The view from Trump Country

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Take a look at the Election Day electoral map, and much of the nation appears to be Trump Country. But zero in closely enough on just one spot, and you'll find real people with real concerns behind the red. Ted Koppel visits McDowell County in West Virginia - coal country - to talk with voters about how they chose the next president.


  • @bradmetcalf5333
    @bradmetcalf5333 7 років тому +454

    You knows its bad when Wal-Mart closes

    • @srgvette28
      @srgvette28 6 років тому +1


    • @spacedoginnebraska
      @spacedoginnebraska 6 років тому +28

      Wal-Mart comes in, builds a store, takes away all the small businesses, then vanishes when there is no more profit to squeeze out of a community. I will never support Wal-Mart, or any other big business that runs a similar model.

    • @chado3000
      @chado3000 6 років тому +8

      Wal-Mart sucks

    • @HeelerHouse
      @HeelerHouse 6 років тому

      Only 3 stores I have is A Wal-Mart, Dollar General, and Various gas stations. Wal-Mart's been in my town for a while, and we have 23,428 People in the county (2017 US Census), So I don't see it closing down soon.

    • @vidguy007
      @vidguy007 6 років тому +3

      Theres lots of closed Walmarts all over.

  • @dvsteve71
    @dvsteve71 7 років тому +309

    I don't think coal is coming back, but I wish all the best for these people.

    • @무군
      @무군 7 років тому +61

      Trump said a lot of things. Obama said a lot of things too. People running for president are good at saying stuff.

    • @Injustify123
      @Injustify123 7 років тому +5

      Coal is still a very reliable source of energy, the main reason why plants are shutting down is over regulation. People need to understand that Trump advocated for less regulation, which would lead to a possible economic boom in counties such as this one in the video.

    • @victoriahale5254
      @victoriahale5254 7 років тому +24

      Over L0ad OSRS you do realize half the water in WV is shit bc of all the blasting from coal mining? Over regulation? Tell that kids when they are drinking flint style water. everything has a price and no one will do the right wo regulations.that 20 an HR job isn't gonna help if you have shit health at 55

    • @theuglykwan
      @theuglykwan 6 років тому +1

      Coal actually might come back. The reason is China. They are shifting to renewables and cancelling plans to build more plants in China cos they now care about pollution but they are planning to build a ton of coal plants in developing countries. That is going to create huge demand for coal, not sure if America can provide it at the right price, perhaps with alot of automation they can. That will probably take a decade or 2 for the demand to materialize and perhaps longer for the coal minses to reopen though.

    • @rochester212
      @rochester212 6 років тому +1

      Never heard anyone getting better just by wishing it!!!

  • @babakmo
    @babakmo 6 років тому +86

    “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

  • @Ye_._
    @Ye_._ 6 років тому +135

    *can you go back and interview them again and see if things changed?*

    • @Tris_muc
      @Tris_muc 4 роки тому +4

      Just wait until 2020

    • @autumntriesthings
      @autumntriesthings 4 роки тому +1


    • @blushchickengaming5990
      @blushchickengaming5990 4 роки тому +13

      As someone who lives here, I can testify that things indeed have. Business is booming, our economy is great, and the people here love Trump for it

    • @evelynantl897
      @evelynantl897 3 роки тому +2

      I would be very interested on how the county is doing 4 years later.

    • @realworldissues
      @realworldissues 3 роки тому +9

      @@blushchickengaming5990 what does lying get you am actually confused?? Like I understand lying to others but please don't lie to yourself it isn't healthy. The whole county economy is low and businesses are closed so why are you saying business is booming.

  • @gzsprout
    @gzsprout 7 років тому +49

    I had to spend a week in Welch, WV for work about a decade ago. It was such a beautiful town that even then was a sliver of what it had been. Obama hasn't been good for coal, but he's not the problem. Coal is and has bee dying, especially in WV. I hope WV finds a way to recover, but if you don't adapt and change, you die. It's like that everywhere, not just Welch, WV.
    Best of luck to them!

    • @lgmmrm
      @lgmmrm 5 років тому +1

      Coal can be brought back pretty easily: incentivize industries that rely on steel to buy american, and incentivize steel mills to use American Coal

    • @tkw3787
      @tkw3787 4 роки тому

      My heart goes out to them. I hope they find a solution but I'm sorry to say i seriously dont believe coal is going to solve things here. The regulations and health implications is a touchy subject and no one is willing to go down that road which is why the coal industry continues to decline. Capitalism is real and coal just isnt on their top ten list which is why none of our leaders have been able to make the changes that WV needs.

    • @jeep19
      @jeep19 4 роки тому +5

      Obama had nothing to do with whether coal was staying or leaving! You bring him up cause he told them the truth, the industry is dying out, and being replaced with cleaner alternatives!

  • @estenografista
    @estenografista 7 років тому +71

    This gave me goosebumps.
    A wonderful piece of real jornalism.!

  • @knowthinself8107
    @knowthinself8107 4 роки тому +40

    They need to go back now 2019 and ask the same questions.

    • @HalfwayJac
      @HalfwayJac 4 роки тому

      They need to do this now in 2020!

    • @innoclaustdbd2894
      @innoclaustdbd2894 4 роки тому +7

      @@HalfwayJac McDowell is a lot better now! Unemployment is at an historic low, due to the opening of the new Harris State mine by President Trump! From 19k the population went to 23k, a miracle! Welfare is also on historic low! Check your facts please!

    • @ZachRULES96
      @ZachRULES96 4 роки тому +4

      Innoclaust DbD actually the population is at 17 thousand

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart 2 роки тому +1

      @@innoclaustdbd2894 LOL check your facts, the Mine was opened before Trump was president.

    • @david2727
      @david2727 Рік тому +1

      Well it's 2023 and all I can say it hasn't changed much but the population has dropped even more 😂!

  • @michaelgonzalez1041
    @michaelgonzalez1041 7 років тому +39

    why not move? if illegal immigrants can move across entire countries to look for work why can't they move to another city to look for work? if you just sit and wait for the jobs to come to you it might never happen

    • @bharath773
      @bharath773 7 років тому +3

      I blame Obesity,ill education and yeah creation myths spewed out from their county's mega church!

    • @robertpreskop4425
      @robertpreskop4425 6 років тому +9

      Michael Gonzalez moving is very expensive and if you dont have a marketable skill than you will end up in worse poverty especially if you move to one of the real big cities like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. The three biggest cities in the US are rough, competitive towns that will eat you up and spit you out.

    • @Mark2756042
      @Mark2756042 5 років тому +5

      "Moving to where the jobs are" requires people to abandon their families. Some people can and will do that. Others don't. It's not a simple choice. Nor is it simple to be a property owner in a shuttered community who has limited equity in valueless property in a place like McDowell County to try to unload it and then afford much pricier property in a community elsewhere where "the jobs are".

  • @889976889
    @889976889 6 років тому +13

    I'm from Pennsylvania I have friends from vest Virginia I've always been a fan of people from the south some of the most down to earth people I've ever met. I really feel bad for the people in West Virginia I really do. But as tough as it is for you guys it's great to see how yous all stick together through the struggle. That's the American way. Have faith people!

  • @eleonard8052
    @eleonard8052 7 років тому +113

    Trump could care less about these people. Theres only soo much coal in the ground. Coal will never ever come back. I feel for their plight but This is a different time. They need to move where industry is. Or. stay there and be poor and sell their oxycontin

    • @coolkids64
      @coolkids64 7 років тому +2

      US has enough coal for 465 years overall minimum because we are the most coal rich country but it's more expensive and pollution is way higher that is why it got cut off it has been declining since the 50's we nee manufacturing and agriculture jobs to replace this it is way more productive not more coal jobs we are looking towards renewable energy in the future we have whole huge deserts , rivers and windy areas for that

    • @ebrown0071
      @ebrown0071 6 років тому +6

      How are people going to get up and leave when they do not have the financial resources to do so?

    • @rl2769
      @rl2769 5 років тому +1

      E Leonard coal is booming in this area now. Trump kept his word. 😁

  • @speakonianjny5004
    @speakonianjny5004 7 років тому +17

    Strange election in West Virginia, Hillary couldn't even win a single county but Jim Justice, a Democrat, won the governor election.

    • @G1CAAAAEO
      @G1CAAAAEO 4 роки тому

      Some, I say SOME, local Democrats who have some feeling for the people and their needs left can win elections. But conservative democrats are being killed off by the Democrat party elite.

  • @chriskoob
    @chriskoob 7 років тому +223

    Here's a crazy thought, instead of hollering about the good old days, how about getting off the mountain dew and going back to school and learning a new skill other than how to tunnel underground and catching black lung? you got half of West Virginia dealing with waste water thanks to all the blasting of mountains, and then you got the other half wishing it was 1979 all over again. The dirty secret that they don't want to tell anyone, tween jobs going overseas, domestic companies that would rather pay illegal immigrants half of what the citizens here make (because you know damn well your not going to work for 8 bucks an HR when the same job use to pay $20), and those same companies switching to computers that will never call in sick or ask for time off, those jobs are NEVER coming back, but as long as they keep selling you this illusion that if you vote for this person it's gonna be the "good ol days" all over again, you will keep on taking the bait

    • @evancollins4458
      @evancollins4458 7 років тому +23

      Because education is very expensive, either you can afford it or you can't. And if you don't have the cash to do so you need loans, which the banks may deny if you have a bad credit score due to being unemployed and behind on your home/car payments. How do you teach people with HS degrees to run wind turbines or code? Honestly you don't, you find skilled laborer (middle class) to do so. It's easy to look at their problems and tell them what they're doing wrong, but imagine being in their shoes. On average they make less money, and live shorter lives than their parents. Donald Trump is a fucking asshole, but he's an asshole who saw what was going wrong and spoke about it. Maybe nothing will change for these people, but from their POV they have no other option.

    • @chriskoob
      @chriskoob 7 років тому +10

      cept heres one problem with that type of thinking, Trump has made millions off the private sector for 30 years, in that time, what did he do his employees who worked on the lower rungs? I lived in philly in the 80s which is only 90 minutes from atlantic city, we saw how the casinos started hot but then crashed and burned because the unions weren't happy with what they were getting paid, and it wasn't just them, the man went bankrupt 4 times, which right their proves he is no great businessman, and he's been sued dozen of times by people he worked with, his entire track record proves he is only out for one person and that's him, and these same low income people who think he will be the great white hope, are going to learn the hard way that all he had was smoke and mirrors, and the only sad thing is, half of them, wont admit they were wrong when they voted for him,

    • @evancollins4458
      @evancollins4458 7 років тому +3

      chriskoob Sure, I agree with you that Trump would not do much for the average working class voter. That being said don't blame them for making that decision, HRC lost their trust years ago and never made any attempts to reconcile and/or explain her actions. Not to mention the whole media went full SJW and complained day in and day out about his racist/sexist/stupid comments. They could have roasted him for his failed business ventures, his shady dealings abroad, etc. But no, they thought that news about Trump hurting someones feelings was more important.

    • @chriskoob
      @chriskoob 7 років тому +6

      Evan Collins I think half of them honestly never believed that he would ever get elected and the other half, the folks in management just wanted to ride the gravy train he was bringing them with all the rating and clicks for webpages, if you ran a newspaper or a news station trump was as good for business as OJ was in the 90s, as for Hllary, I think she just took for granted that she had the election wrapped up, Obama his the nail on the head the other day when he said the only reason why he won Iowa in 08 was because he put in the foot work and went to all the diners and vfw's , and talked to any and everyone who would listen to him, he basically threw her under the bus for not engaging people the way he did, HELL even Bill had no problem meeting with people on their level and making them feel like he cared out them, but Hillary always came off like that was too common for her, and those same people kicked her in the ass for it

    • @nicholasseamans4946
      @nicholasseamans4946 7 років тому +9

      Where the would they go? This is a county in West Virginia of 19,000. You are not offering any solutions, you are just patronizing.

  • @kylesteinhauser2535
    @kylesteinhauser2535 7 років тому +85

    get ready to be super disappointed West Virigna.

  • @emmetttowey4279
    @emmetttowey4279 7 років тому +99

    So So sad for these people. They Just elected a Billionaire New York City Capitalist to the presidency. You cant stop progress. We are not hiring anymore toll collectors because of technology. Soon there will be no more truckers with the onset of self driving vehicles. Donald Trump is a free market capitalist. The pain these people feel will now get much worse much more rapidly. I am not saying the Democrats could change any of this but the pain is about to get much worse much quicker. They all voted counter to their own self interests economically.

    • @SacksThriftAve
      @SacksThriftAve 7 років тому

      Emmett Towey you are so right!!! I feel for these people! believing Trump is the coal savior! !

    • @emmetttowey4279
      @emmetttowey4279 7 років тому

      please read this article..... This is exactly my point.

    • @RagingOwlbear
      @RagingOwlbear 7 років тому +6

      The real tragedy is that no Democrat or Republican can help these people in the way they need it. Coal is not coming back... Or at least, the jobs aren't because of automation, as you note. Regulations are not what kills jobs. Technology does. Technology isn't evil, but this is a side effect of an automation economy. They won't want to hear this, but they need something other than coal to fix the West Virginia economy... and it won't be Donald Trump.

    • @CatHasOpinions734
      @CatHasOpinions734 7 років тому +2

      +Marty Walser Just because coal isn't coming back doesn't mean nothing can be done to help these people. One policy that might help, that Clinton was at least giving lip-service to and that is championed more sincerely by Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren (among others) is free public college, so that they wouldn't have to go in debt to get a decent career.
      The real problem is that they THINK bringing back the coal jobs is possible, because politicians have been lying and pretending it's possible for decades because it's the easiest way to manipulate their support. It's tragically easy to convince people of what they want to believe.

    • @RagingOwlbear
      @RagingOwlbear 7 років тому

      ***** That's what I was meaning when I noted that they need something other than coal to fix their economy.

  • @oldred9122
    @oldred9122 7 років тому +9

    If they don't like it, why don't they just move? I mean, that's what they've been telling us liberals for years

  • @dd9915
    @dd9915 7 років тому +30

    I feel so much sympathy for that single mom who said she didn't vote 😥

    • @david2727
      @david2727 Рік тому

      Your mother was one of the smarter ones.

    @JPMJPM 7 років тому +12

    I’d like Ted Koppel to go back today and see what the people think of Trump now. I’m curious.

  • @Mike4metal
    @Mike4metal 6 років тому +12

    I truly wish this town and it”s people survival.

  • @Pereasaul_8
    @Pereasaul_8 7 років тому +43

    Business in the front , party in the back haircut lol

  • @Dickie9028
    @Dickie9028 7 років тому +11

    OMG does this place really exist in America? Really, and they really voted for Trump?

  • @tipofmytongue1024
    @tipofmytongue1024 7 років тому +28

    Every single person needs to watch this right now.

    • @paulandrews298
      @paulandrews298 5 років тому

      Why just single people, married people should watch this also.

  • @richardstrumsky6365
    @richardstrumsky6365 5 років тому +9

    Well this was posted in November 2016. It's not too far off from the 3 year mark that Ted K. talked to these people. How's their faith in Trump now?

  • @noel7777noel
    @noel7777noel 7 років тому +58

    Trump be like, "It's like taking Candy from a baby".

  • @TKillin
    @TKillin 7 років тому +3

    Food stamps?! Double the unemployment?! I blame their upbringing.

  • @ro19891012
    @ro19891012 7 років тому +27

    Have those people heard of changing jobs, learning a new trick or moving away? What they are saying is basically that if I have been digging coals to earn a living in the past, I should be able to keep digging coals in future forever and ever; If I can't, because the market changes or some other factors, it must be somebody's fault, not my stubborn refusal to adapt to new situation...

    • @Bbenja4
      @Bbenja4 7 років тому +6

      Andrew Rong that sounds like middle class white privilege. Why can't the urban poor move out of the ghetto? If you never been poor than you'll never understand.

    • @ro19891012
      @ro19891012 7 років тому +7

      Republicans, the party that emphases on "personal responsibility, have been saying people in ghetto need to stop making irresponsible life choices. The same applies on rural white people AS WELL.
      And with all the goodness in your heart, what could we possibly do? Should we make the society stay in 1900s so that town could keep being the way it was? Government forbids business from moving away? Employers not allowed to lay off staff? And business not allowed to take bankruptcy even though it's been losing money? How could we reverse the law of supply and demand?
      Anyone with their cheap sympathy who doesn't have the guts to tell people either to adapt or perish are giving them false hope and wasting their time...

    • @frankdurp
      @frankdurp 7 років тому +5

      Thank you Andrew, my thoughts exactly......I know it's not easy for a lot of people to hear, but if if you're in a dying market with an antiquated trade, you have to adapt and change, or die with it.

    • @MrAdrenaline1982
      @MrAdrenaline1982 7 років тому +2

      +Andrew If liberals keep having that elitist attitude and keep picking candidates like Hillary who don't appeal to middle America, you can bet your ass that Trump will have another victory in 2020.

    • @ro19891012
      @ro19891012 7 років тому +1

      I don't support Hillary, or the Democratic party for that matter. But people are straight up delusional. How can you turn the clock back if your industry be replaced by a new one? How can you defy a global market that does not require your service anymore? Can you force other business to accept employments that they don't want? Is this the America that I know? ...and keep the Whitehouse if that's any consolation to you. You may as well start squatting in there if you still refuse to prepare yourself for a new job. I am happy to admit that I am an elite, and being an elite by definition means I can always move to a new country and those who can't leave are those who will suffer most in the worsening USA because delusional people keep electing incompetent and inexperienced person as president.

  • @braddietzmusic2429
    @braddietzmusic2429 7 років тому +9

    Very poor form for a publicly elected police officer as a public servant expressing a private, political opinion WHILE WEARING THE UNIFORM AND THEREFORE ACTING AS A PUBLIC SERVANT. And police officers wonder why others are so suspicious and distrustful of them, when they're not unpartisan, and feel no need to publicly present as such.

  • @Jake-rs9nq
    @Jake-rs9nq 2 роки тому +2

    5:54 "Throughout the whole election, I never heard either party talk about the lower class."
    And that's why neither party can pull West Virginia out of poverty.

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart 2 роки тому

      Why, because they don't care about the lower class? Or these people don't care about changing their own circumstances?

  • @Beckala67
    @Beckala67 5 років тому +15

    They need to do a follow up and see how they feel now

  • @MrH4R0
    @MrH4R0 7 років тому +12

    Just Heartbreaking :(

  • @jenniferneal9729
    @jenniferneal9729 6 років тому +11

    I have lived in West Virginia my whole life. I am very disappointed with some of the comments left by people. Some say we are ignorant, lazy, diluted, ect. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn't gotten a chance to experience what being a West Virginian really means. I am in my early forty's and I grew up watching my dad work steady, my mom building a home and my friends and I hanging out at the local skating rink on Saturdays. No one had to worry about locking their doors and neighbors were always there to help when you needed them and in most cases it's still that way. Our family ( witch included a dozen cousins and several aunts and uncles) would spend Sundays at my Grandma's eating a huge meal prepared from a fresh garden and we would play shadow tag well into the night. We spent the summer nights outside catching lighting bugs and the days were spent at the local swimming hole. I had an amazing childhood and I learned about hard work by examples set from my whole family. No, we may not have lived a lavish existence to some, but I guess it's how you measure life. The people in this video know what this place use to be and yes, it is sad that our kids aren't gonna get the childhood we had, because there are no jobs here anymore. We voted for Trump because we need change and unless you have been living under a rock or behind a wall in a gated community you should recognize this isn't the only place that has been forgotten. The country has record breaking homelessness, poverty, unemployment, drug epidemics, violence and the list goes on! Many have lost respect for God and country and the flag and what it stands for, it's the lives of the men and women who have fought for our freedoms and we have set by long enough watching pep kneeling for the national anthem and destroying what we all have worked so hard to build! No one here or anywhere else thinks of Trump as a savior, but we do think of him as NOT HILLARY!! If you would really do your homework about us, you will find that the one thing we have that some of you don't is RESPECT!!!! When the dems were elected year after year stifling our way of life we didn't have ( not my president marches) We didn't burn flags, tear down monuments, destroy property or commit acts of violence! We respected the process and our country! We waited until Nov and we voted! We still have hopes and dreams that this beautiful mountain state we call home with the record breaking rapids of our rivers, the majestic stature of our trees, the rolling fields of our farmlands and the amazing farmers, coal miners, carpenters, teachers, raft guides and small business owners will be the symbol it has always been ( GOD, COUNTRY and FAMILY). These are not the values of ignorant people, these are the values that built this country! This is what being a West Virginian means!

  • @Maxime_K-G
    @Maxime_K-G Рік тому +1

    In Germany, they make sure that rural communities have better infrastructure than the big cities to compel people not to move away. People complain about it but I think at the end of the day it's better than the alternative of mass abandonment and housing shortages. A lot of countries seem to be facing this problem.

  • @Lord_Santa999
    @Lord_Santa999 7 років тому +48

    Yes, a billionaire businessman from NEW YORK CITY is going to save you. It's sad that these people were this desperate.

    • @jayrod9002
      @jayrod9002 7 років тому +1

      Desperate and trusting. Sad.

    • @pkrangersf3072
      @pkrangersf3072 7 років тому +4

      They've been desperate for a long time and forgotten. Extremely sad situation they're in, but coal isn't the answer. They need to find something else.

    • @TescoValueMemes369
      @TescoValueMemes369 7 років тому +1

      They can't find something else on their own. They need help from public or private entities.

    • @jayrod9002
      @jayrod9002 7 років тому +1

      President Obama would have been able to accomplish more, the republicans made it their goal to vote down every good thing he proposed. Mitch even mentioned that his goal was to make sure President Obama was a one term president. Unfortunately, they contributed to his failure to do more for the American people.

    • @Lord_Santa999
      @Lord_Santa999 7 років тому

      Lasna34 That's hilarious. Sounds like you've been living in a different reality from ours. The Republicans made it a point to be obstructionist, they even admitted as much. It's sick.

  • @brianwilliams9462
    @brianwilliams9462 6 років тому +3

    Democrats CANNOT give up on these places if they have any conscience or even an inkling of class consciousness.

  • @chrismichaelgardner
    @chrismichaelgardner 7 років тому +13

    Help me understand. If automation and world trade is causing a changing landscape where manual labor like coal mining isn't viable, why aren't we spending money to train folks in counties like this to program robotics and compete on the world market, rather than promising things like coal mining will come back?

    • @gotinogaden
      @gotinogaden 7 років тому

      First, it is true that reverting back to some old trades might not(and probably will not) be a viable solution. The problem is pretty much the same as in IT nowadays; you hear about all these available job positions on the tech market, and all the shortage of qualified engineers and hi-tech personnel. The catch is that this applies only for the most formally qualified, and more importantly, *talented* folks. Not everyone can become a decent "robotics operator"/engineer/programmer, let alone a rockstar developer. It is just not for everyone, and the rest have to be glad about the historical contingencies that led to IT being a lucrative field, where supply of good engineers is relatively low, and demand is pretty high.. Things could have been very different, indeed.

    • @developmentalist
      @developmentalist 7 років тому +3

      ThePSXHive You are 100% correct. Look at the number of people employed by a major new IT company today. Look at Facebook today for example: 15,000 people there vs a Ford/GM factory in the 60s. These people will not be finding "new jobs" in the IT industry. That has been the white whale that people have been feeding the deindustrialized heart of the country for at least 30 years. That dog won't hunt. Something new must be done. Otherwise we will have a large disgruntled underclass with nothing to loss. Oops, already there!

    • @betteronbrunettes
      @betteronbrunettes 7 років тому +3

      Chris Gardner I agree that education should be refocused. Instead of the "one size fits all" model we have, perhaps the next evolution of education will include more specialized training for the jobs in the new economy. But what jobs are available in the new economy? Increasingly, only service based jobs, or highly specialized jobs, like software engineer for example, that require years of training. So, making programming a major subject in school might be a solution. Problem is, not everyone can be a programmer. It's difficult to learn if you struggle with algebra, for example. And reality is, the majority of basic programming will be done either by programming farms in other countries or by AI.
      So what's the solution? Wish I knew.

    • @eddythehead9101
      @eddythehead9101 7 років тому +1

      Chris Gardner they are too innerbred to learn anything new...Giving them coal to dig is probably better than food stamps...

    • @Huyvovo903
      @Huyvovo903 7 років тому

      You can't just teach someone to "program" robots. It takes years of education and training and not to mention the $$$ the government has to spend and we both know how the people feel about the government spending their tax money.

  • @IconicProps
    @IconicProps 7 років тому +2

    I am an arguably successful software developer and sculptor. I started my career fixing printers. Setting up pcs. Fixing networks. Configuring software. Fixing software. Writing software. Building corporate software and websites. I have had to re imagine myself for the past 25 years. Every few years. I did not even know I was smart when I started. What I have now more than anything else is problem solving skills. And the biggest issue I have with politics and our country is our lack of problem solving skills. A large portion of our country saw a problem, and heard a solution. The solution barely addresses the problem, is virtually impossible to accomplish, and most importantly, never going to happen. But just hearing a solution that fit their ends, without ever solving the problem logically to see if what was being said made sense, they jumped on board and are now about to be really disappointed. Unfortunately for me, I have a lot of friends that are again, like they did 8 years ago, come asking for help, and I am going to have to give them an emphatic 'Sorry, socialism is dead, figure it out yourself'.

  • @josifaleiro3943
    @josifaleiro3943 7 років тому +21

    Sad to see these people having so much hope in someone that will do nothing to help them.

    • @bostromberg4704
      @bostromberg4704 6 років тому +1

      Josiane Faleiro I hope you are wrong but fear that you are right

    • @gsp49
      @gsp49 6 років тому +2

      Ha, turns out you were wrong.

  • @MrRGBTV
    @MrRGBTV 4 роки тому +9

    Could you do a follow up please to see how the voters are getting along now? That would be terrific to hear.

  • @jayfkncool4258
    @jayfkncool4258 5 років тому +2

    Feel sorry for this fools ,he just lied to them and he's after closing all benefits, not to mention how he's ideas ant tax imports are affecting us business owners.

  • @joycelebaron2582
    @joycelebaron2582 5 років тому +4

    This is the town that Jeannette Walls, who wrote "The Glass Castle" lived in before she moved to NY. Much of the book takes place there.

  • @cyber-psych2503
    @cyber-psych2503 4 роки тому +3

    How many lumps of coal do you need to dig, or count, to figure out you might want to find a different kind of vocation.

  • @bjxxx
    @bjxxx 5 років тому +6

    It would be amazing if CBS had the balls to redo this story right now.

  • @ambessashield9360
    @ambessashield9360 7 років тому +3

    That women.. so refreshing.. she broke my stereotypical view of poor white folks in rural America.. the brotha also had a good point.. Hillary is really bad, but at least she talked about policy.. Trump was all about bullying and empty slogans. His supporters are waiting for a cruel awakening.

  • @EdugeBDroN
    @EdugeBDroN 5 років тому +2

    I wish my mama was here but ain't gonna happen. A highschool graduate ain't gonna make 100 grand a year. They should have voted for the one with retraining plan, new 21st industry plan. Not the one lying to them about going back, no-one can go back, not a minute ago, not a month ago and heck not 60 years ago

  • @NateNate60
    @NateNate60 6 років тому +1

    I hope Trump "makes America great again". I'm a Democrat, but I'll give him a go at it. You don't want him to fail. We're all in this boat together and you'd better start patching it if holes appear. You don't want it to sink.

  • @oshanelaird288
    @oshanelaird288 7 років тому +2

    time for change. God bless Donald Trump

  • @BeenSauce
    @BeenSauce 7 років тому +14

    This is the ignorance of the simple life - not meant to take it offensively. Coal is continually becoming more expensive, even if regulations are stripped, it really just cannot compete with cheap natural gas and even cheaper solar power and wind. Automation is becoming more and more sophisticated, and it is only taking more jobs at an even faster rate.
    I've traveled through the rust belt, and it is sad seeing what America used to be. I get that. However, expecting these old industries to return won't happen. They voted for party that wishes for less government when government is the only entity capable of training a whole population for modern world markets - thereby, they are really just shooting their own foot.

    • @redarrowhead2
      @redarrowhead2 7 років тому

      Kenny J Solar power and wind isn't cheap. You have no clue what you are saying.
      Government is not going to train millions of people. You're a complete fool.

    • @BeenSauce
      @BeenSauce 7 років тому +3


    • @BeenSauce
      @BeenSauce 7 років тому +2

      redarrowhead2 "Government is not going to train millions of people." FAFSA? Pell Grants?

    • @BeenSauce
      @BeenSauce 7 років тому

      Politically Incorrect Read the article I posted earlier. Here's an article posted a year ago:

    • @coolkids64
      @coolkids64 7 років тому

      US has enough coal for 465 years overall minimum because we are the most coal rich country but it's more expensive and pollution is way higher that is why it got cut off it has been declining since the 50's we need manufacturing plants in these towns and agriculture and farming jobs to replace this it is way more productive not more coal jobs we are looking towards renewable energy in the future we have whole huge deserts , rivers and windy areas for that

  • @publicanimal
    @publicanimal 7 років тому +2

    What Obama has done to these people is despicable. So many lives needlessly destroyed.

    • @riemjann1
      @riemjann1 7 років тому

      Because their situation is totally 100%$!/ percent Obama's fault...

    • @wretchedwringer
      @wretchedwringer 7 років тому +1

      riemjann1 Hillary wanted to hammer the last nail in the coffin herself. Heartless.

    • @Regimeshifts
      @Regimeshifts 7 років тому +1

      Dont you know? Obama invented globalization and automation!

  • @tobyflockin7868
    @tobyflockin7868 3 роки тому +1

    There is literally no other solution for this other than a mass redistribution of wealth

  • @LifeOfTheParty323
    @LifeOfTheParty323 7 років тому +2

    I wish these people nothing but the best but Trump isn't going to save this dying industry. There is nothing he can do.

    • @gsp49
      @gsp49 6 років тому

      But he did.

  • @IftinAbshir
    @IftinAbshir 5 років тому +2

    Wouldn't it be great if they went back now to see if anything has changed! I think that would be so interesting to see

  • @randalaltemus6691
    @randalaltemus6691 7 років тому +7

    Nice report, but it only showed one small facet of Trump Country in the USA.
    Many people in the inner cities also voted for Trump because they got tired of the endless promises from both political parties.
    Veterans in all 50 states voted for Trump because they have waited to long to get off the charity and welfare rolls and be treated with the dignity they deserve.
    Millions of voters with education and good sense realize that good quality education and affordable healthcare can only be provided by a strong economy.

  • @KCOL24
    @KCOL24 3 роки тому +4

    Prime example of people who vote against their own interests.

  • @veronicacarpenter5609
    @veronicacarpenter5609 5 років тому +3

    I feel so sorry for these people who believed a con artist! Things will only get worse and then they’ll look for change again...

    • @Ikaros23
      @Ikaros23 4 роки тому +1

      they dont want to change themself. they want the world to change. Thats what the con artist pray on. The same con will work again. it has been working for hundreds of years

  • @keithhyttinen8275
    @keithhyttinen8275 4 роки тому +8

    Fools got played by a Grifter. Too easy. He laughs at you-all

  • @maxdoubt5219
    @maxdoubt5219 7 років тому +3

    Look...I feel sorry for these folks. I really do, but coal's gotta go. The CO2, the mercury, the acid-rain-sulfer, the tailing ponds, not to mention sending men down into dirty, dangerous pits. We need to give these folks first dibs on solar manufacture/installation jobs. Fossil fuels can't last forever, so tackle it now or kick the can down the road for some future generation who will suffer similarly.

  • @robertol6577
    @robertol6577 6 років тому +1

    These are nice genuine, normal Americans who need real help !! They are desperate and as a result voted for the person they thought would actually help them unfortunately they voted for somebody who will do nothing for them, in fact his tax bill will take even more money from the little they have!! Once Trump and his cohorts in the Republican Party destroy social welfare these poor people will be the ones who suffer not his Banker friends!!

    • @harleyquinn5774
      @harleyquinn5774 6 років тому

      Robert Lyons how about bring in a factory that builds various kinds of renewable energy machines/devices/products like solar panels and put together a training program to teach the ex coal miners how to assemble them?
      My one personal drawback on my idea is that I don’t know how much higher education is necessary or not for understanding solar panels enough to properly identify parts that work fine or have come out defective. As you can see, my understanding of solar panel manufacturing is limited.

  • @paxmanchris
    @paxmanchris 7 років тому +5

    Member when we used coal to heat homes? "Ohh, I member"

    • @gsp49
      @gsp49 6 років тому

      One small chunk of coal will replace 8 oak logs, and burn hotter than pine. best way to heat.

  • @bikramjitbiswas9478
    @bikramjitbiswas9478 6 років тому +1

    loved how they curated this report- 'how it used to be', and this infinite hope which binds them together for the uture- o how it will be, !! wish yall the best

  • @vidguy007
    @vidguy007 6 років тому +2

    Imagine where we would be in the future if we went for renewables like Germany has decided to. Someday we will be buying stuff from them, instead of them buying it from us.

  • @thetruepyromancer2928
    @thetruepyromancer2928 6 років тому +2

    The marching band playing Carry on My Wayward Son made my day.

  • @coolkids64
    @coolkids64 7 років тому +2

    Throw one of those new manufacturing plants he promised from his tax cuts in and call it a day

  • @Atombender
    @Atombender 7 років тому +2

    What an intimate interview by JFK. Surrounded by miners and holding the mike.

  • @JaneDoe-bj7qx
    @JaneDoe-bj7qx 6 років тому +1

    Call.your President and tell him. Trump is trying hard people He has a lot on his plate, give the man a chance

  • @IJoeAceJRI
    @IJoeAceJRI 7 років тому +2

    _there was no talk about the lower class_ my behind. Trump said that anyone that made ,= 28,000 wouldnt get taxed a dime

  • @DrCruel
    @DrCruel 7 років тому +2

    Ted Koppel - where the hell have you been? We need you.

  • @isaacng123456789
    @isaacng123456789 4 роки тому +1

    Those mines will never open back up. Move to different parts of the country and learn a different trade.

  • @eljono1
    @eljono1 7 років тому +7

    Member Coal burning? I member

  • @BGTats144
    @BGTats144 2 роки тому +1

    Wow imagine what they think of tRump now

  • @diegosuarez1563
    @diegosuarez1563 4 роки тому +2

    Hope they are still not holding their breath! then again?

  • @breezecardenas3941
    @breezecardenas3941 7 років тому +1

    Of all the people Ted Koppel spoke to, the single mother sitting at the discussion table is the person who I think I feel for the most. I'm not from West Virginia or do I know anybody well enough from the region to fully understand what they're going through. However, I can say I do see many people just like her, with the same set of circumstances in the inner city. poverty is rampant. unemployment is high, education is dismal and it seems as though there is no hope in sight. She was absolutely right. These two people (Trump & Clinton) conducted themselves as immature and petty as candidates could possibly have. A shame that Americans felt as though, these were the two best possible candidates for the presidency. One of the beautiful things about our country is the fact we have choices. Can you imagine only being offered Coca Cola or Pepsi Cola when you go to a restaurant? only being able to buy Nike or Adidas shoes? only driving a Ford or Chevy??? pretty boring, right? if you like those, then by all means buy them. but if you like to have choices, and you'd like to not feel as though you only have two to choose from and aren't crazy about either one, then maybe it's time to look to alternatives. Only speaking for myself, that's what I've done. No longer will I vote for a Democrat or a Republican. As I did in the last election, and will continue to do so, it's all about third party candidates from here on out. I certainly don't see it as "throwing my vote away". I see it as an opportunity to move this country in a NEW direction, and most importantly, one less vote for the status quo!

  • @samanthab1923
    @samanthab1923 2 роки тому

    What a joke. These poor people have been taken advantage for generations. They're used to it.

  • @leighanns2774
    @leighanns2774 7 років тому +1

    Donald Trump is going to save us!

  • @IconicProps
    @IconicProps 7 років тому +11

    2:59 those regulations, and the 'deregulation' you keep hearing of is pollution. And worker safety. Now, worker safety, if you really want to risk your life and sign away your rights to sue (just like if you want to not wear your seatbelt or helmet) and alleviate tax payers from paying for you when you are on your death bed, I am ok with it. But atmospheric pollution is a different thing. Environmental pollution is a different thing.
    These production jobs aren't coming back. Not without pollution. So when your crying in a few years about having no drinking water. Or wearing masks to go outside to play, remember this very point in time, when you chose.

  • @mychellevanschaick4321
    @mychellevanschaick4321 7 років тому +1

    they should go back and talk with those people again a year later... I would like to know if they still felt the same way?

  • @donbrubaker641
    @donbrubaker641 4 роки тому +1

    Welcome to the Age of the New Republican Organized Crime Syndicate

  • @alexysr6156
    @alexysr6156 7 років тому +7

    "Used to be"

    • @r.pres.4121
      @r.pres.4121 4 роки тому

      Alexrowdy Rousey That also accurately describes most older northern US cities like St Louis, Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, Newark, and Baltimore. They used to be proud and prosperous. Now they are all decayed, depressed, and destitute.

  • @holokai21
    @holokai21 7 років тому +1

    Unreal!!!! Most of the coal states are south of Germany.Why has your governments not funded programs for renewable energy.That is where the future lies.There are more jobs in the renewable energy,than coal today.Local schools should be training workers for all the work that renewables offer.Your local governments are failing you out of many good paying jobs.

  • @robertstewart302
    @robertstewart302 7 років тому +1

    All that has to be done is update all coal burning to meet safe standards then coal can be back were it should be

  • @rawn4203
    @rawn4203 5 років тому +2

    Has trump brought back those coal jobs???

  • @jaysunsandnorcal5555
    @jaysunsandnorcal5555 7 років тому +1

    Trump should at least send them some clean energy jobs if he can't renew the coal industry there. The lady with kids is smart. Come live here, CA has jobs and would love you!! We have the same issues here... poverty isn't looked at enough. We're the full time minimum wage worker who runs this country, yet we're divided. The low income base of America should rise against gov. together, not separated by 2 stupid politicians that are both so rich they don't know what it's like to live like us. They don't care enough about us. We feed them, and keep them rich. Bottom line. No matter who you are.

  • @senojelyk
    @senojelyk 7 років тому +4

    This story is illustrative of the fix small towns built on a single industry are in once that industry is gone. Everybody who could leave has left. Welfare and Social Security sustain those who remain, either directly or through virtuous cycles of spending. This town is like a suffering animal that needs to be put down. We’re willing to buy out natural disaster victims, but somehow don’t see the tortuous slow destruction of a small town in the same way.

  • @m.w.6526
    @m.w.6526 7 років тому

    God bless these people. Hard working folks, that rings true for the past generations too. I hope trump keeps his word.

  • @tgatez3566
    @tgatez3566 6 років тому +1

    They need to do a followup on this.

  • @sammavacaist
    @sammavacaist 6 років тому +2

    Unrelentingly sad. These poor people got duped at their most desperate.

  • @abcdefghijklmno7384
    @abcdefghijklmno7384 7 років тому +1

    McDowell County is in the same situation that many other commuities have been in for the last 40 years.

  • @spacedoginnebraska
    @spacedoginnebraska 6 років тому +3

    Sure he's going to help you. That's what Trump does; help people. Because Trump cares.

    • @slickdick1807
      @slickdick1807 6 років тому +2

      spacedoginnebraska TRUMP 2020! God bless are remarkable man! 😄

  • @wongsifu460
    @wongsifu460 4 роки тому +1

    I bet that the coal industry never came back in the county

    • @olivergarcia2304
      @olivergarcia2304 4 роки тому

      Yep, those low-Info voters got conned for their votes. What else would any educated humanoid expect from Bunker Boy?

  • @IJoeAceJRI
    @IJoeAceJRI 7 років тому +2

    3:10 And of course the production of solar panels, windmills, and dams arent regulated...

  • @StormReaper5
    @StormReaper5 7 років тому +7

    "Trump will drain the DC swamp of corporate interests."
    *Appoints a slew of corporate lobbyists to his transition team.*
    "Trump knows the tax code so he'll close the loopholes that the super wealthy exploit."
    *Proposes enormous tax cuts for the top income brackets and only minor cuts for the lower brackets.
    Yep - Trump's a real champion of the working class. SMFH

    • @yayo3036
      @yayo3036 7 років тому +1

      still better than the old witch , hillary.

    • @Shaolinthemple
      @Shaolinthemple 7 років тому +1

      asd123asd so you agree he's horrible?

    • @somebodiesnobodyshhhh
      @somebodiesnobodyshhhh 7 років тому

      asd123asd yet trump appointed someone from Goldmansachs??? lolmaoooooooooooooo

    • @SarahRamsingh
      @SarahRamsingh 7 років тому +2

      They've been conned they just don't want to admit it.

    • @Shaolinthemple
      @Shaolinthemple 7 років тому

      TheSarahRamsingh You have to give him a chance. He hasn't taken office yet.

  • @nikkiclark3414
    @nikkiclark3414 7 років тому +3

    It is sad to see people so desperate that they put their hope in Trump. I hope he comes through for them but I highly doubt it. Let's pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

  • @jaeorumn4242
    @jaeorumn4242 7 років тому

    How is anyone supposed to "bring back coal" when the market isn't there for it? How many countries joined the G20 summit? How many have been going completely renewable and are GOING to be renewable in the next decade? Times change, you change with them or you get left behind.

  • @boragamerz9145
    @boragamerz9145 7 років тому +1

    I watch HELLary's interview with regards to coal and she offered no alternative for these miners. If you want to kill mines at least give the miners a source of income of some sort. Don't just take their job and starve or ignore them.

  • @TheOGvaultdweller
    @TheOGvaultdweller 7 років тому

    great reporting, love sunday morning

  • @Huyvovo903
    @Huyvovo903 7 років тому

    A lost coal job is a lost job forever.

  • @lukeb1651
    @lukeb1651 5 років тому +1


  • @baltazaribarra2400
    @baltazaribarra2400 6 років тому

    “ I didn’t vote because they went about the most childish way” those are words of wisdom, it’s obvious that those clowns ( Trump and Clinton) weren’t going to solve anything acting like that.

  • @maddog2771
    @maddog2771 6 років тому +1

    I'm taking my wood stove out an putting a coal stove in . Coal is king , support coal.

    • @gsp49
      @gsp49 6 років тому

      Mad Dog , hotter and cheaper than wood, for sure.

  • @bitchbaby69
    @bitchbaby69 6 років тому

    companies and people moved on from coal. why is this so difficult for people to understand? coal is a thing in the past, as many other products. time for these people to find different job. healtier and safer job for them too

  • @omarrohoman3726
    @omarrohoman3726 7 років тому +2

    hold on guys the coal is coming

  • @vincentp.locollo3343
    @vincentp.locollo3343 4 роки тому

    Hard working Honest people!!!!!!!