I love how when you encounter Zangoose and Seviper in a horde battle, they will attack each other first before moving onto the player's Pokemon. The same thing happens with Heatmor and Durant, and it's a very nice attention to detail there.
i always liked Zangoose. When I played Ruby back then I came across it randomly and it had higher attack then basically all my pokemon. Turned out it was partially because of the Naughty nature it had. (I didn't know what natures did back then)
It is a surprisingly good pokémon in it's own right for a playthrough. It has good attack and servicable speed, swords dance, perfect neutral coverage in shadow ball and Brick break and it looks cool. I hate the people who call it furrybait, it looks cool for an angry animal.
@@luiseduardo8806 I don't think I've seen too many calling it furry bait, especially when Hoenn already has the most obvious example of that to focus on
Weirdest thing about Toxic Boost is that it grants 50% boost just like Guts while only procing from 1 status. With how specialized it is, you'd think it at least gets to be a 75% increase.
@@getthegoons this isn’t quite redundancy so much as straight up inferiority. Burn does a set 6% each turn, while toxic damage increases over time. It also means Zangoose can’t run sleep talk as an emergency counter to spore as efficiently as Guts.
not me the best I've ever seen a Zangoose OHKO is Primal Kyogre! done by my zangoose using silk scarf and retaliate after Primal Kyogre knocked out my previous pokemon!! It was greatest thing ever!!
I remember all the buzz about Toxic Boost when people were first learning about it and the theoretical power Zangoose could dish out with Facade. There were some nay-sayers because of its lack of bulk but damn did Zangoose put those thoughts to rest when it was unleashed.
@@winterFox2r there's a fan game called Pokémon Rejuvenation, they have items called Crests, They're made to buff weaker Pokémon (for example: Dusknoir Crest boosts Its Attack by 20% and gives it Technician on top of its regular Ability) and they can't be knocked off Zangoose has a Crest, and its effects are simple, they're: 1:Poisons Zangoose to activate Toxic Boost 2:Also give him the effects of poison Heal on top of Toxic boost.
A Mega Seviper and Zangoose is a legitimately interesting prospect, and although we might not ever see that happen, there is a chance the two could receive regional variants.
I would love to see it to where Zangoose gains the poison type, don't know what seviper would get. But Zangoose gaining its enemies type would be cool.
I'd honestly love for them to receive new regional evos in Scarlet & Violet. Heck, Ursaring got a new evo in P:LA and Ursasing didn't exactly have awful stats per say. And Ursaluna is awesome! Imagine how great an evolution for Zangoose & Seviper would be.
In an official Japanese pokemon Magazine, Seviper and Zangoose were featured in black shadows, as pokemon to get Megas in OR/AS. They were the only Mega evolutions scrapped for the game. With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coming out, I have a feeling this rivalry will have a much bigger role. Why else show a Seviper in the trailer? There's something big going on.
I unironically believed in this as a kid, because I didn't remembered Jessie releasing her Arbok and didn't watched the first season of the Hoenn anime
Seviper is a shitmon that makes Arbok look good. It's a shame, really. It's as frail as Zangoose, but Zangoose has more attack and more speed. Dunno what Game Freak were thinking making a glacially slow mixed attacker with the defenses of wet tissue paper.
@@arenard89aw its tragic because its otherwise a fun mon, and certainly was interesting in the anime. Personally i would fix this by giving seviper a secondary steel typing to make it much better defensively.
@@luiseduardo8806 occasionally i do it just to get a move onto a cetrain mon but certainly not to try and get good IVs since that is litteral insanity. (Or to get duplicates of starters or similar to trade)
The most fondest memory of Zangoose I have (tho you can say is cruel) is watching my brother EV training with a Zangoose/Seviper Hordes. And during one of his encounters he found one sole Shiny Seviper surrounded by 4 Zangoose. My brother and I watched in horror as the 4 Zangoose Crush Clawed that Shiny Seviper. We couldn't do anything to save it o7
Look at the cool new move that arrived with Zangoose, Crush Claw. It looks fierce!... What do you mean it only has 75 base power? Toxic Boost + Facade is a great combination. The only thing setting Zangoose back right now is longevity. It'd be great if Toxic Boost prevented damage from Poison status entirely.
Zangoose is my favourite Gen 3 Pokémon, starters and Legendaries being excluded of course. I miss its purple claws it had in its Gen 3 sprite. It kinda makes sense for it to have them, since it and Seviper are mortal enemies, and it's not hard to see the purple being Seviper's blood.
I think Toxic Boost should ALSO raise Zangoose’s speed by 1. It’s an exclusive ability that works more or less like Guts so they should have added the speed boost to make it more unique, and Zangoose would have ABSOLUTELY enjoyed the plus one to its speed.
What about boosting its special attack by 1.5x as well? It could run Shadow Ball effectively like in the good ol' days, and it'd make Zangoose a truly terrifying mixed wall breaker.
Get ready for “How BAD was Seviper actually”, because I get the feeling Seviper hasn’t had the same luck as Zangoose had, which sucks. Seviper is returning in Scarlet and Violet (alongside Zangoose we can assume), so I’m hoping only the best for it.
Eh I wouldn't go that far. Seviper had some pretty cool move polls and stats. It's speed and defense were quite questionable though, but it's still a pretty solid mon honestly.
I just realized that Zangoose's Gen 3 sprite has purple claws, and that reminded me the poison patterns on the claws of the Hisuian Sneasel line. Imagine if it was part Fighting type like them with an improved Toxic Boost?
Look at Kellen's voice when he says "KILLING OFFENSIVE MESPRIT FROM FULL WITH FACADE!?" he almost has a voice crack because of zangoose's toxic boosted facades
I'm really happy you mentioned ADV 200! It's a super interesting metagame that I wish would get more recognition as competitive history, as well as the DP, Platinum, BW1, XY, and especially pre-DLC SS metagames!
The pre-DLC SS metagame is the most interesting because it’s the one that allowed previously bad Pokémon to shine, like Galarian Corsola, Avalugg, and Reshiram.
One of the more better pure Normal types. Also, hoping it gets more buffs in Scarlet and Violet since Seviper is in the game. Like FSG said, it’s been good for an offensive Pokemon, having coverage for Facade and Toxic Boost. The only problem besides its frailty is that while its speed isn’t low, it’s not high enough to outspeed Pokemon like Garchomp.
Thanks Patrons, I was looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the implications behind comparing Zangoose and Seviper to Romeo and Juliet.
I’m rather fond of Zangoose, so it’s satisfying to see how it ripped up the lower tiers with Toxic Boost over the years. I remember getting a Pure Power Zangoose in an Emerald randomizer nuzlocke once, and you can just imagine my excitement at the prospect of Zangoose doubling its monstrous 115 base attack once I looked at its ability after catching it. The thing was an absolute bulldozer, anything that was put before him just got blasted apart. Also had one on my main team in Mystery Dungeon EoS, dude was an absolute beast that Crush Claw’d everything into submission.
Never though Zangoose could be so strong. Only ever seeing the Pokémon and never using it might be the reason why. Could you probably analyze Drapion or Scrafty in a future video?
Fun fact after watching the intro: "wherefore" basically just means "why". In its original context, "Romeo, wherefore art thou?" is basically Juliet saying "Romeo, why are you Romeo?" Hence the following statement of "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Juliet is lamenting that the only thing stopping her from loving Romeo is his identity (a Montague). So when you say in the intro, "Wherefore art thou, Zangoose," it's basically an insult to some aspect of its design. I took all this time writing an explanation just to conclude that this is funny.
MY FAVORITE NORMAL TYPE LESGOO. I'm amazed to see it was viable at all, thanks fsg love how kellan played up zangoose's power so much, it deserves it. ya'll made my week. Hoping it evolves in scarlet and violet
it's no use, FSG doesn't do videos upon the viewers requests in comments anymore. They either let the patreon pick the pokemon or they pick a mon themselves. The reason for this is probably not obvious but he wants the viewers to comment on the pokemon that has bee reviewed in the video like what buffs it'd need to become viable etc but the majority of the comments have been requests for the upcoming videos. Notice how he doesn't show the request comments in his videos anymore
Zangoose has been my favorite Pokémon since 2003. I've EV trained so many over the years, and have used in UU and OU many times with the right protection. He is a vastly under appreciated Pokémon. Long live the great Zangoose. Forever my buddy and the heart of my team.
I would love to give Zangoose, and its counterpart Seviper evolutions. This is what I would change for their evolutions. Zangoose Evolution: Typing - Normal/Fighting Abilities - poison heal, guts(H) HP - 103 ATK - 135 DEF - 75 SPA - 65 SPD - 65 SPE - 100 TOT - 543 Seviper Evolution: Typing - Poison/Dark Abilities - Sheer force, Strong Jaw(H) HP - 88 ATK - 105 DEF - 65 SPA - 110 SPD - 75 SPE - 100 TOT - 543
I would swap the dark for steel, its litterally a sword snake and its a theoretical awesome typing defensively. (Theoretically because no pokemon has that typing yet, and i think seviper deserves to be the first) Just ensure the zangoose evolution gets some good moves to still hit the now super defensive seviper evolution. (Neutrally hit i mean, i like the ballanced dynamic they have so far even if zangoose is way better in the general case)
I had an idea for a Mega Evolution where he'd get bigger, have 4 claws on each hand, and have 3 black bands on his arm which while not explicitly stated are implied to be dead Sevipers.
zangoose was one of my top favorites but i hadn't used one in a actual playthrough, yet.... watching this video makes me appreciate what zangoose could do and makes me want one on a team now-
Zangoose was one of the coolest gen 3 to exist. It is my favorite Hoenn normal type. I didn't know that there are a ruby/sapphire 2000 metagame, though it makes sense for one to exist before Emerald, the kanto remakes, and the Coliseum games. I am glad that it got to truly shine in gen 5 with its exclusive hidden ability. The only other pokemon to have a similar ability is Drifblim's flare boost. Zangoose's power when toxic boost is active is quite absurd based on the video. I am curious as to how Zangoose would have performed in gen 8. I know the national dex format is a thing.
I guess the best thing about gen 7 for zangoose is that it could finally say it wasn't the weakest mongoose pokémon. I suspect a seviper episode should follow pretty soon. And from what I gather, it may continue the Shakespearean theme by being an utter tragedy.
My suggestion: Have Toxic Boost block Poison Damage as well, or have Toxic Boost give a 25% boost to speed on top of the power boost. It makes no sense why Toxic Boost exists when Guts exists too.
I do wish they kept the purple claws from its Gen 3 sprites, it was a neat explanation for the stripes all over Seviper (like how Seviper's teeth match the marks on Zangoose)
One of my favorite things back in ORAS was take my Choice Scarf Retaliate Shiny Zangoose (Caught it in a Horde in X) and watch as it destroyed Pokemon, Legendary or otherwise.
Toxic Boost needs a buff, to make up for what it lacks in comparison to Guts. I think TB should increase Zangoose's Defense & SP Def and/or Speed by 20% each (while poisoned), as well. And maybe also give TB a passive secondary effect, which causes poison-type moves to do half damage (including attacks & the "poison" status itself)--so Zangoose can last longer in battles, with this ability.
This thing's actually pretty solid in Pokemon GO's Battle League format, being a very hard hitter due to Pokemon GO's CP mechanics letting it use a lot of it's power, as well as being able to easily overcome opposing Ghosts and Steels which are common there. It uses Close Combat, Night Slash and Shadow Claw there, since you only get one "quick" attack and two "charged attacks" in GO's battle system.
The talk about rs200 is very appreciated. As I only started knowing about smogon in gen 5. I never really considered that as rs didnt have every one of the previous Pokémon from rby and gsc. I knew for a while that gen 3 started without a completable pokedex but somehow never really thought about the meta game as a result
0:30 No joke though, if Tybalt Capulet was a Pokemon trainer his signature 'mon would DEFINITELY be Zangoose. Hot-headed, slash-y, hates poison, and even a cute reference to that other famous literary Tybalt, the Prince of Cats (cuz let's face it, Zangoose is one feline-looking mongoose).
I wish that this channel gave a bit more love to vgc, I know Kellen is a singles player and VGC events have been on hiatus since the pandemic but vgc is known for 'any mon can work in some capacity' (seriously though I got to top 500 in the world with *stunfisk* in series 12 which allows 2 restricted legendaries AND dynamax) I don't think you necessarily need placements to highlight the useful sets; especially since that's how the singles sets are described in these videos anyways. Plus, there is no sleep clause, strategy bans (other than no dupe items and no mythicals) or tiering, so you could highlight the potential other strategies that wouldn't fly in smogon singles. Also how good was CLEFAIRY actually when?
Could you do a video on normal type pokemob similar to the ice type video with blunder? I just think its super interesting how normal types used to dominate the meta due to their lack of weaknesses and coverage but somewhere along the way the type became a detriment and offensively useless
Two things I wanna say about Zangoose: First, I remember the Shadow Zangoose in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness owned by Thug Zook and how it got obliterated by Ardos' Alakazam! (or Manectric in XG: Next Gen) Second, if I could buff Toxic Boost, I'd also make it so Zangoose doesn't take Poison damage each turn; so it ends up being a mix of Guts and Magic Guard!
As a result it actually has a few players in its player base making use of it to good affect, albeit it had to use fake out and thus mis out on a coverage option, usually knock off
Firstly I love this video, thankyou for your time and hard work. Secondly: "How BAD was Kecleon ACTUALLY? - History of Kecleon in Competitive Pokemon". That will be all.
I love how when you encounter Zangoose and Seviper in a horde battle, they will attack each other first before moving onto the player's Pokemon. The same thing happens with Heatmor and Durant, and it's a very nice attention to detail there.
Didn't ask, don't care
unless you want to catch one, then dear god it's annoying.
But you cared enough to leave a comment, letting everyone know that you DONT care right?
As of commenting this, you still haven't finished watching this video
@@Lrizu who asked?
i always liked Zangoose. When I played Ruby back then I came across it randomly and it had higher attack then basically all my pokemon. Turned out it was partially because of the Naughty nature it had. (I didn't know what natures did back then)
It is a surprisingly good pokémon in it's own right for a playthrough. It has good attack and servicable speed, swords dance, perfect neutral coverage in shadow ball and Brick break and it looks cool. I hate the people who call it furrybait, it looks cool for an angry animal.
Was it Naughty by Nature?
@@azmiraclegirl441 🥵🥵
@@luiseduardo8806 I don't think I've seen too many calling it furry bait, especially when Hoenn already has the most obvious example of that to focus on
@@walesjedi9217 youre right, Slaking is the biggest furrybait ive ever seen
Weirdest thing about Toxic Boost is that it grants 50% boost just like Guts while only procing from 1 status. With how specialized it is, you'd think it at least gets to be a 75% increase.
especially since it wouldnt exactly be overpowered considering what the only mon packing that abillity is.
Or maybe also having Toxic become "Normal" Poison. So Toxic Orb would become a Flame Orb short of thing, without the Atk drop.
I mean there's two abilities that double attack, two that make you impossible to sleep, and rotom fan has levitate.
Redundancy isn't new
@@getthegoons this isn’t quite redundancy so much as straight up inferiority. Burn does a set 6% each turn, while toxic damage increases over time. It also means Zangoose can’t run sleep talk as an emergency counter to spore as efficiently as Guts.
@@yerman0564 I guess my point was GF is happy to make things that are just the same with a different name.
Hearing Kellen’s utter shock when talking about how Zangoose OHKO’s mesperit actually surprised me
@today was a good day go away
SAAAAAAAME. I don't know why it stuck out to me.
He's really great at emphasizing with his delivery
not me the best I've ever seen a Zangoose OHKO is Primal Kyogre! done by my zangoose using silk scarf and retaliate after Primal Kyogre knocked out my previous pokemon!! It was greatest thing ever!!
I remember all the buzz about Toxic Boost when people were first learning about it and the theoretical power Zangoose could dish out with Facade. There were some nay-sayers because of its lack of bulk but damn did Zangoose put those thoughts to rest when it was unleashed.
In fairness to the nay-sayers, Toxic Boost is a strictly worse Guts. It just turns out a strictly worse guts is pretty good still.
Would’ve been so much better if Toxic Boost also stopped Poison Damage.
@@winterFox2r there's a fan game called Pokémon Rejuvenation, they have items called Crests, They're made to buff weaker Pokémon (for example: Dusknoir Crest boosts Its Attack by 20% and gives it Technician on top of its regular Ability) and they can't be knocked off
Zangoose has a Crest, and its effects are simple, they're:
1:Poisons Zangoose to activate Toxic Boost
2:Also give him the effects of poison Heal on top of Toxic boost.
@@aSh-pi1in downloading now. This sounds like an interesting game.
@@Skullhawk13 a rusty/dulled knife is still a knife I always say
Wait, hollup, Zangoose had purple claws and LOST them? That’s the biggest dang nerf ever! They fit so well with Seviper murder!
*Rated E for everyone*
I think so yeah, I think that was just in gen3
Would be cool if seviper's fangs were blood red, to make their connection more obvious.
@@artandem9637 they are
I totally agree, first thing I noticed when the video started was the Purple claws, what a damn nerf indeed
Zangoose is a Pokémon that I've always thought should have had base 100+ speed. When I found out it was only 90 I was honestly astonished.
At least it's viable unlike a certain snake...
Same with Sawk, I always thought it was super fast
Same with nidoking
@@UnethicalVoxel Sawk just needs an ability like contrary or better special bulk, speed, and more opportunities to utilize mold breaker.
Zangoose is a bit of a chonker :3
A Mega Seviper and Zangoose is a legitimately interesting prospect, and although we might not ever see that happen, there is a chance the two could receive regional variants.
I would love to see it to where Zangoose gains the poison type, don't know what seviper would get. But Zangoose gaining its enemies type would be cool.
Mega Zangoose
Ability: Toxic overhaul. Raises attack 75% and speed by one stage when toxic.
Attack: 160. Defense 75. Sp. Atk 60. Sp. Def 75. Speed 115
I'd honestly love for them to receive new regional evos in Scarlet & Violet. Heck, Ursaring got a new evo in P:LA and Ursasing didn't exactly have awful stats per say. And Ursaluna is awesome! Imagine how great an evolution for Zangoose & Seviper would be.
@@handerborte97 lmao, this is the epidemy of a fan suggestion
In an official Japanese pokemon Magazine, Seviper and Zangoose were featured in black shadows, as pokemon to get Megas in OR/AS. They were the only Mega evolutions scrapped for the game. With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coming out, I have a feeling this rivalry will have a much bigger role. Why else show a Seviper in the trailer? There's something big going on.
Finally. I remember using Zangoose through my entire playthrough of Ruby back in the day.
@don't be surprised?
Given how scaley Seviper was in the Scarlet and Violet reveal. Hopefully the angry boy with be super fluffy.
Hopefully both will evolve
@@ksoundkaiju9256 oh that'd be kind of sick
I was kinda a lil bummed seeing that it wasnt a regional form , but we can hope for an evo
@@donovanlocust1106 Lord knows Seviper needs an evolution *BAD*
Next must be Arbok's evolution Seviper. Don't tell me its wrong, 4Kids never lies
Well Seviper is honestly. It was pretty bad. It's movepool and attacking prowess are wasted by it's speed and it's mono poison typing
@@yaboidragonitehere1137 like it learns flamethrower earthquake giga drain seviper its just the new avatar
I unironically believed in this as a kid, because I didn't remembered Jessie releasing her Arbok and didn't watched the first season of the Hoenn anime
god i remember being so confused when i saw that as a kid :')
Seviper: "Stay away from me! I'm one of the deadliest snakes on the planet!"
Zangoose: "I'll have fries with that..."
Seviper is a shitmon that makes Arbok look good. It's a shame, really. It's as frail as Zangoose, but Zangoose has more attack and more speed. Dunno what Game Freak were thinking making a glacially slow mixed attacker with the defenses of wet tissue paper.
Maxa. " Unfortunately ".
@@Skeloperch with the additional "nail in the coffin" of requiring WAY more experience to raise.
@@arenard89aw its tragic because its otherwise a fun mon, and certainly was interesting in the anime.
Personally i would fix this by giving seviper a secondary steel typing to make it much better defensively.
I always find it so funny that Zangoose and Seviper are canonical rivals in the Pokémon universe but are in the same egg group
Enemies to Lovers
@@ElectricSh33ps no. Enemies to Enemies, no one cares for breeding aside competitive -psychopaths- players
@@luiseduardo8806 occasionally i do it just to get a move onto a cetrain mon but certainly not to try and get good IVs since that is litteral insanity. (Or to get duplicates of starters or similar to trade)
The most fondest memory of Zangoose I have (tho you can say is cruel) is watching my brother EV training with a Zangoose/Seviper Hordes. And during one of his encounters he found one sole Shiny Seviper surrounded by 4 Zangoose. My brother and I watched in horror as the 4 Zangoose Crush Clawed that Shiny Seviper. We couldn't do anything to save it o7
Zangoose with Toxic Orb: Call an ambulance!
Also Zangoose with Toxic Orb: *For both of us!*
Look at the cool new move that arrived with Zangoose, Crush Claw. It looks fierce!... What do you mean it only has 75 base power?
Toxic Boost + Facade is a great combination. The only thing setting Zangoose back right now is longevity. It'd be great if Toxic Boost prevented damage from Poison status entirely.
i agree since toxic boost is just poison exclusive guts
I'd argue to have the buff double it's attack instead of just 1.5 as well
Zangoose is my favourite Gen 3 Pokémon, starters and Legendaries being excluded of course.
I miss its purple claws it had in its Gen 3 sprite. It kinda makes sense for it to have them, since it and Seviper are mortal enemies, and it's not hard to see the purple being Seviper's blood.
Yeah, I wish that had been kept. Along with shuppet's brightly-coloured eyes.
I think Toxic Boost should ALSO raise Zangoose’s speed by 1. It’s an exclusive ability that works more or less like Guts so they should have added the speed boost to make it more unique, and Zangoose would have ABSOLUTELY enjoyed the plus one to its speed.
What about boosting its special attack by 1.5x as well? It could run Shadow Ball effectively like in the good ol' days, and it'd make Zangoose a truly terrifying mixed wall breaker.
@@Skeloperch why shadow ball?knock gets the job done
Yeah, zangoose is weak enough to get a broken ability and still be bad anyway
That would be a good buff, especially considering that Guts has gotten buffed because of the gen 7 burn nerf.
@@Skeloperch it’s not a special attacker tho
Get ready for “How BAD was Seviper actually”, because I get the feeling Seviper hasn’t had the same luck as Zangoose had, which sucks.
Seviper is returning in Scarlet and Violet (alongside Zangoose we can assume), so I’m hoping only the best for it.
Seviper Is sadly a slow and frail mixed attacker, still a blast to use in my Emerald runs
Seviper should've been more bulkier to contrast Zangoose's frailty
I tried making a punishment and infiltrator set to counter substitute setup but seviper is just so frail :(
Eh I wouldn't go that far. Seviper had some pretty cool move polls and stats. It's speed and defense were quite questionable though, but it's still a pretty solid mon honestly.
@@silvernick65 It might have been good in like, Gen 3 NU, but I don't think it would be good anywhere else.
Finally they got to Jan's favorite pokemon
Which one? From Pokemon Challenges, or head dev of Rejuvenation?
@@Oscarus4250 PChal.
I did never pay attention to the fact that Zangoose's claws changed color from purple to gray
I just realized that Zangoose's Gen 3 sprite has purple claws, and that reminded me the poison patterns on the claws of the Hisuian Sneasel line. Imagine if it was part Fighting type like them with an improved Toxic Boost?
It's supposed to be seviper blood
Look at Kellen's voice when he says "KILLING OFFENSIVE MESPRIT FROM FULL WITH FACADE!?" he almost has a voice crack because of zangoose's toxic boosted facades
What is it with Zangoose and voice cracks? Chuggaaconroy also had a bad habit of this.
I'm really happy you mentioned ADV 200! It's a super interesting metagame that I wish would get more recognition as competitive history, as well as the DP, Platinum, BW1, XY, and especially pre-DLC SS metagames!
The pre-DLC SS metagame is the most interesting because it’s the one that allowed previously bad Pokémon to shine, like Galarian Corsola, Avalugg, and Reshiram.
Big thanks to Seviper giving Zangoose the ability to benefit from poison, giving it a niche in competitive
Not having Pokemon Challenges on this episode was a missed opportunity
Yeah, it is his favorite Pokémon and this collab would be neat. Maybe if it was a Nuzlocke channel it would work
please no
@@fabioalanmp Jan would probably say nothing other than how based AF Zangoose is (maybe as a conclusion or lead-in).
One of the more better pure Normal types. Also, hoping it gets more buffs in Scarlet and Violet since Seviper is in the game. Like FSG said, it’s been good for an offensive Pokemon, having coverage for Facade and Toxic Boost. The only problem besides its frailty is that while its speed isn’t low, it’s not high enough to outspeed Pokemon like Garchomp.
Extreme speed would fix the speed issue while also having the boost of stab and toxic boost
I swear if serviper and zang are version exclusives and I pick the wrong one there will be consequences
I was hoping for regional forms for these two, but we can hope for buffs like can evo
@@darrellsimon4462 Regular Seviper is in the game so I doubt that. Hoping for stat buffs though
@@normalpersonlivingtheirlife just check google for version exclusives
Damn i have been waiting for this pokemon for soo long thank god its actually good
Thanks Patrons, I was looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the implications behind comparing Zangoose and Seviper to Romeo and Juliet.
I’m rather fond of Zangoose, so it’s satisfying to see how it ripped up the lower tiers with Toxic Boost over the years. I remember getting a Pure Power Zangoose in an Emerald randomizer nuzlocke once, and you can just imagine my excitement at the prospect of Zangoose doubling its monstrous 115 base attack once I looked at its ability after catching it. The thing was an absolute bulldozer, anything that was put before him just got blasted apart. Also had one on my main team in Mystery Dungeon EoS, dude was an absolute beast that Crush Claw’d everything into submission.
Never though Zangoose could be so strong. Only ever seeing the Pokémon and never using it might be the reason why. Could you probably analyze Drapion or Scrafty in a future video?
I think he already did both
@@mingiboy9253 Nope, neither have been covered yet.
The script and dialogue for these videos are incredible ❤️ thank you guys for all you do!
we’re like 4 years into this channel and this is the 1st time i’ve ever heard of the “200” meta
Fun fact after watching the intro: "wherefore" basically just means "why". In its original context, "Romeo, wherefore art thou?" is basically Juliet saying "Romeo, why are you Romeo?" Hence the following statement of "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Juliet is lamenting that the only thing stopping her from loving Romeo is his identity (a Montague).
So when you say in the intro, "Wherefore art thou, Zangoose," it's basically an insult to some aspect of its design. I took all this time writing an explanation just to conclude that this is funny.
I once liked this comment because I understood, but now I reread it and am once again confused
MY FAVORITE NORMAL TYPE LESGOO. I'm amazed to see it was viable at all, thanks fsg love how kellan played up zangoose's power so much, it deserves it. ya'll made my week. Hoping it evolves in scarlet and violet
Here’s some recommendations:
1. How Good was Chesnaught actually
2. How Bad was Bastiodon actually
Gen6+ is banned :V
@@roninwarriorsfan I wouldn’t say so considering Decidueye, Aurorus and Greninja have been analyzed.
@@roninwarriorsfan They did Greninja though
@@sharpeylogic2907 that was before the Gen6+ clause was implemented,
it's no use, FSG doesn't do videos upon the viewers requests in comments anymore. They either let the patreon pick the pokemon or they pick a mon themselves. The reason for this is probably not obvious but he wants the viewers to comment on the pokemon that has bee reviewed in the video like what buffs it'd need to become viable etc but the majority of the comments have been requests for the upcoming videos. Notice how he doesn't show the request comments in his videos anymore
Zangoose has been my favorite Pokémon since 2003. I've EV trained so many over the years, and have used in UU and OU many times with the right protection. He is a vastly under appreciated Pokémon. Long live the great Zangoose. Forever my buddy and the heart of my team.
Bought a copy of Ruby months ago, and I'm having fun with Zangoose on my team.
It has a good design and great concept with its rivalry with Seviper.
I would love to give Zangoose, and its counterpart Seviper evolutions. This is what I would change for their evolutions.
Zangoose Evolution:
Typing - Normal/Fighting
Abilities - poison heal, guts(H)
HP - 103
ATK - 135
DEF - 75
SPA - 65
SPD - 65
SPE - 100
TOT - 543
Seviper Evolution:
Typing - Poison/Dark
Abilities - Sheer force, Strong Jaw(H)
HP - 88
ATK - 105
DEF - 65
SPA - 110
SPD - 75
SPE - 100
TOT - 543
I would swap the dark for steel, its litterally a sword snake and its a theoretical awesome typing defensively. (Theoretically because no pokemon has that typing yet, and i think seviper deserves to be the first)
Just ensure the zangoose evolution gets some good moves to still hit the now super defensive seviper evolution. (Neutrally hit i mean, i like the ballanced dynamic they have so far even if zangoose is way better in the general case)
Vengoose (from "Venge", but also "Venom") and Zweilenviper (from the Zweilenhandler sword, since Seviper has a blade tail)
Ninjask, Delcatty, Swalot, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Kecleon, Tropius, Relicanth, and Latios
13 hoenn mons left
cool, starting to wear out the list
The Delcatty video will be interesting…ly short.
Does Ninjask have a video?
@@kovkover6191 No
Add Ninjask in the list
I had an idea for a Mega Evolution where he'd get bigger, have 4 claws on each hand, and have 3 black bands on his arm which while not explicitly stated are implied to be dead Sevipers.
@don't be surprised no
@don't be surprised no
@don't be surprised no
just make that a regular evolution
@@rabeechowdhury nah, it fits better as a mega
zangoose was one of my top favorites but i hadn't used one in a actual playthrough, yet....
watching this video makes me appreciate what zangoose could do and makes me want one on a team now-
My man Zangoose is insane, it started out rough but absolutely obliterated everything with facade and coverage. I’m so happy to see it succeed
I always loved this pokemon, great video as always
Zangoose was one of the coolest gen 3 to exist. It is my favorite Hoenn normal type. I didn't know that there are a ruby/sapphire 2000 metagame, though it makes sense for one to exist before Emerald, the kanto remakes, and the Coliseum games. I am glad that it got to truly shine in gen 5 with its exclusive hidden ability. The only other pokemon to have a similar ability is Drifblim's flare boost. Zangoose's power when toxic boost is active is quite absurd based on the video. I am curious as to how Zangoose would have performed in gen 8. I know the national dex format is a thing.
With the smaller pokedéx I am sure that it could have been a threat and a half in PU at it's very worst, RU at best, maybe even an UU niche
A pokemon that is used for False swipe outside competitive pokemon being rated by False swipe gaming.
Omfg YESSSS!!!! One of my favorite pokemon of ALL TIME. I wish it got more love its such a great pokemon design
my favorite Pokemon of all time.
i still proudly use him.
He did it, he finally did Zangoose, I can now finally rest.
I find it funny that for being arch-enemies, Zangoose and Seviper can breed with each other. I wonder how that relationship works out...
Scarfed Double-edge Zangoose is also fun, people don't see the extra speed coming before it's too late
I've never even heard of 200 before this video. Id love to see it covered more often
I guess the best thing about gen 7 for zangoose is that it could finally say it wasn't the weakest mongoose pokémon.
I suspect a seviper episode should follow pretty soon. And from what I gather, it may continue the Shakespearean theme by being an utter tragedy.
I have a Gen 3 Zangoose with Thunderwave. He has traveled with me up in every Gen. Hes very good in game to help me catch other Pokemon.
Among the gen 3 pokemon, I'm excited for Torkoal.
@don't be surprised no it isnt, torkoal isnt here yet
@@nerdstop5025 bot alert
Torkoal is just going to be all VGC lol.
me too, but it is strange that something expelling a lot of smoke has drought
@don't be surprised girl you mad goofy
Oh boy Pokemon Challenges, this is your moment
I've been waiting for Seviper! Hopefully it comes next!
I half expected Pokémon Challenges to make an appearance in this video
Like the Garbodors right
My suggestion:
Have Toxic Boost block Poison Damage as well, or have Toxic Boost give a 25% boost to speed on top of the power boost. It makes no sense why Toxic Boost exists when Guts exists too.
I do wish they kept the purple claws from its Gen 3 sprites, it was a neat explanation for the stripes all over Seviper (like how Seviper's teeth match the marks on Zangoose)
One of my favorite things back in ORAS was take my Choice Scarf Retaliate Shiny Zangoose (Caught it in a Horde in X) and watch as it destroyed Pokemon, Legendary or otherwise.
I think I know a certain Best Nuzlocker in the world who might be quite excited about seeing this particular vid
In summary: Zangoose use to be badass,but is not pretty decent but was never bad jsut outclassed,and is still is a very badass Gen 3 mon.
I've literally never heard of the Toxic Boost before this video.
Toxic Boost needs a buff, to make up for what it lacks in comparison to Guts. I think TB should increase Zangoose's Defense & SP Def and/or Speed by 20% each (while poisoned), as well. And maybe also give TB a passive secondary effect, which causes poison-type moves to do half damage (including attacks & the "poison" status itself)--so Zangoose can last longer in battles, with this ability.
Neat analysis video! Thanks for uploading
Zangoose design is so simple but it manages to look cool as hell, also is it just me or it's been a long time since a vgc analysis appeared here?
Still waiting for How GREAT was Ferrothorn ACTUALLY: The Movie
This thing's actually pretty solid in Pokemon GO's Battle League format, being a very hard hitter due to Pokemon GO's CP mechanics letting it use a lot of it's power, as well as being able to easily overcome opposing Ghosts and Steels which are common there.
It uses Close Combat, Night Slash and Shadow Claw there, since you only get one "quick" attack and two "charged attacks" in GO's battle system.
Which league? Great or Ultra?
Enh, it's not absolute amazing in Open formats. In stuff like Silph formats or some GBL closed metas tho, it's definitely a threat
the production quality of these is so good nowadays
If gamefreak were to give toxic boost a speed buff as well, i think Zangoose would be golden.
The talk about rs200 is very appreciated. As I only started knowing about smogon in gen 5. I never really considered that as rs didnt have every one of the previous Pokémon from rby and gsc. I knew for a while that gen 3 started without a completable pokedex but somehow never really thought about the meta game as a result
Why can this not learn Cut?
Also, poor Chimchar’s gotta be petrified seeing this.
Zangoose is so cool! One of my favorite shinies! Which I’m very proud of having
How GOOD is a Normal Type with Facade and a Status Ability ACTUALLY?
Every week I get excited like "is it Primarina's turn this week?" eh, at least I get to learn something new in any case.
They've been doing gen3 quite a bit latley but who knows.
I’m glad Zangoose was able to perform well when it had time to shine!😮💨
Fun fact: "Wherefore" means "for what reason". So FSG was asking "Why are you Zangoose?". Because it wants to, I guess.
Yooo, Zangoose my boiii. One of my favorite mons, only behind Absol.
0:30 No joke though, if Tybalt Capulet was a Pokemon trainer his signature 'mon would DEFINITELY be Zangoose.
Hot-headed, slash-y, hates poison, and even a cute reference to that other famous literary Tybalt, the Prince of Cats (cuz let's face it, Zangoose is one feline-looking mongoose).
I wish that this channel gave a bit more love to vgc, I know Kellen is a singles player and VGC events have been on hiatus since the pandemic but vgc is known for 'any mon can work in some capacity' (seriously though I got to top 500 in the world with *stunfisk* in series 12 which allows 2 restricted legendaries AND dynamax) I don't think you necessarily need placements to highlight the useful sets; especially since that's how the singles sets are described in these videos anyways. Plus, there is no sleep clause, strategy bans (other than no dupe items and no mythicals) or tiering, so you could highlight the potential other strategies that wouldn't fly in smogon singles.
Also how good was CLEFAIRY actually when?
One of my favorite mons. Glad it had some success
Honestly, I thought Zangoose was way worse than it actually was. So to see it do kinda well is cool.
If it hits super hard you can always make it work.
The rampardos-class pokemon of being outclassed but being able to smash anyway
@@OMalleyTheMaggot At least it has speed unlike Rampardos
@@IgnitedQuils but they all do damage in the end.
Serviper would NOT be pleased if it wasn’t next to be reviewed.
My guess is that Zangoose’s rival didn’t fare as well competitively.
I LOVE ZANGOOSE I’ve been waiting for this for so long
Serviper is will be mad If he sees this video
Btw serviper next please (its acctually a must now)
Could you do a video on normal type pokemob similar to the ice type video with blunder? I just think its super interesting how normal types used to dominate the meta due to their lack of weaknesses and coverage but somewhere along the way the type became a detriment and offensively useless
So Seviper for next week?
Honestly one of the most underrated Pokemon designwise
Zangoose became my favorite Pokemon after Pokemon XD! Love it ever since! Claw Kid, you're still my girl!!!!!
Two things I wanna say about Zangoose:
First, I remember the Shadow Zangoose in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness owned by Thug Zook and how it got obliterated by Ardos' Alakazam! (or Manectric in XG: Next Gen)
Second, if I could buff Toxic Boost, I'd also make it so Zangoose doesn't take Poison damage each turn; so it ends up being a mix of Guts and Magic Guard!
As a result it actually has a few players in its player base making use of it to good affect, albeit it had to use fake out and thus mis out on a coverage option, usually knock off
Finaly my favorite pokemon. I absolutly love playing with this pinte-sized monster in every pokemon game i play and shredding true everything.
Do Seviper next
I'm betting "How good was Seviper actually" for the next video.
I always put ryuko to all the zangoose I capture.
Theres something in the design that say "kill la kill" to me
Zangoose in radical red showdown is a beast. Fakeout plus toxic boost with no poison damage is so good
Next week: How good was Seviper ACTUALLY?
Firstly I love this video, thankyou for your time and hard work. Secondly: "How BAD was Kecleon ACTUALLY? - History of Kecleon in Competitive Pokemon". That will be all.