Men are rational, they don’t move towards divorce. It doesn’t even really occur to them. The toxicity must have been horrendous. My cute little X was NPD from early childhood trauma. All NPDs cheat, I could not focus on my suspicions because I had 2 young sons . It lasted 29 years before she told me to leave. I filed for divorce the next year. There was no reconciliation involved, she just wanted the ability date (Hmm) 1/2 the guys on the planet. The Universe extracts fairness, she got cervical cancer from HPV from one of her lovers. Women are treacherous.
It is SO easy for the wife in the West to 'go their own way'...For a man to do this, there MUST be a clear, obvious reason. She knows what it is...but she's not tellin'.
@@dillchives those are the women that get arts degrees. Women who go to school for nursing or something that requires brain cells are planning an exit strategy.
I love the commentary. No man ever just wants to walk away from his wife especially when she has kids. It is extremely expensive. She has done something to push him away.
Funny how she left out the exact reason why he chose divorce. She's only asking "How am I going to pay for things??" And THEN mentioned her daughter. Something smells here and it isn't the husband.
Or she is literally stunned/confused and asking for advice from others who have gone through it.. for all we know this came at her with zero warning or indication that it was coming... or as far as we know they could have been fighting for years. No way to tell based on what was shown.
@@uoabigailleveywith that logic, there’s no way we can give her proper advice based on what was shown either. There’s a lot of information that was left out and we can’t be as sympathetic as we’d like. In situations like this, it’s best to always expect the worst out of all parties, including her husband, for we have no knowledge which of the two deserves any merit in their stances.
Looked like she was using hubby as her meal ticket to get her RN, then maybe leave him after her bills get paid. Her lack of remorse of the relationship suggests there wasn't one. No mention of feeling sorry for loss of love, maybe there wasn't any. Would LOVE to hear his side of it.
That is exactly what my wife of 14 years did to me. She did other criminal things I cannot talk about on the internet. We had 6 children between us. Sometimes we marry insane people that hide it well from the world. There are functioning alcoholics just like there are functioning insane people in the world.
She didn’t seem heartbroken about losing her true love...she was peeved about finances and how SHE was going to achieve HER goals. I think he finally realised he was NOT loved and was just a meal ticket.
That's how most women operate. Took 8 years of marriage for me to figure out. Whenever something bothers you or keeps you down, she won't listen, instead she'd just turn it right around to make it about herself.
How many women are financially trapped in there relationship/lives. Most/Majority couldn't leave there man and live the same life style. So that could be said by lots of women and guess it's okay the man doesn't want another.
@@bugmanmech It peeves me that women scream for equality and yet are quite happy to have a man pay his own way...and to pay for her too. Yet, look out if he doesn't wash the dishes.
Nothing about a marriage contract guarantees faithfulness or sex. In fact a woman can't stop having sex with you well before a divorce. However they can take money from you long after you are split up. And they have the major incentive to financially destroy you because it will greatly impact your ability to recover and find a new partner.
Sara. You are Awesome. C’mon, Men don’t go towards divorce unless the Toxicity is beyond control. Divorce is a train wreck, these fools have destroyed Society and their narcissism doesn’t allow them to see it
My case. I 'over'stayed for kids until it became untenable. My divorce was WWIII (my lawyer's word) took 8 yrs and cost me $750,000 I didn't have. Done with that 10+ yrs. WORTH IT!
@@SaluteTheRank. A decade. Mine cost me 250k in just legal. She ended up with 2+ million and 8500 per month and Child support. The Alimony was Permanent in NJ Then a ton of guys like me succeeded in getting the law adjusted and Big Boy Chris Christie signed it. There are states where Alimony doesn’t exist. Wow. How do women live. Then again the Asset Split might be 100% Hers. They have shown that marriage is a very very risky proposition. Juice isn’t worth the Squeeze
Pour one out for the simps who have to put up with selfish and entitled women. I hope they wake up one day. Maybe they'll find that they have value too.
I was impressed by the elaborate mind games and plans used to provoke "a stealthy break up" with me while either playing the victim or staying under plausible deniability.
So she is already assuming that she'll have custody of THEIR daughter and we all know she will use the courts against him for child support. There is way more to this than she is saying. no man will divorce their wife over her taking a part time job to go back to school.
I wonder what did she do for the dude to go straight up for the nuke 🐸 cheated most likely ? He is the better parent anyway, could easier support the child than her.
She left out his reasons why he was 'dissolving' their union. The way she presented it, it was rather sudden. There's usually a very compelling reason for suddenly filing for divorce.
I don't recall where I heard this, but I have seen this happen. " Men will sacrifice their happiness for their family, but women will often sacrifice their family for their happiness.
When a Man Decides to get Married to the Women he Truly Loves , He will move Mountains for her , He is Not going to Give up and walk away That Easy .There is more to this than what she is Saying
Most women are the ones asking for a divorce and tell men to figure everything out on their own but the moment the tables turn they are getting upset talking about “oh what am I going to do?”
There may actually be a reason for the MGTOW movement. This video proves it beyond any reasonable doubt. It seems like so many women don't want to put in the effort to make relationships work anymore. And when kids are involved, God help them. I'm almost 60, and I'm glad. I couldn't imagine being 28 and being married to this woman. Disaster. 😕
Lmao of course there’s reasons for it. To nutshell it, men are waking up to the fact that the game is rigged, and the only way for them to not lose is to not play.
@@Slim_Charles as much as I wish you were wrong sir, unfortunately you're not. It's the truth. I remember a movie from my youth called War Games. The computer concluded that the only way to win is to not play. How about a game of chess instead? Very apt.
What did her husband want or need that she wasn't providing in the relationship... and why not? She's trying to paint herself the victim of a failed marriage when she might be the reason. "I slept with a dude at the gym, which is my husband's fault because he's not given me enough attention lately."
How can you prove she IS the problem? 🙄 The WHOLE story didnt come out. It may be all her fault.. it may be some of her fault. It might be all of his fault. We don't know jack. You just posting because you enjoy trashing Women. 🙄 Think a Man.
I feel bad for her as someone that is divorced, but like so many other comments said, she had to have done something. Guys don't initiate divorce unless something major happened. Even the asshole guys that cheat rarely initiate a divorce. They're more likely to just try having the cake and eating it too. I'm not saying the guy is innocent here because we don't know, but it's extremely rare for a guy to do it out of the blue for no reason but women do that quite often.
Why is her husband divorcing her? He must have a reason? She is just putting her interests first with no thought for her child or husband. She seems only concerned about how she is going to finance her ambitions. Not good.
There is a gaping hole in her little video - she does NOT tell us why her husband wants to dissolution the marriage - as though he just came home one day and randomly told her he wanted out. If she were telling me this story I would ask her the obvious question. What happened between you and your husband that drove him to this decision toots?
The fact that the husband is asking for disillusionment of the marriage leads me to believe that he recently discovered that he is not the biological father of the child...she lied to him - she committed paternity fraud in order to get him to marry her in the first place...just an educated guess
zero accountability.....just a pity party...and throws her daughter in the mix for extra pity.....A man only wants to see his wife's mouth open for one thing...and it aint constant noise!
I feel sad for their daughter too. she is going to do everything she can to poison that little girl‘s opinion of her daddy.Already playing the blame game.Turning her daughter into a victim of her daddy’s wrong doing.
He is divorcing her because he understands she will replace him as soon as possible, so he is thinking one step ahead and breaking the contract himself when he still have some leverage; her having a part time job and if divorced can not afford to life is proof she is using him to improve, plus she isn't worried about him, but how she is going to make it without money, that guy made the right decision
Great explanation Sara, reasons for separations are important but like you said work on the relationship especially for the children’s sake, there are way too many single mothers out there,and the kids need their biological father ❤to be together with mom.
Married 34 years to my beautiful wife.. Key to 34 years of marriage? We never put ourselves first, we always put each other first.. My day is filled of thoughts of what can I do for my wife.. What does she need done around the house to help her from a long day of work. Tough day at work? I cook or we go out for dinner. Supporting her buying things for her hobby and craft room, as sometimes, she needs to be by herself crafting! She in turn, always is thinking of me and what she can do for me.. It is sad to see how diluted, selfish and lazy our society has become with relationships and marriage..
Idk about this specific woman, but i loved when you said that if women would make as much effort in keeping the relationship as they do in planning the exit we'll have way less divorces.
Why do some people have so much trouble learning that marriage is all about US and not a bit about me. A wise man once told me that I should expect to give 60% and only get 40% in return in a marriage. If BOTH people in a marriage approach it this way, they will have a long and happy marriage. If not, then they will find some way to screw it up. Speaking from 55 years of happiness with a terrific lady who is and always will be the love of my life... despite any problems that come along. Come Heaven, heck, or high water, we are in this together.
I love how she automatically thinks "how am I going to provide for me and the child" 1. The children always belong to the man, they are his offspring, his seed. 2. He will provide for them living with him.
This is exactly what my ex wife did... cheated, left & dragged our kids through her own wishes for herself. Horrible human being that doesn't deserve to be a mother.
I'm thinking either he was against her trading her full time job for a part time or she never discussed the matter with him. She also doesn't seem to give a damn about her daughter. She was MUCH more sincere and enthusiastic when talking about herself.
Oh yes, but when women ask for divorce, 70 to 80% of times, they do not care whether the man can afford to live on his own, because HE IS A MAN, right? However, they do expect all the sympathy and help in the world when it is their turn.
Relationships are hard and take continual work from both to last. Over 41 years married here. It's worth the efforts. The sum can be greater than the parts.
01:15 THAT is a GREAT POINT! In fact it is the only POINT that Matters when you think about it and look right at the PROBLEM. People Say 'L O V E' but do not even know it's Original Origin. and Where it comes from. But say they 'LOVE' a TRILLION Times Over!
Some states make no difference between divorce amd dissolution. The ones that do, since she corrected herself on that, make "divorce" only the traditional "fault" divorce, while "dissolution" is more likely to be used for "no-fault" divorce. And the latter typically requires the agreement of both parties. So he would pretty much have to have something big over her head to make her sign the papers. My wild guess is he got a paternity test, got the tough news and told her, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Dissolution of the marriage with a fair agreement and leave this out of the court record, or a fault divorce that makes your affair and the baby's parentage a matter for state scrutiny.
Interesting that she straight-up assumes that she's going to be a single parent to her daughter. Granted, that's how the court system seems to roll, despite overwhelming evidence that putting kids with the mother after the divorce is far more harmful to the kid than putting the kid with the father. But, there's nothing in the woman's words about where Dad fits into the picture regarding child care. If she's really going to struggle that much, why doesn't she just allow dad to be primary caregiver? Now, I will add the caveat that if the child is very young, that changes the dynamic a bit; very small children still need their mother as a significant presence in their lives. But an older child or a teen is almost certainly going to fare better in Dad's house the majority of the time.
Seeking advice on the internet from strangers means she has no friends or family to turn to. Empty inside and seeks validation to feel complete temporarily.
I haven't talked to my son since 2009 (when he was 11) or my daughter since 2012 (when she was 17). They disowned me despite the fact that I paid every dollar of child support and never physically harmed them. That's okay. Now I am married to a beautiful Filipina; her three teenage daughters call me dad. My wife is 25 years younger than I am. Last year she took a 6-month caregiving course so that she will know how to take care of me when I get older. Guess who will inherit 100% of my 7-figure estate?
1) automatic assumption the daughter stays with her 2) equating staying married mostly with financial support for her and the kid 3) no mention of being sad or hurt, clearly there’s no love lost on the husband but leaves that part out
Man itd be HORRIBLE if she had to get a full time job, pay for her own place, her own bills, her own car and all that... ya know... like a man That said, i agree with this blonde woman speaking
Simple really Divorce lawyers have made a business of asset stripping men through the process. End "no fault divorce" and at birth Paternity testing and let's see what happens?
In my experience, it's SERIOUSLY DAMN RARE for a man to initiate divorce. They know the $$$COST involved, so generally try to avoid it. However, it seems socially acceptable (almost expected?) for women to walk away at the drop of a hat and demand 1/2 the assets. A family friend THOUGHT he was happily married for 20 years, saw no warning signs, just came home to a note that said "You're boring. I'm leaving" and his wife had already taken her belongings and gone.
Another point id like to make is majority of men think things are a rough patch, we will get through it mentality. Whereas women are looking for the closest exit, a way out when the tough gets rougher, finances get tight and some guy in her DMS is promising her the world !
There's a reason he's saying goodbye. But she's leaving that part out.
Likely found out that once she got her RN degree she was going to divorce him a d leave him with the cost.
@@MasterMalrubius oh 100%, there is no doubt in my mind that you are correct
@@MasterMalrubiuslook at her smirk? how did he not notice it before marrying her
@@MasterMalrubiusthat’s exactly what happened to me
In my experience, breakups are triggered by: 1) adultery 2) violence 3) drug use 4) financial abuse.
It takes a whole lot of nonsense for a husband to push for divorce.
especially if there is a kid. Men know they are mostly fcked financially if they have a kid together.
Bingo! Yes.
Men are rational, they don’t move towards divorce. It doesn’t even really occur to them. The toxicity must have been horrendous. My cute little X was NPD from early childhood trauma. All NPDs cheat, I could not focus on my suspicions because I had 2 young sons . It lasted 29 years before she told me to leave. I filed for divorce the next year. There was no reconciliation involved, she just wanted the ability date (Hmm) 1/2 the guys on the planet.
The Universe extracts fairness, she got cervical cancer from HPV from one of her lovers. Women are treacherous.
Usually cheating is involved.
It is SO easy for the wife in the West to 'go their own way'...For a man to do this, there MUST be a clear, obvious reason. She knows what it is...but she's not tellin'.
You know if a man says he wants a divorce she was a nightmare.
She was going to divorce her husband as soon as she graduated college because he wouldn't be good enough any more for her.
Happened to me
Sometimes they also go back to school to get a degree they never plan on using just so they can stop going to work for a while.
An original marriage is a covenant till death do us part. Do not marry a divorced person😮
@@dillchives those are the women that get arts degrees.
Women who go to school for nursing or something that requires brain cells are planning an exit strategy.
Because she obviously did something really bad. No father would do that without reason.
She’s on a video talking about it… no further evidence required.
facts!!!! im living it right now my ex is a lying cheating whore!!
No, sloot is a more accurate term.
304s get paid.
Unless he's a psycho.
I love the commentary.
No man ever just wants to walk away from his wife especially when she has kids. It is extremely expensive. She has done something to push him away.
Players never stay unless the woman lets them have there women and her with the kids.
Most likely the kid is not his. Of course she leaves out the reason he asked for the divorce, otherwise she could not play the victim card.
i know guys that have left their wife and kids just because they got tired of being married.
NO FAULT of the wife or kids
Believe me, if this relationship break-up wasn't her fault she would have put her husband over fire with nasty bitching about how bad he is.
She would scream “abusive narcissist” from the rooftops
She will do it nonetheless
Funny how she left out the exact reason why he chose divorce. She's only asking "How am I going to pay for things??" And THEN mentioned her daughter. Something smells here and it isn't the husband.
Why does she assume she will get custody of the daughter? Maybe he is the better parent and she will have to pay him child support
@@JosephBaker-rh7dz Statistically speaking, he likely is. Single fathers with custody do better than single mothers with custody.
@@JosephBaker-rh7dzmost of the time the mom will get custody. So by statistics she can say that.
Just the fact that she decided to air this problem in public means the attention she gets is more important than the family.
Very true.
Or she is literally stunned/confused and asking for advice from others who have gone through it.. for all we know this came at her with zero warning or indication that it was coming... or as far as we know they could have been fighting for years. No way to tell based on what was shown.
@@uoabigaillevey, if the Internet is where she goes for that, it tells you all you need to know. OP still holds true.
True! Women are addicted to attention and validation, and the need to be the center of attention, her now ex- husband got tired of it.
@@uoabigailleveywith that logic, there’s no way we can give her proper advice based on what was shown either. There’s a lot of information that was left out and we can’t be as sympathetic as we’d like. In situations like this, it’s best to always expect the worst out of all parties, including her husband, for we have no knowledge which of the two deserves any merit in their stances.
Looked like she was using hubby as her meal ticket to get her RN, then maybe leave him after her bills get paid. Her lack of remorse of the relationship suggests there wasn't one. No mention of feeling sorry for loss of love, maybe there wasn't any. Would LOVE to hear his side of it.
That is exactly what my wife of 14 years did to me. She did other criminal things I cannot talk about on the internet. We had 6 children between us. Sometimes we marry insane people that hide it well from the world. There are functioning alcoholics just like there are functioning insane people in the world.
Wow 6 children. All these children have different baby daddy's or all from same guy.
@@BlazingNChilling7s Hers, mine and ours.
We've been married for going on 43 years married come November, it hasn't been easy by any means but your vows are till death do you part. Thank God
She didn't say why he wanted out or how she could save the relationship.
Something is missing here
Playing the Eternal Victim and never taking any of the blame or responsibility
She didn’t seem heartbroken about losing her true love...she was peeved about finances and how SHE was going to achieve HER goals. I think he finally realised he was NOT loved and was just a meal ticket.
That's how most women operate. Took 8 years of marriage for me to figure out. Whenever something bothers you or keeps you down, she won't listen, instead she'd just turn it right around to make it about herself.
How many women are financially trapped in there relationship/lives. Most/Majority couldn't leave there man and live the same life style. So that could be said by lots of women and guess it's okay the man doesn't want another.
@@bugmanmech It peeves me that women scream for equality and yet are quite happy to have a man pay his own way...and to pay for her too. Yet, look out if he doesn't wash the dishes.
You’ve never met your wife until you meet her in court
Or until you catch her having an affair
Sadly, I have seen both.
Nothing about a marriage contract guarantees faithfulness or sex. In fact a woman can't stop having sex with you well before a divorce. However they can take money from you long after you are split up. And they have the major incentive to financially destroy you because it will greatly impact your ability to recover and find a new partner.
You lost me at wife.
You got that shit right
Not one word on 'what could I have done better.' Definitely kay bye this.
Sara. You are Awesome. C’mon, Men don’t go towards divorce unless the Toxicity is beyond control.
Divorce is a train wreck, these fools have destroyed Society and their narcissism doesn’t allow them to see it
My case. I 'over'stayed for kids until it became untenable. My divorce was WWIII (my lawyer's word) took 8 yrs and cost me $750,000 I didn't have.
Done with that 10+ yrs. WORTH IT!
@@SaluteTheRank. A decade. Mine cost me 250k in just legal.
She ended up with 2+ million and 8500 per month and Child support. The Alimony was Permanent in NJ
Then a ton of guys like me succeeded in getting the law adjusted and Big Boy Chris Christie signed it.
There are states where Alimony doesn’t exist. Wow. How do women live. Then again the Asset Split might be 100% Hers.
They have shown that marriage is a very very risky proposition. Juice isn’t worth the Squeeze
kids are always put last, and pay the most.
...that is true....and sad in the extreme
@0patience4flz I was one of those kids. my ex seen to it that my kids were also those kids.
Pour one out for the simps who have to put up with selfish and entitled women. I hope they wake up one day. Maybe they'll find that they have value too.
I was impressed by the elaborate mind games and plans used to provoke "a stealthy break up" with me while either playing the victim or staying under plausible deniability.
A woman NEVER asks her children what they want or need. It is all about what the woman wants.
Bravo. You have nailed it on every point.
So she is already assuming that she'll have custody of THEIR daughter and we all know she will use the courts against him for child support. There is way more to this than she is saying. no man will divorce their wife over her taking a part time job to go back to school.
She is the true mascot as to WHY men divorce and had enough...As most men take wayyyyyy Too much before they break and get fed up...Peace
She doesn't even attempt to say the "WHY". Likely reason is she knows he's right. It was probably his brother or good friend.
I wonder what did she do for the dude to go straight up for the nuke 🐸 cheated most likely ? He is the better parent anyway, could easier support the child than her.
There was no relationship. She doesn't care about him at all.
Her only problem with him leaving is how it affects her plans.
She left out his reasons why he was 'dissolving' their union. The way she presented it, it was rather sudden. There's usually a very compelling reason for suddenly filing for divorce.
You're right. Divorce is always the last resort for most guys and never just 'because' or they're bored. This was brewing for quite some time.
I don't recall where I heard this, but I have seen this happen. " Men will sacrifice their happiness for their family, but women will often sacrifice their family for their happiness.
When a Man Decides to get Married to the Women he Truly Loves , He will move Mountains for her , He is Not going to Give up and walk away That Easy .There is more to this than what she is Saying
Most women are the ones asking for a divorce and tell men to figure everything out on their own but the moment the tables turn they are getting upset talking about “oh what am I going to do?”
Thank you for speaking out for men
There may actually be a reason for the MGTOW movement. This video proves it beyond any reasonable doubt. It seems like so many women don't want to put in the effort to make relationships work anymore. And when kids are involved, God help them. I'm almost 60, and I'm glad. I couldn't imagine being 28 and being married to this woman. Disaster. 😕
Lmao of course there’s reasons for it. To nutshell it, men are waking up to the fact that the game is rigged, and the only way for them to not lose is to not play.
@@Slim_Charles as much as I wish you were wrong sir, unfortunately you're not. It's the truth. I remember a movie from my youth called War Games. The computer concluded that the only way to win is to not play. How about a game of chess instead?
Very apt.
What did her husband want or need that she wasn't providing in the relationship... and why not? She's trying to paint herself the victim of a failed marriage when she might be the reason. "I slept with a dude at the gym, which is my husband's fault because he's not given me enough attention lately."
How can you prove she IS the problem? 🙄 The WHOLE story didnt come out. It may be all her fault.. it may be some of her fault. It might be all of his fault. We don't know jack. You just posting because you enjoy trashing Women. 🙄 Think a Man.
The fact that she's posting a video about this is a powerful indicator of her narcissism.
I feel bad for her as someone that is divorced, but like so many other comments said, she had to have done something. Guys don't initiate divorce unless something major happened. Even the asshole guys that cheat rarely initiate a divorce. They're more likely to just try having the cake and eating it too. I'm not saying the guy is innocent here because we don't know, but it's extremely rare for a guy to do it out of the blue for no reason but women do that quite often.
Social media makes it impossible to have a relationship, people are constantly browsing for a "trade up" whether they admit it or not.
Why is her husband divorcing her? He must have a reason? She is just putting her interests first with no thought for her child or husband. She seems only concerned about how she is going to finance her ambitions. Not good.
There is a gaping hole in her little video - she does NOT tell us why her husband wants to dissolution the marriage - as though he just came home one day and randomly told her he wanted out. If she were telling me this story I would ask her the obvious question. What happened between you and your husband that drove him to this decision toots?
The fact that the husband is asking for disillusionment of the marriage leads me to believe that he recently discovered that he is not the biological father of the child...she lied to him - she committed paternity fraud in order to get him to marry her in the first place...just an educated guess
I would not doubt this
Imagine the SH*T that husband dealt with before he reached his breaking point.
zero accountability.....just a pity party...and throws her daughter in the mix for extra pity.....A man only wants to see his wife's mouth open for one thing...and it aint constant noise!
If the price of a marriage license costs as much as divorce costs, the divorce rate would drop to 10-15% overnight.
Her husband is probably tired of having to deal with ALL the childish behavior from HER.
She is just using him to pursue her own interests
I feel sad for their daughter too. she is going to do everything she can to poison that little girl‘s opinion of her daddy.Already playing the blame game.Turning her daughter into a victim of her daddy’s wrong doing.
He is divorcing her because he understands she will replace him as soon as possible, so he is thinking one step ahead and breaking the contract himself when he still have some leverage; her having a part time job and if divorced can not afford to life is proof she is using him to improve, plus she isn't worried about him, but how she is going to make it without money, that guy made the right decision
Yes. 💯...
A marriage is mostly for the kids not for the married.
Ditch her now so you don’t have to pay for her school before she leaves you.
In California, she might have to pay support if she earns more.
Well said. Damn good point.
So, she wants her nursing degree? Well, my ex was a nurse and a cheater!
Like teaching, it's a high-risk profession, fraught with temptation...
@@georgeelder8415how so? The hot parent at teacher conference night, or the other hot teacher at the same school?
My Enquiring Mind wants The Rest Of The Story.
Sorry for mixing taglines.
She seems to have zero interest in saving the marriage, or explaining what happened.
Great explanation Sara, reasons for separations are important but like you said work on the relationship especially for the children’s sake, there are way too many single mothers out there,and the kids need their biological father ❤to be together with mom.
Maybe the daughter is better off with him.
Statistically yes. And anecdotally by this video .... YES!
Married 34 years to my beautiful wife.. Key to 34 years of marriage? We never put ourselves first, we always put each other first.. My day is filled of thoughts of what can I do for my wife.. What does she need done around the house to help her from a long day of work. Tough day at work? I cook or we go out for dinner. Supporting her buying things for her hobby and craft room, as sometimes, she needs to be by herself crafting! She in turn, always is thinking of me and what she can do for me.. It is sad to see how diluted, selfish and lazy our society has become with relationships and marriage..
Idk about this specific woman, but i loved when you said that if women would make as much effort in keeping the relationship as they do in planning the exit we'll have way less divorces.
Most men just don’t say I’m out…..there are many reasons but she never gave his reason for walking away
I always tell young women to never let yourself be in a position where you can't take care of yourself.
Again, hey Sara, love your "Ok, Bye" for ending your video. Short and Sweet.
Why do some people have so much trouble learning that marriage is all about US and not a bit about me. A wise man once told me that I should expect to give 60% and only get 40% in
return in a marriage. If BOTH people in a marriage approach it this way, they will have a long and happy marriage. If not, then they will find some way to screw it up. Speaking from 55
years of happiness with a terrific lady who is and always will be the love of my life... despite any problems that come along. Come Heaven, heck, or high water, we are in this together.
She is heavily conditioned to live her life as a victim if she didn't get her way. AWESOME PARENTING 🙄!!!! FOH!!
I was married twice. I never thought about leaving either one, but they did.
OMG exactly Sara!
You must have been a dude in your past life or are an angel 😇!
That's it, you are an angel!
They are all Me Me Me.
I love how she automatically thinks "how am I going to provide for me and the child"
1. The children always belong to the man, they are his offspring, his seed.
2. He will provide for them living with him.
Cherry picking to suit her narrative.
This is exactly what my ex wife did... cheated, left & dragged our kids through her own wishes for herself. Horrible human being that doesn't deserve to be a mother.
Did she discuss this with him before she did this? If not, no wonder he's initiated divorce. This must have been the last straw.
“The proof of the pudding is in the eating” is the actual quote. Americans just constantly misquote it.
Every single "woman's issue" is federally funded. I'm sure there's a financial handout provided by taxpayers she can take advantage of.
Lawyers and judges gotta get paid
@@hyperteleXii Yep.
Not even upset, just seems slightly inconvenienced, no real care for her kid.
I'm thinking either he was against her trading her full time job for a part time or she never discussed the matter with him. She also doesn't seem to give a damn about her daughter. She was MUCH more sincere and enthusiastic when talking about herself.
Oh yes, but when women ask for divorce, 70 to 80% of times, they do not care whether the man can afford to live on his own, because HE IS A MAN, right? However, they do expect all the sympathy and help in the world when it is their turn.
She is sad. For her daughter, not for losing her husband.
My confided with her friends about our relationship they said leave him and that was their solution 🖕
She said how she was going to do it. Easy, how men provide for your lifestyle. Work!
Relationships are hard and take continual work from both to last. Over 41 years married here. It's worth the efforts. The sum can be greater than the parts.
Wonder what the % divorce rate would be if women didn’t automatically get 1/2 of everything…..
Asking for a friend!
Hmmmm. Wonder why he wants a divorce. She must have done some bad crap for him to initiate the divorce
RN degree!!!!, that's the give away. For a husband to walk away, it means something massive happened. I bet my life he caught her cheating.
01:15 THAT is a GREAT POINT! In fact it is the only POINT that Matters when you think about it and look right at the PROBLEM. People Say 'L O V E' but do not even know it's Original Origin. and Where it comes from. But say they 'LOVE' a TRILLION Times Over!
Why is this lady counting on the husband financial support to go study? Is she already planning to leave him later or contribute to the household?
This is something I completely agree with my colleague Cam on: Don't get married
Some states make no difference between divorce amd dissolution. The ones that do, since she corrected herself on that, make "divorce" only the traditional "fault" divorce, while "dissolution" is more likely to be used for "no-fault" divorce. And the latter typically requires the agreement of both parties.
So he would pretty much have to have something big over her head to make her sign the papers. My wild guess is he got a paternity test, got the tough news and told her, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Dissolution of the marriage with a fair agreement and leave this out of the court record, or a fault divorce that makes your affair and the baby's parentage a matter for state scrutiny.
Notice she left out the WHY that he told her. It says A LOT
I'm 55 years old, and I can count on one hand how many women I've met that were worth a shit.
All the rest are garbage.
Interesting that she straight-up assumes that she's going to be a single parent to her daughter. Granted, that's how the court system seems to roll, despite overwhelming evidence that putting kids with the mother after the divorce is far more harmful to the kid than putting the kid with the father. But, there's nothing in the woman's words about where Dad fits into the picture regarding child care. If she's really going to struggle that much, why doesn't she just allow dad to be primary caregiver?
Now, I will add the caveat that if the child is very young, that changes the dynamic a bit; very small children still need their mother as a significant presence in their lives. But an older child or a teen is almost certainly going to fare better in Dad's house the majority of the time.
My great-nieces told their mother, "You dumped Dad for THAT?!"
Slicing and dicing and serving up the truth.
Seeking advice on the internet from strangers means she has no friends or family to turn to. Empty inside and seeks validation to feel complete temporarily.
He's walking for a reason. Infidelity on her part is probable.
I haven't talked to my son since 2009 (when he was 11) or my daughter since 2012 (when she was 17). They disowned me despite the fact that I paid every dollar of child support and never physically harmed them. That's okay. Now I am married to a beautiful Filipina; her three teenage daughters call me dad. My wife is 25 years younger than I am. Last year she took a 6-month caregiving course so that she will know how to take care of me when I get older. Guess who will inherit 100% of my 7-figure estate?
1) automatic assumption the daughter stays with her 2) equating staying married mostly with financial support for her and the kid 3) no mention of being sad or hurt, clearly there’s no love lost on the husband but leaves that part out
Man itd be HORRIBLE if she had to get a full time job, pay for her own place, her own bills, her own car and all that... ya know... like a man
That said, i agree with this blonde woman speaking
me me me, never works in a us situation.
Is their ever a us situation?
@@ottifantiwaalkes9289 at 59 i have yet to find one. would be nice to find at least one unicorn.
Simple really Divorce lawyers have made a business of asset stripping men through the process. End "no fault divorce" and at birth Paternity testing and let's see what happens?
In my experience, it's SERIOUSLY DAMN RARE for a man to initiate divorce. They know the $$$COST involved, so generally try to avoid it. However, it seems socially acceptable (almost expected?) for women to walk away at the drop of a hat and demand 1/2 the assets. A family friend THOUGHT he was happily married for 20 years, saw no warning signs, just came home to a note that said "You're boring. I'm leaving" and his wife had already taken her belongings and gone.
Another point id like to make is majority of men think things are a rough patch, we will get through it mentality. Whereas women are looking for the closest exit, a way out when the tough gets rougher, finances get tight and some guy in her DMS is promising her the world !
75% of women cheat, 25% of that 75 are nurses. He’s saving himself a lot of future 🐮 💩