@@therealriddlemaster i used to try that with every starter, but it never worked and i used to think that it wasn't high level that's why, so sometimes i even gave them the stones as an item 😂
@@mizusenshisongs and it wouldn't be too farfetch'd as togepi appeared in gen 1 anime and as such that was the impression that many people had at that time and for many years afterwards aswell
When I was a kid, I heard about the trade glitch you could do in Gen 1 where you turn off one of the Game Boys mid-trade and it sends a duplicate copy of a Pokemon to another game without losing it in the original game. I had gotten a Mew from a Toys R Us event, and one day I realized I could just use the duplicate glitch to give a copy to a friend. I told him to just trade a Pokemon he didn't care about so he grabbed a Gloom from his box and we started the trade. I turned off one of the Gameboys, and we checked to see if it worked. When I went and looked in my game, I now had a Gloom, but no Mew, and he still had his Gloom. I had done it backwards. My Mew was gone forever.
The shiny Floatzel fail is even more embarrassing when you remember there are berries that lower EVs when fed to a Pokémon. You could have easily undone the speed EVs by just feeding them Tamato berries, so that way you could have kept the Floatzel and wouldn't have had to reset.
@@stacyfearlicia Actually I think that the white bag reset all EVs and is the only EV lowering item in Super Training, so that's probably why he believed that the only way to remove the Speed EVs was to reset all of them.
My Step brother traded me a Haunter. It evolved of course. I was so excited to use it. What I didn't realize is it was level 80. I had two badges. Therefore it refused to obey me in battle (the first time I experienced this). I was convinced that Gengar had corrupted my game and was haunting my Gameboy color then.
:( sorry. Similar thing happened to me in silver. I in fame trades my Drowzee for a Machop, wiped out Whitney and eventually my female machoke HATED me and I'd actually feel guilt feelings and dread. Not the coolest experience as a 9 year old lol
Blow your mind Scientist well we don't know yet if the rest of that video was a joke he's never explained if it was we just now know he did really trap himself lol
When I was 7 years old, I was given 2 Pokemon cards from a teacher who would use them as prizes for doing really good in the classes. I got a Venonat and a Gastly and would constantly tell my mom how rare they were.... In 2 years I had at least 20-30 each of the exact same ones
Man, I had like 3 binders of cards including my favorite Pokémon, Yveltal and Charizard. I came home one day and my brothers destroyed and ripped up all my cards.
One time during one of my Diamond playthroughs as a kid, I used the master ball on an Abomasnow thinking that other balls wouldn't work because Abomasnow was too big lmao
When I was a kid I used to sometimes play on my sisters Pokemon save on Fire Red. She was pretty far into the game and I was surfing around looking for water Pokemon and decided to use the master ball on a Tentacool. Needless to say she was pissed and restarted the Game bc she wanted to catch Zapdos
yeah that happens when kids have nothing to off of then their own thoughts and not really any evidence proving it and there is no internet to prove them wrong also "the L is real" was a big thing that lasted for a long time and that was said by elementary aged kids same with mario punching yoshi in super mario world exept that was actually true
Ahhh, everyone had their own "way to increase catch odds" thing. None were as humiliating as mine, I was *convinced* that shouting "Gotcha!" into the mic made it easier to catch Pokemon.
Mine was worse, I had a little song I would sing that I knew rationally didn't do anything but it seemed to so I would sing in my head "it's gonna pop out today, it's gonna pop out hooray". Like some weird reverse psychology on the game.
Shellder evolves into Cloyster after learning Withdraw, then into Gastly after learning Shell Smash, then into Haunter at level 33, and into Gengar after trading
When I was younger I went to the hospital for a surgery, and I was there for a few days, and most of the time I was playing pokemon ruby. There was a kid who looked very sad and so I decided to let him use my game, and that little bastard deleted all my data 😢
Whenever I was hunting for a rare Pokemon in wild grass, I thought killing/fainting the more common ones would increase my chances of encountering the rarer ones as the common ones would die.
I quit choir to watch pokemon aswell. Never thought I'd hear of someone.. like-minded.. My excuse is that I'm a terrible singer anyway and 15 years ago streaming wasn't really a thing so I had to set priorities I guess.
One of my dumbest things is I never knew that in Gold/Silver you can go to Kanto after beating the Elite Four, I literally missed out on HALF the game lol I found out 8 years later.
I once tried my masterball on a trainers pokemon. As it never missed I just assumed that it would catch the trainers pokemon. I still remember the trainer swatting the ball away. I was so devestated.
@@gizmodahamster3389 I’ve never threw a Masterball at a trainers Pokémon and since it’s a special ball with one in game only to obtain, I’d figure that they would code in where you keep the ball until you catch something. Tho I’ve never tried so not completely sure lol
I remember using one of those tiny keychain flashlights and holding it an inch from my gameboy when I got to Rock Tunnel. Didn't know where flash was so I just assumed that they wanted you to flash a light on your gameboy screen in order to be able to see. I spent a few days inside there before I managed to make it to Lavender town, and subsequently outleveled the rest of the game by 10+ levels because of how long I spent mindlessly walking around in there.
I learned to navigate that tunnel by sound as a kid because I refused to teach Flash to a pokemon. By "sound", I mean walking until I heard the sound for hitting a wall or trainer. And I say "learned" because I did it 3-4 times, rather than lucking my way through once.
I remember playing FireRed for the first time and catching a nidoran female thinking it was a male because my friend told me nidoking was really good. That nidoqueen ended up carrying the final rival fight.
That's actually sounds like a good idea, like a Breath of the Wild type interaction. Speaking of BotW, there actually *is* an interaction sort of like that. In the Gerudo Desert, it's quite hot, and if you don't wear proper clothing or eat/drink chilly food/sliders, you'll take damage over time. Standing in the shade also helps. But you could also carry ice weapons like you can carry flame weapons in cold climates. But I didn't know this one until recently: if you're wet, say, after just getting out of the water, *or* after striking chuchu jelly, you'll stay cool for a bit. That chuchu jelly part I had no idea about until recently. It's kinda like getting Zigzagoon wet to make it's fur stick together instead of being puffed out and spiky. But sorry for the wall of tangentially related text.
When I was a very small kid playing my first ever Pokémon game (which was Pokémon sapphire) my first try was a shiny Treecko. I didn’t know what a shiny Pokémon was at the time, so I thought that was supposed to be what he looked like. I remember this since I drew so many pictures of him because he was my favorite (mostly because I was too dumb to catch any others) and in all the drawings he was the blue green, and red tail. I started a new game because I hadn’t played for a long time, and got very confused why the color was different than what I remembered. Few years later I realized my mistake, and that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in Pokémon
oMg I WAs sO DuMB WheN I wAS a kId wHEn I GOt poKEmoN rUBy foR mY bIrThdAy i chOSE mUdkIP aND iT waS puRpLE i thOUght It WAs a GLicth sO I reSTArted THe gAMe aND iT wAs BluE!
3:44 it’s really funny that Game Freak added an interaction and a text box behind the counter, seeing as you’re never supposed to be able to get back there. Also, Nurse Joy turning to talk to you is so weird.
Nurse joy thing isn't weird. Characters were programmed to turn an talk to you. They just copy and past it to all every other character, including nurse joy
I used to think that the only way you could evolve Slowpoke into Slowbro was by having a Shellder bite a Slowpoke’s tail during battle. I proceeded to spend hours killing Shellders in the Slowpoke Well wondering why it wasn’t working.
When I was a kid playing Blue for the first time I got my feelings hurt by the bird trio because the Pokeball kept missing so I just fainted them saying something along the lines of "if they don't want to be caught, then I don't want them." I then used my Master Ball on a Level 3 Weedle.
Back when I played Pokémon Crystal I didn’t know what the Pokéball symbol next to Pokémon names meant. I knew they appeared next to Pokémon I already had but it somehow didn’t occur to me that these are wild Pokémon of the same species of Pokémon I had. So I assumed it was a combination of the Wobbufet and Charizard problem in the anime and that my Pokémon kept coming out of their Pokéball’s and wanted to fight me.
@@fist-of-doom487 Wow, even my 6-year old self had more logic than that. The worst thing I did when I was 6 was accidentally trap myself on an island. It had some hiker or something, but I'm glad I was able to get out of there by fishing.
To be fair, it's easier to beat Brock with a Pidgeotto than a Pikachu that early in the game. I remember basically abandoning Pikachu the first time I played through.
When Pokemon Red and Blue came out I got completely swept up in the hype, even convincing my dad to drive me to the local mall to get the games where there was a giant release event for it. Now when I did get the game I was TERRIFIED on the way home I was going to be arrested. Why? Because I was under 10, and the show clearly explained that you needed to be 10 to start your Pokemon journey so I was so scared that I was going to be arrested for playing this game I refused to play it outside of my house for weeks.
Rowin Hofstede that's not too surprising. The way a lot of media translation worked is English people would translate it because of course, and then the english versions would then be retranslated into all other languages
Ah yes, the left-right mash. I did it so much as a kid, when I started playing again as an adult I found out I had it committed to muscle memory. Good news is it's a harmless stupid thing
As a kid, I thought that Zigzagoon evolved into Eevee. Well, I ended up with a bunch of evolved zigzagons, and even managed to catch a "shiny" zigzagoon, not being aware what shinies are.
@@beavers123Gaming sorry but it's not, pikachu might be inspired by the pika but he definitely is the mouse pokemon, you can check by yourself in japanese he is the nezumi pokemon and from what I found it can be used for mouse or rat
My first was a random Lairon in Emerald, and that was before I knew what a shiny is😂😂 Edit: I forgot to mention I stopped using my lvl 86 Aggron, booted an exp share to the shiny Lairon, put it at the end of my party, and beat the elite 4 17 timws to evolve it to Aggron😅🤦🏻
Back when I played Pokémon Gold, I didn't automatically find HM Waterfall in that one ice cave towards the end, so when I arrived at the waterfall that would eventually lead to the Kanto region, I just assumed that's where the game ended. About a year later, after having explored every nook and cranny in the Johto region, I finally found the MacGuffin to my story, and connected the dots. Imagine my utter amazement when I realised there was a whole chapter left to be explored. Felt like I had hacked into the mainframe.
chiming in as one of the dumbasses (or perhaps actual genius) who got past with the Pokédoll because I had no idea there was a whole dungeon under the casino
I can remember playing my brand new Pokémon Platinum for the first time and I chose Piplup as I had already used Chimchar and Turtwig in Diamond and Pearl. However, when I threw my Piplup out to battle I remember it looking an off shade of blue and I was worried that my game was faulty so I restarted and got the normal looking Piplup. Looking back, I failed a shiny Piplup because it wasnt a very noticeable shiny, if it was red I would've known that it wasnt my game acting up if that makes sense
One time I caught an Onix and was super impressed with its high defense stat. Back then, I didn't really know how stats worked so I just saw a big number and added it my team, expecting it to be a really good tank. You can imagine how well that went.
For me it was quitting judo to watch the Simpsons. I think it was around the time that the episode about Homer cutting off his thumb was out because I missed it and thought it would be a permanent change to the show going forward
The dumbest thing I did as a kid was when a friend told me that if you talk to Spiritomb's stone enough times in D/P/P then it'd appear, so I spent like 2 full days just constantly spamming the A button... yeahhh
Okay hear me out: My first Pokémon game was Sapphire. I got engaged with the story real fast and took everything the NPCs told me very seriously. I even gave my Pokémon letters to hold with love words written on them (didn't know held items were actually useful) But what still haunts me to this day was when I had to "calm down" Kyogre so that he wouldn't destroy the world. I fought him with my entire team (dear Swampert clutching the team) and defeated him because "I can't catch him, he's the god of the sea, you're not allowed to own him as your Pokémon". I had grabbed the Masterball but never used it, mostly because I thought you were unable to catch a legendary Pokémon. And then my cousin caught him a week later in her own playthrough and I felt like an idiot 🙂
When I played Gen 5 I got to the part of the game where you encounter Cobalion. I never saw it before (duh) so I thought it was a Water type because it was blue, and blue means water, and that’s why I used a Dive Ball and somehow caught it with one. I still have this Cobalion in a Dive Ball on my White 2 file to this day, and it haunts me whenever I see it.
I was one of those kids who thought speed was based on how fast you could click the button. Child me couldn't possibly comprehend why Burgh's Leavanny would always go before my Patrat.
I've done a couple of stupid things when I was a kid: - I used my Master Ball on a Zapdos in my first complete run of Yellow. Encountering Mewtwo, I thought without the Master Ball you just couldn't catch it at all, so I killed it. - I used to collect the official Pokemon stickers and had the book. In it, there was a misprint that indicated Farfetch'd evolves into Doduo (kinda like your Ditto-Eevee situation) so for a little while I believed that to be true - When I first played Crystal and got to Morty's gym in Ecruteak, I tried to walk to him and kept getting teleported to the start not knowing it was a trick path. I thought I did something wrong in the game and it was broken so I deleted my save file and started again - When I was playing Blue as a kid, I must have misread or not understood the Handbook and was convinced 'rare' meant like it does with the Legendaries, as in one and done. So, looking for a Pikachu in Viridian Forest which has a low encounter rate (so, rare) I tried to catch it but accidentally killed it. I thought I lost my chance to catch Pikachu forever and got super depressed - and yeah, I've used a Master Ball on a Magikarp before
I always thought that Pokémon would fit in a Pokeball with the same main colour as theirs, so I would get upset running into an Abra and not having any yellow Pokeballs
These are the 3 dumbest things I did as a kid I found entei and raikou in the wild in HGSS as a kid, so I thought they were just regular wild Pokémon, because legendaries usually are static encounters, so I killed them. I started having a temper tantrum because I thought my game was broken when I found a shiny tangela My older brother gave me his Pokémon white as a hand me down, I knew what samurott’s design looked like but I didn’t remember his name, so when I got the copy, there were tons of transferred Pokémon from his Diamond, the main one of this story being his dialga, and I thought it was samurott so I thought there was nothing rare and reset the file. I wasn’t only stupid to junk his transferred Pokémon, but I also thought dialga was samurott
In the original diamond and pearl, my friend and I were stuck at the same point in the story for a good month. We didnt realize you needed to talk to the galactic grunt by the safari zone 🤣
When I was younger, I thought Onix was the coolest thing ever (in large part due to the anime), and couldn't catch one for the life of me while playing Pokemon Yellow. So I did the natural thing of using my Master Ball to capture one, and practically never used it afterward.
At least that was smarter than yelling into the mic every single day. I used to hold the belief that ushering a pokemon into the pokeball and being nice to it will make it go in. And if it doesn't go in after 20-30 tries, it should be murdered immediately.
When I was a kid playing Pokemon Blue, everytime the opponent used a stat-lowering move, I thought the stat would stay lowered permanently. So I'd be freaking out while I'm playing thinking that my stats were so low and that it would take so long grinding before I could defeat any trainers
I thought something similar, I thought that they would stay lowered until you healed at a Pokémon center. When I was in the relic castle in Pokémon white, I kept running into krokoroks with intimidate and I thought my Pokémon's attack kept dropping
In my very first playthrough (granted I believe I was 8) I fainted every single legendary and the shiny Gyarados in the Lake of Rage, believing that you couldn't catch them and that they were bosses. I didn't find out you could catch them until after receiving the Masterball, and then I believed that you could only use that ball to catch one legendary per playthrough. I eventually realized you could catch whatever with whatever and started again. Also, once I learned you could catch the shiny Gyarados, I thought it was a one off, and knew nothing about shinies until I ran into my first ever legit shiny years later on the same file (Graveler, btw). I was confused, but then I learned about them, and now I shiny hunt. I played a lot of Crystal. A lot.
I used to ALWAYS play with just my starter and over level him. It wasn’t until my 2nd attempt at Pokémon Diamond that it might be a good idea to catch different Pokémon 😂. I would get so mad when I’d get to the 5th gym and be 15 levels above the leader and still get one shot because of typing (which I had no idea existed 💀) and never advancing so I’d just start over with a nee starter.
During my playthrough of Pokemon black, I used my master ball on a Swadloon. I am dead serious. I have absolutely no idea why. But I still have it, and it is my most prized failiure.
@Bowgart_Simp The using master ball on comon pokemon has got to be one of the moste comon mistakes for beginners. I can't remember exactley what it was ( could have bin a pikachu) but I did just that with my master ball first time.
Recently, I found a video I remember seeing when I was around 12 on "How to get Shiny Dialga & Shiny Palkia in Pokemon Black & White". As I didn't know at the time the video was fake, I actually fell for this. The description said I had to beat the Elite 4 & Champion with ONLY a Frillish (male for Dialga and female for Palkia) and that it had to be done in 20 minutes for it to work (starting from the moment I enter the area with the four paths to each E4 member). I would remember attempting to do it, but kept losing to Grimsley, as I didn't know much on the type chart. I even remember battling wild Purrloin to find out what Dark was weak to. Eventually, I do remember actually managing to beat the league with only a Frillish (of course I didn't get the Shiny Dialga after I did so).
The dumbest thing I did was believe in Minusle. It was a theory that you could breed plusle and minun together to get a Minusle. It was a gray color with one cheek being a plus and the other cheek being a Minus. The breeding pair needed to have held items, and know helping hands, low chance to breed of 1/50 eggs could be Minusle, etc. There were rumors that it was a a hidden unintentional pokemon like the Mew spawn teleport glitch and Missingno in generation one. That's why it wasn't in the Pokedex. The sprites were very convincing, and this was in ruby sapphire, before the sprites moved like in emerald. I bought it hook line an sinker, and attempted to breed them for weeks before id attempted all possibilities, and finished that section of the Pokedex. This was in the early 2000s, before UA-cam existed, and internet hoaxes were much harder to disprove, plus I was a dumb kid. I just tried looking it up, and it seems that the hoax has been washed from the surface web of Google, cants even find the hoax fanart sprites on image search.
@@raptorboy5692 i never grew up with the games, i only watched the anime, and mainly kanto, orange islands, and johto so i never saw graveler, and when i saw blue's golem, i thought it was a random pokemon
I still remember my first shiny ever. A rattata in Johto near where you start in silver / gold. I can't recall my first ever dedicated "hunt" for a shiny though.They're more fun when they're random and just something you wouldn't expect
when i just got into poekmon my uncle gave me his old gameboy and his copy of yellow from like 7 years from when i became a fan and i thought the nugget was made of chicken not gold and tried to give snorlax a chicken nugget to wake it up
Dang and I thought me running away from a zaptos was dumb I ran because at the time pigeot was my favorite Pokémon I didn’t know is was a legendary I thought it just a bird and I only use pigeot more then my starter
10:23 I remember I got told by a kid at school recess that holding your console upside down and holding a while catching a pokemon would increase the chances of a successful catch. I used this for about a year before another kid in the playground said that holding a and b at the same time did it. Then I did both of those, and then after a few months of that, I told a kid 2 grades above me about it, and they said "Dude, are you stupid?"
So I also caught a Ditto with a master ball. The reason was I heard a rumor that because ditto is basically a liquid it could seep though the edges of any other ball and escape. It’s interesting to hear that false rumor was more wide spread.
What's messed up, is that even though I know that tapping A+B together repeatedly (that was our way) doesn't help your catch chance at all, my muscle memory kicks in every time an I still do it to this day. It's been fifteen years since I found out it's pointless to do so.
sort of unrelated but there was this game on the dsi called crystal monsters and to catch the monsters you basically had to slam your A key as fast as possible. this carried over into pokemon for me and to this day my DSI's A key is broken
I feel this when Red and Blue first came out i was told that if you tap or hold the A+B buttons it would help you catch them better. I still do this till this with Sw and Sh even though I know it doesn't work
When I was playing Pokémon yellow as a kid, I remembered thinking that Ash’s team was the strongest because the anime says so. Hence I used the same team as Ash in my playthroughs. I only know better when my brother tell me that Ash’s Pokémon is not that strong lol
One time when I was hunting Pokémon as a kid, really at night. I saw a Kadabra that looked really weird, color wise. So I figured there it was a glitch, and promptly restarted the game. Only then did I remember that shinies are a thing.
I thought the same thing but with Pokémon Stadium, since I didn't have a very high English level and combined with the animation, I thought a defensive barrier was coming down from somewhere to protect my Pokémon.
In Pokemon Crystal, I thought Mantine was a legendary, so I used my masterball on it. And then when I went on and fought the ACTUAL legendaries, I defeated them all without even attempting to catch them and gloated that all my Pokemon were stronger than them, to which my best friend just shook his head and sighed.
i forgot to mention that I also fainted the red gyarados on purpose, because i thought it was extra special and strong and i gloated about killing that too. the next time i ever found a shiny in any game ever was NEARLY 15 YEARS LATER in X when i randomly encountered a shiny durant.
6:06 This is part of the reason I used super training in gen6, on top of not being rng reliant, so it would usually be faster anyways. Too bad you forgot about the friendship berries lowering EVs.
i named my cat pikachu, before discovering that pikachu was a mouse. but in my defence, my 7-8 year old brain thought pikachu was a fitting name for a cat
@@fst-biggie5056 no it doesn't as solar beam is technically photosynthesis for plants/grass so technically it doesn't make sense for fire types like Torkoal and Charizard to learn Solar beam or other grass type moves.
I thought special attack and defense were the backup stats in case your opponents lowered your regular attack and defense to the point where it said "----'s Defense can't go any lower!" but I was confident in my starter so I fed him special attack and defense-lowering berries to be best friends
Ditto Into Eevee is the most unique I have ever heard
As a kid I thought Farfetch'd evolved into Doduo
I thought I could evolve charmander with a fire stone
@@avalencia9628 i think its dobbs?
@@almondlifesys lmao us
@@therealriddlemaster i used to try that with every starter, but it never worked and i used to think that it wasn't high level that's why, so sometimes i even gave them the stones as an item 😂
The best thing about an Aura Guardian Video is determining if it’s a serious video or a hilarious joke one.
And both will be amazing
Yeah...he doesn’t bother confining to April 1st does he?
It is a serious video on a hilarious topic.
I can never tell
It's always a nice surprise either way.
The Ditto evolution to Eevee
And dobbs thinking Farfetched evolved at lvl 100 are both the most unique I've ever heard
Dobbs is a freaking idiot, so that checks out.
@@BlindJedi yet you didn’t a catch a shiny buizel
@@cdoggo3352 no, I went blind. Horrifically and traumatically. Thanks for bringing it up.
There was some video where Dobbs thought Togepi was a Gen 1 Pokémon. I think it was a collab with AuraGuardian too.
@@mizusenshisongs and it wouldn't be too farfetch'd as togepi appeared in gen 1 anime and as such that was the impression that many people had at that time and for many years afterwards aswell
When I was a kid, I heard about the trade glitch you could do in Gen 1 where you turn off one of the Game Boys mid-trade and it sends a duplicate copy of a Pokemon to another game without losing it in the original game. I had gotten a Mew from a Toys R Us event, and one day I realized I could just use the duplicate glitch to give a copy to a friend.
I told him to just trade a Pokemon he didn't care about so he grabbed a Gloom from his box and we started the trade. I turned off one of the Gameboys, and we checked to see if it worked. When I went and looked in my game, I now had a Gloom, but no Mew, and he still had his Gloom.
I had done it backwards. My Mew was gone forever.
At least you didn't trade away 4 shiny level 100 Sinnoh Pokemon and a Greninja because they are Level 100
oh my god that's so tragic, i will mourn him for you (also happy to see a fellow gg fan)
@@wubbers662 so ur telling me that you did that
I once thought Cloyster evolved into Gastly
Thats what gameshark was for
The shiny Floatzel fail is even more embarrassing when you remember there are berries that lower EVs when fed to a Pokémon. You could have easily undone the speed EVs by just feeding them Tamato berries, so that way you could have kept the Floatzel and wouldn't have had to reset.
and in super training i’m pretty sure you can reset individual stats
Super training was far easier and more fun, why did he use hordes
@@stacyfearlicia Actually I think that the white bag reset all EVs and is the only EV lowering item in Super Training, so that's probably why he believed that the only way to remove the Speed EVs was to reset all of them.
"Do you remember your first ever shiny hunt ?"
Yes, and I remember running out of patience each time about 10 minutes in as well.
My very first shiny was a mankey in leaf green
My first hunt was a Hawlucha in X and Y
My first successful shiny hunt was with platinum’s Giratina, and I will probably never do another shiny hunt again
I ran out of patients soft resetting for a shiny starter in about a month or two
My First shiny ever was the ultra rare shiny gyarados in soul silver🙂......................................🥺(and my last one as well)
I thought the pokeball in viridian forest was the only one you could get, so if it failed i'd reset the whole game and try again
EPIC 1 min ago
hey pat there is this person called morepat that steals ur content
@@najlahalsayed5392 Thats his second account
@@poke3209 ik it was a joke
Hi pat!
My Step brother traded me a Haunter. It evolved of course. I was so excited to use it. What I didn't realize is it was level 80. I had two badges. Therefore it refused to obey me in battle (the first time I experienced this). I was convinced that Gengar had corrupted my game and was haunting my Gameboy color then.
:( sorry. Similar thing happened to me in silver. I in fame trades my Drowzee for a Machop, wiped out Whitney and eventually my female machoke HATED me and I'd actually feel guilt feelings and dread. Not the coolest experience as a 9 year old lol
@@johnm.castillo3163let’s just be glad nuzlockes weren’t a thing
3:50 omg that finally explains how he got there in his revisiting save files video
Wait... I thought that video was just a joke. He really did trap himself in? Still, the rest of that video is a joke... right?
Blow your mind Scientist well we don't know yet if the rest of that video was a joke he's never explained if it was we just now know he did really trap himself lol
I was like what the heckity heck did you do
@Mamta Pathak Isn't it Diamond & not heart gold nor soul silver
thats what i was thinking (replying to the first comment)
Me as a child: Mashing the A button increases your chances of catching a Pokémon
I actually tried the same concept but with the B button, and I actually caught a Pokèmon, but it was probably just conveniently timed. XD
It's only with the B button and still works
Me when child: Mashes A for bigger catch chance
Me now: Mashes A for bigger catch chance
@@ootfan7882 same! I still do it out of habit lol
@@lilyb2497 same XD
When I was 7 years old, I was given 2 Pokemon cards from a teacher who would use them as prizes for doing really good in the classes. I got a Venonat and a Gastly and would constantly tell my mom how rare they were.... In 2 years I had at least 20-30 each of the exact same ones
They are rare. You can only get them from a teacher
Its rare the teacher card very little have them...
Aww soo cute Venonat looks like Kurubo in Yugioh
Still a cool teacher!
Man, I had like 3 binders of cards including my favorite Pokémon, Yveltal and Charizard. I came home one day and my brothers destroyed and ripped up all my cards.
One time during one of my Diamond playthroughs as a kid, I used the master ball on an Abomasnow thinking that other balls wouldn't work because Abomasnow was too big lmao
I used to use Great Balls on Onix in Silver because I thought it was too big to catch in normal Pokeballs xD
When I was a kid I used to sometimes play on my sisters Pokemon save on Fire Red. She was pretty far into the game and I was surfing around looking for water Pokemon and decided to use the master ball on a Tentacool. Needless to say she was pissed and restarted the Game bc she wanted to catch Zapdos
At my school there were a a rumor that Ledyba could evolve into Entei.
If it could, then Ledyba would no longer be called useless.
@@ethnictendo on its own it still was
@@rafy.h.3108 Eh, true.
yeah that happens when kids have nothing to off of then their own thoughts and not really any evidence proving it and there is no internet to prove them wrong
also "the L is real" was a big thing that lasted for a long time and that was said by elementary aged kids
same with mario punching yoshi in super mario world exept that was actually true
@@badoongy6362 Mario didn't punch Yoshi. He was pointing at where Yoshi needs to eat the enemies.
When I was really little, I referred to Farfetch’d as “Farfetch Dee”.
Me. too! Wow. Small world, huh?
We though this because many of us didn't know grammar yet
More worse, I was thinking it is: Farfetch’ Duck
The first time I played Pokémon I was scared shitless that Caterpie would poison me
I laughed way too hard at this
@@guthzammysara Weedle CAN poison you, though
Your character or your Pokémon? I was way more paranoid because I thought that the ghosts in Pokémon tower would make me faint like my character faint
@@guthzammysara weedle can poison you
Ahhh, everyone had their own "way to increase catch odds" thing. None were as humiliating as mine, I was *convinced* that shouting "Gotcha!" into the mic made it easier to catch Pokemon.
I did that too.
Mine was holding B lol
Mine was worse, I had a little song I would sing that I knew rationally didn't do anything but it seemed to so I would sing in my head "it's gonna pop out today, it's gonna pop out hooray". Like some weird reverse psychology on the game.
@@orirune3079 The cringe is eternal. May whoever spread these rumours receive a mild inconvenience.
“I quit the scouts just so I could watch Pokémon”
That’s iconic
I thought there was a evolution line:
Vile Runner given how much a Cloyster’s “face” resembles a Gastly I don’t blame you 😂😂😂
i thought that for the longest time too wtf man
Shellder evolves into Cloyster after learning Withdraw, then into Gastly after learning Shell Smash, then into Haunter at level 33, and into Gengar after trading
I didn’t know dragonite evolved from dragonair and just thought it was was a goofy other version of charizard
I thought it always went geodude, graveler, golem, onyx, and steelix because they were all together in the sinnoh pokedex
When I was younger I went to the hospital for a surgery, and I was there for a few days, and most of the time I was playing pokemon ruby. There was a kid who looked very sad and so I decided to let him use my game, and that little bastard deleted all my data 😢
@@aisaka7375 its all good I forgive you 😜
@@aisaka7375 I know I know I was being sarcastic, that happened in Italy that kid doesn't even know English lol
@@aisaka7375 wait a minute
@@aisaka7375 no i meant as in the meme
@@nikolino93 scusa fra, non volevo
I didnt know about type weaknesses until gen 6 at age 17. In gen 3, I would just attack everything with Sceptile's leaf blade.
fire gym 💀
Jeez were you playing in a different language or something i don’t see how someone can be that dimwitted
@Kewl Man had to revive Sceptile x amounts of times vs Winnona, Flannery and Drake fr
@@spursnofficialwhat did you think it meant when it said "not effective" and until 17??? 💀💀
Whenever I was hunting for a rare Pokemon in wild grass, I thought killing/fainting the more common ones would increase my chances of encountering the rarer ones as the common ones would die.
Hahahah I did the same thing
they should implement this tbh
I did the same
Pokemon Sword And Shield Implemented That
quitting the scouts to watch pokemon is swag af lol
100th liked here’s some choccy milk
Nice, My first comment to get 100 likes, ty for choccy Milk
fax i'd do that
I would’ve done the same, Boy Scouts is boring as hell lmao
Yeah, who wouldn’t do that? It’s dumb if you stay in the scouts.
"I quit the scouts just so I could watch an episode on pokemon"
This is true love for a franchise
That’s an absolute power move
I did it for dragonballz😅
I quit choir to watch pokemon aswell. Never thought I'd hear of someone.. like-minded..
My excuse is that I'm a terrible singer anyway and 15 years ago streaming wasn't really a thing so I had to set priorities I guess.
One of my dumbest things is I never knew that in Gold/Silver you can go to Kanto after beating the Elite Four, I literally missed out on HALF the game lol I found out 8 years later.
I once tried my masterball on a trainers pokemon. As it never missed I just assumed that it would catch the trainers pokemon. I still remember the trainer swatting the ball away. I was so devestated.
@@shamz._1 I’m assuming you lose the Masterball too??
@@BLZRDD that would suck
@@gizmodahamster3389 I’ve never threw a Masterball at a trainers Pokémon and since it’s a special ball with one in game only to obtain, I’d figure that they would code in where you keep the ball until you catch something. Tho I’ve never tried so not completely sure lol
I used it on a klefki
I remember using one of those tiny keychain flashlights and holding it an inch from my gameboy when I got to Rock Tunnel. Didn't know where flash was so I just assumed that they wanted you to flash a light on your gameboy screen in order to be able to see. I spent a few days inside there before I managed to make it to Lavender town, and subsequently outleveled the rest of the game by 10+ levels because of how long I spent mindlessly walking around in there.
That’s hilarious
The amount of times iv reset my game due to getting lost without flash xD
Task failed successfully I guess 🤣
I learned to navigate that tunnel by sound as a kid because I refused to teach Flash to a pokemon. By "sound", I mean walking until I heard the sound for hitting a wall or trainer. And I say "learned" because I did it 3-4 times, rather than lucking my way through once.
the dumbest thing I did as a kid was putting nidoking and nidoqueen in the daycare expecting an egg
Honestly this isnt even dumb, this makes total sense
Thats not dumb, its dumb that it didnt work
Out of all the "dumbest thing I did as a kid" stories I've ever heard/read, this one's the most understandable.
No that is the dumbest thing GameFreak did not having them be able to breed
@@deadmonsterhead4507 yeah exactly.
I remember playing FireRed for the first time and catching a nidoran female thinking it was a male because my friend told me nidoking was really good. That nidoqueen ended up carrying the final rival fight.
To be fair nidoking and nidoqueen are basically the same Pokémon anyway lmao
@@stewsucks5403 nidoking is better for sweeping, nidoqueen is a wall lol
As a kid, I thought if I attack a zigzagoon with water gun, it's fur would be wet and would weaken it 😅
That's actually sounds like a good idea, like a Breath of the Wild type interaction. Speaking of BotW, there actually *is* an interaction sort of like that. In the Gerudo Desert, it's quite hot, and if you don't wear proper clothing or eat/drink chilly food/sliders, you'll take damage over time. Standing in the shade also helps. But you could also carry ice weapons like you can carry flame weapons in cold climates. But I didn't know this one until recently: if you're wet, say, after just getting out of the water, *or* after striking chuchu jelly, you'll stay cool for a bit. That chuchu jelly part I had no idea about until recently. It's kinda like getting Zigzagoon wet to make it's fur stick together instead of being puffed out and spiky. But sorry for the wall of tangentially related text.
I don’t blame you wasn’t that Pokémon like a cat Pokémon or something
@@itzjustme6431 No, Zigzagoon is a raccoon.
@@psuedonym9999 Monster Hunter has been punishing hunters in the desert for YEARS. Cold drinks, and Hot drinks are a thing lol.
That’s reasonable
As a kid I didn't know how to spell Ash, so I named my first character "Es"
The name sounds like a character from 'ALTER EGO'.
@@solarium-z8230 Ah, I see, you're...
@@laeva495 ???
@@solarium-z8230 ...sorry I was referencing the game after the tests you take
Mine was thinking that if I caught every zubat in the cave I could walk through uninterrupted. 😅
If only that were true but the kanto safari zone has no more tauros thanks to ash and brock
Hah I did that 2
How many did you catch b4 just going through
If you catch 69 shiny zubat then you walk through unharmed xd
Yooooo so me
When I was a very small kid playing my first ever Pokémon game (which was Pokémon sapphire) my first try was a shiny Treecko. I didn’t know what a shiny Pokémon was at the time, so I thought that was supposed to be what he looked like. I remember this since I drew so many pictures of him because he was my favorite (mostly because I was too dumb to catch any others) and in all the drawings he was the blue green, and red tail. I started a new game because I hadn’t played for a long time, and got very confused why the color was different than what I remembered. Few years later I realized my mistake, and that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in Pokémon
That wasn't stupid because you actually kept the shiny. So many other people wouldn't.
@@verylostdoommarauder ye
oMg I WAs sO DuMB WheN I wAS a kId wHEn I GOt poKEmoN rUBy foR mY bIrThdAy i chOSE mUdkIP aND iT waS puRpLE i thOUght It WAs a GLicth sO I reSTArted THe gAMe aND iT wAs BluE!
3:44 it’s really funny that Game Freak added an interaction and a text box behind the counter, seeing as you’re never supposed to be able to get back there. Also, Nurse Joy turning to talk to you is so weird.
It's the same dialogue as the counters in the pokemart, so it's probably a glitch
@@hahant-expertatunfunnycont9713 or just the same assets
Nurse joy thing isn't weird. Characters were programmed to turn an talk to you. They just copy and past it to all every other character, including nurse joy
I used to think that the only way you could evolve Slowpoke into Slowbro was by having a Shellder bite a Slowpoke’s tail during battle. I proceeded to spend hours killing Shellders in the Slowpoke Well wondering why it wasn’t working.
Lol a lot of Shellders lost their lives because of the pokemon series.
That would be an awesome mechanic though
I did the Same thing lmao
When I was a kid playing Blue for the first time I got my feelings hurt by the bird trio because the Pokeball kept missing so I just fainted them saying something along the lines of "if they don't want to be caught, then I don't want them." I then used my Master Ball on a Level 3 Weedle.
the last part came so random i started laughing
Back when I played Pokémon Crystal I didn’t know what the Pokéball symbol next to Pokémon names meant. I knew they appeared next to Pokémon I already had but it somehow didn’t occur to me that these are wild Pokémon of the same species of Pokémon I had. So I assumed it was a combination of the Wobbufet and Charizard problem in the anime and that my Pokémon kept coming out of their Pokéball’s and wanted to fight me.
@@fist-of-doom487 what
@@fist-of-doom487 Wow, even my 6-year old self had more logic than that. The worst thing I did when I was 6 was accidentally trap myself on an island. It had some hiker or something, but I'm glad I was able to get out of there by fishing.
"I don't need the legendary birds, i have self respect"
When Pokemon Yellow came out, I tried to play the game by only capturing only the Pokemon that Ash caught cuz I thought being Ash was cool 😳
To be fair, it's easier to beat Brock with a Pidgeotto than a Pikachu that early in the game. I remember basically abandoning Pikachu the first time I played through.
Haha yah
that's not stupud,you made your own challenge when you were a kid,I think I did the same thing actually XD
I agree that it wasn't dumb whatsoever. Its how you yhlight you should but also how you wanted to play...personally I think it's pretty cool
When Pokemon Red and Blue came out I got completely swept up in the hype, even convincing my dad to drive me to the local mall to get the games where there was a giant release event for it. Now when I did get the game I was TERRIFIED on the way home I was going to be arrested. Why? Because I was under 10, and the show clearly explained that you needed to be 10 to start your Pokemon journey so I was so scared that I was going to be arrested for playing this game I refused to play it outside of my house for weeks.
same, but i got omega ruby at 9
guess i’m a criminal now
I always thought the weaker attacks i used, causing the battles to be longer, gave me more XP.
That would be a great mechanic
that kinda feels true judging by how longer gamed in gen 1 seemed to give you more exp
I still believe this. More turns = more exp
Same Lol
I thought the exact opposite lmao
It was actually quite common for people to think Kanto was called Indigo, due to the english version never mentioning it in game
In the Netherlands they also never mentioned it!
Rowin Hofstede that's not too surprising. The way a lot of media translation worked is English people would translate it because of course, and then the english versions would then be retranslated into all other languages
it mentioned it in the og ones when you get the map from garys sister after you get the mon from oak
UPDF Drakkell not in english, I know it does in Japanese copies.
@@Pokemazda is there a dutch version?????? WTF I need it
Ah yes, the left-right mash. I did it so much as a kid, when I started playing again as an adult I found out I had it committed to muscle memory.
Good news is it's a harmless stupid thing
As a kid, I thought that Zigzagoon evolved into Eevee. Well, I ended up with a bunch of evolved zigzagons, and even managed to catch a "shiny" zigzagoon, not being aware what shinies are.
Pikachu: the mouse Pokémon
Alex: Ayo thats a cool rabbit
It's a pika not a mouse tho, pikas closest relatives are rabbits. He was closer than mouse so 🤷🏼♂️
@@beavers123Gaming the pokedex still says that he is a mouse pokemon
@@GoncaloDCa it's probably a translation issue
@@beavers123Gaming sorry but it's not, pikachu might be inspired by the pika but he definitely is the mouse pokemon, you can check by yourself in japanese he is the nezumi pokemon and from what I found it can be used for mouse or rat
@@GoncaloDCa what if they use the same word for pikas
My first ever shiny was a Gyarados
Yeah, Lake of Rage, that's correct…
My first was a random Lairon in Emerald, and that was before I knew what a shiny is😂😂
Edit: I forgot to mention
I stopped using my lvl 86 Aggron, booted an exp share to the shiny Lairon, put it at the end of my party, and beat the elite 4 17 timws to evolve it to Aggron😅🤦🏻
Same I named it Redrage
Mine was a Trapinch, I only learned what a shiny was at that point.
my first shiny that wasn't gyrados was a weedle. I thought both it and the shiny gyarados were one of a kind
I thought this was a boss or something as a kid so I always KOed it thinking it would give me something special or more exp... noooope... its a shiny.
Back when I played Pokémon Gold, I didn't automatically find HM Waterfall in that one ice cave towards the end, so when I arrived at the waterfall that would eventually lead to the Kanto region, I just assumed that's where the game ended. About a year later, after having explored every nook and cranny in the Johto region, I finally found the MacGuffin to my story, and connected the dots. Imagine my utter amazement when I realised there was a whole chapter left to be explored. Felt like I had hacked into the mainframe.
I wonder if that's why the remake won't let you proceed without the HM.
Guardian: I used a poke doll on the ghost.
Me: You too, huh?
I didn't even know that you could do that until this video.
@@laurenchinsphealsupremacis9978 I didn’t know you needed the silphscope till a month later
chiming in as one of the dumbasses (or perhaps actual genius) who got past with the Pokédoll because I had no idea there was a whole dungeon under the casino
Isn’t this also used in the speedrun?
@@cdoggo3352 That’s where everyone got the idea from, some speed runners that basically cheated by using this glitch?!
In Pokemon Diamond, I thought that you needed String Shot to climb the Rock Climb paths.
I can see your logic. It'd be like a grappling hook.
I see how you can get confused from that
I can remember playing my brand new Pokémon Platinum for the first time and I chose Piplup as I had already used Chimchar and Turtwig in Diamond and Pearl. However, when I threw my Piplup out to battle I remember it looking an off shade of blue and I was worried that my game was faulty so I restarted and got the normal looking Piplup. Looking back, I failed a shiny Piplup because it wasnt a very noticeable shiny, if it was red I would've known that it wasnt my game acting up if that makes sense
i dont blame you at all
Can we get a F in the comments plz
That sucks I don’t blame you at all for thinking it was a wrong shade of blue or something
Thats all on the developers, ive fainted shinies simply because the differences were so miniscule i didnt even realize it was a shiny.
Oh man 😭😭😭
One time I caught an Onix and was super impressed with its high defense stat. Back then, I didn't really know how stats worked so I just saw a big number and added it my team, expecting it to be a really good tank. You can imagine how well that went.
“I quit the scouts to watch Pokémon.” Sounds like 10 year old me quitting football to watch yugioh
I really don’t like the scouts of football cos I’m to lazy but at least I can watch Pokémon
For me it was quitting judo to watch the Simpsons. I think it was around the time that the episode about Homer cutting off his thumb was out because I missed it and thought it would be a permanent change to the show going forward
@@EvilSnowVO lol
@@EvilSnowVO I remember that ep
I used to argue with my friend over whats pikachu's evolution, and ofc little me thought it was electabuzz
What did your friend think it was? Jolteon? lol
@@shrek9968 basically i thought it was electabuzz and my friend said raichu
@@aura6886 oh ok lol
i thought it was ampharos
The dumbest thing I did as a kid was when a friend told me that if you talk to Spiritomb's stone enough times in D/P/P then it'd appear, so I spent like 2 full days just constantly spamming the A button... yeahhh
Aww that's so cute
Okay hear me out: My first Pokémon game was Sapphire. I got engaged with the story real fast and took everything the NPCs told me very seriously. I even gave my Pokémon letters to hold with love words written on them (didn't know held items were actually useful)
But what still haunts me to this day was when I had to "calm down" Kyogre so that he wouldn't destroy the world. I fought him with my entire team (dear Swampert clutching the team) and defeated him because "I can't catch him, he's the god of the sea, you're not allowed to own him as your Pokémon".
I had grabbed the Masterball but never used it, mostly because I thought you were unable to catch a legendary Pokémon.
And then my cousin caught him a week later in her own playthrough and I felt like an idiot 🙂
"He's the god of the sea, you can't use him as your Pokemon"
LMAO that's the best comment I've seen
The dumb thing I thought as a kid is I thought Charmander evolves into dragonite and Charmeleon evolves into Charizard before I knew he was a starter
Actually charmander face is similar to dragonite so it's not that dum I gess
I think charizard looks a lot like a dragonite (i meant vice versa but im too lazy to change it)
I thought charmander evolved into charmelon then then charmelon into dragonite then charizard so you’re not alone
charmeleon does evolve into charizard
@@jaxc. we know
I accidentally ran away from a shiny Farfetch'd in Heart Gold a long ways back. It still haunts me to this day.
That hurts man
You, WHAT!?!?
Farfetch Is Rare Normally
When I played Gen 5 I got to the part of the game where you encounter Cobalion. I never saw it before (duh) so I thought it was a Water type because it was blue, and blue means water, and that’s why I used a Dive Ball and somehow caught it with one. I still have this Cobalion in a Dive Ball on my White 2 file to this day, and it haunts me whenever I see it.
I mean hey, it worked - I'd call that a win.
Those weird random balls always work, I used a fast ball on the level 50 snorlax in crystal
When I was young, I thought Riolu was a water type.
It's a good thing I was quickly corrected.
Dive ball only works on dive Pokemon right? Not all water types
@@kildemal Dive Ball works on Pokémon that you find via surfing and fishing post Gen 3.
You're still right though
I was one of those kids who thought speed was based on how fast you could click the button. Child me couldn't possibly comprehend why Burgh's Leavanny would always go before my Patrat.
That shiny Floatzel thing isn’t a stupid moment, that’s just heartbreaking. We all been there.
Were the ev reducing berries a thing then? Because if so i would say that was pretty stupid idk tho since i started doing competitive in gen 7
@@obi-wankenobi8927 They were; I was thinking that very same thing when he said he HAD to do a full reset
I’ve played three games never happened (but I’ve also sadly never gotten a legit shiny random :/)
We all been EV training and found a shiny and gave up the shiny because you were too dumb to use the berries? Cannot relate
I’ve never EV trained once since I still don’t fully understand it and don’t really bother to. I’ve also never found a shiny in the wild.
Gotta admit, that Poke Doll Strat was genius
Ultimate cheese
I've done a couple of stupid things when I was a kid:
- I used my Master Ball on a Zapdos in my first complete run of Yellow. Encountering Mewtwo, I thought without the Master Ball you just couldn't catch it at all, so I killed it.
- I used to collect the official Pokemon stickers and had the book. In it, there was a misprint that indicated Farfetch'd evolves into Doduo (kinda like your Ditto-Eevee situation) so for a little while I believed that to be true
- When I first played Crystal and got to Morty's gym in Ecruteak, I tried to walk to him and kept getting teleported to the start not knowing it was a trick path. I thought I did something wrong in the game and it was broken so I deleted my save file and started again
- When I was playing Blue as a kid, I must have misread or not understood the Handbook and was convinced 'rare' meant like it does with the Legendaries, as in one and done. So, looking for a Pikachu in Viridian Forest which has a low encounter rate (so, rare) I tried to catch it but accidentally killed it. I thought I lost my chance to catch Pikachu forever and got super depressed
- and yeah, I've used a Master Ball on a Magikarp before
Ok don't be depressed, now you know, so just catch a Pikachu if you haven't already
I always thought that Pokémon would fit in a Pokeball with the same main colour as theirs, so I would get upset running into an Abra and not having any yellow Pokeballs
These are the 3 dumbest things I did as a kid
I found entei and raikou in the wild in HGSS as a kid, so I thought they were just regular wild Pokémon, because legendaries usually are static encounters, so I killed them.
I started having a temper tantrum because I thought my game was broken when I found a shiny tangela
My older brother gave me his Pokémon white as a hand me down, I knew what samurott’s design looked like but I didn’t remember his name, so when I got the copy, there were tons of transferred Pokémon from his Diamond, the main one of this story being his dialga, and I thought it was samurott so I thought there was nothing rare and reset the file. I wasn’t only stupid to junk his transferred Pokémon, but I also thought dialga was samurott
Brooo what the fudge😹😹😹
I know im like a year late but jesus christ
Bruhhh 😭💀
These are painful
Ok there is so much wrong with the last part... your older brother didn't transfer them back? What an idiot...
“I thought ditto evolved into eevee”
It’s fine I thought cryogonal evolved into absol
You think that's bad. I thought Noctowl evolved into Spiritomb!
I'm not joking!
@@스카페리온 You heard me!
I always thought that the baby bell evolved into hariyama pre-evolution
I never look in the Pokédex
For some reason as a little kid I thought you could only catch legendary with masterballs back in leaf green
Well, you technically weren't wrong.
Not in WaterBlue
@@JustSomeKittenwithaGun This may be a joke but there's no Waterblue
@@JustSomeKittenwithaGun a-are you serious
@@thereza3 Pokemon Mega-Emerald
In the original diamond and pearl, my friend and I were stuck at the same point in the story for a good month. We didnt realize you needed to talk to the galactic grunt by the safari zone 🤣
When I was younger, I thought Onix was the coolest thing ever (in large part due to the anime), and couldn't catch one for the life of me while playing Pokemon Yellow. So I did the natural thing of using my Master Ball to capture one, and practically never used it afterward.
I didnt know Steelix Is onix's evolution😑. I was really dumb
Same with the eggsecutioner for me and my friends laughed at me
I have an attention disorder, so I listen to videos while I play games to stimulate myself. Your voice is very relaxing, it's like a podcast.
Go get Haunter. I think you know why...
I don’t have attention disorder but I always have a animation channel in the background. Usually jaiden animations or the odd1sout
No you have a severed hand
Fettish.Edit: spelling mistake.
Probably the dumbest thing I've ever done as a kid is think that lowering a Pokémon's stats would increase its catch rate.
I don’t blame you though
same 😂 lower defense=better catch rate 😅😂
At least that was smarter than yelling into the mic every single day. I used to hold the belief that ushering a pokemon into the pokeball and being nice to it will make it go in. And if it doesn't go in after 20-30 tries, it should be murdered immediately.
i tought that too your not alone
Being stuck behind the pokemon center's counter for eternity with Nurse Joy sounds like Brock's dream
you get a pass, i believed farfetch’d evolved into doduo
Same here
I thought hitmonlee evolved into pinsir
@@giantmelon9025 how
@@thegarcias1136 pokedex numbers
You all get passes I thought marowak evolved to hitmonlee and hitmontop (also this was when gen 1 was the only one)
When I was a kid playing Pokemon Blue, everytime the opponent used a stat-lowering move, I thought the stat would stay lowered permanently. So I'd be freaking out while I'm playing thinking that my stats were so low and that it would take so long grinding before I could defeat any trainers
I thought something similar, I thought that they would stay lowered until you healed at a Pokémon center. When I was in the relic castle in Pokémon white, I kept running into krokoroks with intimidate and I thought my Pokémon's attack kept dropping
Me too actually. I kept freaking out when opponents used a stat lowering move lol
In my very first playthrough (granted I believe I was 8) I fainted every single legendary and the shiny Gyarados in the Lake of Rage, believing that you couldn't catch them and that they were bosses. I didn't find out you could catch them until after receiving the Masterball, and then I believed that you could only use that ball to catch one legendary per playthrough. I eventually realized you could catch whatever with whatever and started again. Also, once I learned you could catch the shiny Gyarados, I thought it was a one off, and knew nothing about shinies until I ran into my first ever legit shiny years later on the same file (Graveler, btw). I was confused, but then I learned about them, and now I shiny hunt. I played a lot of Crystal. A lot.
Pokémon crystal… GOOD. FUCKING. TIMES.
I used to ALWAYS play with just my starter and over level him. It wasn’t until my 2nd attempt at Pokémon Diamond that it might be a good idea to catch different Pokémon 😂. I would get so mad when I’d get to the 5th gym and be 15 levels above the leader and still get one shot because of typing (which I had no idea existed 💀) and never advancing so I’d just start over with a nee starter.
I used to think lowering a Pokemon’s defence made it easier to catch and was told that Horsea evolved into Seaking and Victini evolved from Celebi
to be fair: I’m always confusing the Horsea-evolutions with Seaking, because their names are so similar.
I remember holding my breath whenever I throw a pokeball or also trying not to move my Nintendo ds because I thought the Pokémon would escape 😂
During my playthrough of Pokemon black, I used my master ball on a Swadloon. I am dead serious. I have absolutely no idea why. But I still have it, and it is my most prized failiure.
Bro they are so common tho 💀💀💀 although, a swadloon in a master ball is probably completely unique outside of people who cheat lol
@Bowgart_Simp The using master ball on comon pokemon has got to be one of the moste comon mistakes for beginners. I can't remember exactley what it was ( could have bin a pikachu) but I did just that with my master ball first time.
Recently, I found a video I remember seeing when I was around 12 on "How to get Shiny Dialga & Shiny Palkia in Pokemon Black & White". As I didn't know at the time the video was fake, I actually fell for this. The description said I had to beat the Elite 4 & Champion with ONLY a Frillish (male for Dialga and female for Palkia) and that it had to be done in 20 minutes for it to work (starting from the moment I enter the area with the four paths to each E4 member). I would remember attempting to do it, but kept losing to Grimsley, as I didn't know much on the type chart. I even remember battling wild Purrloin to find out what Dark was weak to. Eventually, I do remember actually managing to beat the league with only a Frillish (of course I didn't get the Shiny Dialga after I did so).
Even worse about the Floatzel story: you could have just given them all berries (Tamato I think) to get rid of the EVs they gave you
If you’re gonna catch one of us, why wouldn’t you use a Master Ball?
Cuz ur epic
First of all that ’ll be waste of a master ball unless it’s a shiny
indeed why not
you evolve in to eevee
@@basimcool9278 yes
My cousin told me that there was a Pokémon in Pokémon white that would steal your levels, we both believed it.
Did he ever say what the name is?
@@seiikei no but I remember thinking that it could be Kyurem
@@dragicmagic9870 probably the best guess lol
Sounds more like demon souls, lol
The dumbest thing I did was believe in Minusle. It was a theory that you could breed plusle and minun together to get a Minusle. It was a gray color with one cheek being a plus and the other cheek being a Minus. The breeding pair needed to have held items, and know helping hands, low chance to breed of 1/50 eggs could be Minusle, etc.
There were rumors that it was a a hidden unintentional pokemon like the Mew spawn teleport glitch and Missingno in generation one. That's why it wasn't in the Pokedex. The sprites were very convincing, and this was in ruby sapphire, before the sprites moved like in emerald.
I bought it hook line an sinker, and attempted to breed them for weeks before id attempted all possibilities, and finished that section of the Pokedex.
This was in the early 2000s, before UA-cam existed, and internet hoaxes were much harder to disprove, plus I was a dumb kid.
I just tried looking it up, and it seems that the hoax has been washed from the surface web of Google, cants even find the hoax fanart sprites on image search.
I thought Geodude evolved into Onyx and that Graveler didn't exist and Golem was an entirely different pokemon.
Same. When watching my sister playing pearl I thought that onix was geodudes evolved form and later I found out about graveler was a thing
@@raptorboy5692 i never grew up with the games, i only watched the anime, and mainly kanto, orange islands, and johto so i never saw graveler, and when i saw blue's golem, i thought it was a random pokemon
RevineYT Blue is'nt even in the anime.
@@commandixnostalgia2321 gary, whatever
I have never related more with another person then this guy.
Not trying to be rude just letting you know you use than when comparing things
@@brandoncubell7362 stfu
@@futurized_ Dude, he was just trying to help.
@@ethnictendo he’s an annoying grammar nazi
@@futurized_ He literally said "not trying to be rude". He's just trying to help. How about you stop being an ass towards helpful people?
I thought diglett evolved into snorlax because he slept outside the diglett tunnel
And then gen4 comes and slaps munchlax on your face saying "this is the snorelax pre evo"
Maybe fried diglett is snorlaxs fave food
I thought onix was dugtrios evolution because onix came after dugtrio
I still remember my first shiny ever. A rattata in Johto near where you start in silver / gold. I can't recall my first ever dedicated "hunt" for a shiny though.They're more fun when they're random and just something you wouldn't expect
when i just got into poekmon my uncle gave me his old gameboy and his copy of yellow from like 7 years from when i became a fan and i thought the nugget was made of chicken not gold and tried to give snorlax a chicken nugget to wake it up
Dang and I thought me running away from a zaptos was dumb I ran because at the time pigeot was my favorite Pokémon I didn’t know is was a legendary I thought it just a bird and I only use pigeot more then my starter
Same but i Was playing leaf green
TheAuraGuardian: "I guess it's not as bad as wasting a master ball on a magikarp"
Alpharad: *Distant laughing*
who is alpharad
@@toneblocc A UA-cam who often does videos on Nintendo games.
@@toneblocc or just search it in UA-cam, is it really that hard
@@toneblocc internet funnyman
I remember I got told by a kid at school recess that holding your console upside down and holding a while catching a pokemon would increase the chances of a successful catch. I used this for about a year before another kid in the playground said that holding a and b at the same time did it. Then I did both of those, and then after a few months of that, I told a kid 2 grades above me about it, and they said "Dude, are you stupid?"
I had a stroke reading that first sentence
@@koac3978 ???
no need to have a stroke, you just lack reading comprehension @@koac3978
So I also caught a Ditto with a master ball. The reason was I heard a rumor that because ditto is basically a liquid it could seep though the edges of any other ball and escape. It’s interesting to hear that false rumor was more wide spread.
What's messed up, is that even though I know that tapping A+B together repeatedly (that was our way) doesn't help your catch chance at all, my muscle memory kicks in every time an I still do it to this day. It's been fifteen years since I found out it's pointless to do so.
Preach it my brother. XD
sort of unrelated but there was this game on the dsi called crystal monsters and to catch the monsters you basically had to slam your A key as fast as possible. this carried over into pokemon for me and to this day my DSI's A key is broken
@@phoenixelysia I played that. I know what you mean.
I feel this when Red and Blue first came out i was told that if you tap or hold the A+B buttons it would help you catch them better. I still do this till this with Sw and Sh even though I know it doesn't work
When I was playing Pokémon yellow as a kid, I remembered thinking that Ash’s team was the strongest because the anime says so. Hence I used the same team as Ash in my playthroughs. I only know better when my brother tell me that Ash’s Pokémon is not that strong lol
The dumbest thing I've ever done is using a roto boost in Ultrasun on my Contrary Malamar TWICE
And that's when I wasn't a kid
How unfortunate.
I don't know what Roto Boost does, but I assume it boosts stats in-battle.
@@robertlupa8273 yes normally you would get a omi boost
I did that once, forgot about its ability. Oh well, still ended up winning that battle.
One time when I was hunting Pokémon as a kid, really at night. I saw a Kadabra that looked really weird, color wise. So I figured there it was a glitch, and promptly restarted the game. Only then did I remember that shinies are a thing.
When I was younger I thought geodude evolved into onix. Yes, a floating rock with arms evolving into a rock snake, losing its arms
Not that different from Snivy evolving into Serperior
Honestly who didn't think that man
Thank god i was not the only one
Me too
It doesn't even have the excuse of hiding the arms like Serperior does, which makes your younger self even worse at this.
When I played my first Pokemon game (Pearl), I thought that the stat lowering and raising animation was a shield that protected me from damage.
I thought the same thing but with Pokémon Stadium, since I didn't have a very high English level and combined with the animation, I thought a defensive barrier was coming down from somewhere to protect my Pokémon.
In Pokemon Crystal, I thought Mantine was a legendary, so I used my masterball on it. And then when I went on and fought the ACTUAL legendaries, I defeated them all without even attempting to catch them and gloated that all my Pokemon were stronger than them, to which my best friend just shook his head and sighed.
Same. Not with the Mantine, but same.
i forgot to mention that I also fainted the red gyarados on purpose, because i thought it was extra special and strong and i gloated about killing that too. the next time i ever found a shiny in any game ever was NEARLY 15 YEARS LATER in X when i randomly encountered a shiny durant.
6:06 This is part of the reason I used super training in gen6, on top of not being rng reliant, so it would usually be faster anyways. Too bad you forgot about the friendship berries lowering EVs.
But wait you said you threw a poke doll to avoid the marowak ghost that’s actually genius
Speedrun strats
*laughs in glitch*
i named my cat pikachu, before discovering that pikachu was a mouse.
but in my defence, my 7-8 year old brain thought pikachu was a fitting name for a cat
My 1 year old cat is named pikachu and i've been pretty aware for the past 22 years that pikachu is a mouse :P
@@gillesletourneau8093 pikachu is a pika not a mouse
@@beavers123Gaming exactly
Somehow my 9 yr old brain loves to lose to Leon
Its a fantastic name for a cat only if u train it to rest on ur sholder though
That moment you release that Charizard can learn Solar Beam but literally everyone going against Squirtle learning Razor Leaf.
Just like how Pansear can learn Solar Beam but everyone is against Panpour learning razor leaf.
@@ze-prestooo Oh I see what they meant
Well solarbeam uses sunlight so it makes sense for fire types to learn it
@@fst-biggie5056 no it doesn't as solar beam is technically photosynthesis for plants/grass so technically it doesn't make sense for fire types like Torkoal and Charizard to learn Solar beam or other grass type moves.
I thought special attack and defense were the backup stats in case your opponents lowered your regular attack and defense to the point where it said "----'s Defense can't go any lower!" but I was confident in my starter so I fed him special attack and defense-lowering berries to be best friends