How To Teach Your Hyperactive Dog To Come When Called

  • Опубліковано 10 гру 2019
  • We started our Recall Conditioning process with Harlow on Day 2! Something we typically don’t begin until Day 3, this smart boy is blasting through his obedience!
    You see, Harlow is an insanely smart boy that suffers from one thin only - over-arousal! So slowing this kiddo down is the name of the game! We’re using duration in each of the commands to do this. This means that Harlow needs to learn to stick and hold them until told something new!This is a layered process that is conditioned over time.
    I always start my Recall drills indoors, with ZERO distraction, from Place-To-Me. This may not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you, these beginning stages are crucial as we slowly build to eventual long line Recall outdoors, with real world distractions. This slowly conditions a reliable recall over time using low level ecollar stimulation.
    Harlow caught on to everything so quickly we were able to move on to Phase 2 - Place2Place to further develop is impulse to act before thinking!
    Awesome job beautiful floof!