Who Are The Deep Ones?? || Game of Thrones Explained



  • @ibrahimatilla7489
    @ibrahimatilla7489 2 дні тому

    I thought Euron was serving the 3-eyed raven, willingly or otherwise, did he not put priests of the ''drowned god'' in the mast of his ship? Now he's working for the deep ones?

  • @ibrahimatilla7489
    @ibrahimatilla7489 2 дні тому

    Wait I am confused, do these guys pre-date the white walkers? Do they both serve the same god, the great other?

  • @arthasmenethil7919
    @arthasmenethil7919 4 дні тому +1

    First yeyyyy

  • @TimeLordDontBlink
    @TimeLordDontBlink 4 дні тому +1

    Second yeyyy

  • @BeppyTurnip
    @BeppyTurnip 3 дні тому +1

    Third yeyyyy