The key problem is that most ships we've seen in Star Trek are STARFLEET ships. They're designed and built to be modular for easy mass production and repair. This results in the very homogenous feel in most Star Trek ships. La Sirena is almost certainly a Vulcan freighter. The design matches known Vulcan aesthetics, the red of the hull is a very typical Vulcan red, and the interior floor has a very Vulcan pattern to it. I have no problem with the "lateral transporter" at the back of the ship, as it's just as likely the ring on the rear wall is something else entirely (such as some sort of engineering access, a fancy docking ring, or even the rear of an escape pod - remember, this is a crew of one, so there's no loss in venting the ship to space if the pod has to be used). As far as weapons, those forward fins have an obvious top hatch above the left half of the longer grey part (11:14). Being a civilian transport owned and operated by the former XO of a Starfleet battlecruiser, you can be assured this ship has some firepower tucked away and likely shielded somehow from nosy eyes or sensor arrays. My bet is these panels open to reveal alien weapons that aren't typical Federation. It's easier to hide something the average scanner isn't designed to look for, after all. The most likely bet is it's a form of non-phased plasma array, as that could be masked as part of a modified engine assembly.
a major problem as a whole is that it establishes a very strict industrial design aka the Star Trek ships supposedly look the way they do because of how war drives and bubbles work... but none in the Alpha and Beta quadrants really adheres to the same design restrictions. If you look at military submarines, sure they can be very different in tech, but their rough hull shape is always the same. Why? Because they are build for the same environment and missions. IRL Physics dictates engineering which dictates looks, only then you can style everything around that. I wish you'd see more of that in SciFi ships.
I'm only at time index 5:54 on the video. I paused it for this comment. I can't believe you didn't recognize this as a Vulcan ship right away . So I'm going to restart the video in case I missed something, because I got up to make coffee. However Sky came over Thursday morning to watch it with me and right away I was like "oh that's a Vulcan ship" , which I base off of every other Vulcan Ship we've seen on screen, but mainly the Shuttle that Spock used when docking with the Enterprise in The Motion Picture
I just can't believe how you guys blew the analysis on this. The views that you show, especially from the top of it makes it look very much like a Danube-class runabout, but with wing-like structures added on and a non-standard red paint job.
This couldn't have been a ship on The Expanse, because there's logic and rules to Expanse ships: the decks are laid out vertically on top of the main thruster(s) to allow for inertial gravity, and there are no windows
Trek has always had magical tech. Artificial gravity, inertial dampeners, etc. To be fair...the Epstein drive on the Expanse is magical as well. So are the drugs that can make your body stand up to insane G forces.
There's logic and rules to Star Trek designs too. But the tech in Star Trek is far more fantastical than in the Expanse. The designs follow logically from the technology, but the technology itself is less grounded.
@@KuraIthys oh, I didn't mean to imply that Star Trek doesn't have rules to the ship design. Simply reacting against using Expanse as a stand-in for "generic sci-fi"
Tell me, does a Ford f 150 look like a nissan sentra? Do airplanes all look the same, no? That's because star fleet ( not star trek) builds their own ships for their own purposes, the same for civilian ships of the cannon. You both need to gain some imagination.
You seem to have riled up the middle-aged with your opinions about the oh so controversial topic of space ship design. I actually agree that, as in the real world, there should be a variety of designs. A work bee isn't a long range shuttle, a long range shuttle isn't a warship. My criteria for a good ship. a) does it fit within the fictional universe. I think this ship probably does. An exmple of a ship that doesn't fit is the Romulan Narada from the 2009 Star Trek film. It could have been a baddy ship from any generic sci-fi film. b) Does it convey something narratively. For example a does it convey something about it's crew or the race who operate it? I like the Klingon Bird of Prey as a design, it's aggressive like the Klingons. But I never thought it fitted into Star Trek design aesthetic. Unlike the D7 which looks agressive and klingon and seems to follow the same design principles as the enterprise.. c) Does it look good? I think the hero ship in Picard looks simultaneous dull and over designed. That might because every image I have seen of it seems very dark and hard to make out. If they were going a cheap non-Star Fleet utilitarian look I think it should have looked like a space transit van. As it is this ship could be a goody or a baddy ship. It could be super killimg machine or a hunk of junk. A transport or a star fighter. It just sits somewhere in the middle. Take the 4 ships introduced in Star Trek III The Search for Spock. 1- The Merchantman 2- The Klingon BoP 3- The Oberth Class 4 - The Excelsior You couldn't swap around the roles in story for which these ships were designed. If you made the Oberth model play the role of the USS Excelsior it just wouldn't work. To my mind Star Trek TMP to The Search for Spock are the high water mark for design in the history of franchise.
Yeah I have to say this one really annoyed me. It's cool not to like it but to act like everything has to be the same in order for it to be valid or likable...nah that's annoying
Agreed. Trek "fans" have an extremely narrow expectation of what is allowed in Trek. Not every ship needs to look like its operated by Starfleet. Presumably there are MANY times more civilian ships of whatever design, even from other planets, flying around out there. I'm down with it.
Very much in agreement. Sometimes I think these guys work themselves into a very limited box of what is or isn't a Federation ship, especially outside of Starfleet. Look at Kasidy Yate's ship. Or the scout ships Cyrano Jones had. Hell, even Starfleet has operated ships that if you take the warp nacelles off, they don't look very Federation/Starfleet like at all (i.e. the USS Huron and the robot ships from the animated series).
@@RealityIsTheNow look at the SS Xhosa, Kasidy Yates' freighter from Deep Space Nine. It looks nothing like Starfleet. Samuel and Foley really blew it big time on this.
@@nowhereman1046 in defense of the captain and commander, many times the producers of "new" Trek simply recycle Starfleet ships from DISC, which they are not fans of.
@@dswynne that may be so, but in this case they are not doing so for the La Sirena and there is ample precedent for ships like this all through out the TNG-era Trek shows. Just look at all the Maquis vessels out there for similar examples.
I like this design. Eaves always creates cool ships. Saying it's not "Star Trek" makes no sense. How does a Breen, Hirogen or Xindi ship look "Star Trek" by that standard?
I like that they're getting such a non-Starfleet ship for a while. It's a huge, HUUUGE universe in Star Trek and seeing some other types of vessels is always fun to me.
“For a while”. We had very non-starfleet looking Federations ships in Discovery, I feel like it’s time to honor the established visual continuity a bit more. As always Samuel speaks sense! The Federation components that make up a ship in the Star Trek universe are completely abandoned here. I’m so glad they didn’t drop the ball with the Romulans. It’s just such a shame they seem so eager to reinvent the wheel.
@@ah7910 I understand that point of view totally, it's a show and it's all subjective. I personally feel like it's fine for civilian ships/ships produced outside of Starfleet to look different. I'd love to see some Starfleet style ship porn, for sure. But I'm not personally upset that we're not getting it. To me Star Trek has always felt really small universe-wise, since we see everything from the day to day perspectives of a few crews (normally anyway). Seeing other elements is cool to me. But to each their own, have a thumbs up friend.
@@ah7910 If you look the complete randomness of alien ship designs, why should non Star Trek ships build by dozens of races look like Star fleet?. I wish they would enforce the restrictions of war bubble logic that causes the design of the original Enterprise to be stricter, but since TOS it is ignored in pretty much every other ship not Star Fleet why should they adhere to it here? Vulcan, Andorian and other ships do not look like Star Fleet at all, despite them supposedly being core members of it. To me that is a fundamental problem with the design choices in Star Trek.
Edit: 90% of the comments to this video thus far are along the lines of: "this is a *civilian ship*, it doesn't have to look like Starfleet ships" The problem is Star Trek historically has had little interest (and budget) in showing Federation civilian ships, usually only Starfleet or member world military ships. Alien ships were limited by the handful of models they kept reusing over and over again, often representing both civilian and warships of entirely different species. And the cutouts in the Discovery saucer Samuel keeps banging on about: John Eaves was the first one to conceive such a thing on a Starfleet ship many years ago, and as I recall back then nobody freaked out the way people do now.
The entire hull feels very reminiscent of Andorian ships (especially the ST online variants) to me. The blue engine bits and the minimal hull detailing apart from the paneling fit too. I could imagine the captain just added a red paintjob and went with it.
It is not a Starfleet ship. It is some random former commander's personal ship. Why would it look like anything other than that. A ship you could hire. Not sure why people would expect anyrhu g else.
There are some old starsfleet ships that were sold to the Merchants and it would been cool if he could got a ship like his old Stargazer or a Small Relaint like ship.
True. Still, it looks like crap. They could have for instance done us a favour and given Picard the Stargazer. Design over generic crap. But yes, I guess this would be too difficult to arrange in a script that makes sense, for the hacks writing this crap which is trying to disguise itself as Star Trek
Michael Chabon is as accomplished a writer as you can find for science fiction. He is a multiple award winner, including a Hugo award, Nebula Award and Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. These arguments are ridiculous.
@@JohnnyHughes1 Too bad this isn't Chabons baby then. P. Steward only returned if his crappy ideas were implemented, his politics were front and center, making Star Trek his mouth piece, and that is exactely what made this show auch a mess to begin with. ST Picard (not canon, not Star Trek, screw that show!) is made under the same 25% different laws like Star Turd Discovery. P. Steward doesn't 'breathe new life' into Star Trek, he farts shit into it. Great actor, but hates the show. He 1. willfully kills Gene Rhoddenberrys vision of a hopeful future 2. Wants TNG story to be dead 3. Doesn't want the other crew members to be on the show 3. wants our hero Picard to be sick and die. What a douche. What a disappointment. Patrick Steward is killing Star Trek with his, disregard for his fans wishes and his love for a dystopian future. Unfortunately, there is no show without him, so Chabon cannot write what he perhaps would have with untied hands.
it's not bad as I thought but still looks generic. The interior looks empty but neat. The bridge should be sectioned off with a bulkhead rather than having it in the same room as the cargo area. This is more like the Millenial Falcon. Now I'm off to upload some files to FREECLOUD.
Yeah, in fact it seems not to have a bridge at all. just some command section in the front. In a way it is clever to have an empty tube as freight area so that you can store stuff of all forms. But I hope they replicate bulkheats when needed to secure the stuff.
All I kept thinking was Cloud City or some generic Star Wars planetoid or city someplace. I don't recall Freecloud in the quadrant... was that near Risa or closer to that made up fungus moon the DISCO writers sharted out? lol
It's nice to see new ships of any kind an where the time frame an federation / star fleet may be , is like more new ships maybe see the Enterprise-E or F an the USS Titan persay , an nor 100 yr old ships , I'm like u seeing some Klingon ships an other races as well .
If i was a ex starfleet admiral with a secret mission, i would perhaps get my contact in the klingon empire aka ambassador Worf since starfleet is already no no and get me a small modified bird of prey with a prototype cloaking device :) just my imagination going wild
regarding the transporters, it's almost always been the case that you can beam in everywhere. how many times did someone say "beam us directly to sickbay"?
I dont recall them beaming into sickbay. I remember them always saying have medical on standby and a medical team would be waiting in the transporter room. So it would be a smart design to have emergency transporters in the room or have them on the same deck down the hall from the medbay so you dont have to cross the whole ship and take up time to get there.
@@AmazingKevinWClark in first contact when she's taking Lily back to the ship, crusher says " Crusher to Enterprise. Two to beam directly to sickbay.". In Voyager, Tom Paris casually beams into a jefferies tube junction to surprise B'Elanna with flowers. In Renaissance Man, Chakotay orders the Doctor to report to sickbay immediately, and about 2 seconds later he beams in(I doubt he was in a transporter room, probably just ordered the computer to transport him). There are many more examples, and times we actually see people being materialized in sickbay
@@Jarsia ok then the transporters are just inconsistent then because there are many times where transporting something out would have made far more sense like in Discovery for example with an active torpedo that hasn't explode.
We've also seen explicit references to 'site to site' beaming where we see a transporter operator actively doing it. It's only an inconsistency if it has no downsides.
@@AmazingKevinWClark in year of hell Tuvok advises against using transporters to remove an undetonated torpedo because it may set it off. Discovery by contrast simply says a door can stop the explosion. I think what's really inconsistent is the writing
If you're playing Star Trek Online, the La Sirena actually resembles a customized, upscaled version of the Yellowstone Runabout. Another nod to Star Trek Online in ST:Picard are Seven's dual rifles which resemble the elite fleet phaser rifles of the game - except in black.
What seems particularly impractical is the rear docking port has two massive baffle protrusions either side that would prevent anything larger than a shuttle docking with it.
“You can bean anywhere on the ship”, when and where the ship was built isn’t known so just because they can beam anywhere now, doesn’t mean it’s always been that way. There are ships used in Voyager that are out of the Trek design aesthetic because we haven’t seen everything in the galaxy. Not every race uses warp drives, nacelles, phasers. A Ferengi battleship doesn’t look anything like a Trek design but it exists in Federation space. If this is a smuggler’s ship it’s not going to be noticeable and it’s not going to have visible weapons but when the time comes I’m betting it’s packing
Picard is not Starfleet , for once in a lifetime someone gets to see a much more expanded universe of ships . The non military civilian way of life. For example ive seen the nonmilitary glimpses of klingon farmers and romulan agriculture. civilian ships are supposed to be bland and for everyday usage with a little rust on the edges. Especially with real character for people who dont have a lot of credits to throw around.
The problem is we have seen dozens of ships in both Starfleet and we know the vibes different ships give off. This is something totally different. And i find it odd that calling us out for "not understanding" given that we have literally spent 5 years producing a Star Trek starship webshow :)
@@SGUDistantHope We have?? Never saw many civil ships in Star Trek... and there are thousands of species using warp drive.. and all have their own ships.... besids of Federation and Klingons we don´t see much... even the romulans have much more different ships then we saw so far! They have to..
I think it’s perfectly fine to go in completely new directions. Look how many variants of vehicles we have on earth today, then see the reaction to Tesla’s Cybertruck. For good or bad, not everything should look the same and be from some same “lineage” it’s ok to completely break away.
@@SGUDistantHope We have not seen a great abundance of civilian vessels. Thousands of worlds with thousands of design aesthetics each. Overall the series, for the size of the universe, we have to see next to nothing when it comes to any metric, ships, races, design aesthetics etc.etc. This should ship be something totally different, even if that means generic, it is a large universe 95% of what is built is going to feel generic, even Starfleet ship feel generic. Stop trying to put ST in a small little box. I think the OP along with everyone else is completely justified in calling you and Stewert out on this. Your entire reference base at the start of the video is "Starfleet" and conflating that with Star Trek overall, then you bring up so weird fan film side canon to compare against, when it has no status in main canon.
I think this ship is a case of a none descript ship, so people pay it little attention. I bet pannels do slide away to show weapon emplacements. I think it is what it needs to be. Will wait to fidn out more about it.
Rewatching the trailer battle scenes, the La Sirena seems to fire phasers from the upper side of the wing/arm tips, and also above or below the bridge/cockpit. There's an indent filled with shadow at 6:18 that looks like it could be a phaser emitter.
Speaking of Mass Effect, looking at the shot of the Shenzhou you brought in, it looks very like the Normady but with the nose hacked off and a saucer stuck in the middle.
I liked it, think it's pretty good. There has to be a difference in something not looking Star Trek and something not looking Starfleet. It makes sense that everything within Starfleet looking very standardized, and the same going to the Klingon and Romulan etc, because they are all part of a united fleet. But once you go outside that, a civilian ship should look different, as long as it follows the same basic in universe technological principles, I'm actually happy if we see some wildly different designs, I'd be disappointed if we didn't. It would actually be unrealistic, think of vehicle designs in real world.
What if that circular detail behind the transporter pad is the warp core? We only really know Starfleet cores, we don't really know what civilian cores look like.....
Why oh why would it be difficult for a civilian to get a hold of a warp-capable ship? Kassidy Yates had at least one such freighter and a decent sized one at that. Cyrano Jones had one and Harry Mudd was able to get a hold of at least one or two in his time. This shouldn't be any more unusual than someone having a tramp steamer in the 1920s or 30s to run cargo and passengers or a small plane.
Honestly I'm fine with this design since it is a civilian design. What you compare it to is Star Fleet and therefore somewhat "military" ship Design. I don't think it looks great but at least okay and I can accept it as a civilian ship design.
I'm not sure what you mean by "not Star Trek ship". Not Starfleet ship I agree, it's not. There are plenty of ships in other shows that don't look anything like Starfleet ships.
They mean it doesn't follow the shows established design language. There are several different races with their own look but they all have design elements that are meant to jell with the established feel of the show and even then this ship has nothing that hints to it fitting in with any other races we have seen design.
I disagree. It's got plenty of elements from various star trek ships. It's just not very coherent. The windows are reminiscent of a runabout. The nacelles resemble certain romulan or klingon designs. some of the shapes are reminiscent of vulcan design - as is the red used... It also seems to borrow elements from several 'generic' alien of the week designs... It doesn't seem to fit any particular race, but there's plenty of recognisable elements...
@@KuraIthys It is recognisable as the blobs of puke they called 23rd century Klingon vessels in Discovery before they shoe horned D7 battle cruisers to appeal to all the raging trekkies that complained about it in S1. This is just another lazy Kurtzman design. Even the bridge looks meh... I want to ask the designer why they thought so much huge empty space was necessary on the command bridge.
I like the fact that it does not look like a Starfleet starship. There are so many planets in the Federation and those that do not belong to the Federation. With that in mind, there are many ships from various species that we have never been introduced to. It is always exciting to see new ship designs that were not kit bashed or cookie cutter. But hey, that is just my opinion. As always, please continue making it so 🖖
I combed the episodes for any recognizable details, only this (at 3:26) cargo pod strut comes to mind - it does look like the cargo pod clamp struts on the Federation runabout (see Memory Alpha's DANUBE CLASS modular design schematic picture under "Background information") - granted the strut here is lit, but what isn't in new Trek... :-/
It very nice ship. At is not a Star Flette ship. When you think the transport ship of DS9 what the wife of Sisko don`t look like "generic" sci-fi to me here.
The central hull where the cockpit is kinda resembles the canceled Aeroshuttle design created for ST Voyager. But overall, it looks like a generic merchant ship that you'd regularly find at DS9.
looks like one of STO's new Jem Hadar ships, painted red. The front looks a bit Ferengi. There are hundreds of Federation worlds, he could have got it from any one of them
I kind of like the ship at least on the initial reveal. At first I thought that it looked like an upscaled Peregrine Fighter mashed up with a runabout. But what if it's a Ferengi design? Ferengi ships from the Marauders all the way down to the shuttle have that forward swept look. This ship is swept both forwards and backwards which might represent an evolution of the Ferengi design. As for the color scheme, I assume that Rios customized it just like he customized his holograms. As a cargo ship, it wouldn't really do to have it bristling with weaponry so any weapons would be internally stored in my the same way that various versions of the Enterprise (including the original if I'm not mistaken). It also might be a good idea to deliberately change the engines to something decidedly non-Federation looking if you spend a lot of time flying to places where the Federation is not well liked.
How fast is it? And weapons systems in both Discovery and Picard is a perfect topic on the lack of effort put into ships. They simply focus on fancy CG of quick sketches.
@@GreatestCornholio well ya never know , they did capture a few of them during Dominion war , they very well could have used some of that technology , I like it so far , can't wait to see it battle , but it does look small against that old romulan bird of prey 😁 but hopefully Picard packed a few fed secrets on a pad as far as weapon upgrades for 😁 ya never know
I've actually grown to like the wide open interior bridge deck. The ship is obviously a workhorse and designed for hauling cargo. The crew is probably expected to be up and about throughout the work day, not just sitting at bridge stations. The open deck plan allows for a small crew to work on cargo -- while still just a few steps away from the complete command and control interface of the ship.
Also wasn't the the name of the ship Rios was XO of the magritte? Surrealist painter Rene Magritte painted sirena (sirens) as fish heads with human legs. Not sure if that hints at a connection between this ship and the starship he was XO of.
Im thinking they're building upto things here, its hard to explain, abit like Batman Begins, he gets all his equipment from Lucious Fox at the research division of Wayne Enterprises. Here Picard is mostly forgotten, known as a legend in some ways but times have greatly changed, the Federation has changed; and here Picard is kind of starting from scratch, he just needs a warp capable ship for his mission. Im thinking by the end Picard will die either in a second or third season and by then it's hoped we the audience have taken to this rag-tag crew hes building, we are invested in these new characters, and once Picard completes his mission the Federation will honor him and create a brand new Starship named after him, "U.S.S. PICARD", leading onto a new direction for the series because by that point Picard will have passed on that torch.
@@josephflemming7370 Same, one last thing it would be nice if they either made a re-fit of Enterprise D (but not changed too much) and named in his honor. Or we get to see a fully realized Enterprise F brought into CANON, named after him as U.U.S PICARD, and the series carries on with a new crew, heading on on new adventures and final frontiers, back into proper exploration TREK.
It's reminiscent the ship from Gambit in season 7, and the livery is very Chris Foss/homeworld inspired. Initially hated it in the first trailer but it's growing on me!
It's bigger than 2-3 deck. Look at the size of the window on the interior and the size of the window of the external. It's in the screenshot you used fron a slightly side angle. It looks like 5-9 decks tall and from the looks of the deck sizes, each is probably 10 ft tall, assuming theres no large cargo area... it also seems to have 2 different, 2 deck tall at least hangars.
Its a non-Federation design so I think it fits nicely as essentially a big runabout also the captains interface was great as well as the EMH hologram having a personality coupled with the replicator technology generating him a drink on the console which felt very good for the time the show is set in. I think by the end or near end of the series we will get an actual proper Federation ship for Picard.
The main body of it does remind one of the main body of the Scimitar, particularly with sweepy "ears" on the back. The Scimitar (and associated Reman designs, such as the Scorpion flyers) also had blue nacelles and thrusters, and these Reman designs also had a lot of layered armor plating that didn't have a lot of exposed parts. The only thing that isn't right is the color, but that could be easily explained away. Repurposed Reman/Romulan hybrid ship, maybe?
This kind of looks unusual, similar in lack of Starfleet homogenization when the Delta Flyer was introduced. Possibly a Tom Paris creation based on the name, the off-kilter design and the hot rod style of starship?
I like the ship. I get tired of the endless parade of kit-bashed saucer and nacelle starfleet ships. It made sense to do it that way in TNG because it made Starfleet feel more like a homogeneous fleet and they were dealing with 80's-90's tv budgets and production schedules. Now they have a budget, time to experiment and CGI. The Federation is supposed to be over a hundred member worlds and there are supposed to be thousands of species in and around Federation space. I want to see that.
@T B Lol, they don't have any budget. Otherwise the idiots wouldn't be using Discovery shuttles in every scene in Picard and those low cgi models of kit bashed Shenzhou for the rescue fleet. You haven't being paying attention to show runners of the show you worship either. Kurtzman and his goons have said that you won't be exploring the galaxy or any species. The show will be centred around Earth. Enjoy your Trek that doesn't even do the one thing it suppose to do! Travel & explore!!!!
In picture 3 you mention the holes that look Voyager-y just bland. To me it looks like those would open up to expose a phaser strip on each arm. It is supposed to pass as a civilian freighter most of the time, it makes sense the weapons would be hidden.
Remember Mr Harry Mudd had a civilian warp capable ship in TOS... they have since re designed it but this may be a newer and slightly more generic version
I am pretty sure that it is a Ferengi Ship. Look at the rear of a D'Kora class ship, its all lights and glowy bits, plus the front "mandible" looks similar to all ferengi ships
But the analysis of that Enterprise is just as important as to the other ships of Picard, people at ViacomCBS in like 2040 might watch a video about that and use that video as a reference to create a storyline based on that video, the future has lots possibilities.
i thought the ship is just a future ship with possibly some klingon or vulcan design. does not need to look starfleet at all.... does not bother me. if picard gets a federation ship later then it needs the look. but not this one.
Honestly if you colour it grey/white it slots in pretty well with blockier small ships like Peregrines, Maquis raiders, runabouts, Voyager's aersoshuttle, hell even the Defiant. The red paintis also RIGHT out of the paint pattens from ST:O. I mean that looks exactly like the sort of stuff you can make in the game. Now I've personally always hated those, but its an interesting link.
A got a Kushan/Hiigaran (Homeworld) vibe from it and im fine with it. The UFP has 150 members worlds spread over 8000 light years, so probely it has a 1000+ shipyards for the civilian market. So how sed that 1 of the member worlds with its civilian shipyards does not have the same aesthetics as the Hiigarans from the Homeworld games. I think it is weirder if it looks like another starfleet vessel, the UFP s a big place and this is not a starfleet show.
So far I’m OK with it, nice to have something different. Agree about the point about lack of details and that paint job did feel Discovery-esque. I’m guessing that Starfleet are not the only ones who develop Earth ships (unless they have other branches), there might be companies who specialise/concentrate in other areas of starship design and construction for Civilian, Science, Freight etc so this could explain why it looks quite different to a typical Starfleet ship, assuming this is an Earth design of course. Hopefully we will get more details about it soon. Looking forward to seeing more of it, lets hope the phasers don't fire from the window!
I think, if you really squint, you can sort of see a star trek esque shape. Problem is, you have a weird camo style paint that breaks up the shape too much, then, they do close ups IN THE DARK. Repaint in one colour (preferably bright, like yellow), then get wide shot IN THE LIGHT. Then we might be able to tell if this is truly a star trek ship or not.
It looks to be based on the back end of a Turian battle cruiser from Mass Effect and the front end of a VT-49 Decimator with the wings bent at a steep angle.
Hopefully they have Eddie Van Halens permission for this paint scheme. This is copyrighted by him. I wouldnt be surprised if they have to change this once his lawyers see this. Nike came out with sneakers with this same paint scheme and were forced to pull all of the product. They are major collector items today. I almost feel like buying this model kit before it gets pulled. Does anyone know if they got Eddies permission?
not every ship has to look like a militarized faction that we have seen in past series. i think this is great design. cant get hung up on past designs. you can imagine that there must be some other civilian ships out in the ST universe. im sure we are gonna see other more familiar ships in the future episodes.
The shape looks like the Y-45 armored transport hauler from Solo: A Star Wars Story. But I'd LOVE to know what type of class the USS Ibn Majid will be.
I must say the name is a bit weird. They should call her simply "Sirena". Now I feel akward whenerver someone says "the La Sirena". And I wonder how are they going to adress it in the castillian version, because "la La Sirena" sounds even more stupid.
Imagine if all you knew about American vehicles was based on army vehicles. How confused would you be walking down the street of any city and seeing school buses police cars and civilian vehicles and wondering why almost none of them are camo painted ?
Does it look like the nacelles might retract to anybody else? Ship looks too small to be a freighter and the overall design looks very much like a warship. Of course, that doesn't mean the writers wont call it a freighter.
the interior works for me ,i see that transporter room as a mixed people and Cargo transporter , it looks like that razed pad could be lowered to the floor for cargo to be beamed into the bay , where as this room could be the cargo bay /transporter room ETC , the exterior of the ship seems odd to me but it may grow on me like the Defiant did , when i first saw the defiant on DS9 i was like YUCK doesnt look like a federation ship looks like a SW ship , but as i got to know her more she grew on me
I agree that we just aren't used to seeing non-Starfleet starships in the Star Trek universe... and the few we have see in TNG or DS9 look nothing like the saucer style design of Starfleet vessels. I see enough Federation elements in its design that I feel it fits in the Star Trek universe, and it has grown on me to the point that I actually like it.
It actually isn't dark in space. If you are in orbit around Earth, and not completely in Earth's shadow (as this ship isn't) then it is just as bright as it would be standing on the surface, if not more so, as there is no pesky weather to get in the way. The sooner CGI artists for Sci Fi movies realise this and start actually lighting their models appropriately the better. I love ships, I want to be able to see them!
Honestly I prefer the new ship over the Renegades' ship, it looks less kitbashed and more like a different design philosophy. Definitely not a Starfleet ship and that's a good thing. It's nice to know that there are different designs found in Federation space without them having to have come from another outside (the Federation) source.
We already knew there were other designs found in the Federation. As some have already pointed out, the S.S. Xhosa from DS9 and a variety of other civilian ships that don't have the Starfleet "saucers and nacelle" look.
It doesn't look like a Starfleet design, which the Icarus from Renegades was, iIrc. The impression I get from this is that is probably civilian, maybe tuned a little. Only when you mentioned it could be a Mass Effect ship I noticed some parallels to the SSV Normandy SR-2 in its general layout (like the La Sirena could be Normandy's slightly obese sister ;-)). Which I like, because I love Mass Effect. The La Sirena is somewhat generic I agree, but that may be the whole point, to emphasize that J.L. (I kinda like that nick) parted ways with Starfleet.
The key problem is that most ships we've seen in Star Trek are STARFLEET ships. They're designed and built to be modular for easy mass production and repair. This results in the very homogenous feel in most Star Trek ships.
La Sirena is almost certainly a Vulcan freighter. The design matches known Vulcan aesthetics, the red of the hull is a very typical Vulcan red, and the interior floor has a very Vulcan pattern to it. I have no problem with the "lateral transporter" at the back of the ship, as it's just as likely the ring on the rear wall is something else entirely (such as some sort of engineering access, a fancy docking ring, or even the rear of an escape pod - remember, this is a crew of one, so there's no loss in venting the ship to space if the pod has to be used).
As far as weapons, those forward fins have an obvious top hatch above the left half of the longer grey part (11:14). Being a civilian transport owned and operated by the former XO of a Starfleet battlecruiser, you can be assured this ship has some firepower tucked away and likely shielded somehow from nosy eyes or sensor arrays. My bet is these panels open to reveal alien weapons that aren't typical Federation. It's easier to hide something the average scanner isn't designed to look for, after all. The most likely bet is it's a form of non-phased plasma array, as that could be masked as part of a modified engine assembly.
Yes exactly Your first paragraph says it all would’ve made this video about 10 minutes 48 seconds shorter.
a major problem as a whole is that it establishes a very strict industrial design aka the Star Trek ships supposedly look the way they do because of how war drives and bubbles work... but none in the Alpha and Beta quadrants really adheres to the same design restrictions. If you look at military submarines, sure they can be very different in tech, but their rough hull shape is always the same. Why? Because they are build for the same environment and missions.
IRL Physics dictates engineering which dictates looks, only then you can style everything around that. I wish you'd see more of that in SciFi ships.
Nah, Vulcan ships have a certain artistic flair
I'm only at time index 5:54 on the video. I paused it for this comment. I can't believe you didn't recognize this as a Vulcan ship right away . So I'm going to restart the video in case I missed something, because I got up to make coffee. However Sky came over Thursday morning to watch it with me and right away I was like "oh that's a Vulcan ship" , which I base off of every other Vulcan Ship we've seen on screen, but mainly the Shuttle that Spock used when docking with the Enterprise in The Motion Picture
oh you did mention the Vulcan shuttle, must have been while I was making coffee :)
I just can't believe how you guys blew the analysis on this. The views that you show, especially from the top of it makes it look very much like a Danube-class runabout, but with wing-like structures added on and a non-standard red paint job.
This couldn't have been a ship on The Expanse, because there's logic and rules to Expanse ships: the decks are laid out vertically on top of the main thruster(s) to allow for inertial gravity, and there are no windows
Trek has always had magical tech. Artificial gravity, inertial dampeners, etc. To be fair...the Epstein drive on the Expanse is magical as well. So are the drugs that can make your body stand up to insane G forces.
There's logic and rules to Star Trek designs too.
But the tech in Star Trek is far more fantastical than in the Expanse.
The designs follow logically from the technology, but the technology itself is less grounded.
@@RealityIsTheNow The Epstein drive didn't kill itself. lol
@@KuraIthys oh, I didn't mean to imply that Star Trek doesn't have rules to the ship design. Simply reacting against using Expanse as a stand-in for "generic sci-fi"
@Clogged Nostrils Back to your doublewide, Cleetus. Adults are talking.
Tell me, does a Ford f 150 look like a nissan sentra? Do airplanes all look the same, no? That's because star fleet ( not star trek) builds their own ships for their own purposes, the same for civilian ships of the cannon. You both need to gain some imagination.
These 'new trek' fans are a confusing lot
You seem to have riled up the middle-aged with your opinions about the oh so controversial topic of space ship design.
I actually agree that, as in the real world, there should be a variety of designs. A work bee isn't a long range shuttle, a long range shuttle isn't a warship.
My criteria for a good ship.
a) does it fit within the fictional universe. I think this ship probably does. An exmple of a ship that doesn't fit is the Romulan Narada from the 2009 Star Trek film. It could have been a baddy ship from any generic sci-fi film.
b) Does it convey something narratively. For example a does it convey something about it's crew or the race who operate it? I like the Klingon Bird of Prey as a design, it's aggressive like the Klingons. But I never thought it fitted into Star Trek design aesthetic. Unlike the D7 which looks agressive and klingon and seems to follow the same design principles as the enterprise..
c) Does it look good?
I think the hero ship in Picard looks simultaneous dull and over designed. That might because every image I have seen of it seems very dark and hard to make out.
If they were going a cheap non-Star Fleet utilitarian look I think it should have looked like a space transit van. As it is this ship could be a goody or a baddy ship. It could be super killimg machine or a hunk of junk. A transport or a star fighter. It just sits somewhere in the middle.
Take the 4 ships introduced in Star Trek III The Search for Spock.
1- The Merchantman
2- The Klingon BoP
3- The Oberth Class
4 - The Excelsior
You couldn't swap around the roles in story for which these ships were designed. If you made the Oberth model play the role of the USS Excelsior it just wouldn't work.
To my mind Star Trek TMP to The Search for Spock are the high water mark for design in the history of franchise.
Yeah I have to say this one really annoyed me. It's cool not to like it but to act like everything has to be the same in order for it to be valid or likable...nah that's annoying
@@hastekulvaati9681 That's because Starfleet could afford to go out on ship construction, due to its mission parameters as a "capital ship".
I wasn't expecting a starfleet ship, since it's not meant to be? I think it still fits in the world of Star Trek
Agreed. Trek "fans" have an extremely narrow expectation of what is allowed in Trek. Not every ship needs to look like its operated by Starfleet. Presumably there are MANY times more civilian ships of whatever design, even from other planets, flying around out there. I'm down with it.
Very much in agreement. Sometimes I think these guys work themselves into a very limited box of what is or isn't a Federation ship, especially outside of Starfleet. Look at Kasidy Yate's ship. Or the scout ships Cyrano Jones had. Hell, even Starfleet has operated ships that if you take the warp nacelles off, they don't look very Federation/Starfleet like at all (i.e. the USS Huron and the robot ships from the animated series).
@@RealityIsTheNow look at the SS Xhosa, Kasidy Yates' freighter from Deep Space Nine. It looks nothing like Starfleet. Samuel and Foley really blew it big time on this.
@@nowhereman1046 in defense of the captain and commander, many times the producers of "new" Trek simply recycle Starfleet ships from DISC, which they are not fans of.
@@dswynne that may be so, but in this case they are not doing so for the La Sirena and there is ample precedent for ships like this all through out the TNG-era Trek shows. Just look at all the Maquis vessels out there for similar examples.
Naw, the ship is fine. I don't expect the "hero ship" to have the standard "look" of a typical Starfleet ship. It's a civilian cargo ship.
I like this design. Eaves always creates cool ships. Saying it's not "Star Trek" makes no sense. How does a Breen, Hirogen or Xindi ship look "Star Trek" by that standard?
I like that they're getting such a non-Starfleet ship for a while. It's a huge, HUUUGE universe in Star Trek and seeing some other types of vessels is always fun to me.
“For a while”. We had very non-starfleet looking Federations ships in Discovery, I feel like it’s time to honor the established visual continuity a bit more. As always Samuel speaks sense! The Federation components that make up a ship in the Star Trek universe are completely abandoned here. I’m so glad they didn’t drop the ball with the Romulans. It’s just such a shame they seem so eager to reinvent the wheel.
@@ah7910 I understand that point of view totally, it's a show and it's all subjective. I personally feel like it's fine for civilian ships/ships produced outside of Starfleet to look different.
I'd love to see some Starfleet style ship porn, for sure. But I'm not personally upset that we're not getting it.
To me Star Trek has always felt really small universe-wise, since we see everything from the day to day perspectives of a few crews (normally anyway). Seeing other elements is cool to me. But to each their own, have a thumbs up friend.
@@ah7910 If you look the complete randomness of alien ship designs, why should non Star Trek ships build by dozens of races look like Star fleet?.
I wish they would enforce the restrictions of war bubble logic that causes the design of the original Enterprise to be stricter, but since TOS it is ignored in pretty much every other ship not Star Fleet why should they adhere to it here?
Vulcan, Andorian and other ships do not look like Star Fleet at all, despite them supposedly being core members of it. To me that is a fundamental problem with the design choices in Star Trek.
Edit: 90% of the comments to this video thus far are along the lines of: "this is a *civilian ship*, it doesn't have to look like Starfleet ships"
The problem is Star Trek historically has had little interest (and budget) in showing Federation civilian ships, usually only Starfleet or member world military ships. Alien ships were limited by the handful of models they kept reusing over and over again, often representing both civilian and warships of entirely different species.
And the cutouts in the Discovery saucer Samuel keeps banging on about: John Eaves was the first one to conceive such a thing on a Starfleet ship many years ago, and as I recall back then nobody freaked out the way people do now.
The entire hull feels very reminiscent of Andorian ships (especially the ST online variants) to me. The blue engine bits and the minimal hull detailing apart from the paneling fit too. I could imagine the captain just added a red paintjob and went with it.
It is not a Starfleet ship. It is some random former commander's personal ship. Why would it look like anything other than that. A ship you could hire. Not sure why people would expect anyrhu g else.
There are some old starsfleet ships that were sold to the Merchants and it would been cool if he could got a ship like his old Stargazer or a Small Relaint like ship.
The Millennium Falcon was a ship for hire. But that looked iconic. This doesn't.
True. Still, it looks like crap. They could have for instance done us a favour and given Picard the Stargazer. Design over generic crap. But yes, I guess this would be too difficult to arrange in a script that makes sense, for the hacks writing this crap which is trying to disguise itself as Star Trek
Michael Chabon is as accomplished a writer as you can find for science fiction. He is a multiple award winner, including a Hugo award, Nebula Award and Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. These arguments are ridiculous.
@@JohnnyHughes1 Too bad this isn't Chabons baby then. P. Steward only returned if his crappy ideas were implemented, his politics were front and center, making Star Trek his mouth piece, and that is exactely what made this show auch a mess to begin with. ST Picard (not canon, not Star Trek, screw that show!) is made under the same 25% different laws like Star Turd Discovery. P. Steward doesn't 'breathe new life' into Star Trek, he farts shit into it. Great actor, but hates the show. He 1. willfully kills Gene Rhoddenberrys vision of a hopeful future 2. Wants TNG story to be dead 3. Doesn't want the other crew members to be on the show 3. wants our hero Picard to be sick and die. What a douche. What a disappointment. Patrick Steward is killing Star Trek with his, disregard for his fans wishes and his love for a dystopian future. Unfortunately, there is no show without him, so Chabon cannot write what he perhaps would have with untied hands.
it's not bad as I thought but still looks generic. The interior looks empty but neat. The bridge should be sectioned off with a bulkhead rather than having it in the same room as the cargo area. This is more like the Millenial Falcon. Now I'm off to upload some files to FREECLOUD.
Yeah, in fact it seems not to have a bridge at all. just some command section in the front. In a way it is clever to have an empty tube as freight area so that you can store stuff of all forms. But I hope they replicate bulkheats when needed to secure the stuff.
@@slighter Not having the bridge sectioned off with a bulkhead makes the camera shot look empty and boring.
All I kept thinking was Cloud City or some generic Star Wars planetoid or city someplace. I don't recall Freecloud in the quadrant... was that near Risa or closer to that made up fungus moon the DISCO writers sharted out? lol
Would love if it was a modified klingon bird of prey or a defiant type ship since picard wanted a scout ship type.. but this...
It's nice to see new ships of any kind an where the time frame an federation / star fleet may be , is like more new ships maybe see the Enterprise-E or F an the USS Titan persay , an nor 100 yr old ships , I'm like u seeing some Klingon ships an other races as well .
Yep. Like in Star Trek Elite Forces with the scavengers vessel mad up of TOS era ship, Klingon bird of prey and other parts.
If i was a ex starfleet admiral with a secret mission, i would perhaps get my contact in the klingon empire aka ambassador Worf since starfleet is already no no and get me a small modified bird of prey with a prototype cloaking device :) just my imagination going wild
@@Cartoonman154 Such a good level... my favorite Elite Force level! Especially when I had to vaporize the mirror universe crew!
regarding the transporters, it's almost always been the case that you can beam in everywhere. how many times did someone say "beam us directly to sickbay"?
I dont recall them beaming into sickbay. I remember them always saying have medical on standby and a medical team would be waiting in the transporter room. So it would be a smart design to have emergency transporters in the room or have them on the same deck down the hall from the medbay so you dont have to cross the whole ship and take up time to get there.
@@AmazingKevinWClark in first contact when she's taking Lily back to the ship, crusher says " Crusher to Enterprise. Two to beam directly to sickbay.".
In Voyager, Tom Paris casually beams into a jefferies tube junction to surprise B'Elanna with flowers. In Renaissance Man, Chakotay orders the Doctor to report to sickbay immediately, and about 2 seconds later he beams in(I doubt he was in a transporter room, probably just ordered the computer to transport him).
There are many more examples, and times we actually see people being materialized in sickbay
@@Jarsia ok then the transporters are just inconsistent then because there are many times where transporting something out would have made far more sense like in Discovery for example with an active torpedo that hasn't explode.
We've also seen explicit references to 'site to site' beaming where we see a transporter operator actively doing it.
It's only an inconsistency if it has no downsides.
@@AmazingKevinWClark in year of hell Tuvok advises against using transporters to remove an undetonated torpedo because it may set it off. Discovery by contrast simply says a door can stop the explosion.
I think what's really inconsistent is the writing
If you're playing Star Trek Online, the La Sirena actually resembles a customized, upscaled version of the Yellowstone Runabout. Another nod to Star Trek Online in ST:Picard are Seven's dual rifles which resemble the elite fleet phaser rifles of the game - except in black.
What seems particularly impractical is the rear docking port has two massive baffle protrusions either side that would prevent anything larger than a shuttle docking with it.
“You can bean anywhere on the ship”, when and where the ship was built isn’t known so just because they can beam anywhere now, doesn’t mean it’s always been that way. There are ships used in Voyager that are out of the Trek design aesthetic because we haven’t seen everything in the galaxy. Not every race uses warp drives, nacelles, phasers. A Ferengi battleship doesn’t look anything like a Trek design but it exists in Federation space. If this is a smuggler’s ship it’s not going to be noticeable and it’s not going to have visible weapons but when the time comes I’m betting it’s packing
Picard is not Starfleet , for once in a lifetime someone gets to see a much more expanded universe of ships . The non military civilian way of life. For example ive seen the nonmilitary glimpses of klingon farmers and romulan agriculture. civilian ships are supposed to be bland and for everyday usage with a little rust on the edges. Especially with real character for people who dont have a lot of credits to throw around.
I don't understand why people can't understand that Starfleet and civilian craft would look different.
The problem is we have seen dozens of ships in both Starfleet and we know the vibes different ships give off.
This is something totally different. And i find it odd that calling us out for "not understanding" given that we have literally spent 5 years producing a Star Trek starship webshow :)
@@SGUDistantHope We have?? Never saw many civil ships in Star Trek... and there are thousands of species using warp drive.. and all have their own ships.... besids of Federation and Klingons we don´t see much... even the romulans have much more different ships then we saw so far! They have to..
@@SGUDistantHope Every civilian ship or new species-x ship in TNG look like a generic sci-fi ship.
I think it’s perfectly fine to go in completely new directions. Look how many variants of vehicles we have on earth today, then see the reaction to Tesla’s Cybertruck. For good or bad, not everything should look the same and be from some same “lineage” it’s ok to completely break away.
We have not seen a great abundance of civilian vessels. Thousands of worlds with thousands of design aesthetics each. Overall the series, for the size of the universe, we have to see next to nothing when it comes to any metric, ships, races, design aesthetics etc.etc.
This should ship be something totally different, even if that means generic, it is a large universe 95% of what is built is going to feel generic, even Starfleet ship feel generic. Stop trying to put ST in a small little box.
I think the OP along with everyone else is completely justified in calling you and Stewert out on this. Your entire reference base at the start of the video is "Starfleet" and conflating that with Star Trek overall, then you bring up so weird fan film side canon to compare against, when it has no status in main canon.
No discussion of the EMH and the ENH. What other Emergency Holograms might this ship be equipped with?
I may be dating myself but the aft view reminds me of the Draconia from Buck Rogers series from the 1970's.
I'm dating myself as well. Fist thing I thought was that it had a Buck Rogers feel.
I think this ship is a case of a none descript ship, so people pay it little attention.
I bet pannels do slide away to show weapon emplacements.
I think it is what it needs to be.
Will wait to fidn out more about it.
Rewatching the trailer battle scenes, the La Sirena seems to fire phasers from the upper side of the wing/arm tips, and also above or below the bridge/cockpit. There's an indent filled with shadow at 6:18 that looks like it could be a phaser emitter.
Speaking of Mass Effect, looking at the shot of the Shenzhou you brought in, it looks very like the Normady but with the nose hacked off and a saucer stuck in the middle.
I liked it, think it's pretty good. There has to be a difference in something not looking Star Trek and something not looking Starfleet. It makes sense that everything within Starfleet looking very standardized, and the same going to the Klingon and Romulan etc, because they are all part of a united fleet. But once you go outside that, a civilian ship should look different, as long as it follows the same basic in universe technological principles, I'm actually happy if we see some wildly different designs, I'd be disappointed if we didn't. It would actually be unrealistic, think of vehicle designs in real world.
I'm not a fan of ships where in profile you can't really tell which end is the bow and which one is the stern...
What if that circular detail behind the transporter pad is the warp core? We only really know Starfleet cores, we don't really know what civilian cores look like.....
Why oh why would it be difficult for a civilian to get a hold of a warp-capable ship? Kassidy Yates had at least one such freighter and a decent sized one at that. Cyrano Jones had one and Harry Mudd was able to get a hold of at least one or two in his time. This shouldn't be any more unusual than someone having a tramp steamer in the 1920s or 30s to run cargo and passengers or a small plane.
Honestly I'm fine with this design since it is a civilian design. What you compare it to is Star Fleet and therefore somewhat "military" ship Design. I don't think it looks great but at least okay and I can accept it as a civilian ship design.
It looks a little bit like a bird. Could it be a romulan design?
That could be orama ship that got captured or sold
No, Romulan ships are green
@@mtr801 i know. I mean the ship itself can be romulan with another Paint-Job
I'm not sure what you mean by "not Star Trek ship". Not Starfleet ship I agree, it's not. There are plenty of ships in other shows that don't look anything like Starfleet ships.
They mean it doesn't follow the shows established design language. There are several different races with their own look but they all have design elements that are meant to jell with the established feel of the show and even then this ship has nothing that hints to it fitting in with any other races we have seen design.
I disagree.
It's got plenty of elements from various star trek ships.
It's just not very coherent.
The windows are reminiscent of a runabout.
The nacelles resemble certain romulan or klingon designs.
some of the shapes are reminiscent of vulcan design - as is the red used...
It also seems to borrow elements from several 'generic' alien of the week designs...
It doesn't seem to fit any particular race, but there's plenty of recognisable elements...
@@KuraIthys It is recognisable as the blobs of puke they called 23rd century Klingon vessels in Discovery before they shoe horned D7 battle cruisers to appeal to all the raging trekkies that complained about it in S1. This is just another lazy Kurtzman design. Even the bridge looks meh... I want to ask the designer why they thought so much huge empty space was necessary on the command bridge.
I like the fact that it does not look like a Starfleet starship. There are so many planets in the Federation and those that do not belong to the Federation. With that in mind, there are many ships from various species that we have never been introduced to. It is always exciting to see new ship designs that were not kit bashed or cookie cutter. But hey, that is just my opinion.
As always, please continue making it so 🖖
Lovely ship that expands the star trek ship library. And I love the name.
I am sorry but you guys are awfully closeminded at times.
I combed the episodes for any recognizable details, only this (at 3:26) cargo pod strut comes to mind - it does look like the cargo pod clamp struts on the Federation runabout (see Memory Alpha's DANUBE CLASS modular design schematic picture under "Background information") - granted the strut here is lit, but what isn't in new Trek... :-/
How many civilian boats look like an Arleigh Burke class destroyer?
Could this be an Andorian design?
It very nice ship. At is not a Star Flette ship. When you think the transport ship of DS9 what the wife of Sisko don`t look like "generic" sci-fi to me here.
Beats the Mondar appearing as every other non-Starfleet ship in TNG, anyway!
We know vulcan ships in the nx era were red. This looks like a larger version of the vulcan cargo sled. Could this be a civilian vulcan design?
The central hull where the cockpit is kinda resembles the canceled Aeroshuttle design created for ST Voyager.
But overall, it looks like a generic merchant ship that you'd regularly find at DS9.
looks like one of STO's new Jem Hadar ships, painted red. The front looks a bit Ferengi. There are hundreds of Federation worlds, he could have got it from any one of them
I kind of like the ship at least on the initial reveal. At first I thought that it looked like an upscaled Peregrine Fighter mashed up with a runabout. But what if it's a Ferengi design? Ferengi ships from the Marauders all the way down to the shuttle have that forward swept look. This ship is swept both forwards and backwards which might represent an evolution of the Ferengi design.
As for the color scheme, I assume that Rios customized it just like he customized his holograms. As a cargo ship, it wouldn't really do to have it bristling with weaponry so any weapons would be internally stored in my the same way that various versions of the Enterprise (including the original if I'm not mistaken). It also might be a good idea to deliberately change the engines to something decidedly non-Federation looking if you spend a lot of time flying to places where the Federation is not well liked.
I wasn't sold on this ship at first, but it's growing on me...
How fast is it? And weapons systems in both Discovery and Picard is a perfect topic on the lack of effort put into ships. They simply focus on fancy CG of quick sketches.
It's not lateral transporters, that's obviously the warp core. It's a small one, reminiscent of the NX-01 pods
In my opinion it's got a lil jem Hadar vibe , but it's just my opinion
I thought about the Jem'Hadar too especially their big battleships although those would be many times larger than this ship.
Yeh was just thinking this myself, it's got a very similar hull shape to the dominion battleships.
@@GreatestCornholio well ya never know , they did capture a few of them during Dominion war , they very well could have used some of that technology , I like it so far , can't wait to see it battle , but it does look small against that old romulan bird of prey 😁 but hopefully Picard packed a few fed secrets on a pad as far as weapon upgrades for 😁 ya never know
I've actually grown to like the wide open interior bridge deck. The ship is obviously a workhorse and designed for hauling cargo. The crew is probably expected to be up and about throughout the work day, not just sitting at bridge stations. The open deck plan allows for a small crew to work on cargo -- while still just a few steps away from the complete command and control interface of the ship.
Also wasn't the the name of the ship Rios was XO of the magritte? Surrealist painter Rene Magritte painted sirena (sirens) as fish heads with human legs. Not sure if that hints at a connection between this ship and the starship he was XO of.
It is a Runabout with super duty warp nacelles. A light cargo........ a UPS or Fedex courier type.
Im thinking they're building upto things here, its hard to explain, abit like Batman Begins, he gets all his equipment from Lucious Fox at the research division of Wayne Enterprises. Here Picard is mostly forgotten, known as a legend in some ways but times have greatly changed, the Federation has changed; and here Picard is kind of starting from scratch, he just needs a warp capable ship for his mission.
Im thinking by the end Picard will die either in a second or third season and by then it's hoped we the audience have taken to this rag-tag crew hes building, we are invested in these new characters, and once Picard completes his mission the Federation will honor him and create a brand new Starship named after him, "U.S.S. PICARD", leading onto a new direction for the series because by that point Picard will have passed on that torch.
Raiken Xion interesting thought, thanks for posting. I would not be opposed to this...🤔
@@josephflemming7370 Same, one last thing it would be nice if they either made a re-fit of Enterprise D (but not changed too much) and named in his honor. Or we get to see a fully realized Enterprise F brought into CANON, named after him as U.U.S PICARD, and the series carries on with a new crew, heading on on new adventures and final frontiers, back into proper exploration TREK.
It's reminiscent the ship from Gambit in season 7, and the livery is very Chris Foss/homeworld inspired. Initially hated it in the first trailer but it's growing on me!
It would be interesting if it's stealth capable, maybe even Romulan tech. Heck, do they even still have a treaty that bans them?
Once I reckoned the borg armour on voyager where overkill, then I thought, hey it's star trek.
It is heavily armoured. The hull is quite bulky. I would imagine it's been customized a lot.
I personally like it. Its got allot of cool details and I like to paint job. I got a kick of the seat details. Its captain seems pretty cool.
It's bigger than 2-3 deck. Look at the size of the window on the interior and the size of the window of the external. It's in the screenshot you used fron a slightly side angle. It looks like 5-9 decks tall and from the looks of the deck sizes, each is probably 10 ft tall, assuming theres no large cargo area... it also seems to have 2 different, 2 deck tall at least hangars.
Its a non-Federation design so I think it fits nicely as essentially a big runabout also the captains interface was great as well as the EMH hologram having a personality coupled with the replicator technology generating him a drink on the console which felt very good for the time the show is set in. I think by the end or near end of the series we will get an actual proper Federation ship for Picard.
The captain/owner might have been former starfleet, his ship is probably either heavily modified or custom made.
The main body of it does remind one of the main body of the Scimitar, particularly with sweepy "ears" on the back. The Scimitar (and associated Reman designs, such as the Scorpion flyers) also had blue nacelles and thrusters, and these Reman designs also had a lot of layered armor plating that didn't have a lot of exposed parts. The only thing that isn't right is the color, but that could be easily explained away. Repurposed Reman/Romulan hybrid ship, maybe?
This kind of looks unusual, similar in lack of Starfleet homogenization when the Delta Flyer was introduced. Possibly a Tom Paris creation based on the name, the off-kilter design and the hot rod style of starship?
I like the ship. I get tired of the endless parade of kit-bashed saucer and nacelle starfleet ships. It made sense to do it that way in TNG because it made Starfleet feel more like a homogeneous fleet and they were dealing with 80's-90's tv budgets and production schedules. Now they have a budget, time to experiment and CGI. The Federation is supposed to be over a hundred member worlds and there are supposed to be thousands of species in and around Federation space. I want to see that.
@T B Lol, they don't have any budget. Otherwise the idiots wouldn't be using Discovery shuttles in every scene in Picard and those low cgi models of kit bashed Shenzhou for the rescue fleet. You haven't being paying attention to show runners of the show you worship either. Kurtzman and his goons have said that you won't be exploring the galaxy or any species. The show will be centred around Earth. Enjoy your Trek that doesn't even do the one thing it suppose to do! Travel & explore!!!!
Looks like another series I will be waiting to come out on DVD.
It is a civilian ship not a StarFleet ship.
In picture 3 you mention the holes that look Voyager-y just bland. To me it looks like those would open up to expose a phaser strip on each arm. It is supposed to pass as a civilian freighter most of the time, it makes sense the weapons would be hidden.
I'm not sold on the design but I do like that paint job.
Remember Mr Harry Mudd had a civilian warp capable ship in TOS... they have since re designed it but this may be a newer and slightly more generic version
I'm going out on a crazy limb here. Anyone else think it hints of a STO Jem Hadar Vanguard T6 Warship? Like maybe it's a Jem Hadar design?
I am pretty sure that it is a Ferengi Ship. Look at the rear of a D'Kora class ship, its all lights and glowy bits, plus the front "mandible" looks similar to all ferengi ships
It almost has a last starfighter vibe... what if all the panels on the arms open to reveal loads of megaphaser cannons and torpedo tubes?
How come you didn’t do an analysis of the Discoprise showing up in Picard Episode 2?
Because there is nothing to say really, we did mention it in our live.
But the analysis of that Enterprise is just as important as to the other ships of Picard, people at ViacomCBS in like 2040 might watch a video about that and use that video as a reference to create a storyline based on that video, the future has lots possibilities.
i thought the ship is just a future ship with possibly some klingon or vulcan design. does not need to look starfleet at all.... does not bother me. if picard gets a federation ship later then it needs the look. but not this one.
Honestly if you colour it grey/white it slots in pretty well with blockier small ships like Peregrines, Maquis raiders, runabouts, Voyager's aersoshuttle, hell even the Defiant.
The red paintis also RIGHT out of the paint pattens from ST:O. I mean that looks exactly like the sort of stuff you can make in the game. Now I've personally always hated those, but its an interesting link.
A got a Kushan/Hiigaran (Homeworld) vibe from it and im fine with it.
The UFP has 150 members worlds spread over 8000 light years, so probely it has a 1000+ shipyards for the civilian market. So how sed that 1 of the member worlds with its civilian shipyards does not have the same aesthetics as the Hiigarans from the Homeworld games. I think it is weirder if it looks like another starfleet vessel, the UFP s a big place and this is not a starfleet show.
So far I’m OK with it, nice to have something different. Agree about the point about lack of details and that paint job did feel Discovery-esque.
I’m guessing that Starfleet are not the only ones who develop Earth ships (unless they have other branches), there might be companies who specialise/concentrate in other areas of starship design and construction for Civilian, Science, Freight etc so this could explain why it looks quite different to a typical Starfleet ship, assuming this is an Earth design of course.
Hopefully we will get more details about it soon. Looking forward to seeing more of it, lets hope the phasers don't fire from the window!
I think, if you really squint, you can sort of see a star trek esque shape. Problem is, you have a weird camo style paint that breaks up the shape too much, then, they do close ups IN THE DARK. Repaint in one colour (preferably bright, like yellow), then get wide shot IN THE LIGHT. Then we might be able to tell if this is truly a star trek ship or not.
It looks to be based on the back end of a Turian battle cruiser from Mass Effect and the front end of a VT-49 Decimator with the wings bent at a steep angle.
Hopefully they have Eddie Van Halens permission for this paint scheme. This is copyrighted by him. I wouldnt be surprised if they have to change this once his lawyers see this. Nike came out with sneakers with this same paint scheme and were forced to pull all of the product. They are major collector items today. I almost feel like buying this model kit before it gets pulled. Does anyone know if they got Eddies permission?
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It‘s very similar to the Vulcan ship in Star Trek the MP!
not every ship has to look like a militarized faction that we have seen in past series. i think this is great design. cant get hung up on past designs. you can imagine that there must be some other civilian ships out in the ST universe. im sure we are gonna see other more familiar ships in the future episodes.
The shape looks like the Y-45 armored transport hauler from Solo: A Star Wars Story. But I'd LOVE to know what type of class the USS Ibn Majid will be.
In the Star Fleet Command universe it would qualify in size as an armed Priority Transport.. Civilian design, but with some military equipment.
I must say the name is a bit weird. They should call her simply "Sirena". Now I feel akward whenerver someone says "the La Sirena". And I wonder how are they going to adress it in the castillian version, because "la La Sirena" sounds even more stupid.
Cool little ship🙂👍🏿.
Imagine if all you knew about American vehicles was based on army vehicles. How confused would you be walking down the street of any city and seeing school buses police cars and civilian vehicles and wondering why almost none of them are camo painted ?
The Holo ad said the ship type in episode 5.
Does it look like the nacelles might retract to anybody else?
Ship looks too small to be a freighter and the overall design looks very much like a warship. Of course, that doesn't mean the writers wont call it a freighter.
Picard's ship fits well in the Discoverse.
the interior works for me ,i see that transporter room as a mixed people and Cargo transporter , it looks like that razed pad could be lowered to the floor for cargo to be beamed into the bay , where as this room could be the cargo bay /transporter room ETC , the exterior of the ship seems odd to me but it may grow on me like the Defiant did , when i first saw the defiant on DS9 i was like YUCK doesnt look like a federation ship looks like a SW ship , but as i got to know her more she grew on me
It looks like an aquarius class escort that's detached from a larger odyssey class ship
Kinda looks like a Runabout.
I agree that we just aren't used to seeing non-Starfleet starships in the Star Trek universe... and the few we have see in TNG or DS9 look nothing like the saucer style design of Starfleet vessels.
I see enough Federation elements in its design that I feel it fits in the Star Trek universe, and it has grown on me to the point that I actually like it.
It doesn't look like a federation or Starfleet ship, because it's not. It's a civilian light freighter. A Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter.
It actually isn't dark in space. If you are in orbit around Earth, and not completely in Earth's shadow (as this ship isn't) then it is just as bright as it would be standing on the surface, if not more so, as there is no pesky weather to get in the way. The sooner CGI artists for Sci Fi movies realise this and start actually lighting their models appropriately the better. I love ships, I want to be able to see them!
Honestly I prefer the new ship over the Renegades' ship, it looks less kitbashed and more like a different design philosophy. Definitely not a Starfleet ship and that's a good thing. It's nice to know that there are different designs found in Federation space without them having to have come from another outside (the Federation) source.
We already knew there were other designs found in the Federation. As some have already pointed out, the S.S. Xhosa from DS9 and a variety of other civilian ships that don't have the Starfleet "saucers and nacelle" look.
Hopefully Eaglemoss will eventually model one.
it looks like a modified version of risan corvette from sto or a oberth class without the saucer
It doesn't look like a Starfleet design, which the Icarus from Renegades was, iIrc. The impression I get from this is that is probably civilian, maybe tuned a little. Only when you mentioned it could be a Mass Effect ship I noticed some parallels to the SSV Normandy SR-2 in its general layout (like the La Sirena could be Normandy's slightly obese sister ;-)). Which I like, because I love Mass Effect. The La Sirena is somewhat generic I agree, but that may be the whole point, to emphasize that J.L. (I kinda like that nick) parted ways with Starfleet.
It look like something you'd get from the Star Trek Online summer event on Risa lol
What happened to actual star trek ships?
Would of preffered an old Nova class as the hero ship.
Looks like it's from or mass effect or X3.