Enough is Enough | How 1.20.1 Update Will Effectively Destroy the Game

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @Shrike58
    @Shrike58 Рік тому +38

    We all knew that WG was going to drive the game off the cliff at some point, and that point has arrived. My provisional plan is to play out the current battle pass and pretty much waltz out. "No Man's Sky" here I come!

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +9

      WG does provide us plenty of cliffs to dive off of in-game.

    • @FirstNameLastNameNZ
      @FirstNameLastNameNZ Рік тому +3

      Yup, Wallet Closed

    • @nicolasmariotti
      @nicolasmariotti Рік тому

      I'm probably dreaming, but an open source alternative would be awesome at this point. Because open-source projects always face the risk of a fork that would out-compete them.

    • @OTOss8
      @OTOss8 Рік тому +3

      I want to play the battle pass out too, but the only chance we have to stop 1.20.1 is to boycott now. If 1.20.1 drops unchanged, you can go back then and finish the BP. If you want to try in any way to stop this, you need to boycott.

  • @jodrakhanthewonderful1642
    @jodrakhanthewonderful1642 Рік тому +8

    The BZ-176 was the first horseman of our apocalypse...

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      You mean you don't like facing what amounts to a T9 tank in every single tier 8 battle? Combined with the Skoda T-65 and Bourrasque.

  • @spyritwind2540
    @spyritwind2540 Рік тому +35

    I believe WG lost about 40% of the player base on the NA server in the past few years. Apparently they haven't reached their goal of 80% yet so they had to do something.

    • @Bertjevdk
      @Bertjevdk Рік тому +1

      I am curious about the decline on the RU server though, must be harsh

    • @artm1973
      @artm1973 Рік тому

      15-20% in just the last year. It really speed up in the last few years, dramatically so in the last 6 months.

  • @jensfalk7973
    @jensfalk7973 Рік тому +17

    Thank you WG! I have 55k battles and I don't know how much money i have spent on this game since 2014 but probably enough to buy a decent car.
    I have a love hate relationship with this game and Finally the hate might tip over.

    • @jaykayguns
      @jaykayguns Рік тому

      No it won’t. It’s like building something. All that work is not easy to up and walk away from

    • @Cormano980
      @Cormano980 Рік тому

      That's addiction bro, please seek professional help 😂

  • @jeffreyblanton3982
    @jeffreyblanton3982 Рік тому +7

    Great video Cody. BlackHorse16 here. I totally agree with your comments. Some thoughts: The crew reset is my biggest issue in this. I've played for 11 years and have a few hundred active crew members. I can't spend several hundred dollars to reset them all. I spent a lot of gold over the years to reset skills to refine my crews and now that's down the drain. I suggest we WOT players boycott (not log on) for one week starting when the 1.20.1 update is activated. Maybe, just maybe, they will get the message. You as a CC don't have to promote it, just mention the idea on your streams and videos and the message will get out. Also, can you address the new skills affects on broken vehicles like the camo/jamming skill on an E-25 sitting behind a bush. With the right setup it could sit there all battle and fire without being spotted unless a light tank gets right on top of it. And EBRs going 95km an hour!

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Thank you Jeff, lets start the BOYCOTT right now, before 1.20.1 update releases. We need to stop this before it comes out as we all know WG wont change things after it gets released

    • @steveroberts6302
      @steveroberts6302 Рік тому

      WG hasn't told us yet about how many crew resets we will get. The 12 refers to the test server. They should give us a reset for all of our crews when it goes live. We will have to wait and see.

  • @jamesavery3559
    @jamesavery3559 Рік тому +3

    thank you very much...sad times ahead, the nose dive started with patch 1.18 i think, when the mach maker got flipped 180, and it has been a horror story with each new update, Baron AutoMatic

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Here's to hoping positive change comes out from this unprecedented community backlash with this pending 1.20.1 update. That's all we can do, is try and to use our time/money to get our voice heard.

    • @glenncarolus1875
      @glenncarolus1875 Рік тому +1

      Started when the bz-176 came out at xmas

  • @Shrike58
    @Shrike58 Рік тому +11

    The great retreat from Russia probably changed a lot of things, in that I gather that the bulk of RU was free-to-play, so they had to keep that in mind. Now that they're depending on the West and Asia, they may have no qualms going full P2W. Here's the problem with that plan, WG has doubled-down on the aspects that made "WarThunder" less attractive as an option, in terms of grindiness and pay to progress; I'd certainly direct a new player to try the competition first before committing to this game. Also, since the "Armoured Warfare" server has apparently relocated to the Netherlands, I might just reactivate that account when I want to screw around with tanks.

    • @michaelmichael8147
      @michaelmichael8147 Рік тому

      I love WOT Plus, but hate the lack of retraining orders. But understand, WG has laid off employees. WG has lost 75% of its player base. Please understand that it may have severe financial problems.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +6

      Relocating out of Belarus definitely had a huge impact. I think most telling is the change in developers and management that did not make the move. The new ideology is just brutal to players and especially existing players with devaluing their time and money spent.

    • @GabiAndrone
      @GabiAndrone Рік тому +1

      what retreat? all russians are playing on EU server now, and more for distroing the game than to play....

  • @shinraddkindheart
    @shinraddkindheart Рік тому +5

    Thank you, Cody Menz for giving reasonable and in-depth analysis of this TRAVESTY and also providing us with your fair feedback!! Amazing video, I agree with your points!! WARGAMING have proven that this update DOESN'T promote new players coming into the game, NOR does it make this crew system easier to understand, it ONLY MAKES IT HARDER! I DO NOT plan on playing an AMX ELC for 25,000 years just so I can be competitive against other tanks who have more crew members in their tank in the same tier! BILLIONS of Crew xp needed for 1 tank to be effective?? Wargaming is indeed LOSING THEIR MINDS! What I find even MORE SAD about these changes, is their lack of respect for all of us, the players in WoT, who are going to be completely shafted trying to retrain all of our crews with their COMPLETE BS offer of giving us 12 retraining orders! 12 retrains?? What a slap in all of our faces!!
    Let me make one point about the "Random Events" that will happen in battles... THESE RANDOM EVENTS ARE NOT RANDOM! These events happen in a SPECIFIC PLACE, at a SPECIFIC TIME! So, these events will be learned and countered by players after the first couple weeks. If a plane always crashes in the same spot after 3 MINUTES of a battle starting, we will all adapt to this, because it is NOT RANDOM!!!
    WHY WOULD I RECOMMEND this game to anyone?? Don't even get me started with the SUBSCRIPTION issue with this new WOT+ ($9 monthly paid) plan. First, you get a rental tank that can use any American crew to get xp in. WHY ONLY USA TANKS? Do you not care about ALL THE OTHER NATIONS?? So, only USA gets a "RENTAL" tank that they can put any crew into for xp? WHAT ABOUT GERMANY, RUSSIA, FRANCE??? WHY FAVOR USA OVER ALL OTHER NATIONS??? Okay, on to point NUMBER 2... Second, you're going to give WoT+ members FREE GOLD? FREE BOND EQUIPMENT TRANSFERS? ANOTHER MAP THEY CAN EXCLUDE? What a lack of foresight, what a lack of listening to feedback, what a lack of thoughtfulness!! Who will continue to play when WHALES (Players who have TONS of MONEY) will have bond equipment on every tank in a battle, and they will have THE BEST crew skills to WIPE THE FLOOR with other players? I'll be spotted for 17 seconds, and they will only be spotted for 7 seconds? THIS IS CRAZY! Whales (players who CAN spend whatever they want on a game) will have the best crew, the best equipment, the best map picks, and they will now also have a "Rental" tier 8 tank they can use any USA crew in to get xp from while they completely destroy NON-WOT+ players. This change will not HELP NEW PLAYERS coming into the game, because they don't have the bond equipment or enough crew skills to stay alive long enough to decide to KEEP PLAYING WoT when they will be dead within the first 3-4 minutes of the game?
    New players will have no chance, even IF THEY GET WoT+.... The Whales (Especially Platooned Whales) will laugh all the way to the Victory screen while the new players are trying to find credits just to repair and resupply their tanks with consumables and ammunition!! This change will benefit the OLDEST players who have the most BOND equipment and leave everyone else in the dust of their track marks!!!
    By the way, New players get absolutely no help with buying ONE garage slot for A QUARTER OF A MILLION CREDITS!!! 250,000 credits so they can get another garage slot? New players can't afford that! All you whales out there who don't believe me, make a new alternate account, and see how fast your credits go without spending any REAL MONEY! I know it might be tempting to spend 10-20 bucks, but I dare you to make a new account and try to buy garage slots for 250,000 credits each while you're still in tier 3 tanks. It sounds like a good idea, but 250,000 credits is WAY TOO MUCH, just for 1 garage slot.
    NOW I NEED TO GRIND EACH TANK TO GET AT LEAST ANOTHER 2-4 SKILLS???? Who has 3.14 years to grind their 2 crew member Manticore 24/7 just so that this light tank can be competitive with other tier 10 lights (or tier 8 & 9 lights, depending on the battle)? This update is SUPPOSED TO MAKE CREW SKILLS EASIER to anyone playing the game!! This Update definitely doesn't help new players catch up! This update also hurts old players who HAVE SO MANY TANKS, now they have to retrain so many crew members (and they only get 12 retrains remember, 12!), that they will be forced to buy gold just to keep their tanks up to date (AND ALSO FORCES OLD PLAYERS TO GRIND EACH TANK FOR AT LEAST 2-4 MORE SKILLS)!!! This UPDATE only benefits Wargaming! No inclusion, no diversity; this update only promotes a bigger disparity between new and old players, and unfortunately, this update doesn't ADD FUN TO THE GAME!!! All this update is for, is to line WARGAMING's pockets with money, and give EVERY PLAYER, new or old, a HUGE MIDDLE FINGER!!
    I agree Cody Menz, THEY ARE NOT EVEN BOTHERED TO UPDATE a game that doesn't take FAIR, REASONABLE, THOUGHTFUL feedback from its PLAYER BASE! I've played WoT for a long time now, and THIS UPDATE might push ME away from playing the game for good! I REFUSE TO PLAY a game where WARGAMING'S GOAL is to force me to grind for 26,000 YEARS, (24/7- SO NOT ONLY DO I NEED TO BE IMMORTAL, I CAN'T EVEN SLEEP),so I can get 1 tank (ELC AMX) to be competitive in a battle against other light tanks of the SAME tier!!! What a lack of foresight, what a lack of listening to feedback, what a lack of thoughtfulness!! WARGAMING, I have 2 words for you concerning this update, and it doesn't even scratch the surface of your DISRESPECT FOR YOUR PLAYERS, some players who have played for over 10 years!! 10 years!!
    My two words are, "12 retrains?" 12 retrains?? Let me say these 2 words slower for you WARGAMING, so you understand SLOWLY what you offered us, with SUCH ENTHUSIASM!!! 12.... Retrains.... 12.... Retrains.... WARGAMING, from know on, I pledge to NEVER CALL YOU BY YOUR NAME EVER AGAIN.... I NOW DUB WARGAMING: WG12R Thank you Cody Menz for covering this, WG12R has just totally disrespected every player in WoT! My suggestion, maybe it's time for all of us to find ANOTHER GAME where the developers THINK ABOUT THE PLAYERS, TAKE OUR FEEDBACK, AND FOCUS ON RESPECTING THEIR PLAYERS, new and old, TO MAKE THE GAME MORE FUN AND EASIER TO UNDERSTAND!!! I will not recommend this game to anyone, I'm flabbergasted by this proposed update by WG12R!!!! Seriously, FU WG12R, FU Royally!!!!

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Who doesn't want to spend BILLIONS of crew XP???? It is pretty insane once you start looking at the specifics of the update and the sheer insanity of dozens of different changes.

    • @g.d.graham2446
      @g.d.graham2446 Рік тому

      Pretty much sums up my whole thoughts on this update

  • @Racko94
    @Racko94 Рік тому +1

    I remember back in 2012 when I started playing this game. It was fun, there were moments where I would get mad and yell 'bullsht' but keep playing, and I would buy a premium tank and/or premium tank every couple of paychecks while I worked at mcdonalds, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I loved them adding more nations and lines to the game, I remember when gold rounds cost gold, and loading up a game on my churchill 3 with some premium rounds after payday just to make the entire enemy team cry out in chat about it. Back when IS-4 was a tier 9 and there were only 3 nations, with only heavies being tier 10. The patch that introduced physics was the best patch ever, and made the game so much more fun.
    Unfortunately, I had to step away for a few years because of life, but came back to more tech trees, more premium tanks (some of which were OP, counter to the premiums back in the day that were on-par with tech-tree tanks, sometimes better sometimes worse) and it has changed a lot since then. I missed the whole crew 2.0 debacle, but saw everything about it after the fact, and this feels like WG just went "oh, you dont like it? we'll make it worse!" and it feels like I might have to abandon the 3 yrs of premium time i have on my account and just uninstall this and never look at it again.

  • @huginstarkstrom
    @huginstarkstrom Рік тому +3

    WOT works because there are enough players to have short queue times. And some of those players spend some money and a few a lot. If you have to pay to have a win rate above 50%, fewer players will play, queues will get longer, which will also annoy some pay a bit players, meaning, they'll invest less. But the pay a lots will make up for that - and have to endure longer queues....at least, that's my prediction

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      Enough of us need to get it across to Wargaming that enough is enough and updates like this purely trying to squeeze money out are just going to kill the game. I'm hopeful if everyone in the community who feels that some part of 1.20.1 is unacceptable continues to voice their opinions that it will have some positive effect on WGs decision.

  • @asmrlatincouple2033
    @asmrlatincouple2033 Рік тому +5

    Hi, the main issue with the new patch it is that on wot plus you can swap for free and unlimited the bond equipment ....that s madness some of us worked so much to equip certain tanks with full set of bond equipment , i got myself like 4 or 5 set of bond equipment now if they will introduce this new bad change I will request a refund for 4 set of equipment as I don t need them anymore if i m willing to buy their wot plus...

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      Unfortunately WG will be happy to deny your refund and then take your money paying for WoT+. Hopefully the community continues the level of backlash so they rethink bringing these god awful decisions.

  • @SuperCat492
    @SuperCat492 Рік тому +7

    Agree with you, Cody, this game has always been about money. It wasn't that obvious before.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Yeah, it's going too far with these proposals

  • @ahrtoowot8021
    @ahrtoowot8021 Рік тому +2

    Besides the cost of retraining 1,500 crew members, have you considered the time? If you could do them at the rate of 1 crew member per minute (which I think would be challenging), it would take *25 hours of clicking* to retrain 1,500 crew members! Now there's real gaming fun!

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Obviously there is time involved. It still doesn't mean that they shouldn't do an update and compensate people fairly. During the Crew 2.0 sandbox they had an "auto assign button" to make it a few seconds per tank and honestly the skills they chose were spot on. Why that disappeared is beyond me aside from the fact they want to charge people money to reset their crews to stay current. So that is probably why it was removed.

    • @ahrtoowot8021
      @ahrtoowot8021 Рік тому +1

      @@CodyMenz I agree that WG should compensate players fairly. In the 10+ years I've been playing the game I've even seen them do it once or twice.
      I strongly suspect that the 12 retraining orders thing was intentionally put out there to rile people up and give WG an opportunity to say "we listened to you, and we're going to do more."
      Not providing a conversion assistant (like the one that they previewed before) is just stoopid. After all, such a tool would just help people spend their money.
      I also feel like there's a part of all this that hasn't been revealed yet. I don't think that Crew 2.0 retraining is really going to make WG that much money. It might clean out some of the piles of gold that big loot box buyers are sitting on, but more parsimonious people are likely to focus on just the tanks they actively play. So how is WG going to monetize crew for the long haul??
      I thought you're observation about another retraining event with future crew system changes was a good one, but that's just another one time shot. WG wants to to have a permanent place in our wallets.
      One possibility I see is WG saying, "You were right, letting people move improved equipment for free was a bad idea. We're going to change WoT Plus to include 50 free retraining orders per month instead."

  • @danam0228
    @danam0228 Рік тому +3

    There's so much wrong with this proposed update, and, as usual, too much at once that will lead to unforeseen problems

  • @connor654
    @connor654 Рік тому +2

    Tank Auctions shouldn't be a thing as well extra so for brand new vehicles. Same with limited quantity sales of brand new vehicles. It's insane that there are new tier 10 vehicles released in limited quantity obviously to pressure people who don't have the funds on hand to swipe their credit card. This more egregious direction of buffing spending money has been years in the making.

  • @Shrike58
    @Shrike58 Рік тому +5

    I have a theory that these alterations to crews...going back to the original concept of just a commander for the tank...was a way to cut down on data-base storage costs for WG. FourTankersand Dog noted that whatever else was involved in the HE changes, it was easier, and thus cheaper, to process server-side for WG. This three-stage change to the crews suggests that a long vacation is in order.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Part of it is trying to make it more accessible to newer players, if there will be any of them at this point. But the ditched that when the player base did not want one commander and wanted to keep individual crew members.

  • @nacho71ar
    @nacho71ar Рік тому +2

    Haven't we all said enough about Crew 2.0 and similar changes? WG: do we have really to go over and over again why these changes will be rejected by all and that they hurt the game beyond repair?

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Well Crew 2.0 sandbox was primarily gathering feedback which now has led us to this. Judging by most players feedbacks, including my own, based off their roadmap videos reading this crew rework. It seemed mostly positive as it seemed like they listened to community feedback.
      However, as we all know now. The pieces they didn't tease, the skill stats and also the retraining order fiasco and the nail in the coffin that will quite literally, ruin the game.
      It's sad that WG time after time gets in its own way every 4-5 years like this and basically is its own worst enemy.

    • @nacho71ar
      @nacho71ar Рік тому

      @@CodyMenz To me seems something within WG is fundamentally broken. They have Community Managers, they know what players expect, have the means to test with the Community every single new feature they want to put out... yet they manage to shoot their own feet so often... makes me wonder wth is going on over there.

  • @mindyourownbiz316
    @mindyourownbiz316 Рік тому +4

    Nice one CM, WG have definitely moved in a different direction..... they have gone South.

  • @pickeljarsforhillary102
    @pickeljarsforhillary102 Рік тому +2

    The Thursday stream was great.
    TragicLoss spent all stream answering questions with questions and ignoring peoples issues with the update.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      I feel bad for Wargaming Community Staff like Tragic. They aren't the ones making these decisions and honestly would prefer that this type of monetization wouldn't happen. 1, it hurts the community that they interact with and 2 it makes their job harder as you can't really spin stuff that is 100% negative for your customer.

    • @rustybottoms8859
      @rustybottoms8859 Рік тому

      Ya I agree Cody, of all people they should be the most pissed. Puts them in a really bad position.

  • @Shrike58
    @Shrike58 Рік тому +1

    Also, there's a reason why I never bought more than 90 days of premium time at any one time; going back to the start of when I started buying premium time.

  • @uselessoldman7964
    @uselessoldman7964 Рік тому +2

    There not insulting there taking piss and loving every second of it. Think of all those people who spent thousands on tanks they don't own, only rent, this has been on the cards for years.

  • @K_LeShaeya
    @K_LeShaeya Рік тому

    Biggest Issue with WoT+ is it's simply going to make you more competitive.
    The main difference being:
    A.) The Casual Competitive or Newly Competitive players will be running around with maybe one or two pieces of bond equipment, maybe on one competitive vehicle, and the rest are all a mixture of standard and bounty upgraded equipment. They don't have enough bonds yet to have multiple sets of Bond Equip, and are probably just trying to make do till they can.
    B.) The Seasoned Competitive player, probably has several thousand bonds, and at least a dozen Bond Equipment pieces or more. Only thing they have to worry about is the 600 bonds it takes to demount 3 pieces of equipment (It adds up)
    WoT+ is going to make the Seasoned Comp player more competitive, because they will just be able to throw their bond equipment around and make any tank they play that much better, whereas people who either can't afford WoT+ or choose not to pay for it, are getting screwed, because they're either forced to run a mixture of standard and Bounty equip, or all three... bounty, bond and standard just to try to keep up with what is needed to stay in Comp level.
    If you are able to afford WoT+. YOU WILL NEVER NEED STANDARD OR BOUNTY EQUIPMENT. EVER!! why use lesser equipment when you can just demount 3 pieces off the tank you're using and throw it on the one you're about to play... normally that'd be a hefty 600 total bonds to demount, now you save those 600 bonds for other stuff.
    WarGaming really trying their best to become WarShaming

  • @micpic119
    @micpic119 Рік тому +3

    I remember how much fun it was playing my Leichttraktor almost 9 years and 36K games ago. Now I find my favorite tanks continue to be nerfed to death. All I've ever wanted was for my shell to go where I shoot it and hit what's there. RNG is a joke. More and more often, my shells disappear, my target disappears altogether, shells fly way off course, do no damage or "7 hp" when they do hit. Skill has nothing to do with success any more, $ does. Uninstall. No fun for you!

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Hopefully WG comes to their senses and changes course with the massive community backlash over this update to recapture those moments we are all here for playing WoT.

  • @Scott-qv4nj
    @Scott-qv4nj Рік тому +2

    I have only played the game a few months and it is completely obvious to me that the only way to play the game competitively is to pay indefinitely toward the game. Which premium time seems pointless. It just lets you grind faster, but really doesn't do anything else. So as a free to play person it isn't a big deal. I don't see any of these issues mattering to me in any way other than the garage slot for currency. For me there is no way to gain gold. I might have missed how you get gold in the game, but so far I have a tiny amount given early that I am saving to buy if I get somehow get more. So buying garage slots is a nice add for me. I also min-max use no upgrades or consumables and just take the minimum shells into battle to make as much money as I can. I don't really care about winning because no matter what you do you can't win some games. Maybe I am a deadbeat player, but in reality the game is over monetized to the point you can't even play to win unless you spend indefinitely. That is the flaw in the game.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      That's the whole point of 1.20.1. To make it more of a requirement to pay extra per month to remain competitive. Plus along with that WoT+ they hit you up for the cost of retraining your crew skills that you'd already spent money in most cases to get.

  • @stevebarnett5048
    @stevebarnett5048 Рік тому +1

    Ironic isn’t it, WG have had a policy not to nerf a premium tank because you paid for it, but everything else in the game you’ve paid for they are now wanting to nerf. The ultimate in hypocrisy.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      It is hilariously sad that they tried to get people to pay for retraining all of their crew members before offering this 30 day reset option. Some spent hundreds plus all of the time and then they were planning to try and change them without compensation. The main issue with 1.20.1 is so many changes within it are just down right insulting to the community.

  • @quauhtliauva1705
    @quauhtliauva1705 Рік тому +3

    Da Menz has Spoken! But yeah, the only thing I was worried from this proposed update was the crew skill rebalance. So I was laughing my ass off when they mention the 12 free crew retraining, when I have 250+ tanks and then I remember that there are players that have over 700+ tanks! My sympathies...in any case we've been here before, kind off, with the commanders getting the "sixth sense" perk of as a standard, back then my ocd kicked in and I had to retrain my 5 or 6 skill commanders as their skills where off, so I ended spending millions of credits and several hours getting them right how I like them. So the idea of having to retrain 250+ complete crews might sound "fun"... for gold or our wallets not so much.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      You mean you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars to continue utilizing the crew system? It basically amounts to a paid update within a free to play game. 😂

  • @wotaddictglobal
    @wotaddictglobal Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing this knowledge. Great video btw ☺

  • @mpwaterhouse
    @mpwaterhouse Рік тому +3

    Sad sad sad, Instead of developing methods to onboard, engage and enable new players at the same time supporting and encouraging the existing player base but I'm feeling like this is the functional equivalent of a desperate Wargaming squeezing the last player-base toothpaste/revenue out of the tube :(

  • @ike-cv1we
    @ike-cv1we Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the honesty and clarification "News Guy"😮

  • @fr8247
    @fr8247 Рік тому +2

    This is such a slap from wg it’s insane! Im 2200wn8 player i love this game and I’m hooked , but if they implant this crew shit in game we”all should stop playing for months , just to give tham slap back!

  • @patatacaliente8270
    @patatacaliente8270 Рік тому +2

    Informative, thoughtful video. I largely agree with the criticism, alhtough I must say I also see WG's perspective to some extent - my guess is that the splitting off of Lesta has cost them a lot of money, and together with the fact that they largely depend on a single game (WoWs is nowhere near as profitable as WoT) and that there is a good deal of saturation with the existing player base when it comes to premium tanks, premium time etc., they may have felt that they had no alternative but to stepping up WoT's monetarization . Having said this, I agree that we have really reached a point where enough is enough.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +3

      I agree that their restructuring definitely is leaving them needing to make more revenue. They sold their stake in the Cyprus bank within the past 6 months already and obviously in WoT have seen an aggressive push to monetize it more.
      It just doesn't make business sense to gouge people as insulting as they've done now as it'll just have the game die off. WG already went through this a couple times in the game's history and saw huge increases in the games popularity when they got out of their own way and just made a great video game and leave the damaging monetization out of it.

    • @petrosaristotelous
      @petrosaristotelous Рік тому +1

      @@CodyMenz just to let you know since i am from cyprus... they have sold part of their stake not all of the stake they have and also i know that at the moment WG profit is around the region of 7-9 million annually ...with special note on the word PROFIT

    • @patatacaliente8270
      @patatacaliente8270 Рік тому

      @@petrosaristotelous Very interesting info, thanks!

  • @z0h33y
    @z0h33y Рік тому +2

    WG: takes 5 seconds to come up with this patch.
    WoT UA-camrs: spend hours making videos to prove how dumb of an idea it all is.
    WG: maybe the community is right?

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      WG "Maybe we are the bad guys"

  • @rpower1401
    @rpower1401 Рік тому +5

    Having top players with bond gear and top skills in ALL tanks! They will kill off the new players, then the regulars will die off followed by the top players due to lack of players in the game.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      I think it'll directly impact the competitive players most to be honest. Between devaluing their content they grinded years and now making it mandatory to pay $9 to stay competitive it'll probably push more people away from the game.

    • @rpower1401
      @rpower1401 Рік тому +2

      @@CodyMenz Let's see the lay of the land:
      F2P new player=DOA,
      brand new player with plus paid for=very good but rare,
      average player without plus=bad,
      Average player with plus=nearly tied with top players,
      Top player with lots of bond gear and no plus=massive nerf,
      Top player with max crews and plus=GOD

  • @TheHated0ne
    @TheHated0ne Рік тому

    My childhood...? I only just came back. And I'm being attacked on the forum. Great...

  • @4L3X4ND3R19K
    @4L3X4ND3R19K Рік тому +2

    My 625th tank was the forest spirit, it was my last tank if they don't say sorry for their behaviour. considering the time we give WG and money, if they stop this update completely it won't be enough. They would have to do good by the players now after disrespecting us like this, i would say make the BZ a tier X, buff the progetto and everyone gets a ts54 for free with them saying "sorry guys it was a wind up April fools joke" ps here everyone have 20 battles rental in the wte100

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      One can hope that WG responds to the community backlash positively and decides to stop abusing its players. Only time will tell.

  • @prospero7849
    @prospero7849 Рік тому +2

    I mean, the moment I heard in the last patch that they were nerfing the utterly garbage crap AMX65t, I knew that WG had completely lost any respect and interest for their own game other than as a big slot machine scam. Even the idea that regular tier10s like the T110E3 needed nerfing but not the premium reward tanks like the 279e or the T95/FV showed precisely how they approach this 'cash-cow' now. It's been a long time since I spent much money on WoT but I think this patch will ensure I never spend any more.

  • @chrisL1993Hab
    @chrisL1993Hab Рік тому +2

    WELL DONE !! Also they will squeeze money out of players in higher clans that win a lot of gold in events( ie clan wars) and don`t need to buy much it ,but will still have to stay competitive in other areas using wt+ -- This will hit al levers of players in different ways Cheers

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      While I don't play competitively anymore. It's pretty infuriating what they are doing to devalue the content and time CW and competitive players have worked for for years. Hopefully they reconsider, but at this point it seems unlikely.

  • @williamdecker3989
    @williamdecker3989 Рік тому

    Yeah, It's sad. I'm a 12 year player with hundreds of tanks in my garage and I've spent thousands over the years. I'm done when this update happens. WG will care when their revenue stream stops.

  • @jgold2813
    @jgold2813 Рік тому +2

    war gaming the only winning move is not to play

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Yes. Hopefully enough players make their voices heard before 1.20.1 is released so they realize that they need to change their direction.

  • @eozcelik42
    @eozcelik42 Рік тому +1

    They are keep adding things into the game but not adjusting reward tank missions... Bounce 30 shots while everybody shooting HE.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      All be design to prolong content so people don't complete missions too fast.

  • @Cormano980
    @Cormano980 Рік тому

    They even gave me 15 days premium and I still don't play it anymore, back in the day I used to go for it every day 😂

  • @bbraun4966
    @bbraun4966 Рік тому +1

    Random elements is just another way to control the game and dictate who wins (ghost shells-matchmaking). They may not miss me but they surely will miss my money.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Random elements I just all flash and no substance. I'm all for maps that are designed around them. But they should be new maps with them incorporated from the start. Not old ones with them jammed in just to look cool.

  • @charliehooper8679
    @charliehooper8679 Рік тому

    this game went of ages ago man. the game fell of when they decided to remove half of their tanks and focus solely of helping new players whilst forgetting that old vets still played the game. effectively restarting the whole community to the beginning

    @LOGICALMAGNET Рік тому +1

    Like i said Before someone i Believe at WG knows how to Destroy the Game and it does it Intentionaly

  • @murraydupley9330
    @murraydupley9330 Рік тому

    12 retraining orders for 11 nations of tanks, that basically 1 order per nation?

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      They've now updated it to 30 days of free retraining plus the 12 orders. It's a step in the right direction, however they didn't address any other issues the community has.

  • @jeffhillstead3302
    @jeffhillstead3302 Рік тому

    Wot made me a free player early on, but at some point I didn't bother upgrading my PC just too fead monsters.. I play blitz on a Yifi on a cheap tablet..

  • @wayne19563
    @wayne19563 Рік тому +1

    when do we get to buy "Experimental Ammo" ?????

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Depleted Uranium shells in 2024

    • @4hp605
      @4hp605 Рік тому

      don't laugh, the day will come...

  • @aquaman3874
    @aquaman3874 Рік тому

    43:11 don't give them any ideas...

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      I'm full of good ideas. 😂

  • @OldFartGaming2023
    @OldFartGaming2023 Рік тому +4

    I agree and maybe it's just me but....
    Hard to imagine that WGing sees the "New Player" #s falling
    and their "Retention" #s dropping off over the last few years
    and then decide to take the direction they seem to be heading towards. I mean I get you need to generate revenue when you start to lose your base income but JEEEZUS some of what is on the horizon is a little disappointing.
    keep up the good work Cody😎

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Thanks! It is truly concerning and the recent decisions after moving their studio is worrying as a player.

    • @OldFartGaming2023
      @OldFartGaming2023 Рік тому +1

      @@CodyMenz Like you said in the vid - "I can see both sides"
      It's just some of their decisions seem to be focused solely on the financial GAIN rather than on Customer/Player LOSS

    • @mindyourownbiz316
      @mindyourownbiz316 Рік тому +1

      OFG, why are we not surprised about the next chapter of WG's antics? I think I hear War Thunder calling me.

    • @OldFartGaming2023
      @OldFartGaming2023 Рік тому +2

      @@mindyourownbiz316 Was kinda thinkin the same thing...🤔🤔

    • @mindyourownbiz316
      @mindyourownbiz316 Рік тому +1

      @@OldFartGaming2023 Yup. Respect from across the pond.

  • @kellysemaka996
    @kellysemaka996 Рік тому

    everyone read the article yourselves - carefully.

  • @joeobyrne3189
    @joeobyrne3189 Рік тому +2

    I don't make a lot of money and the way the game has gone it has sidelined me more and more. Yes you can free to play, but you are at an ever growing disadvantage. What with this and the deafening silence from WG over the game rigging, a line has been crossed. The game I used to love playing over the years has changed and it is never going to go back to that game I loved. When a game makes you regret paying the money you invested in it thats when you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Like I said I don't make a lot, so I have not invested a lot of my money in the game, I feel sorry for those who have. To be continually treated poorly by the company that owns what could be such a great game sucks. Still love watching people streaming their games, but I gave up with Wargaming a couple of months ago now.

  • @tallonvexgaming
    @tallonvexgaming Рік тому

    Facts of life in this new world man, free is going out the door, all games are going back to a subscription model. They did the free model for 20 years, it wasn't what they wanted...no matter what they want... so they are going back to a very old model, its just life...things always change. Time to move on or stay and see if it will work for you. No they don't care because there are millions of "silent" players that will pay the sub...its just the way it is. They own the game...we don't.

  • @AndrewArndts
    @AndrewArndts Рік тому

    Since they sold off the Russian server(s) they found a pee poor method of making back what has been lost. The downside is that they over reached. My comp puked out on January 31st. The eBay replacement doesn't have the ability to play... so I have been budgeting my pension to get something far and above what I have and had. BUT now, nope not going to worry about it. This update has given me the feeling that I can pass. If I do well in the fall craft shows, I just might but today... I'll pass...

  • @Taffer-bx7uc
    @Taffer-bx7uc Рік тому +2

    Sounds like to play this game going forward it's going to be your second job and the cost to play it will exceed most men's child support payments.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      It was feeling like a second job already, WG is looking to become your primary duty in life.

  • @peytonhenny4814
    @peytonhenny4814 Рік тому +1


    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      And while non that goes away, you'll now need to pay $9 for the luxury of renting new premium tanks, and staying competitive with bond equipment demounts,

  • @tomw2003
    @tomw2003 Рік тому

    The amount of micro-transactions in WoT, you could buy a tank IRL... Getting a full commander is impossible! It's laughable honestly!

  • @anthonyware4033
    @anthonyware4033 Рік тому +2

    When a game becomes pay to win people stop playing

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Agreed 1000%. The game as 1.20.1 will make it will definitely move WoT to the pay to win category.

  • @douglasbuck8986
    @douglasbuck8986 Рік тому

    MANY MANY WAYS ...............

  • @johnnybekker5937
    @johnnybekker5937 Рік тому

    Has also been involved from the start, but fortunately can also stop playing the crap.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      It is unfortunate as the game itself removed from all the abusive monetization is addicting. But enough is enough with these additions.

  • @brutalusgaming8809
    @brutalusgaming8809 Рік тому +3

    It is possible that WG has decided the game is done? They are cashing out as it slowly fades over the next several years? It is going to be a long slow decline and they could really make a vast amount of money. I am going to buy WoT+. Full disclosure. Just for the bond demount. However. this feature actually ruins the game for me. Why play T10 tanks and grind for bonds when all I need is one of each and move them around? This will make bonds basically worthless after you have a few? The game is really at its heart about the grind to accomplish things in addition to stats and whatever.

    • @vecioalpin8998
      @vecioalpin8998 Рік тому

      NO I dont think so. I thionk from time to time they try to cross the line and see how playerbase reacts. It is possbible that if people start to complain very much they will reconsider.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      I think it is in part because they need to increase revenue due to restructuring. And also new hands at the wheel that obviously have a different opinion on the games direction than the past 11+ years. So the slow crawl of monetizing the game basically got injected with speed to push 3-4 years of planning into a year here.

  • @bouncealot7074
    @bouncealot7074 Рік тому +1

    Let’s hope WG bring in more unpopular moves to drive up streamers revenues on doing reviews on UA-cam.

  • @mikesecor6074
    @mikesecor6074 Рік тому

    amazing how bored people can get so hooked on games. Meanwhile, the world, meaning reality, is burning down.

  • @bubbahclem6133
    @bubbahclem6133 Рік тому

    oh. Crew 2.0 was lurking in the dark just to pop out now and kick everyone in the nuts.
    3 different parts so 3 times to spend all that cash on retraining?

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Maybe they'll throw a 4th crew update in just for the sake of it in 2024 while they are at it.

  • @vecioalpin8998
    @vecioalpin8998 Рік тому +1

    I have already stop spending money- Plus I also stop playing high tier. There is no point in playing against obj279e and or chieftard., I am fking tired of that therefore I polay at tier V just for fun.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Yeah, a completely other topic that is a huge problem is the lack of balance for reward and certain premium tanks. Agreed.

  • @DougJanni
    @DougJanni Рік тому +1

    I barely play the way it is because arty is such a broken mechanic they never do anything significant to change. Then garbage maps with braindead players sitting in cookie-cutter TD spots. That alone is enough where I dont enjoy WoT. Now this Bullshit? No thanks.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Hopefully WG comes to their senses and realizes that 1.20.1 has gone too far.

  • @ismailmiley4410
    @ismailmiley4410 Рік тому +2

    Dude i say this about all you content creators. You may complain and ramble all you want about these forceful changes in WOT, but yet after all said and done you will be the first players to sign up for it.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      I can't speak for other content creators, however at least for myself I have always been vocal about changes to the game that Wargaming has done that I can't get behind. I am hopeful that other CCs consider similar boycotts as it was effective back during the November 2015 "Rubicon" update when WG tried to monetize decals/emblems with stat bonuses to tanks(not kidding). I do relate with other CCs in that Wargaming quite frankly doesn't care about any of our feedback now, that Wargaming is gone. The only thing that will resonate with them is your wallet and your time that you spend in their products. I hope that other CCs push that message BEFORE the 1.20.1 update comes as after it is released there is no going back

  • @aristaeus2514
    @aristaeus2514 Рік тому

    Ok, all this self contradiction of most cc's is getting to me..
    - 12 ro's isn't an insult, its making sure the changes come gradually
    - 99% of us will not have max skill crews, maybe 1 max crew for oldtimers. (This means you will have to pick and choose, not a question of "must have" "mandatory" )
    - free to play players can still be competitive, just not on all their tanks like WoT+ people.
    (Not paying means you will have to accept you cant have it all both ways)
    - some crew changes already need a rebalance, yes.. agreed. Especially the critical increase imo.
    - the biggest issue is the disparity between 2 crew tanks and 5+ crew tanks, and a indirect big nerf on tanks with fewer crew members.
    - WoT + is not added to premium, you can use it instead of and get premium days with it. (Gold inflation will not be as huge because most people will use it to get premium days or improved battle passes)
    - Banning another map is such a minimal gain on a element of the game that doesn't affect other people other than your own ego for stats.. (should be more upset about game rigging or other ways to stat padding)
    - bond inflation, credit inflation is more likely to happen indeed.
    - the premium days you have currently you have bought knowingly and you got what was on the tin.
    There are a lot, a lot of good changes and I can understand WG isn't listening because 90% is just yelling fire without thinking.
    I hope the will balance some perks and adress the disparity between tanks regarding number of crewmembers. But overal its a good change.
    WoT+ will make having wot+ & premium for €8,- and flexible.
    All this "stay competitive" nonsense.. we are all in te same boat, we will have to pick and choose, no one is buying their way to full skill crews..
    No one is entitled to anything, if you have a lot of premium days its because you decided to buy something, a lot.. way more than is sensible 2,5 years of premium is just plain stupidity, take responsibility for it.
    All this "vote with your wallet is rich coming from people who have been positively voting with it a lot in the past😅
    All this uproar does not help make wg listen, I do hope they iron out some issues and I hope in the future they will build something from the ground up instead of bolting on new systems.
    To clarify, I am not saying this update is 100% ok, I hope they delay it or quickly balance it within weeks of launch.

    • @4L3X4ND3R19K
      @4L3X4ND3R19K Рік тому

      I always get more premium than I spend and haven't bought a single day ever and mine just keeps going up because you can win premium days everywhere

    • @aristaeus2514
      @aristaeus2514 Рік тому

      @@4L3X4ND3R19K exactly

  • @nathanielfuredi7053
    @nathanielfuredi7053 Рік тому +1

    YES CREW2.0!!! , I love the crying. You no skill Wallet Wariors PAID for legal cheating of Premium tanks, Premium time, crew skills, consumables, Directives, mounts .... But now you want to cry that there is more ways to legally cheat... DO YOU hear yourself??? You never had skill, you paid for it, and now you are reaping what you allowed to continue to evolve. GET GOOD

  • @tardwrangler
    @tardwrangler Рік тому

    Quit when the Chinese jet tanks came out

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      You don't like jet boosters? Maybe in 2024 we will have laser tanks.

    • @tardwrangler
      @tardwrangler Рік тому

      @@CodyMenz Can't wait for the Japanese mechas

  • @wayne19563
    @wayne19563 Рік тому +1

    good thoughts... thx for the info .... money grab as usual

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Money shakedowns shall accelerate.

  • @OneWhoKnowsThings6009
    @OneWhoKnowsThings6009 Рік тому

    This be why id rather have 1 shot killing spgs 7.0 spgs.. Over this p2w shit ANY DAY

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Well, I wouldnt go as far as saying the game back in 2011-14 was better. But I agree that the Pay to Win elements they are trying to do are unacceptable and ruin the game that we all love (to hate) and play!

  • @kiky2232
    @kiky2232 Рік тому

    Solution with this game is just one click away.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Three clicks actually. They ask you to fill out surveys while uninstalling now 😂

    • @kiky2232
      @kiky2232 Рік тому

      @@CodyMenz 😂

  • @gregory196011
    @gregory196011 Рік тому

    Boycotting as of this morning

  • @mikesecor6074
    @mikesecor6074 Рік тому

    all video games are about making the money. Why are you surprised.
    The same maps, even tho the immense money they take in, because
    people are hooked on playing this junk.

  • @pauloserafim2320
    @pauloserafim2320 Рік тому

    They only care about $$$$$$$

  • @Gumballs66
    @Gumballs66 Рік тому


  • @mtbman2479
    @mtbman2479 Рік тому

    Basically turning work into an Asian MMO...sad.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      The crew skill experience amounts definitely remind me of some Korean MMO grinds

  • @freakydisorders
    @freakydisorders Рік тому +1

    I've had enough too. BZ-176 was final straw for me, with Skoda T-56, completely ruining tier 8. new crew skill changes just confirm my decision. no more money from me. hopefully find a new game.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Who doesn't like getting slapped by two tier 9-9.5 tanks disguised as tier 8 premiums?

  • @michaelmichael8147
    @michaelmichael8147 Рік тому

    Excellent review. Just disagree with your assessment. Let me explain why. If WG's loss of the RU server caused lay-offs and consolidations then to keep the game up to date, it might need an influx of currency. That is my assessment based on the apparent need to raise money this year. So, whereas you may not feel WG cares, the game's survival is paramount. I am hoping for the first month, all people will get free retraining. But there are
    a lot of positives being offered.

  • @namegoeshereorhere5020
    @namegoeshereorhere5020 Рік тому +1

    I don't think it's all the doom and gloom so many are predicting but there are things they could change.
    A universal skill reset would be a good idea, it's not as bad as all the hand wringers are making it out to be with the 12 resets since you're not going to HAVE to retain most of your crew. These new skills are not going to be mandatory, at least most of them are not, over most existing skills. I wouldn't be surprised if they added more ways to earn them like demount kits.
    The demounting thing with plus sh9uld be 50%, not free.
    Not a fan of the rental with plus, this TS-54 kind of looks me but wait until they add another one on par with the Chieftain or 279. What they should do is allow you to do is add premium credit and CXP bonuses to a tech tree tank.
    They should also just introduce all the crew changes they have planned at once, this piecemeal thing is stupid.

    • @mjs893
      @mjs893 Рік тому

      This (especially the last part).
      The crew rework looks good, if we get everything in one go. There's still a (somewhat) confirmed hard cap on skills (6+zero skills) from the teaser video, along with the 3 tanks/crew and the option to turn excess crews into books to boost those you opt to keep. Due to the way the crew skills are designed and the differences in crew layout between tanks of the same nation and class imo a standardized crew layout of 5 crew/tank (one of each major qualification) is the only option that makes sense going forward.
      But WG hasn't said a word about it, or the other 2 phases of the crew rework, and that's a huge problem. As long as the community is kept in the dark about the full package of changes we'll not only have the golden opportunity to make changes to our crew that turn out to be completely pointless, there's also so much room for doomsayers to trash talk a crew rework into the ground that might turn out to be excellent.
      As for the other changes, I don't mind most of them at all. New tanks are good, the dynamic events look interesting and WoT+ is largely irrelevant for me. The free demount for bond equip might be too much, but if it's not included there's no point even buying it imo. And the only thing I really islike about the patch is the buff to HTs in onslaught in form of the universal HP boost, but that's not even guaranteed to make it to love, so I'll just hold my horses for a bit.
      All in all a decent+ patch in quality, and huge in quantity of changes, but for the love of all that's holy please give us more (ideally ALL) info about the crew rework. Like, yesterday if possible... That'd be great.

    • @tomhaser8696
      @tomhaser8696 Рік тому


    • @namegoeshereorhere5020
      @namegoeshereorhere5020 Рік тому

      @@mjs893 There's no cap on skills, it's just typical bad wording by WG.

    • @mjs893
      @mjs893 Рік тому

      @@namegoeshereorhere5020 WoT teaser from 23/12/22 (12/23/22 for americans), @~1:20 shows a E50 crew in the new interface, wich has six slots for crew skills, plus an extra slot for zero skills. There's 2 more phases of the crew rework coming, capping skills at 6 is one of them.
      Edit: typos

    • @namegoeshereorhere5020
      @namegoeshereorhere5020 Рік тому

      @@mjs893 You can have as many skills as can be had on the test server.

  • @michaelmichael8147
    @michaelmichael8147 Рік тому +1

    I love WOT Plus, but hate the lack of retraining orders. But understand, WG has laid off employees. WG has lost 75% of its player base. Please understand that it may have severe financial problems.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +3

      I think most players understand this. The insulting crew retraining offer is not the way to go to increase profitability.

  • @Alois_Germany
    @Alois_Germany Рік тому


  • @lidor9693
    @lidor9693 Рік тому

    I only don't like the amount of crew experience required per level, anything else is ok.

    • @ottrakkaselg8033
      @ottrakkaselg8033 Рік тому

      if everything else is ok, then pay up! it will only cost you 200 000 000 euros to have a maxed out maticore crew.

    • @lidor9693
      @lidor9693 Рік тому

      @@ottrakkaselg8033 Why the hell do i need to max out every single crew for every tank??? I'm good with just 1 crew with 4-5 skills per nation, since I can use on other tanks, I'm fine.
      In addition, you realize that if you have everythign maxed, the tank, the crew etc. you can still lose. The way you play is the most effective, and gives you real advantage.

    • @ottrakkaselg8033
      @ottrakkaselg8033 Рік тому

      @@lidor9693 you did not get the point.

    • @lidor9693
      @lidor9693 Рік тому

      @@ottrakkaselg8033 I got your point, it will be too costly to have to max everything up, either in money or time. And Yes i know about Manticore, because of less crew members for that tank, commander will need many more skills than for other tanks. That's the reason I mention just requirement for crew experience per level to be reduced, instead of multipler of x2, to change it to x0.5. That solves the problem.

  • @evilmac9623
    @evilmac9623 Рік тому

    I have to say, I am kind of disappointed that you joined the click bait "Destroy the game" like QB. To address your points, first WG did listen to the playerbase which is why we got this version. Crew 2.0 was not bad and all the CCs crying about it and rallying the free to play bots killed it. Almost everyone that made a video on it told WG to "just keep the current system and add new skills". This is exactly what they did. Secondly none of the new skills are "mandatory" skills. They are barely noticeable changes. Every time WG tries to change anything, click bait BS videos come out like the QB video he did yesterday. "Oh look now a badger can have 6k damage". Yeah buts its still a badger, and needs 5 buffs one of them is being a one shot to anything it faces. A Maus going 1kph faster is going to break the game? No because its still a maus and its fat cheeks are made of butter.
    Everything that WG ads to the game is going to be either a slap in the face to new players or a slap in the face to existing players. Whether it devalues bond equipment or increases the value of bond equipment someone is going to be unhappy. I will always have an advantage over a new player. If anything WoT plus closes the gap for players starting out, that is not a bad thing. You guys are acting like people aren't already moving bond equipment on tanks they are marking. If I go to play any tank, I slap bond equipment on it. 600 bonds to move it is nothing, it is less than a week of earning. Now newer players will be able to be on the same playing field as me, that is not going to destroy the game.
    Even if you add wot plus and a premium account costs together, you are still well with in the range of any other subscription based game $15.50. World of Warcraft has been charging 15 dollars a month since 2005! Unlike all the other subscription based games you can drop it AND STILL PLAY THE FUCKING GAME. You cant do that with World of Warcraft. As for the premium you are already have, you are basically getting 6.50 dollars off the price of the subscription. That time isnt lost, and you are still getting all the features you paid for. FFS 9 bucks is the cost of a big bag of Dorito's and a soda.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      I'm not sure how you think I joined some bandwagon. These are my opinions and honestly I was.one of thew few CCs to publicly be supporter of WG wanting to change the crew system. I was excited for their changes up to the moment they informed us CCs of what is coming here in 1.20.1 and still decided to move ahead with devaluing player's earned rewards, time and money spent, and blatant monetization that is insulting to players.
      I'm all for WG making buckets of money to continue the game that I've spent 11+ years playing as my #1 game, having created a website/business around, and.community. Having spent somewhere north of $12,000 between gifting to my community and on myself. However the recent pivot in monetization practices is nothing less than taking advantage of their player base, reducing the value of money/time spent on things they have, and it is nothing short of insulting as a player.

    • @evilmac9623
      @evilmac9623 Рік тому

      @@CodyMenz You are viewing this as, everyone is going to log in and retrain their all of their crews. It is simply not going to happen. Most of the skills are not worth retraining to. Im sitting on 50k gold and after my time on the test server, im not going to retrain anything. Maybe, and I stress maybe min maxing crew skills will get you a 1-3% damage increase. That is assuming you have 4-5 skill crews that you can play with. Because your still not giving up bia, repairs, view range, stabilization skills you already have.
      I completely disagree with you that this is a game breaking change. Or that this is some sort of insult to players. When the local bowling ally goes up a dollar a string, I don't throw my fists to the sky and declare the end is nigh. I don't know if you noticed but shit costs more money than it did 3 years ago. 15 dollars a month is nothing. Its like a McDonalds meal now.
      You can feel about it however you want. I haven't played in 2 weeks because I was no lifing elden ring. So you can boycott all next week, and Ill play all next week and we can cancel each other out.

  • @rinzler6757
    @rinzler6757 Рік тому +7

    It's called extortion. WG's business model is the same as that of a drug dealer. It's sanitized by this being a "game", and obfuscated by WG loudly claiming concern for their patrons, but it is predatory through and through. The exceedingly poor value propositions WG has always offered has just about killed the NA server and never allowed the SA server to live. If WG doesn't drastically increase the value for money spent and heavily recruit new players then this game is done. A few hardcore players will hang on through the death throws, but it will fail. Hell, the player count on NA is already at dangerously low levels (15k peak). It's just sad. Predatory F2P tactics is a loosing strategy. It turns patrons into victims and eventually kills any goodwill between them and the developer.

  • @yieldtothenight
    @yieldtothenight Рік тому +4

    This game like Clash of Clans or others of the same ilk must have a player base of “whales” who essentially buy every tank, plus premium, plus all the loot boxes, plus battle pass. They are appealing to these hard core fans / addicts or those who can monetise what they spend because they are content providers.
    I’ve been playing on off for 10 years and have never spent more than €120 a year, sometimes nothing. I’m plus 40 years old with no dependents and spare money but in all my gaming life I could never justify more than €10 a month on any game. It has still added up though about £1200 total in those 10 years. Looking at some players though I see they must have spent closer to €5000 or more. Some so invested in it that it’s hard to pull out even if they didn’t like where it was going.

  • @orangedark
    @orangedark Рік тому +4

    Until you and other CCs start calling the game pay to win, openly, these rants and calls for ppl to vote with their wallets won't do a thing. When a game is pay to win, its game over for them, and you MUST start branding rhem as such, bc that's the only thing that will affect them. As for me, after 12 yrs, I'll just quit.

  • @OTOss8
    @OTOss8 Рік тому +4

    I appreciate the video. I'm boycotting WoT. I doubt it'll work but I'm going to try. Cheers friend.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Thank you! And all we can do is try, hopefully others come to the same conclusion and decide to try and stop the 1.20.1 madness before it is too late.

    • @OTOss8
      @OTOss8 Рік тому +1

      @@CodyMenz I really like the game but these changes will make the game unfair and if it isn't fair, it isn't fun. I'm in a similar boat to you. I have almost 600 days of premium banked. 60k gold. Tons of premium tanks. I'm in the middle of the battle pass as well as doing top of the tree for the UDES and I put the game down last night. If protesting doesn't work, then there's no reason to play the game anyway. What a sad way to lose a great game.

  • @derekl.9202
    @derekl.9202 Рік тому +2

    my premium time ran out while I was away on family vacation. Ive always hated that my premium time cant be stopped or frozen when not in game playing, especially for long periods due to life. So I am very selective about when I choose to buy premium time, and I wont play unless I have premium time. Now with all this news of the next patch, Im not buying premium time for now. Going to wait and watch what happens. No way Im spending on a plus account.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +1

      Agreed. I wish I could pause things, although at this point I have nearly 3 years of premium time.

  • @prospero7849
    @prospero7849 Рік тому +3

    Making the new tier8 premium version of a new tech tree line far superior to the non premium is one of their older tricks now fair to say - look at those Chinese heavies and Italian mediums etc. But you see so many people buying them, so why would WG change.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +2

      I'm not shocked by that one aspect of the Japanese TDs at all. It is funny though that for a new tech tree line being released it is almost forgotten about because of all the other crap in the update.

  • @XvPunisheR007vX
    @XvPunisheR007vX Рік тому +2

    The ramifications of loot boxes were not thought out by WG, and now so many people have 1 - 2K+ premium days plus alot of gold and have not needed to give WG any more money for quite some time, and i'm pretty sure WG are running out of money. Wouldn't surprise me at all, considering Lester gets all the money from Ru player base and that is the biggest chunk of the global player base. But yeah if this does go thru this will be the nail in the coffin for WoT for sure and i'm pretty sure WG won't just keep the game running just for CW.

    • @toby1248
      @toby1248 Рік тому

      EU has always been the most profitable server. Russians just don't have as much disposable income as Europeans

    • @XvPunisheR007vX
      @XvPunisheR007vX Рік тому

      @@toby1248 RU have around 1.49 million active players, EU has around 1.36 million active players, that's alot income gone, probably almost as much as EU. That was certainly a big chunk out of their pocket

    • @toby1248
      @toby1248 Рік тому

      @@XvPunisheR007vX the average European has something like 5x as much money as the average Russian

  • @The_Ninedalorian
    @The_Ninedalorian Рік тому +1

    You and I are friends on WOT (aka Thundering Bush Wookie)
    When they nerfed the Progetto 65 I was like uhhhhhh and kinda made up with it equipment (I'm already a sniper type so i am used to paper armor)
    But I put them game down for awhile (don't have enough $$ for Prem acct atm)
    now I am hearing this?
    I guess I will wait and see what they do. Between you, Skillz and Dez ripping on them - MAYBE they'll listen?

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      They 100% don't care what us CCs think. The only thing they will care about is if the community playtime drops and amount each player spends. There's only 3-4 weeks before this comes out on the live server, hopefully people voice their opinions with their wallet.

    • @g.d.graham2446
      @g.d.graham2446 Рік тому

      And Quickybaby

  • @jandvorak3535
    @jandvorak3535 Рік тому +1

    Just to correct small mistake - even now, when you pay 20-30 bucks for a prem, you don't own it. You bought license to use it and it can be removed anytime. It's written in EULA and Terms of Service documents. I don't know if WG ever exercised this right (I'm new player), but technically they can.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Yes, WG can change paid content when they choose to within reason. They did it to countless premium tanks, usually with buffing them. The Super Pershing and Type 59 were rebalanced though.
      I'm not opposed to WG changing the game as long as it makes sense. What they are proposing are purely to extract money from your wallet. Not to better the game as the first priority.

  • @bonsai9069
    @bonsai9069 Рік тому +5

    On top of everything they are so over complicating the game from what it was.... how are new players expected to understand all the mechanics and metrics before giving up. They are killing their future player base.

    • @johnmcauley18
      @johnmcauley18 Рік тому +1

      I totally agree, there will be no future player base, hell did you even understand how to do all the Christmas garbage they through at us? KISS keep it simple stupid, keep it fun. What I see is a total collapse of this game in the next 6 months. Very sad Cheers

  • @magfor61
    @magfor61 Рік тому +2

    Oh, first view. What do I win, two retraining order?

  • @carlhvs9437
    @carlhvs9437 Рік тому +10

    For me and others the biggest issue is moving bond equipment around for "free". This limits what you want to play competitively Tier 5+ to having mostly bond equipment. Which means the already OP tanks are going to become more of a problem and they've already shown they refuse to balance them. As well the 3rd mark is going to become insanely grindy and sweaty to achieve - thus ruining the desire to try to achieve that. TOO MUCH P2W and it will kill the playerbase - especially the new members which is what keeps the game alive.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому +3

      WG "But we want that $9 a month in cold hard cash"

    • @jandvorak3535
      @jandvorak3535 Рік тому

      It's actually better for new players, because seal-clubbers are already using bond equip and now it will be basically available for everyone (at least much easier than now). New players are already in such disadvantage due to skill / experience, dedicated seal-clubbing tanks and much worse crews, that they are really not going to notice a few additional percents.

    • @Dave-zu1fv
      @Dave-zu1fv Рік тому

      My last Money to Wargaming was Xmas 2018...
      Iam not interessted in playing high tiers... 3.5k Matches on Panzer II. I try to do my best to show all newbies what Wargaming means with "fun" and "fairplay".
      Killing the Playerbase? I trying to do my best!

  • @fidschi666
    @fidschi666 Рік тому +1

    Maybe they will reset all Crews.... lets see what happens.

    • @CodyMenz
      @CodyMenz  Рік тому

      Let's hope they change their mind before the update comes out. That's all we are asking for as players.

  • @1RightTurnClyde
    @1RightTurnClyde Рік тому

    I quit the game months ago. I'll not spend a dime on it again, and won't play it neither. Frankly there are just too many other games to play. What makes companies "care" about their player base, is having too little player base to survive, or be able to continue to have profits roll in. Hopefully more players quit because until the players stop playing, until they stop spending their money, WG isn't going to change. Why the H should they? Good riddance to the company and their greed.

  • @knightzcross419
    @knightzcross419 Рік тому

    100% agree with your last few vids. WG has never cared about the players and its all a big money-grab. I will be shelfing this game once the update comes thru.
    Thanks for being one of the better CCs we've had, calling WG out on their stupidity and being honest with us. Not many out there that are!

  • @gregh8720
    @gregh8720 Рік тому +1

    well said Cody....