On top of it, over time, money degrades in worth, such as the following: Value of $10,000 from 1970 to 2024 $10,000 in 1970 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $79,058.25 today, an increase of $69,058.25 over 54 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.90% per year between 1970 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 690.58%.
You could only buy a house for $20k at the start of the decade, and only in a place with no jobs. If you wanted to live somewhere you could find a job, by the end of the decade houses were over $100k.
Asmon completely misunderstood the guy. He wasnt talking about the people who fuck up, hes talking about the people who did everything that was considered "right" yet end up coming out of it into a job that pays nothing, student loans that wrack up interest which they took because the lie convinced them that college was worth it, and housing costs that are simple atrocious when they believed the lie that buying a house would be simple once they have a job.
Student loans when you take loans to get a degree in something that doesn't make money make it so you can't pay it back. Many doctor, nurse, engineer, business owner friends with degrees all paid their loans back easily because they didn't get a degree in something that doesn't make a good career.
He probably has to do that to subconsciously protect his ego. For someone like him, it’s probably crazy to imagine anyone who actually tried and failed, because he never tried. He’s an example of someone with no experience within the system trying to chastise people, or saying they didn’t try hard enough. Boomer take.
He goes into defensive mode on these kind of topics because he knows that if he didn't smash his head against the table for views he would be working at the gas station or McDonlads.
@@jermss7624 Actually that's incorrect. Everyone, especially doctors, are in the hole for YEARS after they leave college and their debt is a major impediment to them starting their own practices as a result which has been a net negative for the american healthcare system.
welcome to the jungle, you can do everything right and still get hunted down. we still live in a jungle, just a different type of jungle, concrete, but the survival part is the same since the start of civilization.
You look at people that did nothing and got nothing but there are people that did nothing and got something and people that did a lot and got nothing. You are looking only on one end of the spectrum to prove a point. I know a lot of people that did the best in life and still got nothing because it's impossible for everyone to be successful in life. Because in our society success is only financial BTW I'm the proof of someone that did the bare minimum and got a lot in return. That doesn't make me special, it makes me lucky and I don't need to brag that I'm smarter and a winner to other that didn't have the same luck
none of what you're saying matters though. life is unfair, some have it better than others, that's just reality. the point is that either you can cry about it and do nothing or you can take action in the confines that are available to you. focus on working on the areas you can actually control in a tangible fashion, and if you don't know what those are, go find out! blaming society is about as good as screaming into the void, it does nothing for the majority of people. hell, if you really want to blame society, become a politician and build your platform around these issues. some people get dealt a shit hand but you need to make the best of the cards you got dealt.
This right here is the elephant in teh room that Asmon refuses to see. It's not that it's impossible to do well in this economy, it's that it's MUCH harder to attain even a fraction of the standard of living that people had 50 years ago.
Asmon is missing the point of what the guy in the video is saying in the first few minutes. The guy is saying that we were told working hard was suppose to lead you 1: a house, 2: a family, 3: retirement. That, in and of itself, is a lie. Housing is out of the price range of the majority of Millenials; not being able to financially provide for yourself means you cannot provide for a potential family, which means we're having fewer kids on average; and we're struggling to save any kind of money at all, even so far as living paycheque to paycheque. And it's a global problem. What we're seeing is that the even though the class system was supposed to be abolished, there are still nobles and commoners. And guess who the commoners are.
He hasn't missed the point. He's purposely ignoring it. He can talk all he wants, but I have plenty of friends with degrees and are working jobs that don't reflect their education. I bet you he also knows the job market is shit and there's high competition but he probably ignores it too because it doesn't suit his points about poor people.
Seems more like a loser problem tbh, and losers have always had this problem regardless of generation. My fiancé and I are 26 and have no issues buying a house, starting a family, having healthy retirements accounts. This is because we've worked hard for our careers and don't blame others for our shortcomings. We've worked within the system and it's delivered on its promises. Obviously some people will just be unlucky and get fucked over, but I think generally the standard template for life, at least here in America, leads to a comfortable and respectable life. Every generation has its own obstacles and challenges. I think this constant doomer-ing about how everything sucks is a mind poison and leads many people to throw in the towel when things would just work out for them otherwise. Maybe look in the mirror instead of at society to solve your problems.
Yeah he's not looking at things in aggregate. He's providing anecdotes of some losers he knows who don't have anything because they didn't put the work in and extends that analogy to EVERYONE else, classic Fundamental Attribution Error. He's completely bought into the lie of American Exceptionalism because he was fortunate enough to be successful and thinks he did it all by his own virtue. He doesn't realize his privilege or the random chance that put him in his position, and thinks that position qualifies him to say anything about a system he's functionally been removed from. As for a class system, the disparity WAS a lot smaller during the Boomers' prime years but rampant capitalism and Friedman/Reagan economics (the enrichment of the shareholder above all other priorities) sold out the prosperity of anyone who was born in the Eighties or later with the creation of an economic aristocracy.
5 mins in an Amson has decided that "personal responsibility" is why people can't afford houses. Sorry bro - realize you got lucky and while some of your friends are fuck ups - There is 40+ years of wage devaluation and business trends screwing over employees (this has already been proven).
Exactly but asmon has never had to face this reality. He got lucky on youtube/twitch and never had to leave his mothers house and face the reality of renting and feeding himself
@@Rägarded The value of properties is relative to the job opportunities surrounding them. Anyone can buy a home in bumfuck nowhere but unless you've also secured a work from home job and highspeed internet (which doesn't exist in bumfuck nowhere) you're not getting an income which makes living remote economically viable.
Not to mention the classic "They did bad in school as kids so they are losers now" as if that literal child should be responsible for how a school treats them, how their parents treat them and their living situation. So many people like Asmon regularly talk about how bad schools are and how there are so many single parents and how that's bad for kids. But when it comes to looking at the repercussions of those problems, it's somehow always that persons fault they ended up how they are even though they had zero agency over their parents and family and were educated poorly by schools that constantly fail to teach. Of course there has to be some level of personal responsibility, but not everyone is an only child who had two present and caring parents and never had to leave home. Some people aren't that lucky. EDIT: Point is how can you claim stuff like that isn't a failing of "Society". When all those things are the very fabric of what makes up society.
Yes - his bias was transparent to the point of making me laugh. See, for his own success to be worth so much, it must be the case that it was all a product of sweat and effort. All lack of success is a result of laziness. His mindset strokes his own ego. Very convenient to have as a person in his situation but also dead wrong.
Maybe I'm just high, hearing Asmon talk about avocados just got me thinking... I think it's pretty cool that trees and bushes were like "shit brother, I can't move! How am I supposed to make kids that won't compete with me for sunlight?" And genetics said "Worry not you strange s*x fingered wood boi! if you smell nice to bugs, and you grow these little flesh pods, weirder creatures will come an eat them and then poop all the seeds around the forest!" Then the trees asked, "but, if I can't move, how will I take care of these children if they are scattered far and wide??!" And then the little nerdy mushrooms popped up and were like "heeeey dude, don't worry about it, we just invented the internet underground. If you pay us in nutrients, we'll connect you to the internet so you can join Barkbook and then you can connect with your kids no matter where they are!" Humans are the new tree.
Four years ago I bought a house. Three weeks ago I was talking to a friend, who was also looking to buy a house. Mortgage payments calculated for a similar one as mine were over four times higher than mine. He makes almost double of what I am and have a wife making about what I am and they concluded that they can't afford it. Both the price and interest rate was much higher. Not living in USA btw. Asmon may be surprised, but somehow it didn't feel right to call them loosers for that. Same thing happens over decades and sometimes leaps forward in the crisis, but it never goes back.
you bought close to the low point of interest rates, possibly 2%. its 7% now. dont act so surprised, and dont go looking for a house in the next year or so either lol
Why in the world would you think that asmon was specifically calling your friend a loser on the condition that he can't afford to buy the house he wants in the area he wants right now? That you even made that jump is crazy to me. I truly don't understand. Your comments are so off topic. The only people asmon was calling losers are people who don't do shit for themselves except for complain about how their shitty personal circumstances are entirely someone else's fault. You just said your friend makes twice as much as you, and made the personal financial decision to wait to purchase a house. Are those two circumstances the same in your brain? Do you struggle to find the differences here? Surely you get it now. I don't have to keep giving you such a hard time about it.
@@ClowdyHowdy The issue of what are people disillusioned about and what I think Amon doesn't understand isn't simply "I can't afford what I want" but more "I'm doing the same as them, yet I can't afford what they could." So I don't think my story is off-topic, it's just more pronounced version of the same, as it happened much quicker. In general, people now have much harder time to afford housing, in USA to pay their college debts etc. Problem with calling someone looser in this situation, even people who just "don't do shit for themselves except for complain" is that there are many older people also didn't do anything else, yet were able to afford living at much higher standart then now. Seeing this, I can feel with them for thinking it's someone else's fault. At 11:30 Asmon said "If I had actual lense into your life, I could see exactly how it's your fault. Absolutely. And I think that it's the case 9 out of 10 times." as a response to comment about not being able to fix economic issues with more effort. I gave an example when it is not the case, and I am convinced it also isn't just the 1/10 case. Of course you can always find something that someone can do differently - don't wish for such house, find another job, start own company, learn programming. But again, source of disappointment is the comparison of rewards between the people, who did the same, only by chance few years earlier, not just being unable to afford something.
I love how Asmon keeps flipflopping between "I just sit AFK in a conference calls while farming in a game" when its a flex and "I work all day running an entire company" when it's convenient for his argument
I say the same thing to my friends, "I sit afk in meetings", "I watch UA-cam instead of working", etc. In reality, I contribute a great deal to my company and get my work done while leading my team. Asmongold doesn't get to where he is without doing several things right. He's obviously working, just not in a traditional hourly wage sense
@@arcanine_059 notice how it's never "I had to finalize a budget for x company this week", etc. or anything with an ounce of specificity. It's only "I had meetings." Be real, he used his twitch/youtube money to hire people to create/run his companies and he just sits in meetings for final approvals. All OTK founders have mentioned that this is how OTK was formed; where Tipsout, the only one with a traditional career background, did everything business related and everyone else just signed the paperwork/checks. Why would it be different with his other companies? His tour of Starforge showed he didn't have a clue how the operation was structured at even a macro scale. You're telling me an involved CEO of a newly formed company wouldn't even know the different departments?
That and the fact that mortgage rates went up by 4%. Inflation is the highest its been since the recession. Food prices up drastically due to diesel prices. I like asmon for video games but a guy who's lived in the same house since birth, never moved and only ever had part time jobs whilst living in his moms attic isn't exactly the guy anyone should take irl advice from.
My favorite is the complaint that we waste her money but then when we stopped buying the stuff then they blame the younger generation for why businesses are closing down because young people don't really care about diamonds they're making their own coffee at home lol
This is the worst take I think he's had in a long long time. We went to college, we worked hard. We were supposed to get the bag, be able to afford to raise families... and we just can't. I didn't get some trash liberal arts degree... I went into STEM like everyone told me to do. I have to yet, 10 years into to my profession, find a job with fair compensation. I can't afford a home, I can't afford children. The fact is, my grandparents could afford a house and 2 cars, and to raise 5 kids, and send them to college off of his McDonald's manager salary... I can't even reach a CRUMB of that level of prosperity.
Yeah whole friend group, families, goverment is promoting and doing propaganda for you to waste your youth in school. But it's your fault that you listened to your family, friends, friend's parents and goverment and didn't decide to go your own way when you were a minor. Everything is our fault guys. Don't you get it? He is the best, we are losers.
And to fund their pensions the boomer politicians substitute you with masses of foreigners which drives up the housing prices even more. It would be funny if it were not this evil.
you are 100% right its bullshit. he chose a bad opportunity to speak to this. im sure you know, what hes saying is being a whiner wont fix it. and hes 100% right.
"Rent has spiraled out of control, minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation for 30 years, investors are driving house prices out of everyone's reach." "YEAH, but some people are fuckups!" what a worthless take
Asmon always shows his whole ass when he tries to talk about the struggle of the everyman. He's completely disconnected from what everyday people go through.
What does "society's fault" mean though? How is society supposed to fix your problems? Asmon is right that no one is going to save us except ourselves.
It would help a lot if society would stop screwing up constantly. Affordable food, housing and bills, fair pay for work... Is that really so much to ask for? @@myheartspits
Lmao and we have college grads who are in 150k of debt working at Starbucks but somehow that degree gives them credibility 😂 nice buddy. Cry about the economy some more, it might work this time.
A couple of points that Asmon missed - big time. 1. The internet has caused a literally unprecedented shift in the type and amount of information available to us. You may think that this level of anger is normal. It's not. This is the first time that a new generation is WORSE off than the last. Actual working people are furious about this. 2. The West is more educated than ever, and technology is more complicated than ever. We now compete with AI. Shareholder greed has us working longer hours than last gen. When Asmon shoehorns stuff in about laziness, it's psuedo. We know some people are lazy. Get off of it. The REST of the evidence is too damning. Everyone I know talks about and agrees with the causes for these problems. I work in engineering. How the fuck are you calling us lazy, streamer?
When did he call you lazy? His point was that nobody is going to fix your problems for you, you need to take action yourself. Shit might suck but either you try doing something about it or you accept defeat. Some people have it better than others for sure but it fundamentally does not matter how or why that is or if it's morally correct. If you self-identified yourself to be lazy when it was used as an example, chances are it's for a reason
@@OrchidAlloy what do his qualifications have to do with what he chooses to get insulted by? I can't see how would you derive "asmon called us lazy" from this video without making the jump yourself proactively, and if that's the case, then surely it's not for no reason.
Egg-fuckin-xactly. It's a complete superhero complex to assume no one gives a shit with what they complain about. "Work harder" isn't translation for "take power over your life" like some think, it's translation for "go back to the streets and stop speaking".
The world has and will always have countless variables impeding success. There will be the privileged and underprivileged. But there will always be those who succeed against incredible odds, and those people are those who 'acted', who acted when they saw that poverty was 20 fold what it was, rent was 100 fold what it was, and pay was 1/10th what it was before. The key factor is to act, if you want your own life to change. The world can't change for you, only you can change and adapt to the world.
Asmongold can't admit he's become disconnected from the average person because he's rich AF. This is standard mentality when someone who's poor becomes rich.
No...hahaha...he's absoluetly right. People now-a-days are lazy af and blame everything on society. Every person is responsible for their actions and consequences.
it's a natural thing it seems like... once ppl have money, they get used to it and they can't seem to remember not having money or put themselves in the shoes of someone that does not have the money that he has but only can say : oh he's a loser.. he takes for granted that he is lucky he got wealthy doing what he likes.. playing games.
Most problems ive seen are lack of work ethic, going to college but for stupid/useless/low paying job or bad spending habits. I know many people that go to wish and like "oh, but its only $5, its not that much!" but they do that a few times a week. They get coffee from starbucks which is now $8 for a lrg. They eat out often which is like $13-20/person. There are situations that you can find and force to be in to work. Theres house lots near me, no house, but lots of land for $25k for half acre. Its not much but for $25k to own the land you can then spend like $10k and get one of those small prebuilt houses installed. For about $50k you can pretty much buy land, get a small house on it and get utilities or whatever else you need set up. Is it fun and easy? No, but its possible. You cant want to live in the heart of LA though working at mcdonalds.
@@mrboy5283 hes not being real, hes blind to the modern plight of ruined economics. the cost of living is increasing in an alarming rate and have been for the last few decades, while the income increase is nowhere near the same level. owning a home and raising a family just isn't economically feasible for the average person today. and asmon completely ignores this and boils it down to personal responsibility
@emptyforrest I know what you are saying and Asmon never said anything to the opposite of what you are saying. This is something I try to do and it is always positive. Stop for a moment and get ready to think. Now, take yourself out of your environment. If you struggle to do that then that's normal. Now, take yourself out of the environment. Okay you can think somewhat objectively now. What can an individual do to improve the situation we have momentarily separated ourselves from? At this point, whatever you come up with is at the very least productive thought.
@@mrboy5283 what's the average price of a house again? and the average wage? want to compare those numbers to 20, 30, 40 years ago? how about it, I've got lots of numbers and none of them point to "people are just not working HARD enough".
@@emptyforrestLife does not automatically give you the right of due compensation. You don’t deserve a house and a car and children just because you are living being. You still have to make the better decisions, acquire desirable skillsets, build beneficial social connections, and make plenty of sacrifices to get what you “want.” A place to live is a “need,” but a house is not a “need.” A 2017 used car isn’t a “need,” but perhaps the buss pass is, if bicycling or mopeds aren’t an option.
The point is that the previous generation didn’t have to focus on doing well in school or going to college, could go to work and afford a house and a family off of two incomes, or even one income a bit further back. Now you can do super well in school and go to college, and it is still a constant struggle. If you don’t do those things, it is a guaranteed struggle unless you seek opportunity outside of the traditional economy. Not everyone in the country can be a STEM major, electrician, streamer, or influencer. There are other roles in the economy that HAVE to be filled by necessity. People, most people, have to work average or mundane jobs. My grandpa bought a house, paid it off, and supported a family of seven with a nice quality of life on his sole income… off of navy benefits and a job at RadioShack, and later as an airport luggage person. He was not considered a loser. Someone with a RadioShack job today, barely affording rent, bills and food, would be considered a loser who “didn’t do enough.”
You can tell when someone was raised with a silver spoon. Both of my parents were addicted to meth since I was 13 years old. By 16 my brother and I were homeless and my parents would roam the streets like zombies not being seen for weeks. School became almost irrelevant when you are unsure of where you will be sleeping or if you are going to have a meal that day. I began working at Walmart the day I turned 18 and have been grinding ever since. Now at 36 I'm finally earning what used to be considered a substantial wage but the average price of a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment is around 2 grand per month. So I can either choose to live alone and severely kneecap my ability to save which makes the possibility of buying in the future much more difficult. Or I rent a bedroom for 800 a month and hope the economy doesn't keep moving in the same direction so that one day I can have a home of my own. Now please excuse me while I go work another 100 hour work week while you call people lazy from your computer desk.
And few comments ago you earned 120k$ a year and spend 50% of your income on rent. So save up that soggy made up story. There are more options in your story too. You are not feudal peasant that is welded to your district.
Not being raised with the yeast at the bottom of the barrel does not make one some spoiled brat who never knew hardship. It just means you were exceptionally fucked by the draw of life, and that sucks dude. Your parents garbage decisions put you in a shit position to take on life. I wish you luck. A lot of what Asmon is saying here can still be used and applied by most people though. There’s issues in the system and that’s worth trying to resolve, certainly. We can still take responsibility for what we can and pull ourselves up though. It beats just resigning ourselves to victimhood.
Yep. Those van lifers are, to a large extent, frauds. I shudder to think how many people they've convinced to put all their money into a van and sleep in the Walmart parking lot. That's a tough life unless you have one of those rare, golden "remote only" jobs that pay six figures.
I've got friends that were gonna live in a bus before some health complications arose. They worked and saved up and renovated the interior to be really nice. They spent most of thier savings to do it, but they thought the proce was worth it because they would only have to pay for gas, internet and food. They both worked remote jobs that would've covered those costs with enough for leisure. The main reason they seem wealthy is because they significantly reduce their costs by living as such. Unfortunately it doesn't work so well in families with kids, so it's not an option for everyone.
Vans are lowkey ridiculous because the vanlifers bought them all then to get a van today its like 100K for the Sprinter 50K for the remodeling, its really not for bums anymore like people say.
@@EsperagonChannel I think they're more-so talking about the people buying the $200k fully decked out Sprinter vans. You can buy an old school bus and remodel it fairly cheap if you are doing the work yourself, so that's not really a surprise. But the people that are spending the equivalent of a mortgage on a van, and then posting UA-cam videos of their "perfect life" while waking up at the beach every day is what a majority of "van life" has become.
@@Freznosis Ah yeah I can see how that becomes an issue of indulgence then. My friends bought an old bus used for transportation between hospitals (I believe) so they did get quite a deal on it too.
As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere, there is a scale. No, we don't pay as much as someone in LA does for a house, but we don't make the same amount of money, have to travel for everything (hospitals, groceries, etc), pay more for less service (internet, gas), the jobs available are part time with no benefits at the minimum wage that is not 20$/hr, etc. The houses we can afford are rundown and in disrepair, and it is more expensive/difficult to get those repairs done. It's definitely different in many ways, but it's also very similar.
10 years ago this was true. But in the past few years there are so many remote jobs now. You can earn that LA or NYC money online and still live cheaply, best of both worlds.
@@GurtGobain It's still true where I live. How is someone who can't afford groceries going to afford a computer? Not to mention, remote work is being phased out around the country; lots of people are being recalled into the office from their remote homes at least once a week. It may not be true where you live, but this is not the case for my location.
My dad had less education and earned much less than me, and was able to afford a house and 2 apartments in his lifetime whilst supporting a family of 4. He earned around 5k per month and went on regular vacations. He worked as a heavy machinery mechanic. I am a self-employed engineer and make around 10-14k per month, and It took me 6 years of saving like a madman (no vacations) with my wife to buy my first apartment in the suburbs for around 300k. Imagine if I had my dad's salary, I would have been renting for life. Most people nowadays who don't make this salary will be slaves, and it's not their fault. People don't understand that it doesn't matter how hard you work if the system is rigged and the system is rigged. Inflation makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Even if my salary doubles in a decade, the prices will destroy my income.
You're father had little formal education. But, you shouldn't for a single minute think that a heavy equipment mechanic is not very smart. They were very well paid in your fathers time and they're very well paid today. And they're crying for people. All of the trades are.
@@mikebailey9566 I never said my father wasn't smart. Being educated and being smart are two different things. I know people who have 2 PHD's in culture and gender studies. Trust me, they aren't smart.
My dad worked as a car mechanic from 16 to 50, tried to make his own business, employed dozens of people over the years and worked day in and day out all this time. Today he's making deliveries, has no retirement money, has no house, our car is 20 years old and there's no perspective we can change that. His business went belly up due to the government's obscene taxation policies in Brazil and the country in general kills 80 to 90% of the new businesses in half a decade. I don't know how things work up there but here our education system only cares about one thing, the ability to memorize shit from elementary scholl all the way up to uni. My parents wasted thousands of dollars and I wasted a decade of my life on a system that was teaching me to memorize and forget right after with the hope of getting superior education. On paper we have universal free healthcare, reality is that if anyone on my family gets sick, we're more likely to die laying down on the floor in a public hospital. The one right call my parents made was to force me to study english and for this one choice now I have a remote job overseas which gives me the same amount of money that my dad working full time delivering food. My family makes around 10 times the minimum wage, we don't get shit from the government and still barely make the ends meet every month. In my country, I'm in the 10% richest percentile and still I cannot get sick or take a break without facing severe consequences. Sure, if you try real hard you can make it and honestly unlike most people I do not resent successfull people, but the problem is that being miserable has become the norm to most people and saying "all you need to do is to try harder" to someone that's already over the edge is offensive. I'm fine with winners winning and losers losing, on the other hand, humiliating people that lost and saying they deserved the life they've got just because you think they didn't try hard enough is disgusting. I don't need any pity or help, I just need a world where the bare minimum is enough to live instead of surviving.
My brother, we are just fucked by our governments. Over there in the US prices are cheaper in rural areas, services, groceries, property too. If you can work remotely then you can move to less populated places with bigger and cheaper housing, with the possibility to even grow your own food or animals, which only need a small amount of your time in a small scale. In the US if you work hard and put effort you can start your own business and thrive. All of the people who i know have small business in the USA lost a ton during the lockdowns, but they bounced back up once the economy restarted. People who disagree and live in the US are just trapped in the mentality of infinite growth, into believing they need all the stuff they buy and pay for, into believing they just have to do all those outings or buying all those expensive toys, clothes, food, whatever else they think they need. It's not that there is a lack of jobs, there is a lack of workers and a few companies that exploit their workers. In the US is a whole mixed can of worms, but it's overall the same brainrot worldwide. If you can afford to live in the city, by all means due so, but in this day and age you don't need to live in the city, you can live in the countryside and still make it, you just have to give up your toys, leave the consumer life. Over here in South America we are just fucked no matter where we live because our govt has stolen everything from us and keeps stealing. Our people have been brainwashed into thinking we need to be completely dependant on the government for everything, we have been conditioned to ask for help and oney from the govt, when in fact, everybody forgets that money you are given, is taken from everybody else's and your own taxes. It's not free. This is way more appreciated in countries like South Korea or Japan, where people have become extreme consumers, they consume so much and desire so much to live where everyone else is living, they want to do all these trending things and try all the stuff the famous people or influencers do, so the demand is insanely high and the prices are extremely high because of that. It's gotten so bad their countries are giving them money to go back to the smaller towns and populate them, but they don't think of their children, they think of the here and now, no future planning, everyone wants instant gratification, so they don't move to towns and populate them to turn them into cities of their own, instead of trying to compete so hard in an overpopulated area.
While I sympathize with your situation, based on what you wrote I don't think you watched the entire video. If you did, you either weren't paying attention or for some reason didn't understand Zack's message.
@@positrack99 Maybe it's different in US but in EU... I work a healthy 40 hours a week. Literally average income. Would have to work for 8 years to buy a 40 square meter apartment. Ofc 8 years of saving up ALL 100% of the income. Definitely not fucked at all xd
The numbers don’t lie, things are fucked out here. The prices of everything are up and wages have hardly moved at all. The risk is greater than ever for making a mistake, and I think that’s why people feel such hopelessness.
People should be taught economics and finance in high school to understand how the world moving around them without having a secret society being behind it. There are less and less places in the world to exploit while Western society is more lazier while more demanding, therefore its much easier to taking those overpaid jobs to somewhere Asia where they happy to work twice as hard for quarter of your sallary. There is so much technology built into our everyday life for very affordable prices due to the fact they manufacture in Asia and mining minerals using technically slave labour in Africa. This is the exchange of globalisation and society due to politics and burocracy fail to adapt as fast as technology changing our life. The same time you have 70 80 year old politicians driving policies who are not in touch with reality. The problem is a combination of many things but you can either freeze like a deer or focus on your own life and make the system work for you, however it is its more beneficial if you looking for solutions than pointing fingers.
so what will statistically lead you to success, lying down in your bed and thinking everything is hopeless or going out there and trying? yes it is harder for us than earlier generations, yes the economy is shit, yes the country is flooding with foreign criminals but YOUR life won't improve by saying everything is shit and giving up
Yeah I think this video shows exactly how out of touch the addict in mom's attic is. Never forget how he betrayed her the moment she died and told the whole world every last detail of negativity he saw in her for clicks. Such loyalty after allowing him to be a loser who couldn't make his way into the world.
I've been in school for 20 years. I've been at the top of my class multiple times. I've always had a scholarship. I have completed a PhD programme and am now a doctor. There is currently no job available that matches my level of education in terms of the salary offered. On top of that, if I wanted to become a university teacher, which is decent money but not great, I'd have to do a second research paper just as extensive and complex as my PhD, while also teaching almost as much as a regular teacher during the week. No, sometimes, life fucks you over no matter how hard you work. And you know what? Now I'm at the lowest point, mentally speaking, I've ever been in my life, which means I have next to no drive to do anything and no money to seek therapy, despite desperately wanting to.
You are correct. Life will always screw you over no matter how hard you work. It'll screw you even harder if you give up. Failure is just part of life and so is learning from it. You'll figure out something if you keep looking (I know that sound cheesy, but I wanted to offer words of encouragement.)
You worked really hard and your absolute accomplishments are amazing. I just finished a Master's degree and I would love to go and get a PhD but I'm almost 30 and feels like a stretch at my age. I worry these programs won't accept me and people like you with a massive curve will always beat me in that game
Wow imagine being a doctor and complaining because the better-than-average pay you’re being offered isn’t good enough. No one cares that you went to school for 20 years. Tell that to a guy who’s been roofing for 40 and will never see the money you could. Asmon is so 100% on point with what he said and everyone in the comments just plays themself because they cant see how good their own life is. Asmon was 110% correct.
You sure judge people a lot for a guy who never left the same house he grew up in, never ventured to a new town or city, probably never paid rent in your life or tried start a new life. All your money doesn’t change the fact that when people look at you, they see a bum.
@myrichardinyoumyrich9743 Me risking my life daily to secure metal goods at harbour for shipment overseas getting guilthtripped by rich streamer. If anything is lazy, its his argument.
Another way for someone to make themselves look good, otherwise their channel would be dead if they took the alternative perspective. Asmon only has accepted his situation yet will project it as a bad thing for people who aren’t comfortable where they are.
I usually agree with Asmon but man someone who got famous for looking goofy who played WoW and is now a millionaire is crazy to hear him trying to rationalize the normal person’s struggle is kinda crazy 😂👀 Zack is part of the 1% no matter how much he tries to act like he relates to the bottom 99%… I like him but when wealthy ppl trying to tell the average person how to feel needs to be questioned.
@@MD-yd8lhThis isn’t me saying millennials make their own mistakes but there are problems he just won’t understand. Let’s not get it twisted my life is fine and some of the things he says in this video are true. However most of the issues were created by our parents who took out predatory student loans when we were 16 years old with no concept of money, also had schools PROMISING a job would be on the other side which the financial crisis took away.
He's just saying you can overcome that shit, and I agree with him. I'm an immigrant who was lucky enough to come to the U.S. and eventually earn my citizenship. I came here with nothing, and now I get sit around my nice house and watch Asmon and play games all day. Yeah, we have issues in our country, but if you try, you can overcome them. I mean, I fucking did.
@@SethV0812problem is most guys in this comment section of the video run their mouths not their brains and muscles to make up for their mistakes in life at get back on track.
The survivorship bias is off the charts. Just imagine this conversation on slavery. "You are not going to end slavery. All you can do is accept it and work the hardest you can to become free. If you can't achieve freedom, it's your fault. It's not the fault of society to to make you free."
I had seen so many W takes from Asmon recently that I thought my memories of his unhinged and braindead takes were just false memories. Turns out he was just on a streak of good takes and he's still very capable of being dumb. Edit: how people are defending the economy when the numbers support assertions about the poor state it's in is crazy. Prices go up while wages barely raise as well. The buying power of your dollar tanks, your employer doesn't even try to compensate for it, yet it's still somehow worth defending this shit show we call an economy. Are there ways to earn enough that this isn't true for you? Of course. However you get blinded by the success stories and can't see the swathes of failure stories that follow. If you look back in time you can see where a single person could support their entire family on a fairly average wage. Today you can barely support yourself (if you actually can) on a typical wage. Wages are shit, the housing market is shit, inflation is shit, businesses are shit, yet somehow there are people looking at the situation and claim it's fine. I managed to escape the bottom of the barrel, but I'm not so arrogant as to think there's room for everyone up here. There are ways to not be completely impoverished, but there's hardly enough room for everyone and that's a sign of issues. If the solution to escaping your financial woes is to move up the ladder that's already a dead end idea, the whole population can't be managers if there's no one to manage. Higher scarcity jobs can't be the solution since by their nature there are far fewer opportunities for the average person. You can't even use the solution of moving to better areas since, again, there are a limited number of jobs. You need it to where the minimum wage is a livable wage, but it simply isn't. It's true that the situation is extremely complicated and nearly impossible to solve, but that doesn't make it any less dire.
The Trump stuff, the piss poor AI art takes, I just wish he would stay in his comfort zone instead of alienating everyone, with sh he doesn't even know about.
Biggest disagreement of all time for me. Never get triggered when I disagree but this was brutal! Man kept flip flopping. His ending point was change your self not society, if it doesn’t work out give up…..like bruh wtf. Says Martin Luther king changed his self so much it essentially flowed through others and created a movement
You guys, uhh, this is normal thinking. If you fight hard you'll have a chance to win, and if you don't fight at all you'll for sure lose. Why is this so hard to understand..?
@@ericomfg Boy you're 14, life is more complex than a karate analogy. But maybe this will help you, Imagine fighting a 6'5 275 pound of muscle and calling it fair... That's what Asmon is doing. You can fight hard you aren't doing shit tho little man. Does that make more sense or do I have to break that down too?
So Asmon basically thinks anyone who works an unskilled job deserves to live in poverty. If you work full time hours ANYWHERE and don't piss away your money, you should be able to live a comfortable life. That is not true anymore.
25% of people living in the US today were born somewhere else. You can't have a flood of people from other countries like that without driving down the value of unskilled labor.
the think is even SKilled jobs are being replaced. Programmers? replaced by AI Graphic design? replaced by AI. Certain Medical Jobs? Replaced by AI. its not like learning a skill does you any good either. The best thing you can do nowadays is go to trade school and learn a trade
I can work very hard and carry rocks from one place to another with my bare hands all day for 16 hours a day, it might provide 0 value but it is still hard work. Maybe no one asked me to do it but I still do it, maybe no one wants me to pay me to do it, but I still do it. Should I get paid ? If so, how much? As much as an electrician? As much as a doctor? Or a CEO? I am working harder than all those guys. Your argument makes no sense, sir.
Asmond falling for the fallacy of looking at his immediate surrounding (and even that not that close I would argue) and generalising. A guy working a dead end job in a burger joint in the 70s would make the equivalent of 25 to 30 dollars an hour today. A house back in thenday would've cost about 30x your income. Now it costs 90x. Those guys who didn't give a fuck at school in the 60s now own a lot of the properties in the UK and US. The difference was that even when they fucked up they were paid enough to make ends meet and save money AND support a family. I know a lot of people first and second hand who did everything right and they can't afford to have kids. People who took degrees in college with good grades and now they are barely able to leave their parent's home. Yeah. Things are fucked. Boomer generation got everything handed out to them and then they pulled up the ladder.
That can very well be true and ultimately it still does not matter. We live in a reality where this is the current situation, and either we accept the shit hand that got dealt to us and make the best of it or we accept defeat and do nothing. It's understandable for people to be pissed about the situation, but emotion not paired with action achieves nothing.
@@amogus3023 or perhaps we could all work together and change the situation for everyone's benefit. saying it doesn't matter is a braindead take, Just because the current situation is bad for some doesn't mean we should just accept it and do nothing, if people had that mindset 200 years ago we would still be using slaves for labor
@@jimbla4747 "we would still be using slaves for labor" But we do. It's just shifted to exported forced labor and heavy emissions abroad instead of "in house".
It does matter. You can simultaneously work really hard, earn a good living as you best can, but also note that crap conditions came from boomers. Yes blame needs to be properly placed actually for the world to change, ESPECIALLY when boomers are still in positions of power. Your "hustle bro" culture is a silly thing. Many people hustle quietly and accept and work through difficult conditions but also recognize times are crap because of poor decisions from previous gen.@@amogus3023
@@amogus3023 you can not accept defeat as much as you want. The reality is that it is going to matter very little. Look at the people who graduated in 2008. They left college in the middle of the worst recession to date. They lost years of their careers. Sure they can grind and turn things around and some did. But even those are still worse off than previous generations. Look at generational wealth charts, look at the wealth of the top 1%. It has never been more skewed. You are also committing a logical error.
This guy comes from a working poor background and now that he's rich off streamer bucks, he considers the working poor to be "losers." That's even worse than being a trust fund kid and thinking that.
what’s a normal person though? Everyone has their own goals got to make the right steps if your goal is to be the best middle school teacher you aren’t going to be able to have a really nice house. If your goal is to have a nice house you’ll have a job that can do that ykwim
Yo Asmon not everyone can be a streamer and have multiple companies. The problem is that the system doesn't work for the majority. Sure an individual can rise to the top but most people are on the way down.
@@notyourdad361 and i have proceeded to rise to a livable wage without help, unless my parents with a basic office job and a military office worker count as people in power
Stop thinking about what "most people" are doing and start worrying about what you personally are doing tomorrow...next month...next year. Don't be a victim, this mindset does nothing to help you change your life in any meaningful way.
Grandpa use to be the sole bread winner to a wife and 4 kids working as a ford mechanic. Parents built a brand new house in ‘81 for $50k. Now days 2 parents working full time can’t afford 4 kids let alone build a new house.
Amazing example of survivorship bias. The dood lived with his parents rent free for so long that he forgot where he came from. The best part is him giving his really bad takes about society when he doesn’t even lived like a normal person in society. Pretty much he got carried thru life.
Responding to one anecdote with another is not arguing. They are simply two separate points/perspectives that can coexist. *insert lead horse to water/drink idiom*
@@mrboy5283 responding to facts with a contridicting anecdote is a piss poor argument is what I'm saying, I'm not here for an argument with asmongold as he doesnt respond to youtube comments. Wtf is up with that smug horse thing you're doing at the end? Just wondering what the point of it is
@@gamerzss didn't want to pull the quote but "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink." All I'm trying to say is not everything is either good-bad, yes-no, zero-one. Binary thinking limits things to 2 outcomes and they are mutually exclusive. Two anecdotes does not make an argument and life is gray sometimes.
dude I make 120k plus a year and am 36 years old. I still have to rent a bedroom in someone elses house if I ever want to own something. There are plenty of lazy people out there who blame society for their short comings but you cant ignore the fact that the economy is absolutely fucked and the average person has very little chance of achieving the "american dream".
He spends *_hours_* every single day "reacting" *_(ie STEALING)_* content produced by other creators and monetizing it for himself on *_multiple platforms._* He cant even be bothered so much as link to the original videos. This video is but one example.
I make more money editing for youtubers part time than I did as a seasoned warehouse manager doing 55 hrs /week for a shipping company. Absolutely we're miserable and with close to little wiggle room for any way to progress.
We are also 'assaulted' with education as adults in the form of advertsing telling us that if we want to make more money we need to go back to school. :/
@@Gorrash Don't. Don't work. Why? So half your check can go to super single 304s with bastr. children? Nah, burden the system. Take what you need, give NOTHING back. They live on the productivity of young MEN. If they tap out, all the parasites starve.
It's bullshit, isn't it? All my life I was told about how good a "real job" was. And I've been doing labor, factory work, and even spent time in the military all my life. I worked hard, did what I was supposed to do, had some fuck-ups here and there (who didn't?) and it's been very apparent my whole life that "hard work" doesn't pay off. Busting my ass in factory to build things society needs paid me less than my current job, which is sitting on my ass doing customer support for people's video games. It's a sick fucking joke.
Asmon you arent really a real person with a real job that has a perspective to speak on this, youre one of a kind in your career, you worked hard but you also got insanely lucky in a way that no one can ever be again.
also, for every hard working streamer that made it, you have hundreds who worked as hard and did not make it. Zach's takes are normally more grounded considering his wealth and status... but this one wasn't one.
@@LiveType there are 320 million people in America, and there is only 75K worldwide people who make it as influencers, that might as well be a rounding error as far as a "job" goes.
He got in at the right time streaming the most popular game to ever exist. That alone was a huge advantage that hardly no one else can replicate. Sure he floated to the top like a porous turd and it took hard work. But it took just as much timing & luck.
to be a successful influenfer, luck is like 80% of it. Too many people buying OP pc's, streaming their asses off, and only have an average of 3 viewers. Either you blow up, or you don't.
Asmongold says he knows people who didn't do well in school and never went to college and says that's why they aren't succeeding. Then, when told about how degrees don't mean you will make a lot and you can even make $50k after spending $40k/year on a degree he asks why did they go to college? Asmongold has always been good at flip flopping to make his point the only point. As someone else stated, this video has made me realize Boomer isn't generational, it's a mindset. Asmongold is a Boomer for sure.
I don't understand why he takes this "life coach" approach to the video and tries to shame people for "intelectualizing" the economical situation. I think understanding macro economies can really help you on your day to day choices, and if you want to start a buisness it's mandatory. He ignores the economic evolution of the last 30 years and do not see that 1% of the world population has 50% of the wealth. We could just "work harder loser" or just make rules to limit these inequalities, I would argue that the first option serves the interest of that one percent.
@@Clemmort" I don't understand why he takes this "life coach" approach to the video and tries to shame people for "intelectualizing" the economical situation" Because hes in the 1% himself and got there by playing video games. He doesnt want that to change
Dude your wrong on this man you got millions in the bank and don't realize that my grandparent didn't go to college didn't finish high school only GPA worked 40 a week and he was able to afford everything needed to own a home 2 cars an rv feed all 5 kids and spend 3 months a year in Florida... ppl nowadays go to school til 25 they in debt 60k at the start of adulthood and work pays less then cost of living you usually don't have such bad takes but this one... it is what it is
@Durzza yes its becoming more abundantly clear that all his compassion for and the care he has for the downtrodden is just bs to make him look better this man has nvr had to leave his mommas house and has more money then probably 1000 families but he's commenting on poor Ness like anyone who is poor chose to be its baffling... I guess born rich folks and the poor who become rich are actually kindred spirits...
This comment proves his point. Stop giving a shit about other people, and comparing yourself to them. Constantly comparing yourself to other people is the bane of your existence and it seems like a social media generation thing.
Asmongold once again proves he hasn't been outside in 20 years. I can use anecdotes to allege the exact opposite. Most people i know did go to college, took it seiously, and are barely making ends meet.
You can use anecdotes to make inferences. He's right in what he says. The only people who get mad are middle class kids who never grew up poor or knew anyone who was poor. What did your friends major in so they couldnt succeed?
@@Kepesk the difference is he's right and you're wrong he's using real life encounters and experiences. He grew up poor and most people you talk to who grew up poor or grew up around poor people would agree with what he says or don't have an issue with what he says.
remember people, when an onely child who inherited his mum's house and has turned it into a pig stye tells you to quit complaining and just work harder you do it!
BS. Me and my family offered multiple people in our family that if they wanted to come over we got their backs. A place to stay for free (like in an actual house), work, food. We got it. Know how many did? Zero. We legit would love some extra help. We are paying outsiders. Most people are addicted to life in those big cities. Just like some people are addicted to their phones. Addicted to the bright lights and flashes even if they have no substance to their lives. People legit rather be borderline homeless on a big vity, than well off in "bumfuck nowhere". The kicker? We live like 1 hour away from them. Legit just on the outskirt of the city. Sure, no malls nearby, a single MCdonalds and no wendy, etc. But my fucking bedroom is bigger than their stupid apartment. Ad we got a car, yknow, if we do want to hit the mall. A lot of people just arent okay with putting up with the smallest sacrifice. I get like my aunties, my grandma. They old, they are used to their lives. Not that smart, but i get it. But aint no way in hell none of my cousins shouldnt have jumped at the opportunity. And I got a lot of those.
@@barriakarl 1. Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t cover the entirety of the population! 2. You shouldn’t need to live in the middle of the wops to be able to afford basic needs! People are literally making the most they ever have in their lives and being priced out of where they have grown up
I'm pretty sure it's true. In most cases, you're sitting where you are today, in your own lifestyle, based on decisions YOU made. It's not reductive. That's life. And it has been known this way for centuries.
@@CraftyMiscreant "And it has been known this way for centuries" Yea dude, the serfs were working the fields of their lord simply based on the decisions they made. The coal miners were spending 95% of their salary at the company store because it was a decision they made.
@@CraftyMiscreant You control inflation? You control housing prices? Now recently there's talk of conscription. Tell me what decisions an average Gen Z made that get us here?
@@azure4100 Yeah it's still a "you" problem. Every generation, there's terrible economic problems. There's no excuse to actually improve your life and put you in a good position. These economic problems don't last long. I have zero sympathy for people who don't adapt to them.
When I was a kid, I was told that school was everything. I questioned that, even when I was very young. Meanwhile, my friends were so afraid of being losers that they studied long and hard, went to the best universities in their area, did extra curricular activities, anything to give themselves an edge. I pursued my own interests and developed skills outside of academia, focusing my energy on quality of time not quality of pursuit. My friends could not comprehend why I wasn't over achieving like they were and I felt sorry for them. Fast forward two decades, I'd be lying if I said a decent number of these people aren't doing well but there are a surprising amount of people who are only doing 'ok'. They are either unable to afford property but still live relatively well or spend most of their waking hours working. So their reward for all that extra devotion was mediocrity and in some cases, significantly lower quality of life than their parents. The sad irony, I out-earn most of them. If we lived in a just world, I'd be the one struggling. This isn't a brag post or a cautionary tale, it's just a statement of fact. People think success is a formula, it isn't. It's a random collection of factors, most of which are entirely out of your control. All you can do is be persistent and set yourself up as best you can. There are people who hired me simply because they liked my personality and tenacity, despite being severely underqualified. On the other end, I've been in hiring positions where we had to turn down qualified candidates because they folded under pressure in an interview scenario. It is a very real possibility that you could be denied your dream job having all the necessary qualifications because the interviewer doesn't like your face. It sounds petty but it's true.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful perspective. The world needs more compassionate people like you. I envy my friends who went into trade or stuck with one thing since high school and are making out okay with it, including my ex boyfriend (now good friend), who is making over 80k after only going to a year of trade school for IT. I'm one of those people who got a degree, in a "prosperous" subject, and have always worked extremely hard and regardless have been totally devastated in all aspects----for several years now, and I'm so exhausted. Something has got to give soon.
@@nat3199when I was married I was steadily getting raises and after 10 years I was making significantly more money than when we first got married, and yet we were still living paycheck to paycheck even 10 years later. After our divorce I was able to pay down all our debts (I had to take over all our debts) and then kept at least a couple thousand in my account all the time. She is still struggling with money. Point of this story being that some people are their own problem when it comes to money. If you can't manage your money you'll stay poor.
@@peekychu5235 Riiiight. A "MIND SET" and not stagnant wages. A "mindset" and not rising cost of living or outrageous housing prices. A "mindset" is the cure to lowering job stability in the country, the companies aren't responsible, it's our "mindset". Workers rights diminishing? The return if child labor? The loss of rights over our bodies? Can't wait to "mindset" college debt away, sweet! All just a mindset away from POOF vanishing. Damn, bro I had no idea it was that easy. I'll get right to work on that mindset and hopefully all these things will be gone tomorrow.
@@peekychu5235 Mf you can't just say "i've seen xyz happen so why can't you do it?", just because you've seen one thing does not mean the other is immediately false.
Very true, so you can either A. Complain about high rent until the landlords finally realize they were wrong all along and cut you a break out of the kindness of their hearts or B. Make the necessary adaptations (higher income, reduced spending, or finding a cheaper place to live). One of these is in your control and is more likely to actually give results.
@@maibaolinh1253 You're right. I forgot that once you're laid off it's impossible to ever find another job for the rest of your life. I also forgot that it's impossible to save any money while employed in preparation for potential financial emergencies. If you went in to work tomorrow and found out you were getting laid off, how would you react? This is a question that needs to be answered before it actually happens. That's called being smart.
His opinions on this subject are like hearing if he gave nutritional and workout advice. He has never had to live that life and just knows what he has seen online. It's outside of his bubble.
Dude worked one time for 2 days as a 9-5 job and thinks he knows what is working hard 😂😂😂 cause he streams everyday too 😂😂😂 out of touch asf "You're in a bad place cause u didnt work hard enough" Ye thats not all cases bro, you're tripping 😂
Ngl if you think streaming is not hard, then why dont u try it? 99% of the streamers are not Asmon, Shroud or KaiCenat who got 10k views everytime they stream. Most of the time, they barely get to have 10-50 views. I would like for you to try it for a year and tell us lmao.
Asmon sounds like a boomer here. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would disagree with the fact that quality of life for the average person has gone down significantly over the past decade. At least here in Canada, hardly any millennials or gen z can or will ever be able to afford to buy a home. What a joke of a take. Look at the average person instead of just saying it’s people’s fault for their laziness and lack of effort in general.
you miss the point. you are completely correct however. knowing its fucked and bitching about how its fucked doesnt do anything. it takes people doing things to fix anything. its nearly impossible to do enough to satiate, and thats why people choose to bitch because its easy. iv spent more than a decade trying to understand economics, geopolitics, theology, and demographics and ill let you guess how much it has accomplished.
actually, its mostly citys. if i look at my home, here in germany, the deeper you go into big citys the more you pay. you could life for 400 euros a month in a nice spacy apartment somewhere in a nice town or you are dumb, go to munich, hamburg and berlin and pay 2k or more for the same space. same with the US and almost any other western nation.
But if quality of life has gone down in the past decade, is it really right to blame boomers for that? Sure there are a lot of boomers in politics, but a lot of political activists are young. It's not older generations, it's ideology that has fucked up our society, and the ideologies that are fucking things up are not the "try to improve yourself and strive for success" style ideologies.
Until some wealthy person buys property where you are, which is the case in the US with people from rich coastal cities like LA, San Francisco, New York or Conneticut are buying up property in the midwest.
Until some wealthy person buys property where you are, which is the case in the US with people from rich coastal cities like LA, San Francisco, New York or Conneticut are buying up property in the midwest.
Your average burger flipper at McDonald's in 1975 made $300,000/year in today's money. Asmon's not wrong about bad choices, but he is absolutely delusional about the real state of today's economy, which is from all sides converging on the deconstruction of the middle class. It's a basic cycle: 1. Politicians enact policies that make life and childcare more expensive. 2. People have less children, and buy fewer houses because they cannot afford it. 3. Politicians use this to justify allowing greater and greater immigration to shore up the shortfall in births. 4. The immigration directly takes money out of your wallet in the form of lower wages and living standards. We have currently reached a point as of 2023 where "non-citizen immigrants" receive 52% of the welfare pie, which is paid for with our tax dollars. And now on top of this we have to deal with the housing market being abused by companies who never had any business being in the housing market forcing people into even more expensive renting situations by monopolizing the available real estate using FED funny money. This situation isn't difficult to understand, or abstract in any way, and every decision can be attributed to individuals and groups of people. They reach directly into your wallet every day and take a little more for themselves. Asmon here is just directly showing how detached from reality he has become.
Bro, what? $1 dollar in 1975 is $5.59 in 2024 dollars. McDonalds hourly wage was around 2 dollars based on a 1974 paystub I just saw online. That comes out to be around $25k a year in 2024 dollars. Where did you get 300k from? Lowest end McDonald's salary in 2024 is $11 an hour, which is $23k a year, and that's low end.....this took me 5 minutes to google.......
@@ShizlgizlUnfortunately people care more about being right rather than accepting the fact that they're wrong and part of the problem. In other words, I agree with you.
@@Shizlgizl I don't Disagree with you but i think you're missing a huge component of this. Motivation and hope. The commonality of being able to purchase necessities such as food/shelter with less roadblocks. People have been lied to their entire lives, older generation always say "work hard and get a good job". What do you say to those who have a high income or couples with $200k combined income that cant get approved for a mortgage? Then you have the people who are making even less looking up to these people making $200k, who cant even afford a home. When things are this bad in certain places, there is no motivation. It is disingenuous for us to act like this is exclusively an "individuals choices" issue while this is demonstrably incorrect.
@@TheJuicyfairy I base that on more than just raw numbers from an inflation calculator. Purchasing power matters a lot more than numbers in a bank account. Did you know the CPI(the tool you used to get your numbers) was dramatically altered in 1997 by Bill Clinton's administration and is no longer a real measure of the economy, but a way to hide inflation behind an ever changing basket of goods? before that change was made the same basket of goods was used to calculate inflation from 1921 on.
It really started with us adopting a fist currency in the 70’s, everything’s gone down from there Boomers are an issue too, they were such a large v voting bloc that they voted for things that benefitted them and voted them away when they were no longer relevant, this still goes on to this day The way they’ve retained their power is through immigration and the dissolution of culture in order to prevent younger generations from consolidating their own voting bloc that rivals theirs It’s not to say all boomers planned this but the ones at the top provided enough incentive and social pressure to the ones at the bottom to control voting patterns And speaking of voting boomers have a mind set of “this is my team” and it’s like a sport, they wanna see their own team “win” regardless of policy instead of voting to ensure their children’s future And that’s why gen x and millennials have contributed to their own downfall (well the downfall of millennials and gen z/alpha) by avoiding parenthood because without the instinct to ensure a good future for their children they vote against their community for good boy points I could go on and on, it’s a mess
Your whole winners VS losers discussion is forgetting the fact that there is an aspect of musical chairs to it. Yeah, if you miss out on one of the chairs it's because you didn't try as hard as the other guy. True. But you can't ignore the fact that the game is designed in such a way that there will always be a minimum percentage of losers. To push the analogy a little bit further, we're all noticing that all the chairs seem to be stacked up on one side of the room, making it far easier for some and far more difficult for others. Yes, It is generally always the best advice to give to the individual to be personally responsible for your own path in life. But using that mindset as an argument against solving large scale, societal issues is disingenuous at best. It is not hypocritical to acknowledge that the individual is responsible for their decisions while also acknowledging that the possible options individuals have are kind of shit and we as a society can do better.
Wildly, musical chairs is a hilariously PERFECT analogy. As you mentioned, the positioning of the chairs has changed. The number of chairs has changed. The value of the chairs has changed.
You're right. I think people jump to quickly on people with Asmon's position though. It's absolutely hard, and it is likely some of the worst the world has seen in generations. Also, the older generations really do seem to not care. However, no matter how bad it gets we can't stop moving forward. Sure, the chairs are few in a lot of places, but there are places where the chairs are many. There are also different types of chairs. Each person needs to decide whether they want a nice padded chair that reclines, or if they will be content with the bare metal foldable chair. That choice won't be permanent however. You can make a metal chair very comfortable. Regardless, we must keep pushing forward in spite of all the obstacles in our path.
I love how a Twitch streamer that got lucky and doesn't know how to clean up after himself is telling people that the reason they're not going get jobs because they're not trying hard enough... He compared his teeth rotting out to people with degrees and good grades unable to find jobs. I heard about people with call center jobs, or general office jobs that are homeless now because of COVID. Please stop... and stick having opinions of video games and not life. It's NOT always good to blame society, but when cost of living is out of control then it is SOCIETY'S fault, the same society that boomers screw us with. You're well off financially and you sit on your a** all day, but a Doctor that saves lives 15+ hours a day could be struggling financially.
Well, of course the doctors aren't happy. Why do people keep bringing up doctors? They cozied up to the insurance companies and private equity, built trenches of gatekeeping law around their profession and have reaped their just rewards (debt and worse patient outcomes). They could collectively change the system (they claim they're trying but all we can see is consistent steps backwards) but they are too comfy with their high incomes in what is obviously a very bad Nash equilibrium for all but their corpa overlords.
I feel like your last point has more to do with how Doctors are spending money. I have friends who are doctors who instantly go out and buy multiple expensive cars, a big house, and take 3+ vacations a year and are struggling financially. That to me has way more to do with how they financially budget than anything. The ones who have kids it's more reasonable imo, but when you have a certain amount of income coming in you have way more bandwidth and ability to absorb losses. I don't think we need to be coping for Doctors.
Asmon is so lazy that he can't clean his room or teeth, but he still think other people are lazy and are not as successful as him because they are not trying hard enough. There's people who learns two to three languages and still can't get a job, but this guy, who nearly knows one, realy think he is the right? Asmong has became so out of touch with reality.
He is right; either you do something about your situation or you don't, it doesn't matter whose fault it is that you are in it or if it's morally right for you to be in it. If society fixes it for you, great. I would not plan my life around that chance though. His point is that ultimately you need to be the person to take action in your own interests if you want something to change, expecting others to do it for you is the same as rolling dice and hoping you get lucky.
All while stealing 20 minute videos from other creators, stretching them out to 60 minutes for content, and monetizing them both live onstream AND his YT channel. Without so much as linking to the OG video
As someone that did the whole ‘work hard fuck Higher Education’ for my whole life I’m seeing a *Massive* influx in jobs asking not even for a related degree, but ANY kind of graduate at entry level.
Thats always was the case. But how they hire then if no new people can come? The answer is - they do. But u suck and not competitive enough. Deal with your life.
You are correct. When job postings for entry-level jobs say they _require_ X years of experience, they're lying. Just presenting parts of their wish list as must-haves @@MySOAP12
Or you were Azmon or one of his friends. A loser who put no effort into everything. Then you think that's the whole world. So anyone who says they're doing everything right must be lying. Because Azmon and his friends were all losers, so everyone must be losers.
10:35 "There are a lot of people that reap what they sow." While you are not wrong, technically speaking, most children reap what their parents sow. How is it the now adult's fault, that his mother shacked up with some lowlife, got pregnant and now he has almost no future prospects. How is someone's fault, they were born "too late" to afford a house and a family. You are not looking at or refusing to look at the whole situation. Just my two cents, what do you guys think about it.
I feel I've been doing my best, and yes I made my self a better life than my parents lead, but dam have I been through a lot and it has taken till near my 30s in this economy to forge a decent life. I struggle to keep a decent life still at times, I just don't want things to get even harder to keep a decent life. Hard to even have a hobby already.
Exactly, you don't automatically deserve a better life because of where you were born. Get a few roommates, heck get 5. Thats how other countries do it.
@@radiantveggies9348you wanna build trust and maintain relationships with 5 random people? All in the same place with your possessions? Where you sleep?
@@jmw10891 welcome to how billions live on this world. Now the question is why do you think you deserve better? Because you live in a country where the same class of people you hate carry your nation and you?
Don't tell Asmon those of us that finished top of our class, won state competitions, and graduated top 10/ivy league still barely get any interviews exist! His mind would actually explode!
So it's everyone else fault you can't get an interview. The is system is fucked, it's out of your control, and the greed and incompetence of others has ruined your life. Now tell me how living with that attitude will help you more than holding yourself accountable and striving to better yourself every single day.
my brother telling people from his parents house who got INSANELY lucky being rich from youtube, telling people that if you just work hard you'll be successful... jesus christ ive never heard this man so out of touch in my life
using his circumstances and fortune as an argument against everything he said is extremely irrational. its pure emotion. but sure keep doing what isnt working and thinking you have the authority on the matter. poor people gatekeeping poverty is wild.
I find it funny how he completely brushed off the fact that only 40 years ago you could work full time in a normal job and afford a home but now you can work full time in an exceptionally high end job earning 100k+ a year and you would still struggle to afford a home or save any of it to begin with due to living costs increasing drastically higher than the rate at which income has increased.
And before that, there was a great depression. These storms come and the worst thing to tell those during times of hardship, is that "You cant do anything and that you have to wait for society to make your life better."
people can still afford a home, it's just not in a city where people want to live. with WFH being a popular thing to live off now, there is no excuse to go to the city for work.
@@Saber_Nicothis guy is wrong. In past too housing was not that affordable. Sorry but if we had Internet back then all boomer would type same Comment saying I can't buy a house with this much salary
Guy in the video is not talking about personal life choices. He's talking about reagonomics destroying the middle class. Housing being so expensive due to lack of regulation. Millennials can brush our teeth all we want but it won't fix the price of housing
"Millennials can brush our teeth all we want but it won't fix the price of housing" And ironically, Asmon even missed the point *_THERE_* as well. He admits that *_he himself MADE ALL THE WRONG CHOICES IN LIFE,_* yet he's still successful (because he got lucky).
Regulation increases the price of everything. I think the bigger issue is the huge spike in illegals and domestic/foreign investors buying up large chunks of land and leaving little for anyone else.
THANK YOU! Finally found a comment that said it. Reagonomics GuTtEd the middle class and still affecting us. We ALL agree personal accountability is a part but the system itself is too oppressive to those in need.
Lazy nowadays is what normal working was just a little over 2 decades ago 😂 Now you need two people working full time jobs to maybe then get a life-long mortgage to buy a tiny house that isn’t even close to the city lmao (and btw, living in bumfuck nowhere immediately decreases your options for success and access to various resources… hell, I went to live next to a small town and even there I have such shit internet I can’t fucking stream anything at 1080p lmao) That’s why I only listen to Asmon a little bit when it comes to games… when it comes to actual life? Not so much. I wasn’t one of those “lazy” students. I had a high fucking GPA from highschool (not even American highschool, so I spoke 3 widely used languages fluently when I went to study in America) and all through college until I got a bachelor’s degree (in actual sciences, not arts), at which point continuing into medicine wasn’t an option anymore due to financial difficulties (and not being American yet) and getting a masters would just lead me to becoming a lab rat with 0 recognition, very small income and shit hours for the rest of my life… oh, and did I mention working with actually dangerous substances? Yeah, that too… Yeah, life isn’t as easy as Asmon wants to believe. “I know poor people that succeeded”, yeah, because you don’t hear about the overwhelming, abundant majority that did NOT succeed… but basic sense oftens eludes him. When he was talking about climate change and “defending it” I wanted to ask him to shut up because he wasn’t making it any better for the idiot deniers to understand. He sometimes has good points, but man do you need to parse through it all with a fine toothed comb.
Asmond evades here the crux of the problem raised in the film: Millenials taught by their parents, grandparents, society, teachers that if they follow a certain path they will get a normal life because of it. This is completely different from deliberately ignoring education and playing games as he gives an anecdotal example from his school. People who have been steered down the wrong path all their lives from childhood and end up with huge student debt, a home loan, potentially a child and lack of prospects for a decent life despite higher income as much as possible have the right to resent and hold a grudge against the previous generation, who (and this is a fact) had it easier economically and financially, and whose decisions have influenced their current socioeconomic life. If, objectively, the entire generation is doing worse than the previous one in this regard, then one cannot speak here of the laziness of a few-odd individuals who did not want to study in elementary school. And now the icing on the cake, a person in such a crummy situation expressing his grievances what does he get as a response? "It's all your responsibility." Given all this, telling someone that the state they are in now is solely their fault qualifies as mockery and hence the negative reaction. Especially when it comes out of the mouth of a millionaire who became one by accident (which Asmon, from what I recall, seems to have acknowledged many times himself). So there you go. This is the answer to the video's title of "Why millenials are miserable". edit. I just wanted to add how wrong the thinking that Asmon uses can be, that the negative state you are in (and the potential way out of it) is 100% dependent on you. There are certain situations in life that cannot be overcome with an idealistic "try harder" approach. As an individual, you are unable to fight the broken socioeconomic system, especially when you are 40+ years old, have children to take care of and a loan to repay. Certain situations just happen and people stay with their effects for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, this is the sad reality.
Yeah, but can you really blame the boomers, when their own recipe for success is so much different than our own? I think we wrongly attribute it to naiitivity or malice of the older generation, when it was very much a tried and true multi-generational way of working towards success for generations prior. To Asmond's point, the world has changed more in the last 10 to 20 years than the 50 years prior. The 50 years prior had changed more than the 100 years prior. Nowadays, it just feels like advanced algorithmic models, or perhaps AI itself is dictating how our country works and operates. It's like we traded in surefire stability for nonstop stimulation.
This is so fking wrong it hurts. My dad in his 40s came to the US with 0 English, no college degree in 2008. Built a business in 12 years and sold for 10mil and retired happy. I witness first hand how working smart AND hard can thrive in this society.
@@rawsugar423 Aaaaaaaand, you missed OPs entire point. Here, let me point out the relevant part for you: "If, objectively, the entire generation is doing worse than the previous one in this regard, then one cannot speak here of the laziness of a few-odd individuals who did not want to study in elementary school." What OP is saying is that entire generations are doing worse than the generations before. There will always be the lucky few, like your dad, who are at the right place, right time, with the right skills. But when an entire generation is being left behind by society, you can't really point at individuals and place blame at their feet.
@@rawsugar423 No, I don't see how it falls flat. I assume you have numbers to back up your argument? How many millennials have college degrees vs boomers? How many hours to millennials work vs boomers when they were at the same age? How much money per hour do millennials make vs boomers adjusted for inflation and compared to the cost of living? By the way, I have looked into all of these questions and can say with certainty that you wouldn't like the answers. For example, here's some info on millennials as a generation when it comes to how hard they work: "Despite stereotypes endorsed by older generations, millennials are one of the hardest working generations. Over a quarter of them work 2 or more jobs. The number of weekly working hours is also astonishing for this generation, with 73% working more than 40 hours per week, and almost 25% working more than 50 hours." and then there's this: "The percentage of millennials in the workforce who have completed higher education is unmatched by any other generation: 39% of millennials between the ages of 25 and 37 hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, while 29% of Gen Xers and 25% of baby boomers can boast the same achievement, according to statistics about millennials in the workplace." Now, you still wanna come at me with this idea that millennials don't work hard? They worked harder than any generation before them, yet they have less to show for it.
L take from millionaire asmond. His reference of the world isn't the same as the normal people in his age group. A lot of us are struggling. He literally can't comprehend how it feels to need for basic things in life.
@@zadovrus1624he wouldn't have been homeless, he had a good job before streaming. Lol His dad also lives in a different house he could've moved into. I agree he's out of touch and I disagree with him when money is the topic 9/10 times but good lord at least stay in reality yourself.
He's simply stating inconvenient truths about modern society. His only mistake is that he's discussing topics that hit home with a lot of his viewer base.
The rare Asmon L. I know a few people who have done all the things that they were supposed to do, and now they're in insane debt, work shitty jobs because they cant get a job via their degree and shit sucks in general. Society is trending downward. Yes, there are losers and people who dont apply themselves, but those people are not the rule they are the exception.
What degrees are these people getting, and what kind of income do the positions requiring these degrees pay relative to the loans they took out? Have these people put in the time to tailor their resumes to the types of positions they are looking for? Have they done the proper research and practice for how to conduct themselves in interviews and make themselves desirable to employers? Have these people attempted to gain feedback when they have been rejected to identify and strengthen weaknesses that are preventing them from breaking in to their desired industry? If "shit sucks in general", then it's time you need to start asking yourself questions like these and really answering them honestly. You are the first person in line when it comes to figuring out how to improve your life.
Its because hes been insulated from the repercussions of his lifestyle and actions for a decade. Imagine if you took so little care of yourself that your teeth got to the point where you were unable to eat, unable to function through the day, because of the paint and infection. For asmon he just booked the local most expensive dentist for an emergency session and used the $50k his viewers donated. For you? You'd lose your job, be in huge debt, and probably be unable to pay your bills or just not get your teeth fixed.
I think streaming is a real job, it's just a different kind of job. One that I think you don't understand. You have to be on a schedule, you need to be consistent, be entertaining, relatively informed, be unfazed by people trolling you on the regular, or being attacked likely on a daily basis, understand the pulse of your audience, understand how to do video editing. managing a team of editors, staying informed on what comes out, knowing how to generate interest, marketing yourself, have some business acumen, manage yourself. All that shit I just said sounds like a fucking job. @@bono300vox
He basically saying from his little perspective of life. He kept saying, "I don't care about other place. I live in Texas." So.. everyone will always find flaw in his argument while he think he is right since he kept thinking how his life is, in Texas. All this time.
@@pc14thenumber9 you also don't get what he was trying to say. He meant that each time you defer anything in your life to external factors - you loose control. When you say "I can't afford a house in my state because of the economy" - you're done, you don't have control and now you're just a foot soldier of the next power that will use you, be it banks, politicians, employers or scammers. You live your life here and there, where you are. Granted you live in a more free part of the world - you have several options, but the moment you decide that you are a part of a class, a collective, a wronged or eve a privileged group - that's the end of it. You loose your autonomy as a person and you are now an object for the more powerful entities. Being part of the collective is a safety illusion, because you are shielded from small issues on the one hand and then you all go down simultaneously when real shit happens. Being self-responsible may be a quick and glorious way to die or it may be a way to the very comfortable place, there is no guarantee either way. Hedge your bets.
@@moristar yeah but the economy is like, an actual real factor that affects all of us ? and it doesnt need too, the issue is dumb people who dont understand how the economy works are allowed to vote.
all he said was "no body cares if you cry about the economy it wont change anything, its up to you to make your own money and make yourself have a better life."
To add to my comment. I'm chinese america. My parents can't speak english. I'm moderately successful. Things are definitely harder for Gen Z and Millennials due to debt and opportunities shrinking. However, there is action people can take to better themselves. Being highly educated does not guarantee success. Education and Intelligence does not translate into Net Worth money. You have to work smart. People overpay for their education. People don't do a cost benefit analysis to get a college education.
@@tonebalone9203 There being lazy losers arround, not doing anything and blaming others doesn't mean that there is no problem with economy and housing. You don't hold humans accountable. You only hold certain humans accountable.
It takes 5 hours of minimum wage to buy food. Real food, not G-slop. If you're not working 15 hours a day to eat, without considering your rent, car payments, insurance, licenses, permits, taxes (all to fund Boomers retirement and 304s who left their men.) you're just lazy. You need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, when I was 15 I got a paper route and bought 3 houses and 200 acres with that money. Young people are just so lazy.
Not sure Asmon realizes he is acting exactly like the boomers. He got it easy getting into streaming because the timing was right, he had no competition at the time and the only way to success was hard work. Now he's telling his audience (next gen) that they're lazy because they can just do exactly what he did and they too will become successful. But the market for streamers has set, it's now MUCH more difficult for someone to become a big streamer because the market is saturated already. He just proved himself wrong without knowing.
It's as if asmon doesn't have thousands of competitors that he crushes. I don't get your comment. Clearly he's valuable and killing it after years of work.
@ericomfg I think he is good at what he's doing. But it was luck that he found it. It's possible he would work at Sam's for the rest of his life. I don't think his mindset was set on success
@@pleasedontwatchthese9593 dude it's luck to be born with 10 fingers. Enough. When is it not luck? Asmon is funny. He's streaming constantly. He's almost immune to criticism. He was a highly ranked wow competitor. Focus on what he did instead of being lazy and calling it all luck.
sure there's an element of luck to anything, but you never get lucky if you don't try. yeah shit sucks, but a lot of these people sound like they're trying to justify being mediocre.
Explain to me how blaming, whining, and being jealous of others helps you to succeed in life versus holding yourself accountable for everything and putting in the effort.
Not saying specifically to you but people that go to a 4 year school to graduate with fine arts or business management degrees then say they can’t find a job are the one that didn’t do any research in advance or didn’t know what they wanted to do and just went to college to say they went to college and to please their parents
If the degree is in anything other than a practical trade- it is your own fault. Sciences, business, law, medicine ... anything else is useless unless you plan on teaching grade school.
@@ravensblade This not a valid point, EVERYONE CANNOT BE AN ENGINEER OR SCIENTIST. THE WORLD WOULD LITERALLY FALL APART. ( coming from a guy pursuing computer engineering.)
@@ravensblade Doesn't matter, even 20 years ago if you had a master degree in soup vegetable analizing you could find a job. Now companies ask for an MSC but you have to be like 22 yo with 10 years of experience and your starting salary is 1000$...
24:00 This is victim blaming, society miseducating its youth is a real problem. Just like how the food pyramid in the 70s was sponsored by companies that sold unhealthy food, this is absolutely society's fault. Citizen hold some responsibility for this but not 100%, at least 40% belongs to the government and they aren't even trying.
The guy playing video games and saying horrible takes on the internet as a "job" is telling people that they aren't getting jobs because they aren't working hard enough. Asmongold is the literal example of why hard work doesn't mean shit. People work so hard that they get injuries on the job and still get paid shit money. Luck, genetics, and good parents determine your success.
I worked 3 jobs well over 60 hrs a week and have nothing to show for it. Couldn't even hold down a studio apartment, 100k a year is sadly the new middle class, and I hate typing that.
how are you misreading what he's saying this bad? he explicitly said working hard is a bad idea and you should not focus on that, did you just gloss it over because it was convenient? his main point is that you need to take action to change your life because nobody else will do it for you. it doesn't matter what your current life is, it still holds true. it also doesn't matter how things _should_ work, or how we'd like them to work. the only thing that tangibly matters in the present moment is what action do you yourself take, some people have more options than others but everyone is the agent of their own life. blaming others for your issues is the opposite of a growth mindset and gives a convenient excuse so you can feel good about not taking action. if you're taking action and it's not working out you might just have shit luck or you're focusing on the wrong action. expecting life to be fair and stumbling when you're surprised it's not is not going to help regardless.
@@amogus3023 You got it twisted bud, nobody is saying we don't control our own lives. What we're saying is having a multimillionaire talk to us about how we can't succeed because we don't have a 16 yr old watching Andrew Tate wide eyed mentality, when quite literally everything has increased in cost while wages stagnate (exempt the 1%)is insane. listen, don't get super angry I contradicted your parasocial relationship to a mainstream streamer I'm on your side you're just too young to realize it.
@@MasteroftheRitz what does this have anything to do with what I said? You seem fixated on disagreeing with asmon and end up ignoring the other half of what he was saying. He explicitly took the stance of saying hard work should not be focused on, and here we have someone complaining that asmon is telling people to work harder, it's like they don't even watch the video. I'm not surprised but what the hell?
@@amogus3023 Oh yeah, "take action". Why didn't I think of that? All I have to do is "take action", and surely the world will start spinning the other direction. What does "take action" mean, exactly? Who cares! Just "take action"!
This was rough to watch… Yes, personal accountability and smart goals (smart as in the acronym) are generally good tools to achieve success even under dire circumstances. However, those circumstances do shift the possibilities of available choices and opportunities. A lot of circumstances at least in so far as they relate to a person’s economic, political, social etc. environment are formed by collective actions, which relate to individuals and their choices but are a fair bit more complex. Within a society choices and actions interlink and interfere to a certain degree as people rely on each other for most processes and a lot of knowledge is highly specialized (division of labor). There are interdependences and social functions that predominantly work on a collective level rather than an individual one. Doesn’t absolve people of personal responsibility, doesn’t make them entirely responsible for their circumstances either. So what he was saying isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s just maybe a little too simplistic.
7:47, I hear what Asmon is saying, but also, when you're poor poor, you're focusing on surviving. You're focusing on how to save money and not be hungry at the same time. When your brain is in survival mode, you cannot study as effectively as when it isn't. Not to mention how important a good diet is for your brain development at such a young age. Malnourished kids need to work several times as hard to catch up with kids who do not worry about basic necessities.
malnourishment at the developmental stage fucks you up for life as your brain doesn't get what it needs in order to grow, and it's a massive problem here in Africa too. You can't catch up as it stunts growth, intellectual development, screws your immune system (so always getting sick which is a drain on resources too) and even work capacity at an older age.
Indeed, it was cringe. Hard work is ONE way (you certainly need to TRY to succeed) But success depends a LOT on Luck, talent and connections. And the parameters differ for each person. Like I knew someone that succeeded 90% luck and 10% hard work. He got lucky people liked what he made. (like asmon) Contrarily, you might work hard all your life but always fail at the opportunity to be chosen for x reasons.
@@gillsejusbates6938 I certainly had control over my situation for the first 18 years of my life. It's time to find my way out of this dark hole hole in the dirt. Anyone got a flashlight?
I got done with high school with full scores throughout but did not want to fall into eternal debt to go to college/uni. So, I got myself a job with the "small" dream of saving up enough to do Uni without taking a student loan. So, I finished highschool in 2012 - how am I now? Like a living joke. Took me 2 years to find a job in 2014, even accepting the idea of moving cities just to get one. Took me 7 years to get my own apartment in 2019 and move out of my parents house. In 2020 I almost burned out from work trying to get a chance of promotion and moving up the ladder. In the end, I did become a 'small boss' only one step on the ladder under the owners. Well then, now it's 2024. After 12 years of life gouging effort, have I fulfilled any part of my dream? Haha, no! Not at all, whatsoever. I don't 'own' my apartment and live by rent. How's the paycheck situation? Before getting the promotion; half went to rent, a quarter to food, a fifth to clothes and nescessities. Savings? I barely managed to shuffle $70 a month into an account. After my promotion my 'savings' portion has increased to a neat $150 a month. One year of uni requires $11,814. So, the first 8 years of my adult life I managed to 'save' $560. Another $600 since my promotion. Neat, I can almost afford a tenth of a year of education. Or, I could just trash the dream and become a zombie ghost, keep living in this routine at work. Or maybe I should just give in, indebt myself for the rest of my life to have a chance at different opportunities? Fuck what a hot garbage take you did this time Asmon. Either stick to it and lie down on a hard place, or follow the lie and get stuck under a rock in a hard place. Since both choices are terrible, but one being less than the other - that's what I'm doing. Spitting out 'privelege' because we have computers and phones, ever thought what versions of stuff a normal person uses? My phone? Razer Phone (first one, 2017), battery dies after 3 hours of screen on time. Computer? Frankenstein upgraded piece by piece, the most expensive one should be the GPU, a 1080Ti that I managed to get second hand two years ago. Sure, the 'needs' are fulfilled, but there's nothing good to look forward to, like at all. Makes everything seem and feel pointless.
20 years ago I went to online uni. got 24k in stafford loan per year. for mba degree. traveled the world while taking 1-2 classes per semester. parties it up. taught myself WordPress development, started working remotely from Thailand for US companies, when maxed out Stafford loan. came back in 2017. got a job 4 months later. working there still for 6 figures per year. paying back loan at 500$ per month, and have 12 years left before it's canceled.
Let’s look at the facts. How much uni when you first graduated school and what would you have majored in at school? What kind of salary would you have earned upon graduating? If uni was 100k total and you would have gotten a job that paid 60k on graduation that’s a good deal. By now your salary would be higher with raises and maybe you’re up to 90k a year. Sure you paid 100k in loans but at the end you are better off.
Community college the first 2 years and finish the last 2 years with 25k in debt. Also after 24, you will get decent size pell grants if you are not making much money.
"You look at housing in Sanfransico vs some random bumfuck city in Kansas and there is an astronomical difference" yes that's not a bad point but what job opportunities are in some random bumfuck city in Kansas. There is a reason those cities are cheap and decrepit and it's because there is no money to be made there
Spent this whole video on a tangent about people who fuck up when the guy wasn't talking about fuck ups he was talking about people who did shit right and don't have a pot to piss in and are buried in student loans, can't buy a house etc so they say screw it and find a different way.
That is literally not doing it right, what? Can we examine a specific scenario or something? Yeah it's hard to buy houses right now because of insane govt policy.. there are still places that you can live and rent reasonably. Times will be better, like if we get Trump back. Will you be ready when times are good, or still be complaining...
To where? I live a pretty rural area, not exactly the middle of no where but no where near any "big city". Rent here is around $1400 a month for a 1 bedroom. Most people either drive over 1hr to get to a decent job, or work at local retail shops making an average of $15 an hour, if that, and struggle profusely. Fortunately, I have a really good job that is relatively close by, about 40 minute drive, and I could afford to buy a house, but my mortgage is still around 35% of my take home pay. I'm also married, and my wife works, without her income I doubt I could afford the house I live in (making about $130K a year). Could I find somewhere a little cheaper? Probably, but then the chances of finding a job paying close to what I make now would be nigh impossible.@@thegoatmen7736
They were promised the world but with no retirement in sight and abandoned by their government and the older generation they are left to fight for scraps
1970s avg salary 10k, avg house price 20k.
2024 avg salary 55k, avg house price 350k.
On top of it, over time, money degrades in worth, such as the following:
Value of $10,000 from 1970 to 2024
$10,000 in 1970 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $79,058.25 today, an increase of $69,058.25 over 54 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.90% per year between 1970 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 690.58%.
You could only buy a house for $20k at the start of the decade, and only in a place with no jobs. If you wanted to live somewhere you could find a job, by the end of the decade houses were over $100k.
What sources did you use here?
come to canada, avg salary 55k, avg house 1mil+
@@RobertLutece909 Hmm, I wonder what specific change in monetary policy in 1971 that could have possibly caused this to happen?
Asmon completely misunderstood the guy. He wasnt talking about the people who fuck up, hes talking about the people who did everything that was considered "right" yet end up coming out of it into a job that pays nothing, student loans that wrack up interest which they took because the lie convinced them that college was worth it, and housing costs that are simple atrocious when they believed the lie that buying a house would be simple once they have a job.
Student loans when you take loans to get a degree in something that doesn't make money make it so you can't pay it back. Many doctor, nurse, engineer, business owner friends with degrees all paid their loans back easily because they didn't get a degree in something that doesn't make a good career.
He probably has to do that to subconsciously protect his ego. For someone like him, it’s probably crazy to imagine anyone who actually tried and failed, because he never tried. He’s an example of someone with no experience within the system trying to chastise people, or saying they didn’t try hard enough.
Boomer take.
He goes into defensive mode on these kind of topics because he knows that if he didn't smash his head against the table for views he would be working at the gas station or McDonlads.
@@jermss7624 Actually that's incorrect. Everyone, especially doctors, are in the hole for YEARS after they leave college and their debt is a major impediment to them starting their own practices as a result which has been a net negative for the american healthcare system.
welcome to the jungle, you can do everything right and still get hunted down. we still live in a jungle, just a different type of jungle, concrete, but the survival part is the same since the start of civilization.
You look at people that did nothing and got nothing but there are people that did nothing and got something and people that did a lot and got nothing. You are looking only on one end of the spectrum to prove a point. I know a lot of people that did the best in life and still got nothing because it's impossible for everyone to be successful in life. Because in our society success is only financial
BTW I'm the proof of someone that did the bare minimum and got a lot in return. That doesn't make me special, it makes me lucky and I don't need to brag that I'm smarter and a winner to other that didn't have the same luck
Well said!!! Wish asmon could admit the same he only did slightly
none of what you're saying matters though. life is unfair, some have it better than others, that's just reality. the point is that either you can cry about it and do nothing or you can take action in the confines that are available to you. focus on working on the areas you can actually control in a tangible fashion, and if you don't know what those are, go find out! blaming society is about as good as screaming into the void, it does nothing for the majority of people.
hell, if you really want to blame society, become a politician and build your platform around these issues.
some people get dealt a shit hand but you need to make the best of the cards you got dealt.
@@amogus3023who are you to say that anyone isn't?
Exactly. Thank you
This is why I never take Asmon seriously, it's just fun watching him stunlocked.
Boomers had it the easiest in all history. Asmongold is so disconnected from regular people
What he doesn't get is the "losers" he's talking about could still get a local factory job that would support a family of 5 back in the 1950s
This right here is the elephant in teh room that Asmon refuses to see. It's not that it's impossible to do well in this economy, it's that it's MUCH harder to attain even a fraction of the standard of living that people had 50 years ago.
@@thefalseherosure. So? Is thats a reason not to even try??
The money aint the same, and the world aint the same. Why do u live in the past
@@AntonKlermon No, it's the reason why so many people are speaking out about how much worse it is. Try to keep up with the conversation, buddy.
Asmon is missing the point of what the guy in the video is saying in the first few minutes. The guy is saying that we were told working hard was suppose to lead you 1: a house, 2: a family, 3: retirement. That, in and of itself, is a lie. Housing is out of the price range of the majority of Millenials; not being able to financially provide for yourself means you cannot provide for a potential family, which means we're having fewer kids on average; and we're struggling to save any kind of money at all, even so far as living paycheque to paycheque. And it's a global problem. What we're seeing is that the even though the class system was supposed to be abolished, there are still nobles and commoners. And guess who the commoners are.
tbf asmon is like 20 iq so its hard for him to get it
tbf we don't need more kids this fucking planet is over populated as hell already.
He hasn't missed the point. He's purposely ignoring it. He can talk all he wants, but I have plenty of friends with degrees and are working jobs that don't reflect their education. I bet you he also knows the job market is shit and there's high competition but he probably ignores it too because it doesn't suit his points about poor people.
Seems more like a loser problem tbh, and losers have always had this problem regardless of generation. My fiancé and I are 26 and have no issues buying a house, starting a family, having healthy retirements accounts. This is because we've worked hard for our careers and don't blame others for our shortcomings. We've worked within the system and it's delivered on its promises. Obviously some people will just be unlucky and get fucked over, but I think generally the standard template for life, at least here in America, leads to a comfortable and respectable life. Every generation has its own obstacles and challenges. I think this constant doomer-ing about how everything sucks is a mind poison and leads many people to throw in the towel when things would just work out for them otherwise. Maybe look in the mirror instead of at society to solve your problems.
Yeah he's not looking at things in aggregate. He's providing anecdotes of some losers he knows who don't have anything because they didn't put the work in and extends that analogy to EVERYONE else, classic Fundamental Attribution Error. He's completely bought into the lie of American Exceptionalism because he was fortunate enough to be successful and thinks he did it all by his own virtue. He doesn't realize his privilege or the random chance that put him in his position, and thinks that position qualifies him to say anything about a system he's functionally been removed from.
As for a class system, the disparity WAS a lot smaller during the Boomers' prime years but rampant capitalism and Friedman/Reagan economics (the enrichment of the shareholder above all other priorities) sold out the prosperity of anyone who was born in the Eighties or later with the creation of an economic aristocracy.
5 mins in an Amson has decided that "personal responsibility" is why people can't afford houses. Sorry bro - realize you got lucky and while some of your friends are fuck ups - There is 40+ years of wage devaluation and business trends screwing over employees (this has already been proven).
Exactly but asmon has never had to face this reality. He got lucky on youtube/twitch and never had to leave his mothers house and face the reality of renting and feeding himself
True I only ever here this opinion from people that got a house from thier parents 😂
@@Rägarded The value of properties is relative to the job opportunities surrounding them. Anyone can buy a home in bumfuck nowhere but unless you've also secured a work from home job and highspeed internet (which doesn't exist in bumfuck nowhere) you're not getting an income which makes living remote economically viable.
Not to mention the classic "They did bad in school as kids so they are losers now" as if that literal child should be responsible for how a school treats them, how their parents treat them and their living situation. So many people like Asmon regularly talk about how bad schools are and how there are so many single parents and how that's bad for kids. But when it comes to looking at the repercussions of those problems, it's somehow always that persons fault they ended up how they are even though they had zero agency over their parents and family and were educated poorly by schools that constantly fail to teach. Of course there has to be some level of personal responsibility, but not everyone is an only child who had two present and caring parents and never had to leave home. Some people aren't that lucky.
EDIT: Point is how can you claim stuff like that isn't a failing of "Society". When all those things are the very fabric of what makes up society.
Yes - his bias was transparent to the point of making me laugh.
See, for his own success to be worth so much, it must be the case that it was all a product of sweat and effort. All lack of success is a result of laziness. His mindset strokes his own ego. Very convenient to have as a person in his situation but also dead wrong.
Maybe I'm just high, hearing Asmon talk about avocados just got me thinking...
I think it's pretty cool that trees and bushes were like "shit brother, I can't move! How am I supposed to make kids that won't compete with me for sunlight?" And genetics said "Worry not you strange s*x fingered wood boi! if you smell nice to bugs, and you grow these little flesh pods, weirder creatures will come an eat them and then poop all the seeds around the forest!"
Then the trees asked, "but, if I can't move, how will I take care of these children if they are scattered far and wide??!"
And then the little nerdy mushrooms popped up and were like "heeeey dude, don't worry about it, we just invented the internet underground. If you pay us in nutrients, we'll connect you to the internet so you can join Barkbook and then you can connect with your kids no matter where they are!"
Humans are the new tree.
Lmao Im not even high and this read was a total trip.
You should definitely listen closely to the song "Trees" by MGMT
"A family of trees wanted to be haunted..."
incredibly based
Four years ago I bought a house. Three weeks ago I was talking to a friend, who was also looking to buy a house. Mortgage payments calculated for a similar one as mine were over four times higher than mine. He makes almost double of what I am and have a wife making about what I am and they concluded that they can't afford it. Both the price and interest rate was much higher. Not living in USA btw. Asmon may be surprised, but somehow it didn't feel right to call them loosers for that. Same thing happens over decades and sometimes leaps forward in the crisis, but it never goes back.
you bought close to the low point of interest rates, possibly 2%. its 7% now. dont act so surprised, and dont go looking for a house in the next year or so either lol
This sounds like Australia. I am in the position of your friend.
They are not losers but that doesn’t mean they can afford to buy a house in the area they want.
Why in the world would you think that asmon was specifically calling your friend a loser on the condition that he can't afford to buy the house he wants in the area he wants right now? That you even made that jump is crazy to me. I truly don't understand.
Your comments are so off topic.
The only people asmon was calling losers are people who don't do shit for themselves except for complain about how their shitty personal circumstances are entirely someone else's fault.
You just said your friend makes twice as much as you, and made the personal financial decision to wait to purchase a house.
Are those two circumstances the same in your brain? Do you struggle to find the differences here?
Surely you get it now. I don't have to keep giving you such a hard time about it.
@@ClowdyHowdy The issue of what are people disillusioned about and what I think Amon doesn't understand isn't simply "I can't afford what I want" but more "I'm doing the same as them, yet I can't afford what they could." So I don't think my story is off-topic, it's just more pronounced version of the same, as it happened much quicker. In general, people now have much harder time to afford housing, in USA to pay their college debts etc. Problem with calling someone looser in this situation, even people who just "don't do shit for themselves except for complain" is that there are many older people also didn't do anything else, yet were able to afford living at much higher standart then now. Seeing this, I can feel with them for thinking it's someone else's fault. At 11:30 Asmon said "If I had actual lense into your life, I could see exactly how it's your fault. Absolutely. And I think that it's the case 9 out of 10 times." as a response to comment about not being able to fix economic issues with more effort. I gave an example when it is not the case, and I am convinced it also isn't just the 1/10 case. Of course you can always find something that someone can do differently - don't wish for such house, find another job, start own company, learn programming. But again, source of disappointment is the comparison of rewards between the people, who did the same, only by chance few years earlier, not just being unable to afford something.
I love how Asmon keeps flipflopping between "I just sit AFK in a conference calls while farming in a game" when its a flex and "I work all day running an entire company" when it's convenient for his argument
I say the same thing to my friends, "I sit afk in meetings", "I watch UA-cam instead of working", etc. In reality, I contribute a great deal to my company and get my work done while leading my team. Asmongold doesn't get to where he is without doing several things right. He's obviously working, just not in a traditional hourly wage sense
I mean you gotta read "Bullshit Jobs". Itll explain why both of these things relevant and correct.
I mean you gotta read "Bullshit Jobs". Itll explain why both of these things relevant and correct.
this is kinda what is meant with "forming your own perspective on things" - he has his own unique expierence. This can or cannot align with yours.
@@arcanine_059 notice how it's never "I had to finalize a budget for x company this week", etc. or anything with an ounce of specificity. It's only "I had meetings." Be real, he used his twitch/youtube money to hire people to create/run his companies and he just sits in meetings for final approvals. All OTK founders have mentioned that this is how OTK was formed; where Tipsout, the only one with a traditional career background, did everything business related and everyone else just signed the paperwork/checks. Why would it be different with his other companies? His tour of Starforge showed he didn't have a clue how the operation was structured at even a macro scale. You're telling me an involved CEO of a newly formed company wouldn't even know the different departments?
nothing inspires hard work like knowing your earning-power is actually rapidly decreasing year over year
Damnit noone wants to work anymore!
There is always someone else adjacent to where you are now. Don't be the one to let that bog you down.
That and the fact that mortgage rates went up by 4%. Inflation is the highest its been since the recession. Food prices up drastically due to diesel prices. I like asmon for video games but a guy who's lived in the same house since birth, never moved and only ever had part time jobs whilst living in his moms attic isn't exactly the guy anyone should take irl advice from.
That's why you buy real estate and company holdings. The things that are actual value. Money is imaginary.
@@jamesdagmond Black Rock buying all the real estate, we are cooked.
My favorite is the complaint that we waste her money but then when we stopped buying the stuff then they blame the younger generation for why businesses are closing down because young people don't really care about diamonds they're making their own coffee at home lol
This is the worst take I think he's had in a long long time. We went to college, we worked hard. We were supposed to get the bag, be able to afford to raise families... and we just can't.
I didn't get some trash liberal arts degree... I went into STEM like everyone told me to do. I have to yet, 10 years into to my profession, find a job with fair compensation.
I can't afford a home, I can't afford children.
The fact is, my grandparents could afford a house and 2 cars, and to raise 5 kids, and send them to college off of his McDonald's manager salary...
I can't even reach a CRUMB of that level of prosperity.
Yeah whole friend group, families, goverment is promoting and doing propaganda for you to waste your youth in school. But it's your fault that you listened to your family, friends, friend's parents and goverment and didn't decide to go your own way when you were a minor. Everything is our fault guys. Don't you get it? He is the best, we are losers.
And to fund their pensions the boomer politicians substitute you with masses of foreigners which drives up the housing prices even more. It would be funny if it were not this evil.
you are 100% right its bullshit. he chose a bad opportunity to speak to this.
im sure you know, what hes saying is being a whiner wont fix it. and hes 100% right.
"Rent has spiraled out of control, minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation for 30 years, investors are driving house prices out of everyone's reach."
"YEAH, but some people are fuckups!"
what a worthless take
Textbook strawman, it's insane
Lol bro ur just lazy bro. I'm Gen Z and its literally not that hard if u put some effort in it. But hey, your life your responsibility haha.
perfect summary
@@AK255. You're lazy because you get your opinions from Asmongold
Asmon always shows his whole ass when he tries to talk about the struggle of the everyman. He's completely disconnected from what everyday people go through.
It's not society's fault that any given person is a loser. It is society's fault if the percentage of losers goes from 15% to 30% however.
And even then it doesn't matter whose fault it is, either you take action and do something about it or you don't.
smart comment imo
What does "society's fault" mean though? How is society supposed to fix your problems? Asmon is right that no one is going to save us except ourselves.
@@myheartspitsyou take your plight to the courts and convince them why it matters, that's what happens all the time and it works.
It would help a lot if society would stop screwing up constantly. Affordable food, housing and bills, fair pay for work... Is that really so much to ask for? @@myheartspits
A STREAMER with no college or economics is giving life and financial advice ? Now I've heard it all .
Lmao and we have college grads who are in 150k of debt working at Starbucks but somehow that degree gives them credibility 😂 nice buddy. Cry about the economy some more, it might work this time.
you dont need a degree to see bullshit, specially with the internet and the absurd amount of information you can find online
You lost me on the "college" part bro. It doesn't mean shit
Asmon got a college degree and worked for the IRS for a couple years. I don't agree with his take at all though.
@@randybobandy9828 you sound like a spoiled brat bro
A couple of points that Asmon missed - big time.
1. The internet has caused a literally unprecedented shift in the type and amount of information available to us. You may think that this level of anger is normal. It's not. This is the first time that a new generation is WORSE off than the last. Actual working people are furious about this.
2. The West is more educated than ever, and technology is more complicated than ever. We now compete with AI.
Shareholder greed has us working longer hours than last gen. When Asmon shoehorns stuff in about laziness, it's psuedo. We know some people are lazy. Get off of it. The REST of the evidence is too damning.
Everyone I know talks about and agrees with the causes for these problems. I work in engineering. How the fuck are you calling us lazy, streamer?
When did he call you lazy? His point was that nobody is going to fix your problems for you, you need to take action yourself. Shit might suck but either you try doing something about it or you accept defeat. Some people have it better than others for sure but it fundamentally does not matter how or why that is or if it's morally correct. If you self-identified yourself to be lazy when it was used as an example, chances are it's for a reason
@@amogus3023"actually you felt insulted because the insult is true" braindead take, he's an engineer my guy
@@OrchidAlloy what do his qualifications have to do with what he chooses to get insulted by? I can't see how would you derive "asmon called us lazy" from this video without making the jump yourself proactively, and if that's the case, then surely it's not for no reason.
Egg-fuckin-xactly. It's a complete superhero complex to assume no one gives a shit with what they complain about. "Work harder" isn't translation for "take power over your life" like some think, it's translation for "go back to the streets and stop speaking".
The world has and will always have countless variables impeding success. There will be the privileged and underprivileged. But there will always be those who succeed against incredible odds, and those people are those who 'acted', who acted when they saw that poverty was 20 fold what it was, rent was 100 fold what it was, and pay was 1/10th what it was before. The key factor is to act, if you want your own life to change. The world can't change for you, only you can change and adapt to the world.
Asmongold can't admit he's become disconnected from the average person because he's rich AF. This is standard mentality when someone who's poor becomes rich.
You can go from poor to rich and still have self-awareness, its called remembering where you come from and having sympathy.
No...hahaha...he's absoluetly right. People now-a-days are lazy af and blame everything on society. Every person is responsible for their actions and consequences.
it's a natural thing it seems like... once ppl have money, they get used to it and they can't seem to remember not having money or put themselves in the shoes of someone that does not have the money that he has but only can say : oh he's a loser.. he takes for granted that he is lucky he got wealthy doing what he likes.. playing games.
Most problems ive seen are lack of work ethic, going to college but for stupid/useless/low paying job or bad spending habits. I know many people that go to wish and like "oh, but its only $5, its not that much!" but they do that a few times a week. They get coffee from starbucks which is now $8 for a lrg. They eat out often which is like $13-20/person. There are situations that you can find and force to be in to work. Theres house lots near me, no house, but lots of land for $25k for half acre. Its not much but for $25k to own the land you can then spend like $10k and get one of those small prebuilt houses installed. For about $50k you can pretty much buy land, get a small house on it and get utilities or whatever else you need set up. Is it fun and easy? No, but its possible. You cant want to live in the heart of LA though working at mcdonalds.
@Erupe285 eventually you forget though. You remember to some degree. But the world's changing so much.
downplaying the modern day struggle while saying your financial situation have no influence on your opinions is as out of touch you can be.
We always lose our cool when someone we project as being above us is talking down to us, but maybe they are just the ones being real with us.
@@mrboy5283 hes not being real, hes blind to the modern plight of ruined economics. the cost of living is increasing in an alarming rate and have been for the last few decades, while the income increase is nowhere near the same level. owning a home and raising a family just isn't economically feasible for the average person today. and asmon completely ignores this and boils it down to personal responsibility
@emptyforrest I know what you are saying and Asmon never said anything to the opposite of what you are saying. This is something I try to do and it is always positive.
Stop for a moment and get ready to think. Now, take yourself out of your environment. If you struggle to do that then that's normal. Now, take yourself out of the environment. Okay you can think somewhat objectively now.
What can an individual do to improve the situation we have momentarily separated ourselves from? At this point, whatever you come up with is at the very least productive thought.
@@mrboy5283 what's the average price of a house again? and the average wage? want to compare those numbers to 20, 30, 40 years ago? how about it, I've got lots of numbers and none of them point to "people are just not working HARD enough".
@@emptyforrestLife does not automatically give you the right of due compensation. You don’t deserve a house and a car and children just because you are living being. You still have to make the better decisions, acquire desirable skillsets, build beneficial social connections, and make plenty of sacrifices to get what you “want.” A place to live is a “need,” but a house is not a “need.” A 2017 used car isn’t a “need,” but perhaps the buss pass is, if bicycling or mopeds aren’t an option.
The point is that the previous generation didn’t have to focus on doing well in school or going to college, could go to work and afford a house and a family off of two incomes, or even one income a bit further back. Now you can do super well in school and go to college, and it is still a constant struggle. If you don’t do those things, it is a guaranteed struggle unless you seek opportunity outside of the traditional economy. Not everyone in the country can be a STEM major, electrician, streamer, or influencer. There are other roles in the economy that HAVE to be filled by necessity.
People, most people, have to work average or mundane jobs. My grandpa bought a house, paid it off, and supported a family of seven with a nice quality of life on his sole income… off of navy benefits and a job at RadioShack, and later as an airport luggage person. He was not considered a loser. Someone with a RadioShack job today, barely affording rent, bills and food, would be considered a loser who “didn’t do enough.”
You can tell when someone was raised with a silver spoon. Both of my parents were addicted to meth since I was 13 years old. By 16 my brother and I were homeless and my parents would roam the streets like zombies not being seen for weeks. School became almost irrelevant when you are unsure of where you will be sleeping or if you are going to have a meal that day. I began working at Walmart the day I turned 18 and have been grinding ever since. Now at 36 I'm finally earning what used to be considered a substantial wage but the average price of a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment is around 2 grand per month. So I can either choose to live alone and severely kneecap my ability to save which makes the possibility of buying in the future much more difficult. Or I rent a bedroom for 800 a month and hope the economy doesn't keep moving in the same direction so that one day I can have a home of my own. Now please excuse me while I go work another 100 hour work week while you call people lazy from your computer desk.
Fucking preach it brother
And few comments ago you earned 120k$ a year and spend 50% of your income on rent. So save up that soggy made up story. There are more options in your story too. You are not feudal peasant that is welded to your district.
then arent you doing what hes saying by trying to improve your life instead of sitting on your ass blaming everyone else
Not being raised with the yeast at the bottom of the barrel does not make one some spoiled brat who never knew hardship. It just means you were exceptionally fucked by the draw of life, and that sucks dude.
Your parents garbage decisions put you in a shit position to take on life. I wish you luck.
A lot of what Asmon is saying here can still be used and applied by most people though. There’s issues in the system and that’s worth trying to resolve, certainly. We can still take responsibility for what we can and pull ourselves up though. It beats just resigning ourselves to victimhood.
Amen brother.
just from my experience a lot of people who do the van life are wealthier people LARPING as poor people.
Yep. Those van lifers are, to a large extent, frauds. I shudder to think how many people they've convinced to put all their money into a van and sleep in the Walmart parking lot. That's a tough life unless you have one of those rare, golden "remote only" jobs that pay six figures.
I've got friends that were gonna live in a bus before some health complications arose. They worked and saved up and renovated the interior to be really nice. They spent most of thier savings to do it, but they thought the proce was worth it because they would only have to pay for gas, internet and food. They both worked remote jobs that would've covered those costs with enough for leisure.
The main reason they seem wealthy is because they significantly reduce their costs by living as such. Unfortunately it doesn't work so well in families with kids, so it's not an option for everyone.
Vans are lowkey ridiculous because the vanlifers bought them all then to get a van today its like 100K for the Sprinter 50K for the remodeling, its really not for bums anymore like people say.
@@EsperagonChannel I think they're more-so talking about the people buying the $200k fully decked out Sprinter vans. You can buy an old school bus and remodel it fairly cheap if you are doing the work yourself, so that's not really a surprise. But the people that are spending the equivalent of a mortgage on a van, and then posting UA-cam videos of their "perfect life" while waking up at the beach every day is what a majority of "van life" has become.
@@Freznosis Ah yeah I can see how that becomes an issue of indulgence then. My friends bought an old bus used for transportation between hospitals (I believe) so they did get quite a deal on it too.
As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere, there is a scale. No, we don't pay as much as someone in LA does for a house, but we don't make the same amount of money, have to travel for everything (hospitals, groceries, etc), pay more for less service (internet, gas), the jobs available are part time with no benefits at the minimum wage that is not 20$/hr, etc. The houses we can afford are rundown and in disrepair, and it is more expensive/difficult to get those repairs done. It's definitely different in many ways, but it's also very similar.
10 years ago this was true. But in the past few years there are so many remote jobs now. You can earn that LA or NYC money online and still live cheaply, best of both worlds.
@@GurtGobain It's still true where I live. How is someone who can't afford groceries going to afford a computer? Not to mention, remote work is being phased out around the country; lots of people are being recalled into the office from their remote homes at least once a week.
It may not be true where you live, but this is not the case for my location.
@@GurtGobain thats bullshit
My dad had less education and earned much less than me, and was able to afford a house and 2 apartments in his lifetime whilst supporting a family of 4. He earned around 5k per month and went on regular vacations. He worked as a heavy machinery mechanic.
I am a self-employed engineer and make around 10-14k per month, and It took me 6 years of saving like a madman (no vacations) with my wife to buy my first apartment in the suburbs for around 300k. Imagine if I had my dad's salary, I would have been renting for life. Most people nowadays who don't make this salary will be slaves, and it's not their fault.
People don't understand that it doesn't matter how hard you work if the system is rigged and the system is rigged. Inflation makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Even if my salary doubles in a decade, the prices will destroy my income.
You're father had little formal education. But, you shouldn't for a single minute think that a heavy equipment mechanic is not very smart. They were very well paid in your fathers time and they're very well paid today. And they're crying for people. All of the trades are.
@@mikebailey9566 I never said my father wasn't smart. Being educated and being smart are two different things.
I know people who have 2 PHD's in culture and gender studies. Trust me, they aren't smart.
My dad worked as a car mechanic from 16 to 50, tried to make his own business, employed dozens of people over the years and worked day in and day out all this time. Today he's making deliveries, has no retirement money, has no house, our car is 20 years old and there's no perspective we can change that. His business went belly up due to the government's obscene taxation policies in Brazil and the country in general kills 80 to 90% of the new businesses in half a decade.
I don't know how things work up there but here our education system only cares about one thing, the ability to memorize shit from elementary scholl all the way up to uni. My parents wasted thousands of dollars and I wasted a decade of my life on a system that was teaching me to memorize and forget right after with the hope of getting superior education.
On paper we have universal free healthcare, reality is that if anyone on my family gets sick, we're more likely to die laying down on the floor in a public hospital.
The one right call my parents made was to force me to study english and for this one choice now I have a remote job overseas which gives me the same amount of money that my dad working full time delivering food.
My family makes around 10 times the minimum wage, we don't get shit from the government and still barely make the ends meet every month.
In my country, I'm in the 10% richest percentile and still I cannot get sick or take a break without facing severe consequences.
Sure, if you try real hard you can make it and honestly unlike most people I do not resent successfull people, but the problem is that being miserable has become the norm to most people and saying "all you need to do is to try harder" to someone that's already over the edge is offensive.
I'm fine with winners winning and losers losing, on the other hand, humiliating people that lost and saying they deserved the life they've got just because you think they didn't try hard enough is disgusting.
I don't need any pity or help, I just need a world where the bare minimum is enough to live instead of surviving.
Asmon thinks you can't be personally responsible and criticize society simultaneously.
My brother, we are just fucked by our governments. Over there in the US prices are cheaper in rural areas, services, groceries, property too. If you can work remotely then you can move to less populated places with bigger and cheaper housing, with the possibility to even grow your own food or animals, which only need a small amount of your time in a small scale.
In the US if you work hard and put effort you can start your own business and thrive. All of the people who i know have small business in the USA lost a ton during the lockdowns, but they bounced back up once the economy restarted.
People who disagree and live in the US are just trapped in the mentality of infinite growth, into believing they need all the stuff they buy and pay for, into believing they just have to do all those outings or buying all those expensive toys, clothes, food, whatever else they think they need.
It's not that there is a lack of jobs, there is a lack of workers and a few companies that exploit their workers.
In the US is a whole mixed can of worms, but it's overall the same brainrot worldwide. If you can afford to live in the city, by all means due so, but in this day and age you don't need to live in the city, you can live in the countryside and still make it, you just have to give up your toys, leave the consumer life.
Over here in South America we are just fucked no matter where we live because our govt has stolen everything from us and keeps stealing. Our people have been brainwashed into thinking we need to be completely dependant on the government for everything, we have been conditioned to ask for help and oney from the govt, when in fact, everybody forgets that money you are given, is taken from everybody else's and your own taxes. It's not free.
This is way more appreciated in countries like South Korea or Japan, where people have become extreme consumers, they consume so much and desire so much to live where everyone else is living, they want to do all these trending things and try all the stuff the famous people or influencers do, so the demand is insanely high and the prices are extremely high because of that. It's gotten so bad their countries are giving them money to go back to the smaller towns and populate them, but they don't think of their children, they think of the here and now, no future planning, everyone wants instant gratification, so they don't move to towns and populate them to turn them into cities of their own, instead of trying to compete so hard in an overpopulated area.
While I sympathize with your situation, based on what you wrote I don't think you watched the entire video. If you did, you either weren't paying attention or for some reason didn't understand Zack's message.
@@naughtywizard It appears you didn't watch the entire video either.
How is that not your dad's fault? Uhh...
This video made me realize "Boomer" is a mindset and not just an age bracket.
I didnt think Asmon even owned shoes with laces let alone boots with straps.
@@FretBarvethat kinda went hard im not gonna lie
How many hours a week do you work and what is your income? Don't lie.
@@positrack99 Maybe it's different in US but in EU... I work a healthy 40 hours a week. Literally average income. Would have to work for 8 years to buy a 40 square meter apartment. Ofc 8 years of saving up ALL 100% of the income. Definitely not fucked at all xd
The numbers don’t lie, things are fucked out here. The prices of everything are up and wages have hardly moved at all. The risk is greater than ever for making a mistake, and I think that’s why people feel such hopelessness.
People should be taught economics and finance in high school to understand how the world moving around them without having a secret society being behind it. There are less and less places in the world to exploit while Western society is more lazier while more demanding, therefore its much easier to taking those overpaid jobs to somewhere Asia where they happy to work twice as hard for quarter of your sallary. There is so much technology built into our everyday life for very affordable prices due to the fact they manufacture in Asia and mining minerals using technically slave labour in Africa. This is the exchange of globalisation and society due to politics and burocracy fail to adapt as fast as technology changing our life. The same time you have 70 80 year old politicians driving policies who are not in touch with reality. The problem is a combination of many things but you can either freeze like a deer or focus on your own life and make the system work for you, however it is its more beneficial if you looking for solutions than pointing fingers.
so what will statistically lead you to success, lying down in your bed and thinking everything is hopeless or going out there and trying?
yes it is harder for us than earlier generations, yes the economy is shit, yes the country is flooding with foreign criminals but YOUR life won't improve by saying everything is shit and giving up
Don't make mistakes. Git gud scrub.
@xandii4694 not mutually exclusive. You can think things are hopeless while still trying, most people who have that mindset are very much trying.
Yeah I think this video shows exactly how out of touch the addict in mom's attic is. Never forget how he betrayed her the moment she died and told the whole world every last detail of negativity he saw in her for clicks. Such loyalty after allowing him to be a loser who couldn't make his way into the world.
What happens when you tried hard from age 13-25 but you are disenfranchised???? Its definetly societies fault
I've been in school for 20 years. I've been at the top of my class multiple times. I've always had a scholarship. I have completed a PhD programme and am now a doctor. There is currently no job available that matches my level of education in terms of the salary offered. On top of that, if I wanted to become a university teacher, which is decent money but not great, I'd have to do a second research paper just as extensive and complex as my PhD, while also teaching almost as much as a regular teacher during the week.
No, sometimes, life fucks you over no matter how hard you work. And you know what? Now I'm at the lowest point, mentally speaking, I've ever been in my life, which means I have next to no drive to do anything and no money to seek therapy, despite desperately wanting to.
You are correct. Life will always screw you over no matter how hard you work. It'll screw you even harder if you give up. Failure is just part of life and so is learning from it. You'll figure out something if you keep looking (I know that sound cheesy, but I wanted to offer words of encouragement.)
You worked really hard and your absolute accomplishments are amazing. I just finished a Master's degree and I would love to go and get a PhD but I'm almost 30 and feels like a stretch at my age. I worry these programs won't accept me and people like you with a massive curve will always beat me in that game
Yeap. You worked hard. But sadly, nowadays degrees aren't doing much.
Wow imagine being a doctor and complaining because the better-than-average pay you’re being offered isn’t good enough. No one cares that you went to school for 20 years. Tell that to a guy who’s been roofing for 40 and will never see the money you could. Asmon is so 100% on point with what he said and everyone in the comments just plays themself because they cant see how good their own life is. Asmon was 110% correct.
It’s crazy how I dropped out of college and here I am realizing that I’m smarter than some actual doctors out there. Wild.
You sure judge people a lot for a guy who never left the same house he grew up in, never ventured to a new town or city, probably never paid rent in your life or tried start a new life. All your money doesn’t change the fact that when people look at you, they see a bum.
@myrichardinyoumyrich9743 Me risking my life daily to secure metal goods at harbour for shipment overseas getting guilthtripped by rich streamer. If anything is lazy, its his argument.
@@AbunaYeetHe worked a government job. You don't work hard in most government jobs. Plus, he brags about being a bad employee.
Another way for someone to make themselves look good, otherwise their channel would be dead if they took the alternative perspective. Asmon only has accepted his situation yet will project it as a bad thing for people who aren’t comfortable where they are.
I usually agree with Asmon but man someone who got famous for looking goofy who played WoW and is now a millionaire is crazy to hear him trying to rationalize the normal person’s struggle is kinda crazy 😂👀 Zack is part of the 1% no matter how much he tries to act like he relates to the bottom 99%… I like him but when wealthy ppl trying to tell the average person how to feel needs to be questioned.
@@MD-yd8lhThis isn’t me saying millennials make their own mistakes but there are problems he just won’t understand. Let’s not get it twisted my life is fine and some of the things he says in this video are true. However most of the issues were created by our parents who took out predatory student loans when we were 16 years old with no concept of money, also had schools PROMISING a job would be on the other side which the financial crisis took away.
He's just saying you can overcome that shit, and I agree with him. I'm an immigrant who was lucky enough to come to the U.S. and eventually earn my citizenship. I came here with nothing, and now I get sit around my nice house and watch Asmon and play games all day. Yeah, we have issues in our country, but if you try, you can overcome them. I mean, I fucking did.
@@SethV0812problem is most guys in this comment section of the video run their mouths not their brains and muscles to make up for their mistakes in life at get back on track.
@@SethV0812 yeah asmon is right. I'm in a shit position and it's 100%my fault. People just can't accept that they're the problem
The survivorship bias is off the charts. Just imagine this conversation on slavery. "You are not going to end slavery. All you can do is accept it and work the hardest you can to become free. If you can't achieve freedom, it's your fault. It's not the fault of society to to make you free."
I had seen so many W takes from Asmon recently that I thought my memories of his unhinged and braindead takes were just false memories. Turns out he was just on a streak of good takes and he's still very capable of being dumb.
Edit: how people are defending the economy when the numbers support assertions about the poor state it's in is crazy. Prices go up while wages barely raise as well. The buying power of your dollar tanks, your employer doesn't even try to compensate for it, yet it's still somehow worth defending this shit show we call an economy. Are there ways to earn enough that this isn't true for you? Of course. However you get blinded by the success stories and can't see the swathes of failure stories that follow. If you look back in time you can see where a single person could support their entire family on a fairly average wage. Today you can barely support yourself (if you actually can) on a typical wage.
Wages are shit, the housing market is shit, inflation is shit, businesses are shit, yet somehow there are people looking at the situation and claim it's fine. I managed to escape the bottom of the barrel, but I'm not so arrogant as to think there's room for everyone up here. There are ways to not be completely impoverished, but there's hardly enough room for everyone and that's a sign of issues. If the solution to escaping your financial woes is to move up the ladder that's already a dead end idea, the whole population can't be managers if there's no one to manage. Higher scarcity jobs can't be the solution since by their nature there are far fewer opportunities for the average person. You can't even use the solution of moving to better areas since, again, there are a limited number of jobs. You need it to where the minimum wage is a livable wage, but it simply isn't. It's true that the situation is extremely complicated and nearly impossible to solve, but that doesn't make it any less dire.
The Trump stuff, the piss poor AI art takes, I just wish he would stay in his comfort zone instead of alienating everyone, with sh he doesn't even know about.
Biggest disagreement of all time for me. Never get triggered when I disagree but this was brutal! Man kept flip flopping. His ending point was change your self not society, if it doesn’t work out give up…..like bruh wtf. Says Martin Luther king changed his self so much it essentially flowed through others and created a movement
You guys, uhh, this is normal thinking. If you fight hard you'll have a chance to win, and if you don't fight at all you'll for sure lose.
Why is this so hard to understand..?
Haha yeah I think he will always be capable of this level of block headedness, part of his personality
@@ericomfg Boy you're 14, life is more complex than a karate analogy. But maybe this will help you, Imagine fighting a 6'5 275 pound of muscle and calling it fair... That's what Asmon is doing. You can fight hard you aren't doing shit tho little man. Does that make more sense or do I have to break that down too?
So Asmon basically thinks anyone who works an unskilled job deserves to live in poverty. If you work full time hours ANYWHERE and don't piss away your money, you should be able to live a comfortable life. That is not true anymore.
25% of people living in the US today were born somewhere else. You can't have a flood of people from other countries like that without driving down the value of unskilled labor.
the think is even SKilled jobs are being replaced. Programmers? replaced by AI Graphic design? replaced by AI. Certain Medical Jobs? Replaced by AI. its not like learning a skill does you any good either. The best thing you can do nowadays is go to trade school and learn a trade
I can work very hard and carry rocks from one place to another with my bare hands all day for 16 hours a day, it might provide 0 value but it is still hard work. Maybe no one asked me to do it but I still do it, maybe no one wants me to pay me to do it, but I still do it. Should I get paid ? If so, how much? As much as an electrician? As much as a doctor? Or a CEO? I am working harder than all those guys. Your argument makes no sense, sir.
@@BasicPixell get a job in IT in general, so many different options and are hard to replace as they are trades
@@BasicPixellwhat do you think happens when millions of people are all trying to work the same trade jobs
Asmond falling for the fallacy of looking at his immediate surrounding (and even that not that close I would argue) and generalising. A guy working a dead end job in a burger joint in the 70s would make the equivalent of 25 to 30 dollars an hour today. A house back in thenday would've cost about 30x your income. Now it costs 90x. Those guys who didn't give a fuck at school in the 60s now own a lot of the properties in the UK and US. The difference was that even when they fucked up they were paid enough to make ends meet and save money AND support a family. I know a lot of people first and second hand who did everything right and they can't afford to have kids. People who took degrees in college with good grades and now they are barely able to leave their parent's home. Yeah. Things are fucked. Boomer generation got everything handed out to them and then they pulled up the ladder.
That can very well be true and ultimately it still does not matter. We live in a reality where this is the current situation, and either we accept the shit hand that got dealt to us and make the best of it or we accept defeat and do nothing. It's understandable for people to be pissed about the situation, but emotion not paired with action achieves nothing.
@@amogus3023 or perhaps we could all work together and change the situation for everyone's benefit. saying it doesn't matter is a braindead take, Just because the current situation is bad for some doesn't mean we should just accept it and do nothing, if people had that mindset 200 years ago we would still be using slaves for labor
@@jimbla4747 "we would still be using slaves for labor"
But we do. It's just shifted to exported forced labor and heavy emissions abroad instead of "in house".
It does matter. You can simultaneously work really hard, earn a good living as you best can, but also note that crap conditions came from boomers. Yes blame needs to be properly placed actually for the world to change, ESPECIALLY when boomers are still in positions of power. Your "hustle bro" culture is a silly thing. Many people hustle quietly and accept and work through difficult conditions but also recognize times are crap because of poor decisions from previous gen.@@amogus3023
@@amogus3023 you can not accept defeat as much as you want. The reality is that it is going to matter very little. Look at the people who graduated in 2008. They left college in the middle of the worst recession to date. They lost years of their careers. Sure they can grind and turn things around and some did. But even those are still worse off than previous generations. Look at generational wealth charts, look at the wealth of the top 1%. It has never been more skewed. You are also committing a logical error.
This guy comes from a working poor background and now that he's rich off streamer bucks, he considers the working poor to be "losers." That's even worse than being a trust fund kid and thinking that.
He literally has a Bullshit job, Patrick Bateman stile...
Asmon's POV is so removed from a normal person's life it hurts. At least I appreciate his honesty.
what’s a normal person though? Everyone has their own goals got to make the right steps if your goal is to be the best middle school teacher you aren’t going to be able to have a really nice house. If your goal is to have a nice house you’ll have a job that can do that ykwim
“Normal Person”
@@donavyn6326 hi rabbi
Yo Asmon not everyone can be a streamer and have multiple companies. The problem is that the system doesn't work for the majority. Sure an individual can rise to the top but most people are on the way down.
How do you know, have you tried and put in the hard work? Or are you just comfortable enough that you don't strive for more?
@@GurtGobainin a corrupt world you will never rise without someone with power will help you. You can cut the crap
@@notyourdad361 and i have proceeded to rise to a livable wage without help, unless my parents with a basic office job and a military office worker count as people in power
Stop thinking about what "most people" are doing and start worrying about what you personally are doing tomorrow...next month...next year. Don't be a victim, this mindset does nothing to help you change your life in any meaningful way.
@@bullettime1116and for every you there are 10 yous that didn’t. Hard work only takes you so far now, skill only takes you so far.
Grandpa use to be the sole bread winner to a wife and 4 kids working as a ford mechanic. Parents built a brand new house in ‘81 for $50k. Now days 2 parents working full time can’t afford 4 kids let alone build a new house.
Massive L take, bro has somehow forgotten what its like to be poor
Nah--W stance by Asmon. You want change? Do it yourself. The world will never make your life better, ever.
He did 😂
Amazing example of survivorship bias. The dood lived with his parents rent free for so long that he forgot where he came from.
The best part is him giving his really bad takes about society when he doesn’t even lived like a normal person in society.
Pretty much he got carried thru life.
..and he not seeing any fault in it. It's a matter of Perspective indeed.
Also, he doesn't have kids. He fails to realize what position he is in
Asmongold really been using the "but i know this one guy" argument a lot lately
Responding to one anecdote with another is not arguing. They are simply two separate points/perspectives that can coexist. *insert lead horse to water/drink idiom*
@@mrboy5283 responding to facts with a contridicting anecdote is a piss poor argument is what I'm saying, I'm not here for an argument with asmongold as he doesnt respond to youtube comments.
Wtf is up with that smug horse thing you're doing at the end? Just wondering what the point of it is
@@gamerzss didn't want to pull the quote but "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink."
All I'm trying to say is not everything is either good-bad, yes-no, zero-one. Binary thinking limits things to 2 outcomes and they are mutually exclusive. Two anecdotes does not make an argument and life is gray sometimes.
if you are searching for good rhetoric i suggest avoiding the internet, and, more broadly, people.
@@boldCactuslad no a lot of us just need to stop watching this hack be a hyprocrite for our own good
dude I make 120k plus a year and am 36 years old. I still have to rent a bedroom in someone elses house if I ever want to own something. There are plenty of lazy people out there who blame society for their short comings but you cant ignore the fact that the economy is absolutely fucked and the average person has very little chance of achieving the "american dream".
Immigration increases price of rent.
@@dnlvlkv5781 oy vey
@@dnlvlkv5781 Greedy investors increase the price of rent.
He would just say why are you living in that place then
I would question your expenses with that much earnings and still can't afford something. Can you list your expenses?
Asmon contradicts himself a lot on social issues like this. Lots of flip flopping.
Wow guy who was given a house and streams for a living giving people the bootstraps myth.
You do it. It's easy
@@xCCflierx lol ikr, like he didn't hit streaming at the right time xD
Sure pal, lemme time travel 20 years back and start playing wow for videos. @@xCCflierx
He spends *_hours_* every single day "reacting" *_(ie STEALING)_* content produced by other creators and monetizing it for himself on *_multiple platforms._* He cant even be bothered so much as link to the original videos.
This video is but one example.
It's not about easy or hard, its about luck. You think every streamer who works hard is successful? Give me a break @@xCCflierx
I make more money editing for youtubers part time than I did as a seasoned warehouse manager doing 55 hrs /week for a shipping company. Absolutely we're miserable and with close to little wiggle room for any way to progress.
We are also 'assaulted' with education as adults in the form of advertsing telling us that if we want to make more money we need to go back to school. :/
Where you learned to edit?
I really don't wanna go back to a 9-5 job
@@Gorrash Don't.
Don't work. Why? So half your check can go to super single 304s with bastr. children?
Nah, burden the system. Take what you need, give NOTHING back.
They live on the productivity of young MEN.
If they tap out, all the parasites starve.
It's bullshit, isn't it? All my life I was told about how good a "real job" was. And I've been doing labor, factory work, and even spent time in the military all my life. I worked hard, did what I was supposed to do, had some fuck-ups here and there (who didn't?) and it's been very apparent my whole life that "hard work" doesn't pay off. Busting my ass in factory to build things society needs paid me less than my current job, which is sitting on my ass doing customer support for people's video games. It's a sick fucking joke.
Asmon you arent really a real person with a real job that has a perspective to speak on this, youre one of a kind in your career, you worked hard but you also got insanely lucky in a way that no one can ever be again.
also, for every hard working streamer that made it, you have hundreds who worked as hard and did not make it.
Zach's takes are normally more grounded considering his wealth and status... but this one wasn't one.
@@LiveType there are 320 million people in America, and there is only 75K worldwide people who make it as influencers, that might as well be a rounding error as far as a "job" goes.
~50-100k worldwide isn't a lot. That's like 0.00125%, lol.
He got in at the right time streaming the most popular game to ever exist. That alone was a huge advantage that hardly no one else can replicate. Sure he floated to the top like a porous turd and it took hard work. But it took just as much timing & luck.
to be a successful influenfer, luck is like 80% of it. Too many people buying OP pc's, streaming their asses off, and only have an average of 3 viewers. Either you blow up, or you don't.
Asmongold says he knows people who didn't do well in school and never went to college and says that's why they aren't succeeding. Then, when told about how degrees don't mean you will make a lot and you can even make $50k after spending $40k/year on a degree he asks why did they go to college?
Asmongold has always been good at flip flopping to make his point the only point. As someone else stated, this video has made me realize Boomer isn't generational, it's a mindset. Asmongold is a Boomer for sure.
Having a point while completely missing the point should be considered a true form of art.
Best comment!
I don't understand why he takes this "life coach" approach to the video and tries to shame people for "intelectualizing" the economical situation. I think understanding macro economies can really help you on your day to day choices, and if you want to start a buisness it's mandatory.
He ignores the economic evolution of the last 30 years and do not see that 1% of the world population has 50% of the wealth.
We could just "work harder loser" or just make rules to limit these inequalities, I would argue that the first option serves the interest of that one percent.
We’ll call it Asmonisms
Its a common mistake
@@Clemmort" I don't understand why he takes this "life coach" approach to the video and tries to shame people for "intelectualizing" the economical situation" Because hes in the 1% himself and got there by playing video games. He doesnt want that to change
Dude your wrong on this man you got millions in the bank and don't realize that my grandparent didn't go to college didn't finish high school only GPA worked 40 a week and he was able to afford everything needed to own a home 2 cars an rv feed all 5 kids and spend 3 months a year in Florida... ppl nowadays go to school til 25 they in debt 60k at the start of adulthood and work pays less then cost of living you usually don't have such bad takes but this one... it is what it is
no its a result of your own decisions *laughs on mountain of money*
@Durzza yes its becoming more abundantly clear that all his compassion for and the care he has for the downtrodden is just bs to make him look better this man has nvr had to leave his mommas house and has more money then probably 1000 families but he's commenting on poor Ness like anyone who is poor chose to be its baffling... I guess born rich folks and the poor who become rich are actually kindred spirits...
This comment proves his point. Stop giving a shit about other people, and comparing yourself to them. Constantly comparing yourself to other people is the bane of your existence and it seems like a social media generation thing.
well then maybe they should do as your grandpa and skip school? instead of going into debt for a worthless diploma?
Asmongold once again proves he hasn't been outside in 20 years. I can use anecdotes to allege the exact opposite. Most people i know did go to college, took it seiously, and are barely making ends meet.
saw another video where all the comments were saying that he doesn't often have a hard L opinion, but when he does he goes all in with it. >
You can use anecdotes to make inferences. He's right in what he says. The only people who get mad are middle class kids who never grew up poor or knew anyone who was poor. What did your friends major in so they couldnt succeed?
@@johnng120 If you can use anecdotes to make inferences, then my inferences are equal to Asmon's. At best they cancel out.
As more people with degrees join the homeless community this will become more visible.
@@Kepesk the difference is he's right and you're wrong he's using real life encounters and experiences. He grew up poor and most people you talk to who grew up poor or grew up around poor people would agree with what he says or don't have an issue with what he says.
remember people, when an onely child who inherited his mum's house and has turned it into a pig stye tells you to quit complaining and just work harder you do it!
Some bad takes here. "Don't live in the trendy cities, there's empty towns in bumfuck nowhere" Yeah with no jobs out there either dude.
Me and my family offered multiple people in our family that if they wanted to come over we got their backs. A place to stay for free (like in an actual house), work, food. We got it.
Know how many did? Zero. We legit would love some extra help. We are paying outsiders.
Most people are addicted to life in those big cities. Just like some people are addicted to their phones. Addicted to the bright lights and flashes even if they have no substance to their lives. People legit rather be borderline homeless on a big vity, than well off in "bumfuck nowhere".
The kicker? We live like 1 hour away from them. Legit just on the outskirt of the city. Sure, no malls nearby, a single MCdonalds and no wendy, etc. But my fucking bedroom is bigger than their stupid apartment. Ad we got a car, yknow, if we do want to hit the mall.
A lot of people just arent okay with putting up with the smallest sacrifice.
I get like my aunties, my grandma. They old, they are used to their lives. Not that smart, but i get it. But aint no way in hell none of my cousins shouldnt have jumped at the opportunity. And I got a lot of those.
How about use the little brain u got in your head?
I live an work in bumfuck nowhere and you still cant afford a house working 50hrs a week in the local factory
@@barriakarl 1. Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t cover the entirety of the population! 2. You shouldn’t need to live in the middle of the wops to be able to afford basic needs! People are literally making the most they ever have in their lives and being priced out of where they have grown up
@@barriakarl i would do it immediatly.
"life is a product of their decisions" is an extreme generalization and a great example of reductive thinking.
I'm pretty sure it's true. In most cases, you're sitting where you are today, in your own lifestyle, based on decisions YOU made. It's not reductive. That's life. And it has been known this way for centuries.
@@CraftyMiscreant "And it has been known this way for centuries" Yea dude, the serfs were working the fields of their lord simply based on the decisions they made. The coal miners were spending 95% of their salary at the company store because it was a decision they made.
@@CraftyMiscreant You control inflation? You control housing prices? Now recently there's talk of conscription. Tell me what decisions an average Gen Z made that get us here?
@@azure4100 skill issue, get a trade and get a good job
Yeah it's still a "you" problem. Every generation, there's terrible economic problems. There's no excuse to actually improve your life and put you in a good position. These economic problems don't last long. I have zero sympathy for people who don't adapt to them.
When I was a kid, I was told that school was everything. I questioned that, even when I was very young. Meanwhile, my friends were so afraid of being losers that they studied long and hard, went to the best universities in their area, did extra curricular activities, anything to give themselves an edge. I pursued my own interests and developed skills outside of academia, focusing my energy on quality of time not quality of pursuit. My friends could not comprehend why I wasn't over achieving like they were and I felt sorry for them.
Fast forward two decades, I'd be lying if I said a decent number of these people aren't doing well but there are a surprising amount of people who are only doing 'ok'. They are either unable to afford property but still live relatively well or spend most of their waking hours working. So their reward for all that extra devotion was mediocrity and in some cases, significantly lower quality of life than their parents.
The sad irony, I out-earn most of them. If we lived in a just world, I'd be the one struggling. This isn't a brag post or a cautionary tale, it's just a statement of fact. People think success is a formula, it isn't. It's a random collection of factors, most of which are entirely out of your control. All you can do is be persistent and set yourself up as best you can. There are people who hired me simply because they liked my personality and tenacity, despite being severely underqualified. On the other end, I've been in hiring positions where we had to turn down qualified candidates because they folded under pressure in an interview scenario. It is a very real possibility that you could be denied your dream job having all the necessary qualifications because the interviewer doesn't like your face. It sounds petty but it's true.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful perspective. The world needs more compassionate people like you. I envy my friends who went into trade or stuck with one thing since high school and are making out okay with it, including my ex boyfriend (now good friend), who is making over 80k after only going to a year of trade school for IT. I'm one of those people who got a degree, in a "prosperous" subject, and have always worked extremely hard and regardless have been totally devastated in all aspects----for several years now, and I'm so exhausted. Something has got to give soon.
@@nat3199when I was married I was steadily getting raises and after 10 years I was making significantly more money than when we first got married, and yet we were still living paycheck to paycheck even 10 years later.
After our divorce I was able to pay down all our debts (I had to take over all our debts) and then kept at least a couple thousand in my account all the time. She is still struggling with money.
Point of this story being that some people are their own problem when it comes to money. If you can't manage your money you'll stay poor.
"There isnt a societal problem because some people create their own problems."
Jesus Christ man
A millionaire who is out of touch, did not expect that.
Right? 🤣
No he is not i have seen immigrants dirt poor without english come here and make bank. it's a mind set and most people here are soft.
Riiiight. A "MIND SET" and not stagnant wages. A "mindset" and not rising cost of living or outrageous housing prices. A "mindset" is the cure to lowering job stability in the country, the companies aren't responsible, it's our "mindset". Workers rights diminishing? The return if child labor? The loss of rights over our bodies? Can't wait to "mindset" college debt away, sweet! All just a mindset away from POOF vanishing. Damn, bro I had no idea it was that easy. I'll get right to work on that mindset and hopefully all these things will be gone tomorrow.
@@peekychu5235 Mf you can't just say "i've seen xyz happen so why can't you do it?", just because you've seen one thing does not mean the other is immediately false.
@@peekychu5235because they receive benefits and don't pay taxes because it's under the table, they also have a network of people that help them.
being lazy doesnt drive up cost of rent
Very true, so you can either A. Complain about high rent until the landlords finally realize they were wrong all along and cut you a break out of the kindness of their hearts or B. Make the necessary adaptations (higher income, reduced spending, or finding a cheaper place to live). One of these is in your control and is more likely to actually give results.
Had to work 60 hours to afford rent with other people and buy healthy food with zero savings while praying my car doesn’t break down lmao
@@Deeptunester Dude, the layoffs. THE LAYOFFS. There's no income left.
No but it cripples your ability to deal with it.
@@maibaolinh1253 You're right. I forgot that once you're laid off it's impossible to ever find another job for the rest of your life. I also forgot that it's impossible to save any money while employed in preparation for potential financial emergencies. If you went in to work tomorrow and found out you were getting laid off, how would you react? This is a question that needs to be answered before it actually happens. That's called being smart.
Ah, the slip-up where he admits he thinks he's better than the chatters because he's more successful. Bro's such a two faced hack sometimes.
Well yeah... dude doesn't have much else going for him besides cash and clout.
Is it me or has it been getting like bad lately 😭😂
What would you expect from someone with his personality? He always act in benefit of himself, even if that means to distort reality and be hypocrite
Where is this part at can u get the time
@@nickwilson9700yea he's losing it
His opinions on this subject are like hearing if he gave nutritional and workout advice. He has never had to live that life and just knows what he has seen online. It's outside of his bubble.
Dude worked one time for 2 days as a 9-5 job and thinks he knows what is working hard 😂😂😂 cause he streams everyday too 😂😂😂 out of touch asf
"You're in a bad place cause u didnt work hard enough"
Ye thats not all cases bro, you're tripping 😂
I think Destiny was the same, he literally couldn't hack a 9-5 job before he got big streaming.
Ngl if you think streaming is not hard, then why dont u try it? 99% of the streamers are not Asmon, Shroud or KaiCenat who got 10k views everytime they stream. Most of the time, they barely get to have 10-50 views. I would like for you to try it for a year and tell us lmao.
@@shazazy4137 Seems like those 99% streamers are losers and not trying hard enough.
@@kireus6714 Exactly my point.
I don't think you understood what he said that much.
Asmon sounds like a boomer here. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would disagree with the fact that quality of life for the average person has gone down significantly over the past decade. At least here in Canada, hardly any millennials or gen z can or will ever be able to afford to buy a home. What a joke of a take. Look at the average person instead of just saying it’s people’s fault for their laziness and lack of effort in general.
you miss the point. you are completely correct however.
knowing its fucked and bitching about how its fucked doesnt do anything.
it takes people doing things to fix anything. its nearly impossible to do enough to satiate, and thats why people choose to bitch because its easy.
iv spent more than a decade trying to understand economics, geopolitics, theology, and demographics and ill let you guess how much it has accomplished.
actually, its mostly citys. if i look at my home, here in germany, the deeper you go into big citys the more you pay. you could life for 400 euros a month in a nice spacy apartment somewhere in a nice town or you are dumb, go to munich, hamburg and berlin and pay 2k or more for the same space. same with the US and almost any other western nation.
But if quality of life has gone down in the past decade, is it really right to blame boomers for that? Sure there are a lot of boomers in politics, but a lot of political activists are young. It's not older generations, it's ideology that has fucked up our society, and the ideologies that are fucking things up are not the "try to improve yourself and strive for success" style ideologies.
Until some wealthy person buys property where you are, which is the case in the US with people from rich coastal cities like LA, San Francisco, New York or Conneticut are buying up property in the midwest.
Until some wealthy person buys property where you are, which is the case in the US with people from rich coastal cities like LA, San Francisco, New York or Conneticut are buying up property in the midwest.
Your average burger flipper at McDonald's in 1975 made $300,000/year in today's money.
Asmon's not wrong about bad choices, but he is absolutely delusional about the real state of today's economy, which is from all sides converging on the deconstruction of the middle class.
It's a basic cycle:
1. Politicians enact policies that make life and childcare more expensive.
2. People have less children, and buy fewer houses because they cannot afford it.
3. Politicians use this to justify allowing greater and greater immigration to shore up the shortfall in births.
4. The immigration directly takes money out of your wallet in the form of lower wages and living standards.
We have currently reached a point as of 2023 where "non-citizen immigrants" receive 52% of the welfare pie, which is paid for with our tax dollars.
And now on top of this we have to deal with the housing market being abused by companies who never had any business being in the housing market forcing people into even more expensive renting situations by monopolizing the available real estate using FED funny money.
This situation isn't difficult to understand, or abstract in any way, and every decision can be attributed to individuals and groups of people.
They reach directly into your wallet every day and take a little more for themselves.
Asmon here is just directly showing how detached from reality he has become.
He's also vocally anti-labor-union. What a coincidence.
Bro, what? $1 dollar in 1975 is $5.59 in 2024 dollars. McDonalds hourly wage was around 2 dollars based on a 1974 paystub I just saw online. That comes out to be around $25k a year in 2024 dollars. Where did you get 300k from? Lowest end McDonald's salary in 2024 is $11 an hour, which is $23k a year, and that's low end.....this took me 5 minutes to google.......
@@ShizlgizlUnfortunately people care more about being right rather than accepting the fact that they're wrong and part of the problem.
In other words, I agree with you.
@@Shizlgizl I don't Disagree with you but i think you're missing a huge component of this. Motivation and hope. The commonality of being able to purchase necessities such as food/shelter with less roadblocks. People have been lied to their entire lives, older generation always say "work hard and get a good job". What do you say to those who have a high income or couples with $200k combined income that cant get approved for a mortgage? Then you have the people who are making even less looking up to these people making $200k, who cant even afford a home. When things are this bad in certain places, there is no motivation. It is disingenuous for us to act like this is exclusively an "individuals choices" issue while this is demonstrably incorrect.
@@TheJuicyfairy I base that on more than just raw numbers from an inflation calculator. Purchasing power matters a lot more than numbers in a bank account. Did you know the CPI(the tool you used to get your numbers) was dramatically altered in 1997 by Bill Clinton's administration and is no longer a real measure of the economy, but a way to hide inflation behind an ever changing basket of goods? before that change was made the same basket of goods was used to calculate inflation from 1921 on.
It really started with us adopting a fist currency in the 70’s, everything’s gone down from there
Boomers are an issue too, they were such a large v voting bloc that they voted for things that benefitted them and voted them away when they were no longer relevant, this still goes on to this day
The way they’ve retained their power is through immigration and the dissolution of culture in order to prevent younger generations from consolidating their own voting bloc that rivals theirs
It’s not to say all boomers planned this but the ones at the top provided enough incentive and social pressure to the ones at the bottom to control voting patterns
And speaking of voting boomers have a mind set of “this is my team” and it’s like a sport, they wanna see their own team “win” regardless of policy instead of voting to ensure their children’s future
And that’s why gen x and millennials have contributed to their own downfall (well the downfall of millennials and gen z/alpha) by avoiding parenthood because without the instinct to ensure a good future for their children they vote against their community for good boy points
I could go on and on, it’s a mess
Your whole winners VS losers discussion is forgetting the fact that there is an aspect of musical chairs to it. Yeah, if you miss out on one of the chairs it's because you didn't try as hard as the other guy. True. But you can't ignore the fact that the game is designed in such a way that there will always be a minimum percentage of losers. To push the analogy a little bit further, we're all noticing that all the chairs seem to be stacked up on one side of the room, making it far easier for some and far more difficult for others.
Yes, It is generally always the best advice to give to the individual to be personally responsible for your own path in life. But using that mindset as an argument against solving large scale, societal issues is disingenuous at best. It is not hypocritical to acknowledge that the individual is responsible for their decisions while also acknowledging that the possible options individuals have are kind of shit and we as a society can do better.
And alot of the players are in cahoots with music player to control when the music stops to their benefit and to detriment of specific players.
you put it well its abt winners and losers and the winners are already picked from the start based on circumstances environment who ya parents are etc
Wildly, musical chairs is a hilariously PERFECT analogy. As you mentioned, the positioning of the chairs has changed. The number of chairs has changed. The value of the chairs has changed.
Gas was under 2 dollars a gallon 4 years ago and that's unthinkable pricing compared to the 90s.
You're right. I think people jump to quickly on people with Asmon's position though. It's absolutely hard, and it is likely some of the worst the world has seen in generations. Also, the older generations really do seem to not care. However, no matter how bad it gets we can't stop moving forward. Sure, the chairs are few in a lot of places, but there are places where the chairs are many. There are also different types of chairs. Each person needs to decide whether they want a nice padded chair that reclines, or if they will be content with the bare metal foldable chair. That choice won't be permanent however. You can make a metal chair very comfortable.
Regardless, we must keep pushing forward in spite of all the obstacles in our path.
I love how a Twitch streamer that got lucky and doesn't know how to clean up after himself is telling people that the reason they're not going get jobs because they're not trying hard enough...
He compared his teeth rotting out to people with degrees and good grades unable to find jobs. I heard about people with call center jobs, or general office jobs that are homeless now because of COVID. Please stop... and stick having opinions of video games and not life. It's NOT always good to blame society, but when cost of living is out of control then it is SOCIETY'S fault, the same society that boomers screw us with.
You're well off financially and you sit on your a** all day, but a Doctor that saves lives 15+ hours a day could be struggling financially.
Well, of course the doctors aren't happy. Why do people keep bringing up doctors? They cozied up to the insurance companies and private equity, built trenches of gatekeeping law around their profession and have reaped their just rewards (debt and worse patient outcomes). They could collectively change the system (they claim they're trying but all we can see is consistent steps backwards) but they are too comfy with their high incomes in what is obviously a very bad Nash equilibrium for all but their corpa overlords.
And he claims speaking English and having a computer was luck 😂 bro we had to work for that
This is the same guy that thinks “grinding” at streaming is comparable to a real job.
I feel like your last point has more to do with how Doctors are spending money. I have friends who are doctors who instantly go out and buy multiple expensive cars, a big house, and take 3+ vacations a year and are struggling financially. That to me has way more to do with how they financially budget than anything. The ones who have kids it's more reasonable imo, but when you have a certain amount of income coming in you have way more bandwidth and ability to absorb losses. I don't think we need to be coping for Doctors.
Asmon is so lazy that he can't clean his room or teeth, but he still think other people are lazy and are not as successful as him because they are not trying hard enough.
There's people who learns two to three languages and still can't get a job, but this guy, who nearly knows one, realy think he is the right?
Asmong has became so out of touch with reality.
Money changes people.
He is right; either you do something about your situation or you don't, it doesn't matter whose fault it is that you are in it or if it's morally right for you to be in it. If society fixes it for you, great. I would not plan my life around that chance though. His point is that ultimately you need to be the person to take action in your own interests if you want something to change, expecting others to do it for you is the same as rolling dice and hoping you get lucky.
@@amogus3023 simp spotted
All while stealing 20 minute videos from other creators, stretching them out to 60 minutes for content, and monetizing them both live onstream AND his YT channel. Without so much as linking to the OG video
When did he say "as successful as him" or imply that the only reason not everyone has his level of success is because they don't work hard like him?
If it weren’t for the internet and streaming you’d be a homeless person. We don’t need you to tell us how the system works.
I’m gonna go with the “entry level jobs” requiring 5 years of experience.
As someone that did the whole ‘work hard fuck Higher Education’ for my whole life I’m seeing a *Massive* influx in jobs asking not even for a related degree, but ANY kind of graduate at entry level.
Thats always was the case. But how they hire then if no new people can come? The answer is - they do. But u suck and not competitive enough. Deal with your life.
Apply anyway. Most places will interview you anyway and if you know what you're talking about they will hire you. That's what I did
You are correct. When job postings for entry-level jobs say they _require_ X years of experience, they're lying. Just presenting parts of their wish list as must-haves @@MySOAP12
Or you were Azmon or one of his friends. A loser who put no effort into everything. Then you think that's the whole world. So anyone who says they're doing everything right must be lying. Because Azmon and his friends were all losers, so everyone must be losers.
10:35 "There are a lot of people that reap what they sow." While you are not wrong, technically speaking, most children reap what their parents sow. How is it the now adult's fault, that his mother shacked up with some lowlife, got pregnant and now he has almost no future prospects. How is someone's fault, they were born "too late" to afford a house and a family. You are not looking at or refusing to look at the whole situation. Just my two cents, what do you guys think about it.
I feel I've been doing my best, and yes I made my self a better life than my parents lead, but dam have I been through a lot and it has taken till near my 30s in this economy to forge a decent life. I struggle to keep a decent life still at times, I just don't want things to get even harder to keep a decent life. Hard to even have a hobby already.
Exactly, you don't automatically deserve a better life because of where you were born. Get a few roommates, heck get 5. Thats how other countries do it.
@@radiantveggies9348you wanna build trust and maintain relationships with 5 random people? All in the same place with your possessions? Where you sleep?
I think he is just a rich guy running his mouth
@@jmw10891 welcome to how billions live on this world. Now the question is why do you think you deserve better? Because you live in a country where the same class of people you hate carry your nation and you?
Don't tell Asmon those of us that finished top of our class, won state competitions, and graduated top 10/ivy league still barely get any interviews exist! His mind would actually explode!
So it's everyone else fault you can't get an interview. The is system is fucked, it's out of your control, and the greed and incompetence of others has ruined your life.
Now tell me how living with that attitude will help you more than holding yourself accountable and striving to better yourself every single day.
@@jlowe8059 ok boomer
@@jlowe8059 No, but in the past it was much easier to succeed if you had a moderate amount of ability.
what major did you choose? a social study major from an ivy league school is equally useless.
Create your own business then. Be your own boss.
Dude in the beginning is living in a bubble and thinks everybody his age thinks and lives like him.
my brother telling people from his parents house who got INSANELY lucky being rich from youtube, telling people that if you just work hard you'll be successful... jesus christ ive never heard this man so out of touch in my life
Well now you have.
@@pc14thenumber9 Your pfp is actually just perfect for that comment 😅
You are completely def. Try to turn on subtitles
using his circumstances and fortune as an argument against everything he said is extremely irrational. its pure emotion. but sure keep doing what isnt working and thinking you have the authority on the matter. poor people gatekeeping poverty is wild.
Didn't he literally say at one point towards the end "Don't work hard"?
I find it funny how he completely brushed off the fact that only 40 years ago you could work full time in a normal job and afford a home but now you can work full time in an exceptionally high end job earning 100k+ a year and you would still struggle to afford a home or save any of it to begin with due to living costs increasing drastically higher than the rate at which income has increased.
Bingo. I make $75k a year and I’m still struggling to buy a home. Not to mention my student loans are out the wazoo (by my own poor decisions albeit)
And before that, there was a great depression. These storms come and the worst thing to tell those during times of hardship, is that "You cant do anything and that you have to wait for society to make your life better."
You are 100% correct
people can still afford a home, it's just not in a city where people want to live.
with WFH being a popular thing to live off now, there is no excuse to go to the city for work.
@@Saber_Nicothis guy is wrong. In past too housing was not that affordable. Sorry but if we had Internet back then all boomer would type same Comment saying I can't buy a house with this much salary
Guy in the video is not talking about personal life choices. He's talking about reagonomics destroying the middle class. Housing being so expensive due to lack of regulation. Millennials can brush our teeth all we want but it won't fix the price of housing
"Millennials can brush our teeth all we want but it won't fix the price of housing"
And ironically, Asmon even missed the point *_THERE_* as well. He admits that *_he himself MADE ALL THE WRONG CHOICES IN LIFE,_* yet he's still successful (because he got lucky).
Regulation increases the price of everything. I think the bigger issue is the huge spike in illegals and domestic/foreign investors buying up large chunks of land and leaving little for anyone else.
THANK YOU! Finally found a comment that said it. Reagonomics GuTtEd the middle class and still affecting us. We ALL agree personal accountability is a part but the system itself is too oppressive to those in need.
we switched to monopoly money and suddenly the line stopped going up for the common people
Lazy nowadays is what normal working was just a little over 2 decades ago 😂
Now you need two people working full time jobs to maybe then get a life-long mortgage to buy a tiny house that isn’t even close to the city lmao (and btw, living in bumfuck nowhere immediately decreases your options for success and access to various resources… hell, I went to live next to a small town and even there I have such shit internet I can’t fucking stream anything at 1080p lmao)
That’s why I only listen to Asmon a little bit when it comes to games… when it comes to actual life? Not so much.
I wasn’t one of those “lazy” students. I had a high fucking GPA from highschool (not even American highschool, so I spoke 3 widely used languages fluently when I went to study in America) and all through college until I got a bachelor’s degree (in actual sciences, not arts), at which point continuing into medicine wasn’t an option anymore due to financial difficulties (and not being American yet) and getting a masters would just lead me to becoming a lab rat with 0 recognition, very small income and shit hours for the rest of my life… oh, and did I mention working with actually dangerous substances? Yeah, that too…
Yeah, life isn’t as easy as Asmon wants to believe.
“I know poor people that succeeded”, yeah, because you don’t hear about the overwhelming, abundant majority that did NOT succeed… but basic sense oftens eludes him.
When he was talking about climate change and “defending it” I wanted to ask him to shut up because he wasn’t making it any better for the idiot deniers to understand.
He sometimes has good points, but man do you need to parse through it all with a fine toothed comb.
Asmond evades here the crux of the problem raised in the film: Millenials taught by their parents, grandparents, society, teachers that if they follow a certain path they will get a normal life because of it. This is completely different from deliberately ignoring education and playing games as he gives an anecdotal example from his school. People who have been steered down the wrong path all their lives from childhood and end up with huge student debt, a home loan, potentially a child and lack of prospects for a decent life despite higher income as much as possible have the right to resent and hold a grudge against the previous generation, who (and this is a fact) had it easier economically and financially, and whose decisions have influenced their current socioeconomic life. If, objectively, the entire generation is doing worse than the previous one in this regard, then one cannot speak here of the laziness of a few-odd individuals who did not want to study in elementary school. And now the icing on the cake, a person in such a crummy situation expressing his grievances what does he get as a response? "It's all your responsibility." Given all this, telling someone that the state they are in now is solely their fault qualifies as mockery and hence the negative reaction. Especially when it comes out of the mouth of a millionaire who became one by accident (which Asmon, from what I recall, seems to have acknowledged many times himself).
So there you go. This is the answer to the video's title of "Why millenials are miserable".
I just wanted to add how wrong the thinking that Asmon uses can be, that the negative state you are in (and the potential way out of it) is 100% dependent on you. There are certain situations in life that cannot be overcome with an idealistic "try harder" approach. As an individual, you are unable to fight the broken socioeconomic system, especially when you are 40+ years old, have children to take care of and a loan to repay. Certain situations just happen and people stay with their effects for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, this is the sad reality.
Yeah, but can you really blame the boomers, when their own recipe for success is so much different than our own? I think we wrongly attribute it to naiitivity or malice of the older generation, when it was very much a tried and true multi-generational way of working towards success for generations prior.
To Asmond's point, the world has changed more in the last 10 to 20 years than the 50 years prior. The 50 years prior had changed more than the 100 years prior. Nowadays, it just feels like advanced algorithmic models, or perhaps AI itself is dictating how our country works and operates. It's like we traded in surefire stability for nonstop stimulation.
This is so fking wrong it hurts. My dad in his 40s came to the US with 0 English, no college degree in 2008. Built a business in 12 years and sold for 10mil and retired happy. I witness first hand how working smart AND hard can thrive in this society.
@@rawsugar423 Aaaaaaaand, you missed OPs entire point. Here, let me point out the relevant part for you:
"If, objectively, the entire generation is doing worse than the previous one in this regard, then one cannot speak here of the laziness of a few-odd individuals who did not want to study in elementary school."
What OP is saying is that entire generations are doing worse than the generations before. There will always be the lucky few, like your dad, who are at the right place, right time, with the right skills. But when an entire generation is being left behind by society, you can't really point at individuals and place blame at their feet.
@@thefalsehero Or the entire generation is filled with lazy individuals. See how that argument falls flat?
@@rawsugar423 No, I don't see how it falls flat. I assume you have numbers to back up your argument?
How many millennials have college degrees vs boomers? How many hours to millennials work vs boomers when they were at the same age? How much money per hour do millennials make vs boomers adjusted for inflation and compared to the cost of living?
By the way, I have looked into all of these questions and can say with certainty that you wouldn't like the answers.
For example, here's some info on millennials as a generation when it comes to how hard they work:
"Despite stereotypes endorsed by older generations, millennials are one of the hardest working generations. Over a quarter of them work 2 or more jobs. The number of weekly working hours is also astonishing for this generation, with 73% working more than 40 hours per week, and almost 25% working more than 50 hours."
and then there's this:
"The percentage of millennials in the workforce who have completed higher education is unmatched by any other generation: 39% of millennials between the ages of 25 and 37 hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, while 29% of Gen Xers and 25% of baby boomers can boast the same achievement, according to statistics about millennials in the workplace."
Now, you still wanna come at me with this idea that millennials don't work hard? They worked harder than any generation before them, yet they have less to show for it.
L take from millionaire asmond. His reference of the world isn't the same as the normal people in his age group. A lot of us are struggling. He literally can't comprehend how it feels to need for basic things in life.
its impossible to reason with him he gets millions playing video games so in his mind anyone can do what he does even tho its not true
He also inherited his house, no way that he could have started his career being homeless
No all of you are completely missing his points because you’re too busy bitching and moaning
@@zadovrus1624he wouldn't have been homeless, he had a good job before streaming. Lol
His dad also lives in a different house he could've moved into.
I agree he's out of touch and I disagree with him when money is the topic 9/10 times but good lord at least stay in reality yourself.
It's also hard for me to relate because I ended up making plenty of money and I'm pretty lazy tbh
I see Asmon has started his Villain arc
he sounding like andrew tate, based af lol
This is both hilarious and truthful with Asmons recent clips
@@cafe88racer53 how so? Brody let his mom smoke with a oxygen tank. He isn't that smart.
@@cafe88racer53 By based do you mean woefully ignorant and completely unsympathetic?
He's simply stating inconvenient truths about modern society. His only mistake is that he's discussing topics that hit home with a lot of his viewer base.
you think getting good grades in university gets you a good job that will pay off their student loans and buys you a house? that's cute
The rare Asmon L. I know a few people who have done all the things that they were supposed to do, and now they're in insane debt, work shitty jobs because they cant get a job via their degree and shit sucks in general. Society is trending downward. Yes, there are losers and people who dont apply themselves, but those people are not the rule they are the exception.
"rare" lmao
they arent that rare, he throws L takes all the time, we just dont have time to see them all
His Ls are getting common rarity now
Imagine defending Onlyfan, reminds me of iDubbz
Its really not rare, it happens whenever he speaks about anything outside of gaming. The man has zero perspective or life experience.
What degrees are these people getting, and what kind of income do the positions requiring these degrees pay relative to the loans they took out? Have these people put in the time to tailor their resumes to the types of positions they are looking for? Have they done the proper research and practice for how to conduct themselves in interviews and make themselves desirable to employers? Have these people attempted to gain feedback when they have been rejected to identify and strengthen weaknesses that are preventing them from breaking in to their desired industry? If "shit sucks in general", then it's time you need to start asking yourself questions like these and really answering them honestly. You are the first person in line when it comes to figuring out how to improve your life.
Asmon with the socially detached, terminally online take. Dude used to be so down to earth and relatable.
Its because hes been insulated from the repercussions of his lifestyle and actions for a decade. Imagine if you took so little care of yourself that your teeth got to the point where you were unable to eat, unable to function through the day, because of the paint and infection.
For asmon he just booked the local most expensive dentist for an emergency session and used the $50k his viewers donated. For you? You'd lose your job, be in huge debt, and probably be unable to pay your bills or just not get your teeth fixed.
he thinks he knows something because he had a real job like 10 years ago, he's completely detached from reality
I think streaming is a real job, it's just a different kind of job. One that I think you don't understand. You have to be on a schedule, you need to be consistent, be entertaining, relatively informed, be unfazed by people trolling you on the regular, or being attacked likely on a daily basis, understand the pulse of your audience, understand how to do video editing. managing a team of editors, staying informed on what comes out, knowing how to generate interest, marketing yourself, have some business acumen, manage yourself. All that shit I just said sounds like a fucking job. @@bono300vox
I think him just saying people are lazy is wrong. Boomers where just as lazy back in the day.
@@cop5144what is your point? Did someone else pay or did asmon pay?
Who is responsible for how your life turned out?
Asmon reminds me of that girl that said "If you're homeless, just buy a house, duh"
He basically saying from his little perspective of life. He kept saying, "I don't care about other place. I live in Texas."
So.. everyone will always find flaw in his argument while he think he is right since he kept thinking how his life is, in Texas. All this time.
Nah, he is just catering to "self-made" "right-wingers"
@@pc14thenumber9 you also don't get what he was trying to say. He meant that each time you defer anything in your life to external factors - you loose control. When you say "I can't afford a house in my state because of the economy" - you're done, you don't have control and now you're just a foot soldier of the next power that will use you, be it banks, politicians, employers or scammers. You live your life here and there, where you are. Granted you live in a more free part of the world - you have several options, but the moment you decide that you are a part of a class, a collective, a wronged or eve a privileged group - that's the end of it. You loose your autonomy as a person and you are now an object for the more powerful entities.
Being part of the collective is a safety illusion, because you are shielded from small issues on the one hand and then you all go down simultaneously when real shit happens. Being self-responsible may be a quick and glorious way to die or it may be a way to the very comfortable place, there is no guarantee either way. Hedge your bets.
@@moristar yeah but the economy is like, an actual real factor that affects all of us ? and it doesnt need too, the issue is dumb people who dont understand how the economy works are allowed to vote.
all he said was "no body cares if you cry about the economy it wont change anything, its up to you to make your own money and make yourself have a better life."
To add to my comment. I'm chinese america. My parents can't speak english. I'm moderately successful. Things are definitely harder for Gen Z and Millennials due to debt and opportunities shrinking. However, there is action people can take to better themselves. Being highly educated does not guarantee success. Education and Intelligence does not translate into Net Worth money. You have to work smart. People overpay for their education. People don't do a cost benefit analysis to get a college education.
Asmon is like an OnlyFans girl at this point. He secretly hates his own fan base, sees them as losers.
Why cuz he holds other humans accountable for their own actions, u must be a liberal lol 😆 😅
@@tonebalone9203 There being lazy losers arround, not doing anything and blaming others doesn't mean that there is no problem with economy and housing. You don't hold humans accountable. You only hold certain humans accountable.
@@tonebalone9203 The Pillowing is coming for you, old mad. :^)
Make beautiful screams for us.
Man does this hit the nail on the head.
It takes 5 hours of minimum wage to buy food. Real food, not G-slop.
If you're not working 15 hours a day to eat, without considering your rent, car payments, insurance, licenses, permits, taxes (all to fund Boomers retirement and 304s who left their men.) you're just lazy.
You need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, when I was 15 I got a paper route and bought 3 houses and 200 acres with that money.
Young people are just so lazy.
Not sure Asmon realizes he is acting exactly like the boomers. He got it easy getting into streaming because the timing was right, he had no competition at the time and the only way to success was hard work. Now he's telling his audience (next gen) that they're lazy because they can just do exactly what he did and they too will become successful. But the market for streamers has set, it's now MUCH more difficult for someone to become a big streamer because the market is saturated already. He just proved himself wrong without knowing.
It's as if asmon doesn't have thousands of competitors that he crushes. I don't get your comment. Clearly he's valuable and killing it after years of work.
@ericomfg I think he is good at what he's doing. But it was luck that he found it. It's possible he would work at Sam's for the rest of his life. I don't think his mindset was set on success
@@pleasedontwatchthese9593 dude it's luck to be born with 10 fingers. Enough. When is it not luck?
Asmon is funny. He's streaming constantly. He's almost immune to criticism. He was a highly ranked wow competitor.
Focus on what he did instead of being lazy and calling it all luck.
sure there's an element of luck to anything, but you never get lucky if you don't try. yeah shit sucks, but a lot of these people sound like they're trying to justify being mediocre.
Explain to me how blaming, whining, and being jealous of others helps you to succeed in life versus holding yourself accountable for everything and putting in the effort.
Got a degree and can't get a decent job. I'm not blaming anyone but when my dad graduated college there were people lining up to give him a job.
What degree you got? It's in science or engineering? Degrees are not equal.
Not saying specifically to you but people that go to a 4 year school to graduate with fine arts or business management degrees then say they can’t find a job are the one that didn’t do any research in advance or didn’t know what they wanted to do and just went to college to say they went to college and to please their parents
If the degree is in anything other than a practical trade- it is your own fault. Sciences, business, law, medicine ... anything else is useless unless you plan on teaching grade school.
@@ravensblade This not a valid point, EVERYONE CANNOT BE AN ENGINEER OR SCIENTIST. THE WORLD WOULD LITERALLY FALL APART. ( coming from a guy pursuing computer engineering.)
@@ravensblade Doesn't matter, even 20 years ago if you had a master degree in soup vegetable analizing you could find a job. Now companies ask for an MSC but you have to be like 22 yo with 10 years of experience and your starting salary is 1000$...
This is victim blaming, society miseducating its youth is a real problem. Just like how the food pyramid in the 70s was sponsored by companies that sold unhealthy food, this is absolutely society's fault. Citizen hold some responsibility for this but not 100%, at least 40% belongs to the government and they aren't even trying.
The guy playing video games and saying horrible takes on the internet as a "job" is telling people that they aren't getting jobs because they aren't working hard enough. Asmongold is the literal example of why hard work doesn't mean shit. People work so hard that they get injuries on the job and still get paid shit money. Luck, genetics, and good parents determine your success.
I worked 3 jobs well over 60 hrs a week and have nothing to show for it. Couldn't even hold down a studio apartment, 100k a year is sadly the new middle class, and I hate typing that.
how are you misreading what he's saying this bad? he explicitly said working hard is a bad idea and you should not focus on that, did you just gloss it over because it was convenient?
his main point is that you need to take action to change your life because nobody else will do it for you. it doesn't matter what your current life is, it still holds true. it also doesn't matter how things _should_ work, or how we'd like them to work. the only thing that tangibly matters in the present moment is what action do you yourself take, some people have more options than others but everyone is the agent of their own life. blaming others for your issues is the opposite of a growth mindset and gives a convenient excuse so you can feel good about not taking action.
if you're taking action and it's not working out you might just have shit luck or you're focusing on the wrong action. expecting life to be fair and stumbling when you're surprised it's not is not going to help regardless.
@@amogus3023 You got it twisted bud, nobody is saying we don't control our own lives. What we're saying is having a multimillionaire talk to us about how we can't succeed because we don't have a 16 yr old watching Andrew Tate wide eyed mentality, when quite literally everything has increased in cost while wages stagnate (exempt the 1%)is insane. listen, don't get super angry I contradicted your parasocial relationship to a mainstream streamer I'm on your side you're just too young to realize it.
@@MasteroftheRitz what does this have anything to do with what I said? You seem fixated on disagreeing with asmon and end up ignoring the other half of what he was saying. He explicitly took the stance of saying hard work should not be focused on, and here we have someone complaining that asmon is telling people to work harder, it's like they don't even watch the video. I'm not surprised but what the hell?
@@amogus3023 Oh yeah, "take action". Why didn't I think of that? All I have to do is "take action", and surely the world will start spinning the other direction.
What does "take action" mean, exactly? Who cares! Just "take action"!
This was rough to watch… Yes, personal accountability and smart goals (smart as in the acronym) are generally good tools to achieve success even under dire circumstances. However, those circumstances do shift the possibilities of available choices and opportunities. A lot of circumstances at least in so far as they relate to a person’s economic, political, social etc. environment are formed by collective actions, which relate to individuals and their choices but are a fair bit more complex. Within a society choices and actions interlink and interfere to a certain degree as people rely on each other for most processes and a lot of knowledge is highly specialized (division of labor). There are interdependences and social functions that predominantly work on a collective level rather than an individual one. Doesn’t absolve people of personal responsibility, doesn’t make them entirely responsible for their circumstances either.
So what he was saying isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s just maybe a little too simplistic.
Very hard to watch indeed 😕
7:47, I hear what Asmon is saying, but also, when you're poor poor, you're focusing on surviving. You're focusing on how to save money and not be hungry at the same time. When your brain is in survival mode, you cannot study as effectively as when it isn't. Not to mention how important a good diet is for your brain development at such a young age. Malnourished kids need to work several times as hard to catch up with kids who do not worry about basic necessities.
malnourishment at the developmental stage fucks you up for life as your brain doesn't get what it needs in order to grow, and it's a massive problem here in Africa too.
You can't catch up as it stunts growth, intellectual development, screws your immune system (so always getting sick which is a drain on resources too) and even work capacity at an older age.
He is just a rich guy making rich guy arguments
Indeed, it was cringe. Hard work is ONE way (you certainly need to TRY to succeed) But success depends a LOT on Luck, talent and connections. And the parameters differ for each person. Like I knew someone that succeeded 90% luck and 10% hard work. He got lucky people liked what he made. (like asmon) Contrarily, you might work hard all your life but always fail at the opportunity to be chosen for x reasons.
My dear Asmon, being successful and being able to afford a normal life are two different things.
Bro tried so hard to stay relatable to us but he just can't.
maybe because his right and your situation
might be your fault
and certainly is your responsibility to fix
@@gillsejusbates6938 I certainly had control over my situation for the first 18 years of my life. It's time to find my way out of this dark hole hole in the dirt. Anyone got a flashlight?
He's not trying to stay relatable. He's trying to help at least one person realize that they suck and it's their own responsibility to fix it
Shittakes aren't just mushrooms
HAA...? So what is it then..
@@pc14thenumber9 you missed the joke
@@pc14thenumber9 all
You had to do is: 🤙
I got done with high school with full scores throughout but did not want to fall into eternal debt to go to college/uni.
So, I got myself a job with the "small" dream of saving up enough to do Uni without taking a student loan. So, I finished highschool in 2012 - how am I now? Like a living joke.
Took me 2 years to find a job in 2014, even accepting the idea of moving cities just to get one. Took me 7 years to get my own apartment in 2019 and move out of my parents house.
In 2020 I almost burned out from work trying to get a chance of promotion and moving up the ladder. In the end, I did become a 'small boss' only one step on the ladder under the owners.
Well then, now it's 2024. After 12 years of life gouging effort, have I fulfilled any part of my dream? Haha, no! Not at all, whatsoever. I don't 'own' my apartment and live by rent. How's the paycheck situation? Before getting the promotion; half went to rent, a quarter to food, a fifth to clothes and nescessities. Savings? I barely managed to shuffle $70 a month into an account. After my promotion my 'savings' portion has increased to a neat $150 a month.
One year of uni requires $11,814. So, the first 8 years of my adult life I managed to 'save' $560. Another $600 since my promotion. Neat, I can almost afford a tenth of a year of education. Or, I could just trash the dream and become a zombie ghost, keep living in this routine at work. Or maybe I should just give in, indebt myself for the rest of my life to have a chance at different opportunities? Fuck what a hot garbage take you did this time Asmon.
Either stick to it and lie down on a hard place, or follow the lie and get stuck under a rock in a hard place. Since both choices are terrible, but one being less than the other - that's what I'm doing. Spitting out 'privelege' because we have computers and phones, ever thought what versions of stuff a normal person uses? My phone? Razer Phone (first one, 2017), battery dies after 3 hours of screen on time. Computer? Frankenstein upgraded piece by piece, the most expensive one should be the GPU, a 1080Ti that I managed to get second hand two years ago.
Sure, the 'needs' are fulfilled, but there's nothing good to look forward to, like at all. Makes everything seem and feel pointless.
20 years ago I went to online uni. got 24k in stafford loan per year. for mba degree. traveled the world while taking 1-2 classes per semester. parties it up. taught myself WordPress development, started working remotely from Thailand for US companies, when maxed out Stafford loan. came back in 2017. got a job 4 months later. working there still for 6 figures per year. paying back loan at 500$ per month, and have 12 years left before it's canceled.
Did you do a cost and benefit analyses on a field you're interested in for a specific university?
What lie are you talking about? When did anyone lie about getting a dead end job?
Let’s look at the facts. How much uni when you first graduated school and what would you have majored in at school? What kind of salary would you have earned upon graduating?
If uni was 100k total and you would have gotten a job that paid 60k on graduation that’s a good deal. By now your salary would be higher with raises and maybe you’re up to 90k a year. Sure you paid 100k in loans but at the end you are better off.
Community college the first 2 years and finish the last 2 years with 25k in debt. Also after 24, you will get decent size pell grants if you are not making much money.
"You look at housing in Sanfransico vs some random bumfuck city in Kansas and there is an astronomical difference" yes that's not a bad point but what job opportunities are in some random bumfuck city in Kansas. There is a reason those cities are cheap and decrepit and it's because there is no money to be made there
Spent this whole video on a tangent about people who fuck up when the guy wasn't talking about fuck ups he was talking about people who did shit right and don't have a pot to piss in and are buried in student loans, can't buy a house etc so they say screw it and find a different way.
That is literally not doing it right, what? Can we examine a specific scenario or something?
Yeah it's hard to buy houses right now because of insane govt policy.. there are still places that you can live and rent reasonably. Times will be better, like if we get Trump back.
Will you be ready when times are good, or still be complaining...
he didnt even finish the video
pats him self on the back for including other youtubers ads, wont let this guy finish his video. what a guy
@@ericomfg Please show me the laws where the government is forcing property owners to charge $300k+ for a normal house.
@@slashingraven do you know what interest rates are?
Why is college and healthcare also very expensive?
I pay 2k in rent. Bald man can't see that the world is burning
Move lol
I think its better to buy a shitty house and fix it up than to pay 2k in rent... what city do you work in?
I just looked at a house with one of my girls and with 3% down the payment was cheaper than that....
To where? I live a pretty rural area, not exactly the middle of no where but no where near any "big city". Rent here is around $1400 a month for a 1 bedroom. Most people either drive over 1hr to get to a decent job, or work at local retail shops making an average of $15 an hour, if that, and struggle profusely. Fortunately, I have a really good job that is relatively close by, about 40 minute drive, and I could afford to buy a house, but my mortgage is still around 35% of my take home pay. I'm also married, and my wife works, without her income I doubt I could afford the house I live in (making about $130K a year). Could I find somewhere a little cheaper? Probably, but then the chances of finding a job paying close to what I make now would be nigh impossible.@@thegoatmen7736
Yeah Pete just buy a fucking house easy@@z-rossi3672
They were promised the world but with no retirement in sight and abandoned by their government and the older generation they are left to fight for scraps
Heck I’d be mad too
Not at all.
People just are a product of their decisions or inability to take advantage of the situations. That's a major part of society.
Fingers crossed Elon gets his trillion and then money will def start trickling down for us..
@@welliamd2463 shaddup, fed boi
"I'm the only person that cares" oh boy...