Hvala!! Ja Sam devojcica koja zivi u inostranstvu, I sa svima osim porodicom pricam engleski. Ja ne znam cirilicu pisano, a ovo mi je mnogo pomoglo. I ovih Dana pokusavam da pricam srpski sve vise. I ti MI puno pomazes.
2:00 Bubamara... I remembered that Serbian gypsy-folk song with the same name. Thanks to this song from my childhood, I've known the translation to Bubamara since I was a kid (I'm Portuguese).
Курсив даже более понятен. Хотя всё равно легко воспринимается :) Мне понравилось, как вы ставите чёрточку над буквами. Например, над 'т' и 'п' , только у нас они неперевёрнутые, и 'т' похожа на английскую 'm', а 'п' выглядит как 'n'. Спасибо за видео. Было интересно посмотреть.
Even though I am Russian and I definitely know how to write cursive cyrillic, I'm fascinated, 'cause Serbian cursive is really different from Russian cursive. Some letters ( lower case "в", "г", "п", "т", upper case "Д", both "ц") are not recognizable for me at all, even though we have them in Russian as well. And of course many more letters we don't have, I cannot even write them here 'cause my keyboard doesn't feature them :)
It's funny we have Šaka and Šapa. Ruka is hand. Šapa is paw. Shaka is used for measurement as in handful. I think it sounds so similar to Shekel, an ancient Near-East coin en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekel I think these 2 words could have come from ancient Rome.
In fact, in Serbian, "ruka" can be used for both "arm" and "hand"; "šaka" can be used as "hand, handful and palm" and we have word "dlan" which just means "palm".
Excellent presentation - I was just about going to ask you if you would consider doing a cursive cirilica video for your Serbian-learning subscribers. Hvala puno!
Very helpful as I have seen some script in the Cyrillic that I did not recognize and thought maybe it was a mixture of Latin script, Cyrillic and Greek... then there were some letters with lines over them as well as under. This helps a lot!
Pro tips FOR EVERY LETTER • Don't eat ajvar if you are less that 14 • Don't kill 🐞, it's illegal • Live in a village • Orange juice is worse than apple • ,,If you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail" • Drink rakija and say živeli and chill out with the ELIXIR • Sit on the left side of the table if you are left handed • Eat apples, just DO IT • When will you finish reading this • Moje blu is pretty • Moje blu is angry • Moje blu is small • Nothing is spelled with 1 o instead of 2 • Go to the field and earn 1000din a day • Pa onaaako, dobro je • Send a letter to Santa Claus • Write with left hand • Don't look at the sun • Take a shower only on Saturday to be a proper cigan • Ćao is italian word too • Your mouth has a **** in it • Watch thr movie Charlie and the chocolate factory • JEDI LEBA BREEEE • Get some cipele to not get cold • Pick tooth after eat meat • џ is the rarest serbian word • Write ш with the line underneath
Izgleda da zavisi kako gde i kako kad je ko učio. Moji roditelji (rođeni 1942. i 1949.) su učili da podvlače Š, moja generacija (1976.) u mojoj školi učila da ne podvlači, moj brat (1979.) u istoj školi učio da podvlači itd. Mislim da je svakako bolje da se piše linija ispod Š, jeste malo napornije, ali se bolje čita.
Pisanje linije ispod š je obavezno jer onda si siguran da je to š a ne "li" ili "il" kao sto vidite u primjeru na 10:12 gdje si napisala "čačkalica" neko ko ne zna cirilicu i srpski ne moze skontati da li je š ili "il" i "li", s obzirom da skoro niko ne stavlja taj prostor kod "L" vrlo je tesko za primjetiti to
Е вала сада ме тотално срамота, колико дуго нисам писао ништа писано на ћирилици.... мада ионако ништа генерално нисам писао на папиру ништа важно јакооо дуго...
Hvala!! Ja Sam devojcica koja zivi u inostranstvu, I sa svima osim porodicom pricam engleski. Ja ne znam cirilicu pisano, a ovo mi je mnogo pomoglo. I ovih Dana pokusavam da pricam srpski sve vise. I ti MI puno pomazes.
Drago mi je! Želim ti puno sreće!
you have no idea how much i needed this . HVALA PUNOOOOO
2:00 Bubamara... I remembered that Serbian gypsy-folk song with the same name.
Thanks to this song from my childhood, I've known the translation to Bubamara since I was a kid (I'm Portuguese).
Курсив даже более понятен. Хотя всё равно легко воспринимается :) Мне понравилось, как вы ставите чёрточку над буквами. Например, над 'т' и 'п' , только у нас они неперевёрнутые, и 'т' похожа на английскую 'm', а 'п' выглядит как 'n'. Спасибо за видео. Было интересно посмотреть.
Even though I am Russian and I definitely know how to write cursive cyrillic, I'm fascinated, 'cause Serbian cursive is really different from Russian cursive. Some letters ( lower case "в", "г", "п", "т", upper case "Д", both "ц") are not recognizable for me at all, even though we have them in Russian as well. And of course many more letters we don't have, I cannot even write them here 'cause my keyboard doesn't feature them :)
Wouldn't it be awesome if our smartphones had both the Cyrillic and written Cyrillic.??
I thought ц was written cursively the same way in Russian?
@@TheRickyLevi It has no space between the letter and the little end thingie in Russian
@@user-wb2tm3hv8w Isn’t that «Џ, џ»?
@@TheRickyLevi Not actually, it's rather Ц (since we don't have that letter you wrote), but the tail is kinda like у but smaller in size
"Ruka" is translated as "Arm", not a "Hand". "Šaka" je "Hand"
Yes, I'm fun at parties :D
That's true, my bad! I showed the hand in the video, but I said arm :D Misleading!
It's funny we have Šaka and Šapa. Ruka is hand. Šapa is paw. Shaka is used for measurement as in handful. I think it sounds so similar to Shekel, an ancient Near-East coin en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekel I think these 2 words could have come from ancient Rome.
Ja uvek kažem ruka i za šaku. Tako da koga šiša, dok se razumemo.
Yes and no.
The word "ruka" is used for hand far more than "šaka", even though the latter is the correct term.
In fact, in Serbian, "ruka" can be used for both "arm" and "hand"; "šaka" can be used as "hand, handful and palm" and we have word "dlan" which just means "palm".
Excellent presentation - I was just about going to ask you if you would consider doing a cursive cirilica video for your Serbian-learning subscribers. Hvala puno!
is it okay to write ж like in Russian? (all in one motion). writing in 4 separate motions kinda defeats the point of cursive
Very helpful as I have seen some script in the Cyrillic that I did not recognize and thought maybe it was a mixture of Latin script, Cyrillic and Greek... then there were some letters with lines over them as well as under. This helps a lot!
Здраво, први пут сам вас видео на ИоуТубе каналу, док сте говорили, волео сам вас
• Don't eat ajvar if you are less that 14
• Don't kill 🐞, it's illegal
• Live in a village
• Orange juice is worse than apple
• ,,If you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail"
• Drink rakija and say živeli and chill out with the ELIXIR
• Sit on the left side of the table if you are left handed
• Eat apples, just DO IT
• When will you finish reading this
• Moje blu is pretty
• Moje blu is angry
• Moje blu is small
• Nothing is spelled with 1 o instead of 2
• Go to the field and earn 1000din a day
• Pa onaaako, dobro je
• Send a letter to Santa Claus
• Write with left hand
• Don't look at the sun
• Take a shower only on Saturday to be a proper cigan
• Ćao is italian word too
• Your mouth has a **** in it
• Watch thr movie Charlie and the chocolate factory
• Get some cipele to not get cold
• Pick tooth after eat meat
• џ is the rarest serbian word
• Write ш with the line underneath
A zamisli kada još uvek pišem a i o isto. Uvek sam morao, da čitam pismene zadatke. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Kao da sam ja pisao komentar 😆
Когнитивный диссонанс для рускоязычного человека ))) Интересно было бы сравнить русскую рукопись с сербской.
Ja sam mislio da se Š piše isto kao T samo sa linijom ispod... i btw što Moja Blu?
Možeš, a i ne moraš da napišeš liniju ispod za 'š' :) Moja Blu? Long story :D U jednom videu ću objasniti!
Izgleda da zavisi kako gde i kako kad je ko učio. Moji roditelji (rođeni 1942. i 1949.) su učili da podvlače Š, moja generacija (1976.) u mojoj školi učila da ne podvlači, moj brat (1979.) u istoj školi učio da podvlači itd. Mislim da je svakako bolje da se piše linija ispod Š, jeste malo napornije, ali se bolje čita.
Pisanje linije ispod š je obavezno jer onda si siguran da je to š a ne "li" ili "il" kao sto vidite u primjeru na 10:12 gdje si napisala "čačkalica" neko ko ne zna cirilicu i srpski ne moze skontati da li je š ili "il" i "li", s obzirom da skoro niko ne stavlja taj prostor kod "L" vrlo je tesko za primjetiti to
@@MojeBlu inace veoma dobar video👏
It kinda looks like that ђ is almost the proper way
Latin is easier and you need less space. But cyrillic looks better.
Е вала сада ме тотално срамота, колико дуго нисам писао ништа писано на ћирилици.... мада ионако ништа генерално нисам писао на папиру ништа важно јакооо дуго...
шишмиш и штитити. Ја не пишем овако л ни м, само нормално!
Значи може се и без те мале цртице испред? Мислим овако ми је лакше за прочитат ал чисто да питам
šišmiš i štititi. Ja ne pišem ovako, l ni m, samo normalno.
Znači može se i bez te male crtice ispred? Mislim ovako mi je lakše za pročitat al čisto da pitam
@@jurajvivana можда буде лакше, али научио сам овако