Use THIS Tip to Stay in the Pocket! Longboard Surfing // Vlog

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @desikanarayanan944
    @desikanarayanan944 3 роки тому +44

    I also want to surf an uncrowded lineup with perfect knee-waist high glassy peelers :)

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      Haha yea it’s awesome. May not have the longest waves, but atleast we catch a lot of em 🤙

    • @tonybeatbutcher
      @tonybeatbutcher 3 роки тому +2

      Me too, it's not a lot kneehigh where I live and when it is, it's mostly summer and supercrowded.

    • @jsmith7348
      @jsmith7348 2 роки тому +1

      Just need to surf jersey in January at 5am.
      Super underrated.

  • @constanceegert269
    @constanceegert269 3 роки тому +9

    I watched the video and really don't know what you are talking about most of the time. BUT, I truly love seeing my son surfing. It looks so fun. Missing your camera man! Love ya, babe!

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +6

      Thanks mom! The little cameraman will be in next weeks video 👍

  • @gwills8771
    @gwills8771 3 роки тому +12

    Another class video! I love how yours generous enough to share the advice that you’re investing in. I sometimes find that the surfing community can be a little secretive at times but you are inspiring.
    Just got diagnosed with leukaemia but your vids are what has inspired me to get the log out and let the ocean be my happy place. 🤙

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks so much! Very sorry about the diagnosis, but keep on surfing. I assume staying as positive as you can can only help.

  • @winder6
    @winder6 2 роки тому +1

    Awesome job love the tips. Been in the surf and wind surf industry for 38 years I'll definitely be sharing your vids with any one wanting to improve or learn more about the art of longboarding. Cheers

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому

      Awesome thanks Bryan! I took up windsurfing a couple years ago... I still stink but it's so much fun

    • @winder6
      @winder6 2 роки тому

      @@LongboardSessions That's great you need to come out to Maui you can surf in the morning and windsurf till dark and be sure to hit me up if you do

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому

      @@winder6 Dang sounds awesome! Maui seems to be the windsurfing mecca

  • @amocanu10
    @amocanu10 2 роки тому +2

    So good! You say you have lots of work to do but for intermediates like me your surfing is what I aspire to some day
    Awesome video, keep em coming! 🤙

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому +1

      Awesome thanks so much! Yea we're all at different skill levels, but always want to get better haha! Even the pros say they need to improve and that blows my mind

  • @meatus12
    @meatus12 2 роки тому +1

    Fantastic! Your crosstepping is much improved in this video! Yew!

  • @TromboneAl
    @TromboneAl 3 роки тому +6

    I'm jealous of your waves (and I live in California!) and amazed at how quickly you pick things up. Way to go.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Haha thanks! It’s funny cause I get jealous of your waves 😂

  • @thorinplays8563
    @thorinplays8563 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks so much for this advice! I’m definitely going to try this

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      You got it! This is definitely a maneuver to add to the arsenal 🤙

  • @tnkmch
    @tnkmch 2 роки тому +1

    For so long YT has been devoid of longboard vlogging geared towards learning the art. Thank you for filling the void. You capture the trial and error and analysis that I perform all the time in effor to get better. I like you am an East Coast Surfer, Virginia Beach - OBX region, and stuck with beach breaks. As a result we don't have the luxury of point breaks where you don't have to worry about the wave closing out. I could use a help in a particular aspect. You have done a great job communicating how important it is to be in the most critical part of the wave when noseriding. However, I am anxious to do that unless I'm sure I'm gonna make it to the shoulder and not get slammed on a sandboard along with a very expensive longboard that could take me out in the event of a close out. The problem is by hedging my risk, I wait till I get a little out of the pocket before going to the nose which is counter to what I should be doing. So if I were to boil down my question it would be this: in light of the fact that beach breaks can slam you unlike San Onofre or other flatter rolling "longboard" waves, if I'm gonna put myself in the power pocket to nose ride, do you have any ideas on how to bail if the wave closes out. Actually that leads to another question, lets say the wave does close out in front of me before I can get back from the nose to a more stable position on the board to deal with turbulence of whitewater (assume its a softer wave that won't slam so no need to bail) how do you deal with that? I guess I have a fear also of getting stuck out on the nose and not being able to get back in event the wave closes out. I appreciate any tips. Maybe you could do a vid ; )

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks so much! Well, you're question is a tough one to answer. Yes, you have to be in the critical section if you want to hang 10. And yes, this is tough with beach breaks that are unpredictable. A very good east coast longboarder can judge the wave prior to hanging 10 to make sure it won't close out. However, until we're that good, we're stuck with wiping out sometimes. The more I keep longboarding, the easier it gets to judge if the wave is suitable to hang 10 on. I would say in a normal 2 hour session ill catch between 30 and 60 waves. Of those waves, I probably should only hang 10 on 3-7 of them to be sure I get back off the nose. However, I can't help myself and often make the wrong decision which leads to some wipeouts. Iv'e had countless waves close out in front of me while hanging 10 with no injury and no damage to the board. There are methods of kicking the board out towards the back of the wave if you suspect a closeout coming, but I'm not very good at that yet. You really just have to go for it IMO and make sure you protect yourself during the wipeout. Boards can be repaired easily, but your body not as easily lol. I hope this helps

  • @tonylewis3906
    @tonylewis3906 3 роки тому +4

    Another great vid! Took your lesson about just focusing on one thing each session last time I was out and had the best time! Keep up the great vids and enjoying the vibes bro 🤙🏻.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Thanks Tony! Glad it helped! I need to keep reminding myself that tip every time I’m in the water lol

  • @jackdoughty4238
    @jackdoughty4238 3 роки тому +2

    Another good video! After not being able to get out the back against 4-5 lines of white water the other day and then yesterday surfing with low confidence - you got me inspired to try this! It looked like an excellent session. Must say, you pick up on the technique really quickly - good on you mate :-). Cheers from down under.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Thanks jack! You should give it a shot. It’s surprisingly not that hard after you wipe out a few times 😂

  • @4Dcruz
    @4Dcruz 3 роки тому +4

    Your progress on the channel is super inspiring! Just learning to cross step myself. I figured out how to fade pretty quickly surfing beach break... the left closes and you have to swing right haha

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      Yes! I’ve found myself doing this a lot as well. Closes one way... just go the other way lol

  • @tube6871
    @tube6871 3 роки тому +1

    Dude. You’re surfing is great already! Looks like you’re having a lot of fun out there.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Thanks!! Getting there... having fun is the most important hehe

  • @jimmyfurman5550
    @jimmyfurman5550 3 роки тому +2

    Good stuff! Just starting my journey here in NC.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks Jimmy! You got some nice surf over there 🤙🤙

  • @jetzevans7147
    @jetzevans7147 3 роки тому +4

    Such a professional vid, just wow such effort

  • @cool_japan
    @cool_japan 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for grate longboarder's video. I am checking from Japan.
    Every video is useful for Japanese longboarder.

  • @GuitarWithBrett
    @GuitarWithBrett 3 роки тому +1

    This technique is super fun bodyboarding … can get barreled pretty much any hollow wave easy

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      never thought about trying this on a bodyboard! I bet that's some good fun hehe

  • @marvinsmall5002
    @marvinsmall5002 3 роки тому +1

    I like your channel even more now I saw your a fellow Liverpool fan. 😀

  • @mikeyb3880
    @mikeyb3880 3 роки тому +1

    Subscribed love the easy coast vibes

  • @WorkForAvocados
    @WorkForAvocados 3 роки тому +2

    Love your videos man, you can tell you put in a lot of effort. Keep at it!

  • @jamesdiola4773
    @jamesdiola4773 3 роки тому +2

    Awesome man! 🤙🏽 cant wait to get back in the water

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Thanks! Healing up nicely?

    • @jamesdiola4773
      @jamesdiola4773 3 роки тому +1

      @@LongboardSessions yeah so far so good. Thanks for asking.. 🤙🏽

  • @erikassvlogs
    @erikassvlogs 3 роки тому +1

    Loved this vid! Very informative :) I'm definitely gonna try the faded takeoff tomorrow in my surf session cos I always find myself too far on the shoulder to cross-step and this looks like it really helps!! Glad I found your video and awesome channel btw!!

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Oh yea it totally helps if that's your problem! thanks 🤙

  • @nickwillis4168
    @nickwillis4168 2 роки тому +1

    Love this, thanks man. Bangin song 🎵

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому

      Thanks bro! Yea this is one of my favorite songs haha

    • @ryaninglis1938
      @ryaninglis1938 2 роки тому

      ​@@LongboardSessions What is the song called?

  • @twinfin8867
    @twinfin8867 2 роки тому +1

    ARRRR! You walk the plank well mate!

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому +1

      haha thanks!! Getting a little better at avoiding walking straight off... but it will always happen😂

  • @aaronstuder9025
    @aaronstuder9025 3 роки тому +3

    I did this today! Thank you for documenting the learning process its motivating me to try new moves!

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Awesome Aaron! This is one of those skills you won't stop using once you learn it. Staple of the longboarding techniques!

  • @floaranda6785
    @floaranda6785 2 роки тому +1

    You get some lovely waves in NJ, I'm well jealous ! I live in Jersey (the original Jersey in the UK), days like those are few and far between.
    Faded takeoffs are the bomb indeed, super stylish as well as useful. When are you doing drop knee turns ?

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому

      They are some fun waves for sure... maybe not the greatest longboarding wave, but I shouldn't complain lol.
      Heres a video I did on drop knee turns
      I plan on doing another video on this because I really haven't tried many drop knees since this video.

  • @francoisnel5253
    @francoisnel5253 2 роки тому +1

    Going to tune in from time to time, Just got a 9ft2 55L which feels borderline performance longboard as 1st surfboard, so will see what I can learn here. What's the specs on your board? Length, width / thickness / volume?

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому

      My board is 9'6". Not sure of the liters, but it's a traditional log. Yours seems high performance at 55L. You can totally cross step and noseride on it, but it's just a little more difficult. Good board to learn on though. I say use that board for awhile and if you end up going the more traditional cross stepping noseriding route, get yourself a more traditional single fin. I'm 5'4 130 lbs so a 9'2" would be perfect for me. If you're heavier than go longer. If you contact the board company they'll recommend a size for you

  • @stev8628
    @stev8628 3 роки тому +1

    Irony... thats the first place I attempted surfing 30 years ago... my hometown... now in SD/CA... got my first longboard and the journey begins!!!

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      Awesome Steve! Well... now your in the longboard paradise.... get at it!

  • @payton2232
    @payton2232 3 роки тому +1

    Nice I haven’t rode my longboard in 2 months because I have been short boarding but I like to do fades on my longboard

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Yea they are the best! You prefer short over Longboarding? Or just ride whatever the wave calls for?

    • @payton2232
      @payton2232 3 роки тому +1

      Just ride whatever the wave calls for🤙🏽YEWW

  • @jamesjack3519
    @jamesjack3519 3 роки тому +2

    Looked like a lot of fun again! Hey, what was the music?

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      Oh it was 🤙. Song during the edit is “feel the pressure” by Grace Mesa

  • @jaytolentino4846
    @jaytolentino4846 3 роки тому +1

    bro your edits are 🔥🔥🔥!

  • @noseridesnosedivessurfvlog8634
    @noseridesnosedivessurfvlog8634 3 роки тому +1

    Damn that looked like fun🤙🤙
    Great insights yew!

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Thanks Adam! Was a fun one for sure. Gotta love the sunrise surf

  • @MarioDemaio1
    @MarioDemaio1 3 роки тому +2

    What is your board and fin size? Loved your video

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Thanks Mario! Board is 9’ 2” and fin is an fcs pivot fin 9”

  • @Loose_Lucy
    @Loose_Lucy 3 роки тому +1

    sweet video, probably get asked this all the time sorry what were you using to film the sesh ?

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      You're the first haha! Mavic mini for the drone, sony ax53 for the camcorder. All vlog shots are a gopro 7 black in this video

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Oh also, in the past few videos we’ve upgrade a bit. Now using a mavic air 2s (I think that’s the model), and a Sony a6600 with 16mm 1.4 sigma for all the vlog shots and b-roll

    • @Loose_Lucy
      @Loose_Lucy 3 роки тому

      @@LongboardSessions thanks bro
      Just started long boarding (surfing)
      Last year. Good vibes on your videos 🤙🏻

  • @kylewattssurfing3266
    @kylewattssurfing3266 3 роки тому +2

    Cool rides!!!

  • @billywallace2372
    @billywallace2372 3 роки тому +1

    you’re really good!

  • @samhowie1632
    @samhowie1632 3 роки тому +1

    What is your board size and volume.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Not exactly sure what the volume is, but the board is 9’2” Bing Continental. I believe you might be able to find out the volume on bings website? It’s a pretty thick board

  • @mikeyb3880
    @mikeyb3880 3 роки тому +1

    I did not know what a faded take off was. Done it a couple times just from watching the old heads on the longboards but didn't know it had a name

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      haha yea I didn't know the name either till I started trying to figure out how to noseride. There are still turns I dont know the name of haha

  • @ankelalfaro5168
    @ankelalfaro5168 3 роки тому +1

    Great videos, enjoy each one of theme, could you please make a tutorial how to turn the board in a detail? very much appreciated, greetings from Perú.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Awesome thanks! I do plan on making some more tutorial like videos soon, but in the mean time I do discuss turning a bit in this video:

  • @mtnrabi
    @mtnrabi Рік тому +1

    Hi Bro! Great progression content !!
    What's the name of the song ???

  • @tom_sd3466
    @tom_sd3466 3 роки тому +1

    Sick! what size long board are you riding?

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      thanks Thomas! I’m riding a 9’2” Bing Continental. how about yourself?

    • @tom_sd3466
      @tom_sd3466 3 роки тому +1

      @@LongboardSessions Nice! I just picked up a 8'6 Torq

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      @@tom_sd3466 Nice! those are pretty sweet boards

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      @hel norse Oh interesting! I'll def try one out if I can get my hands on one

  • @23wiski
    @23wiski 3 роки тому +1

    new sub from New Zealand brother. How long have you been surfing mate? cheers

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Sweet! I surfed from age 15 to 22 ish and then I didn't surf again till a year and a half ago. Life happens lol

  • @김동섭-x9v
    @김동섭-x9v 3 роки тому +1

    I’m working on faded take offs too. Its so much harder on the backside 😂

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      so much harder haha! But even the pros look awkward on backside faded takeoffs

  • @saltyslops
    @saltyslops 3 роки тому +1

    This looks like Monmouth county... maybe bradley or spring lake?

    • @saltyslops
      @saltyslops 3 роки тому +1

      Nvm just got to the end of this video. Definitely avon.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      hehe nailed it. Avon!

  • @brett7794
    @brett7794 3 роки тому +1

    What size board?

  • @civilsocietyprivateinteres1711
    @civilsocietyprivateinteres1711 3 роки тому +1

    You in oregon? Ss?

  • @pv2639
    @pv2639 3 роки тому

    what do you call that music? autotune punk?

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      hmm no idea... Grace Mesa has their own unique style. I love it!

  • @jiacuisheng5539
    @jiacuisheng5539 Рік тому +1

    What does fade mean in surfing? Language obstacle here 😢

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  Рік тому

      fade means to angle your board opposite the direction you wish to go. After the pop up you turn your board in the correct direction. It's used as a way to stay closer to the pocket. Hopefully that's clear.. let me know if you're still confused and i'll try to explain it a different way.

  • @Joe-pc1ju
    @Joe-pc1ju 3 роки тому +1

    thank you from hb ca

  • @tashiz8
    @tashiz8 3 роки тому +1

    Aww man I miss Belmar

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      I basically grew up around belmar.. great place hehe

    • @tashiz8
      @tashiz8 3 роки тому +1

      @@LongboardSessions me too! Now landlocked in Austin so I'm always on the plane 🛫>> 🌊

  • @zenwave5272
    @zenwave5272 3 роки тому +2

    Love it - but I’m not gonna hit the like button until you tell me the band & song name, lol. (Both Shazam & Soundhound failed to ID it).

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому +1

      haha making me work for it eh? song is called “feel the pressure” by Grace Mesa. it’s an artist on premium beat

  • @nils6837
    @nils6837 3 роки тому

    "lets just check one more place" ... And then a few more and afterwards return to the first.

  • @larrylayhee2548
    @larrylayhee2548 2 роки тому +1

    Love this sh..

  • @gavinmontgomery6054
    @gavinmontgomery6054 3 роки тому +1

    Quick learner

  • @Sunny-no1cw
    @Sunny-no1cw 2 роки тому +1


    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  2 роки тому +1


    • @Sunny-no1cw
      @Sunny-no1cw 2 роки тому

      @@LongboardSessions love your videos and learning so much from it! hopefully i can apply it when surf again!

  • @jeffn1384
    @jeffn1384 3 роки тому +1

    "waves look fun but we'll check one more place"....I don't have the willpower to leave

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      lol that used to be me as well. However, the wave you pick can make or break a session... so I've learned to be a little more patient hehe

  • @ThePerpetualStudent
    @ThePerpetualStudent 3 роки тому +1

    First piece of advice: move.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      Where do you suggest?

    • @ThePerpetualStudent
      @ThePerpetualStudent 3 роки тому +1

      @@LongboardSessions Socal. There are just so many good longboard spots with so many different waves. I lived in San Clemente for 39 years (now 43) so I am somewhat spoiled. I am going to look into some of the outer islands in the Carolinas. Heard there was some fun stuff out there. I ride anything from a 7.0 - 9.2.

    • @LongboardSessions
      @LongboardSessions  3 роки тому

      @@ThePerpetualStudent oh for sure… that’s the ideal location. I was thinking of venturing south as well to find some decent longboard spots. Here in NJ we get real good at catching waves and takeoffs due to very high wave count. However, a 10 second ride is considered average… so we are really limited on time spent on a wave which sucks. Can’t wait to ride my first point break