Watch out! There is a lot of misinformation about contact lenses on the internet - Learn more in this video where I break down a lot of these myths
I can’t really explain how to put them in. It was super easy for me to start so I just do what I do but taking them out the way I explain it is to use your non dominant hand to life your upper eyelid. Once it’s open wide enough use your dominant hand index finger and thumb and literally pinch them out of your eye. You basically take your index finger and start to drag the contact down and pinch it with your thumb.
I new to contacts been wearing them for almost 2 month I been using the alcon total 30 and I must say I agree first 2 weeks I could tell they were there but after that sometime I forget I even wearing them great review keep up the good work!!
I was never able to wear contact lenses before due to astigmatism and poor lense stabilisation. Until my doctor prescribed me te Alcon precision 1 and I loved it. I then asked her a monthly alternative and she prescribed the total 30 astigmatism by Alcon and I must admit I like them even more than the precision 1. For years I wasn’t able to wear contact lenses and I tried a lot of brands, now I always wear them when I go out, can’t even feel them after a day of work .
I've struggled with dry eyes and irritation using multiple different lenses including acuvu oasis to the point I was choosing to not wear them and go through life with a little blur. Total 30 has been life changing. I wear them from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed and don't feel a thing. Super comfortable and stable with very little movement. Buy them.
I have coloboma and microphthalmia. The company I use to get my contacts stopped making coloured contacts. Been working with my eye specialist for years and we’re just at a loss to find a lens that hides my eye defects. I live in the U.K. we tried the Alcon coloured lenses, they did feel comfortable but just didn’t do what I got them for.
I couldn’t agree more on the monthly and daily lenses! I cannot wait to work with the dailies total 1 for astigmatism. They just came out in Belgium, so excited! Great to hear you have great experiences with it!
I've been using Hubble since 2018 and I just canceled my subscription this past week. I moved on to Dailies Aqua Plus. My optometrist said Hubble doesn't have a good business model and I learned the hard way that she was right.
Shout out to precision 1 fr. It's the only lens I've ever used that doesn't spin around in my eye throughout the day (astigmatism). Too bad it's super expensive to use dailies vs monthlies 😂
@@whatsgoodjboog i've never had my eyes turn red with them but I definitely had discomfort after the 5 hr mark (my original comment was written when I was wearing them for 4 hr at a time lol)
@@himynameisciel the weird thing I don't quite understand is that my eyes aren't red when the contacts are in. They turn red when I take them out. I'm going to stick with the contacts because they're comfortable(I forget they're in my eyes) and the redness is only visible when I take my contacts out. I always wear my contacts so I'm good.
@@alexn8320 This video was more about soft lenses but I should have some videos about sclerals coming out this year for sure. How was the fitting? Cool experience?
Jones got some confidence after the win, maybe he will fool himself into believing that fighting a last fight of an old fighter will be same as fighting in prime Tom😂
WoW- so glad I watched you today…..not the first visit with u however. Watched many of your videos prior to cataract surgery 2 years ago. Since surgery, I wear the Daily Total 1 in left eye to give me better ability to read small print. My right eye has an astigmatism and 2 years ago when I started wearing the L eye…Alcon did not make one that addresses astigmatism. I visit my OD in a few weeks and will ask to be fitted for it. I’ve worn other brands in the past, but I am one of those who says I don’t even know I am wearing a contact with the Total 1.
I just recently tried the Dalies Total 1 for astigmatism, and while comfortable, they kept moving every once and awhile when blinking. They just weren't stable in my eye. Tried out the Precision 1's which are using the same technology and they were perfect. Thought it was kind of weird that they use the same astigmatism tech and are mostly the same in other areas, yet the Total 1's were a no go for me.
Glad to see I'm not the only one. I had my eyes checked by the optician when I had them in. They basically told me that the lens sits correctly on my eye, but still I'm experiencing the same moving/blinking issue.
I've been wearing the Alcon Dailies Aquacomfort for the last couple of years but they dry out before the end of the day and make it difficult to see at night. I've been anxiously waiting for the Precision 1's for astigmatism to come out this year and have been testing them the last few weeks. Sadly they are unstable on my eyes and move around when I blink causing blurriness. It has been so disappointing because they are so comfortable. Interesting Precision 1's solved your unstable problem, but instability was the problem for me when I tried them.
Interesting to put Precision as best for beginners. I would argue Infuse would be a little better due to lower modulus + being most complete overall. But $ may scare off new wearers haha
Biofinity Toric XR has been the best, for me, so far for my astigmatism. I started with Frequency 55 Toric XR and their stability was terrible. Then went with Pro Clear Toric XR. Much better stability, but they can have horrible ghosting when driving at night. Now that I'm 40 years old, my eye doctor prescribed me with Biofinity Multifocal lenses that also correct astigmatism in my range. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they do.
E Rodriguez 8 minutes ago I am a veteran contact Lense wearer. I started wearing gas perm contacts at age twelve. Never wore glasses until I turned close to 50 when I started wearing eyeglasses with progressive lenses. I always hated glasses and every time I went to have my eyes checked I would ask if they had something new for me. I have astigmatism and myopia. I just went for a new pair of prescription glasses and was discussing contact lenses with my Dr. She actually said YES!!!, I can wear the "Ultra Toric multifocal lenses".... (What do you think of these?) Needless to say, I was static about it. I went for my first fitting yesterday and was able to insert them in right away...but when it came to taking them off, I could not :(... I tried over 15 minutes and I was very frustrated and disappointed. The Dr. had to take them out herself. I am going back tomorrow for another try, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!! I like your method of taking them of and will try it tomorrow. Their method was just placing my finger on the Lense and sliding it off my eye...At the end of the session my eye was stinging and all red and could not do it.... Wish me luck!!!! :)
I just started wearing total30 today. Do you still like them after wearing them awhile? I've seen some bad reviews and I'm unsure if I should go ahead and order some.
@@jammie_marie Yes! I think they're great. I can often wear them up to 16 hours, though sometimes they can start to feel dry. I can usually get through at least 12 hours with no issues. I switched to Clear Care solution and that has made a difference too. I don't have issues with them becoming uncomfortable closer to day 30. If the contacts work for you, bad reviews don't mean anything. I would definitely wear them for a few days to a week before ordering them, though
I’ve only used Biofinity for the past 10-ish years, but I’m trying to find new lenses since they’re starting to irritate my eyes. I have astigmatism, so I’m definitely going to ask about Total 30. I wish there with healthy options for colored lenses for astigmatism. 😭
Depending on someones astigmatism level, if they can try a Daily Total 1 for astigmatism that may be the highest quality astigmatism lens on the market. If price is a factor, the Precision 1 astigmatism is a good compromise. Otherwise, after the biofinity toric I like the B/L Ultra astigmatism.
Great video. Is there an updated version of this? I have hyperopia and slight astigmatism and I was given a trial pair of biofinity lenses and they hurt my eyes.
I'm getting an eye exam for contacts next week. I've got presbyopia. Im going to get the Accuvue Multifocal. I only wish they had transitions on the lens.
My options seem limited since most toric lenses only come in - 2.25 max. It's unfortunate but I see hope we will see more daily lenses coming out with higher astigmatism correction!
Hi doc, if there was an award specifically for monthly astigmatism lenses, who would receive it? I've been using the Biofinity Torics for years, but I'm curious if there's anything new and better on the market
There have not been many advances for monthly astigmatism lenses, but If i had to pick it would be the B&L Ultra astigmatism lenses. (Otherwise I still like Biofinity Torics myself)
Hi Doc! Once again thank you so much for this detailed video! What's your opinion on the Acuvue Oasys Max lens coming out later this year? Alot fo claims coming from J&J about them!
Thank you for your awesome informational videos! Sorry this might be a little long and I'm going to age myself here, but I wore yearly contacts 20+ years ago. Best decision I ever made was getting Lasik when i was 19. Now that get I'm getting older (and hopefully a little wiser) 😆, the past few months I've noticed my right eye getting blurry and sure enough, I have a slight astigmatism and nearsightedness. Decided to get contacts again and Holy moly things have changed so much since I've worn them! Honestly didn't even know I had astigmatism either. I've been trying a few different brands for 2 months now, (Acuvue Oaysis, Alcon Air Optix Hydraglyde, and Cooper Vision Biofinity) After trying so many, my Dr and I decided that the Cooper Vision was the best for me. I still have slight issues some days when my allergies are high though. Do you have any suggestions how to help with that? Or others you might would recommend me trying? Thank you again!
@@DoctorEyeHealth I certainly do like the blue light aspect. The Vita’s are easier to take in and out of your eyes and hence just easier to handle. At the end of the month I’m back to the total 30. I will be focused on which one I perceive to have better vision. Headlight glare is worst on the total 30. That I’m convinced of. I also believe the total 30’s will resist lipids and other protein buildups on the lenses better. It’s hard to decide here but it’s good problem to have.
Doctor Eye: This is an unrelated question to contacts. I was exposed to mold in 2020 for several days. I started having some serious issues with my eyes. I am still having issues today in 2022. The issues worsened when I moved from a wet climate to a dry climate. I have been diagnosed with dry eye and allergies. Do you have any recommendations for my eyes? Thank you.
Hey Deb, thanks for the question! I am personally allergic to mold (wet basements) and it bothers my eyes too. the changing of climates can cause issues with the eyes and the ocular surface, so it is not too surprising if someone has problems with dry eyes. Dry eye and allergic conjunctivitis is challenging, your doctor will usually try to address both at the same time by controlling inflammation and trying to eliminate whatever is causing the allergy. Due to the changes in humidity, your doctor may also talk to you about using humidifiers, moisture goggles, avoiding fans etc. Has your doctor started you on any treatment?
@@DoctorEyeHealth Hi Dr. Eye Health. Thank you for replying. My doctor has prescribed Ocusoft Hypochlor which I use twice a day. Also, Flarex. I use that sparingly because it is a steroid that could harm my eyes if used too much. I also use a heated moist pad on my eyes at night for about 15 minutes. That’s all.
Infuse is wonderful. My award would be Oasys 1 Day only for comfort for 1 Day. I completely agree with you on the Total 30. Absolutely cannot even feel this one on my eyes. This is great for a reusable 30 day lens. Oasys 1 Day Max that is coming out soon will block about 60% of blue light from what I understand. For the 2 week lens Oasys is hard to beat but a great 2 week toric lens that settles awesome is Vitality Toric by coopervision although comfort is not as great as the 1 day lenses. Best astigmatism lens for me is Precision 1 Toric or Dailies Total 1 toric. Oasys 1 Day Max Multifocal might be my new Fav if it's just as comfortable as Oasys 1 Day spheres. Awesome video Dr Allen. We dumped our Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus fit set as well as our Acuvue 1 Day Moist fit set this week. Value for me is Biofinity EW. So cheap yet so breathable. And I totally agree with Hubble hahaha. Worst contacts ever!!!!! Legal problems, no breathability, patients getting red eyes and the list goes on;/
love this video, I will defiantly be trying the coloured Alcon lenses!! do you recommend desio lenses? I'm not too sure if they are approved by optometrists for 3 monthly use.
Well I wear daily lenses, so i do switch to new ones every day. I did try the Alcon total 30 for a full month about a year ago. Otherwise, I do try different lenses when something new comes out.
Thank you for that doc. As of now i wear contacts lens for one month and next month i change it for a new one. Is it ok dok to change the contact lens every year?
I work at an eye clinic in Japan. I have a question about precision 1. We know it's very easy to put them in, and it's very comfortable to wear. But it's a bit difficult to take them out not only for beginners, we think. That's why some patinet gives up using precision 1. So we can't recommend them to beginners easily. Have you ever heard a case like this ?
@@aslanb8827 Hi! I'm sorry I don't have enough knowledge about overseas products, but I have some information about three types of "Miru". And this is just my personal opinion. " Miru 1day Up Side " and "Miru 1month Menicon" are good, silicone hydrogel. (this may be off topic, but "Miru 1month Menicon" is on sale as 2-week replacement lens in Japan.) Sometimes you might feel it's a bit difficult to pick up lens, though. "Miru 1day flat Pack" is easy to carry , but it's not good especially for beginners. Because it has a little solution. It's not silicone hydrogel, so there are few users in our clinic and shop. I hope this helps you !
Same technology as Dailies Total 1 and I completely agree. They are more difficult for me to remove and I've been wearing contacts for about 28 years now. You just have to be sure your fingers are bone dry. I've left my eye a bit red multiple times trying to remove them.
Thank you for all your videos. I am from South Africa. I use Cooper Vision Bio Infinity. New patient now for 3 months. I sleep with them and only take it out every 7 days. I was advised that it is okay to sleep with them. No problem and I am not aware of them. Do you know the brand and can I sleep with them without long term eye damage? Thanks
Hey Doctor Allen, please help! I'm just 17 and I've started experiencing Floaters from around a month, but not just that, Then I started noticing Blue Field Entoptic phenomenon. Though It was ok till that, but I then suddenly started seeing rainbow halos, startburts and glares around lights. So I consulted a local doctor and he said the rainbow halos are because of Eye-conjuctivitis and prescribed me anti-bacterial eye ointment and drops for 15 days... Nothing happened So I then went to the best eye-doctor in my city and he said your eyes are totally Normal, those Colourful halos and BFEP are just because you have 'Medical Student Syndrome' and he prescribed me Osmodrops(for Dry eyes) and Lycopene, Multivitamins & Multiminerals Tablets for 30 days. Please doctor Allen, I request you to advice me if there could be anything serious in my eyes due to these symptoms or they can be noticed with healthy eyes even.
Hey thanks for reaching out. First of all I am happy that you did the right thing and consulted a local doctor, 2 doctors in fact. "medical student syndrome" is a funny term but it makes sense when someone dives deep into trying to understand something they are experiencing and maybe stressing about it. Unfortunately, without an examination I am not sure what more help I can offer other than what is already in my videos about floaters, migraine aura, BFEP and Visual Snow Syndrome. I think it is always a good idea to get regular sleep, drink and eat well and try to engage is stress relieving activities, otherwise you may want to keep following up with a local eye doctor you trust. Hope this helps.
You know what doctor! I've just watched all of your videos on various eye-diseases,treatments and lenses for eyes like Eye-conjunctivitis, Dry eyes, Eye-bags, Computer Vision Syndrome(Digital Strain), Floaters, PVD, Atropine eye-drops & Pineapples(Bromelain), Visual Snow Syndrome, BFEP, Glaucoma, Cataracts, Legal Blindness, Foods & Exercises for the eyes, Blue light filtered lenses, Anti-glare lenses and many more. So I just memorized everything and talked to both the eye-doctors, my local doc said I've eye conjunctivitis and the eminent one said I've Medical Student Syndrome. May be because he was fascinated by the medical terminology I was consistently using throughout the consversation with him. So as help, I just want to know if halos around lights can be noticed without any eye-defect.Because the eye-doctors I consulted just told me after eye-examination that my eyes are normal.There's no defect or irregularity. But they didn't answer why I'm seeing halos around lights.
Fack same I'm 17 and started seeing floaters a few months and then there's suddenly a blue field entoptic phenomenon when I look at white wall and blue sky then suddenly I saw halos starburs just last week and with astigmatism and double vision:/
@@fsum1098 Glad I finally found someone with almost same eye-problems! uk I also have Astigmatism(-2.25 Diopters each eye) and that leads to double vision when I see horizontally placed objects. Some people worry about their spherical numbers, but I wish I had spherical only... Astigmatism is too disgusting right? And uk what, my vision with floaters, BFEP & rainbow halos around lights just deteriorated over time... Initially I was noticing only a slim & tiny portion of rainbow around lights but now I see complete rainbow(somewhat thicker too). I used to see floaters only in sky but now I see them even on white & grey coloured walls, white pages of books etc. But one thing that I'm really doubtful about is BFEP. I initially started noticing dark vortex in sky(very disgusting), and then came numerous white dots and it just became worst. But over time I just became less likely to observe the dark vortex of WBCs and now I don't usually notice it. But yeah, white dots just kept being more noticeable and I also see them on white & grey walls even. btw what's your experience? Do you see a dark trail/vortex of WBCs in the sky?
@@mathematicalbiologist154 some times I see them when I had a headache i wish they can fix our eye like removing the floaters Safer eye floater treatments come with a burst of nanobubbles I think it will be available soon. fix the eye and transplant some retina or retinal therapy but it's only available in trials I hope it will come sooner. I think because of this floaters it causes cataract I hope not but it has a possibility that causes halos around light like rainbow or the cornea is swelling or cornea problem that causes halos and starburst with astigmatism or lens of the eye.
I would love to try the Theravision one since I have serious issues with pollen allergies and my eye are the ones that react the strongest to allergens
Hello Dr. Allen, I have the condition of presbyopia and I've been wearing the bausch and lomb contacts. They are great but I was wondering about the Alcon Total 30 for presbyopia if it's going to be available or if it's available already? I been doing some research but I can't find any information on a launch of the multiifocal lenses. Thank you for sharing this great information I learned so much on different options I have for comfortable contacts lenses. You're the BEST Dr Allen!!🏆👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Oh thank you so much! I have not heard of anything about the MF Total 30s yet. Perhaps next year? I know the Alcon Max lens has a MF and I have been hearing good things.
Hi DR Allen I have trouble putting contact lenses... It just cannot be done, when I open my eye too much or hold my eyelid I feel like there is air coming to my eyes, or like wind :) The lenses drop or I blink, and I have tried so many times... Is there an option to put an anesthetic drops at least for the first time and then put contact lenses I am highly motivated for this Watch you on a regular basis big fan Thanks in advance
Hey thanks! Yes, I suppose we do use anesthetic when we do fittings for specialty lenses so it could be down to help someone get through the motions. But ultimately it would be something you would need to discuss with your local doctor. It would be a little unorthodox.
I recently switched to contacts after wearing glasses for 27 years and I was given Acuvue Oasys bi-weekly lenses. What is your take on those? I've had nothing but good experience with it :)
After a couple of years wearing contacts, I had one bad experience with Alcon ( Dailies Acqua comfort 1) One of them broke while I was taking it off. I couldn't get the rest of it off and I had to go to the eye doctor. Since then I've tried the rest of the brands, but I'm scared to go back to anything Alcon. Even if they're the winners..
I want a video all about YOU your eye prescription now and what it was when you first got glasses What contacts you used to wear what you wear now why you changed and etc
Hello doctor, I have a question about the total 30 monthly lenses. I use the opti free pure moist solution and I'm wondering if it is counterproductive to rub the surfaces while cleaning because of the water gradient surfaces? Or if there is a specific solution to use for water gradient lenses?
I work for Coopversion their contact lenses are excellent but monomer does not work at all for my eye so Im testing 2 products from Johnson and Johnson right now the better solution for my eye is Acuvue True Eye.
No..I missed 2023 too. I am waiting for a new lens to drop on the market that I know is about to come out. (tech in contact lenses is much slower than other industries as it takes about a decade to develop a new product and get it to market)
i had a trial set of the alcon total 1 and they are AMAZING!! Unfortunately, they are too expensive for my budget. Are there any you'd say are comparable in comfort, but also cheaper?
I am trialing the Precision1 right now, and they seem to work perfectly well, but out of the 7 days I have had, they felt dry for two of them. I am ordering them for a month to better understand how they work before getting them for a year. Should I ask my eye doctor for Dailies Total 1 or any other lenses if I am feeling dry with the Precision1 on some days? I don't have dry eyes, but I feel dry occasionally while wearing contact lenses. Also, I have been wearing contact lenses for 10+ years (mostly monthly and biweekly before), and I wonder why people find these hard to take off, as I haven't had any issues with that.
So what’s the difference between the dailies total 1 and infuse ? Is it that infuse released medication into your eye and total 1 is more for having the best breathability and comfort?
That is not a bad way to think about it. Daily total 1 technically does release a lipid stablizer throughout the day too - it is also designed with the water gradient material. Infuse is built around stabilizing the tear film by releasing the proteins and electrolytes that commonly decrease with dry eye.
Day 4 with my success on getting mine in and out and so far I found the percision 1 dailies are so comfy and amazing Also what do you do if you run out of the free trial?
Go to an eyeglass place and order more from there. Also, I wear tre he same contacts as you do for daily use but my eyes turn red. Have you had that problem?
@@whatsgoodjboog that’s a tough question to answer but I live in a state we’re weed is legal so yes and no I guess lol but redness from what dude is saying is normal u eyes still get dry and they still get red fr that dryness I’m no optical doc but that makes sense lol
I just stumbled upon your videos and finding such great info. I recently bought (toric) colored lenses from Italy. While beautiful they are thicker than my regular monthlies and quite drying. My understanding is that Air Optic no longer manufactures colored lenses. Is that correct? Thank you for all the great info you provide.
Where can I get a prescription of -12.50? I have recent experienced big eye changes including cataracts and can’t seem to find my stronger prescription
This is a old video so I don't think I'll get a reply but where I would ask. So, I am new to contacts. I am using Purevision 2 monthly, I wear them about 12-13 hours straight, sometimes 15 hours. It doesn't dry out or cause an itch but is it safe for a prolonged period?
Dr, good day I am bethuel from Nigeria I have been on glasses since 2009 which I noticed myopic symptoms in 2007, this has progressed over the years till this moment . currently my eye power is -4.50 for both eyes. Which contact lens is advisable for this stage of myopia??
Did you find anything ? It sucks you really don’t have options for colored contacts that work with astigmatism. My doctor straight up said no it’s not possible for my prescription lol
I've been using Acuvue Oasys for astigmatism for the past few years now. Within the last ~6 months my eyes have not been able to tolerate them at all. If I wear them for roughly 5-8 hours my eyes start to get irritated and turn red so I'll take them out. Then my eyes continue to stay red for up to 3 days after taking the contacts out. Do you have any recommendation for what I should try to do to help the situation? I've been using Opti-Free solution everyday and never sleep in the contacts. My eye doctor is recommending some Ultra Toric Lenses from Bausch and Lamb I believe but I am still waiting on them to be delivered to the optometrist before I try them.
Watch out! There is a lot of misinformation about contact lenses on the internet - Learn more in this video where I break down a lot of these myths
I've been trying to find colour contacts for astigmatism with a base curve of 8.4 but they're mostly 8.6 😔
Hey doc, how to store daily contact lenses? Is it okay if I put in the fridge?
Pin location
Can’t wait for your review on the new Acuvue Oasys Max.
Can you do a review for Total30 Alcon lenses?
I just got contacts today 😭 it took me like 30 minutes to get them in and even longer to get them out 💀 but it’s 100% worth it
I can’t really explain how to put them in. It was super easy for me to start so I just do what I do but taking them out the way I explain it is to use your non dominant hand to life your upper eyelid. Once it’s open wide enough use your dominant hand index finger and thumb and literally pinch them out of your eye. You basically take your index finger and start to drag the contact down and pinch it with your thumb.
I new to contacts been wearing them for almost 2 month I been using the alcon total 30 and I must say I agree first 2 weeks I could tell they were there but after that sometime I forget I even wearing them great review keep up the good work!!
I was never able to wear contact lenses before due to astigmatism and poor lense stabilisation. Until my doctor prescribed me te Alcon precision 1 and I loved it. I then asked her a monthly alternative and she prescribed the total 30 astigmatism by Alcon and I must admit I like them even more than the precision 1. For years I wasn’t able to wear contact lenses and I tried a lot of brands, now I always wear them when I go out, can’t even feel them after a day of work .
Biofinity has Top tier quality with astigmatism correction, honestly the best lenses I’ve ever used
I've struggled with dry eyes and irritation using multiple different lenses including acuvu oasis to the point I was choosing to not wear them and go through life with a little blur. Total 30 has been life changing. I wear them from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed and don't feel a thing. Super comfortable and stable with very little movement. Buy them.
Love hearing that! Total 30 is my favorite monthly right now
For Astigmatism and dry eyes I absolutely love the Bausch and Lomb Biotrue contacts. Keep their moisture all day, feel great and great vision!
Best and most helpful video of the year award goes to:: THIS VIDEO (keep up the amazing work)
Thanks Josh!!!!
I have coloboma and microphthalmia. The company I use to get my contacts stopped making coloured contacts. Been working with my eye specialist for years and we’re just at a loss to find a lens that hides my eye defects. I live in the U.K. we tried the Alcon coloured lenses, they did feel comfortable but just didn’t do what I got them for.
I couldn’t agree more on the monthly and daily lenses! I cannot wait to work with the dailies total 1 for astigmatism. They just came out in Belgium, so excited! Great to hear you have great experiences with it!
Waiting for them to come out in singapore😓
I find that the dailies total one for astigmatism suck to me. They are nothing like the normal dailies total one
@@Muzicboy3why? I want to try it but I’ve only heard good things about about the regular ones. For astig, I’ve been hearing mixed things.
I've been using Hubble since 2018 and I just canceled my subscription this past week. I moved on to Dailies Aqua Plus. My optometrist said Hubble doesn't have a good business model and I learned the hard way that she was right.
I tried their free trial and those are the most uncomfortable lenses I have ever wore.
@@Jinxyoutoheaven Hubble or Dailies?
@@JinxyoutoheavenHubble or Dailies???
Im an Oasys 1 Day wearer myself and completely love them.
Thank you. Great info. Appreciate your time in giving us such thorough information.
Any time!
does they make color contacts for keratokonus ?
I’m so glad you talked about the Alcon Total 30 lens. During my next eye care visit I’m going to ask about these.
You should! I do like them! You still need to clean them every day but otherwise they work well for me.
This was great! Straight to the point, helpful and you probably saved my eyes from this video.
Shout out to precision 1 fr. It's the only lens I've ever used that doesn't spin around in my eye throughout the day (astigmatism). Too bad it's super expensive to use dailies vs monthlies 😂
The precision 1 dailies make my eyes turn red though. Do you experience this as well?
@@whatsgoodjboog i've never had my eyes turn red with them but I definitely had discomfort after the 5 hr mark (my original comment was written when I was wearing them for 4 hr at a time lol)
@@himynameisciel the weird thing I don't quite understand is that my eyes aren't red when the contacts are in. They turn red when I take them out. I'm going to stick with the contacts because they're comfortable(I forget they're in my eyes) and the redness is only visible when I take my contacts out. I always wear my contacts so I'm good.
Precision 1 get dry as a bone when you wear them for more than 5 hours and then they are so hard to remove because they’re so dry
@@davidr713 you just have to drown your eyes in eyedrops, man (don't actually please this is a joke - take care of your eyes)
Alcon total 30 is gooood!! Glad you agree
It really is!
Are you still enjoying your total30 contacts? I just started them today. I was using airoptix plus.
I just started wearing contact lenses a month ago and a few of my options were in this video.
What did you end up going with?
yeah,finally 2022 👍👍great video Dr
Yes! Thank you!
Which lens in this video was your favorite? Let me know what cool things you would like in a future contact lens?
I hope i can afford that onces😭😭😭😭
Have a scleral lens fitting in afew days and was hoping to see something mentioned about them.
@@alexn8320 This video was more about soft lenses but I should have some videos about sclerals coming out this year for sure. How was the fitting? Cool experience?
Please make a video specifically for blue light contact lenses. What are the best ones?
Jones got some confidence after the win, maybe he will fool himself into believing that fighting a last fight of an old fighter will be same as fighting in prime Tom😂
WoW- so glad I watched you today…..not the first visit with u however. Watched many of your videos prior to cataract surgery 2 years ago. Since surgery, I wear the Daily Total 1 in left eye to give me better ability to read small print. My right eye has an astigmatism and 2 years ago when I started wearing the L eye…Alcon did not make one that addresses astigmatism. I visit my OD in a few weeks and will ask to be fitted for it. I’ve worn other brands in the past, but I am one of those who says I don’t even know I am wearing a contact with the Total 1.
Hey thanks for the great comment and letting me know! Hopefully, the new lenses fit well and work great for you! How did the cataract surgery go?
I just recently tried the Dalies Total 1 for astigmatism, and while comfortable, they kept moving every once and awhile when blinking. They just weren't stable in my eye. Tried out the Precision 1's which are using the same technology and they were perfect. Thought it was kind of weird that they use the same astigmatism tech and are mostly the same in other areas, yet the Total 1's were a no go for me.
Same experience for me!
Glad to see I'm not the only one. I had my eyes checked by the optician when I had them in. They basically told me that the lens sits correctly on my eye, but still I'm experiencing the same moving/blinking issue.
I've been wearing the Alcon Dailies Aquacomfort for the last couple of years but they dry out before the end of the day and make it difficult to see at night. I've been anxiously waiting for the Precision 1's for astigmatism to come out this year and have been testing them the last few weeks. Sadly they are unstable on my eyes and move around when I blink causing blurriness. It has been so disappointing because they are so comfortable. Interesting Precision 1's solved your unstable problem, but instability was the problem for me when I tried them.
Tried the dailies total 1 astigmatism today, comfortable but keep moving every time we blink the eye
This is the same problem for me! Im a first time contact lens wearer as of today and they gave me dailies too.
Interesting to put Precision as best for beginners. I would argue Infuse would be a little better due to lower modulus + being most complete overall. But $ may scare off new wearers haha
Biofinity Toric XR has been the best, for me, so far for my astigmatism. I started with Frequency 55 Toric XR and their stability was terrible. Then went with Pro Clear Toric XR. Much better stability, but they can have horrible ghosting when driving at night. Now that I'm 40 years old, my eye doctor prescribed me with Biofinity Multifocal lenses that also correct astigmatism in my range. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they do.
What's the best monthly for astigmatism?
E Rodriguez
8 minutes ago
I am a veteran contact Lense wearer. I started wearing gas perm contacts at age twelve. Never wore glasses until I turned close to 50 when I started wearing eyeglasses with progressive lenses. I always hated glasses and every time I went to have my eyes checked I would ask if they had something new for me. I have astigmatism and myopia. I just went for a new pair of prescription glasses and was discussing contact lenses with my Dr. She actually said YES!!!, I can wear the "Ultra Toric multifocal lenses".... (What do you think of these?) Needless to say, I was static about it. I went for my first fitting yesterday and was able to insert them in right away...but when it came to taking them off, I could not :(... I tried over 15 minutes and I was very frustrated and disappointed. The Dr. had to take them out herself. I am going back tomorrow for another try, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!! I like your method of taking them of and will try it tomorrow. Their method was just placing my finger on the Lense and sliding it off my eye...At the end of the session my eye was stinging and all red and could not do it.... Wish me luck!!!! :)
I’ve worn contacts on and off for years. Just started wearing Total 30 a month ago. Most comfortable contacts I’ve worn. They do feel like nothing
I just started wearing total30 today. Do you still like them after wearing them awhile? I've seen some bad reviews and I'm unsure if I should go ahead and order some.
@@jammie_marie Yes! I think they're great. I can often wear them up to 16 hours, though sometimes they can start to feel dry. I can usually get through at least 12 hours with no issues. I switched to Clear Care solution and that has made a difference too. I don't have issues with them becoming uncomfortable closer to day 30. If the contacts work for you, bad reviews don't mean anything. I would definitely wear them for a few days to a week before ordering them, though
U are so right, not everyone is the same. U should test what lens worsk for u.
I’ve only used Biofinity for the past 10-ish years, but I’m trying to find new lenses since they’re starting to irritate my eyes. I have astigmatism, so I’m definitely going to ask about Total 30. I wish there with healthy options for colored lenses for astigmatism. 😭
Depending on someones astigmatism level, if they can try a Daily Total 1 for astigmatism that may be the highest quality astigmatism lens on the market. If price is a factor, the Precision 1 astigmatism is a good compromise. Otherwise, after the biofinity toric I like the B/L Ultra astigmatism.
Thank you very much 😊 A doctor from srilanka .
Most welcome! Thanks for being here! Such an honor to have people from around the world watching the show!
Love the volume of the backround music. So many of UA-camrs have their music way too loud.
Hey Thanks for noticing!!! I made that mistake early on during my UA-cam Career. Better to error on the side of too quiet than too loud.
Great video. Is there an updated version of this? I have hyperopia and slight astigmatism and I was given a trial pair of biofinity lenses and they hurt my eyes.
I'm getting an eye exam for contacts next week. I've got presbyopia. Im going to get the Accuvue Multifocal. I only wish they had transitions on the lens.
Hope you love them!
Since eyeris is not everywhere, can you please please please recommend another cheaper alternative? Thanksyouu
Coopervision MyDay lenses or the B&L Biotrue onedays. If you are looking for good quality, affordable and daily lens.
@@DoctorEyeHealth Thank you!
any tinted contacts you recommend?
My options seem limited since most toric lenses only come in - 2.25 max. It's unfortunate but I see hope we will see more daily lenses coming out with higher astigmatism correction!
Yes and unfortunately acuvue oasys astigmatism recently discontinued my prescription -3.5 -2.75-030 :(
Biofinity Toric !! They have the higher prescriptions
Hi doc, if there was an award specifically for monthly astigmatism lenses, who would receive it? I've been using the Biofinity Torics for years, but I'm curious if there's anything new and better on the market
There have not been many advances for monthly astigmatism lenses, but If i had to pick it would be the B&L Ultra astigmatism lenses. (Otherwise I still like Biofinity Torics myself)
I have B&L they are amazing
@@DoctorEyeHealth that's nice to hear, I'll try them out next time. How is the oxygen permeability compared to the Biofinitys?
@@motecarlo1286 have you also tried the Biofinitys? Can you compare the twos?
@@DevTNT I have not tried bioinfinity, sorry
It's good to see u and to listen you.
Hi! Do you know the best colored TORIC lenses for astigmatism and dry eyes?
Hi Doc! Once again thank you so much for this detailed video! What's your opinion on the Acuvue Oasys Max lens coming out later this year? Alot fo claims coming from J&J about them!
I heard about that! I don't know too much about it yet but I can't wait to try them.
Thank you for your awesome informational videos! Sorry this might be a little long and I'm going to age myself here, but I wore yearly contacts 20+ years ago. Best decision I ever made was getting Lasik when i was 19. Now that get I'm getting older (and hopefully a little wiser) 😆, the past few months I've noticed my right eye getting blurry and sure enough, I have a slight astigmatism and nearsightedness. Decided to get contacts again and Holy moly things have changed so much since I've worn them! Honestly didn't even know I had astigmatism either. I've been trying a few different brands for 2 months now, (Acuvue Oaysis, Alcon Air Optix Hydraglyde, and Cooper Vision Biofinity) After trying so many, my Dr and I decided that the Cooper Vision was the best for me. I still have slight issues some days when my allergies are high though. Do you have any suggestions how to help with that? Or others you might would recommend me trying? Thank you again!
Been waiting for this!
Thank you! Hope you enjoyed it!
@@DoctorEyeHealth Super excited to switch from Monthly lenses to Daily lenses!
I probably need ones that I can sleep in because I have a hard time taking them out.
Had 2 week lenses for a long time. I had the cooper vision and they stopped making them and decided to get dailies and never looked back
I can’t decide between the vita and the total 30. They are both super comfortable. Is one better for cleaning and vision.
I think they are pretty comparable. I think the Total 30 would be my go to if I had to pick, just because they have some mild blue light blocking.
@@DoctorEyeHealth I certainly do like the blue light aspect. The Vita’s are easier to take in and out of your eyes and hence just easier to handle. At the end of the month I’m back to the total 30. I will be focused on which one I perceive to have better vision. Headlight glare is worst on the total 30. That I’m convinced of. I also believe the total 30’s will resist lipids and other protein buildups on the lenses better. It’s hard to decide here but it’s good problem to have.
Hey is it bad to have the same prescription for contacts as your glasses?
Are there colored contacts for astigmatism?
Doctor Eye: This is an unrelated question to contacts.
I was exposed to mold in 2020 for several days. I started having some serious issues with my eyes. I am still having issues today in 2022. The issues worsened when I moved from a wet climate to a dry climate. I have been diagnosed with dry eye and allergies. Do you have any recommendations for my eyes? Thank you.
Hey Deb, thanks for the question! I am personally allergic to mold (wet basements) and it bothers my eyes too. the changing of climates can cause issues with the eyes and the ocular surface, so it is not too surprising if someone has problems with dry eyes. Dry eye and allergic conjunctivitis is challenging, your doctor will usually try to address both at the same time by controlling inflammation and trying to eliminate whatever is causing the allergy. Due to the changes in humidity, your doctor may also talk to you about using humidifiers, moisture goggles, avoiding fans etc. Has your doctor started you on any treatment?
@@DoctorEyeHealth Hi Dr. Eye Health. Thank you for replying. My doctor has prescribed Ocusoft Hypochlor which I use twice a day. Also, Flarex. I use that sparingly because it is a steroid that could harm my eyes if used too much. I also use a heated moist pad on my eyes at night for about 15 minutes. That’s all.
Your videos are so helpful and I love all your videos you up load 💙
Thank you so much!!
Hello Dr. Question - What is your opinion of color lenses.
Infuse is wonderful. My award would be Oasys 1 Day only for comfort for 1 Day. I completely agree with you on the Total 30. Absolutely cannot even feel this one on my eyes. This is great for a reusable 30 day lens. Oasys 1 Day Max that is coming out soon will block about 60% of blue light from what I understand. For the 2 week lens Oasys is hard to beat but a great 2 week toric lens that settles awesome is Vitality Toric by coopervision although comfort is not as great as the 1 day lenses. Best astigmatism lens for me is Precision 1 Toric or Dailies Total 1 toric. Oasys 1 Day Max Multifocal might be my new Fav if it's just as comfortable as Oasys 1 Day spheres. Awesome video Dr Allen. We dumped our Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus fit set as well as our Acuvue 1 Day Moist fit set this week. Value for me is Biofinity EW. So cheap yet so breathable. And I totally agree with Hubble hahaha. Worst contacts ever!!!!! Legal problems, no breathability, patients getting red eyes and the list goes on;/
I have had the precision one for 3 months, and now i am about to try the total 1, however i can't wait to see toric trans. Lenses
Hope they work great for you! I enjoy them both.
love this video, I will defiantly be trying the coloured Alcon lenses!! do you recommend desio lenses? I'm not too sure if they are approved by optometrists for 3 monthly use.
Good day doc, i have a question.
How many months did you change your contact lens?
Well I wear daily lenses, so i do switch to new ones every day. I did try the Alcon total 30 for a full month about a year ago. Otherwise, I do try different lenses when something new comes out.
Thank you for that doc. As of now i wear contacts lens for one month and next month i change it for a new one. Is it ok dok to change the contact lens every year?
What is your advice for that doc?
I work at an eye clinic in Japan.
I have a question about precision 1.
We know it's very easy to put them in, and it's very comfortable to wear. But it's a bit difficult to take them out not only for beginners, we think.
That's why some patinet gives up using precision 1.
So we can't recommend them to beginners easily.
Have you ever heard a case like this ?
Hi. What do you think about japanese brand "Miru"? Saw this in local market (i'm from Turkey). Are they good?
I'm sorry I don't have enough knowledge about overseas products, but I have some information about three types of "Miru".
And this is just my personal opinion.
" Miru 1day Up Side " and "Miru 1month Menicon" are good, silicone hydrogel. (this may be off topic, but "Miru 1month Menicon" is on sale as 2-week replacement lens in Japan.)
Sometimes you might feel it's a bit difficult to pick up lens, though.
"Miru 1day flat Pack" is easy to carry , but it's not good especially for beginners.
Because it has a little solution.
It's not silicone hydrogel, so there are few users in our clinic and shop.
I hope this helps you !
Same technology as Dailies Total 1 and I completely agree. They are more difficult for me to remove and I've been wearing contacts for about 28 years now. You just have to be sure your fingers are bone dry. I've left my eye a bit red multiple times trying to remove them.
Hey doc I just got prescribed the Alcon air optix hydraglyde. What do you think of them? ❤️
Thank you for all your videos. I am from South Africa. I use Cooper Vision Bio Infinity. New patient now for 3 months. I sleep with them and only take it out every 7 days. I was advised that it is okay to sleep with them. No problem and I am not aware of them. Do you know the brand and can I sleep with them without long term eye damage?
Hey Doctor Allen, please help!
I'm just 17 and I've started experiencing Floaters from around a month, but not just that, Then I started noticing Blue Field Entoptic phenomenon. Though It was ok till that, but I then suddenly started seeing rainbow halos, startburts and glares around lights. So I consulted a local doctor and he said the rainbow halos are because of Eye-conjuctivitis and prescribed me anti-bacterial eye ointment and drops for 15 days... Nothing happened
So I then went to the best eye-doctor in my city and he said your eyes are totally Normal, those Colourful halos and BFEP are just because you have 'Medical Student Syndrome' and he prescribed me Osmodrops(for Dry eyes) and Lycopene, Multivitamins & Multiminerals Tablets for 30 days.
Please doctor Allen, I request you to advice me if there could be anything serious in my eyes due to these symptoms or they can be noticed with healthy eyes even.
Hey thanks for reaching out. First of all I am happy that you did the right thing and consulted a local doctor, 2 doctors in fact. "medical student syndrome" is a funny term but it makes sense when someone dives deep into trying to understand something they are experiencing and maybe stressing about it.
Unfortunately, without an examination I am not sure what more help I can offer other than what is already in my videos about floaters, migraine aura, BFEP and Visual Snow Syndrome. I think it is always a good idea to get regular sleep, drink and eat well and try to engage is stress relieving activities, otherwise you may want to keep following up with a local eye doctor you trust.
Hope this helps.
You know what doctor! I've just watched all of your videos on various eye-diseases,treatments and lenses for eyes like Eye-conjunctivitis, Dry eyes, Eye-bags, Computer Vision Syndrome(Digital Strain), Floaters, PVD, Atropine eye-drops & Pineapples(Bromelain), Visual Snow Syndrome, BFEP, Glaucoma, Cataracts, Legal Blindness, Foods & Exercises for the eyes, Blue light filtered lenses, Anti-glare lenses and many more. So I just memorized everything and talked to both the eye-doctors, my local doc said I've eye conjunctivitis and the eminent one said I've Medical Student Syndrome. May be because he was fascinated by the medical terminology I was consistently using throughout the consversation with him.
So as help, I just want to know if halos around lights can be noticed without any eye-defect.Because the eye-doctors I consulted just told me after eye-examination that my eyes are normal.There's no defect or irregularity. But they didn't answer why I'm seeing halos around lights.
Fack same I'm 17 and started seeing floaters a few months and then there's suddenly a blue field entoptic phenomenon when I look at white wall and blue sky then suddenly I saw halos starburs just last week and with astigmatism and double vision:/
@@fsum1098 Glad I finally found someone with almost same eye-problems! uk I also have Astigmatism(-2.25 Diopters each eye) and that leads to double vision when I see horizontally placed objects. Some people worry about their spherical numbers, but I wish I had spherical only... Astigmatism is too disgusting right? And uk what, my vision with floaters, BFEP & rainbow halos around lights just deteriorated over time... Initially I was noticing only a slim & tiny portion of rainbow around lights but now I see complete rainbow(somewhat thicker too). I used to see floaters only in sky but now I see them even on white & grey coloured walls, white pages of books etc. But one thing that I'm really doubtful about is BFEP. I initially started noticing dark vortex in sky(very disgusting), and then came numerous white dots and it just became worst. But over time I just became less likely to observe the dark vortex of WBCs and now I don't usually notice it. But yeah, white dots just kept being more noticeable and I also see them on white & grey walls even.
btw what's your experience? Do you see a dark trail/vortex of WBCs in the sky?
@@mathematicalbiologist154 some times I see them when I had a headache i wish they can fix our eye like removing the floaters Safer eye floater treatments come with a burst of nanobubbles I think it will be available soon. fix the eye and transplant some retina or retinal therapy but it's only available in trials I hope it will come sooner. I think because of this floaters it causes cataract I hope not but it has a possibility that causes halos around light like rainbow or the cornea is swelling or cornea problem that causes halos and starburst with astigmatism or lens of the eye.
I would love to try the Theravision one since I have serious issues with pollen allergies and my eye are the ones that react the strongest to allergens
I know! It will be cool to try it out. Hopefully it is a good design and is comfortable.
@@DoctorEyeHealth I really hope that it comes to Sweden as well as the US
Hello Dr. Allen, I have the condition of presbyopia and I've been wearing the bausch and lomb contacts. They are great but I was wondering about the Alcon Total 30 for presbyopia if it's going to be available or if it's available already? I been doing some research but I can't find any information on a launch of the multiifocal lenses.
Thank you for sharing this great information I learned so much on different options I have for comfortable contacts lenses.
You're the BEST Dr Allen!!🏆👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Oh thank you so much! I have not heard of anything about the MF Total 30s yet. Perhaps next year? I know the Alcon Max lens has a MF and I have been hearing good things.
I love this channel
I love learn new things
50 facts about you please!
Are the Total 30 for Astigmatism just as comfy as the Sphere ones?
I have trouble putting contact lenses... It just cannot be done, when I open my eye too much or hold my eyelid I feel like there is air coming to my eyes, or like wind :) The lenses drop or I blink, and I have tried so many times...
Is there an option to put an anesthetic drops at least for the first time and then put contact lenses
I am highly motivated for this
Watch you on a regular basis big fan
Thanks in advance
Hey thanks! Yes, I suppose we do use anesthetic when we do fittings for specialty lenses so it could be down to help someone get through the motions. But ultimately it would be something you would need to discuss with your local doctor. It would be a little unorthodox.
I recently switched to contacts after wearing glasses for 27 years and I was given Acuvue Oasys bi-weekly lenses. What is your take on those? I've had nothing but good experience with it :)
should i buy those?
Yes, yes you should @@backwardmist2303
Just ordered some Eyeris lenses 🤞
I swore by acuvue oasys but made the switch for my bausch and lomb ultras. I will never go back.
After a couple of years wearing contacts, I had one bad experience with Alcon ( Dailies Acqua comfort 1) One of them broke while I was taking it off. I couldn't get the rest of it off and I had to go to the eye doctor. Since then I've tried the rest of the brands, but I'm scared to go back to anything Alcon. Even if they're the winners..
I want a video all about YOU
your eye prescription now and what it was when you first got glasses
What contacts you used to wear what you wear now why you changed and etc
Ohhhh I've been waiting
You already know what I want to ask
Can you please make a video about SWS sturge weber syndrome? 🙏
@@pikiella2220 Hope you enjoy!
So you the eye doctor. Can you tell me what eye exercise should I do to activated my sharingan?
Dr. Allen, could you please do a review for hybrid contact lenses like synergeyes?
Hello doctor, I have a question about the total 30 monthly lenses. I use the opti free pure moist solution and I'm wondering if it is counterproductive to rub the surfaces while cleaning because of the water gradient surfaces? Or if there is a specific solution to use for water gradient lenses?
I work for Coopversion their contact lenses are excellent but monomer does not work at all for my eye so Im testing 2 products from Johnson and Johnson right now the better solution for my eye is Acuvue True Eye.
Can i use Yearly exposelable lenses
Is the 2024 video out yet?
No..I missed 2023 too. I am waiting for a new lens to drop on the market that I know is about to come out. (tech in contact lenses is much slower than other industries as it takes about a decade to develop a new product and get it to market)
@@DoctorEyeHealth until now (before newest lens drops out), do you still suggest that the Infuse B&L dailies is the best daily lens?
How I can Oder??
So infuse is better than total 1?
i had a trial set of the alcon total 1 and they are AMAZING!! Unfortunately, they are too expensive for my budget. Are there any you'd say are comparable in comfort, but also cheaper?
I am trialing the Precision1 right now, and they seem to work perfectly well, but out of the 7 days I have had, they felt dry for two of them. I am ordering them for a month to better understand how they work before getting them for a year. Should I ask my eye doctor for Dailies Total 1 or any other lenses if I am feeling dry with the Precision1 on some days? I don't have dry eyes, but I feel dry occasionally while wearing contact lenses. Also, I have been wearing contact lenses for 10+ years (mostly monthly and biweekly before), and I wonder why people find these hard to take off, as I haven't had any issues with that.
So what’s the difference between the dailies total 1 and infuse ? Is it that infuse released medication into your eye and total 1 is more for having the best breathability and comfort?
That is not a bad way to think about it. Daily total 1 technically does release a lipid stablizer throughout the day too - it is also designed with the water gradient material. Infuse is built around stabilizing the tear film by releasing the proteins and electrolytes that commonly decrease with dry eye.
Day 4 with my success on getting mine in and out and so far I found the percision 1 dailies are so comfy and amazing
Also what do you do if you run out of the free trial?
Go to an eyeglass place and order more from there. Also, I wear tre he same contacts as you do for daily use but my eyes turn red. Have you had that problem?
@@whatsgoodjboog that’s a tough question to answer but I live in a state we’re weed is legal so yes and no I guess lol but redness from what dude is saying is normal u eyes still get dry and they still get red fr that dryness I’m no optical doc but that makes sense lol
@@keithgregg7282 so you're saying that my eyes are red because they're dry?
Are those infuse lenses easy to put in and get out of the eye?
Some of those premium lens are very difficult to remove.
I just stumbled upon your videos and finding such great info. I recently bought (toric) colored lenses from Italy. While beautiful they are thicker than my regular monthlies and quite drying. My understanding is that Air Optic no longer manufactures colored lenses. Is that correct? Thank you for all the great info you provide.
Can you make a 2023 version ?
Hoping to! But 2024 probably
Have you ever heard of Acme brand? If yes how good are they?
I still use Biofinity by Coopervision. The lenses are great for my astigmatism in my right eye. Do you still recommend Coopervision products??
OMG! Recently subscribed. You gave me a scare with this one. What the heck is that thing above your lip?! 😨
Where can I get a prescription of -12.50? I have recent experienced big eye changes including cataracts and can’t seem to find my stronger prescription
I know for large prescriptions I often like to try Biofinity XRs
This is a old video so I don't think I'll get a reply but where I would ask.
So, I am new to contacts. I am using Purevision 2 monthly, I wear them about 12-13 hours straight, sometimes 15 hours. It doesn't dry out or cause an itch but is it safe for a prolonged period?
Dr, good day I am bethuel from Nigeria I have been on glasses since 2009 which I noticed myopic symptoms in 2007, this has progressed over the years till this moment . currently my eye power is -4.50 for both eyes. Which contact lens is advisable for this stage of myopia??
Hi, can the colored lens go for astigmatism too?
I'm considering contacts for the first time so this is well timed
How about a color contact lens for astigmatism? I have a hard time finding much on that and the vision center at Walmart doesn’t have any.
Did you find anything ? It sucks you really don’t have options for colored contacts that work with astigmatism. My doctor straight up said no it’s not possible for my prescription lol
I hope it's available in Inida
I've been using Acuvue Oasys for astigmatism for the past few years now. Within the last ~6 months my eyes have not been able to tolerate them at all. If I wear them for roughly 5-8 hours my eyes start to get irritated and turn red so I'll take them out. Then my eyes continue to stay red for up to 3 days after taking the contacts out. Do you have any recommendation for what I should try to do to help the situation? I've been using Opti-Free solution everyday and never sleep in the contacts. My eye doctor is recommending some Ultra Toric Lenses from Bausch and Lamb I believe but I am still waiting on them to be delivered to the optometrist before I try them.
Where can i get colored contact lenses for 21.5 prescription? Been told by my long time doctor that the highest they have is for 8.0
Can you speak to using multifocals vs. going monovision in soft contact lenses?
I can’t find daily total 1 for astigmatism in the uk without spending huge bucks. Are they similar to precision 1 for astigmatism
I alway wonder when you talk about monthly lenses is it the lenses last one month after opening or one month of wear ?