the question of how a human being could see the Lord and live? According to Exodus 33:20, God said to Moses, ‘You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.’ Yet in Exodus 24:9-11, less than ten chapters earlier, we read, ‘Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up [Mount Sinai] and saw the God of Israel…But God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israrelites…How can this be explained? Abraham Ibn Ezra interpreted the text to mean that they saw God in a prophetic vision. Then why did God tell them in 24:1 to actually go up the mountain to the Lord, remaining at a distance from him while Moses alone drew near? And why does the text point out that God did not life his hand against them, as would have been expected? Obviously, this was more than a prophetic vision….The Targum also had a problem with these verses and could not translate them directly, rendering instead, ‘They saw the glory of the God of Israel…they saw the glory of the Lord.’ 42 Yet the text says, ‘They saw the God of Israel…they saw God.’” - Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 2, Theological Objections, p. 28-29
    As Dr. Brown explains, in order to avoid the conflict created by scripture’s declaration that certain figures actually saw YHWH, some ancient Jewish sources simply denied and then altered the plain meaning of the texts. This demonstrates that these ancient sources recognized that the standard reading of the text did indeed describe individuals seeing God. After all, if they didn’t perceive that the text taught that men had seen God, they would not have seen the need to alter the texts to avoid that very prospect.
    Commenting specifically on Exodus 3 as another example in which Moses is recorded as seeing God, Dr. Brown goes on to say the following.
    “‘Well,’ you might say, ‘what about Exodus 3. Doesn’t that chapter equate seeing the angel of the Lord with seeing God?’ You’re getting very close!…How does the Targum Onkelos translated the end of verse 6? Moses ‘was afraid to look beside the glory of the LORD.’ Once again, the Targum found it impossible to say what the Scripture said. It was too direct, too clear. Another Targum, called Pseudo-Jonathan, took this even further, translating that Moses was afraid to look at ‘the glory of the Shekhina of the LORD.’” - Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 2, Theological Objections, p. 30
    From the quote above, we can once again clearly see that the ancient Jewish Targums recognized that for men to see YHWH God and live was problematic. But rather than coming to the conclusion that Moses’ reached when he faced this same problem, the Targums came up with alternate explanations. As we saw earlier in Exodus 33-34, Moses reconciled the fact that men saw God with the axiom that seeing God would bring death by concluding that men were seeing God in a humbler form, not his fully glorified form, which would be lethal to them. But what do the Targums conclude instead?
    The Targum Onkelos apparently altered the meaning of the text to suggest that Moses merely looked “beside” the glory of God rather than looking directly. The Targum Pseudo-Jonathan adopted its own explanation, asserting instead that Moses didn’t look at YHWH God himself but at a being, emissary, or aspect of God designated by the title “the Shekhina.” However, it is worth noting that in the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan the term “Shekhina” is simply being used as an interchangeably title for the figure known as “the angel of YHWH.” But by identifying the figure that Moses saw as “the Shekhina,” this solution actually acknowledges that the text is identifying “the angel of YHWH” or “the Shekhina” by the name “YHWH God.” Rather than avoiding or providing an alternative to the Trinitarian conclusion, this solution ends up affirming it.
    And ultimately, as we can see, the ancient Jews recognized the fact that according to the Old Testament, to see the angel of YHWH is to see YHWH God. Ancient Jewish sources recognized the issues raised by these facts. But their attempts to explain it either alter the text, don’t differentiate significantly in form from the Trinity, or raise the specter of sub-deities as the God of the Exodus.
    Commenting still further, Dr. Brown cites additional examples and summarizes both the predicament and the attempted solution, which was simply to alter the wording.
    “According to Exodus 33:20, no one can see God or his face and live. Yet the Hebrew Bible preserves numerous instances of people ‘seeing God.’…Exodus 24:9-11 states that Moses and a select group of Israelites saw God, who did not strike them down. The Targum says that they saw the glory of God…Jacob, who wrestled with the angel of the LORD, said that he had seen God face to face (Gen. 32:30). The Targum changed this to, “I have seen the angel of the LORD face to face.” The exact same change is made in Judges 13:22. In Exodus 3:1-6, the angel of the Lord, equated with the Lord himself in the text, appeared to Moses in flaming fire in a bush, and Moses looked away because he was afraid to look at God. The Targum says that he was afraid to look near the glory of the LORD.” - Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 2, Theological Objections, p. 29-30
    Fourth, ancient Judaism recognizes that the figure known as the Spirit of YHWH is also regarded as being a distinct yet equal figure within the Godhead of YHWH in similar fashion to the angel of YHWH. This can be seen in the following two quotes. The first quote, which we have seen earlier, comes from Microsoft Encarta and in it Encarta describes how the Word and the Spirit of God were regarded as “secondary divine beings.” Specifically, Britannica uses the plural “beings,” indicating that the Word and the Spirit were regarded as distinct rather than being regarded as different titles for the same being or figure.

  • @dand4485
    @dand4485 Рік тому

    Easy to see why so many Jews get it wrong... Hearing Ben mention what he does, would argue Judaism is faith based as well... We read "Abraham believed God, it was counted unto Him as righteousness..." Or reading Gen 15 when reading about the convenient God made with Abraham... It was only God that passed through the animal pieces, so it relies on God alone. Even in the N.T. Abraham is call "The father of our faith.." as we read in Rom 4:16) For this reason it is by faith, in order that it may be in accordance with grace, so that the promise will be guaranteed to all the descendants, not only to those who are of the Law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all,