So there we have it, something I’ve had to keep fairly secret over the last 21 months can finally be told! I hope you enjoyed this video and if you’d like more chatty repot with me videos let me know! Make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven’t already! 🌿
I was a bit worried when I was editing that it would be off-putting for people who aren't around the noise all the time- I don't really notice it now... And I'm glad you're excited too- can't wait to start sharing it on here!
So there we have it, something I’ve had to keep fairly secret over the last 21 months can finally be told!
I hope you enjoyed this video and if you’d like more chatty repot with me videos let me know! Make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven’t already! 🌿
That hen! I did laugh, she's quite vocal isn't she!
Thanks for the reco, I'll check them out for sure 👍
This is so soothing with the birds in the background (even the noisy chickens) can’t wait to see the house and soak up all the country vibes!
I was a bit worried when I was editing that it would be off-putting for people who aren't around the noise all the time- I don't really notice it now... And I'm glad you're excited too- can't wait to start sharing it on here!
Also I didn’t know about the clear pot thing for orchids! That’s so useful, they’re my favorite but I always kill them!
I didn't know either but can't remember where I was told it. I'm hoping this one will flower again because it's just been leaves for 4 years... 😂
You better believe the feelings mutual my love 💕
I'm extremely excited for the future terrarium build! 👀👀👀👀
❤️ going to try and do one that’s more visual than a secret spot to uncover this time!
I really loved watching this and getting to know what you're up to! By the way, Aran is my fave too!
Ah thank you! I’m definitely trying to be more myself on here instead of having to filter. Yessss he’s amazing!