at this point, I feel weird to see him playing guitar. But whatever he makes, he never disappoint. It feels like some licks could be a bonus song for Polyphia's Renaissance Album
Well bass guitar and guitars are both guitars. The only real difference is the scale of the neck and the frequencies of the pictures played. Doesn't surprise me at all although as a bass player even though I know all the notes on a guitar I'm not a good guitar player my hands are huge and it feels tiny so I am impressed that he can jump from one scale length to the other and maintain all of his facility. The factory originally started out being trained as classical piano he views music from the total arrangement point of view and not just gee what's my instrument supposed to play? Definitely has his own writing style that is for sure great musician great player what a monster
@@iloveska1 They all are now and it's a little tiring but damn can't knock the ability and creativity that's out there these days...sadly the age of riffs is dead and gone, its all lead merged into melodic licks, has me bamboozled!
Agreed! Charles does seem to have his own style of sound the more I listen to him. It's really unique and I like how most of his originals contain pretty complicated sections while overall not sounding like it's too much or too overdone. It's really continuous and smooth. He's got really good balance with his sounds.
This is SO true. Title of the video doesn't do justice to his own talent. To be clear, people can't just play guitar like this because they are good on base!
Heck, I've been playing guitar for almost 30 years now (with a classical foundation), and I'm not even nearly half as good as the way he plays. Charles is truly something else. His musicality is on an entirely different level. He could easily play and make beautiful music with pretty much any musical instrument.
I am speechless. You don't sound like a bassist playing guitar, you sound like a *GREAT* guitar player. Your writing skills are so damn impressive, I'd love to see you surrounded by other talented musicians, in the context of a band, not only writing for guitar or bass but with a real balance between all instruments !
The phrasing, the sense of rhythm, the TONE... incredible. I've been playing for 17 years, and it hasn't been often that I've heard something I vibe to as much as this. I'd legit listen to a full album of material like this if you made it. Fantastic work!
Charles, I don’t know how it’s possible, but you not only have your own voice on bass, but on guitar as well. The sound is familiar but uniquely yours and to the guitar. Bravo maestro
A lot of the solo, especially the beginning had similar playing style and sound in my opinion to a base solo, but in a good way. Would agree, very unique to Charles
I’m honestly not surprised at the fact you did so well, but I’m completely blown away at the song itself. This is very evidently your own style, but with such a different sound (which really tickles me as an amateur guitarist). Amazing, man, amazing!
I suspect Charles will become one of our generation's legends. He has genuine talent, he can make music that people like to listen to, and he has a stage presence that only a handful of people have.
Thats why your generation will be fucked up. You think that this is talent ? WRONG ! This is TONS and TONS of hours of WORK ! Practice and practice again ! That's the only way to become good at something !
Dude, it's so rare to hear that much soul in a solo these days. And mix that skill in with it!!! 💥 This is absolutely incredible. Just amazing man. Keep it up. Make a record for us 🙏 🙏 🙏.
when your a theory nerd like Charles is, you can apply that to pretty much any instrument with just a bit of practice required. the only label you can give to him and have it be accurate is "musician". he's not a bassist, or a guitarist, or pianist. he's a whatever i want to play today-ist.
@@jmc2830 Playing fretted instruments translates pretty easily. I learned to play bass and dulcimer much more quickly than guitar (1st instrument) because I already knew so much.
probably one of the most unique solos I've heard in a while. coming from a 30 year guitar player. You obviously have played for along time on guitar and well as bass.
I've rewatched this 4 times now, noticing something new everytime. I already regarded you as the best bassist on the planet playing right now, and then you go and drop a guitar video that's up there with the very best. I'm starting to question if you're human or not. Thank you for putting this out there. Incredible.
Sweet Jesus...that was absolutely fantastic. Your standard guitar playing has some of the most cleanly picked notes I have EVER heard. Absolutely phenomenal.
That sounded like more enjoyable Polyphia to my ears. That could have easily been a part of a longer jam session that you would hear at G3, also. Great stuff. I would really like to see a collab with Charles, Ichika, and Polyphia.
I wasn't expecting this! The skill set between guitarist and basses does overlap, however, I'm still shocked at how good this was. Would love to hear more. Bring that loop pedal out and let's see what you can make out of both!!
Incredible song. I've listened to it at least 10 times now and I'm pretty sure it would take several hundred times before I'd get even remotely tired of it.
I'll never talk shit about bass players again! I'm a guitarist and you are giving bassists a good name here! Thank you. It's so much more about melody than just playing and technique. You're not only a bassist, guitarist and pianist you're a consummate crafter of melodic structures and a true musician.
Your playing style has a signature sound, and hearing it from a guitar is like hearing a friend's family member speak. Familiar and seperate. Really enjoyed this.
I'm not shocked, because you have what lies beyond skill : true musical inspiration. You can *think* with music, and that transcends what instrument you're playing at the time.
Keep Up Doing Overwhelming Stuff! You never cease to amaze us all with your talent, passion and dedication to your craft, Charles. Thank you for being SO inspiring, day after day!
Charles I truly regard you as being in the highest caliber of musicians that have walked the earth at any time. Your musicality is phenomenal. How about your composing on an orchestral scale? You have it in you there’s no doubt. Please get there and let us your fan base know how we can help. Best wishes brother I hope to see you in concert one day.
I remember you showing comments of people like « he’s a failed guitarist » or whatever. Bro, you are killing the game. This is insane how people can become such incredible musicians on multiple instruments, and still keep their style. Bravo!
What a truly wonderful arrangement !! As a guitarist myself, if I could play Bass with 1/10th of the skill you - as the Uber Bassist you are - just demonstrated on Guitar here, I'd be a very happy chappy. You're fluidity over the fretboard is so damn effortless.
Is that a 7 string piccolo bass? Love it! Amazing arrangement and tone! I'd love to see a video of how you balance the practice time between the different instruments you play.
Not surprising. Long time shredder here. I dont even own a bass, but i have been subscribed, god knows for how long, simply because of the amazing neck warping content! 🤘
I'm just not sure when you would have had another 10,000 hours lying around to pick up the guitar like that! Amazing Charles that you could have kept that a secret
Amazing!!! I'm going in the other room and throwing all my guitars away!! Love all your bass videos and this is another stellar performance! Thank you for sharing your gifts!!!
I want you to know that when you started playing the solo-esk portion, I bust out laughing at how stupidly, ridiculously, unbelievably amazing it was. This was good. Very good.
YES!!! Beautiful. Here's a bass video idea: Do a song featuring pick playing with some nice long runs to feature those alternate picking skills! Amazing, Charles. I'm happy to see your success.
Written by a guitarist that started as a bass player: I remember watching, now and then, Davie's channel and saw his video when he first enlisted your help and then shortly after, when you made your channel, I started watching yours. In all fairness, you are far from just an average bassist, you started out as a certified professional bassist and deserved that level. I've worked with several bassists and you are much better than all of them, and now seeing you play guitar I see why I thought that, you are a well rounded musician, not just a bassist. Most bass players I've worked with do not play guitar, maybe they COULD, but they just don't, they don't try. I applaud your level of musicianship, you're truly great, but to lump you in with the rest of bass players would be doing you a disservice. You're far better than most, playing many different genres on different levels, from what I've seen so far I doubt there's anything you couldn't play.
Dude that was so easy to listen to 🔥 Huge fan of ichika but I feel like he overdoes it a lot. You give the solo time to breathe when it needs to and it always sounds so well thought out and musical
Someone has been watching Polyphia videos 😉. Great work, Charles. Given your mastery of various stringed instruments, when are you gonna start making harp videos? 😁
your guitar playing sounds a lot like Plini meets Polyphia meets Intervals, love it! out of curiosity have you ever listened to Animals as Leaders? would love to see you do bass covers of their songs!!!
He can shred, but what I was most impressed with was the phrasing and timing on his licks in that solo. It seemed like he approached the solo with rhythmic ideas instead of melodic ones. You hear about guitarists playing/butchering the bass like it's a guitar, but I've yet to see a bassist as talented as Charles (if there is one) play the guitar, and it's the first time in a long time I've heard such distinctive playing. I feel like sitting down and only playing bass for 3 months would actually help my soloing as a guitar player after watching this. A 3-for-1 comment for this video because I couldn't decide which one I wanted to say lol
I would love to hear a composition that combines your abilities on both instruments. To see how you approach the layering and interplay of the two
Great idea!
with piano, too
I think that's what this is...
he's playing bass in this one dawg
I second this
at this point, I feel weird to see him playing guitar. But whatever he makes, he never disappoint. It feels like some licks could be a bonus song for Polyphia's Renaissance Album
Well bass guitar and guitars are both guitars. The only real difference is the scale of the neck and the frequencies of the pictures played. Doesn't surprise me at all although as a bass player even though I know all the notes on a guitar I'm not a good guitar player my hands are huge and it feels tiny so I am impressed that he can jump from one scale length to the other and maintain all of his facility. The factory originally started out being trained as classical piano he views music from the total arrangement point of view and not just gee what's my instrument supposed to play? Definitely has his own writing style that is for sure great musician great player what a monster
Yes! I was thinking that same thing!
First thing I thought was he was copying polyphia
@@iloveska1 They all are now and it's a little tiring but damn can't knock the ability and creativity that's out there these days...sadly the age of riffs is dead and gone, its all lead merged into melodic licks, has me bamboozled!
@@adamdam so keep playing riff stuff. Is stained rock and roll for decades. Nothing wrong with continuing to write an arrange in that style.
Crazy how even on guitar you've got such a unique vibe. This totally feels like a Charles Berthoud song.
Agreed! Charles does seem to have his own style of sound the more I listen to him. It's really unique and I like how most of his originals contain pretty complicated sections while overall not sounding like it's too much or too overdone. It's really continuous and smooth. He's got really good balance with his sounds.
Sounds like Jon Stockman
@@aldente9310 Charles is who he was referring to.
Please please do a multi-instrument blues song. Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano/Keyboard. Then run a comp on who can add the best lyrics and vocals!
@@paulbaker7500 noob
You are literally a world class musician.
i taught him everything he knows.
Unironically one of the best musicians alive.
A true virtuoso of our generation
But it does make me wonder how many unknown amazing talents are somewhere in the shadows because they don't care to have a youtube channel.
I agree
You should do more guitar once in awhile! It sounds really good!
You are the enemy of all righteousness for suggesting such a thing. :P
Agreed, not all the time but sometimes would be cool
This isn‘t just shredding. Beautiful lines combined with great technic and timing. You are such an inspiration!
You are not a bassist or a guitarist or whatever ... You are a musician. Awesome solo !
Yes he is. He's all of the above.
This is SO true. Title of the video doesn't do justice to his own talent. To be clear, people can't just play guitar like this because they are good on base!
Only the read the first part at first and had a stroke.
@@AvACyberSecurity I am a guitarist and i can't play like that.
Heck, I've been playing guitar for almost 30 years now (with a classical foundation), and I'm not even nearly half as good as the way he plays. Charles is truly something else. His musicality is on an entirely different level. He could easily play and make beautiful music with pretty much any musical instrument.
He mastered 6 strings on bass, so Charles started with SEVEN on guitar. What a legend.
he didn't use the low string though, so he's not djenty enough
Es por qué usa lo mismo que en el bajo usa la escalas del bajo en la guitarra
@@_lun4r_ For the djent he has his 5-6 string basses
I am speechless. You don't sound like a bassist playing guitar, you sound like a *GREAT* guitar player. Your writing skills are so damn impressive, I'd love to see you surrounded by other talented musicians, in the context of a band, not only writing for guitar or bass but with a real balance between all instruments !
Yes! It's getting annoying with the sterile midi backing. It kinda feels like practice, would love to hear this guy on stage.
The phrasing, the sense of rhythm, the TONE... incredible. I've been playing for 17 years, and it hasn't been often that I've heard something I vibe to as much as this. I'd legit listen to a full album of material like this if you made it. Fantastic work!
I completely agree.
Charles, I don’t know how it’s possible, but you not only have your own voice on bass, but on guitar as well. The sound is familiar but uniquely yours and to the guitar. Bravo maestro
A more subtle Prince sound?
We are down a Prince Charles...
A lot of the solo, especially the beginning had similar playing style and sound in my opinion to a base solo, but in a good way. Would agree, very unique to Charles
I hear Santana in it.
Guitar is guitar. The whole bass thing is something that.. Nvm...
Lead guitarists are often natural bass guitarists. It's true.
The musical role is generally different but the play style is damn near identical.
What impresses me most is, that your guitar playing is so different stylistically from your bass playing. Really giving me Polyphia vibes, keep it up!
I’m honestly not surprised at the fact you did so well, but I’m completely blown away at the song itself. This is very evidently your own style, but with such a different sound (which really tickles me as an amateur guitarist). Amazing, man, amazing!
I suspect Charles will become one of our generation's legends. He has genuine talent, he can make music that people like to listen to, and he has a stage presence that only a handful of people have.
Man, I'd love to see him in a band. But he needs people that match his talent.
Good luck to him finding that. Would have to be instrumental only since Chris Cornell passed.
He already is a legend pal.
If rjd wasn't dead I could imagine his voice going perfectly with this
Thats why your generation will be fucked up. You think that this is talent ? WRONG ! This is TONS and TONS of hours of WORK ! Practice and practice again ! That's the only way to become good at something !
As much as I love your bass playing, we really do need more guitar videos, keep them coming!
Dude, it's so rare to hear that much soul in a solo these days. And mix that skill in with it!!! 💥 This is absolutely incredible. Just amazing man. Keep it up. Make a record for us 🙏 🙏 🙏.
He has albums on Spotify.
@@rbarbetta1978 I obviously had no idea. Thank you
@@TakeAHikeMike You're welcome! I just happened to look the other day while I had Spotify open. Enjoy!
This might sound silly but I was NOT expecting you to be this good on the guitar also. Amazing stuff man you're a legend.
when your a theory nerd like Charles is, you can apply that to pretty much any instrument with just a bit of practice required. the only label you can give to him and have it be accurate is "musician". he's not a bassist, or a guitarist, or pianist. he's a whatever i want to play today-ist.
@@jmc2830 Playing fretted instruments translates pretty easily. I learned to play bass and dulcimer much more quickly than guitar (1st instrument) because I already knew so much.
probably one of the most unique solos I've heard in a while. coming from a 30 year guitar player. You obviously have played for along time on guitar and well as bass.
Genuinely quite impressive! Even guitar players should be impressed! Ive been playing for a few years and cant get close to that.
Just keep practising and pushing yourself! And be patient 👌🏻
@@Vladimirvulkan lad’s wife might not appreciate that 😅
It turns out that 30k hours in bass gives you a head start for playing other forms of guitar.(he does play bass guitar afterall)
This song makes me miss my Cadillac. That's road music.
@@riparianlife97701 I can imagine it as a track in Outrun.
That's seriously one of the best guitar solos I've heard in a while. Please play more guitar man!!
I've rewatched this 4 times now, noticing something new everytime. I already regarded you as the best bassist on the planet playing right now, and then you go and drop a guitar video that's up there with the very best. I'm starting to question if you're human or not. Thank you for putting this out there. Incredible.
He's definitely from another world. I just haven't figured out which one yet. I'll keep you posted. 😂
Sweet Jesus...that was absolutely fantastic. Your standard guitar playing has some of the most cleanly picked notes I have EVER heard. Absolutely phenomenal.
That sounded like more enjoyable Polyphia to my ears. That could have easily been a part of a longer jam session that you would hear at G3, also. Great stuff. I would really like to see a collab with Charles, Ichika, and Polyphia.
This is the best 6 strings pícolo bass solo I’ve seen here in a while!
7 string actually. 😉
I saw 7 as well. But nonetheless it was still good. Although I enjoy the Bass playing more.
Insane!... You have this style that's so unique but I can also hear lots of Tim Henson influence in it
Also reminds me a lot of Plini but in a more standard time signature
I wasn't expecting this! The skill set between guitarist and basses does overlap, however, I'm still shocked at how good this was.
Would love to hear more. Bring that loop pedal out and let's see what you can make out of both!!
1:10 melted my face
This guy is from another world, what a talent.
Incredible song. I've listened to it at least 10 times now and I'm pretty sure it would take several hundred times before I'd get even remotely tired of it.
I'll never talk shit about bass players again! I'm a guitarist and you are giving bassists a good name here! Thank you. It's so much more about melody than just playing and technique. You're not only a bassist, guitarist and pianist you're a consummate crafter of melodic structures and a true musician.
Nailed it!!! 🎉
Why did you talk shit about bassist before is my question🤦🏽♂️
Your playing style has a signature sound, and hearing it from a guitar is like hearing a friend's family member speak. Familiar and seperate. Really enjoyed this.
that riff that starts at 1:30 might be the best thing I've ever heard
That was crazy, great melodic solo, great tone, sound and phrasing.
I'm not shocked, because you have what lies beyond skill : true musical inspiration. You can *think* with music, and that transcends what instrument you're playing at the time.
Dang, guitar and bass are equally impressive and valuable to me. You rock as always man!
The phrasing is unparalleled.
Fantastic job as always, Charles!
Good GRACIOUS Charles …. What CAN’T you do ???? !!!!!!!! I’m blown away
You never cease to amaze us all with your talent, passion and dedication to your craft, Charles. Thank you for being SO inspiring, day after day!
Charles I truly regard you as being in the highest caliber of musicians that have walked the earth at any time. Your musicality is phenomenal. How about your composing on an orchestral scale? You have it in you there’s no doubt. Please get there and let us your fan base know how we can help. Best wishes brother I hope to see you in concert one day.
You re also amazing on the guitar, great job Charles 💯
Thank you!
are you the one who played the davies hardest impossible bassline perfectly?
@@ozandorukcan4324 yes i am! 🙌
Perfectly? You sure about that?
@@ozandorukcan4324 Well, not perfectly. The waveforms didn’t quite align 😮😮
I remember you showing comments of people like « he’s a failed guitarist » or whatever.
Bro, you are killing the game. This is insane how people can become such incredible musicians on multiple instruments, and still keep their style.
YO THATS AWESOME I LOVE THIS, you shock the hell out of me again good sir keep up the awesome playing!
I was not at all prepared for how good you are on a guitar.
Pretty effin good bro. Great alternate picking for a damn bass player too.
Thanks! The picking is definitely the steepest learning curve for bassists who are used to fingestyle, slap etc.
What a truly wonderful arrangement !!
As a guitarist myself, if I could play Bass with 1/10th of the skill you - as the Uber Bassist you are - just demonstrated on Guitar here, I'd be a very happy chappy. You're fluidity over the fretboard is so damn effortless.
Damn dude. That was amazing. Honestly better than most dedicated guitar channels no joke
Wow I wasn’t expecting this!
Why would anyone expect anything less from Charles? Fantastic!!
So nice!!! Amazing playing! ❤
Is that a 7 string piccolo bass? Love it! Amazing arrangement and tone! I'd love to see a video of how you balance the practice time between the different instruments you play.
Sopranino 7 string bass
Unbelievable! I love your phrasing and melodies. Great job Charles.
Not surprising. Long time shredder here. I dont even own a bass, but i have been subscribed, god knows for how long, simply because of the amazing neck warping content! 🤘
I can't believe this, I'm going to cry.
Another great work!Thanks for brilliant videos 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Very impressive and very musical, love it :)
Absolutely LOVE the phrasing of your soloing. Great feel. Makes sense for how good you are at bass.
The most impressive thing he does, to he very specific, is the way his hand can warp horizontally between positions, and land so cleanly
I love that you went straight for the 7 string! Gorgeous guitar and a beautiful piece of music as well!
Anyone know what kind of guitar it is?
@@pyroblue : It looks to me like a Schecter.
@@pyroblue It's a Schecter Keith Merrow MKIII
I'm just not sure when you would have had another 10,000 hours lying around to pick up the guitar like that! Amazing Charles that you could have kept that a secret
Dude, this is some of the most genuinely enjoyable guitar playing I’ve seen in a good long while, kudos! 👏
This is so tight and the octave stuff rose goosepimples from the depths!
Damn, that solo was beautiful. Charles is on another level.
The amount of talent on this channel is off the charts.
I already know this is gonna be bloody great!
Edit: Wasn’t wrong :)))
Amazing!!! I'm going in the other room and throwing all my guitars away!! Love all your bass videos and this is another stellar performance! Thank you for sharing your gifts!!!
We need more tapping guitar masterpieces from you now that you have given us a taste. Amazing as usual, sir Charles!
I love the way you play man, and the tone for the guitar is amazing!
Bass guitar IS guitar! 😅
Your an amazing musician. Keep doing what you do, we all love listening to everything you play.
Mate, not fair! Leave some for the rest of us!
No seriously, that was amazing. You're crazy talented and dedicated. Hats off to you sir! :)
Nice. I have two of the Schecter KM7 models. Awesome guitars.
I want you to know that when you started playing the solo-esk portion, I bust out laughing at how stupidly, ridiculously, unbelievably amazing it was. This was good. Very good.
YES!!! Beautiful. Here's a bass video idea: Do a song featuring pick playing with some nice long runs to feature those alternate picking skills!
Amazing, Charles. I'm happy to see your success.
Man, you are such an amazingly talented musician
Written by a guitarist that started as a bass player: I remember watching, now and then, Davie's channel and saw his video when he first enlisted your help and then shortly after, when you made your channel, I started watching yours. In all fairness, you are far from just an average bassist, you started out as a certified professional bassist and deserved that level. I've worked with several bassists and you are much better than all of them, and now seeing you play guitar I see why I thought that, you are a well rounded musician, not just a bassist. Most bass players I've worked with do not play guitar, maybe they COULD, but they just don't, they don't try. I applaud your level of musicianship, you're truly great, but to lump you in with the rest of bass players would be doing you a disservice. You're far better than most, playing many different genres on different levels, from what I've seen so far I doubt there's anything you couldn't play.
I could have heard this in a random playlist and instantly known it was Charles
What an amazing solo, truly exceptional musician!
Hey got prize for you
You've won a (package ) 🎸🎸🎁🎁
Hats off Charles, you always seem to amaze me! It never gets old, thanks for sharing with us. John
Incredible! Would love a video on how you compose and make arrangements
Dude that was so easy to listen to 🔥 Huge fan of ichika but I feel like he overdoes it a lot. You give the solo time to breathe when it needs to and it always sounds so well thought out and musical
Amazing ...... genius at work
Charles there is this really cool bass player on youtube that has the same name as you. I think you two would make a great progrock band!
Everytime Charles posts anything, you know it's gonna be good.
You can play better than most guitarists 🤯
Complete with 80s style solo with bends and style, but with your style too! AMAZING!
You should do more alternating videos between bass, guitar, piano and any other instrument you know how to play! No matter what u are a beast!
You sir, are a once in a generation level of musician.
Other Bass Players: Charles, will you please stop forcing us to step up our game!!!
Charles is a better guitar player than 99.99% of guitar players
the lead riff before 1:50 gives total scott's vibe on icronic
It's great that a guitarist like you can play the bass well!
Someone has been watching Polyphia videos 😉. Great work, Charles. Given your mastery of various stringed instruments, when are you gonna start making harp videos? 😁
Haha, yeah I'm loving their new stuff 🔥
Charles vs. Ichika Harp battle?
This sounds a lot like Polyphia for some reason, I love this so much
Exactly my first thought, Scottie Lepage is all over this and it’s 🔥
your guitar playing sounds a lot like Plini meets Polyphia meets Intervals, love it! out of curiosity have you ever listened to Animals as Leaders? would love to see you do bass covers of their songs!!!
He played bass to Tosins THUMP! video.
@@BaldorfBreakdowns OH MY GOD THANK YOU
He can shred, but what I was most impressed with was the phrasing and timing on his licks in that solo. It seemed like he approached the solo with rhythmic ideas instead of melodic ones.
You hear about guitarists playing/butchering the bass like it's a guitar, but I've yet to see a bassist as talented as Charles (if there is one) play the guitar, and it's the first time in a long time I've heard such distinctive playing.
I feel like sitting down and only playing bass for 3 months would actually help my soloing as a guitar player after watching this.
A 3-for-1 comment for this video because I couldn't decide which one I wanted to say lol
Wow so beautiful!!
I love how awkward you hold it, and precise you play haha
Love that melody 💙
Thanks ☺
He really can play guitar. Mind blowing.
Mind blowing in Davie voice?