Attractive Or Erotic - Christians Dressing or Pursuing After "Sexy"? | Godly Dating 101 Podcast

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @Sthames3
    @Sthames3 2 роки тому +12

    "Your clothing defines how you view yourself, and your clothing will define how you view your walk with God." We need this type of teaching!!!

  • @farirai.natalie
    @farirai.natalie 2 роки тому +37

    Modesty may be subjective, but there’s nothing subjective about sin. It’s like we’re always trying to look for loopholes when it comes to this topic. Keep it simple: 1. become accustomed to what the Bible says about modesty, 2. Ask the Lord to show you how to present yourself to the world and He will! He delights in us giving Him everything, including your wardrobe! The Lord has been speaking to me about this and I can honestly say He is transforming me

  • @niabrionne
    @niabrionne 2 роки тому +24

    Holy Spirit definitely changed the way I dress. It’s been dope to explore style within the confines of modesty with Him. As a woman I feel very beautiful when covered. Very confident too, when I dressed provocatively I was very broken and lost! The ears that need to hear will hear!!

  • @denisemckinney3973
    @denisemckinney3973 2 роки тому +54

    Respect. Yes, as Christians we should dress modestly. Do not cause your brother or sister to stumble. Also, respect yourself. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. As a woman I am very conscious of this. And come on ladies it is not that hard to dress in a lovely manner and still be modest. And men should be modest as well. I agree with what you are sharing. Do we really love our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    • @farirai.natalie
      @farirai.natalie 2 роки тому


    • @serenamoon248
      @serenamoon248 2 роки тому

      Yesss!!!! I hate the argument some people say " we women should dress how we want ! Boots shorts, breasts popping out, and the men should NOT think or look at us in a lustful way ! " like girl... come on... first of all, why are you dressing like that to begin with out of your house ?? Your body should only be for you and your spouse, and your going out like that in public and blaming the men for oggling or women you ?? Come on, yes, you can look beautiful if you dress modestly ! Help your brothers and sisters , all your doing is tempting them, like it's said, if someone is a vegetarian, I'm not going to eat meat I front of them,

  • @candyloyanae9483
    @candyloyanae9483 2 роки тому +31

    You are not judging anyone, you are only stating what is biblical. Please keep going. Thank you for this reminder.

  • @quishia
    @quishia 2 роки тому +47

    This video is needed in today’s society. I feel like we live in a self identity crisis world and many of us don’t know “who we are” or “who’s we are”. If we be honest with ourselves and ask the question “why” to many thing that we do, there lies the answers that could promote healing by addressing things that we don’t want to address. We at certain times have had OR even now currently have attachment styles of where we need attention, need to be validated and need to be wanted. I learned a lot of these are based off of things we did not get in our childhood from parents/family/friends who were emotionally unavailable or mentally detached which shows up In how we act, think, and dress.
    I used to dressed provocatively but what made me change was by addressing the “why” and I realized my heart wasn’t right. I was dressing in this way to get attention from men because I felt like I had nothing else to offer. As a child being raised by a single parent, my mom did not give me really no emotional attention or mental stimulation and this started the “seeking validation” or a better term to describe myself would most be known as a codependent. I would do things to fill these voids within myself that I didn’t receive from my mom (attention, affection, validation, assurance, & appreciation) whether that was through sex, being a giver without any boundaries, always wanting to help but can’t help myself, and not saying no when I should’ve. In the end I was doing all these things to be approved and accepted by others but I didn’t approve or accept myself because I didn’t know how. When I had light as a child it was beautiful but when a narcissistic parent sucks the light out of you it becomes dark and you lose yourself in the constant reminders you are good for nothing, you’ll never be nothing, and not saying you ugly but you look like your dad and he disgusts me and etc. So when it comes to topics like this and many others I have grace for people because I understand how it feels to be be broken but thank God through His patience and mercy I found myself.
    It seemed like wearing high waters, being smart, being thoughtful, being kind and etc wasn’t good enough but if I dressed sexy then game on. However I was fooled into believing the treasures of my character wasn’t good enough when it was and is honestly the best possession I have because it’s rare, it’s only one me and no one can be like me. I feel like if everyone realizes that too we would stop trying to be like everyone else.
    Nowadays I don’t get no play lol, it sounds like crickets but that’s fine I rather continue to love me above all else.
    It’s a long comment but I hope it opens the eyes of at least one person to never let what happened to you to define you but to evolve and become the “authentic” you♥️

    • @Ol1v1as_world
      @Ol1v1as_world 2 роки тому +1

      This did help me and by reading your comment it allowed to discover something about myself!!!

    • @realtalkroyality7483
      @realtalkroyality7483 2 роки тому

      I agree with you! Women and men have to address the WHY. For years I was practicing religion but not relationship with God. When you sell out for real, for real you have to change because your relationship with God changes EVERYTHING! Thank you Holy Spirit. When you are a Christian you are suppose to be separate, but most still continue to live according to the principles of the world and their flesh, NOT God.

    • @KayBeOnline
      @KayBeOnline 2 роки тому +1

      There are wonderful points. And, the self reflection is just beautiful. All of us need to go through that healing process. And, even when we begin to feel better about ourselves and start do better, we've got to continually walk out that process with the Holy Spirit.

    • @dee2485
      @dee2485 2 роки тому

      This sounds just like my story! Wow!

    • @kamifearlessoul122
      @kamifearlessoul122 2 роки тому

      ,,It’s only one me and none can be like me”❤️🙏🙌

  • @ChaM_25
    @ChaM_25 2 роки тому +23

    Yes, Modesty is not legalistic, it’s having order.
    Great video. ❤️

  • @jasminegoff7752
    @jasminegoff7752 2 роки тому +16

    Such a great topic and needs to be said. I had someone say something about being saved and sexy and I’m like huh? How does that even work

    • @GodlyDating101
      @GodlyDating101  2 роки тому +3

      Exactly. Oxymoron if we are being honest

  • @j8cqu3lin3
    @j8cqu3lin3 2 роки тому +15

    Sooo true. The more you grow in Christ the more you are concerned about others. Not in the way of pleasing them, but pleasing the Lord. Enjoyed your commentary!!!

  • @nextlevel1978girl
    @nextlevel1978girl 2 роки тому +22

    This video has confirmed a few things I have been meditating on. Thank you for sharing, keep being a light for Christ in this dark world!

  • @itsdeborahhill
    @itsdeborahhill 2 роки тому +12

    Thank you for addressing this subject. I have been thinking about this subject for some time now. No one can deny when you are radically changed by God and surrendered, the Holy Spirit comes in and cleans up and intervenes in every area of your life. This includes how we dress. Modesty is a matter of the heart. In the same way, a father looks at his baby girl and says to her "I want to protect you" or tells her to go back in the house and change her clothes because she's wearing revealing clothing, the father loves his daughter and understands how sinful the minds of men are. In the same way, God wants to protect His daughters. It's God's desire for His daughters to be modest in heart and in appearance. He gives us those same desires, so there are just certain things daughters of God should not wear that is revealing in any way because it doesn't reflect Jesus at all. Honestly, the discerning of spirits gives it away too lol sometimes someone can be modestly dressed, but you sense they possibly have a lustful spirit or something is just off about them.

  • @sheridanmcgraw4129
    @sheridanmcgraw4129 2 роки тому +29

    It’s like this, I have 3 grown blood brothers. If they were all sitting in my little 1 bedroom apartment, there is no way I will walk around there with a swimsuit on or my underwear or tight gym clothes on in front of them. And that’s how I see all men, whether they are in Christ or not. They are my brothers. I am not going to cause anyone purposely to stumble. It’s uncomfortable anyway to just be “neked” like come on lol

    • @jenniferm8349
      @jenniferm8349 2 роки тому +5

      Wow this just really goes to show the different mindsets of certain households . In my household we could wear' tight' gym clothes around our male relatives and NO ONE blinks an eye . I could go around wearing a gym bra and tights or shorts and it's literally normal. We're family so trully wearing clothing that fits nicely doesn't make anyone uncomfortable because why would it .

    • @ccf303
      @ccf303 2 роки тому +3

      Woman are not responsible for a man's lack of discipline and self-control. He'll only "stumble" on his own accord and if he's weak-minded with no spiritual, mental or physical discipline.

  • @cindeed4422
    @cindeed4422 2 роки тому +18

    You don’t have to advertise yourself in the way you dress and men will still try to sleep with you. I wear 2 piece suits and long skirts and one man came into my church and told every man there he was going to sleep with me. He even asked me if I was a Christian woman! He assumed too much about me. He assumed I was a church Jezebel. Watch out for those men who come in and “prey” on you and not “pray” for you. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing out there. It’s not the clothes that make the man, it’s the character inside those clothes that define who you are.

    • @amandagarcia9022
      @amandagarcia9022 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, Cindee! 👏🏼

    • @GodlyDating101
      @GodlyDating101  2 роки тому +26

      We can’t control how people react to us, but we can control what they react to. Their behavior is their problem, but my dressing is my problem.

    • @KatieAJ
      @KatieAJ 2 роки тому +1

      Wow. That's problematic the way he is acting.

    • @keirranorfleet
      @keirranorfleet 2 роки тому +6

      but let us not convince ourselves that we can't also be a problem when it comes to provoking lust upon a man or a woman. its easy to point the finger rather than take accountability. as a woman of God if you feel entitled to dress how you want their some thing internally with yourself esteem that needs to be rectified. maybe you like the attention or whatever the case it is we have to evaluate our intentions as to why we wear what we wear and ask ourselves am i glorifying God on how i am presenting myself today

  • @TP-hu2yg
    @TP-hu2yg 2 роки тому +9

    Love this! Thank you. Could you please talk about how to stop comparing to women around you who dress scandalous and get a lot of attention, thus making the more modest woman feel invisible. How can I get my self esteem and peace in God if it seems all the good things are happening to women who don’t dress modestly, especially in this day and age. Men don’t seem to even take a glance at the modest woman anymore.

    • @shallomn4746
      @shallomn4746 2 роки тому +3

      Not all attraction is good attraction. If someone only notices you if you're exposed then that tells a lot about that person and I don't think as Christian women we should aim to attract such people. The truth is people notice you when you're modest, they notice you loud and clear but they can tell that you're on a different wavelength.
      It's very important that Christian women are modest. Also to beware of people saying things like, "it's the heart that matters", but Jesus said, "clean the outside and the inside of the vessel will be dirty, but clean the inside and the outside will be clean". That means that a right heart within will always look right outside, ALWAYS. However, a person can clean their outside while still being dirty inside but if the heart is clean the outside will be clean and right.

  • @jesussavesall8454
    @jesussavesall8454 2 роки тому +4

    👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 come onnn💯💯. People see you before they get to know you

  • @WondurfullyMade
    @WondurfullyMade 2 роки тому +5

    This is perfect for young and old. I'm grateful that more people are speaking up about this!

  • @kiaraylopez-deleon5619
    @kiaraylopez-deleon5619 2 роки тому +5

    hey! this video has clarified a wholeee lot of confusion I had in my head towards purity, clothing, modesty, beauty, etc. It really has helped me to view all of this from God’s standpoint and not the world perspective. thank you!!! 💝
    Oh, and I used to be one of those “this is my style, blah, blah” person, but since I’ve been open to learn, now imma’ seek my style in His way.

  • @ttmatt_8250
    @ttmatt_8250 2 роки тому +3

    Amen. I thought holiness dress code
    was legalism and control - I would dress in bikini and booty shorts and cropped tops but when I began to have a prayer life, praying in the Spirit daily for a long time each day - it was not long before the Lord Jesus changed my desires and I began to
    dress modestly - wearing skirts and dresses and no more makeup and jewelry. So clearly the Holy Ghost sanctifies us and makes us holy but we have to spend time praying in order for that to happen.

  • @100gds2
    @100gds2 2 роки тому +1

    Great video! In a world where the culture has steered women AND men into wearing nothing but yoga pants and skinny jeans it's hard to even recognize true followers of Christ from the rest of the world. When you speak of modesty there's always crazy push back but the pride and vanity that causes it is never addressed. No one wants to accept accountability for what they portay anymore. Thank you for addressing this serious issue.

  • @realtalkroyality7483
    @realtalkroyality7483 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you very much for addressing the hard topics! This is one that many women need to hear. Certain outfits and styles of clothing embarrass me and makes me sad and I am not the one wearing them😭!

  • @FunaBlessed12
    @FunaBlessed12 2 роки тому +4

    I totally agree when you have matured and grow in Christ even the Holy Spirit will evict you when it comes to the way we dress and view others. I done watch people who are anointed speaking the word of the Lord but because what they wearing it’s hard not to judge and listen.

  • @colleenkrizak9125
    @colleenkrizak9125 2 роки тому +2

    This is on point. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are called to use them for His glory if we belong to Jesus.

  • @hollytbarker
    @hollytbarker 2 роки тому +2

    I agree with you completely. And thank you for the reminder because I’ll be asking God to check my motives when wearing certain things.

  • @janaer310
    @janaer310 2 роки тому +4

    Great episode, can you do one about people praying Ciara’s prayer ?

  • @starrjohnson1327
    @starrjohnson1327 2 роки тому +1

    Modest dressing is fashionable! It's very feminine and classy. It is not easy to find modest clothing but the effort is worth it.

  • @penny4161
    @penny4161 2 роки тому

    As a Seventh Day Adventist, Dress Reform is needed among Christians. The church is conforming more to the world, than the world to the church. You are right on the money!!!!! A Pastor I didn't know addressed me as Christian and he said it was because of how I dressed in a room full people.

  • @tiandrastone6900
    @tiandrastone6900 2 роки тому +5

    So good Tovares so good! Keep bringing the word!!

  • @2245908765
    @2245908765 2 роки тому

    You hit right on the mark God does want us to grow as Christians.

  • @kraxykam7242
    @kraxykam7242 2 роки тому

    "We need to dress in a way that doesn't affect our witness." Sooo good! Because as you said, many Christians use the verse in Samuel more as an excuse to dress however and do whatever to their body knowing well what the Bible says and disregarding it. I will never judge God's people but we need to set an example for those who aren't saved and are looking towards us Christians as an example and influence to change their lifestyle. So modesty isn't a have to, it's a must.

  • @penny4161
    @penny4161 2 роки тому +1

    Modesty is a matter of the heart first! Love for God!

  • @ARareGEM2890
    @ARareGEM2890 2 роки тому +3

    And, yes I agree modesty is way more and it's a matter of the condition of our heart, motives and intentions: Pure, holy & sanctified, elegant and comedic. Haha 🤪 😇

  • @brittanyb2875
    @brittanyb2875 2 роки тому

    Great video. I also want to add that "modest" can be subjective, too. There's a difference between walking outside naked/barely clothed and wearing yoga pants for a walk. This is where I think being legalistic comes in, and it causes division. I wear yoga pants and shorts to go for walks and/or exercising, it's not to lure a man. But some people would see my pants as being "too much". But, I wouldn't wear the pants to church. There's a time and place for things. Another example, skinny jeans. Been rocking them since 12. Mom jeans fit weird on my shape. Bootcut ones do, too. But I wear a nice blouse and some nice heels with it. I also worn them to church, not to lure men. It's just a nice, classy outfit (my church dresses more casual). I wear nice dresses, but sometimes, I need some pants lol. For some, they'd think it's too much. Makeup was an area God changed. I used to do performances and we wear tons of makeup so if you're 1000 yards, you can see my face. I wore my "caked face" on (mainly on dates) and one person gave me a challenge to wear less. So, now I wear foundation, eyeshadow (neutral colors), neutral lipstick (occasionally red), natural lashes (if needed), and concealer for my eyes. Once again, some, "that's not natural". Others? Would say it's a tasteful way to wear makeup. Some may disagree with me, but as long as you are dressing modest, for Christ, and not tempting people on purpose, then, jeans are okay lol.

  • @melissacalderon1515
    @melissacalderon1515 2 роки тому +1

    The way you present yourself on social media or wherever you are, the world already know who you are because clothes define the person who you are and it’s not at all being judgmental but is the truth , you can tell a lot by a person the way they dress and present themself and it doesn’t matter if you love Jesus or not..

  • @livewithlizyyyy6529
    @livewithlizyyyy6529 2 роки тому +1

    I love this so much. I always tell people that yes it is true God judge your heart but He also want you to present him and down here. But some girls always tell me that he doesn’t care how you dress🥹. I’m so happy that I’m learning this from you and thank you for this my God richly bless you

    • @GodlyDating101
      @GodlyDating101  2 роки тому +2

      Stay in the word sis. People are inventing their own Christianity instead of allowing God to help them mature.

  • @moeshamitchell185
    @moeshamitchell185 2 роки тому

    I enjoyed the commentary. I agree modesty is an inward characteristic but it manifests itself in the way we talk/act/dress so it should not be considered superficial. The Word clearly defines modesty and gives commandments (Deut 22:5). God’s Word is clear so it doesn’t leave any room for misinterpretation/confusion.

  • @eslaalaku7934
    @eslaalaku7934 2 роки тому

    When I think about the topic of Modesty, the first verse my head goes to is Mathew 5:16. It's good that you read your bible and attend Church Service but focusing on how God expects us to behave and carry ourselves is far more important.

  • @jalissalabria8576
    @jalissalabria8576 2 роки тому +3

    I needed this and Im so excited for the social media fast ! 🙌🏾😊

  • @elmyra.jackson
    @elmyra.jackson 2 роки тому +1

    The Word not the world is still the standard for how believers are to dress!!

  • @J10098
    @J10098 2 роки тому +3

    Preach preach preach!

  • @kakalove7033
    @kakalove7033 2 роки тому

    Thank u for this! Really been wrestling with this. dealt & still dealing with insecurity and self worth. Good teaching

  • @KayBeOnline
    @KayBeOnline 2 роки тому +1

    I agree heavily with you. Great job tackling this topic. Like you said, a great bit of this whole attraction vs modest thing is subjective, but there are base principles that should guide us as believers/Christ followers (not just "Christian" by title). I love that whole portion of scripture from Romans 13:8 through 15:6. Another good place for this is 1 Corinthians 8. I also like 1 Corinthians 6:12-13... though dealing with a different topic, the wisdom is the same. Every time I think I've grasped these scriptures like I know something, it rereads me 🤦🏾‍♀️ lol.
    Now, I know you already discussed this in the video (and addressed it very well, I might add) but let me go ahead and go there too... What I will say is while we don't want to walk the line just because we can, at what point should the focus shift less to one "being a stumbling block" and more to the other "exercising their own self control" (a fruit of the spirit which while it's a free gift, obviously, has to be intentionally built). I think both points of focus have equal weight, but I find that many of times those who shift the blame on others being a stumbling block are really the ones who have no self-control, a wrong heart, and deeper issues to begin with. I say this because while some do carry themselves overtly sexual or indulge in a spirit of lust, some people can just "be", just exist. And, because they may be a little more "blessed" in the looks department, or have a nice shape (male or female), people will chastise them as being a stumbling block when they are not trying to be anything but normal. I also don't feel like nice, form-fitting clothes (within reason) are sinful or automatically lustful and that the proper alternative is loose or baggy clothing. Yes, this is all vain and surface level, but it's where most people are and tend to stay.
    Like you said, it all goes back to the heart and motive, and I'll also add "righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). Peace with God and peace amongst our community. I don't think that all out debate over this topic is necessary (see Romans 14:1 in various translations), but these are some great things to think about and apply. The moment we start to drag-down, knock-out debate over someone's righteousness/place with God or get into legalism, we start getting into muddy waters that don't reflect love.
    Also, I'm glad you brought up Psalms 37:4 about God giving us the desires of our heart. I think a lot of us, until we get into the Word and His presence for ourselves, misconstrue that verse. God is not just giving us (allowing the manifestation of) our unchecked lustful or non-lustful desires for desire's sake. Now, the enemy will definitely try to give you want you want... to your demise. If what we desire - good, bad, or indifferent - doesn't line up with His Word or His Will for our lives then, He's not the obligated to fulfill or perform those desires. Like you said, when we become more like Him, it [should] change(s) what we desire - the thing and/or the context of that thing. Really, we should understand it more as He literally gives us (places in our hearts) the desires that align with His desire, His will for us.
    I've just recently discovered a couple of videos from you. Great discussion.

  • @talicialee
    @talicialee 2 роки тому +1

    There are a few young women who are Christian influencers who are Instagram talking about God, praying, all these other things, but be advertising other things at times. I don’t know if they try to appease and draw both the world and Christians to their page but something is off.

  • @setapart27
    @setapart27 2 роки тому +2

    I bought one of the His grace pulled me out of sin t-shirt. I love the color and material. It fits great. Thanks so much for all you do. Love the Podcast also. God bless you and your family.

    • @GodlyDating101
      @GodlyDating101  2 роки тому +1

      God bless you sis. Appreciate you supporting us.

  • @KreativPlaysGames
    @KreativPlaysGames 2 роки тому

    Agree agree and agree! Everyone needs to hear this. I agree a lot of us need a media cleanse. I've been off of social media (IG, Twitter, FB, TikTok and others) and will continue until a week past Easter. I stumbled a little bit in the beginning of Lent but within the past week it's been so great. I agree a lot of people are so focused on worldly things. I understand it can be difficult, but I believe that's where staying in His Word comes in. I've fallen victim of this in the past, where I've felt ashamed for wanting to stay in The Word or be involved in ministries on multiple days outside of service and bible study. However, the more I focused on Him and stayed in the Word for myself. The less I felt ashamed to walk the way Christ wants me to walk, which has helped reshape me in terms of balancing how I present myself, how I act, talk, walk, dress, etc. I know everybody may not be able to or have a care to be in a church building or similar multiple days a week. However, there are plenty of other avenues to help stay focused on Christ (The Bible y'all don't forget about the Bible). I agree the more we stay in Him, our desires change. We really have to want it and work at it every day.

  • @jityra3640
    @jityra3640 2 роки тому

    Wow, this was on point! I whole heartedly agree with everything you have said.

  • @xiomaraherrera8067
    @xiomaraherrera8067 Рік тому

    Thank you for your boldness Pastor Tovares🙏🏼😇

  • @ashleyw1683
    @ashleyw1683 2 роки тому +2

    I Praise God for you and your family's ministry!

  • @avabaretheimage
    @avabaretheimage 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this context definetly helps a lot !!!💕

  • @Jas__
    @Jas__ 2 роки тому +1

    11:14 🤣 you always touch on different subjects well and toss in humor.

  • @jamiebunnell8150
    @jamiebunnell8150 2 роки тому

    100% by God's word and guidance how we are to live and portray ourselves.
    It's important how we dress ourselves in a godly manner in this world to represent Christ through us.
    A good way to think of it and as a reminder is How would Jesus think or feel about how we are acting, behaving, or dressing if He was in the flesh in front of us. How would we then think, behave, act, or want to be dressed?!
    Just a few extra thoughts. Thank you for your words, leadership, and obedience to our Father!
    God Bless you brother!

  • @xiomaraherrera8067
    @xiomaraherrera8067 Рік тому

    You are right on! Thank you Pastor.

  • @kendrajanell
    @kendrajanell 2 роки тому

    WHEW!! Message. Period. Nothing but truth.

  • @odelnikki1898
    @odelnikki1898 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this message. May God bless you and your family and continue to use you for his purpose.

  • @superstaranan
    @superstaranan 2 роки тому

    Love your channel content. Subscribed!

  • @KoYaMiLeS08
    @KoYaMiLeS08 2 роки тому

    I definitely needed to hear this! It is definitely relevant! Thank you!

  • @Mindsetolympics
    @Mindsetolympics 2 роки тому

    “They trade in self respect for attention” -Toraves

  • @ARareGEM2890
    @ARareGEM2890 2 роки тому

    I agree with your commentary Mr. Godly dating 101. Amen 😇

  • @smilejesussaves9401
    @smilejesussaves9401 2 роки тому

    I needed to hear this about someone I was interested in, thank you.

  • @atai1576
    @atai1576 2 роки тому

    this was too convicting thanks for the message its helped me in my view on modesty

  • @moniquebarclay4925
    @moniquebarclay4925 2 роки тому

    Awesome word young man awesome word

  • @KamyraLashelle
    @KamyraLashelle 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this!!!

  • @piersen8888
    @piersen8888 2 роки тому

    This was great

  • @ReeRee-Da-Lovely
    @ReeRee-Da-Lovely 2 роки тому +1

    Love the long video

  • @maria_a7988
    @maria_a7988 2 роки тому

    I listened to your whole podcast on this and although everything you’re saying is right according to what is right and what is wrong about this subject matter, but it’s missing the HOLY SPIRIT in a way of leading people to look for and get close to having an intimate relationship with Jesus that will gently and lovingly lead women and also men to be convicted with the truth about the way each individual dresses. Thank you for opening these topics on your plat form to have these conversations

    • @GodlyDating101
      @GodlyDating101  2 роки тому +2

      Posted a video on Instagram yesterday telling people it’s a heart issue and we need God to clean our hearts. Sorry it wasn’t here also.

  • @drladysmith1216
    @drladysmith1216 2 роки тому

    CRY LOUD!!! Great teaching!!!!

  • @Annabee399
    @Annabee399 2 роки тому

    Man of God, teach us. The Holy Spirit is speaking through you. I have been a Christian for a while, and when I gave my life to Christ, I was still wearing and witnessing in tight jeans for months as a babe in Christ. However, the more I learned the scriptures, the more I became convicted and aware of my attire. As a result, I wear pants and skirts classy and modestly. Know that the Holy Spirit will be loving and reveal what should change according to His standards. Truth, there's a motive when people get dressed. Another point about sexy is that I was shy growing up and rarely made eye contact with people. However, when people saw my eyes, they complimented me on them. So, I began looking at men seductively. Boy, did the Holy Spirit condemn me? I developed Thyroid Eye Disease, and one eye began to protrude from the socket. But, after confession and repentance, God has led me to medicine, and my eyes are becoming normal again. I reverence Jesus Christ and want to please Him with my life.

  • @kimforbes3172
    @kimforbes3172 2 роки тому

    100% on point! Keeping speaking Truth!

  • @bukolafatola8348
    @bukolafatola8348 2 роки тому

    Thank you 💯

  • @ARareGEM2890
    @ARareGEM2890 2 роки тому

    I recently was told I'm sexy (and it's not the first time I've been told this) however this time my response rather no, I'm sanctified I replied, "I am sanctified sexy.". Haha.😇

  • @QinahBahtIsrael
    @QinahBahtIsrael 2 роки тому

    I found myself in a debate with someone about the definition of sexual immortality or why meaningless sex is very dangerous. Can someone help define or explain this for me ?

  • @ARareGEM2890
    @ARareGEM2890 2 роки тому

    Shalom 😘

  • @shamecawilliams8848
    @shamecawilliams8848 2 роки тому


  • @jonathantata7821
    @jonathantata7821 2 роки тому