I got the impression that a few “jokes” in this video might have had some intent to provoke a reaction... and Im hoping they do! Im a bit surprised Seth has gone unnoticed in trumps LateNight slams. Lmao... the LateNight shows dont give trump and bad name... he does it himself!
Agreed. He usually has good segments, though sometimes leaving out details to sway a bias; but this was soooooooo great! He nailed every moment! Seth is wonderful
Whoever had to go through all those tweets and count them, identity them by subject and calculate everything in them including what little bit is truth- yes, they deserve a Purple Heart. 💜 And so does Seth- he looks so tired. Love you man!
"The president spent the weekend on an unhinged Twitter rant" Look, I need _some_ way of knowing when, in the last two years, this video was recorded. This could've been anytime.
Well, I would like to piss on Reagan's grave for destroying our economy with his tax the poor and pamper the rich deficit spending- trickle down bullshit. But, I don't usually say that out loud. :D
Can we like... pass a law to make it so future presidents just arent allowed to tweet? Its an extreme measure, but I just really never want us to have to deal with this crap again.
It shouldn't be a law, but after Trump is out of the Whitehouse (hopefully 2020), I think that a lot of Presidents will stay away from twitter for the most part as not to seem like Trump.
The minute Seth says "put it on pay-per-view and sell it and use it to build your wall" I literally burst out laughing. Probably woke up my wife and 2 boys
Donald can play a round in 2 1/2 hours if no one is watching.....but I would happily set aside the 5-6 hours necessary to watch him play an honest 18 holes. His fourth stroke overshoots the green, he three putts and says I'll take a 4. Little Known Fact - Kim Jong Il made eleven holes in one in his first game ever!
Well, before she weirdly chose to work for the Orange Satan, KC the Sunshine up DJT’s Ass actually said pretty much the same things George C says now, that Trump is looney, a pathetic loser, etc.
First lesson in politics = Nobody says what they're really thinking in politics. It's incorrect to try and interpret their intent the way you would interpret the intent in a friend or co-worker's statements. Rather, you interpret their words the way you would when reading the speech of a character in a play; there is the character's intent, and then there is the author's intent for that character's intent.
Trump can't tolerate sass, and his brain is a syphilitic mass. As he steers our once great train, spiraling down a deep dark drain, his last words will come out of his ass.
Con men use words to distract. Let Trump be judged by his record. Running a corrupt charitable organization, not paying contractors, tax evasion, swindling investors, multiple bankruptcies, needlessly shutting down the government for 35 days, starting an economically harmful trade war with China, bungling disaster relief in Puerto Rico, Lifting sanctions against Russia, declaring a fake National Emergency in an attempt to do an end-run around congress, Raising postal shipping rates on Amazon because It's owner also owns a Newspaper that is critical of his Administration, Not visiting the graves of fallen WW1 soldiers on account of rain, cheating on his wife with a porn-star then paying her off to hide this fact before the election, Sending Troops to the U.S. / Mexico border, Backing the U.S. out of the Iran deal, Backing the U.S. out of the Paris Accords, Slashing funding for cancer research and AIDS prevention, Attempting to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act, Increasing military spending and running record deficits thanks to the Republican tax cuts, slashing environmental regulation, significant reduction in the prosecution of white-collar crime, Violating the emolument's clause of the constitution, not divesting from his businesses, not releasing his tax returns, inauguration planning fraud, appointing HIS CHILDREN as chief advisors, rampant administration turnover, demanding his son-in-law be given top level security clearance despite the objections of top security officials, separating and detaining children in an attempt to deter immigration and loosing track of their parents, ... Yeah, lets go with Trump's actions.
@@t45tt4tr Not knowing how to read is a huge disadvantage for most adults in modern society. When you're the leader of the most powerful country on the planet, it's even more significantly disadvantageous. The fact that you needed this explained to you speaks volumes, either of your willful ignorance or inability to use critical thinking and process thoughts. At least you can type though. (Grammar could still use some work.)
Distract, deflect and deny...the basic tools in a gaslighter's bag of tricks. Almost forgot the victim card...though it must be played at the precise moment for full benefit.
So, America doing well is a living hell for you, eh? Assuming you live in the U.S., what's keeping you from moving to a country that's not doing so well, like Venezuela? Then we could all be happy.
@The Resistance Nice try but I'm juiced into what's really going down in D.C. Trump never colluded with Russia. It was Hillary the whole time. Those who are trying to claim it was Trump are, ironically enough, useful idiots for Putin. People like you are just the cutest, little dipshits.
I don't know why you would hope for that. That man is literally one brainfart away from ordering the amerd forces to arrest the opposition. and calling his followers to start a civil war. I'm not saying he will suceed, but damn, that idiot can do a lot of damage.
@@kimberlys8422 What's amazing is just that phrase, "getting worse", as if how he was already wasn't bad enough. At what point can the Donald just be admitted to a home...or a prison cell?
I had to look this guy up on google....he was part of the worst cast in S.N.L history...nbc almost cancelled Lorne Michaels long running show after these non funny motberfuckers....lowest ratings ever
I was in a bar yesterday and an old white man was just angry at the tv, and out of no where just screamed, "leave the president alone!" IM like, man, as sad as it is to embrace, but I just cant wait for these old people to just die off already.
There is some reason he's so nuts about the Muller report. Methinks he doth protest too much. I also bet dinner at the Conway household was a fun affair that night.
Comedians these days do have it easier... they just recite news on Trump, and the audience just laughs. At least in the past, you'd need to stick in jokes first.
Sadly so. And now "we" want to go to war with either Iran or Venezuela--it doesn't matter which--so Agent Orange can emphatically proclaim, "We just CAN'T change administrations in the middle of a brand new war!
John P With the advent of the internet any crackhead and racist can have a platform to speak their voice. Freedom of the press also says that people like Pirro can have a media platform. Using a person like Pirro as a representative of a nation of 300 million people is not only ridiculous, but also bigoted in it's own right. If your country was immune from racists or bigots you might have a talking point, but somehow I doubt that's true.
The media platform receiving attention indicates that SOME Americans are shitty, not ALL. People with half a brain do ignore her nonsense, I'd love to hear what your country is, because chances are the US has multiple states that alone are larger than your entire population. Saying that all americans don't think because a shitty talk show appeals to an unedecated or conservative portion of the population is stereotyping at it's finest. What can be done about it? Take her off the air? For doing what? Being a racist? Saying things that the majority don't agree with? Those don't warrant intervention, as shitty as it is that she can stay on air. Keep in mind a minority of the country voted for Trump.
@John P "All I need to know about Americans" It's really entertaining when someone so ignorant is simultaneously so self-righteous. All American's must be dumb and racist because one popular American has said stupid things. Good thing we hold Europe to that same standard with Hitler! Or China with Stalin for all Asians! Too far in the past for you? Well how about the Tory party and BPN being used to judge all Europe. Because the fact that EU hasn't denounced its relationship with the UK due to racist ideas means everyone under the EU must be racist idiots trying to save the relationship with their racist brother in law. When you use the kind of specious logic that seems to dictate your train of thought and apply it to anything else it really falls apart at the seams. Oh and the freedom to voice your opinions and not be jailed or attacked for them is democracy succeeding. Can't get that everywhere in Europe and you certainly can't get it in Asia.
Oh Did you see it? He said throw a rock at her.... Stoning.... Pissed off Muslim confirmed and no Muslim anywhere has ever done anything that could be used as a shitty metric against them. It's almost as if the grand irony of the point he is trying to make is his own ignorance.
@@agk4589 I doubt John P is a Muslim, I suspect that you may be falling victim to some more creative trolling than we usually give the right credit for. To pick an over the top violent position to foment hatred on both sides of the issue. They want to show lefties agreeing with violence so they can take that back to show the right in order to fuel their own base.
The fact that is even funny shows how ignorant the left is. It doesn’t take a genius to know that you can’t use your own money or someone else’s money to build or fund anything for the government.
@@nothingbutart7473 are you serious? That man couldn't even spend his own money on the ridiculous portrait of himself he bought at a charity auction, using funds from his own charity, and then hung in his bar restaurant. Let me recap that for you so you'll understand...he went to a charity auction and bought a painting for himself with money from his own charity. That's using charity donations for personal benefit and that is part of what cost him his organization. You know the one the New York Attorney General has dismantled and redistributed the funds among other actual charities? The same dismantling deal, yes that's right this was a deal they made, that now has all of the Trump children and himself banned from sitting on the board of any other charity for the next decade. Now why would he make that kind of a deal if he did nothing wrong? Hmm?
lilBrattycat ok buddy he is filthy rich he has more money to spare why wouldn’t spend 5 billion dollars of his own money which is about 5%(don’t actually because I don’t care). Also what he did is a business move, he is a business man. That what you Democrats don’t understand with everything he does its business for the United States. Also get this remember when he said we will make Mexico build the wall, technically he kind of is by raising there tariffs I thought that was funny.
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is not a new development, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 Sept.11th hijackers were Saudi nationals.....we still maintained excellent foreign relations and were happy to allow an innocent country like Iraq to feel our impotent wrath. We had our chance to end that relationship under Obama, but oh look at that he was all too happy to continue receiving oil and money from the Saudis and sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight and die in vain over non-sensical and losing wars. Good thing he was able to close down Guantanamo, free the prisoners who were innocent and convict the ones who were raging terror....oh wait that never happened either.
yeah it depends on how much you can afford to pay him in order to support someone or something it doesn't matter what and how why or even where it happens just make sure you can afford it lol
I would say that Trump's petty, pointless mockery of a widely respected senator who hasn't even been dead for a single year would be the straw that broke the camel's back, but that camel was bisected ages ago. The GOP just celebrated St. Patrick's Day by posting an Irish slur against Beto O'Rourke. It's pretty clear that they've lost all interest in the high road.
You're right Joe, the Irish blessing had Trump and his peculiar species of depraved and hopelessly voided and lost souls in mind possibly when it was written "may the road rise to MEET you".
I like the part where he defends Judge Jeanine, who was pulled from Fox for spreading Islamophobia. Less than 48 hours after a white supremacist killed 50 Muslims out of pure hate. It's like he's not even trying to hide it anymore.
@@Index5 Wait... What? My original statement didn't call out anyone, then YOU came back with "In other words, Hillary." I then stated that she and Trump were both garbage. Now you accuse me of name calling? Dude. Back up your name calling before you try calling people out. Anyway, if you need specifics of why Trump is a garbage person, there are WAY too many for a UA-cam comments section. Here are just a few though in no particular order: 1. All of his tweets. 2. Stating that there was wrong doing on both sides after a neo-Nazi killed a woman at a peaceful rally. 3. Calling for a man to be roughed up while being thrown out of one of his campaign rallies. 4. Campaigning on "Draining the Swamp" then appointing out -of-touch billionaires to his cabinet that are completely unqualified, like Betsy DeVos. 5. Ivanka Trump. So many more... Looking forward to your response with a few things Hillary lied about. I mean I know them, but please back up your comment.
@@Index5 I'm not sure why you are attacking me. Is it because I called Trump a garbage person? Also, When did Obama come into the conversation? You stated that Hillary was a liar. I then called her a garbage person and asked why you thought she was a liar so you point out some stuff about Obama. I didn't come here to argue, but some of your points are inaccurate and I would be remiss if I didn't point them out. - The Affordable Care Act was not a success in MANY regards. Agreed. It could have been if both sides worked on it. - Wasn't Holder responsible for Fast and Furious? If you want to blame Obama, then you have to blame Trump for all of his appointees actions which would be a BAD BAD argument. - I don't remember enough about the IRS scandal to argue about it. - Benghazi was terrible. I seem to remember that the republican congress denied a request for money to increase security prior to the attack, so I guess we can spread the blame all around. - The VA "disaster" had been going on for YEARS before Obama. Should he have fixed it? Yes. Is it fixed now? No. - Do you really think that Obama's foreign policies are worse than Trumps? You do have a GREAT argument here that Obama's removal of troops helped to create ISIS, but keep in mind that he was following a promise made by Bush. He should't have. - Hillary didn't sell off our uranium to Russia. This is just false. She sat on a committee of 9 members who approved the majority sale of a Canadian company that mined Uranium. Even if she did object to the sale, she wasn't the majority vote. THEN, even if they didn't approve the sale, they couldn't have actually stopped the sale. Only the President had that authority. Anyway, still waiting for these Hillary lies. Let's keep it civil.
@@Index5 Thanks for that reply. That was a sober argument, and I appreciate it. It's nice when people who disagree about some things can have a good conversation without calling each other stupid names. I thought Obama did a lot of good and I am no fan of the current administration, but I am not a fan of Hillary either. All that being said, what do you think the next election will look like. My prediction is that Trump doesn't even run. I am guessing he'll cite some health issues or something.
@@Index5 If nothing else, 2020 will be interesting. Like I said, I'd wager that Trump doesn't run again. He's old and rich. He can retire and get some peace and I think that's the route he'll take. Anywho, nice talking to you. Have a good one!
You mean the illuminati** Trump is ripping a hole in the new world order shadow government/corporate media agenda, and you all are here glorifying the wrong side. Brainwash.
@@77cu14 - Comrade Donald isn't doing anything new. His fascist dictator buddies are doing the same sh*t to their people. Read Mein Kampf if you want to see the script.
@@WakeUpAmerican000s people like you who try to compare trump to hitler are fucking nasty total fucking disrespect to people in my family who fought REAL NAZIS you ignorant bunch of morons
First off, he no president. He is a cult leader with the title of president. Secondly, the majority of this country don't want to be involved in the Cult of 45.
Remember when we had a President who believed in "Hope and Change?" He was a pretty good President. Now we have "Change with Abandon Hope." Sort of what the sign says when you enter the gates of Hell.
He could never feel superior to an actual war hero and like his politics or not, John McCain denounced bigotry and spurious nationalism. Now that he’s dead, trump thinks he can finally beat him in a war of words.
We should have live IQ tests for all presidential hopefuls (even incumbents) before an election. I think it would be a good litmus test for this country
Eh, I care far more about a leader's ability to negotiate, identify good advice and manage complicated affairs than I do their ability to figure out the area of a cone.
@@chocolatebudgie I would prefer someone that can do both. In fact, I would be very suspicious of someone's ability to negotiate and manage complicated affairs when they cant even figure out the area of a cone (which even a 5th grader can do)
“The president spent the weekend on an unhinged Twitter rant” It’s hilarious that now that is a completely normal statement that we all just accept. Even though it is definitely NOT NORMAL and for sure not something that the president of the United States should be known for doing. It is just so ridiculous. He is making a mockery of the presidency and has made us a joke in the eyes of the rest of the world. In the future when a president does something questionable or bad the response will always end up being either “well at least it’s not as bad as trump” or “oh my god this is worse than Trump” which is a hilarious legacy for him.
Awesome segment, really drove it home. We are writing some very screwed up history at the moment . If it wasn't for the comic relief... I would lose my 'ish and have more trouble sleeping than I already do. Thank you Seth for keeping it real & real hilarious. Love your show:)
I personally think We the People were set up......while we and the whole world are mesmerized by the increasingly bizarre Trump Show, the real criminals behind the government curtain are putting laws and policies into place that will one day (sooner than later) make our heads spin right off, and cause all hope to evaporate.......exactly as our increasingly fascist elite ruling class planned it. May the handful of hopefuls who stormed into Congress during the midterms grow into a positive force that proves me wrong!!!
@@marysparks2975 I think you give them a bit too much credit, its just disorganized chaos and a bunch of self interested turds grabbing up everything they can while the grabbing is good.
@Jonathan Lumbreras he contradicts his own policies half the time. And sure let's look at his policies, gutting Medicare to pay for tax cuts for people who didn't need it and that spent it all on stock buy backs. Or is blowing our money housing children in cages while enriching his supporters who own and manage the facilities.
@@josephkool8411 - hate crimes have tripled since he was elected. Instead of debates personal attacks like yours and so many others on both sides of the divide are the new normal. It is not a good normal. No matter how you feel about the president, the incredibly divisive and increasingly violent public should make everyone concerned. Pretending like this is all 'normal' is disingenuous imho.
@@sanderstar1000 LOL, how about Melania Donald and Barron - BBQing spending time at the playground eating candy floss on Long Island on a peddle boat playing mini-golf on the Staten Island ferry on a picnic shooting a few hoops reading....
@Peter Piper, the first episode he hosted was a huge snore. He barely did anything. Also I wonder sometimes if he forgets he's actually been on the show.
@@FrenkTheJoy The guy does says and does the same things day in and day out. He's got to be consistently one of the most boring people I've ever heard of.
It's his personal account. There's far too much to unpack in a UA-cam post as why it's insane. I guess I'll just say: ignore that account, pay attention to the official accounts, like those of your local legislators. Let the late-night writing teams dig through the ranting and diffuse it, else you too will go insane.
can we PLEASE give presidents a 4th grade literacy test? Maybe also a test for presidents to know geography ? PLEASE. aLSO CAN THEY NOT HIRE THEIR FAMILY TO MAKE MONEY? aLSO CAN the president protect us from Jared Kushner?
I absolutely LOVE the fact that the late night hosts get under Trump's skin. Keep it up, it's funny stuff.
funny and therapeutic
Inb4 the "woke" conservabots flooding comments like these lmao
While it is funny, that is not what it is about. Trump is to dangerous to ignore. So they keep bashing.
I got the impression that a few “jokes” in this video might have had some intent to provoke a reaction... and Im hoping they do! Im a bit surprised Seth has gone unnoticed in trumps LateNight slams. Lmao... the LateNight shows dont give trump and bad name... he does it himself!
me too... x
***burn*** Seth is ON FIRE! That entire Closer Look segment was spot on.
Agreed. He usually has good segments, though sometimes leaving out details to sway a bias; but this was soooooooo great! He nailed every moment! Seth is wonderful
Whoever had to go through all those tweets and count them, identity them by subject and calculate everything in them including what little bit is truth- yes, they deserve a Purple Heart. 💜
And so does Seth- he looks so tired. Love you man!
"The president spent the weekend on an unhinged Twitter rant"
Look, I need _some_ way of knowing when, in the last two years, this video was recorded. This could've been anytime.
The Sprawl >>> 🤣🤣🤣🤣 f*ing funny!!! ✌🏻🇺🇸
How sick do you have to be to attack a dead person? I mean who in the hell does this?
A crazy one
Well, I would like to piss on Reagan's grave for destroying our economy with his tax the poor and pamper the rich deficit spending- trickle down bullshit. But, I don't usually say that out loud. :D
@Pamela Wiles vjxjsvc
Rick W sick enough to watch Fox News for more than a minute.
John P why do people who don’t support him, didn’t vote for him and have resisted him have to take fucking responsibility??
"His tweets would make more sense scribbled on the walls of a psych ward!" Nailed It! 😆
Hopefully that’s a prophetic statement and we soon see him locked in a mental facility scribbling on the wall...
Can we commit him and test that theory?
Damn sure.
Melania is closer to him why can't she have him commited and keep all his money hahaha now that's what a smart wife would do for HIS health :)
And scrawled in human excrement...
Anyone who tweets 50 times over a weekend is DEFINITELY not dealing with a national emergency. 🙄
More likely dealing with a bottle of something?
John McCallum mixed with pills...
Heather Mefford or even a family emergency!
Heather Mefford you Nailed It!!!
probably dealing with dementia.
Seth, you are on point 👍 once again, funny.. but true! ❤️ You
@@Gojam12 & multiply
Can we like... pass a law to make it so future presidents just arent allowed to tweet? Its an extreme measure, but I just really never want us to have to deal with this crap again.
Oh no! We wouldn't want that...why deny us the fun you shared the last 2 years
It shouldn't be a law, but after Trump is out of the Whitehouse (hopefully 2020), I think that a lot of Presidents will stay away from twitter for the most part as not to seem like Trump.
@@EddyA1337 I was joking. Obviously passing a law wouldn't be appropriate.
Man, Seth. I watch your show semi-regularly but you are on FIRE tonight. Hilarious!
I think he takes it personal when Trump messes with SNL
This isn't funny to me anymore. Our president is insane and I find it hard to laugh anymore.
Laurel Rhinehardt - you have written exactly what I was thinking. He absolutely nailed it in this “bit”.
@@dankendra5093 You have to laugh to keep your sanity
The minute Seth says "put it on pay-per-view and sell it and use it to build your wall" I literally burst out laughing.
Probably woke up my wife and 2 boys
Screw your wife.
He already did. Twice. At least.
My favorite thing is how he does stuff like this so regularly, that I have to look at the time stamp to see if this is a new or old segment
"... His brain is silly-putty, and we're all doomed."
And like silly-putty, nothing seems to stick to it.... except ink.
His brain is as enlarged as his fatty heart.
In that he's a degenerative brain disease and is obese.
Maybe if it were orange? Orange stuff seems to stick to his face pretty well.
so when his hair falls out he just kind of smushes it back in.? It makes sense now
Explains the "hey look I am a psychopath" signature. He doesn't sign anything, just smashes his forehead into it and smears the ink around.
Spot on about the pay per view golf game. Hysterical!
Donald can play a round in 2 1/2 hours if no one is watching.....but I would happily set aside the 5-6 hours necessary to watch him play an honest 18 holes.
His fourth stroke overshoots the green, he three putts and says I'll take a 4.
Little Known Fact - Kim Jong Il made eleven holes in one in his first game ever!
I just have one question: is Judge Jeanine actually a judge?
Follow up question: how the hell did our system allow that?
Lots of weirdos make judge in the US. She's not as bad as the one who masturbated under his robe when in session.
Conway's husband is awesome.
I don't know how those two get along - LOL
He’s the only man in the world who will f**k her.
Well, before she weirdly chose to work for the Orange Satan, KC the Sunshine up DJT’s Ass actually said pretty much the same things George C says now, that Trump is looney, a pathetic loser, etc.
First lesson in politics = Nobody says what they're really thinking in politics.
It's incorrect to try and interpret their intent the way you would interpret the intent in a friend or co-worker's statements. Rather, you interpret their words the way you would when reading the speech of a character in a play; there is the character's intent, and then there is the author's intent for that character's intent.
Solid argument there Mick: Ignore Trump's bigoted words and instead focus on his bigoted actions.
Trump can't tolerate sass,
and his brain is a syphilitic mass.
As he steers our once great train,
spiraling down a deep dark drain,
his last words will come out of his ass.
Con men use words to distract. Let Trump be judged by his record. Running a corrupt charitable organization, not paying contractors, tax evasion, swindling investors, multiple bankruptcies, needlessly shutting down the government for 35 days, starting an economically harmful trade war with China, bungling disaster relief in Puerto Rico, Lifting sanctions against Russia, declaring a fake National Emergency in an attempt to do an end-run around congress, Raising postal shipping rates on Amazon because It's owner also owns a Newspaper that is critical of his Administration, Not visiting the graves of fallen WW1 soldiers on account of rain, cheating on his wife with a porn-star then paying her off to hide this fact before the election, Sending Troops to the U.S. / Mexico border, Backing the U.S. out of the Iran deal, Backing the U.S. out of the Paris Accords, Slashing funding for cancer research and AIDS prevention, Attempting to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act, Increasing military spending and running record deficits thanks to the Republican tax cuts, slashing environmental regulation, significant reduction in the prosecution of white-collar crime, Violating the emolument's clause of the constitution, not divesting from his businesses, not releasing his tax returns, inauguration planning fraud, appointing HIS CHILDREN as chief advisors, rampant administration turnover, demanding his son-in-law be given top level security clearance despite the objections of top security officials, separating and detaining children in an attempt to deter immigration and loosing track of their parents, ...
Yeah, lets go with Trump's actions.
@@jessstuart7495 Nailed it, and that's just what we know about. Well done.👍
Hey Mick, what does Trump's ass taste like?
Yup it's not like he stopped a rouge nation from getting nukes and killing millions and millions of people
5:13 “I’m reading documents a lot” should’ve been the first alarm warning that he was lying. We all know he can’t read 😂
Whats wrong with not knowing how to read?
well, he also thinks that reading for 10-30 minutes takes humongous effort. He loves twitter and internet for a reason...
@@t45tt4tr Not knowing how to read is a huge disadvantage for most adults in modern society.
When you're the leader of the most powerful country on the planet, it's even more significantly disadvantageous.
The fact that you needed this explained to you speaks volumes, either of your willful ignorance or inability to use critical thinking and process thoughts.
At least you can type though. (Grammar could still use some work.)
It's worse than that. He can read, but he's just too lazy to and doesn't care enough.
The "Happy St. Patrick's Day" tweet probably came from an automated White House twitterbot programmed to sent out messages on all major holidays.
CrunchyFrog that's exactly what happened..🤣😂😂
CrunchyFrog Bingo... 👍😂
The fact that it has a shamrock and not a flag for Côte d'Ivoire is the giveaway.
Maybe it was Putin
Except Eid.
Radio silence on Eid.
So predictable
"Be strong and prosper, be weak and die."
Is that a donald quote or the republican health care plan?
Actually it sounds more like a prosac-induced quote of a Vulcan farewell.
promeitheus Or maybe Spock?
He always get more nutty when something new is about to drop. It’s like clockwork.
Time to stock up on marshmallows. They still burn witches don't they?
George Conway nailed it. We're witnessing a slow motion mental breakdown. Well maybe not so slow motion.
lorettacamp You’re 100% correct and the media falls for it every time and runs with instead of ignoring his bs
shep bagel absolutely! Down the rabbit hole every time. He’s a child, ignore the tantrum, he will stop.
Distract, deflect and deny...the basic tools in a gaslighter's bag of tricks. Almost forgot the victim card...though it must be played at the precise moment for full benefit.
His condition is getting worse and it's terrifying that all this information is being overlooked.
Daniel B 25th amendment has never been so justified.
By far the best monologue EVER. Crushed every topic.
"Twitter Bender" - good one Seth Myers! New one for the Oxford English Dictionary?
"His brain is silly putty and we're all doomed." So not funny... yet it is. Thanks, Seth Meyers for making this hell we're living in funny.
Late night hosts: keeping America sane one show at a time.
So, America doing well is a living hell for you, eh? Assuming you live in the U.S., what's keeping you from moving to a country that's not doing so well, like Venezuela? Then we could all be happy.
@The Resistance Nice try but I'm juiced into what's really going down in D.C. Trump never colluded with Russia. It was Hillary the whole time. Those who are trying to claim it was Trump are, ironically enough, useful idiots for Putin. People like you are just the cutest, little dipshits.
@jmarks881, you almost made sense.
Oh snap, Pirro's off the air? How wonderful for American airwaves.
The air smells cleaner already.
For now... the question is ...is it permanent
My ears haven’t been piercing and now I know why!
How can we survive such an earth shattering event?
That lady sounds like the devil, too much hate in her heart. I feel sorry for her husband if she has one
"I'm reading documents. A lot..."
My head is hurting. A lot...
I love you Seth and I love your closer look segments! Keep up the good work sir!
Trump is still "attacking" John McCain?!?
LivingInVancouverBC ya but it’s easier now
After all John McCain is dead.
Trump probably 'suspests' that McCain is to blame for Mueller.
Trump has berderline personality disorder.
I was thinking the same thing the man is dead
Another gem!! Excellent!!
All of the United Shates of America shalutes you.
Fingers crossed this is the nervous breakdown we all have been expecting .
I don't know why you would hope for that. That man is literally one brainfart away from ordering the amerd forces to arrest the opposition. and calling his followers to start a civil war.
I'm not saying he will suceed, but damn, that idiot can do a lot of damage.
Not so sure that's what we want. Mike Pence will take over.....
@@Karma-qt4ji Mike Pence is, at the very least, stable and coherent.
@@plaidpanda who knows what he's like? He just stands around in the background like a Madame Tussauds wax figure.
@@armedwombat6816 Scary that this man is still in office !
Jeanine Pirro looks like something that would be suctioned to the glass at the Shedd aquarium.
You're so bad. I had to take another look at her. 😂😂😂😂
That is slanderous to Octodads everywhere!
(Search Octodad, I love that guy!)
Bottom feeder straight from the swamp.
“His condition is getting worse.”
His syphillitic brain is melting.
I saw an episode of House about syphillitic brain and it's a definite possibility.
That and dementia and sociopathy.
@@kimberlys8422 What's amazing is just that phrase, "getting worse", as if how he was already wasn't bad enough. At what point can the Donald just be admitted to a home...or a prison cell?
Syphilis does make you lose your hair, and can cause dementia like symptoms.
@@dabblerdeluxe775 russia was technically 2nd world
Syphilis!! That would explain a lot.
- *Happily humming the tune to Under Pressure*
He's melting under the pressure guys!
Crazy fucking tweets
Ee da de da de
Crazy fucking tweets
Ee da de da de da de da
this monologue was hilarious but also painfully true
This was a good bit, even for Seth. It was really fun and energetic. And hilarious. Nice work.
@Google User no it was great lmao
@Google User Aw, thank you! I shall! Enjoy your day. :)
I had to look this guy up on google....he was part of the worst cast in S.N.L history...nbc almost cancelled Lorne Michaels long running show after these non funny motberfuckers....lowest ratings ever
Dude I know college students who tweet less than the president and they tweet a lot, why is he still running....
...scared. There, finished it for you. 😉
@@bethe192 🤣🤣🤣😃
Jacob- my 13 year old niece tweets less than that A-hole.
"The president spent the weekend on an unhinged Twitter rant..."
Could be used to describe nearly every Monday of Trump's campaign and presidency.
I was in a bar yesterday and an old white man was just angry at the tv, and out of no where just screamed, "leave the president alone!" IM like, man, as sad as it is to embrace, but I just cant wait for these old people to just die off already.
There is some reason he's so nuts about the Muller report. Methinks he doth protest too much. I also bet dinner at the Conway household was a fun affair that night.
Seth is getting more and more pissed off and I'm living for it.
almost a year later & it went from being refreshing to sad i wish we could see seth happy again :(
One of the best Closer Looks
"Trump melts down on twitter" that's not a headline, that's just a sunday
A day that ends in "Why, God!? Why do you allow this monstrosity to continue living? Why...?"
Happy Saint Hangover Day
SilortheBlade and Monday, and Tuesday...Wednesday...Thursday...oh, and Friday & Saturday, too.
Does anybody know if he takes propecia?
Comedians these days do have it easier... they just recite news on Trump, and the audience just laughs. At least in the past, you'd need to stick in jokes first.
"I'm too busy reading documents", says the guy who won't even read his daily intelligence briefings.
Just another one to add to his long list of lies.
There was also a claim (I think from the FBU) that Trump only continues reading if his name is mentioned...
To be fair, he never said it was official documents he was reading. Most likely, he's just reading through some Gary Larson books on the can.
Glen please sit down, your making it easy for trump to get re-elected. Back to the tv for you soy boy
@@LindaLinda-ub8ng Much like your president Thiccboi, you should learn to spell.
"New Zealand’s leader is fighting gun violence while ours is fighting dead war heroes." Andy Borowitz
Sadly so. And now "we" want to go to war with either Iran or Venezuela--it doesn't matter which--so Agent Orange can emphatically proclaim, "We just CAN'T change administrations in the middle of a brand new war!
Well she's a woman and it's time we elected one and bypass these ancient, ole arse in 2020 and beyond. Especially the deranged resident we have now.
Oh...Seth’s videos of Trump golfing idea is genius. 🤣
6:28 "Omar wears a HEEjab"
Pirro is a cartoon drunkard.
John P With the advent of the internet any crackhead and racist can have a platform to speak their voice. Freedom of the press also says that people like Pirro can have a media platform. Using a person like Pirro as a representative of a nation of 300 million people is not only ridiculous, but also bigoted in it's own right. If your country was immune from racists or bigots you might have a talking point, but somehow I doubt that's true.
The media platform receiving attention indicates that SOME Americans are shitty, not ALL. People with half a brain do ignore her nonsense, I'd love to hear what your country is, because chances are the US has multiple states that alone are larger than your entire population. Saying that all americans don't think because a shitty talk show appeals to an unedecated or conservative portion of the population is stereotyping at it's finest. What can be done about it? Take her off the air? For doing what? Being a racist? Saying things that the majority don't agree with? Those don't warrant intervention, as shitty as it is that she can stay on air. Keep in mind a minority of the country voted for Trump.
@John P "All I need to know about Americans" It's really entertaining when someone so ignorant is simultaneously so self-righteous. All American's must be dumb and racist because one popular American has said stupid things. Good thing we hold Europe to that same standard with Hitler! Or China with Stalin for all Asians! Too far in the past for you? Well how about the Tory party and BPN being used to judge all Europe. Because the fact that EU hasn't denounced its relationship with the UK due to racist ideas means everyone under the EU must be racist idiots trying to save the relationship with their racist brother in law. When you use the kind of specious logic that seems to dictate your train of thought and apply it to anything else it really falls apart at the seams. Oh and the freedom to voice your opinions and not be jailed or attacked for them is democracy succeeding. Can't get that everywhere in Europe and you certainly can't get it in Asia.
Oh Did you see it? He said throw a rock at her.... Stoning.... Pissed off Muslim confirmed and no Muslim anywhere has ever done anything that could be used as a shitty metric against them. It's almost as if the grand irony of the point he is trying to make is his own ignorance.
@@agk4589 I doubt John P is a Muslim, I suspect that you may be falling victim to some more creative trolling than we usually give the right credit for. To pick an over the top violent position to foment hatred on both sides of the issue. They want to show lefties agreeing with violence so they can take that back to show the right in order to fuel their own base.
If I had to pick a Movie that describes the Trump White House It would be.
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "
Good one!
Action Hiro The Green Room
That's not fair, I was going to choose that.
Idiocracy for me.
I'd go with Donnie Darko. It's long, incoherent, and by the end, you'll ask yourself "What the hell just happened?"
"Build your wall with THAT money"
The fact that is even funny shows how ignorant the left is. It doesn’t take a genius to know that you can’t use your own money or someone else’s money to build or fund anything for the government.
@@nothingbutart7473 it's HIS vanity project. It's not even a,government thing. Nice try though
Adrian Brown also if he could build a wall with his own money he would be glad to do it
@@nothingbutart7473 are you serious? That man couldn't even spend his own money on the ridiculous portrait of himself he bought at a charity auction, using funds from his own charity, and then hung in his bar restaurant. Let me recap that for you so you'll understand...he went to a charity auction and bought a painting for himself with money from his own charity. That's using charity donations for personal benefit and that is part of what cost him his organization. You know the one the New York Attorney General has dismantled and redistributed the funds among other actual charities? The same dismantling deal, yes that's right this was a deal they made, that now has all of the Trump children and himself banned from sitting on the board of any other charity for the next decade. Now why would he make that kind of a deal if he did nothing wrong? Hmm?
lilBrattycat ok buddy he is filthy rich he has more money to spare why wouldn’t spend 5 billion dollars of his own money which is about 5%(don’t actually because I don’t care). Also what he did is a business move, he is a business man. That what you Democrats don’t understand with everything he does its business for the United States. Also get this remember when he said we will make Mexico build the wall, technically he kind of is by raising there tariffs I thought that was funny.
Anti muslim but not anti prince bonesaw of Saudi-Arabia. Oh wait - they are paying him!
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is not a new development, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 Sept.11th hijackers were Saudi nationals.....we still maintained excellent foreign relations and were happy to allow an innocent country like Iraq to feel our impotent wrath. We had our chance to end that relationship under Obama, but oh look at that he was all too happy to continue receiving oil and money from the Saudis and sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight and die in vain over non-sensical and losing wars. Good thing he was able to close down Guantanamo, free the prisoners who were innocent and convict the ones who were raging terror....oh wait that never happened either.
I know... Instead of melania singing AcDcs u shook me all night long she is probabbly singing u tweet me all night long.
yeah it depends on how much you can afford to pay him in order to support someone or something it doesn't matter what and how why or even where it happens just make sure you can afford it lol
@@Azrael_Garou lol
There are countries with higher MUSLIM populations than what is on OBAMA'S ban list.....oh Trump's list which is Obama's
"I'm reading documents a lot."
I'm sure he meant 'eating'.
I'm sure he uses the intel briefings as burger wrappers. Too lazy to get a napkin.
As a European who has basically nothing to do with this, I'm so happy that a new episode was uploaded just as I was going to bed
As a European I can't stop binge watching. Trump's White House is the best US series ever. But I want it to end. Give him an Emmy and let's move on.
It's rough here.
One of the best episodes I have seen
I would say that Trump's petty, pointless mockery of a widely respected senator who hasn't even been dead for a single year would be the straw that broke the camel's back, but that camel was bisected ages ago. The GOP just celebrated St. Patrick's Day by posting an Irish slur against Beto O'Rourke. It's pretty clear that they've lost all interest in the high road.
They can't FIND it, due to failing infrastructure.
You're right Joe, the Irish blessing had Trump and his peculiar species of depraved and hopelessly voided and lost souls in mind possibly when it was written "may the road rise to MEET you".
Another unhinged Twitter rant?
Put him in an old folk's home already. He has dementia.
I like the part where he defends Judge Jeanine, who was pulled from Fox for spreading Islamophobia. Less than 48 hours after a white supremacist killed 50 Muslims out of pure hate.
It's like he's not even trying to hide it anymore.
onlyfacts Strange comment. Explain.
kimberly s ....😂
onlyfacts - and there's the troll.
@@FRANKSNAKE71 This is what happens when a senile elderly person knows how to use the internet (to an extent) TRUMP.
That Lebanese bint Pirro, really cracks me up! She's priceless!
I laughed at the Joe Camel joke thinking many of viewers are too young to remember him.
I did too!
RIP Joe Camel
The good old days... When the prize for cigarettes were like 3$ and your favorite comic figure and cowboy were joe camel and the marlboro man.
I still got some camel bucks 😃
But be honest, they tasted like a camel plus it's poop.
We love you Seth!
It's like you get 50 notifications from Twitter and 51 are from Trump, lol
Not if you have him blocked.
Breno Gilmour trump the Twitter😂😂
That's why I stay off Twitter lol
What’s with attacking John McCain, Hillary, Obama, etc? They are no longer in office. What gives?
It's called deflection. He's reaching.
It keeps his base riled up. He has to mention Obama or Hillary a few times a month. Keeps his base from thinking too long about his actions in office.
@@justinscott60 I wish I could like this twice.
ML Feathers dementia
Anything to keep his base of mindless zombies happy. Truly sickening. Its all dangerously stupid
There's a VERY simple definition for someone who you have to separate their words from their actions: A liar.
@@Index5 Yeah, she's a garbage person too. I don't know if she's on Trumps level though. He's total garbage.
@@Index5 Wait... What? My original statement didn't call out anyone, then YOU came back with "In other words, Hillary." I then stated that she and Trump were both garbage. Now you accuse me of name calling? Dude. Back up your name calling before you try calling people out.
Anyway, if you need specifics of why Trump is a garbage person, there are WAY too many for a UA-cam comments section. Here are just a few though in no particular order:
1. All of his tweets.
2. Stating that there was wrong doing on both sides after a neo-Nazi killed a woman at a peaceful rally.
3. Calling for a man to be roughed up while being thrown out of one of his campaign rallies.
4. Campaigning on "Draining the Swamp" then appointing out -of-touch billionaires to his cabinet that are completely unqualified, like Betsy DeVos.
5. Ivanka Trump.
So many more... Looking forward to your response with a few things Hillary lied about. I mean I know them, but please back up your comment.
@@Index5 I'm not sure why you are attacking me. Is it because I called Trump a garbage person? Also, When did Obama come into the conversation? You stated that Hillary was a liar. I then called her a garbage person and asked why you thought she was a liar so you point out some stuff about Obama. I didn't come here to argue, but some of your points are inaccurate and I would be remiss if I didn't point them out.
- The Affordable Care Act was not a success in MANY regards. Agreed. It could have been if both sides worked on it.
- Wasn't Holder responsible for Fast and Furious? If you want to blame Obama, then you have to blame Trump for all of his appointees actions which would be a BAD BAD argument.
- I don't remember enough about the IRS scandal to argue about it.
- Benghazi was terrible. I seem to remember that the republican congress denied a request for money to increase security prior to the attack, so I guess we can spread the blame all around.
- The VA "disaster" had been going on for YEARS before Obama. Should he have fixed it? Yes. Is it fixed now? No.
- Do you really think that Obama's foreign policies are worse than Trumps? You do have a GREAT argument here that Obama's removal of troops helped to create ISIS, but keep in mind that he was following a promise made by Bush. He should't have.
- Hillary didn't sell off our uranium to Russia. This is just false. She sat on a committee of 9 members who approved the majority sale of a Canadian company that mined Uranium. Even if she did object to the sale, she wasn't the majority vote. THEN, even if they didn't approve the sale, they couldn't have actually stopped the sale. Only the President had that authority.
Anyway, still waiting for these Hillary lies. Let's keep it civil.
@@Index5 Thanks for that reply. That was a sober argument, and I appreciate it. It's nice when people who disagree about some things can have a good conversation without calling each other stupid names.
I thought Obama did a lot of good and I am no fan of the current administration, but I am not a fan of Hillary either. All that being said, what do you think the next election will look like. My prediction is that Trump doesn't even run. I am guessing he'll cite some health issues or something.
@@Index5 If nothing else, 2020 will be interesting. Like I said, I'd wager that Trump doesn't run again. He's old and rich. He can retire and get some peace and I think that's the route he'll take.
Anywho, nice talking to you. Have a good one!
Kelly Anne must have something something on trump, he never complains about her husband.
Maybe shes that something something on trump? That OR its because his hair is really hers glued on that pumpkintop
Ameha K you’re absolutely right
@@mickeyamf--"that pumpkintop." LoL good one!
🍊Trump has the time to tweet about SNL but not about the New Zealand terrorist attack
A re-run!!!!
He did he sounded like a moron as per usual
Don't forget a rant about illegal immigration in what is most definitely not an appeal to white supremacists.
NATIVE LATINOS Fook TRUMP He’s just disgusting.
That’s OK. Some of us were dreading his opening his mouth and putting his foot in it.
Solid argument there Mick: Ignore Trump's bigoted words and instead focus on his bigoted actions.
did his actions not include a travel ban...i'm googleing... yup, jan. 27 2017. his actions do include nationalism. his actions. how was this missed?
Hehe😏 I thought this was some official CNN department channel going "lol"👍
Every morning I wake up in Canada. So, every day is a good day.
Grandpa is a bit salty tonight, he's yelling at the TV again.
The golf payperview thing absolutley got me XD
My favorite thing about Seth and his show is knowing that Trump and his base of lunatics watch this and are melting down in anger!!
Lol. Projection.
John Garza is that a new word you heard today on Faux News?
You mean the illuminati** Trump is ripping a hole in the new world order shadow government/corporate media agenda, and you all are here glorifying the wrong side. Brainwash.
@@77cu14 - Comrade Donald isn't doing anything new. His fascist dictator buddies are doing the same sh*t to their people. Read Mein Kampf if you want to see the script.
@@WakeUpAmerican000s people like you who try to compare trump to hitler are fucking nasty total fucking disrespect to people in my family who fought REAL NAZIS you ignorant bunch of morons
This was one of the best A Closer Look bit in a long time. Kudos!
"Trump had an unhinged Twitter rant this weekend." Soooo...its Monday?
In other news, water is wet.
Right? Lmao but this weekend was particularly insane
Fox News host, and judge who really wants to let you know how her coffee was this morning, Jeanine Pirro.
The only person thats made me laugh at Pirro ! THANX 💘
@@matinuskathundrrphukk3233 Heeejaaabbb!!!
Full of vodka
Haha you're starting to sound like Stephen Colbert.
I'm ashamed to be an American right now.
Could you just imagine if he put THIS amount of energy into his actual presidential work?
Seth is really on a roll with this episode!! 😄🎈😁🎈😃🎈
Why does our President sit around. Watch TV. And Tweet all day and night? WTF
First off, he no president. He is a cult leader with the title of president. Secondly, the majority of this country don't want to be involved in the Cult of 45.
Well, that what he has always done, why are you surprised he does the same as a President?
@@vincentjoubert5514 My response after the election was, "People wanted change in the worst possible way, and that's what we're going to get."
Because he Is more cancerous then a 12 year old troll
Remember when we had a President who believed in "Hope and Change?" He was a pretty good President. Now we have "Change with Abandon Hope." Sort of what the sign says when you enter the gates of Hell.
Why is this dude tweeting at John McCain? Don’t really see the point there.
He is trying to impress his base!
@@dr.wernerbrandes2991 picking on dead veterans who _didn't_ avoid military service.
48 laws of power: destroy your enemies completely.
He could never feel superior to an actual war hero and like his politics or not, John McCain denounced bigotry and spurious nationalism. Now that he’s dead, trump thinks he can finally beat him in a war of words.
@Sparkle that made me lol for real
We should have live IQ tests for all presidential hopefuls (even incumbents) before an election. I think it would be a good litmus test for this country
Look up kurt Vonnegut interview about his classmates becoming the future leaders of America...
too bad you wouldn't ever be able to be president :(
Eh, I care far more about a leader's ability to negotiate, identify good advice and manage complicated affairs than I do their ability to figure out the area of a cone.
@@chocolatebudgie I would prefer someone that can do both. In fact, I would be very suspicious of someone's ability to negotiate and manage complicated affairs when they cant even figure out the area of a cone (which even a 5th grader can do)
There would be no democrats in any office then that would be nice
3/4 of the wy to Rudy Guiliani .. ROFLMAOOOO hilarious!
9:26 you can hear the genuine frustration in his voice, it's amazing
Its a genius idea!
I’d buy it
Wouldn’t it suck if someone pointed out to Judge Jeanine that christians and muslims worship the same god 😳
Or that in some branches of Christianity, women wear head coverings?
Head awkward lol
Except that Christians believe in three gods and Muslims only one.
Doesn't matter, Protestants and Catholics have a bloody history. Any difference can be enough divide.
@@denvercatwoman6561 Unitarians do say all other Christians aren't actually monotheistic because of the Trinity.
I'm surprised Betsy Devoss hasn't tried to privatize the Electoral College
hoosierhiver yes not enough $ to steal maybe!!!!
Tucker Carlson.... the bad guy from every John Hughes movie. That kills!
John Oliver calls him what would happen if the sound thud grew a face.
Both Seth and John are on point but only John Stewart got him to stop wearing the bow tie and called him an “asshole” to his face.
“The president spent the weekend on an unhinged Twitter rant”
It’s hilarious that now that is a completely normal statement that we all just accept. Even though it is definitely NOT NORMAL and for sure not something that the president of the United States should be known for doing. It is just so ridiculous. He is making a mockery of the presidency and has made us a joke in the eyes of the rest of the world.
In the future when a president does something questionable or bad the response will always end up being either “well at least it’s not as bad as trump” or “oh my god this is worse than Trump” which is a hilarious legacy for him.
It's a very fitting legacy for him too. I hope every history book paints him as a clown and doesn't pull any punches.
When I lived in Florida we had Bubba the Love Sponge...I was so glad when the station dropped his show.
Yes murryme
Awesome segment, really drove it home. We are writing some very screwed up history at the moment . If it wasn't for the comic relief... I would lose my 'ish and have more trouble sleeping than I already do. Thank you Seth for keeping it real & real hilarious. Love your show:)
"The President is anti-Muslim."
It's pretty easy to type as well.
I'm anti-muslim moochers too, so what!
I'm anti-muslin. It is a crap fabric.
@Deipatrous, Ha! 😄
@drcb 18 he probably never leaves his mom's basement.
I love you Seth and every episode of A Closer Look! Brightens up my day 😍
ME Too 😍
A sure sign of dementia is when you watch a re-run and get all worked up again about the same jokes.
Love you Seth! Don’t know how id handle this administration without you and Colbert. My god what a f****** mess.
How the hell can this man be president!?! LOOK AT HIS TWEETS PEOPLE!!!
I personally think We the People were set up......while we and the whole world are mesmerized by the increasingly bizarre Trump Show, the real criminals behind the government curtain are putting laws and policies into place that will one day (sooner than later) make our heads spin right off, and cause all hope to evaporate.......exactly as our increasingly fascist elite ruling class planned it.
May the handful of hopefuls who stormed into Congress during the midterms grow into a positive force that proves me wrong!!!
This is why you don't give your racist grandpa Twitter. Or nuclear capability.
@@marysparks2975 I think you give them a bit too much credit, its just disorganized chaos and a bunch of self interested turds grabbing up everything they can while the grabbing is good.
never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers
@Jonathan Lumbreras he contradicts his own policies half the time. And sure let's look at his policies, gutting Medicare to pay for tax cuts for people who didn't need it and that spent it all on stock buy backs. Or is blowing our money housing children in cages while enriching his supporters who own and manage the facilities.
Seth is at his best when he reminds us that it's not all just a big joke.
Seth’s humour helps me get through this dark time of Trump’s “presidency”
I think Seth is getting angry, it is seeping into his tone.
Weera Bhummara well of course. This President is a shame to humanity. It’s hard NOT to get exasperated with him!
Hunter cool profile pic. Where did you get it?
Really? what's wrong with you?Are you really that weak?
@@josephkool8411 - hate crimes have tripled since he was elected. Instead of debates personal attacks like yours and so many others on both sides of the divide are the new normal. It is not a good normal. No matter how you feel about the president, the incredibly divisive and increasingly violent public should make everyone concerned. Pretending like this is all 'normal' is disingenuous imho.
Having a Pay Per View televising of his golf game to pay for the wall is Genius! Forward that on, Seth!👍😍
Seems his own wife and family don't want to spend time with him on a Sunday, so he's tweeting all day.
ra ra Lol. Ew. What would they even do lol like I guess watch tv together? What activities does he even do other than tv tweet n eat
Melania Donald and Barron on a family bike ride 😂😂
@@sanderstar1000 LOL, how about Melania Donald and Barron -
spending time at the playground
eating candy floss on Long Island
on a peddle boat
playing mini-golf
on the Staten Island ferry
on a picnic
shooting a few hoops
"Well, the president spent the weekend on an unhinged Twitter rant..." Is this a rerun?
Yes, it's a rerun, unfortunately it's from last week! 😩
No president should act this way.
NO human being should act this way!!
Do you think the Secret Service changes his diaper right there on the course, or does he just do all 18 holes with carrying a full load?
I bet if they offered him a chance to be on SNL again he'd say yes.
You damn right (he would)
He'd be the unintentionally funniest host ever.
@Peter Piper, the first episode he hosted was a huge snore. He barely did anything.
Also I wonder sometimes if he forgets he's actually been on the show.
He did it twice and sucked both times.
@@FrenkTheJoy The guy does says and does the same things day in and day out. He's got to be consistently one of the most boring people I've ever heard of.
Also interesting, most of his staff are really working on their deer in headlights look.
can we please forbid presidents from using twitter to communicate?
Can we please stop trump from winning? how do we do this mock rangne? TV ANYONE?
It's his personal account. There's far too much to unpack in a UA-cam post as why it's insane. I guess I'll just say: ignore that account, pay attention to the official accounts, like those of your local legislators. Let the late-night writing teams dig through the ranting and diffuse it, else you too will go insane.
mocki rangne No, even Presidents are covered by the First Amendment.
Well it might be easier to refrain from electing a nut case
can we PLEASE give presidents a 4th grade literacy test? Maybe also a test for presidents to know geography ? PLEASE. aLSO CAN THEY NOT HIRE THEIR FAMILY TO MAKE MONEY? aLSO CAN the president protect us from Jared Kushner?
That golf bit was BRILLZZZ