I met Leonard in a Book Store, in Denver years ago very nice fellow and quite a researcher in his own right, he said it was a hobby with him. he had a great sense of humor, and is not afraid to use it in conversation....
This is such a rewarding glimpse into one of my favorite writer’s psyche. Honest, glib, and such a deep wit that makes him such a favorite. Thanks to all for uploading this and thank you Mr Leonard!
I met Leonard in a Book Store, in Denver years ago very nice fellow and quite a researcher in his own right, he said it was a hobby with him. he had a great sense of humor, and is not afraid to use it in conversation....
This interview is a treasure.
This is such a rewarding glimpse into one of my favorite writer’s psyche. Honest, glib, and such a deep wit that makes him such a favorite. Thanks to all for uploading this and thank you Mr Leonard!
Love his writing style. Great dialogue, great steady pacing and the characters. Memorable and unique characters.
A genius, and a very humble man with a great sense of humor.
It's amazing that a writer, even one such as Elmore Leonard in the '90s literally 'outsources' a researcher to gather all of his background info.
What a great job for that lucky guy. Working for Elmore.
A great american writer. Also an enjoyable person beyond the writer
Love this interview, but not sure if this video has enough ads...
As a coke dealer I can say at least now he is popular with us lol.
I'm going back home.
For good?
For good or bad.