Be sure to check description, index of operation, products and parts is all there! And while you are there check out my Patreon page too for early access and voice-over edit of my videos. If you like what I do consider supporting me so I can keep on making:
I have been wanting to buy a vacuum chamber for doing resin and silicone and stuff, perfect timing to save me money!!! Thanks! I had no idea a fridge compressor could make a vacuum!
I built one of these a couple years ago. I made my own chamber using 1 inch thick MDF, and 1 inch thick plexiglass for the top. I sealed the MDF with polyurethane, and used polyurethane glue and 2 inch screws every 2 inches to assemble the box. I built my chamber to be 24x24x24 inches. It's larger than what I need it to be, but if something big ever needs to go in there, it can. I put a very thick (about the diameter of a US Nickle coin) bead of silicone on the top edges of the MDF chamber, and covered the silicone with cling wrap from the kitchen. I then gently pressed the plexiglass onto the silicone, trying to avoid as much squeeze out as possible. The cling wrap prevented the plexiglass from sticking to the silicone. I let that sit for two weeks to be 110% sure the silicone fully cured before removing the plexiglass and cling wrap. I then added the plumbing parts, and it's still working flawlessly. I have had to replace the silicone on it a couple times, but that's just the nature of the beast, I guess. Watching how much flex you are getting with your plexiglass seems a bit dangerous. When that sheet has been stressed too many times, it will fail, without warning, and it's not going to be a very fun day when it does. One more suggestion would be for you to add the plumbing as close to the edge of your pot as possible to avoid air from getting blasted into your epoxy or silicone after degassing. I like your design, but I would definitely get some thicker plexiglass. The best part of your build and mine, is the amount of $$$$ we saved.
@@fajile5109 Yeah, I always check it with a straight edge before I use it just to be safe, and I also look for signs of stress in the plexiglass periodically while using it. The MDF has been blessed with many applications of tung oil, and it's almost as tough as concrete now.
Cool, I love the fact that if you need a bigger vacuum chamber, for example stabilizing tall piece of wood, you only need to find larger container and add the seal while you can use the same lid. And amazing work with the channel I remember you having like 30K subs not that long ago.
Keep in mind that a larger container needs to be a lot stronger. If you just extended that pot up 4x in length it would probably crumple in the middle. There is a lot of force pushing on the container. For improved safety with this setup as shown, it's probably a good idea to use something like a pressure cooker that is designed greater strength.
I used a 18’ long 12” well casing pipe that is 3/4” wall stainless steel. I welded SS plate to the rear end and machined a SS door with rapid clamps to the front end and used a strip of automotive door stripping for the seal. Used my gantry crane to put it in place (1400 lbs) and hooked up my freezer compressor and gauge. It takes an hour to achieve full -30lbs vacuum and stabilize late pieces of reclaimed wood that customers purchase to have included in their custom cabinetry. Made 100% out of farm scrap! (Except the welding rod and electricity!). The profit yield after stabilizers and waste is approx. $2800 profit every time I fire it up to make a custom furniture top, cabinet face or counter top. Even a few front entry way doors!
@Theophilus Jedediah That sounds great! Have you got some picture for inspiration? Do you think, thay this setup would be able to work for small milking machine for the goat?
@@camberlubos3995 >as a goat and sheep-herd myself I think there would have to be some alternately timed electronically controlled gated cylinder actuators which cycled around 60 times per minute to interrupt the suction. With persistent suction you will damage the teats. Another issue would be that of needing a vacuum reservoir that could sustain a 15-ish lbs of suction while releasing vacuum alternately to the vacuum lines 120 times per minute (assuming two alternating milking cups in operation). If you can negotiate those challenges..I think a 100 gal. vacuum reservoir would be sufficient for a 20 minute sustained milking session with about 30 minutes to initiate at full vacuum allowing 15 min. Recovery to full vacuum between sets of teats to rebuild optimal pressure. This is why commercial systems have much more powerful (1/4hp) vacuum motors for sustained vacuum without a substantial reservoir. That’s my take. I think the standard home freezer compressor is about 1/20hp and not designed for constant running. I have to wait on the pics as I’m not that advanced in my digital set up. Seems the farm is too demanding of a mistress. I can draw up some plans in a drawing program but I’m not much of an artist...more of a tinkerer/problem solver. Farming is my retirement from a career in partial physics.
Esse dia outra parte desse vídeo muito nós explica o porque o porque o que deve fazer não tem nada para mim isso aí eu nota zero parabéns pela burrisse em que vc fez caralho
Just pulled mine off a nearly new $3200.00 freezer that was left in the barn of the farm we purchased. Already have two meat freezers and a refrigeration room for slaughtering so I tried to find someone needing a freezer. I offered to deliver and set it up and wire the outlet to it. You’d think I was offering to poop in their living room! One person even said they needed one but wanted me to purchase a specific $480 brand name freezer for them..I tried to explain... So I stripped it down making a chemical storage cabinet for the cabinet shop and the compressor for my wood stabilizing vacuum unit. I recycled the copper to my metals pile. There is always a good use for those extra things that otherwise we would haul off to the scrapper!
التجربة جدا حلووو . الفكر من الجهاز هي صناعة غرفة ضغط منخفض ، بواسطة ضاغطة الثلاجة المنزلية، ما هي الفائدة من هذا الجهاز؟ الجواب: يمكن ان نغلي الماء و بعض السؤال حسب درجة غليانها عند درجة حرارة الغرفة ، وذالك عن طريق خفض الضغط فكلما خفضنا الضغط انخفضت درجة غليان السؤال إلى أن تصل إلى درجة حرارة الغرفة وتبدأ بالغليان. ... هذا هي الفكر لمن لم يفهم الغرض من الجهاز. ... وشكرا
A friend of mine and I made chambers, using the 1/2" plex. He used his quite a bit and one day the plex imploded cracking from the hole in the center. It might be wise to move that hole to an edge.
Grande!! Mi è apparso sto video al momento giusto, stavo giusto per comprare una vacuum chamber e m'hai ricordato che ho già il compressore auto costruito, una piastra di policarbonato da due centimetri e pentole da buttare via 😂
This was a fantastic build that I had been interested to find for several reasons for many years . You are one of the youtubers that I trust to not steer me wrong. Thank you.
finally someone knows how to put solder on wires correctly xD when you are taping plastic or even metal, put a little of WD-40, the thread would look gorgeous and be stonger and thanks for your video, will make one for me
A lot of flex in that top. I had a 3/4 inch piece fracture. Because of the hole the plexiglass fractured easier. Since then they have put the whole into the side of the canister and left the plexiglass free of compromise from the hole. Great video.
>dale jones ...with the added advantage of not needing the 'diverter' mentioned in other comments, as well as an unobstructed view of the chamber interior...
Stainless steel can be hard to drill, though. If you must drill plexiglass, the drill should probably be re-sharpened to have a higher-than-usual cutting angle -- more like a sharpened fat pencil. Such a sharpening reduces the likelihood of eventual fracturing. On fracturing: I can see the point of centering the vacuum hole (it's easy, and it makes the pot 'lid' general), but there's nothing to prevent placing that hole nearer the edge of the sheet: as the pressure drops in the pot, the seal becomes stronger. With the hole near the edge of the sheet, you get a relatively unobstructed view inside, and less flexing of the lid at (what is likely) the weakest point.
I made mine with an old aluminum cook pot. I trued the Top Drill for the air and it ended up cracking and exploding. So now mine is a side entry. Really happy with the effect and also by adding a tank to the other side I have a decent silent airbrush compressor
If you are using the vacuum chamber to stabilize wood, be aware that fumes from the stabilizing resin will cause plexiglass to crack and craze. It will eventually fail and implode.
Good work man. This project will be a great first project heading into a long shitty cold frozen and broke Montana winter. You may have saved me from starving...
only thing to remember, on the pumping side of the compressor, tiny droplets of oil will escape until no oil will be left and the compressor will seize. Thus either recirculate the escaping oil OR refill after some use (should be 500 gr the std charge, so you might want to check the weight of the whole kit).
When he releases the vacuum the air comes back in and blows straight down to the object under test and could scatter it around the pot. The L fitting would blow the air to the side. Even better would be some kind of muffler on the end of the L. Also, I use a thick band of Vaseline around the edge of the pot to get a good seal.
Я холодильщик с большим стажем. Однажды по молодости, у меня был вакуумный компрессор вроде того, что на видео. Я тоже ставил эксперименты по кипения воды и компрессор быстро "крякнул", т.к. всосал много конденсата и пробил на корпус. Для этого нужно использовать специальный вакуумный компрессор.
Just a few things to be aware of: you might want to put a trap on the inlet of the vacuum pump to ensure vapor doesn't contaminate or damage your pump. Secondly, be aware that pumps need oil and continuous operation as a vacuum pump is not what this is rated for, so expect to need to service it more often than normal. Third, that plastic lid is a big imposion hazard. If you won't rebuild it with tougher materials like aluminum or steel, at least wear your safety glasses and be prepared for shrapnel!
Black Beard. Thanks. I’m going to need a vacuum chamber for casting resin to stabilize punky wood and to make thermal plaster molds. Your suggestion is doable. Stay awesome!
Great Work.. I have made a similar one except I drilled through the side of the steel pot rather than the top. This gave the acrylic top more strength since it did not have any weak area's. Also - since it worked so well I got an old fire extinguisher tank and used that to create an air tank for the compressor side. Added in pressure valve and pressure switch and it works great. Also... SILENT...
هذا الجهاز بكل بساطة هو جهاز فاكيومتر بالعربية مضخة افراغ الهواء بالفرنسية pompe a vide بالانقليزية يعني vacuum pump والفيديو عبارة عن درس يبين دور الفاكيومتر في دوائر التبريد والتكييف حتى لا يستغني الفني عن هذه العملية لان الكثير من الفنيين لا يعرفون الغاية منها ويعتقدون انها لافراغ الهواء فقط ولكن اهم شيئ فيها هو افراغ الدارة من الرطوبة وذالك بخفظ الغضط الى -1 bar بالمقارنة مع الضغط الجوي ..... كما هو معروف عند اهل الاختصاص قبل ملئ دوائر التبريد بغاز التبريد او كما يسمى بالفريون يجب افراغ الدارة اولا من الهواء و الرطوبة وبما ان الضغط الجوي المحيط بنا يساوي 1bar او اكثر بقليل اي ان دارة التبريد موجود بها نفس الكمية من الضغط واذا قمنا بملئ الدارة مباشرة فلن تعمل الدارة جيدا وتتسبب في اعطال كثيرة ... لهذا هو ركب ساعة بنفس القيمة التي ذكرتها وعند ما يمتص الضغط الموجود بداخل حتى يصبح ناقص - 1 bar يعني الموشر كان على قيمة الضغط الجوي و بعد ان شغل الضاغط بدأ بالرجوع الى ان وصل الى ناقص واحد بار وكان كلما انخفظ الغضط تبخر الماء اكثر ...وهذ العملية ضرورية بالنسبة للعاملين في مجال التبريد ولها فائدتان . الاولى افراغ الدارة من الهواء والرطوبة الثانية التحقق من عدم التسريب في الدارة يعني لو كان التلحيم ضعيف او هناك ثقب فالمؤشر لن يصل ابدا الى - 1 bar الا اذا كان التسريب خبيث يعني قليل جدا وهذا له وسائل وطرق اخرى لكشفه .
This video is a year old by the time I watched it. I’m curious to know if this compressor still works. Apart from it having no oil return, or “suction” cooling, the fact that the oil in it is hydroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture. “Wet” oil becomes acidic. Acidic oil deteriorates the insulation on the motor windings inside the compressor which in turn, will cause it to short to earth. A poorly insulated ( electrically) set up could become quite dangerous. If you need to pull a vacuum, use equipment designed for that purpose. This setup, a good idea in theory, is not practical in application. The potential for harm is high.
Hi Ian please give me more info. I've just come across this and I know nothing about refrigeration. I want to use this for casting and vacuum forming. Is it possible to make it work? How does the oil flow system work? Thanks.
I counter you to explain based on your information, how does an automobile tire compressor last for years with only the self contained oil? Those tiny compressors that plug in to a cigarette lighter can run for cycles of 10 minutes or more while inflating tires. I have a ViAir 12v compressor bolted to my mud truck under the hood, 12 yrs of inflating mud tires from 36-44 inches in size, no external oiling. So please, explain why your statement is not relevant in regards to my statement.
BTW, hydrscopic is an adjective for hydroscope, a device for viewing below the surface of water. HyGROscopic is a substance that absorbs and holds water. Based on this, I don't think you should be spouting off "knowledge" to others, lmfao 😂
@@TheRoadhammer379 if you are in the US mostly 2 types of oil are used POE(polyol ester) and PAG(polyalkyleneglycols). POE and PAG oil are both hygroscopic. I'm pretty sure they misspoke. Both get acidic the more moisture they absorb. The tire pumps are just air cooled. I've taken many apart just to figure them out and it's a simple D/C motor attached to a small pump with a piston. Your larger air compressors are air cooled but do have standard motor oil inside of them to lubricate the pump mechanism. I've been working with home A/C and residential refrigeration for 20 years. They now have inverter driven compressors that have no oil inside of them, the Whirlpool linear compressor made by Embraco.
Now that was cool! And I think I have access to all these parts, the major ones I mean - compressor, pot, pressure gauge, ball valve. All the rest I should be able to get fairly easy. Thankyou
A couple notes within the first minute of watching: 1. If you are going to use a sealed hermetic compressor for an application like this, you should replace the oil with refrigeration-grade mineral oil. The default oil used in these compressors will turn acidic when exposed to moisture in the air. At some-point, the oil turning acidic will destroy the compressor. 2. NEVER cut the tubing with a hacksaw like that. You WILL introduce copper filings and shavings into the compressor, which have the potential to seize it. This is especially the case in hermetic rotary compressors where the suction line feeds directly into the vein system. Use a proper roller pipe cutter, they are really not that expensive.
You can buy roller pipe cutters for $20 on amazon. Much cheaper than a minimum of $200 to replace a sealed hermetic with bad valves from debris getting pulled in from the suction side
Just an added tip, wrap Teflon righty tighty, so it doesn't unravel screwing it in. Somehow many people do it incorrectly. Simple things won't matter much, but complex systems can cause unwanted debris into the system.
Hi! I'm a student from BYU Hawaii! And I'm a big fan of what you're doing!! I want to ask a few questions about this project cause it looks helpful for my school project. The cover you used, is it fire resistance? And can any fridge compressor be used? Like a mini fridge compressor? The silicon rubber you used on the chamber, is it flame resistance? Hope to hear from you!!
I´m not so handy so I bought myself a pump after felt this is way out of my leag. I just bought a cheap one from amazon and wonder if it can get the same powerful vacuum. I will try out some day :) Love this video! Thanks!!
I don't have a fridge compressor at hand, but I'll try with an old air condition compressoWAIT! THAT WRENCH?! You too are captive of Hand Tools Rescue wrench?? OMG, all good ones are falling under his domain!
Very cool DIY hack. It's not too hard to find a compressor, or cut one out from an old freezer that someone wants to get rid off. But I am a little concerned about it dying after a while when running in open air like this. Firstly, I suspect there will be water buildup in the unit because it has no filtration or drain. When you compress air you force the air to give up most of it's moisture. Water can't be compressed, so I fear that this will force the compressor to work harder and harder until eventually breaks. Oxidation (especially with water) in moving parts causing increasing friction is also likely to become an issue. I'm not sure what solution typical aircompressors use to deal with this - maybe someone can fill me in? Secondly, there are some very thin lubrication oils in these sorts of compressor loops. This will probably tend to sputter away over time in an open system if you don't maintain it, although you could probably just add a drop or two after usage. I am by no means an HVAC tech or expert though, so corrections are welcome. I just suspect this setup will have a limited lifespan as-is.
I commend you, sir, one a very well produced video with very simple instructions on how to build a very useful tool. Thank you for not spending our valuable time with endless explanations of things anyone with an ounce of comme sense would know
Salut ma couille, d'expérience je peut te conseiller de faire le trou d'aspiration directement dans la casserole pour ne pas fragiliser ton plexiglas, et tu peut ajouter un coude sur l'intérieur du contenant aussi,pour que l'air qui rentre souffle dans une direction qui abîmera pas l'objet a l'intérieur, tu peut utiliser un scellement liquide spécial tuyaux de gaz, certain résiste à des pressions énorme , beaucoup plus que le téflon. Ça et fait attention si tu tapote le manomètre, le vide à tendance à explosée dans crié gard ^^
Try using a container just large enough for your project, and keep the hose short: The vacuum will develop faster, and smaller containers are generally safer and stronger for a given thickness. (The lid in this project bent *far* too much for safety.) The compressor pump oil may be hydrophilic, so it should be replaced immediately with new motor oil or vacuum pump oil.
Great video, but I can't give you a pass on the Teflon tape wrapping section. Wrap it counter to the direction of assembly. For right-hand threads that would be clockwise as viewed from the end to be mated. Keep up the good work and efficient and comical editing. To be clear, you did it correctly once, but your method was random. And you don't need hose clamps on a connection that is under vacuum. The vacuum boiling demo was brilliant! Fantastic work.
You should never tin cable with solder before you clamp it between metal surfaces. You should always use a "bootlace" type of crimp on end. How do you stop the compressor losing it's oil?
You are correct. Solder is not a good conductor at all it is only to bond. You can use a crimp barrel connector, add flux to the wire and insert the ends into the crimp. Crimp the connector and then add solder. It will act like sweating a copper tube and pull the solder in. Allow the wires to overlap inside the barrel connector, crimp it to produce the good electrical connection then the solder will hold it all in place and then add the shrink tubing.
Awesome video style. I've seen all the bits of this rig before in many variations. I still love the simplicity and clarity of your content delivery and build style. And that adjustable wrench. Yeah. I need one of those.
Creer le vide dans une chambre et observer le comportement de l'eau en l'absence de la pression atmospherique.Les bulles observees c'est de l'air dissous dans le verre d'eau qui sort sous la force de depression.Experience fabuleuse.
Вот нашел переводчик в Яндексе и перевел название видео на Русский язык : Как сделать простую, но эффективную вакуумную камеру с холодильным компрессором и стальным котлом. Очень недорого, если вы можете найти эти несколько компонентов, используемых! Вакуумная камера необходима для некоторых других проектов, которые я буду делать в будущем, таких как дегазация смолы, штукатурки, кремния и воска или стабилизация древесины! Обязательно подпишитесь, если вы новичок на канале и включите уведомления, чтобы не пропустить предстоящее видео.
Hey boss, instead of threading the plate get a bulkhead fitting. You can put a nut on the other side. Probably fit an elbow to it so you don't sent air back into the fluid you just removed it from if overuse of the bleed valve.
Nice project as always! I wonder if the compressor valves will degrade over time? Because I think it's not designed for pulling vacuum but to compress the refrigerant.
a 90 degree elbow could potentially threaten how much vacuum he gets or make it a lot slower to reach maximum pressure. A relief valve somewhere else could be the right call
I'd assume slowly letting air back in would be the optimal choice, given that I have really have no idea how resin or other stuff the puts in there are going to behave under rapid pressure changes.
Hello from Brazil. Very interesting the experiment. You could test the propagation of sound in the vacuum. I recommend using an acoustic box and not a radio, because the electrolytic capacitors will leak or explode. If you do the experiment, you could show us. Goodbye.
I think the radio can work too. Just like the testicles hang outside. two wires for the speaker can go through the perspex for the speaker inside. or magnetic coupling- oh yeah I've done that before and the speaker reproduced the sound quite well.
التجربه هي وضع الماء تحت ظغط جوي صفر مم يتيح فصل الاكسجين عن الهايدروجين وانتاج غاز الهيايدروجين القابل للاشتعال بل شديد الاشتعال وقد يسبب انفجار قوي طبعا لوجود الاكسجين معه .. الماء H2O
Be sure to check description, index of operation, products and parts is all there! And while you are there check out my Patreon page too for early access and voice-over edit of my videos. If you like what I do consider supporting me so I can keep on making:
I have been wanting to buy a vacuum chamber for doing resin and silicone and stuff, perfect timing to save me money!!!
Thanks! I had no idea a fridge compressor could make a vacuum!
Black Beard Projects good
ينصر دينك على اللي عملته
Black Beard Projects dgdg
Black Beard Projects خوش
This is SOooooo nice. No crappy music. No useless talk. Just what you did, Thank you!
I built one of these a couple years ago. I made my own chamber using 1 inch thick MDF, and 1 inch thick plexiglass for the top. I sealed the MDF with polyurethane, and used polyurethane glue and 2 inch screws every 2 inches to assemble the box. I built my chamber to be 24x24x24 inches. It's larger than what I need it to be, but if something big ever needs to go in there, it can. I put a very thick (about the diameter of a US Nickle coin) bead of silicone on the top edges of the MDF chamber, and covered the silicone with cling wrap from the kitchen. I then gently pressed the plexiglass onto the silicone, trying to avoid as much squeeze out as possible. The cling wrap prevented the plexiglass from sticking to the silicone. I let that sit for two weeks to be 110% sure the silicone fully cured before removing the plexiglass and cling wrap. I then added the plumbing parts, and it's still working flawlessly. I have had to replace the silicone on it a couple times, but that's just the nature of the beast, I guess. Watching how much flex you are getting with your plexiglass seems a bit dangerous. When that sheet has been stressed too many times, it will fail, without warning, and it's not going to be a very fun day when it does. One more suggestion would be for you to add the plumbing as close to the edge of your pot as possible to avoid air from getting blasted into your epoxy or silicone after degassing. I like your design, but I would definitely get some thicker plexiglass. The best part of your build and mine, is the amount of $$$$ we saved.
The plexiglass will plastic before it fails. Meaning a noticeable stretch. Itll be very obvious before it ever fails.
@@fajile5109 Yeah, I always check it with a straight edge before I use it just to be safe, and I also look for signs of stress in the plexiglass periodically while using it. The MDF has been blessed with many applications of tung oil, and it's almost as tough as concrete now.
Cool, I love the fact that if you need a bigger vacuum chamber, for example stabilizing tall piece of wood, you only need to find larger container and add the seal while you can use the same lid. And amazing work with the channel I remember you having like 30K subs not that long ago.
Keep in mind that a larger container needs to be a lot stronger. If you just extended that pot up 4x in length it would probably crumple in the middle. There is a lot of force pushing on the container.
For improved safety with this setup as shown, it's probably a good idea to use something like a pressure cooker that is designed greater strength.
I used a 18’ long 12” well casing pipe that is 3/4” wall stainless steel. I welded SS plate to the rear end and machined a SS door with rapid clamps to the front end and used a strip of automotive door stripping for the seal. Used my gantry crane to put it in place (1400 lbs) and hooked up my freezer compressor and gauge. It takes an hour to achieve full -30lbs vacuum and stabilize late pieces of reclaimed wood that customers purchase to have included in their custom cabinetry. Made 100% out of farm scrap! (Except the welding rod and electricity!). The profit yield after stabilizers and waste is approx. $2800 profit every time I fire it up to make a custom furniture top, cabinet face or counter top. Even a few front entry way doors!
@Theophilus Jedediah
That sounds great! Have you got some picture for inspiration? Do you think, thay this setup would be able to work for small milking machine for the goat?
@@camberlubos3995 >as a goat and sheep-herd myself I think there would have to be some alternately timed electronically controlled gated cylinder actuators which cycled around 60 times per minute to interrupt the suction. With persistent suction you will damage the teats. Another issue would be that of needing a vacuum reservoir that could sustain a 15-ish lbs of suction while releasing vacuum alternately to the vacuum lines 120 times per minute (assuming two alternating milking cups in operation). If you can negotiate those challenges..I think a 100 gal. vacuum reservoir would be sufficient for a 20 minute sustained milking session with about 30 minutes to initiate at full vacuum allowing 15 min. Recovery to full vacuum between sets of teats to rebuild optimal pressure. This is why commercial systems have much more powerful (1/4hp) vacuum motors for sustained vacuum without a substantial reservoir. That’s my take. I think the standard home freezer compressor is about 1/20hp and not designed for constant running. I have to wait on the pics as I’m not that advanced in my digital set up. Seems the farm is too demanding of a mistress. I can draw up some plans in a drawing program but I’m not much of an artist...more of a tinkerer/problem solver. Farming is my retirement from a career in partial physics.
Esse dia outra parte desse vídeo muito nós explica o porque o porque o que deve fazer não tem nada para mim isso aí eu nota zero parabéns pela burrisse em que vc fez caralho
Just pulled mine off a nearly new $3200.00 freezer that was left in the barn of the farm we purchased. Already have two meat freezers and a refrigeration room for slaughtering so I tried to find someone needing a freezer. I offered to deliver and set it up and wire the outlet to it. You’d think I was offering to poop in their living room! One person even said they needed one but wanted me to purchase a specific $480 brand name freezer for them..I tried to explain... So I stripped it down making a chemical storage cabinet for the cabinet shop and the compressor for my wood stabilizing vacuum unit. I recycled the copper to my metals pile. There is always a good use for those extra things that otherwise we would haul off to the scrapper!
I'm just really impressed with how fast this guy can file things.
dude its obviously sped up
Buy better files too. They cut better
التجربة جدا حلووو . الفكر من الجهاز هي صناعة غرفة ضغط منخفض ، بواسطة ضاغطة الثلاجة المنزلية، ما هي الفائدة من هذا الجهاز؟ الجواب: يمكن ان نغلي الماء و بعض السؤال حسب درجة غليانها عند درجة حرارة الغرفة ، وذالك عن طريق خفض الضغط فكلما خفضنا الضغط انخفضت درجة غليان السؤال إلى أن تصل إلى درجة حرارة الغرفة وتبدأ بالغليان. ... هذا هي الفكر لمن لم يفهم الغرض من الجهاز. ... وشكرا
+miosolo solo ñknnkk
شكرا علشرح لايك
شكرآ لك على المعلومة
جزاك الله خير
A friend of mine and I made chambers, using the 1/2" plex. He used his quite a bit and one day the plex imploded cracking from the hole in the center. It might be wise to move that hole to an edge.
or use something stronger as the cover
I had one that did that about a month ago, my ears are still ringing literally
Wood stabilizing resins will cause the plexiglass to fail. The position of the hole has nothing to do with it.
or go with 1 inch
Grande!! Mi è apparso sto video al momento giusto, stavo giusto per comprare una vacuum chamber e m'hai ricordato che ho già il compressore auto costruito, una piastra di policarbonato da due centimetri e pentole da buttare via 😂
This was a fantastic build that I had been interested to find for several reasons for many years . You are one of the youtubers that I trust to not steer me wrong. Thank you.
اتوقع لو كان في مئة من المخترعين امثالك في العالم الغربي كان خرب بيت أبوهم من زمان. اتوقع ان الوقت الذي ذهب لمشاهدة هذا المقطع ذهب من عمري خسارة.
The speed and precision is eye opening
finally someone knows how to put solder on wires correctly xD
when you are taping plastic or even metal, put a little of WD-40, the thread would look gorgeous and be stonger
and thanks for your video, will make one for me
Whaaaa? You mean you aren't supposed to flow it down the iron on to the wire? ;)
@@kellyvcraig you have to add a little solder on your iron, then you stick the iron to the wire and put solder directly on the wire .
A lot of flex in that top. I had a 3/4 inch piece fracture. Because of the hole the plexiglass fractured easier. Since then they have put the whole into the side of the canister and left the plexiglass free of compromise from the hole. Great video.
>dale jones ...with the added advantage of not needing the 'diverter' mentioned in other comments, as well as an unobstructed view of the chamber interior...
dale jones m
Stainless steel can be hard to drill, though. If you must drill plexiglass, the drill should probably be re-sharpened to have a higher-than-usual cutting angle -- more like a sharpened fat pencil. Such a sharpening reduces the likelihood of eventual fracturing.
On fracturing: I can see the point
of centering the vacuum hole (it's easy, and it makes the pot 'lid' general), but there's nothing to prevent placing that hole nearer the edge of the sheet: as the pressure drops in the pot, the seal becomes stronger. With the hole near the edge of the sheet, you get a relatively unobstructed view inside, and less flexing of the lid at (what is likely) the weakest point.
I made mine with an old aluminum cook pot. I trued the Top Drill for the air and it ended up cracking and exploding. So now mine is a side entry. Really happy with the effect and also by adding a tank to the other side I have a decent silent airbrush compressor
If you are using the vacuum chamber to stabilize wood, be aware that fumes from the stabilizing resin will cause plexiglass to crack and craze. It will eventually fail and implode.
Good work man. This project will be a great first project heading into a long shitty cold frozen and broke Montana winter. You may have saved me from starving...
*_You have great content, you have tons of stars and I feel like I want to hit subscribe more than once…_*
What an inventive project. I'm very interested to see how this vacuum chamber is used in future projects too. Another excellent video, Sir. Thank you.
I hope I can do as well and be like you, I wish you and everyone a good time and happiness
Ohhhhh. I am wanting to build a vacuum pump, never thought to use a fridge compressor. Great idea.
ManCraftingTM ç
@@SeptrothFFXI & avrne sørnsen 8
Change in atmospheric pressure leads to change of liquid state to gaseous state in water
Only studied that in theories
Thank u
only thing to remember, on the pumping side of the compressor, tiny droplets of oil will escape until no oil will be left and the compressor will seize.
Thus either recirculate the escaping oil OR refill after some use (should be 500 gr the std charge, so you might want to check the weight of the whole kit).
@@davemwangi05 , tres drole l'image du chameau assoiffé qui rote ; merci de la rigolade...
I just watched about a half dozen DIY videos for vacuum chambers. Yours is BY FAR the best. Thank you for sharing your excellent content!
Well done.
From own experience, you might want to add a L-Fitting inside the Lid. You don´t want the Air to blast on your freshly evacuated Resin.
That's a great idea! Thanks Markus!
good point!
You might also consider just bleeding the air in slowly to prevent violently sucking contaminants into your vacuum chamber
What is a L-Fitting? Just a L shape pipe or more complicated ?
When he releases the vacuum the air comes back in and blows straight down to the object under test and could scatter it around the pot. The L fitting would blow the air to the side. Even better would be some kind of muffler on the end of the L.
Also, I use a thick band of Vaseline around the edge of the pot to get a good seal.
молодец мужик! с прямыми руками! вот что значит европейское обучение и воспитание!
Cool project, nicely done!!! It is working like a charm 😊. I will follow your steps and make my own 👍
Я холодильщик с большим стажем. Однажды по молодости, у меня был вакуумный компрессор вроде того, что на видео. Я тоже ставил эксперименты по кипения воды и компрессор быстро "крякнул", т.к. всосал много конденсата и пробил на корпус. Для этого нужно использовать специальный вакуумный компрессор.
Just a few things to be aware of: you might want to put a trap on the inlet of the vacuum pump to ensure vapor doesn't contaminate or damage your pump. Secondly, be aware that pumps need oil and continuous operation as a vacuum pump is not what this is rated for, so expect to need to service it more often than normal. Third, that plastic lid is a big imposion hazard. If you won't rebuild it with tougher materials like aluminum or steel, at least wear your safety glasses and be prepared for shrapnel!
There's no way in hell that lexan is going to implode , if you've ever tried to cut lexan you'd know it
Tell more about oil issue. If there is way to improve or fix this? I Have seen other comment but cant understand authors way
Black Beard. Thanks. I’m going to need a vacuum chamber for casting resin to stabilize punky wood and to make thermal plaster molds. Your suggestion is doable. Stay awesome!
Excellent! Now I want to build one!
One thing, though: don't blow on solder joints, let them cool at their own rate.
Is soldering at that point even advised. Voltage rate.
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਨੋਜਵਾਨ ਸਭਿਆਚਾਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜੇ ਹੋਏ ਗੀਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਣਾਕੇ ਪੰਜਾਬੀਅਤ ਦੀ ਸ਼ਾਨ ਵਧਾਉਣ
Great Work.. I have made a similar one except I drilled through the side of the steel pot rather than the top. This gave the acrylic top more strength since it did not have any weak area's.
Also - since it worked so well I got an old fire extinguisher tank and used that to create an air tank for the compressor side. Added in pressure valve and pressure switch and it works great. Also... SILENT...
Sono tutte cazzate
why do you say they are crap? After all, you can see the manometer, you can clearly see the falling pressure in the tank.
My tutor at refrigeration school had the same equipment set up to demonstrate what happens to moisture in a fridge circuit.
Good video 👍
Made myself a recovery/vacuum unit in 1990 already to save gas.still work with one today.
what's the max vacuum it can do
well done !!! Cryophorus boiling water = cold steam . You can get cold steam at 55 Celsius degrees with your vacuum pump
Посуда zepter есть там похожий вариант, он используется для заварки чая. Очень ароматная заварка получается!
هذا الجهاز بكل بساطة هو جهاز فاكيومتر
بالعربية مضخة افراغ الهواء
بالفرنسية pompe a vide
بالانقليزية يعني vacuum pump
والفيديو عبارة عن درس يبين دور الفاكيومتر في دوائر التبريد والتكييف حتى لا يستغني الفني عن هذه العملية لان الكثير من الفنيين لا يعرفون الغاية منها ويعتقدون انها لافراغ الهواء فقط ولكن اهم شيئ فيها هو افراغ الدارة من الرطوبة وذالك بخفظ الغضط الى -1 bar بالمقارنة مع الضغط الجوي ..... كما هو معروف عند اهل الاختصاص قبل ملئ دوائر التبريد بغاز التبريد او كما يسمى بالفريون يجب افراغ الدارة اولا من الهواء و الرطوبة وبما ان الضغط الجوي المحيط بنا يساوي 1bar او اكثر بقليل اي ان دارة التبريد موجود بها نفس الكمية من الضغط واذا قمنا بملئ الدارة مباشرة فلن تعمل الدارة جيدا وتتسبب في اعطال كثيرة ... لهذا هو ركب ساعة بنفس القيمة التي ذكرتها وعند ما يمتص الضغط الموجود بداخل حتى يصبح ناقص - 1 bar يعني الموشر كان على قيمة الضغط الجوي و بعد ان شغل الضاغط بدأ بالرجوع الى ان وصل الى ناقص واحد بار وكان كلما انخفظ الغضط تبخر الماء اكثر ...وهذ العملية ضرورية بالنسبة للعاملين في مجال التبريد ولها فائدتان .
الاولى افراغ الدارة من الهواء والرطوبة
الثانية التحقق من عدم التسريب في الدارة يعني لو كان التلحيم ضعيف او هناك ثقب فالمؤشر لن يصل ابدا الى - 1 bar الا اذا كان التسريب خبيث يعني قليل جدا وهذا له وسائل وطرق اخرى لكشفه .
Now THIS is what I need.
This was so cool !! Unbelievable !! 10 000 likes !!!
Nice! Simple and does the job! 👍🏻 Great project!
Astrein 2 x in den Tisch gebohrt. Never the less, thumb upppppp!
This video is a year old by the time I watched it. I’m curious to know if this compressor still works. Apart from it having no oil return, or “suction” cooling, the fact that the oil in it is hydroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture. “Wet” oil becomes acidic. Acidic oil deteriorates the insulation on the motor windings inside the compressor which in turn, will cause it to short to earth. A poorly insulated ( electrically) set up could become quite dangerous. If you need to pull a vacuum, use equipment designed for that purpose. This setup, a good idea in theory, is not practical in application. The potential for harm is high.
Hi Ian please give me more info. I've just come across this and I know nothing about refrigeration. I want to use this for casting and vacuum forming.
Is it possible to make it work? How does the oil flow system work?
I don't need to know but I'm curious
I counter you to explain based on your information, how does an automobile tire compressor last for years with only the self contained oil? Those tiny compressors that plug in to a cigarette lighter can run for cycles of 10 minutes or more while inflating tires. I have a ViAir 12v compressor bolted to my mud truck under the hood, 12 yrs of inflating mud tires from 36-44 inches in size, no external oiling. So please, explain why your statement is not relevant in regards to my statement.
BTW, hydrscopic is an adjective for hydroscope, a device for viewing below the surface of water. HyGROscopic is a substance that absorbs and holds water. Based on this, I don't think you should be spouting off "knowledge" to others, lmfao 😂
@@TheRoadhammer379 if you are in the US mostly 2 types of oil are used POE(polyol ester) and PAG(polyalkyleneglycols). POE and PAG oil are both hygroscopic. I'm pretty sure they misspoke. Both get acidic the more moisture they absorb. The tire pumps are just air cooled. I've taken many apart just to figure them out and it's a simple D/C motor attached to a small pump with a piston. Your larger air compressors are air cooled but do have standard motor oil inside of them to lubricate the pump mechanism. I've been working with home A/C and residential refrigeration for 20 years. They now have inverter driven compressors that have no oil inside of them, the Whirlpool linear compressor made by Embraco.
Immer erstaunlich was es für Ideen giebt
Now that was cool! And I think I have access to all these parts, the major ones I mean - compressor, pot, pressure gauge, ball valve. All the rest I should be able to get fairly easy.
oojagapivy v bug
Like it. Sm@rt guy
Amazing. Absolutely amazing to see the power of the device splitting atoms. Namaste from London
This was exactly what i needed.. thank you..
Excelente idea lo felicito por compartir, saludos y bendiciones desde Costa Rica 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷 🇨🇷
A couple notes within the first minute of watching:
1. If you are going to use a sealed hermetic compressor for an application like this, you should replace the oil with refrigeration-grade mineral oil. The default oil used in these compressors will turn acidic when exposed to moisture in the air. At some-point, the oil turning acidic will destroy the compressor.
2. NEVER cut the tubing with a hacksaw like that. You WILL introduce copper filings and shavings into the compressor, which have the potential to seize it. This is especially the case in hermetic rotary compressors where the suction line feeds directly into the vein system. Use a proper roller pipe cutter, they are really not that expensive.
You can buy roller pipe cutters for $20 on amazon. Much cheaper than a minimum of $200 to replace a sealed hermetic with bad valves from debris getting pulled in from the suction side
Very good
I see it!
Just an added tip, wrap Teflon righty tighty, so it doesn't unravel screwing it in. Somehow many people do it incorrectly. Simple things won't matter much, but complex systems can cause unwanted debris into the system.
Hi! I'm a student from BYU Hawaii! And I'm a big fan of what you're doing!! I want to ask a few questions about this project cause it looks helpful for my school project. The cover you used, is it fire resistance? And can any fridge compressor be used? Like a mini fridge compressor? The silicon rubber you used on the chamber, is it flame resistance? Hope to hear from you!!
yes any fridge or ac compressor can be used
I´m not so handy so I bought myself a pump after felt this is way out of my leag. I just bought a cheap one from amazon and wonder if it can get the same powerful vacuum. I will try out some day :) Love this video! Thanks!!
It's a great idea. Really I want to make this type of project. thanks for your nice idea. I will try to make according to your idea
I've just built one of these, using your video as the basis. Thanks!
does it still run? I'm concerned with how long a refrigerator compressor holds up without refrigerant as lubricant.
@@David-bc4rh still working fine. There's oil inside the compressor, so it's not completely without lubricant.
Love the Hand Tool Rescue "shout out"
I don't have a fridge compressor at hand, but I'll try with an old air condition compressoWAIT! THAT WRENCH?! You too are captive of Hand Tools Rescue wrench??
OMG, all good ones are falling under his domain!
Great project, I subbed!
Very cool DIY hack. It's not too hard to find a compressor, or cut one out from an old freezer that someone wants to get rid off.
But I am a little concerned about it dying after a while when running in open air like this.
Firstly, I suspect there will be water buildup in the unit because it has no filtration or drain. When you compress air you force the air to give up most of it's moisture. Water can't be compressed, so I fear that this will force the compressor to work harder and harder until eventually breaks. Oxidation (especially with water) in moving parts causing increasing friction is also likely to become an issue. I'm not sure what solution typical aircompressors use to deal with this - maybe someone can fill me in?
Secondly, there are some very thin lubrication oils in these sorts of compressor loops. This will probably tend to sputter away over time in an open system if you don't maintain it, although you could probably just add a drop or two after usage.
I am by no means an HVAC tech or expert though, so corrections are welcome. I just suspect this setup will have a limited lifespan as-is.
Thanks for the great video.
Вопрос нету! Чётко дядька сделал. Нужная штука для тех кто с эпоксидкой работает
Very common problem thank you for uploading video 😎🤗😎🤗😎🤗😁😊😁
I commend you, sir, one a very well produced video with very simple instructions on how to build a very useful tool. Thank you for not spending our valuable time with endless explanations of things anyone with an ounce of comme sense would know
Salut ma couille, d'expérience je peut te conseiller de faire le trou d'aspiration directement dans la casserole pour ne pas fragiliser ton plexiglas, et tu peut ajouter un coude sur l'intérieur du contenant aussi,pour que l'air qui rentre souffle dans une direction qui abîmera pas l'objet a l'intérieur, tu peut utiliser un scellement liquide spécial tuyaux de gaz, certain résiste à des pressions énorme , beaucoup plus que le téflon. Ça et fait attention si tu tapote le manomètre, le vide à tendance à explosée dans crié gard ^^
Son plexi a l'air assez épais ,a mon avis il a pas voulu flinguer sa marmite .
Best idea ..... i want copy for my home ........ a hug from Portugal.
Try using a container just large enough for your project, and keep the hose short: The vacuum will develop faster, and smaller containers are generally safer and stronger for a given thickness. (The lid in this project bent *far* too much for safety.)
The compressor pump oil may be hydrophilic, so it should be replaced immediately with new motor oil or vacuum pump oil.
Success for "Black Beard Projects"
Great video, but I can't give you a pass on the Teflon tape wrapping section. Wrap it counter to the direction of assembly. For right-hand threads that would be clockwise as viewed from the end to be mated. Keep up the good work and efficient and comical editing. To be clear, you did it correctly once, but your method was random. And you don't need hose clamps on a connection that is under vacuum. The vacuum boiling demo was brilliant! Fantastic work.
I noticed that. He only wrapped one the wrong way. I'm pretty sure, was going very fast! Cool video
Best DIY video I have watched all year. Well done!
Молодец. Вакуумный аппарат сделал. Вещь.!!
Es una demostración super buenísima, en lo personal estoy agradecido porque la vi, muchas gracias
Amazing effect!!!!. Gree
tings from Argentina..
Самый толковый вакуумник.Надежно и грамотно.Класс.
Nice!!! Looking forward to seeing what projects you have in mind for this! :-)
Das ist bestimmt auch anders nutzbarer
Very good ,it's money saving video thanks,
Which type of compressor is used in this project.
Pls, suggest me, it's important for me.
Pretty cool project man. Cheers.
Super cavitation , super experimentation 10/10 MERCI POUR LES IDEES .
You should never tin cable with solder before you clamp it between metal surfaces. You should always use a "bootlace" type of crimp on end. How do you stop the compressor losing it's oil?
The deer hunter
You are correct. Solder is not a good conductor at all it is only to bond. You can use a crimp barrel connector, add flux to the wire and insert the ends into the crimp. Crimp the connector and then add solder. It will act like sweating a copper tube and pull the solder in. Allow the wires to overlap inside the barrel connector, crimp it to produce the good electrical connection then the solder will hold it all in place and then add the shrink tubing.
Massa pescar tilapia
It is actually against Code to solder your equipment grounding conductor, because solder can melt during a short circuit.
you just saved me $300 thanks
Awesome video style. I've seen all the bits of this rig before in many variations. I still love the simplicity and clarity of your content delivery and build style. And that adjustable wrench. Yeah. I need one of those.
Damn I went all the way through and no marshmallows 🤣🤣 great vid though
👌👍👍👍. Очень простое решение. Спасибо!!!
Я так понял ,это сублиматор?
Z MS . Думаю вариантов использования много. Здесь наверное пропитка древесины.
Да и мясо мариновать
Простое решение чего?Что он вытянул из воды?
Алекс Сильвани водород вытягивает. Водорооод.
Creer le vide dans une chambre et observer le comportement de l'eau en l'absence de la pression atmospherique.Les bulles observees c'est de l'air dissous dans le verre d'eau qui sort sous la force de depression.Experience fabuleuse.
Вот нашел переводчик в Яндексе и перевел название видео на Русский язык :
Как сделать простую, но эффективную вакуумную камеру с холодильным компрессором и стальным котлом. Очень недорого, если вы можете найти эти несколько компонентов, используемых!
Вакуумная камера необходима для некоторых других проектов, которые я буду делать в будущем, таких как дегазация смолы, штукатурки, кремния и воска или стабилизация древесины! Обязательно подпишитесь, если вы новичок на канале и включите уведомления, чтобы не пропустить предстоящее видео.
Hey boss, instead of threading the plate get a bulkhead fitting. You can put a nut on the other side. Probably fit an elbow to it so you don't sent air back into the fluid you just removed it from if overuse of the bleed valve.
Am I the only one that cringes when I see someone drill into a workbench?
macgyver15147 me
macgyver15147 Me too
Yeah lol but that’s what workbenches are for!
macgyver15147 no I am of the same feeling it is somewhat like drilling a hole in the dashboard of your car
Thanks! Great idea! 🎅🏻👍🏻🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
That sucks! Nice job!
Torsten B hahaha nice comment
You can also take an old compressor ,and just add air hose, and it will air up your tires. We used them for years on the farm.
U R Such A Freaking Boss!!!
Zenmasterme y uhh
@@aubreyeakins4715 fvm
it's very good idea, thanks
Nice project as always!
I wonder if the compressor valves will degrade over time? Because I think it's not designed for pulling vacuum but to compress the refrigerant.
Agree...The power of a refrigerator compressor is limited to a cooling system the size of a refrigerator
Done this for ages havent killed one yet
The Germans must have been building planes, ships and tanks that fast!
Thank you! How did you start the compressor without a start signal? I have the same model, did you connected C to something?
Solved bridging C and L
Pakai compresor kulkas bekas buat mesin vacum yach.. Kerenn tutorialnya.
I wonder if creating a diverter, maybe just a 90 elbow on the air port under the lid would prevent the splashing you had at the end.
a 90 degree elbow could potentially threaten how much vacuum he gets or make it a lot slower to reach maximum pressure. A relief valve somewhere else could be the right call
I'd assume slowly letting air back in would be the optimal choice, given that I have really have no idea how resin or other stuff the puts in there are going to behave under rapid pressure changes.
@@gydeme ثيث
Dude wraps his teflon tape backwords. Still educated me though. Thanks for the video buddy!
Hello from Brazil. Very interesting the experiment. You could test the propagation of sound in the vacuum. I recommend using an acoustic box and not a radio, because the electrolytic capacitors will leak or explode. If you do the experiment, you could show us. Goodbye.
I think the radio can work too. Just like the testicles hang outside. two wires for the speaker can go through the perspex for the speaker inside. or magnetic coupling- oh yeah I've done that before and the speaker reproduced the sound quite well.
parece com aquelas maquinas oca de tirar bolhas tela celular
Husinlampoyang, Husitakatakatakataka, Why can't you write in English? Some of us don't understand alien language
Oyuncak arabalar
I have not learned enough to learn a lot from your video. You want more videos. (Thanks)
التجربه هي وضع الماء تحت ظغط جوي صفر مم يتيح فصل الاكسجين عن الهايدروجين وانتاج غاز الهيايدروجين القابل للاشتعال بل شديد الاشتعال وقد يسبب انفجار قوي طبعا لوجود الاكسجين معه .. الماء H2O