As the strongest captain, Ahab, fought the king of curses ESGOO, she began to open her domain expansion, "Prey Mark". ESGOO shrunk back in fear, and Ahab said "stand proud, you are strong". Queequeg had asked the captain "If you and ESGOO were to fight, who would win?" "If he were to use good support passives it might give me a little trouble". "But would you lose?" "Nah, I'd win."
Yo propongo a mariachi sinclair como futuro vencedor de ryomen sukuna, rey de las maldiciones y novio de gege Nos quedamos sin gallos, pero no sin opciones
talking about "Pray Mark" if we give it to "evede ID" like BLoutis do we get more turn to deal with queequeq shield or is it just even worse RNG to do?
@@wastelandking He will be on the precipice of life and death. Good and evil. Light and dark. Hong Lu or Samjo simping. Only time will tell what path he chooses and it’s ramifications
49:37 When Meursault challenged Starbuck, Dante asked, "Would you be able to roll 3 heads in a row with a 27% chance?" Meursault replied, "Well, if he activated Engraved Hatred and Animosity, it might give me a little trouble." "But would you lose the clash?" "Nah, I'd win." As Meursault approached Starbuck, Starbuck asked "Are you the best sinner because you do as you're told, or do you do as you're told because you're the best sinner?" At that moment Starbuck opened its domain, Impale, and its 7 speed meant that Meursault could not escape. "Stand proud," said MeurGOAT. "You're strong." "But when it comes to following orders, throughout The City and Outskirts, I alone am the winning one."
With how brutal this whole thing was, i just have the mental image of all the sinners feeling just as broken from this and anytime ESGOO switched them out they just have this feeling of "Thank god, i'm spared from this hell"
The fact that you think you cheated is ridiculous. Here's the thing, using IDs that are considered garbage is one thing. Going out if your way to use IDs that are ineffective against or weak to biss mechanics is also one thing. But using support passives that literally only hurt you is a whole other thing. I cannot believe you put yourself through so much torture. Insanity. Props to you Esgoo
Hope you know that your pain and suffering (and your great railway guide) was what enabled my 1mo old account to clear RR3 in under 100 turns last week. No it doesn't assuage your suffering but I'm grateful that you made that guide (and unironically these worst team ever videos have given me a better understanding of some of the nitty gritty in the game that I normally would have unga bunga'd over).
Magnificently told. Your storytelling craft is excellent. You took me expertly through the journey you endured. I laughed, I cried, it moved me. (Spoiler alert!) You set the goalposts ridiculously far, much further than I ever would have imagined. Not even using all of the EGO at your disposal(like Fluid Sac or Regret), and it was impressive to watch you claw your way to victory despite the truly ridiculous odds. But I would never claim that swapping out the support passives 'invalidate the run'. You just set the goalposts a little bit closer, without even relying on different EGO... Who cares, you still fought hard and gave it your all regardless! Anyone who complains about you 'not doing it right' should do it themselves and see how they can handle it, screw 'em.
I cannot tell you how hard I laughed at that last Sinclair coin roll, the sad *ting* with the completely silent music just made this amazing. You've got a morale of steel and got me interested in really looking in Limbus' mechanics again, I'll be eagerly waiting on RR4 and any horrible IDs that come out in the mean time in anticipation of the next banger.
I'm not usually one to comment on videos but the cinematic journey that was the nearly 4 hours we got to see of this challenge sparked a need to. First of all props for COMPLETING this in the first place, I can't even imagine how grueling seeing even the not supremely buffed MD3H pequod town members got (pequod hater for life) and watching the extremely specific pain of needing to bend your own challange for your sanity hit me like a truck, even if the drugs were quite silly. It kind of reminds me of Gregor's canto oddly enough, learning to accept hardships with quite bitter defeats at points. Still an incredibly fun watch and the will to also edit all of this is incredible. Enjoy your well-earned break, dude (until the next railway that is, in which case we will humbly observe your distortion). also obligatory one must imagine ESGOO happy
I honestly want you to craft the BEST team for the railway. Knowing how much you analyze and think in doing so can only mean that the absolute best(at a time) would be entertaining/useful as well. And, also, you can give yourself a challenge of getting the best score, but that will drain your sanity even lower than this, I bet.
Easily the most impressive challenge I've seen done in all of Limbus Company. Despite the having to loosening up the rules with the passives, I don't think ANYONE has done something like this in this game so far so that's something to be proud off. I thank you for this masterpiece of a series, and the content you do for the community... I hope you get the break you deserve and enjoy Canto 6!
Noble ESGOO, thine suffering is rightful and enlightened! Do what your heart desires so, for only one who stays true to their heart will move forward! Your efforts are not unnoticed, may your EGO grow and flourish like the season of spring, Ayin willing.
I know this video is kinda old but in case ESGOO or anyone else hasn't seen it yet: 48:03 I saw on some reddit thread that there's actually a way to see which attacks are going to go off first when multiple attacks have the same speed! If you click that arrow button on the top right corner (the one that shows you the lines of who's attacking who) and set it to the single arrow option, it will go through every attack onscreen one by one in the order that they are going to launch. Super useful thing to know that actually helped me out a ton recently on my own RR3 run, especially because it can let you know which attack to dodge against so that your sinner can reuse their dodge for every attack that's targeting them
I am a bit late to the party, since Ricardo stopped me from getting to Ahab (who I wanted to beat before seeing the fight here). But man what a ride.This entire 3+ hour saga had me glued to the screen, by far enough to not relegate it to the second monitor, where long stuff usually goes. In part because of funny limbus man suffering, but mainly because your storytelling was simply superb the entire time. This is one of the most entertaining things I had the pleasure of watching on this platform. The strategies you pulled off through the entirety of this also secretly make me hope project moon adds a few *interesting* things for rr4 to add even more layers of depth to the challenge. Be it the usual new mechanics in new abno fights, different ego for the zayin/teth slots or even just.... more bad units. In the end these three parts left me with 2 thoughts. First, I will be able to beat railway. It might take a bit, and I may lack some upties/levels to make it comfortable, but it is possible. The second is: Stand proud esgoo, you can cook.
The last thing Spiral heard was Esgoo saying "This run... ends no-" Congratulations on reaching that clear screen despite the game's best efforts to keep it from you. Ampules or no, you rrally pushed yourself to the absolute limit to come up with workarounds for every hurdle you faced, and I'm personally going to call it good enough. Rest up and take care of yourself, you've earned it.
Ah… RR With the worst teams*… I have an alternate name. “Masochist’s Refraction”. Because I swear ESGOO is slowly becoming a masochist with this… good job. I hope PMoon pays you. Well done. Take my like, and keep my subscription. It’s the least I could offer…
God, i was there for the Meursault clutch against starbuck. The entire voice chat went fucking wild, and its so sad that it wasnt a winning run. God bless you Meursault.
Watched this *trio* of videos 3 times now, third watch is after I've finished this railway myself. Gotta say I love your videos and this series in particular(I love challenge content, the more suffering the better.) love your edits, music, the journey is so entertaining. Here's to more entertaining and informative content from the goat ESGOO.
Legitimately this story helped me beat pequod trio. I had a huge problem of of prey marks and this story taught me to not only to read but to use an id that has resistance to pierce and use chains of others. I’m now I termnius
I only started playing relatively recently, but your content has unmistakably helped me feel like I've gotten fluent enough in combat to try my hand at RR3 (and I made it in under 100!!). I love this type of intense, outwardly silly, inwardly hellish challenge and the absurdity that comes with it. I know it's not much, but thank you. The only thing stopping me from trying insane strats right now is lack of resources to invest in more niche IDs for something like this. Subbed with notifs and looking forward to whatever you decide to make next :LETSGOOO:
I think we've deviated too far from the whole point of the initial "with the Worst Team" runs. When the series started with RR1, I thought that this was a way of demonstrating how even a new player without a suite of 000 IDs could strat their way through it. To prevent future trauma, I would put forth that an ID does not need to be used if it's worse than that Sinner's Base ID (yes I'm aware that basically makes Rodion's base an autoinclude). Partially to make the runs more reflective of a regular player's run, and partially to keep Esgoo from burning himself out like some maniacal Crumbling Armor user.
I believe ESGOO no longer cares about helping the normal player. This is a fight of will now. He Has to do it or he'll distort also ur rule wouldn't work because then that'd just change the challenge to 'win with base IDs'. If you don't use ids worse than base, but you also can't use ids better than base.... then... you're just using base
Trough challenge one finds joy like no other. One must imagine ESGOO overcoming the railways only to do it over and over again. One must imagine ESGOO happy.
These series of videos were a cinematic masterpiece and frankly the best limbus content i've watched on this entire platform. Pat yourself on the back esgoo, you deserve to relish in this victory, and may we see you in the halls of vallhalla (Or in a 6 foot ditch when RR4 happens)
I just started playing Limbus earlier this month and I have watched this video 3 times by now. Once before I started, once after I have basic understanding of the game and lastly, after I cleared Canto 5 and understood the fights better. I just wanna say, props to you for making this video entertaining to me all 3 times. Even when I dont know much about Limbus, your explanation was clear enough for me to follow and learning about Limbus just made me appreciate this video more.
I watched the video on my TV (because, y'know, big cinematic event) but I felt such an urge to comment that I ran half-way across my house to grab my laptop and spew some word salad. This video, and the ones before it, really were such a joy to watch. I'm glad to have been there for them all, on each release day, wondering how it'd all go down. I'm impressed, and even a little inspired. I watched the first RR2 challenge while sick and utterly unable to get out of bed. Today I watched the last part of this challenge... sick and just barely able to get out of bed. I'm glad that I had this comfort, though. These videos have been an absolute blast, and I look forward to each and every one of your next projects. Anyways I subscribed and hit the bell.
I think an epilogue or special ending is warranted here, where you use THE best team possible to bulldoze the entire RR3. Especially how in-depth you are in Limbus mechanics.
Thank you very making such a video, it’s been a joy to watch this trilogy of pain. I was able to learn a lot of interesting mechanics while being constantly engaged in your humor and storytelling. I hope that in the next Railway it’s far more enjoyable for you and that you’ll continue making content in the foreseeable future.
Thanks for doing this, man. It was great to see this happen, and I think we all learned a valuable lesson from watching you struggle until your efforts bore fruit: that drugs are based and we should all take them.
Esgoo your videos on RR2 (the Guide and the worst team possible) and your guide on RR3 were the only reason I was able of gain the confidence to beat both of those!
What a great watch. Can’t believe I watched you have an awful time in RR3 for like 4 hours. Your *other* RR3 video gave me the confidence I needed to go in there after giving up on RR2 (out of boredom).
This entire video has given me so much serotonin. I played my MD3H run to this and felt great. The ups and downs throughout this series is goddamn amazing. I do wish luck against Railway 4 though...
Unironically these videos and the last set really are what inspired me to get into Limbus Company, a bit weird but keep up the great work man! Can't wait to see RR 4 with the Worst Team... but please take a break first holy hell.
Outis getting the MVP at the end. The odyssey truly had a purpose o7 Anyways, really great job~ This truly feels like the classic LobCorp experience of suffering through an ordeal of a journey. Excellent work, Executive Manager
I really hope we get to see the Basilisoup in RR4. As unlikely as it is (especially since it's not even a MD event), it truly would serve to be the perfect conclusion to the Lifetime Stew bit.
Congrats on finishing the challenge! This was one of the most entertaining thing I've watch this year. Looking forward to more videos (especially for heath) to come.
mate, mad respect on putting yourself through that, this feels like along the lines of "achieving lowest turn count mathematically possible" but with a more giga chad goal
I saw the length of the video and I smiled. This is peak entertainment based on the concentrated effort and presentation palpable throughout it all! I genuinely could not enjoy a feature-length film as much as this for what feels like a very, very long time! Thank you sincerely for the entertainment and the awesome ride you have taken us on! This comment... ends now.
This series taught me that careful planning, reading comprehension and perseverence is truly the S+ tier for PM games. Still, don't put that much strain on your mental health. May RW4 give you an easier time, ESGOat
I started attempting refraction railway 3(with my team) when part one came out since i never wanted to try it and thought my team would probably not beat it. But those video motivated me to give it a try, and so here i am about to start the pequod trio fight. This video definitely motivated me to try out refraction railway and gave me the confidence i needed to attempt it. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it today after watching part 3. Thank you funny limbus guy.
Look I'm not one to get sentimental I am probably a psycopath with crippling depression manifested through complete apathy towards all that exists, and I say that with as much seriousness as one can get on a youtube comment Still, this entire journey managed to break that apathy Honestly, while you finally broke down and allowed good support passives, looking back and taking into consideration everything... I can confidently say that even though you did not manage to do it, you demonstrated that a true worst team run is THEORETICALLY possible. but It's like seeing a TAS, some things are so absurdly hard to pull off, it is better to leave them in the drawing board as a side note I, from the bottom of my dried heart, applaud you for your achievement I know this is just Railway 3 I know we could potentially end up seeing something way harder down the line I know this is not the end, just one chapter of the story but still... Finding your channel when you only had 2 videos uploaded was probably one of the best things YT gave me in the last half dozen years, following you for the last half+ year has been something trully... for lack of a better word... special And hearing the ending that made me drop a tear Thank you for everything For every hour For every minute of rambling, humor, pain and pure quality content and for the Railway experience Rest well, you earned it more than eighteenfold ;3 I hope we can continue to walk together for a long while, but for now.... Let's just enjoy the views of the trail left behind us
I've determined that mathematically, with the team he had created, Pequod Trio is impossible. Even if you stagger Queequeg, even if you KILL her...there's still Ahab to deal with. She will start a cycle of staggering people, killing them on the next turn (or the turn after), repeat until everyone is dead.
Esgoo, I always wanted to say this but you have impeccable music taste. Umineko, ultrakill, you know how to find music that accurately fits your depression
I definitely think "worst support passives" is an unnecessary layer of torture on the challenge. Next Railway either go with just ineffective passives (so no suncliff or gredgar sabotage) or normal support passives, though I think reserving Ampules as a nuclear option (like here) would be better For ContentTM.
49:32 I was thinking this through the entire video, "Why doesn't ESGOO just tell Meursault to win?", I'm happy you finally figured it out. I personally beat the entire railway with base Meursault alone, you literally just have to tell him to win and he will.
it was worth every minute. Took a while to savour it, but the message is clear: everyone has a chance, if smart about it! I didn't go for record yself; was content doing all segments with same liu+nclair+bunny team (rcliff overlaps sin affinities with lius, also i didnt care for outis), but i ended up doing it before Rodia and Ryoshu were released - still satisfying to see the things pop like baloons. My goal was to enjoy my own persistence winning eventually, and.. i did it!
I am genuenly curios how rr4 will be after seeing this. I cant wait to see what extremly difficult bosses chapter 6 will add and esgoos pain going trough them in the railway
This challenge is a very, very impressive display of willpower but ultimately barely a display of strategy. Having the drive to sit there resetting fights for hours on end because if one thing goes wrong everything goes wrong is commendable as fuck - it's pure unadulterated pain, and yet, beyond this incredible display, what is there? Actual strategy and "solving a puzzle" was maybe 2 fights in the entire railway, because the primary way this team fights is deal pitiful amounts of damage, take as little as possible in return, heal up with stew, and reset if stew decides to be unreasonable. Which is the problem. Mass healing is BROKEN beyond belief, big surprise, and while soup isn't "good" by any means, it does output more raw healing than something like Pursuance... which is all you need if you're willing to sit there for 3-6 hours on end. Being able to come out of basically any fight with almost-full health on anything except Zwei Sinclair is a luxury. And when the game decides to stop fucking around by sending four slow true damage endurance tests your way (Gossypium, Clam, Prophet and Moth are all similar) and introduces proper BURST, the entire thing unsurprisingly falls apart... until Literal Infinite Health Hong Lu gets introduced and next thing we see on screen is the team eating Mermaids, Pequod Town and even Pequod Trio's attacks then coming out of these fights almost full anyway because it's THAT broken. Was this "cheating"? Definitely not - no core point of the challenge changed. But I do sincerely think that a "better" team with actual damage options and non-fatal resistances would have just as much trouble in this railway if its only healing options were base Gregor's support passive and Don's base ego. It would have to actually strategize - and see those strategies rewarded - instead of mindlessly hoping for good rng, while the threshold for "good" slowly shrinks to borderline impossibility throughout the railway.
"Mersault, win this clash"
"On it, manager."
I love the part where Sinclair says "Nah, I'd Soup" and proceeds to drown the Ahab crew and Spiral of Contempt in Lifetime Stew
And turning his team into crispy nuggets on tails hit
drug are honestly better
Then esgoo says "Nah, I'd drug"
More like all over his own team lol
@@hibroguy Arcane odyssey guy.
I loved when Meursault said "Nah, i'd win clashes" and then proceeded to knock starbuck unconsious
That Meursault moment was so legendary... It should go in the Limbus hall of fame
Meursault really carried this run, he should have been the mvp
Esgoo told him to win the clash, so he did
which one?
@@TOMERRY985 rolling heads 3 times in a row at 15 SP against 7 speed Starbuck with S2 and staggering him with tremor burst
This is a certified Meursault moment
As the strongest captain, Ahab, fought the king of curses ESGOO, she began to open her domain expansion, "Prey Mark". ESGOO shrunk back in fear, and Ahab said "stand proud, you are strong".
Queequeg had asked the captain "If you and ESGOO were to fight, who would win?" "If he were to use good support passives it might give me a little trouble". "But would you lose?" "Nah, I'd win."
Yo propongo a mariachi sinclair como futuro vencedor de ryomen sukuna, rey de las maldiciones y novio de gege
Nos quedamos sin gallos, pero no sin opciones
No roosters is tough
You cry for Peak Fiction
You laugh for Peak Fiction
You kneel before Peak Fiction
You give up your life for Peak Fiction
This has to be Ishmael's fault.
talking about "Pray Mark" if we give it to "evede ID" like BLoutis do we get more turn to deal with queequeq shield or is it just even worse RNG to do?
Dante pushing Mephistopheles up a mountain:
One must imagine Sysiphus happy
One must imagine Dante happy
One must imagine Danteh happy@@StrawberryHerring
Blade Outis being present for the entire railway really helped her damage metric
I cried when he said "this was truly a limbus company" and then the company really became limbus
For me it was "The Limbus had a purpose."
the run changed for the better when K.Corp Hong Lu said "it's ampule time" and then proceeded to flood the team with K.Corp ampules
ESGOO doesn’t need Carmen anymore, he’s already on the path to manifesting E.G.O.
Or perhaps he's getting ever so closer to distorting. Maybe.
@@wastelandking He will be on the precipice of life and death. Good and evil. Light and dark. Hong Lu or Samjo simping. Only time will tell what path he chooses and it’s ramifications
@@DistressedCrab He truly is Between Two Worlds
Thanks A
When Meursault challenged Starbuck, Dante asked, "Would you be able to roll 3 heads in a row with a 27% chance?"
Meursault replied, "Well, if he activated Engraved Hatred and Animosity, it might give me a little trouble."
"But would you lose the clash?"
"Nah, I'd win."
As Meursault approached Starbuck, Starbuck asked "Are you the best sinner because you do as you're told, or do you do as you're told because you're the best sinner?"
At that moment Starbuck opened its domain, Impale, and its 7 speed meant that Meursault could not escape.
"Stand proud," said MeurGOAT. "You're strong."
"But when it comes to following orders, throughout The City and Outskirts, I alone am the winning one."
What the hell is this absolutely peak 😭
@ I did alcoholians
Bro must be Skin Prophet cuz this sht fire ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥
With how brutal this whole thing was, i just have the mental image of all the sinners feeling just as broken from this and anytime ESGOO switched them out they just have this feeling of "Thank god, i'm spared from this hell"
Reminder that every time a railway unlocks all the sinners start groaning in frustration and annoyance. And that's *canon*.
I imagine esgoo is so pissed at Sinclair he can’t even hear Carmen anymore.
Carmen trying to calm down Esgoo at this rate
boutta manifest EGO the Ahab way
Threadspin 1 Screwloose Wallop jumpscare
It's just the best way to appreciate Screwloose Wallop fr
One must imagine ESGOO happy
After this vídeo? I think is hard to imagine that.
One must imagine a cute puppy
One must imagine a cute ESGOO.
Esgoo truly has mastered the art of “reading”
Whats that? An ego?
The fact that you think you cheated is ridiculous.
Here's the thing, using IDs that are considered garbage is one thing. Going out if your way to use IDs that are ineffective against or weak to biss mechanics is also one thing. But using support passives that literally only hurt you is a whole other thing. I cannot believe you put yourself through so much torture. Insanity. Props to you Esgoo
Do you hear her voice, ESGOO?
Is this a Carmen joke
@@serraramayfield9230 Yes
I think ESGOO just ignores her like gas ahab because he is him
The UA-cam algorithm and the sunk cost fallacy are the only things keeping him from distorting
Its a strong force keeping him stable@@AnArbiterAwakens
Hope you know that your pain and suffering (and your great railway guide) was what enabled my 1mo old account to clear RR3 in under 100 turns last week. No it doesn't assuage your suffering but I'm grateful that you made that guide (and unironically these worst team ever videos have given me a better understanding of some of the nitty gritty in the game that I normally would have unga bunga'd over).
True, bcs of them I was able to understand the Power of passives and egos
I played limbus for 2 months and did railway for rewards i think its good enough for me. Especialy because i git all season 3 ids
In fact, I got 100 turns top.
Not below or higher, thanks to the guide
Good luck on your transition from Sisyphus to Icarus, hope you bode well 🙏
You could say ESGOO’s journey wasn’t so shrimple going from Sisyphus to Icarus
Who will he become next, Prometheus?
@@spidey5558 railway is the bird and his sanity is the liver
@@spidey5558Atlas, as he comes to terms with bearing the weight of doing this challenge for every railway evermore
im so happy for her
"Kim Jihoon owes me MONEY." -Esgoo, 2024
esgoo executing suncliff was the best part of the video
Magnificently told. Your storytelling craft is excellent. You took me expertly through the journey you endured. I laughed, I cried, it moved me.
(Spoiler alert!)
You set the goalposts ridiculously far, much further than I ever would have imagined. Not even using all of the EGO at your disposal(like Fluid Sac or Regret), and it was impressive to watch you claw your way to victory despite the truly ridiculous odds. But I would never claim that swapping out the support passives 'invalidate the run'. You just set the goalposts a little bit closer, without even relying on different EGO... Who cares, you still fought hard and gave it your all regardless! Anyone who complains about you 'not doing it right' should do it themselves and see how they can handle it, screw 'em.
I cannot tell you how hard I laughed at that last Sinclair coin roll, the sad *ting* with the completely silent music just made this amazing. You've got a morale of steel and got me interested in really looking in Limbus' mechanics again, I'll be eagerly waiting on RR4 and any horrible IDs that come out in the mean time in anticipation of the next banger.
Sinclair really did not want to make him happy at all.
I'm not usually one to comment on videos but the cinematic journey that was the nearly 4 hours we got to see of this challenge sparked a need to. First of all props for COMPLETING this in the first place, I can't even imagine how grueling seeing even the not supremely buffed MD3H pequod town members got (pequod hater for life) and watching the extremely specific pain of needing to bend your own challange for your sanity hit me like a truck, even if the drugs were quite silly. It kind of reminds me of Gregor's canto oddly enough, learning to accept hardships with quite bitter defeats at points. Still an incredibly fun watch and the will to also edit all of this is incredible. Enjoy your well-earned break, dude (until the next railway that is, in which case we will humbly observe your distortion). also obligatory one must imagine ESGOO happy
I honestly want you to craft the BEST team for the railway. Knowing how much you analyze and think in doing so can only mean that the absolute best(at a time) would be entertaining/useful as well.
And, also, you can give yourself a challenge of getting the best score, but that will drain your sanity even lower than this, I bet.
ESGOO finished his work week, moved into weekend and soon it'll be back to work again
Railway 4 stands menacingly
Railway 4 about to drop our own ID’s agaisnt us too.. and not the bad ones either..
Easily the most impressive challenge I've seen done in all of Limbus Company. Despite the having to loosening up the rules with the passives, I don't think ANYONE has done something like this in this game so far so that's something to be proud off.
I thank you for this masterpiece of a series, and the content you do for the community... I hope you get the break you deserve and enjoy Canto 6!
Noble ESGOO, thine suffering is rightful and enlightened!
Do what your heart desires so, for only one who stays true to their heart will move forward!
Your efforts are not unnoticed, may your EGO grow and flourish like the season of spring, Ayin willing.
If it's any consolation, this is definitely the worst team POSSIBLE. Anything worse is getting swallowed by the sea
Esgoo, I grant you the highest possible honor I can these days
You're main monitor content while I eat.
I know this video is kinda old but in case ESGOO or anyone else hasn't seen it yet:
48:03 I saw on some reddit thread that there's actually a way to see which attacks are going to go off first when multiple attacks have the same speed! If you click that arrow button on the top right corner (the one that shows you the lines of who's attacking who) and set it to the single arrow option, it will go through every attack onscreen one by one in the order that they are going to launch.
Super useful thing to know that actually helped me out a ton recently on my own RR3 run, especially because it can let you know which attack to dodge against so that your sinner can reuse their dodge for every attack that's targeting them
I am a bit late to the party, since Ricardo stopped me from getting to Ahab (who I wanted to beat before seeing the fight here).
But man what a ride.This entire 3+ hour saga had me glued to the screen, by far enough to not relegate it to the second monitor, where long stuff usually goes. In part because of funny limbus man suffering, but mainly because your storytelling was simply superb the entire time. This is one of the most entertaining things I had the pleasure of watching on this platform.
The strategies you pulled off through the entirety of this also secretly make me hope project moon adds a few *interesting* things for rr4 to add even more layers of depth to the challenge. Be it the usual new mechanics in new abno fights, different ego for the zayin/teth slots or even just.... more bad units.
In the end these three parts left me with 2 thoughts. First, I will be able to beat railway. It might take a bit, and I may lack some upties/levels to make it comfortable, but it is possible.
The second is:
Stand proud esgoo, you can cook.
The last thing Spiral heard was Esgoo saying "This run... ends no-"
Congratulations on reaching that clear screen despite the game's best efforts to keep it from you. Ampules or no, you rrally pushed yourself to the absolute limit to come up with workarounds for every hurdle you faced, and I'm personally going to call it good enough. Rest up and take care of yourself, you've earned it.
i mean he admitted that it's not a legit completion, because he had to cheat to beat it
Ah… RR With the worst teams*…
I have an alternate name.
“Masochist’s Refraction”.
Because I swear ESGOO is slowly becoming a masochist with this… good job. I hope PMoon pays you.
Well done. Take my like, and keep my subscription. It’s the least I could offer…
God, i was there for the Meursault clutch against starbuck. The entire voice chat went fucking wild, and its so sad that it wasnt a winning run. God bless you Meursault.
Watched this *trio* of videos 3 times now, third watch is after I've finished this railway myself. Gotta say I love your videos and this series in particular(I love challenge content, the more suffering the better.) love your edits, music, the journey is so entertaining. Here's to more entertaining and informative content from the goat ESGOO.
"Meursault, win this clash."
"Yes, manager."
Honestly i can do nothing but aplaud your dedication to self inflicted psychic damage, great job.
Legitimately this story helped me beat pequod trio. I had a huge problem of of prey marks and this story taught me to not only to read but to use an id that has resistance to pierce and use chains of others. I’m now I termnius
I only started playing relatively recently, but your content has unmistakably helped me feel like I've gotten fluent enough in combat to try my hand at RR3 (and I made it in under 100!!). I love this type of intense, outwardly silly, inwardly hellish challenge and the absurdity that comes with it. I know it's not much, but thank you. The only thing stopping me from trying insane strats right now is lack of resources to invest in more niche IDs for something like this. Subbed with notifs and looking forward to whatever you decide to make next :LETSGOOO:
He did it. One must not imagine Esgoo happy, yet one must think that the end of the suffering would leave him relieved. Good job man, you deserve it.
I think we've deviated too far from the whole point of the initial "with the Worst Team" runs. When the series started with RR1, I thought that this was a way of demonstrating how even a new player without a suite of 000 IDs could strat their way through it. To prevent future trauma, I would put forth that an ID does not need to be used if it's worse than that Sinner's Base ID (yes I'm aware that basically makes Rodion's base an autoinclude). Partially to make the runs more reflective of a regular player's run, and partially to keep Esgoo from burning himself out like some maniacal Crumbling Armor user.
I believe ESGOO no longer cares about helping the normal player. This is a fight of will now. He Has to do it or he'll distort
also ur rule wouldn't work because then that'd just change the challenge to 'win with base IDs'. If you don't use ids worse than base, but you also can't use ids better than base.... then... you're just using base
Netzach, get this man a few boxes of enkaphalin ASAP
Trough challenge one finds joy like no other. One must imagine ESGOO overcoming the railways only to do it over and over again. One must imagine ESGOO happy.
These series of videos were a cinematic masterpiece and frankly the best limbus content i've watched on this entire platform.
Pat yourself on the back esgoo, you deserve to relish in this victory, and may we see you in the halls of vallhalla (Or in a 6 foot ditch when RR4 happens)
I just started playing Limbus earlier this month and I have watched this video 3 times by now.
Once before I started, once after I have basic understanding of the game and lastly, after I cleared Canto 5 and understood the fights better.
I just wanna say, props to you for making this video entertaining to me all 3 times. Even when I dont know much about Limbus, your explanation was clear enough for me to follow and learning about Limbus just made me appreciate this video more.
I watched the video on my TV (because, y'know, big cinematic event) but I felt such an urge to comment that I ran half-way across my house to grab my laptop and spew some word salad.
This video, and the ones before it, really were such a joy to watch. I'm glad to have been there for them all, on each release day, wondering how it'd all go down. I'm impressed, and even a little inspired. I watched the first RR2 challenge while sick and utterly unable to get out of bed. Today I watched the last part of this challenge... sick and just barely able to get out of bed. I'm glad that I had this comfort, though. These videos have been an absolute blast, and I look forward to each and every one of your next projects.
Anyways I subscribed and hit the bell.
Finally. after such a great and demanding challenge, we finally know what ESGOO really stands for.
I think an epilogue or special ending is warranted here, where you use THE best team possible to bulldoze the entire RR3. Especially how in-depth you are in Limbus mechanics.
Thank you very making such a video, it’s been a joy to watch this trilogy of pain. I was able to learn a lot of interesting mechanics while being constantly engaged in your humor and storytelling. I hope that in the next Railway it’s far more enjoyable for you and that you’ll continue making content in the foreseeable future.
Thanks for doing this, man. It was great to see this happen, and I think we all learned a valuable lesson from watching you struggle until your efforts bore fruit: that drugs are based and we should all take them.
24:08 competetive pokemon reference my beloved
Esgoo your videos on RR2 (the Guide and the worst team possible) and your guide on RR3 were the only reason I was able of gain the confidence to beat both of those!
Took me forever to actually watch the whole video. You're the goat love your videos :)
What a great watch. Can’t believe I watched you have an awful time in RR3 for like 4 hours.
Your *other* RR3 video gave me the confidence I needed to go in there after giving up on RR2 (out of boredom).
This entire video has given me so much serotonin. I played my MD3H run to this and felt great. The ups and downs throughout this series is goddamn amazing. I do wish luck against Railway 4 though...
Can’t believe Sinclair didn’t cook the stew right..
Unironically these videos and the last set really are what inspired me to get into Limbus Company, a bit weird but keep up the great work man! Can't wait to see RR 4 with the Worst Team... but please take a break first holy hell.
ESGOO I gotta say thank you for putting this out today and giving limbus fans something to watch while waiting for the new canto to drop.
Thank you ESGOO for making all of your videos. I love your content
I am so ready to watch this with the fine folks of Project moon brainrot!
Outis getting the MVP at the end. The odyssey truly had a purpose o7
Anyways, really great job~ This truly feels like the classic LobCorp experience of suffering through an ordeal of a journey. Excellent work, Executive Manager
I really hope we get to see the Basilisoup in RR4. As unlikely as it is (especially since it's not even a MD event), it truly would serve to be the perfect conclusion to the Lifetime Stew bit.
How did ESGOO beat Pequod Trio?
The body is willing but the mind is weak
Congrats on finishing the challenge! This was one of the most entertaining thing I've watch this year. Looking forward to more videos (especially for heath) to come.
This is the Season 3 endgame
Can't believe sloshmael sloshed all over the place shm 😔
Gotta love when sinclair said "its souping time" and soupd all over the team
thank you ESGOO, for suffering for us.
I love the fact that the 4 hp heal with lantern Don you memed about slightly in a previous video actually became useful in a niche
mate, mad respect on putting yourself through that, this feels like along the lines of "achieving lowest turn count mathematically possible" but with a more giga chad goal
Hey man you deserve every commendation you get for this. I really do appreciate the work you put into these videos.
I saw the length of the video and I smiled.
This is peak entertainment based on the concentrated effort and presentation palpable throughout it all!
I genuinely could not enjoy a feature-length film as much as this for what feels like a very, very long time!
Thank you sincerely for the entertainment and the awesome ride you have taken us on!
This comment... ends now.
This series taught me that careful planning, reading comprehension and perseverence is truly the S+ tier for PM games. Still, don't put that much strain on your mental health. May RW4 give you an easier time, ESGOat
I thought I was the only one that got parasocial with the sinners when praying for heads hit
It was an honor to catch this live! May the insanity favor you in the future.
Ahah gaslighting ESGOO into believing that it was the fault lies with him that the fight was living hell
ahah after trolling rest of her crew: xdxdxd
"this is where i failed, but it's not where I stopped" hit unnecessarily hard in a series that had the phrase "squeeze as much lust out of outis"
I started attempting refraction railway 3(with my team) when part one came out since i never wanted to try it and thought my team would probably not beat it. But those video motivated me to give it a try, and so here i am about to start the pequod trio fight. This video definitely motivated me to try out refraction railway and gave me the confidence i needed to attempt it. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it today after watching part 3. Thank you funny limbus guy.
I'm not one to get sentimental
I am probably a psycopath with crippling depression manifested through complete apathy towards all that exists, and I say that with as much seriousness as one can get on a youtube comment
Still, this entire journey managed to break that apathy
Honestly, while you finally broke down and allowed good support passives, looking back and taking into consideration everything... I can confidently say that even though you did not manage to do it, you demonstrated that a true worst team run is THEORETICALLY possible. but It's like seeing a TAS, some things are so absurdly hard to pull off, it is better to leave them in the drawing board as a side note
I, from the bottom of my dried heart, applaud you for your achievement
I know this is just Railway 3
I know we could potentially end up seeing something way harder down the line
I know this is not the end, just one chapter of the story
but still... Finding your channel when you only had 2 videos uploaded was probably one of the best things YT gave me in the last half dozen years, following you for the last half+ year has been something trully... for lack of a better word... special
And hearing the ending
that made me drop a tear
Thank you for everything
For every hour
For every minute of rambling, humor, pain and pure quality content
and for the Railway experience
Rest well, you earned it more than eighteenfold ;3
I hope we can continue to walk together for a long while, but for now.... Let's just enjoy the views of the trail left behind us
I've determined that mathematically, with the team he had created, Pequod Trio is impossible.
Even if you stagger Queequeg, even if you KILL her...there's still Ahab to deal with. She will start a cycle of staggering people, killing them on the next turn (or the turn after), repeat until everyone is dead.
Esgoo, I always wanted to say this but you have impeccable music taste. Umineko, ultrakill, you know how to find music that accurately fits your depression
Only now i can feel a fraction of his suffering when i fight a headstrong 70 offense level ahab trio
can’t wait for ESGOO to go through the entire hero’s journey in this video!
I definitely think "worst support passives" is an unnecessary layer of torture on the challenge. Next Railway either go with just ineffective passives (so no suncliff or gredgar sabotage) or normal support passives, though I think reserving Ampules as a nuclear option (like here) would be better For ContentTM.
Especially now there's heir Gregor giving -5 sp, to least sp id, every turn
peak content for us, peak suffering for esgoo
truely, you cannot dodge the purpose of the odyssey because it’s how you’ll chart the multitudes gaze
watching gregor take 136 damage from one hit genuinely made my jaw drop
Congratulations for you success in this run!
It inspired me to clean the railway 3
"i often got unlucky and had to go unopposed into him"
49:32 I was thinking this through the entire video, "Why doesn't ESGOO just tell Meursault to win?", I'm happy you finally figured it out. I personally beat the entire railway with base Meursault alone, you literally just have to tell him to win and he will.
You are insane for doing this challenge and deserve all the respect in the world
Canonically accurate suffering in Railway.
This voyage... is finally.. over.
it was worth every minute. Took a while to savour it, but the message is clear: everyone has a chance, if smart about it!
I didn't go for record yself; was content doing all segments with same liu+nclair+bunny team (rcliff overlaps sin affinities with lius, also i didnt care for outis), but i ended up doing it before Rodia and Ryoshu were released - still satisfying to see the things pop like baloons. My goal was to enjoy my own persistence winning eventually, and.. i did it!
Soupclair hitting tails one final time is poetic. Truly, he is the magical golden chef.
Truly Bern’s work
I am genuenly curios how rr4 will be after seeing this. I cant wait to see what extremly difficult bosses chapter 6 will add and esgoos pain going trough them in the railway
This challenge is a very, very impressive display of willpower but ultimately barely a display of strategy. Having the drive to sit there resetting fights for hours on end because if one thing goes wrong everything goes wrong is commendable as fuck - it's pure unadulterated pain, and yet, beyond this incredible display, what is there?
Actual strategy and "solving a puzzle" was maybe 2 fights in the entire railway, because the primary way this team fights is deal pitiful amounts of damage, take as little as possible in return, heal up with stew, and reset if stew decides to be unreasonable. Which is the problem. Mass healing is BROKEN beyond belief, big surprise, and while soup isn't "good" by any means, it does output more raw healing than something like Pursuance... which is all you need if you're willing to sit there for 3-6 hours on end.
Being able to come out of basically any fight with almost-full health on anything except Zwei Sinclair is a luxury. And when the game decides to stop fucking around by sending four slow true damage endurance tests your way (Gossypium, Clam, Prophet and Moth are all similar) and introduces proper BURST, the entire thing unsurprisingly falls apart... until Literal Infinite Health Hong Lu gets introduced and next thing we see on screen is the team eating Mermaids, Pequod Town and even Pequod Trio's attacks then coming out of these fights almost full anyway because it's THAT broken.
Was this "cheating"? Definitely not - no core point of the challenge changed. But I do sincerely think that a "better" team with actual damage options and non-fatal resistances would have just as much trouble in this railway if its only healing options were base Gregor's support passive and Don's base ego. It would have to actually strategize - and see those strategies rewarded - instead of mindlessly hoping for good rng, while the threshold for "good" slowly shrinks to borderline impossibility throughout the railway.
I love how the railway 2 was all about how ego can get you through any fight and this is about how support Passives can get you through any fight
Mr. Sweaty, you did an amazing job, banger content as always, and I can't wait to watch you distort when RR4 comes out. Say hi to Carmen for me!