People just quit lol...i did it ... it's a pointless game.... play solo games where only your OWN SKILL matters... Its a waste of time to play with random people all over the world in a 30 min team match.... forget it... stop wasting your time.. . Play ELDEN RING, S.C.U.M, or V rising ... what ever game ... POE, and the new Diablo 4 when it comes out.... just forget League of Legends... Stop wasting your money on silly " leage coaches" etc...forget it ... none of you will be the second Faker or Tiler 1 making millions... just forget this BS game and the silly idea that you will be rich streamer with this game . I just try to help you this game is a waste of time.
As someone in gold this happens all the time, they also love to bank when waves are crashing at my tower and expect me to run towards enemy tower to help their gank that’ll never work and lose the entire wave
@@cupidok2768 no, the real better gold players know powerspikes and look a lot of macros stuff, they just has slow decision making and bad reflexes, and often tilts, so they basically coinflip the games instead playing more consistent and thinking fast and effectively, the mechanix are better but not best, also the farming is shit sometimes not consistent, its because the matchup / wave management unexperience and bad picks overall, usually golds just autopick their champs what they wanna play if they think thats 100% wr their games
@@RegiJatekokMagazin nope totally the oposite lol champs are way easier to play nowadays due to item changes thats why you also see currently the highest % of players in gold ever in league. Low elo players have awfull macro and don't know how to analise matchups/comps. Some however have good mechanics.
This is easily one of the best videos in the channel. When I watch streams im always looking for cues like these: “why would he do that?” And learn from the outcome. GREAT JOB! Please keep doing videos like these!! Its way easier ti learn from these compared to hypothetical case scenarios.
Inspired by this video I made a full jax commentary myself, I try to vocalize my thought process throughout the game:
People just quit lol...i did it ... it's a pointless game.... play solo games where only your OWN SKILL matters... Its a waste of time to play with random people all over the world in a 30 min team match.... forget it... stop wasting your time.. . Play ELDEN RING, S.C.U.M, or V rising ... what ever game ... POE, and the new Diablo 4 when it comes out.... just forget League of Legends... Stop wasting your money on silly " leage coaches" etc...forget it ... none of you will be the second Faker or Tiler 1 making millions... just forget this BS game and the silly idea that you will be rich streamer with this game . I just try to help you this game is a waste of time.
@@flacsmada Challenger player can go 100%wr up to diamond. If you focus on toxicity you are probably toxic aswell, if you are at this elo just mute all and improve your gameplay.
@@makerudji6682 lol thats not true at all... my best friend in the military is a challenger mid, he says he wins 95 percent in iron, 90 bronze, 85 silver etc all the way until masterish level where he has to grind at 60 percent. He said the most frustrating is gold/plat because they are good enough to have good mechanics but their macro is typically poor so he has a tough time some games. Last, I wasnt being toxic so if you are that weak mentally(combined with your poor knowledge on what makes a challenger player) i doubt you are higher than gold.. Anyways, good luck
@@flacsmada Apdo climbed to diamond multiple times at 100 or close to 100wr. I guess it depends player to player. I myself never smurfed, as master tier i played couple of games on my friend's gold account and ive won like 5/5 games.
The problem with difficulty in climbing out of low elo is when low elo players dont want to win, they rather lose and pull you down with them. This team that hector was on actually tried to win later on instead of running down mid.
But this isn't the norm on the majority of games. It happens, sure, you won't win everytime, but you won't lose everytime either if you're making the correct decisions.
You should always blame yourself, not others. Your team will suck 50% of the time, and itll be good 50% of the time. Its on YOU to try to win games where your team sucks, instead of crying. Thats basically how you get out of any elo. And guess what, in order to do that it requires you to become a better player
@@prn_Melatonin you should try listening to the advice others give you instead of believing you're right. because you're not, if you're stuck in low elo it's because you suck. it has nothing to do with your team mates
@@nether6209 don't really remember, but it was weirdly not the only time a front-line character flamed the adc player for not frontlining. Tho I don't remember who was who the second time, just "it happened again lol."
3:20 It's a bit like chess, if you are winning, you have many options in attacking, if you are behind, you better just defend as well as you can and hope your opponent makes a mistake
11:00 for me this was the most glaring difference from what id do. i wouldve definitely flashed in to stun the graves and go for that kill when it probably would just get me killed at a more important time later (bc my flash was down) all over a kill thats probably not that important. assuming i even get the kill
Oh god that first Vi gank.. That one happens to me in 50% of my games. Where jungler comes to gank while 2/3 waves are being shoved into you, it's a nightmare and they will never listen to back off pings
I love how high-elo players mindset is like "I should make this game as complicated as I can for my opponent." while low elo players mindset is like "I should make this game as complicated as I can for my ally." just because you didn't pick the character they requested, didn't gank until level 4 or took a minion as a sup.
The self sabotaging is so insane in league. It literally inspires me to study psychology. The way Some react, cope, blame, tunnel vision, etc… is some Sigmund Freud ego vodoo shit.
The problem with these guides is that low and high elo are completely different style of gameplay. If you try to play like a pro you will cause your team to lose, not cuz you're bad but because it tilts the team.
Happens everytime, its a coinflip if you afk split farm and avoid even or losing fights. But if you manage to get ahead it's up to you to carry the game with decision making
@@Hmfb0ss ya pretty much almost every game i have when we're behind and I try to split, farm, avoid 5v5, etc. My team just spam pings and types at me, runs into the 5v5, dies, and then i get blamed, and 'reported' for trolling lol
You can see Hector being proactive tho, zoning the enemy team, looking for 1v1 or way to get advantages and helping his teammates, he is not AFK farming a side lane the whole game like a lot of people do in SoloQ pretending to be doing the high elo play. A lot of the time the "I'm splitpushing because we are behind" guy is literally doing nothing but keeping good farm. They would lost all the enemy's missplays we saw on the video because of refusing to rotate.
2:18 100% yes. I played ornn into warwick, which is a heavy countermatchup, because ornn doesn’t have enough damage to outdamage the warwick healing. My jungler comes and I ping away, still comes and ints and in the end ww is 6/0 and I am 0/0
All of this applies when the 4 lunatics in your team don't randomly decide to surrender. Hector or God can't help in this. Lost my last 5 games like this... I really want riot to remove the surrender option.
Like these videos with Hector, the fact that he seems always calm and can assess the situations is valuable to learn from and fun to watch. Sorry you deal with that terrible shit Hector but great job as always!
I think what you did not take into account, that in low elo your team mates not necessarily thinking. So if the enemy team is doing baron, you can push a tower, but be sure your team still goes in for the 4v5 and the enemy will take two towers of you afterwards.
so you recommend us dying with them on baron instead? interesting why is it that only your teammates are making mistakes though? are the enemy team all faker then and 10x better than you? they probably take baron and still recall even if your team is dead,kek
What does that even mean? Like, genuinely. What does that mean? They showed us a game where Hector's teammates quite literally ran it down and sabotaged him. How much more "not thinking" do you want before finally giving up on the "my team this, my team that" mentality? I can guarantee you, what you saw of these players was peak "not thinking"
Love this concept, I think it would be great for botlane - e.g. challenger adc got griefed by gold support or vice versa, challenger support cannot carry dense adc
A piece of advice ive always followed when i end up in a game where everyone on my team is tilted or throwing, tryna ff and its one of those "ye we aint winning" situations, i take it as an oppertunity to learn somthing, practise some last hitting, practise some wavemanagment, look for fights and try differnt things. im not expecting to win, im trying to make the best of a bad situation and learn somthing that will help me in future games
I love this video! Very well done and makes a lot of sense. Question... In this exact scenario, if the challenger player was lux (support), how would a support player accomplish a comeback for their team? Jax, as a top laner, can 1 v 1 very well as stated in the video. What kind of things should a support player be looking for to help their team win?
A better support than Lux If you want to carry with Lux, you need resources As said, you need to be self reliable to a degree, for this reason, tanky engage supports can take control of a game much better than immobile squishy semi-enchanter mages like lux Take a nautilis for example, or a thresh, their presence is menacing With Lux you lose all psychological warfrare once you release the Q
Well one could talk about each of those questions for hours and hours if one wanted to list all the possible options Lux or a support in general would have and still not even be close to done ^^ So I'll try to answer superficially here: You play to Lux's strengths. What she does well is range, catch and poke. So keep the enemies engage methods in mind, roam around with teammates and try to catch them outnumbered with your q, use your q as a threat to zone squishies like Lucian and Seraphine off the turrets. Poke with Q and E, essentially win the war of attrition and attack their hp bars. This is of course not that easy since you have to hit skillshots but that is what will happen if you play a champ that ONLY has skillshots x) That's the thing about high range mages: you don't have to worry as much about if a fight is good or not since you will be out of range most of the time and don't have to commit as hard to any fight as Jax for example. On the other hand if you miss skillshots or don't use them to zone and poke you will not have enough dps to turn fights on your own. To help your team out you can waveclear too if the enemies try to siege.
as lux every Q can make a difference so good usage of your abilities can easily turn fights, try to clear side waves if they push to far inwards and try to look for kills
Hello Skill Capped users :) I just wanted to provide some comment on the service. I am using the service for almost a year now. Although not all the clips are rocket science and some are not really helpful, I really enjoy the service. I am 31 years old LoL player and had been playing the game since end of Season 1 (never been competitive player, so at early stage I did not focus on improving, just played for fun). I am currently Bronze 4, but not because I am stuck, but because I play less games I require to improve. The big lesson skill capped taught me is to change a mentality and not to focus on other 4 players. Just start improving your own gameplay - the less I focused on winning the game and more I focused on fundamentals such as csing, wave management, good back timings, trading and not dying, the game became more enjoyable for me. And even I loose the game, I always focus on my game, of what I could do differently and how I should act in similar situation in next game. I believe that if I could play 8+ games a day, I would eventually achieve the rank I want to. But this comment is not about me improving as I treat this game as something to have fun in, but with serious mindset when I play the game. The point is, do not focus on other players, focus on your game and yourself. And Skill Capped is really good at providing such mindset. Bad games happen, bad teammates happen, but these are factor you do not have control of. You only have control of one fifth of the team actions - your own. If you want to improve at the game, not the rank, then focus on your game and mindset. Thanks Skill Capped for well done guides and taking approach from fundamentals (which every League Player should improve on) and not to focus on mechanics. I hope you are all at desired ranks and are improving at the game, each map :) Sincerely, uzumakin
Because you can easily get from iron to platinum by only being good at microgame, being mechannically good, and playing busted champs, but the higher you Scale, the less impacful microgame becomes, and macrogame and team coordination starts to be what really matters. My guess is that Hector was so used to win games by macrogame and trusting his team mates, that he might have forgotten how to solocarry a game by oblitarating the enemy team and do all the calls and plays on his own. That's my opinion, tho.
Wdym? You don't need to stop walking to type in chat. Did your champion never stopped walking when going to lane? happens frequently with me, I assume that I clicked on a dying minion but not sure what really happens.
happens to me when I missclick on a minion instead of the lane.If the minions dies your champion stops moving.I don't think he stopped mid-movement to chat.unless,again,he missclick enter and pressed something like "s" to stop.Luckily no summs wasted
@@Nischal_Kandel you do know that high elo is far more toxic than low elo right? not only do they flame they will run down every game they are on your team. Don't be confused. assholes exist in every elo.
It's that battle royale mentality where people just wanna hop in and start fighting but they don't understand they need to build item leads first to get to that point.
Sometimes if you don't fight at all, if nobody is on the mid, it is straight invitation for enemy team to come and destroy. So in PERFECT scenario it should be something like 2-3 ppl roaming around mid, and other 2-3 try to farm and push hard to reach gap. But in reality it is all-in-aram, or open gates.
i have 80% games with people who ragequit and spamming chat+allchat all the time. i was master-dia but now somehow im stuck in plat 2-4 and wandering around there with possitive kda x)
My favourite is entire team gathering in bush beside dragon and do nothing, and then when dragon dies, they go out and all hell brakes loose, sloughtering over the air surrounding them.
10:45 How many players do you think have understood that the narrator is not right about that action ? :) you can clear see on the map 1 opponent is top and 1 mid , so in that fight can be max 3 opponents XD . Is not easy to take actions, even if you have time to analyze a video and to write a script the player can still not see/understand. Mini map is your best friend.
i used to duo with a Diamond 1 player when I was in low silver. he hard carried every game but the problem is that the decision making is completely different on this level and we died many times because you assume the enemy or your ally will do one thing, and then they do something different. your ult or key skill shot misses because your enemy doesnt actually try to dodge and you aimed assuming they would. your support/jg/mid/top doesn't have their abilities up because they wasted them earlier or doesn't go in when you engage and you die because your ally didnt bother to help when a challenger teammate would have. the list goes on. the player patterns and behaviors are different than what theyre used to and this causes decisions that would be correct at diamond/master/challenger to be the wrong move in silver/gold/bronze. but at the end of the day, they still get super fed because of technical skill alone but a lot of the time the rest of the team is just too dumb to capitalize on picks and never bother with objectives.
It's insane that people are obvious to mistakes. That's the true ELO hell. They don't even know they're making mistakes, nor do they care to improve and learn. I used to run customs a lot, and we had a number of skilled players during the games. The one that stands out to me was this gold 1 guy as my ADC who went 0/15 with four diamonds against a full plat team. The game ended with our team having 19 deaths or something. He blamed all of us, screamed, calling us bronze trash, never knowing our ranks because of smurf accounts. Low elo players don't get punished for mistakes.
@@crackfilosofal what is there the probability of losing? and i mean he don't need really to take the fight with ornn, the plates alone would be worth enough
@@mahmoudbenzarti4534 see, right now all his enemies are in midlane if they made that move you talked about, they could easily go there and kill them before it's possible, PLUS: 13:30 in the game the plates fall at 14min, bad timing by vi (again) for doing the losing game herald follow for more indeep advices.
Funny story: I was playing jungler, enemy Kha'zix was bit ahead of me but I was a Shyvana so I thought I could take him out on 1v1. I started Herald, about it's 3/4 HP Kha'zix walked in from his blue, my skills were on cd naturally and I died. I pinged mid Teemo to check on Herald. The reply I got was "you lost 1v1, I don't have to clean up your mess." A couple of minutes later Herald crumbled down mid outer turret. What an unexpected turn of events huh?
@@andrealasorte7747 It wasn't my mistake Kha'zix walked in on me at that moment, that was just unlucky, if you ever played any League game you will well know it happens. And you people fell to the mistake of thinking losing Herald would concern me, actually, what Herald does? It pushes lane and takes on turrets. I, as a jungler, didn't even have a turret myself, losing Herald concerns me the least. Teemo thought he supposedly was clean my mess just because I couldn't pull running from Kha, wait Kha to take Herald and steal it. All that while I was behing of one of the highest burst damage champions. And as the outcome Teemo's turret was down. So please stop antagonizing allies.
@@andrealasorte7747I must hard disagree with your comment. Herald is everyone's priority from the moment it's started, teemo and toplane should be looking to rotate ASAP especially if before minute 14. The value of being able to take a turret at will is so immense it's usually the first objective contested in pro play where even the supports get involved and a 4v4 starts
Bruh, i am bronze and even i know you don't solo an objective against Khazix jgl😂 You will be isolated, wich means you lose cause that's how he works🤷 Teemo could have walked up but then what? He'd be isolated and.... yup get destroyed by Khazix 🤷
As a hardstuck gold main, this is one the more REALISTICALLY WINNABLE troll games. There are trolls who make sure that you lose and purposefully do thing to sabotage the game plan and continue to blame you for why they are losing. I had an ashe go 0/20 all because she was fuming she got autofilled adc. She didnt ask anyone to trade or anything just determined she was inting the game away and nobody was going to win.
I was playing Nasus top and I was dominated by their top. So I went down and ganked and farmed jungle Even though I was 2/6/0 I was still able to be strong My stacks on Q were so high that it was a smite Once I stopped farming, I ran into team fights and 2v1s In he end I had a 11/7/7 game I was legitimately soloing nexus 1 v5
4:03 You guys say "a hard question" I think the word you are looking for was "dilemma" putting your enemies in this state can frustrate them if they make the wrong choices or feel over whelm.
People just quit lol...i did it ... it's a pointless game.... play solo games where only your OWN SKILL matters... Its a waste of time to play with random people all over the world in a 30 min team match.... forget it... stop wasting your time.. . Play ELDEN RING, S.C.U.M, or V rising ... what ever game ... POE, and the new Diablo 4 when it comes out.... just forget League of Legends... Stop wasting your money on silly " leage coaches" etc...forget it ... none of you will be the second Faker or Tiler 1 making millions... just forget this BS game and the silly idea that you will be rich streamer with this game . I just try to help you this game is a waste of time.
The whole “take what you can and test the enemy team” is literally how I won the game for us as support with an ezreal who fed bottom lane every time he spawned And a to jungle who never jungled once I left my lane helped out mid and top Left yi and ez to deal with bottom I then realized the Ashe (even with her huge 10 kill lead) didn’t know how to play objectives she just pushed lane So I took objectives with the midlaner and top laner
i started a climb for the first time in 6 years (was d2 currently p1). and the issue i've noticed is i treat enemies and teamates as if they are good at the game. so i'll throw a thresh hook predicting their dodge, and they just..... dont dodge, they just keep running in a straight line away...... I'll set up perfect kills for my teammates, just for them to ignore them. I'll stack minion waves for the easiest dives known to man, and just get ignored. ill gank a lane, and the naut just wont go in. its just a common thing i noticed.
Ive done many things that hector did in this video, legit just choke the enemy team and get objectives safely, but in Silver/Gold elo teams often compete on whos gonna throw the game harder
i was stuck in gold III-II back in season 7-8 because of this, it would be people that got carried there, duo queue, or higher levels "trying things" out that wouldnt work. Cant win a single gold game, but join a lobby of my plat friend and go on a 8 win streak in high plat low diamond games. Also at that point you couldnt 1v9 as easily as now. Having to deal with people that dont know how to play the game or are willing to learn and listen to those who know what to do and than just run it down till the game is impossible to recover.
As a really mediocre jungle player my strat was: Stay friendly and respectful to the team and correct or not: always appologize for the times you die or could not help teammembers. Also force enemy to make weird choices and use all the time you have to try and talk your own team into a calm mood. If a teammember starts to flame another teammember: make sure this flame ends up neutral. Heck .. if needed say whatever the flame is about was your fault as a jungler. In gold the team with the most frustration or the most ego will lose eventually. Try to infect your team with an adult mindset. After the game do not talk with anyone..
bro I want to see challengers carry from behind with champs like twisted fate , or viktor , or qiyana . Not fuckin jax and the challenger mechanics of clicking on the right mouse button .
I have a top laner who always complains about any other champions (mostly top laners), dies a lot and ALWAYS wants to fight... When I'm behind as an ADC I just can't fight like that and he always pressures me into fighting which I refuse
for real, my latest game as of this post was an 'easy' win, but it took all the mental fortitude at my disposal to maintain focus on the game instead of the emotional rollercoaster the 2 carries tried to put me on. for context, it was a mid-lane Cait with lethality and an infinitely scaling veigar adc carry in bot. i even got flamed for not doing tons of damage vs a squishy team, which makes sense if you consider the opponent team was very squishy. also worth mentioning that i got around maybe 2000 gold from shutting down so many people and I only died a couple time. we got dragon soul and a baron buff. in spite of all of that, my team wanted to flame (minus the top lane and support). i played my role correctly and assassinated several high value targets, but i get the soul-crushing comments from people who just dont like what they see. it just goes to show, you can't depend on everyone to keep a level head even while you're in a favorable position.
How can I apply this to ADC? I mean, with Jax you have mobility, a shield that blocks incoming damage for a long period of time, a stun, attack speed and you can become quite tanky if you build in a certain way, but for adc I cannot proxy farm like that or outplay the entire enemy team
I don't really recommend playing bot outside of your "home elo" as it kind of just feels like a large part of the game is left up to 'chance'. I know some players make it work but its just unnecessarily difficult imho if ur adamant about it -- lane bullies (Draven, Lucian, Kalista, etc) that can generate huge gold leads early would typically be your best bet?
There is an interesting thing about high-tier players in mid [Gold is not low; it's mid in terms of percentage] ELO games: Challenger players and such are used to players... well being better at pushing advantage, and thus gamestates that would be sure-loss ff go next are not.
They stated a fact: Some of you might have guessed or know what to do but the problem is you weren't playing the game so ingame your mind might not do the same things, thats why we love our live gameplay but when watch the replay its not that impressive :).
Challenger really doesn't matter if you know all the fundamentals and interactions and stuff. Ofc it's impressive, but with the internet nowadays information spreads like wildfire. I think riot should really think about increasing lp gain/loss so we can climb faster
4:50 this is the type of bullshit why I only play 2 games a day, at some point this game messes with your mind, worse than any other drug, and it's not worth thinking how could I save this, there is no point, and the reward is too small
Actually you forgot to mention, that a looooot of this is bcs of jax itself as a champion. Maybe only fiora and Riven/Nasus would be able to pull this off, since Jax is one if not the best scaling toplane champion. With an Ornn, Renekton, etc. you wouldnt have been able to carry this one.
My thoughts exactly. Jax is a stats checker champ. He scales hard into late by farming. Play champs like Malphite, Ornn or Mundo in this Elo and you will never come out. Just be egoistic and don’t view it as a team game. Your team mates are like monkeys you have to throw bananas at so they follow where you want them to be.
@@kronus7 Champion matters. If you lose early game with champion that has no scaling, your impact will be close to 0. There is no coming back from that.
Jax WAS the best scaling champion top when hybrid items were a thing. Nowadays he is quite average in scaling. Especially since top champs usually don't scale as well as mid for exmaple.
@@kronus7 yeah listening and understanding Informations is one thing, questioning those infos with a critical mind is another. You lack the second one.
4:00 I yell you they gonna do about it, they will recall because they will be feed and completely obliterate you, they probably 10/2 10/3 all and you only 4/3, and after 5v1 you, they also get the time to go 5v4 drake and kill everyone + drake 5:50 that's the moment you gave orn free farm + tower top, griefed mid wave so ride spam ff, int and give up, and as if that wasn't enough you took your jungler blue and now he is never going to help you
Check out Hector's full course (with discount) here! 👏
both links doesn't work
People just quit lol...i did it ... it's a pointless game.... play solo games where only your OWN SKILL matters...
Its a waste of time to play with random people all over the world in a 30 min team match.... forget it... stop wasting your time.. . Play ELDEN RING, S.C.U.M, or V rising ... what ever game ... POE, and the new Diablo 4 when it comes out.... just forget League of Legends...
Stop wasting your money on silly " leage coaches" etc...forget it ... none of you will be the second Faker or Tiler 1 making millions...
just forget this BS game and the silly idea that you will be rich streamer with this game .
I just try to help you this game is a waste of time.
hector limit testing with that dive was just to funny :D
The fact that vi wants to gank when orn has 2 waves stacked up and Hector has no minions says it all
Vi should have waited till the big wave crashed at Ornn's Tower and then Dive him with Jax
As someone in gold this happens all the time, they also love to bank when waves are crashing at my tower and expect me to run towards enemy tower to help their gank that’ll never work and lose the entire wave
Really?even gold think that luc can beat jax...even i know that.
@@cupidok2768 no, the real better gold players know powerspikes and look a lot of macros stuff, they just has slow decision making and bad reflexes, and often tilts, so they basically coinflip the games instead playing more consistent and thinking fast and effectively, the mechanix are better but not best, also the farming is shit sometimes not consistent, its because the matchup / wave management unexperience and bad picks overall, usually golds just autopick their champs what they wanna play if they think thats 100% wr their games
@@RegiJatekokMagazin nope totally the oposite lol champs are way easier to play nowadays due to item changes thats why you also see currently the highest % of players in gold ever in league. Low elo players have awfull macro and don't know how to analise matchups/comps. Some however have good mechanics.
This is easily one of the best videos in the channel. When I watch streams im always looking for cues like these: “why would he do that?” And learn from the outcome. GREAT JOB! Please keep doing videos like these!! Its way easier ti learn from these compared to hypothetical case scenarios.
Inspired by this video I made a full jax commentary myself, I try to vocalize my thought process throughout the game:
I love the fact how the editor just edited the wins in hectos match history out xd
People just quit lol...i did it ... it's a pointless game.... play solo games where only your OWN SKILL matters...
Its a waste of time to play with random people all over the world in a 30 min team match.... forget it... stop wasting your time.. . Play ELDEN RING, S.C.U.M, or V rising ... what ever game ... POE, and the new Diablo 4 when it comes out.... just forget League of Legends...
Stop wasting your money on silly " leage coaches" etc...forget it ... none of you will be the second Faker or Tiler 1 making millions...
just forget this BS game and the silly idea that you will be rich streamer with this game .
I just try to help you this game is a waste of time.
ofc, they need to prove a point to convince us
my favorite part is hes practically saying just be challenger consistently and you can climb out of low elo
@@thatsweetness1735 kinda difficult to lose if you use your brain compared to brute forcing the game
Dude, Hector is single handedly the most unlucky person on the planet. The challenges are tearing him apart.
honestly this is normal low elo... i spent 3 months in gold-plat getting back into the game and gold is absolutely this toxic
@@flacsmada Challenger player can go 100%wr up to diamond. If you focus on toxicity you are probably toxic aswell, if you are at this elo just mute all and improve your gameplay.
@@makerudji6682 lol thats not true at all... my best friend in the military is a challenger mid, he says he wins 95 percent in iron, 90 bronze, 85 silver etc all the way until masterish level where he has to grind at 60 percent. He said the most frustrating is gold/plat because they are good enough to have good mechanics but their macro is typically poor so he has a tough time some games. Last, I wasnt being toxic so if you are that weak mentally(combined with your poor knowledge on what makes a challenger player) i doubt you are higher than gold.. Anyways, good luck
@@flacsmada Apdo climbed to diamond multiple times at 100 or close to 100wr. I guess it depends player to player. I myself never smurfed, as master tier i played couple of games on my friend's gold account and ive won like 5/5 games.
The problem with difficulty in climbing out of low elo is when low elo players dont want to win, they rather lose and pull you down with them. This team that hector was on actually tried to win later on instead of running down mid.
right!, especially the fact that those 4 couldve easily just ff'd and he wouldve been able to stop the 4-1 surrender
But this isn't the norm on the majority of games. It happens, sure, you won't win everytime, but you won't lose everytime either if you're making the correct decisions.
You should always blame yourself, not others. Your team will suck 50% of the time, and itll be good 50% of the time. Its on YOU to try to win games where your team sucks, instead of crying. Thats basically how you get out of any elo. And guess what, in order to do that it requires you to become a better player
@@serbiagamingiscool515 you should trying playing in the sea server. You'll understand.
@@prn_Melatonin you should try listening to the advice others give you instead of believing you're right. because you're not, if you're stuck in low elo it's because you suck. it has nothing to do with your team mates
10:15, my mind drifts to a memory of this one Warwick who flamed my Zeri for not frontlining.
Was before or after Riot removed the Hydra playstyle?
Ezreal and Zeri can play front to back
@@nether6209 don't really remember, but it was weirdly not the only time a front-line character flamed the adc player for not frontlining. Tho I don't remember who was who the second time, just "it happened again lol."
I feel bad for Hector's Torture 😭
Why? It's just good fun :D
Don't. It's for science. Do it, Hector! You can do it!
I dont, this is how my games go
3:20 It's a bit like chess, if you are winning, you have many options in attacking, if you are behind, you better just defend as well as you can and hope your opponent makes a mistake
great analogy
This Ryze was clearly following THE GREAT PLAN
It clearly didn't work because he won
11:00 for me this was the most glaring difference from what id do. i wouldve definitely flashed in to stun the graves and go for that kill when it probably would just get me killed at a more important time later (bc my flash was down) all over a kill thats probably not that important. assuming i even get the kill
hector content brings warmth to my heart.
love hector
Happened to me too, i try to play in lower elo games whenever i can as i find it way more challenging than a master+ game.
Probably because your team can never carry you, you always have to carry them.
@@mhreinhardt Exactly! Makes for a more interesting experience
Follow the plan ryze mains
Oh god that first Vi gank.. That one happens to me in 50% of my games. Where jungler comes to gank while 2/3 waves are being shoved into you, it's a nightmare and they will never listen to back off pings
Without a doubt one of the best league videos ive seen about how to not tilt in SoloQ and try to win from that
I love how high-elo players mindset is like "I should make this game as complicated as I can for my opponent." while low elo players mindset is like "I should make this game as complicated as I can for my ally." just because you didn't pick the character they requested, didn't gank until level 4 or took a minion as a sup.
The self sabotaging is so insane in league. It literally inspires me to study psychology. The way Some react, cope, blame, tunnel vision, etc… is some Sigmund Freud ego vodoo shit.
The problem with these guides is that low and high elo are completely different style of gameplay. If you try to play like a pro you will cause your team to lose, not cuz you're bad but because it tilts the team.
Happens everytime, its a coinflip if you afk split farm and avoid even or losing fights. But if you manage to get ahead it's up to you to carry the game with decision making
@@Hmfb0ss ya pretty much almost every game i have when we're behind and I try to split, farm, avoid 5v5, etc. My team just spam pings and types at me, runs into the 5v5, dies, and then i get blamed, and 'reported' for trolling lol
THey just showed it isnt, in fundamentals
You can see Hector being proactive tho, zoning the enemy team, looking for 1v1 or way to get advantages and helping his teammates, he is not AFK farming a side lane the whole game like a lot of people do in SoloQ pretending to be doing the high elo play.
A lot of the time the "I'm splitpushing because we are behind" guy is literally doing nothing but keeping good farm. They would lost all the enemy's missplays we saw on the video because of refusing to rotate.
I picked Shen and my team was bitching because I was in side lanes. That is literally his purpose 🤣
2:18 100% yes. I played ornn into warwick, which is a heavy countermatchup, because ornn doesn’t have enough damage to outdamage the warwick healing. My jungler comes and I ping away, still comes and ints and in the end ww is 6/0 and I am 0/0
All of this applies when the 4 lunatics in your team don't randomly decide to surrender. Hector or God can't help in this. Lost my last 5 games like this...
I really want riot to remove the surrender option.
Like these videos with Hector, the fact that he seems always calm and can assess the situations is valuable to learn from and fun to watch. Sorry you deal with that terrible shit Hector but great job as always!
One more time that we can watch it at Skillcapped… please. It wasnt enough
Fantastic video; the pause-and-compare moments were really helpful, the insight is legit, and it's super relatable content. Big plus to this one :)
I think what you did not take into account, that in low elo your team mates not necessarily thinking. So if the enemy team is doing baron, you can push a tower, but be sure your team still goes in for the 4v5 and the enemy will take two towers of you afterwards.
so you recommend us dying with them on baron instead? interesting
why is it that only your teammates are making mistakes though? are the enemy team all faker then and 10x better than you? they probably take baron and still recall even if your team is dead,kek
@@lefroste6370 when you go on a winning streak, the enemy team will be better than your team sometimes
@@roberthampton2629 sometimes
My champ cant even ahead with kills and cs
What does that even mean? Like, genuinely. What does that mean?
They showed us a game where Hector's teammates quite literally ran it down and sabotaged him.
How much more "not thinking" do you want before finally giving up on the "my team this, my team that" mentality?
I can guarantee you, what you saw of these players was peak "not thinking"
I learned a lot, great to see what challenger thinks in low elo, he ain’t cocky but strategizes and out thinks his enemies
It's not out-thinking the enemies that's the problem, it's out-thinking your own team xd
"he ain't cocky" *proceeds to dive a full HP ornn*
He’s not challenger. Diamond at BEST
Love this concept, I think it would be great for botlane - e.g. challenger adc got griefed by gold support or vice versa, challenger support cannot carry dense adc
I love when enemy team just starts going everywhere together and my team just start to spread out ;)
Man... I don't even care about climbing, but feel like signing up Skill Capped for Hector content.
Atleast u got a tilted ryze that stayed in the game.
I get someone run down mid or afk when they tilt
A piece of advice ive always followed when i end up in a game where everyone on my team is tilted or throwing, tryna ff and its one of those "ye we aint winning" situations, i take it as an oppertunity to learn somthing, practise some last hitting, practise some wavemanagment, look for fights and try differnt things. im not expecting to win, im trying to make the best of a bad situation and learn somthing that will help me in future games
I love this video! Very well done and makes a lot of sense. Question... In this exact scenario, if the challenger player was lux (support), how would a support player accomplish a comeback for their team? Jax, as a top laner, can 1 v 1 very well as stated in the video. What kind of things should a support player be looking for to help their team win?
A better support than Lux
If you want to carry with Lux, you need resources
As said, you need to be self reliable to a degree, for this reason, tanky engage supports can take control of a game much better than immobile squishy semi-enchanter mages like lux
Take a nautilis for example, or a thresh, their presence is menacing
With Lux you lose all psychological warfrare once you release the Q
Well one could talk about each of those questions for hours and hours if one wanted to list all the possible options Lux or a support in general would have and still not even be close to done ^^
So I'll try to answer superficially here:
You play to Lux's strengths. What she does well is range, catch and poke. So keep the enemies engage methods in mind, roam around with teammates and try to catch them outnumbered with your q, use your q as a threat to zone squishies like Lucian and Seraphine off the turrets.
Poke with Q and E, essentially win the war of attrition and attack their hp bars. This is of course not that easy since you have to hit skillshots but that is what will happen if you play a champ that ONLY has skillshots x)
That's the thing about high range mages: you don't have to worry as much about if a fight is good or not since you will be out of range most of the time and don't have to commit as hard to any fight as Jax for example. On the other hand if you miss skillshots or don't use them to zone and poke you will not have enough dps to turn fights on your own. To help your team out you can waveclear too if the enemies try to siege.
as lux every Q can make a difference so good usage of your abilities can easily turn fights, try to clear side waves if they push to far inwards and try to look for kills
Focus on vision and play for picks
Hello Skill Capped users :) I just wanted to provide some comment on the service. I am using the service for almost a year now. Although not all the clips are rocket science and some are not really helpful, I really enjoy the service. I am 31 years old LoL player and had been playing the game since end of Season 1 (never been competitive player, so at early stage I did not focus on improving, just played for fun). I am currently Bronze 4, but not because I am stuck, but because I play less games I require to improve. The big lesson skill capped taught me is to change a mentality and not to focus on other 4 players. Just start improving your own gameplay - the less I focused on winning the game and more I focused on fundamentals such as csing, wave management, good back timings, trading and not dying, the game became more enjoyable for me. And even I loose the game, I always focus on my game, of what I could do differently and how I should act in similar situation in next game. I believe that if I could play 8+ games a day, I would eventually achieve the rank I want to. But this comment is not about me improving as I treat this game as something to have fun in, but with serious mindset when I play the game. The point is, do not focus on other players, focus on your game and yourself. And Skill Capped is really good at providing such mindset. Bad games happen, bad teammates happen, but these are factor you do not have control of. You only have control of one fifth of the team actions - your own. If you want to improve at the game, not the rank, then focus on your game and mindset. Thanks Skill Capped for well done guides and taking approach from fundamentals (which every League Player should improve on) and not to focus on mechanics. I hope you are all at desired ranks and are improving at the game, each map :) Sincerely, uzumakin
10 years of bronze should make you realize that there are no bad teammates.. you are the bad teammate :D
Because you can easily get from iron to platinum by only being good at microgame, being mechannically good, and playing busted champs, but the higher you Scale, the less impacful microgame becomes, and macrogame and team coordination starts to be what really matters. My guess is that Hector was so used to win games by macrogame and trusting his team mates, that he might have forgotten how to solocarry a game by oblitarating the enemy team and do all the calls and plays on his own.
That's my opinion, tho.
2:00 you literally see Hector stop walking for like 10sec. I assume he's flaming mid/jg here.
It was 2-3 sec max, 2:04 to 2:07 makes no sense for him to tilt his teammate even more, he is not low elo.
Wdym? You don't need to stop walking to type in chat. Did your champion never stopped walking when going to lane? happens frequently with me, I assume that I clicked on a dying minion but not sure what really happens.
happens to me when I missclick on a minion instead of the lane.If the minions dies your champion stops moving.I don't think he stopped mid-movement to chat.unless,again,he missclick enter and pressed something like "s" to stop.Luckily no summs wasted
@@iurifrazao454 possible. But the timing of it is a little suspicious
@@Nischal_Kandel you do know that high elo is far more toxic than low elo right? not only do they flame they will run down every game they are on your team.
Don't be confused. assholes exist in every elo.
It's that battle royale mentality where people just wanna hop in and start fighting but they don't understand they need to build item leads first to get to that point.
Sometimes if you don't fight at all, if nobody is on the mid, it is straight invitation for enemy team to come and destroy. So in PERFECT scenario it should be something like 2-3 ppl roaming around mid, and other 2-3 try to farm and push hard to reach gap. But in reality it is all-in-aram, or open gates.
Can't seem to remember where I got this info from but apparently you can see the full vod with commentary somewhere
1:41 a guy really once tried to tell me: " well in challenger people don't take bad fights" REEEAAALLYLYLLYYYYYYY???
Just seen 2 vids with hector but this guys a legend
i have 80% games with people who ragequit and spamming chat+allchat all the time. i was master-dia but now somehow im stuck in plat 2-4 and wandering around there with possitive kda x)
My favourite is entire team gathering in bush beside dragon and do nothing, and then when dragon dies, they go out and all hell brakes loose, sloughtering over the air surrounding them.
11:30 "You are not against TSM you are up against Timmy Tammy jImmy and Sammy" Got me dead xD
This video also shows why melee carry's are better then other classes for solo q.
love the fact how the editor just edited the wins in hectos match history out
No matter how good you’re in silver or gold. It will take a miracle to get out of either. Game is heavy on team gameplay.
Hector needs a raise for how much he's been in low elo
10:45 How many players do you think have understood that the narrator is not right about that action ? :) you can clear see on the map 1 opponent is top and 1 mid , so in that fight can be max 3 opponents XD . Is not easy to take actions, even if you have time to analyze a video and to write a script the player can still not see/understand. Mini map is your best friend.
the amount of times i have left my team dawdling at an objective to go and push something else thinking 'nah they'll never fight a 3v5'...
i mean, they fight 2v5s why not 3v5 seems winnable
Yes! I know! I can watch the full game when subbed to skillcapped! Enough already!
i used to duo with a Diamond 1 player when I was in low silver. he hard carried every game but the problem is that the decision making is completely different on this level and we died many times because you assume the enemy or your ally will do one thing, and then they do something different. your ult or key skill shot misses because your enemy doesnt actually try to dodge and you aimed assuming they would. your support/jg/mid/top doesn't have their abilities up because they wasted them earlier or doesn't go in when you engage and you die because your ally didnt bother to help when a challenger teammate would have. the list goes on. the player patterns and behaviors are different than what theyre used to and this causes decisions that would be correct at diamond/master/challenger to be the wrong move in silver/gold/bronze. but at the end of the day, they still get super fed because of technical skill alone but a lot of the time the rest of the team is just too dumb to capitalize on picks and never bother with objectives.
3:13 surprisingly philosophical
It's insane that people are obvious to mistakes. That's the true ELO hell. They don't even know they're making mistakes, nor do they care to improve and learn.
I used to run customs a lot, and we had a number of skilled players during the games. The one that stands out to me was this gold 1 guy as my ADC who went 0/15 with four diamonds against a full plat team. The game ended with our team having 19 deaths or something. He blamed all of us, screamed, calling us bronze trash, never knowing our ranks because of smurf accounts. Low elo players don't get punished for mistakes.
at 5:14 is it not better to go with Vi and use herald top fast to get the 3 plates and maybe also get the kill on Ornn?
It would *probably* create a losing fight for him and make him lose farm.
@@crackfilosofal what is there the probability of losing? and i mean he don't need really to take the fight with ornn, the plates alone would be worth enough
see, right now all his enemies are in midlane if they made that move you talked about, they could easily go there and kill them before it's possible, PLUS: 13:30 in the game the plates fall at 14min, bad timing by vi (again) for doing the losing game herald
follow for more indeep advices.
@@crackfilosofal when Vi there runs directly behind the tower it is enough time
I'm really thinking about calling you on discord to explain the play
My big issue with this is in my experience, the other 4 ff at 20 and you lose very winnable games
Hectors terrible Micro suddenly makes perfect sense when you realize he has flash on d
Every time I hear Hector, I think of Hector from Breaking Bad
Funny story:
I was playing jungler, enemy Kha'zix was bit ahead of me but I was a Shyvana so I thought I could take him out on 1v1. I started Herald, about it's 3/4 HP Kha'zix walked in from his blue, my skills were on cd naturally and I died. I pinged mid Teemo to check on Herald. The reply I got was "you lost 1v1, I don't have to clean up your mess." A couple of minutes later Herald crumbled down mid outer turret. What an unexpected turn of events huh?
well it WAS your mistake so?
teemo could very well get collapsed by kha and the enemy top
@@andrealasorte7747 It wasn't my mistake Kha'zix walked in on me at that moment, that was just unlucky, if you ever played any League game you will well know it happens. And you people fell to the mistake of thinking losing Herald would concern me, actually, what Herald does? It pushes lane and takes on turrets. I, as a jungler, didn't even have a turret myself, losing Herald concerns me the least. Teemo thought he supposedly was clean my mess just because I couldn't pull running from Kha, wait Kha to take Herald and steal it. All that while I was behing of one of the highest burst damage champions. And as the outcome Teemo's turret was down. So please stop antagonizing allies.
@@andrealasorte7747I must hard disagree with your comment. Herald is everyone's priority from the moment it's started, teemo and toplane should be looking to rotate ASAP especially if before minute 14. The value of being able to take a turret at will is so immense it's usually the first objective contested in pro play where even the supports get involved and a 4v4 starts
Bruh, i am bronze and even i know you don't solo an objective against Khazix jgl😂 You will be isolated, wich means you lose cause that's how he works🤷 Teemo could have walked up but then what? He'd be isolated and.... yup get destroyed by Khazix 🤷
As a hardstuck gold main, this is one the more REALISTICALLY WINNABLE troll games. There are trolls who make sure that you lose and purposefully do thing to sabotage the game plan and continue to blame you for why they are losing. I had an ashe go 0/20 all because she was fuming she got autofilled adc. She didnt ask anyone to trade or anything just determined she was inting the game away and nobody was going to win.
I was playing Nasus top and I was dominated by their top. So I went down and ganked and farmed jungle
Even though I was 2/6/0
I was still able to be strong
My stacks on Q were so high that it was a smite
Once I stopped farming, I ran into team fights and 2v1s
In he end I had a 11/7/7 game
I was legitimately soloing nexus 1 v5
Last five years I am lost in IRON. This gold videos are IRONY for me.
that image at 0:18 is uncalled for LOL
4:03 You guys say "a hard question" I think the word you are looking for was "dilemma" putting your enemies in this state can frustrate them if they make the wrong choices or feel over whelm.
People just quit lol...i did it ... it's a pointless game.... play solo games where only your OWN SKILL matters...
Its a waste of time to play with random people all over the world in a 30 min team match.... forget it... stop wasting your time.. . Play ELDEN RING, S.C.U.M, or V rising ... what ever game ... POE, and the new Diablo 4 when it comes out.... just forget League of Legends...
Stop wasting your money on silly " leage coaches" etc...forget it ... none of you will be the second Faker or Tiler 1 making millions...
just forget this BS game and the silly idea that you will be rich streamer with this game .
I just try to help you this game is a waste of time.
The whole “take what you can and test the enemy team” is literally how I won the game for us as support with an ezreal who fed bottom lane every time he spawned
And a to jungle who never jungled once
I left my lane helped out mid and top
Left yi and ez to deal with bottom
I then realized the Ashe (even with her huge 10 kill lead) didn’t know how to play objectives she just pushed lane
So I took objectives with the midlaner and top laner
i started a climb for the first time in 6 years (was d2 currently p1). and the issue i've noticed is i treat enemies and teamates as if they are good at the game. so i'll throw a thresh hook predicting their dodge, and they just..... dont dodge, they just keep running in a straight line away......
I'll set up perfect kills for my teammates, just for them to ignore them. I'll stack minion waves for the easiest dives known to man, and just get ignored. ill gank a lane, and the naut just wont go in.
its just a common thing i noticed.
Great video. Actually gave me hope for more good times :D
Crabs in a bucket mentality that's the league true experience.
Love the Hector videos!
imagine how i feel in bronze, now iron in season 14. i was gold elo once and i keep dropping and dropping. low elo is something different
2:55 Step Number One:
Mute the Chat and pings if ur smurfing.. or u will get tilted so fast
Ive done many things that hector did in this video, legit just choke the enemy team and get objectives safely, but in Silver/Gold elo teams often compete on whos gonna throw the game harder
Do you have any macro guide for adcs? Or any draven, twitch micro?
yes and no
twitch micro? Let team start fight use q and ult from very far back
Definitely great video!
Honestly made the right decision at any time and it definetly helps to carry games with a mindset like that. Yet i am still hardstuck G2
i was stuck in gold III-II back in season 7-8 because of this, it would be people that got carried there, duo queue, or higher levels "trying things" out that wouldnt work. Cant win a single gold game, but join a lobby of my plat friend and go on a 8 win streak in high plat low diamond games. Also at that point you couldnt 1v9 as easily as now. Having to deal with people that dont know how to play the game or are willing to learn and listen to those who know what to do and than just run it down till the game is impossible to recover.
As a really mediocre jungle player my strat was: Stay friendly and respectful to the team and correct or not: always appologize for the times you die or could not help teammembers. Also force enemy to make weird choices and use all the time you have to try and talk your own team into a calm mood. If a teammember starts to flame another teammember: make sure this flame ends up neutral. Heck .. if needed say whatever the flame is about was your fault as a jungler. In gold the team with the most frustration or the most ego will lose eventually. Try to infect your team with an adult mindset. After the game do not talk with anyone..
i can see these types of mistakes but there is nothing i can do to stop my teammates from throwing
I preach this to my friends for years. "Friends not having fun FF"
bro I want to see challengers carry from behind with champs like twisted fate , or viktor , or qiyana .
Not fuckin jax and the challenger mechanics of clicking on the right mouse button .
I have a top laner who always complains about any other champions (mostly top laners), dies a lot and ALWAYS wants to fight... When I'm behind as an ADC I just can't fight like that and he always pressures me into fighting which I refuse
Stoic philosophy will help alot while climbing in LoL.
Very interesting, if only there was a way to watch the full game in it's entirety with Hectors commentary. Damn.
yasuo doesn't comeback after 3 items. they either go afk or to someone else's lane
dodge if he got yasuo in his name
for real, my latest game as of this post was an 'easy' win, but it took all the mental fortitude at my disposal to maintain focus on the game instead of the emotional rollercoaster the 2 carries tried to put me on. for context, it was a mid-lane Cait with lethality and an infinitely scaling veigar adc carry in bot.
i even got flamed for not doing tons of damage vs a squishy team, which makes sense if you consider the opponent team was very squishy. also worth mentioning that i got around maybe 2000 gold from shutting down so many people and I only died a couple time. we got dragon soul and a baron buff. in spite of all of that, my team wanted to flame (minus the top lane and support). i played my role correctly and assassinated several high value targets, but i get the soul-crushing comments from people who just dont like what they see.
it just goes to show, you can't depend on everyone to keep a level head even while you're in a favorable position.
How can I apply this to ADC? I mean, with Jax you have mobility, a shield that blocks incoming damage for a long period of time, a stun, attack speed and you can become quite tanky if you build in a certain way, but for adc I cannot proxy farm like that or outplay the entire enemy team
Bro, you can't. Climbing as ADC solo is probably the hardest out of any role. You need a good DUO partner with comms + chemistry.
Better play jg, pick champs to power farm in jg and mute chat. Gank when u can and you can win more games rather than playing adc
I don't really recommend playing bot outside of your "home elo" as it kind of just feels like a large part of the game is left up to 'chance'.
I know some players make it work but its just unnecessarily difficult imho
if ur adamant about it -- lane bullies (Draven, Lucian, Kalista, etc) that can generate huge gold leads early would typically be your best bet?
There is an interesting thing about high-tier players in mid [Gold is not low; it's mid in terms of percentage] ELO games:
Challenger players and such are used to players... well being better at pushing advantage, and thus gamestates that would be sure-loss ff go next are not.
7:22 did this dude just explain 0/10 yasuo power spike to us
To me it did not feel like he felt lost at all! He knew precisely how to win the game!
They stated a fact: Some of you might have guessed or know what to do but the problem is you weren't playing the game so ingame your mind might not do the same things, thats why we love our live gameplay but when watch the replay its not that impressive :).
Wasn't Hector just learning and climbing, was gold last video I watched long ago. I see he's got the gold mentality forever with the orn ko
I feel the enemy throw so hard. So many low Elo teams will completely quit doing safe plays once they have a lead it's infuriating
It feels really bad having to commit to a gank with such a stacked wave
Where can we wait the full game commentary? I didn't catch it.
Well you said it yourself, the enemy team threw the game several times.
Not only that, with the lead they had, they also had 0 drakes.
Graves items...
This is the most NA region game I’ve ever seen 💀💀💀the trash talk, the inting, and the tilting is crazy
Challenger really doesn't matter if you know all the fundamentals and interactions and stuff. Ofc it's impressive, but with the internet nowadays information spreads like wildfire. I think riot should really think about increasing lp gain/loss so we can climb faster
Yeah getting +12 and losing -18 is amazing. I can so easily get of the low elo with this bs.
@@nikoolay same
4:50 this is the type of bullshit why I only play 2 games a day, at some point this game messes with your mind, worse than any other drug, and it's not worth thinking how could I save this, there is no point, and the reward is too small
Good vid but that guy @2:23 mark was my favorite part for some reason
Actually you forgot to mention, that a looooot of this is bcs of jax itself as a champion. Maybe only fiora and Riven/Nasus would be able to pull this off, since Jax is one if not the best scaling toplane champion. With an Ornn, Renekton, etc. you wouldnt have been able to carry this one.
My thoughts exactly. Jax is a stats checker champ. He scales hard into late by farming. Play champs like Malphite, Ornn or Mundo in this Elo and you will never come out.
Just be egoistic and don’t view it as a team game. Your team mates are like monkeys you have to throw bananas at so they follow where you want them to be.
did you watch the same video as I did and listened to the same tips? It doesn't matter that it was Jax, he could have done the same as a Yuumi
@@kronus7 Champion matters. If you lose early game with champion that has no scaling, your impact will be close to 0. There is no coming back from that.
Jax WAS the best scaling champion top when hybrid items were a thing. Nowadays he is quite average in scaling. Especially since top champs usually don't scale as well as mid for exmaple.
@@kronus7 yeah listening and understanding Informations is one thing, questioning those infos with a critical mind is another. You lack the second one.
That tsm burn, I love it.
4:00 I yell you they gonna do about it, they will recall because they will be feed and completely obliterate you, they probably 10/2 10/3 all and you only 4/3, and after 5v1 you, they also get the time to go 5v4 drake and kill everyone + drake
5:50 that's the moment you gave orn free farm + tower top, griefed mid wave so ride spam ff, int and give up, and as if that wasn't enough you took your jungler blue and now he is never going to help you