So what, my elementary school was named after a boy trowing a rock to some soldiers. The borther of a country hero, seems more acceptable then Perasso.
@@MidnightMuffin: I was aware of that, however, the wiki also often uses fanon placeholder names when no official ones exist. That said, after looking into the matter further, it seems they were eventually named in the credits for _Once Upon a Zeppelin._ although prior to that they had only been previously credited as Mr. & Mrs. Sparkle. Also, their names are still never spoken aloud in any episode, making them somewhat informal.
That's one of the main reasons I hated the episode. Sure the made it comic by having it a cloud collection. Think of it as destroying his father's art collection, or stealing and selling a coin collection. His parents should have called the Cloudsdale police on him!
If it were something that Fluttershy couldn't handle, then yes, RD would stay by her side. But this is her brother. Rainbow is confident that Fluttershy can take care of that problem herself. Which she did.
To be fair if i was element of loyalty and someone like zephyr came around I’d dip too No amount of magic shooting rainbows could keep my in a room with zephyr for more than 30 seconds without me leaving or throttling him
Daisy stealing Princess Twilight's contacts probably resulted in Twilight's inability to see that her castle's windows were already immaculately clean prior to Spike showing Zephyr how to clean said windows.
Headcanon Accepted. We know Twilight was supposed to need glasses (just like Moondancer), because her Equestria Girls counterpart does requires them to see (both as s human or as a unicorn); so maybe becoming an alicorn "fixed" her bad eyesight [so she sold all of her contacts to other ponyvillians like Daisy (a pony she knows by name since at least S01E09)].
This episode basically is: - Character doesn't know X. - Ponies failed to teach him X. - Another pony teaches him X. - Character learns X. - Episode ends with character disregarding X like before.
Apparently ponies can change names after receiving their cutiemark to fit them more. I don't remember where I read this, but it's the most logical explanation as to how equestrian parents always name their kids so fitting to their not yet discovered talent
Last names aren't a constant, never were. In the "apple" family, AppleJack and Apple Bloom share the first part of their name despite it being the defining factor of the whole family, BigMc and Granny Smith don't even have "apple" in their names anywhere. Diamond Tiara's last name should be "Rich", because her parents are Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich. Twilight's family too, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Cadence, Flurry Heart. I believe ponies only share the last name in marriage or name their child with it if it suits, for example when Mr. and Ms. Shy met one of them wasn't named that, but you can see it would suit since they're both quiet and timid, when Zephyr was born they noticed he'd be abnoxious so they didn't give him Shy in his name, but Fluttershy was the quiet kid and they did give her the shy part. Alternatively, the show creators wanted it all to be more relatable to our world at some point and started giving more characters families that share a last name.
@@3173_Delta Or ponies don't really HAVE last names to begin with. I think only the Cakes are actually consistent with what could be called a last name. In general though I think ponies can just have a "first name" that's two words instead of things like Sparkle or Dash or Tiara being last names.
So I'm not the only one who sees the problem of telling us Zephyr's afraid to fail, while only showing him weasling his way out of doing the simplest of tasks. But Rainbow Dash isn't loitering, she's an invited guest. If anything, she's loitering when she's hanging out at Fluttershy's cottage when she should probably be doing her weather job or something.
I said the exact same thing about Zephyr being too lazy to even try to do even the simplest of tasks, he was nothing but your average freeloading slacker.
@@TheCommenterDragon It's a classic example of "Show, Don't Tell", which this episode forgets. It's a good character showcase for Fluttershy, but Zephyr Breeze is a failure as a character because of that test.
I'm not seeing the problem. If the idea is that he's too afraid of failure to try, then isn't trying to weasel his way out of trying anything consistent with that portrayal? If he actually puts forth the effort into things it's opening him up to the possibility of failure, so he tries to find ways not to have to take responsibility for anything so he doesn't have a reason to blame himself for what goes wrong. I still don't think he's a good character, but the characterization meshes with what the episode was trying to get across.
3:10 that's the point. This episode is aimed at people who just can't do anything, mostly ones who don't have motivation or fear of failure to just, get out of bed. It's meant to be simple tasks to share the point across that even simple things can be hard when you have great fears. 1 sin for you, Littleshy.
This is actually canon, given the extensive (and detailed) archive of all ponies in Ponyville present in her "batcave" under Sugar Cube Corner. -> On the other side of each photo there is a name & a number (the corresponding file).
In the early seasons it was said that every pony gets their cutiemark at some point when they're older regardless if they discovered their talent or not.
I don't think the cutie mark represents being horrible: Zephyr is good at being adaptable to jobs. He might have put more effort when he was younger but quit when he realized he had higher expectations than if he didn't try whatsoever.
Always thought he should be a blank flank tbh, I mean I get that as an adult he's supposed to have a cutie mark, but a cutie mark is supposed to be your special talent, and he still haven't found it.
4:56 For anyone who didn't notice or can't pause the vid at a good moment: "This sin is my self-insert fanfiction where Fluttershy is my waifu and we're having Dash over for a pleasant dinner together."
"Zephyr was afraid to fail-" that explains why he dropped out of mane therapy class, not why he disregards his parents personal belongings or weasels out of the tasks he's given. The only way to fail at those tasks were to do what he did. That wasn't a fear of failure that was being lazy.
Alright Cinemare Sins time again, thank you so much for this Littleshy. I know i'm probably not the first or only person to think this about Zephyr Breeze but, one of the main reasons i dislike him is because he's basically your average freeloading slacker whose too lazy and unmotivated even try to do even the simplest of tasks on his own, sure he finally does something on his own in the end of the episode but still that's just my opinion of him.
One of the most legendary episodes in Season 6 MLP:FiM, Zephyr Breeze is one of the most hated characters in the MLP content. I am not actually a hater of him. I appreciate him, even in narcissistic personality.
@@ZiddersRooFurry I have to disagree about the narcissist part. In terms of his life path I agree with you on that aspect, but completely disregarding what his father sees as valuable just so he could put his own stuff in there puts him squarely in narcissist territory for me.
@@kyuubinaruto17 Self-absorbed isn't narcissistic. Narcissists don't lack confidence. They are almost always overconfident. Narcissism is actually a pretty rare condition. 0.5 to 1 percent of the general population. He's not a narcissist by any means.
@@ZiddersRooFurry You went for the clinical definition. I went for the more informal definition. Like people who say they're starving after not eating for four hours, or say they're depressed after having one bad mood.
I've been waiting so long for this episode to come out JUST for the "Mr. Shy was the one to bring up Zephyr, not Fluttershy or Dash" sin because it always PEEVED me off.
What I hate is that he instantly reverts to his old self in the finale episodes (when he tries to be a royal guard, then proceeds to be the worst guard in existence).
I still like that episode. One, because Zepher makes me laugh. Two, Flutters is the best big sister. Three, Rainbow made me laugh. Major sin, NO DERPY!
This episode was a mess. They took some serious issues (crippling fear of failure and avoidance, disrespecting people's boundaries, executive dysfunction as a dopamine-driven person) and dumped them into a caricature of a "lazy bum who can't keep a job" (I know these people exist, but the traits MLP chooses to portray and the episode's "resolution" is not helpful) Zephyr's struggles are resolved by making him homeless, telling him to just "do the work" after he's been scared, and calling it a day. That is not a sustainable change. As someone who was terrified of failure, learning to recognize my feelings of avoidance and confront them with the help of a friend was a process that involved someone teaching me about emotional management and being with me while I vented about trying scary new things. That sinking fear is so sudden, and everything about the new thing feels disgusting until I talk it out or finally get there. Learning to respect boundaries is a much trickier process, both Zephyr (respecting boundaries) and the people pleasers (enforcing boundaries) around him would have to do some work to learn that NO MEANS NO. I think a magic spell or some sort of adventure would be a good device for learning that lesson. Finally, Zephyr Breeze has some alternative ideas for fashion and mane-styling, but by the end he is back to basic hairstyles, which is lame. It would have been nice if he met some cool alt ponies who taught him how learning basic theory and doing the boring prep is vital before you put your own spin on things. Sometimes it takes a lot of wandering before you find people who share your interests and have similar ways of living, even as an adult. Rant over now :)
I would have loved to see an episode with the cmc and zephyr breeze, The cmc were my favourite and I think they should have had more episodes where they helped people find/figure out their cutie marks
4:54 Another thing: HOW THE SURNAMES WORKS IN MLP? "Twilight Sparkle" I suppose your father and brother's last name is Sparkle, right? Rarity, I suppose (since you have just a name) that your surname is just like your sister's, Rarity Belle (actually it sounds nice). And let's NOT start with the "Apples", they have more "Apple" in their NAMES, and not even in the surname (APPLEjack, APPLE Bloom). I think is more sinnable the fact that related ponies have the same last name? (Glares at the Pies)
Twilight Sparkle´s parents are Night Light & Velvet Twi-light (born as Velvet Sky Twinkle). Her surnames are "Light" (from her father) & "Twi-" from her mother. Her first name was Spark (chosen before being born, expecting a brother for Shining). Shining Armor´s name comes from Night Light´s older brother [implicitly mentioned in S2E25], who had no children of his own at the time (tradition demands for the surnames of noble unicorns bloodlines to be preserved). -> Since Shining´s "favourite uncle" did had colts of his own later (tus preserving the "Armor" surname on a direct paternal line), Flurry Heart´s future sons will inherit whatever surnames come from her husband [specially if he is from a different royal bloodline]. Starlight Glimmer´s surnames are: "Star" from her mother Auroral Star (a descendant of a cousin of Star Swirl) & "Light" from her father Fire Light [distantly related to Twilight´s grandfather]. "Pinkamena" literally means "Rose Quartz". Pinkie´s parents are Igneus Rock & Cloudy Quartz. Her maternal grandmother "Nana Pinkie" [S3E03] (born as Rose Pie) was the owner/inheritor of the Quartz´s Mines near the Rock´s Farm [S5E20]. The second names starting with a "D" of Pinkie ("Diane") & her other sisters ("Daisy") comes from a tradition through her paternal grandmother´s lineage. Granny Smith (born as Granola Smith) married a stallion from the "Apple Clan" with a first name staring with a "B" & the surname "Sweet". The son of Big Macintosh & Sugar Belle must also bear a first name starting with "B" (but his surname can neither be "Sweet" or "Sugar", but another similar concept). The "Apple" Surname MUST be passed from mother to daughters, but for sons it can be "skipped" (to allow other surnames) until a female is born from this paternal line. -> Applebloom´s daughters or BigMac´s granddaughters can have it again. Then they must give it to their daughters & may give it to their sons. The surname "Rain" can only be given to females. Rain-Bow Dash´s paternal grandmother name was "Hot Rain". RD´s first name is Bow, just like her father. The "Dash" is another surname from her mother Windy Whistles (as a concept asociated with fast bursts of wind), that must be changed on each generation [since it is not a "nobility" family name like "Star", "Light", "Pie" or "Apple"]. Ponies who do not have a "noble family bloodline" to keep are free to change their names by also erasing their surnames: . "Chiffon" Swirl was not related to "Star" Swirl, so she changed it (Cup), later marring to Carrot Cake & getting his surname "Cake" (that is a noble one so it had to be preserved... tus explaining their children names). . "Mio Amore" is the (still non_proven) daughter of "Queen Amore" of the Crystal Empire. She was not aware of her "potential" royal bloodline previously to becoming an alicorn (or of the significance of the Crystal Heart emblazoned in her cutiemark); as this was only revealed to her later by Celestia. Her first name "Cadenza" was given by her adoptive parents. -> While Cadance is free to remove "Amore" from her own name (or to not give it to her daughters), Flurry Heart MUST keep her new royal surname "Heart" after being crowned [S9E26] & pass it to her daughters (while her sons could keep their father´s surnames).
Wait, I just thought of something... wouldn't it have been cool if Zepher didn't have his cutie mark, and then got it in this episode?? I don't think we ever saw an adult pony without one, and it would have been much better for his character!!
I feel like, for the unknown percentage of fans who consider Rainbow Dash to be worst pony, that they actually enjoy the character of Zephyr Breeze a bit
The reverse CMC comment actually got my brain going because it reminded me of the troubleshoes episode and the diamond tiara episode where they learned "the real meaning of their cutiemarks" and I got to thinking, why DIDN'T fluttershy employ the help of the cutiemark crusaders? Is it because Fluttershy doesn't recognize his cutiemark as it is? Or is it because she already KNOWS the true meaning and didn't share? Either way, I feel like this episode should have at least brought up the CMC as an option or a short scene of them examining his cutiemark would go a long way to making Zephyr a more interesting, two dimensional character. The ending scene with fluttershy and rainbow dash is still necessary, but it would feel less rushed to make him interesting. Perhaps before the scene where fluttershy kicks him out of her home, a short scene with the CMC analyzing his cutiemark finally pushes him off the edge completely, as they think the same thing you do about their cutiemark. Then he runs to the forest, embarrassed, ashamed, and upset. Then his sister comes to help him instead of reneging on her remark of him needing to bear it alone, she's coming because he just suffered shock and humiliation at the hands of people who were supposed to be helping. Fluttershy supports him and helps him rethink his cutiemark, then we get the song. It would mean a lot more to everyone involved
The "job" he did back in the Treebrary only paid him enough to sleep on a basket like a dog. -> By having to clean the whole crystal castle, he got enough "credits" for Twilight to concede him having not only a real bed but an ENTIRE BEDROOM. Stopping wars between nations that have nothing to do with ponies or dragons is now the requirement for his "Royal Castle" privileges (including sitting next to the Queen whenever he is not -in exile- working).
When you Sin Fluttershy saying that butterflies Didn’t go to the clouds and they are in the beginning of this episode my thought is fluttershy brought them up with her When she went to Cloudsdale and back to Ponyville
In fairness I think the random berries and mushrooms are intended to show Zephyr fails at basic survival and would have poisoned himself if left to his own devices.
Not cool, man. That song was in dedication to the singer's father. When he died, the singer shut himself in his room and told his mother to wake him up when September ended.
You missed the part in the song where before it starts Fluttershy and Rainbow are walking into the room then when the song starts they're back out of it again walking in again!
Guys, if you really want an alternative look on this episode, look the video from DWK, it's amazing! I think is called "Totally Legit Recap: "Flutter Brutter" Season 6 Episode 11"
If Zephyr Heights in G5 is named after Zephyr Breeze, because he's remembered as some legendary Pegasus hero? That would be totally hilarious.
Or a con.
Then again, he's a soldier now for the Canterlot Guard.
@@ilikecurry2345 For less than one episode, and only as part of a plan to steal the crown!
If that were true this be my reaction
So what, my elementary school was named after a boy trowing a rock to some soldiers. The borther of a country hero, seems more acceptable then Perasso.
The biggest sin is that Mr. and Mrs. Shy are the only pair of Mane Six parents whose real names were never revealed.
I didn't think Twilight's parents had official names either. As I recall, they were only ever credited in the show as Mr. & Mrs. Sparkle
Thank you
@@EmeralBookwise The wiki says their names are Night Light and Twilight Velvet.
@@MidnightMuffin: I was aware of that, however, the wiki also often uses fanon placeholder names when no official ones exist.
That said, after looking into the matter further, it seems they were eventually named in the credits for _Once Upon a Zeppelin._ although prior to that they had only been previously credited as Mr. & Mrs. Sparkle. Also, their names are still never spoken aloud in any episode, making them somewhat informal.
@@EmeralBookwise That's...odd.
How is Zephyr selfishly destroying the precious memories of his father's work not a sin!?
That's one of the main reasons I hated the episode. Sure the made it comic by having it a cloud collection. Think of it as destroying his father's art collection, or stealing and selling a coin collection. His parents should have called the Cloudsdale police on him!
@@cindydott452 Who would imagine Fluttershy would have more backbone than anypony else.
Totally agreed.
600th like. Also, ikr?!?
I honestly expected a sin with"The element of Loyalty everyone!", because after Zephyr comes to Fluttershy, RD leaves instantly
Do be fair, Zephyr constantly hits on her and makes her uncomfortable. I’m surprised that’s never brought up.
@@tudoraragornofgreyscot8482 same, it's hilarious tho
If it were something that Fluttershy couldn't handle, then yes, RD would stay by her side. But this is her brother. Rainbow is confident that Fluttershy can take care of that problem herself. Which she did.
To be fair if i was element of loyalty and someone like zephyr came around I’d dip too
No amount of magic shooting rainbows could keep my in a room with zephyr for more than 30 seconds without me leaving or throttling him
@@fefek1 kind of concerning that you find borderline sexual harrassment "hilarious"
Daisy stealing Princess Twilight's contacts probably resulted in Twilight's inability to see that her castle's windows were already immaculately clean prior to Spike showing Zephyr how to clean said windows.
Headcanon Accepted.
We know Twilight was supposed to need glasses (just like Moondancer), because her Equestria Girls counterpart does requires them to see (both as s human or as a unicorn); so maybe becoming an alicorn "fixed" her bad eyesight [so she sold all of her contacts to other ponyvillians like Daisy (a pony she knows by name since at least S01E09)].
As a man who dreads failure, I can't hate on Zephyr.
Same, I used to find him annoying but now I’m just “oh, I get it”
Meh. I dread failure and I hate him regardless.
so you **fail** to hate him?
@@fritzy8318 same
I can’t hate him because I do feel bad for him
But I’d like to help him from a distance literally
3:48 I thought we were past this phase of calling Link "Zelda." You get 1,000 sins for that.
It was intentional as a joke...
@@Shadowmew55 I don't Think it Was.
@@KavinCatastrophe but it was
@@Shadowmew55 Even as a joke, it's still painful
WickedBinge already pointed that out
This episode basically is:
- Character doesn't know X.
- Ponies failed to teach him X.
- Another pony teaches him X.
- Character learns X.
- Episode ends with character disregarding X like before.
We even see later on in season 9 that Zephyr doesn’t learn his lesson. Which just pisses me off cause I sort of like Zephyr
5 days-
@@aphrodite4419 Entertainment purposes.
@@aphrodite4419 i blame the season 9 writers for that
@@safiyypro5467 Why would you do that?
"Thanks for dinner Mr and Mrs Shy."
...isn't Zephyr's last name Breeze? How did that happen?
Did not expect to see you here
Apparently ponies can change names after receiving their cutiemark to fit them more. I don't remember where I read this, but it's the most logical explanation as to how equestrian parents always name their kids so fitting to their not yet discovered talent
Last names aren't a constant, never were.
In the "apple" family, AppleJack and Apple Bloom share the first part of their name despite it being the defining factor of the whole family, BigMc and Granny Smith don't even have "apple" in their names anywhere.
Diamond Tiara's last name should be "Rich", because her parents are Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich.
Twilight's family too, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Cadence, Flurry Heart.
I believe ponies only share the last name in marriage or name their child with it if it suits, for example when Mr. and Ms. Shy met one of them wasn't named that, but you can see it would suit since they're both quiet and timid, when Zephyr was born they noticed he'd be abnoxious so they didn't give him Shy in his name, but Fluttershy was the quiet kid and they did give her the shy part.
Alternatively, the show creators wanted it all to be more relatable to our world at some point and started giving more characters families that share a last name.
@@3173_Delta Or ponies don't really HAVE last names to begin with. I think only the Cakes are actually consistent with what could be called a last name.
In general though I think ponies can just have a "first name" that's two words instead of things like Sparkle or Dash or Tiara being last names.
Didnt expect an MLP lore discussion to be actually interesting
People who hate Fluttershy's brother are just mad that they relate to him.
I actually kind of liked him. I *did* find him oddly relatable.
Oddly relatable, evenly relatable, mathematically relatable.
Or sad for her.
But I don't hate him, he is still number one in my TOP 10 most favorite male ponies! Relationship sucks.
Or y'know.. he's just kindaaaa.. annoying?
If Zephyr turns out to be the reason Zephyr heights got its name i swear...
A pony that looks like him was spotted in a crowd shot in one of the promos. So either he is immortal or, what is even less likely, he procreated.
So I'm not the only one who sees the problem of telling us Zephyr's afraid to fail, while only showing him weasling his way out of doing the simplest of tasks.
But Rainbow Dash isn't loitering, she's an invited guest. If anything, she's loitering when she's hanging out at Fluttershy's cottage when she should probably be doing her weather job or something.
I said the exact same thing about Zephyr being too lazy to even try to do even the simplest of tasks, he was nothing but your average freeloading slacker.
@@TheCommenterDragon It's a classic example of "Show, Don't Tell", which this episode forgets. It's a good character showcase for Fluttershy, but Zephyr Breeze is a failure as a character because of that test.
I'm not seeing the problem. If the idea is that he's too afraid of failure to try, then isn't trying to weasel his way out of trying anything consistent with that portrayal?
If he actually puts forth the effort into things it's opening him up to the possibility of failure, so he tries to find ways not to have to take responsibility for anything so he doesn't have a reason to blame himself for what goes wrong.
I still don't think he's a good character, but the characterization meshes with what the episode was trying to get across.
I actually kind of liked Zephyr Breeze. Found him strangely relatable.
that’s literally how I normally act around my sister’s friends (+the flirting around one of them).
I, too, am a tremendous NEET.
@@ummdustry5718 “Aqua”
@@safiyypro5467 Stop it. Respect people's boundaries. When Zephyr did that he was being a creep. Don't be a creep.
@@ZiddersRooFurry that was a joke, plus I really am good friends with her friends
3:10 that's the point. This episode is aimed at people who just can't do anything, mostly ones who don't have motivation or fear of failure to just, get out of bed. It's meant to be simple tasks to share the point across that even simple things can be hard when you have great fears.
1 sin for you, Littleshy.
1:31 pinky actually runs a secret blackmailing empire
This is actually canon, given the extensive (and detailed) archive of all ponies in Ponyville present in her "batcave" under Sugar Cube Corner.
-> On the other side of each photo there is a name & a number (the corresponding file).
Frick, I need a fanfic on this *now.*
If Zephyr supposedly isn't good at anything, how the hell did he get his cutie mark
By flowing the breeze~
Idk maybe he just woke up one morning with it 🙃
In the early seasons it was said that every pony gets their cutiemark at some point when they're older regardless if they discovered their talent or not.
What? When? Where? I thought you had to be doing your talent?!
I don't think the cutie mark represents being horrible: Zephyr is good at being adaptable to jobs. He might have put more effort when he was younger but quit when he realized he had higher expectations than if he didn't try whatsoever.
@@Darkheartfries250 do you know what season or episode that was mentioned in? I’m just curious since that defeats the purpose of a cutie mark :O
Every month, at the 1st day, i wait for a new cinemaresins episode. Here it is!
The only reason to wait the 1st September
"It's Zelda from The Legend of Zelda games!"
Oh my god Littleshy lmao
He's Link! Zelda is the princess!
Or... is that the joke, here?
@@justincarawan-carawanco.pu1639 I'm 100% sure that was the joke, since it's a common mistake made by people who haven't played the games.
Legend of Zelda fans are probably screaming inside when he called him "Zelda".
That made me crack up.
10000000000000 sins for that
0:30 Maybe that Butterfly is someone’s pet here in Cloudsdale
“Presented in a show actually meant for kids”
God, that would be like making Yu Gi Oh cards a children’s card game actually meant for kids
Always thought he should be a blank flank tbh, I mean I get that as an adult he's supposed to have a cutie mark, but a cutie mark is supposed to be your special talent, and he still haven't found it.
4:56 For anyone who didn't notice or can't pause the vid at a good moment:
"This sin is my self-insert fanfiction where Fluttershy is my waifu and we're having Dash over for a pleasant dinner together."
"Zephyr was afraid to fail-" that explains why he dropped out of mane therapy class, not why he disregards his parents personal belongings or weasels out of the tasks he's given. The only way to fail at those tasks were to do what he did. That wasn't a fear of failure that was being lazy.
5:05 ...Wait- now that I think about it, this episode would probably be better if the CMC were involved somehow.
Alright Cinemare Sins time again, thank you so much for this Littleshy.
I know i'm probably not the first or only person to think this about Zephyr Breeze but, one of the main reasons i dislike him is because he's basically your average freeloading slacker whose too lazy and unmotivated even try to do even the simplest of tasks on his own, sure he finally does something on his own in the end of the episode but still that's just my opinion of him.
One of the most legendary episodes in Season 6 MLP:FiM, Zephyr Breeze is one of the most hated characters in the MLP content. I am not actually a hater of him. I appreciate him, even in narcissistic personality.
He's not a narcissist. He's insecure and projecting a false image of overconfidence to overcompensate for being afraid of failure.
@@ZiddersRooFurry Affirmative.
@@ZiddersRooFurry I have to disagree about the narcissist part. In terms of his life path I agree with you on that aspect, but completely disregarding what his father sees as valuable just so he could put his own stuff in there puts him squarely in narcissist territory for me.
@@kyuubinaruto17 Self-absorbed isn't narcissistic. Narcissists don't lack confidence. They are almost always overconfident. Narcissism is actually a pretty rare condition. 0.5 to 1 percent of the general population. He's not a narcissist by any means.
@@ZiddersRooFurry You went for the clinical definition. I went for the more informal definition. Like people who say they're starving after not eating for four hours, or say they're depressed after having one bad mood.
I've been waiting so long for this episode to come out JUST for the "Mr. Shy was the one to bring up Zephyr, not Fluttershy or Dash" sin because it always PEEVED me off.
What I hate is that he instantly reverts to his old self in the finale episodes (when he tries to be a royal guard, then proceeds to be the worst guard in existence).
A clear sign that it's a new month: a Cinemare Sins video premiers.
I swear this editing is getting better and better.
I still like that episode. One, because Zepher makes me laugh. Two, Flutters is the best big sister. Three, Rainbow made me laugh. Major sin, NO DERPY!
"Entering through the back entrance. Because it's more dramatic an entrance than the front."
There's no way that can be taken out of context.
This episode was a mess. They took some serious issues (crippling fear of failure and avoidance, disrespecting people's boundaries, executive dysfunction as a dopamine-driven person) and dumped them into a caricature of a "lazy bum who can't keep a job" (I know these people exist, but the traits MLP chooses to portray and the episode's "resolution" is not helpful) Zephyr's struggles are resolved by making him homeless, telling him to just "do the work" after he's been scared, and calling it a day. That is not a sustainable change. As someone who was terrified of failure, learning to recognize my feelings of avoidance and confront them with the help of a friend was a process that involved someone teaching me about emotional management and being with me while I vented about trying scary new things. That sinking fear is so sudden, and everything about the new thing feels disgusting until I talk it out or finally get there. Learning to respect boundaries is a much trickier process, both Zephyr (respecting boundaries) and the people pleasers (enforcing boundaries) around him would have to do some work to learn that NO MEANS NO. I think a magic spell or some sort of adventure would be a good device for learning that lesson. Finally, Zephyr Breeze has some alternative ideas for fashion and mane-styling, but by the end he is back to basic hairstyles, which is lame. It would have been nice if he met some cool alt ponies who taught him how learning basic theory and doing the boring prep is vital before you put your own spin on things. Sometimes it takes a lot of wandering before you find people who share your interests and have similar ways of living, even as an adult. Rant over now :)
I'm surprised you didn't sin the fact that none of his family were at his graduation.
I would have loved to see an episode with the cmc and zephyr breeze, The cmc were my favourite and I think they should have had more episodes where they helped people find/figure out their cutie marks
you missed the son where zypher wont take the hint Dash is NOT into him and NEVER will be into him
You never know, it could have been on two conditions, since she's hiding her third foreleg
These videos keep me going and they are really rewatchable which is awesome
Okay, Fernando got me by surprises and I giggled
1:14 what did she just say?,this word is completely unfortunate!
When we get hilarious sin videos from these kind of episodes then I`m glad they exist! Thank you for your hard work Littleshy
4:54 Another thing: HOW THE SURNAMES WORKS IN MLP?
"Twilight Sparkle" I suppose your father and brother's last name is Sparkle, right? Rarity, I suppose (since you have just a name) that your surname is just like your sister's, Rarity Belle (actually it sounds nice). And let's NOT start with the "Apples", they have more "Apple" in their NAMES, and not even in the surname (APPLEjack, APPLE Bloom).
I think is more sinnable the fact that related ponies have the same last name? (Glares at the Pies)
Twilight Sparkle´s parents are Night Light & Velvet Twi-light (born as Velvet Sky Twinkle). Her surnames are "Light" (from her father) & "Twi-" from her mother.
Her first name was Spark (chosen before being born, expecting a brother for Shining).
Shining Armor´s name comes from Night Light´s older brother [implicitly mentioned in S2E25], who had no children of his own at the time (tradition demands for the surnames of noble unicorns bloodlines to be preserved).
-> Since Shining´s "favourite uncle" did had colts of his own later (tus preserving the "Armor" surname on a direct paternal line), Flurry Heart´s future sons will inherit whatever surnames come from her husband [specially if he is from a different royal bloodline].
Starlight Glimmer´s surnames are: "Star" from her mother Auroral Star (a descendant of a cousin of Star Swirl) & "Light" from her father Fire Light [distantly related to Twilight´s grandfather].
"Pinkamena" literally means "Rose Quartz". Pinkie´s parents are Igneus Rock & Cloudy Quartz. Her maternal grandmother "Nana Pinkie" [S3E03] (born as Rose Pie) was the owner/inheritor of the Quartz´s Mines near the Rock´s Farm [S5E20].
The second names starting with a "D" of Pinkie ("Diane") & her other sisters ("Daisy") comes from a tradition through her paternal grandmother´s lineage.
Granny Smith (born as Granola Smith) married a stallion from the "Apple Clan" with a first name staring with a "B" & the surname "Sweet". The son of Big Macintosh & Sugar Belle must also bear a first name starting with "B" (but his surname can neither be "Sweet" or "Sugar", but another similar concept).
The "Apple" Surname MUST be passed from mother to daughters, but for sons it can be "skipped" (to allow other surnames) until a female is born from this paternal line.
-> Applebloom´s daughters or BigMac´s granddaughters can have it again. Then they must give it to their daughters & may give it to their sons.
The surname "Rain" can only be given to females. Rain-Bow Dash´s paternal grandmother name was "Hot Rain".
RD´s first name is Bow, just like her father.
The "Dash" is another surname from her mother Windy Whistles (as a concept asociated with fast bursts of wind), that must be changed on each generation [since it is not a "nobility" family name like "Star", "Light", "Pie" or "Apple"].
Ponies who do not have a "noble family bloodline" to keep are free to change their names by also erasing their surnames:
. "Chiffon" Swirl was not related to "Star" Swirl, so she changed it (Cup), later marring to Carrot Cake & getting his surname "Cake" (that is a noble one so it had to be preserved... tus explaining their children names).
. "Mio Amore" is the (still non_proven) daughter of "Queen Amore" of the Crystal Empire. She was not aware of her "potential" royal bloodline previously to becoming an alicorn (or of the significance of the Crystal Heart emblazoned in her cutiemark); as this was only revealed to her later by Celestia. Her first name "Cadenza" was given by her adoptive parents.
-> While Cadance is free to remove "Amore" from her own name (or to not give it to her daughters), Flurry Heart MUST keep her new royal surname "Heart" after being crowned [S9E26] & pass it to her daughters (while her sons could keep their father´s surnames).
@@adolfodef Still... very confusionary.
@@adolfodef But I'll admit it sounds fun
@@adolfodef that's awesome. Thank you 😊😁
@@nocturnalvisionmusic =)
(edit): Updated, expanded & corrected
You gave improved SO MUCH. I am so glad you’re still doing sins and videos on MLP!
Wait, I just thought of something... wouldn't it have been cool if Zepher didn't have his cutie mark, and then got it in this episode?? I don't think we ever saw an adult pony without one, and it would have been much better for his character!!
Aren’t cutie marks kinda like puberty though? Like you always get them when you’re like a kid
Idk I just thought that
@@Me-xo5tw I don't think it was ever mentioned?
Debo decir que eso sería una idea muy interesante y con potencial por explotar,porque como tú dijiste,nunca hemos visto algo así :D
Zephyr breeze is such an underrated character.
Maybe books are the Equestrian equivalent of sponsorships/collaborations?
This is awesome LittleshyFiM
3:47 Huh, I always thought that pony looked more like Link because... he's a stallion... and the green hat....
I feel like, for the unknown percentage of fans who consider Rainbow Dash to be worst pony, that they actually enjoy the character of Zephyr Breeze a bit
hi, i'm those fans
The reverse CMC comment actually got my brain going because it reminded me of the troubleshoes episode and the diamond tiara episode where they learned "the real meaning of their cutiemarks" and I got to thinking, why DIDN'T fluttershy employ the help of the cutiemark crusaders? Is it because Fluttershy doesn't recognize his cutiemark as it is? Or is it because she already KNOWS the true meaning and didn't share? Either way, I feel like this episode should have at least brought up the CMC as an option or a short scene of them examining his cutiemark would go a long way to making Zephyr a more interesting, two dimensional character. The ending scene with fluttershy and rainbow dash is still necessary, but it would feel less rushed to make him interesting. Perhaps before the scene where fluttershy kicks him out of her home, a short scene with the CMC analyzing his cutiemark finally pushes him off the edge completely, as they think the same thing you do about their cutiemark. Then he runs to the forest, embarrassed, ashamed, and upset. Then his sister comes to help him instead of reneging on her remark of him needing to bear it alone, she's coming because he just suffered shock and humiliation at the hands of people who were supposed to be helping. Fluttershy supports him and helps him rethink his cutiemark, then we get the song. It would mean a lot more to everyone involved
This is one of my favorite episodes!
*Thanks for the Upload!*
3:47 you mean "Hey look, it's Link from Legend of Zelda."
You've been whooshed my friend.
You don’t know what jokes are do you.
People talk about how 'slice of life' was made for the adult fans of the show and the writers are just like:
THE FABULOUS ZEPH! Thank you so much!
*me and my family always use the back door rather than the front*
Poor spike as to do everything in the hazbro castle
The "job" he did back in the Treebrary only paid him enough to sleep on a basket like a dog.
-> By having to clean the whole crystal castle, he got enough "credits" for Twilight to concede him having not only a real bed but an ENTIRE BEDROOM.
Stopping wars between nations that have nothing to do with ponies or dragons is now the requirement for his "Royal Castle" privileges (including sitting next to the Queen whenever he is not -in exile- working).
When you Sin Fluttershy saying that butterflies Didn’t go to the clouds and they are in the beginning of this episode my thought is fluttershy brought them up with her When she went to Cloudsdale and back to Ponyville
I'm going to give a sin to Littleshy for calling Link from 'The Legend of Zelda' Zelda, and then I'm going to run away so he doesn't give me one back
Oh yeah, not to mention the whistling with the hoof.
"Pinkie Pie may not be able to fly or use magic" Amending Fences, ahem.
It still surprises me that I watched your content when I was 12 and now I’m 18 and still watching 💀😊
4:04 "bird with detailed message with only five chirps"
im guessing that bird is japanese
Awesome video as always
This episode underwhelmed me so much, I forgot it even existed
3:47 is the joke that it’s not Zelda? Bc if not that’s Link btw! Love the cameo tho lol
.... So his parents basically named him Soft Breeze Breeze.
In fairness I think the random berries and mushrooms are intended to show Zephyr fails at basic survival and would have poisoned himself if left to his own devices.
3:46 I never noticed Link was in mlp! Thanks for pointing that out! Even better he is pulling a cart of gems shaped like the rupee’s in the games 😂
Oh my gods you're still fucking posting???? Holy shit??? I thought your channel died for some reason- this is fucking GREAT, man, keep it up.
I just got my power back and then I saw this notification so yay! Love these videos 😂
I like this episode, too relatable, but the ego he's using is so toxic but is a way he use to protect themselve
Kinda early for once? Yay! Awesome vid as always, and yes, thank you once again for the pony subtitles! ❤️
0:44 Ok +1 sin for me for not knowing 'segway' was actually supposed to be spelt 'segue'.
Man, I used to hate this episode but Totally Legit Recap of completely changed my mind.
also wtf y'all this was a great episode
1 week…The earliest ive been to one of these
I watch for magical adventures not having my life mirrored back
I'm addicted to your vids
Isn’t it ironic that flutter shy is the only one who’s “sweared” 1:15
Pinkie pie carries a picture of everyone including her future husband 1:37
movie speculation:All hail Zephyr Breeze, king of Pegasi!
Littleshy: let's see about that!
Me hibernating until October 1st for the next Cinemare Sins video: wake me up, when September ends!
Not cool, man. That song was in dedication to the singer's father. When he died, the singer shut himself in his room and told his mother to wake him up when September ended.
Zephyr reminds me of someone I know, except the only different is that Zephyr actually tries sometimes and the aforementioned someone doesn’t
You missed the part in the song where before it starts Fluttershy and Rainbow are walking into the room then when the song starts they're back out of it again walking in again!
For the butterflies being in the clouds, Maaaaybe Fluttershy brought some with her?? Idk why but it's still an explanation
Adding an extra sin for the fact that fluttershy and RD didn't hear Pinkie but heard AJ Whistle that they instantly stopped and turned around
Guys, if you really want an alternative look on this episode, look the video from DWK, it's amazing! I think is called "Totally Legit Recap: "Flutter Brutter" Season 6 Episode 11"
Haha, great video!
ah geez the "Fernando" joke got me good
Mr. and Mrs. Shy look like their names would be Harold and Marge
What if zephyr heights was named after zephyr breeze?
And zephyr heights seems to be the future version of canterlot so….
My parents always had us enter through the back since that’s where the cars parked
Mad marshmallow doesn’t exist she can’t hurt you.
Mad marshmallow:
I instantly think of the song "He Is Your Brother".
0:18 u mean that ponies arent allergic to tomatoes
You should’ve mentioned Zephyr flirting with rainbow dash
I thought he was lazy and not scared to fail.
“Butterflies don’t fly as high as my cloud home.”
Me a while back in school: *release a butterfly and watch it fly high it was migrating btw*
( 3:47 ) A surprisingly common error... 20 years ago. It's Link.