Lol' Well I think Esee knives look Awesome . I just ordered a s35vn Stainless Izula and G10 handle scales 💪😎 anxious for it to Arrive!" s35vn is my favorite Stainless Steel"
“Do we really even need knives”? You can’t be serious 😂😂 Ordered mine after watching your video. Having the real world application on tape is huge Thanks!
I personally like the S35VN ESEE 3 better because of its thinner blade stock..I feel it works better for 90% of the tasks you need a knife for..honestly,I would love for ESEE to make a ESEE 3.5,a knife with the length of a ESEE 4 but the thinner blade stock of the ESEE 3..I would also love for it to be a Scandi grind..for an all out survival knife,I think the ESEE 6 is the best knife ESEE makes.its good and thick like the ESEE 4 is but it’s 2” long making it more efficient to chop with and the blade is wider so it’s not as thick behind the edge..I would like to see the ESEE 6 in 3V or Cruwear,they are both carbon steel yet much more resistant to rust than 1095.3V with a cryogenic heat treatment is damn near stainless
Really enjoyed this and would definitely like to see more knaf videos! Do you happen to have a video strictly on your convex sharpening and chosen stones/strop progression? Thanks!
@@JustCantGetRight It really is lol. Outdoorsy stuff and shooting people with spherical paint filled projectiles blends together more than one would think. The red eclipse shirt was the big giveaway haha
Jimping is always useless (just a gimmick) and a finger choil on a small fixed blade camp knife has no use also. I'm not saying it's a bad knife but with the change of handles I'm just curious about the total cost of the package? You mention it was very cold in your text (not in the video) so having an exposed full tang is probably not a good idea. But the same goes when it's very hot. If you have skills any knife works but if you ask me what is the best small fixed blade camp knife that can be used globally in every environment, every season, every condition I would suggest a Fallkniven F1 with zytel sheath. That knife already has a convex but I agree with putting a secondary convex on all your knives.
Miguel, I just discovered your channel with this video. I'm VERY impressed with the content and your humor. The fact you watch Flannel Daddy gives you instant cred too! Anyway, I'm a new subscriber, and think your channel deserves fame..............unless your other vids suck, which I seriouslyl doubt based on this one. Someday when you have a million subscribers, I'll be proud to have found your channel when you had 8.6K. Keep up the great work man!
I appreciate the love, brother! Most of the content I've created is based around paintball, but I'm slowly but surely incorporating a whole lot more good stuff in there!
Weird, but entertaining and informative review. I've been an ESEE fan for quite a few years and they've been my go to, especially the ESEE 3 and ESEE 6. That ESEE 4 s35vn looks really nice but I baton and with them breaking the their s35vn 3, it makes me kind of second guessing getting the 4. I know they have the bulletproof warranty but I'm not that person to abuse it either. In fact I'd probably never use it.
I prematurely got the 440C esee4 and simultaneously also got the s35vn esee3 when it first came out. I can’t justify having 3 of these esee4 knives, cuz I have a 1095 esee4 as well lol In fact the only one I don’t have is the esee6 however I do have two RAT7 so I don’t need one. But I want one
@@jontom5322 I kinda feel like the 440c can withstand hard use much better. And being that it’s a larger knife that would encourage someone to give it some hard use, I feel like the 1095 and 440 make sense. Remember, Randal did address the fact that S35vn was heavily requested by customers. It wasn’t what they wanted to build for everyone. I bought the S35vn #3 because I support the company, not cuz I think it’s gonna be the best blade they got. And that particular blade has been designated as a EDC and something I cut miles of tape with at work. If I was going somewhere away from home, I’d be leaving it behind. My suggestion is, don’t get the S35vn if it’s gonna be the only one you have.
Good review I agree with most but like the DBK review and others peoples comment like myself we try to pigeon hole these as bush craft knives not survival knives made to get you through a survival situation which is different. It's a great knife for getting out of say a downed aircraft or car and surviving till you get help its survival with brute force while Bush craft its the survival with artistic and craftsman like detail
I love your comment. Yes to everything, lol. Well, actually, perhaps not. I'm equally confused as you as to what a Knaf is I'm only calling this thing what the Esee folks were calling it when I was down (up for me, actually) in Alabama with them. As far as the accent goes, I'm what you call a box of chocolates when it comes to what accent I'll use next... you really never know what you're gonna get. Finally, I may indeed be from another country... but that is entirely dependent on what country you're from since the answer to the question is relative to the person asking it. What is certain is that I am unquestionably a ball of goof who is grateful for your viewership. *exeunt*
This is a great review! Addresses all of the chief concerns of S35VN in the ESEE-4, which isn’t covered well anywhere else. Convinced me to get one!
Bro called Esee knives ugly… I can’t 💀
They look awesome as hell! Especially this one is s35vn!
Ugly but useful.....that's us!
And we wouldn't want it any other way
I have 2 esee knives, the 4 and Izula 2. I would not trade them for anything.
@@oveson88 Than you for your support!
I got an izula 2, a junglas on the way, and thinking bout this. Might just be on the way too
Lol' Well I think Esee knives look Awesome . I just ordered a s35vn Stainless Izula and G10 handle scales 💪😎 anxious for it to Arrive!" s35vn is my favorite Stainless Steel"
“Do we really even need knives”? You can’t be serious 😂😂 Ordered mine after watching your video. Having the real world application on tape is huge
I barely got my volume down in time lol. Keep branching out dude videos are bomb, and entertaining. I haven't played paint ball in over 10 years.
I knew that early warning would be useful for someone! Super glad you enjoyed this!
Was a great video man ! Thanks for sharing your experience !
Kniaf videos! Great! Keep em coming!
I personally like the S35VN ESEE 3 better because of its thinner blade stock..I feel it works better for 90% of the tasks you need a knife for..honestly,I would love for ESEE to make a ESEE 3.5,a knife with the length of a ESEE 4 but the thinner blade stock of the ESEE 3..I would also love for it to be a Scandi grind..for an all out survival knife,I think the ESEE 6 is the best knife ESEE makes.its good and thick like the ESEE 4 is but it’s 2” long making it more efficient to chop with and the blade is wider so it’s not as thick behind the edge..I would like to see the ESEE 6 in 3V or Cruwear,they are both carbon steel yet much more resistant to rust than 1095.3V with a cryogenic heat treatment is damn near stainless
Hey Sir I love my esee too but I need to get those micarta scales you had on yours. Can you tell me where from please 🙏🏾 thank you.
Love my ESEE's! My junglas is my fave for troll factor.
I've been eyeing a Junglas!!! I have no legitimate reason for one though, lol! ESEE rocks!
@@JustCantGetRight no reason needed!
I love my Junglas as well,it’s the best chopper I own
"That probably wasn't safe" lol I love it
That is the cleanest 4 I have seen since I unboxed mine. Were you like finishing with 1500 grit in one scene there?
Just ordered a s35vn Izula and G10 handle scales for it' anxious"
Really enjoyed this and would definitely like to see more knaf videos! Do you happen to have a video strictly on your convex sharpening and chosen stones/strop progression?
I said "grinded..." lol.
Tomatoes potatoes….same same
Wish they would make an Esee 6 in s35vn
The esee 4 search brought me here then quickly realized you did the review in the lvr as well lol good stuff my dude
Lol, it's like alternate universes colliding or something
@@JustCantGetRight It really is lol. Outdoorsy stuff and shooting people with spherical paint filled projectiles blends together more than one would think. The red eclipse shirt was the big giveaway haha
Thanks for the entertaining review, now if we could just do something about that Holland scarf... 😉
Me encantó tu video, y la cereza del pastel la recomendación de la lectura de memorias” gracias
More knife reviews! Maybe the civivi elementum next.
I want an Elementum, but when I got the chance to buy one I bought a mini griptilian instead. I'll get one eventually, and the video will come.
I'm surprised you didn't get m390 or 52100
Jimping is always useless (just a gimmick) and a finger choil on a small fixed blade camp knife has no use also. I'm not saying it's a bad knife but with the change of handles I'm just curious about the total cost of the package? You mention it was very cold in your text (not in the video) so having an exposed full tang is probably not a good idea. But the same goes when it's very hot. If you have skills any knife works but if you ask me what is the best small fixed blade camp knife that can be used globally in every environment, every season, every condition I would suggest a Fallkniven F1 with zytel sheath. That knife already has a convex but I agree with putting a secondary convex on all your knives.
Great review. Seriously. I recently picked up that very knife. I liked it so much I bought two more.
But were you wearing pants?
About the pants: if you can't see 'em, they're not there ;)
Awesome stuff... your videos deserve a wider audience than paintball offers.
Good to see you branching out, especially with hobbies that I also take a lot of interest in.
I have so much fun just going outdoors. I've found to have more in common with the people I've met hiking and bushcrafting than anywhere else.
Miguel, I just discovered your channel with this video. I'm VERY impressed with the content and your humor. The fact you watch Flannel Daddy gives you instant cred too! Anyway, I'm a new subscriber, and think your channel deserves fame..............unless your other vids suck, which I seriouslyl doubt based on this one. Someday when you have a million subscribers, I'll be proud to have found your channel when you had 8.6K. Keep up the great work man!
I appreciate the love, brother! Most of the content I've created is based around paintball, but I'm slowly but surely incorporating a whole lot more good stuff in there!
is it easy to convex edge it?
Great video, you are extremely entertaining. And I don't seek entertainment.
….. We have the same Father…
In flannel… You have entertained me brother
Weird, but entertaining and informative review. I've been an ESEE fan for quite a few years and they've been my go to, especially the ESEE 3 and ESEE 6. That ESEE 4 s35vn looks really nice but I baton and with them breaking the their s35vn 3, it makes me kind of second guessing getting the 4. I know they have the bulletproof warranty but I'm not that person to abuse it either. In fact I'd probably never use it.
I prematurely got the 440C esee4 and simultaneously also got the s35vn esee3 when it first came out. I can’t justify having 3 of these esee4 knives, cuz I have a 1095 esee4 as well lol In fact the only one I don’t have is the esee6 however I do have two RAT7 so I don’t need one. But I want one
Which do you prefer? 440c esee 4 or the s35 3?
@@jontom5322 I kinda feel like the 440c can withstand hard use much better. And being that it’s a larger knife that would encourage someone to give it some hard use, I feel like the 1095 and 440 make sense. Remember, Randal did address the fact that S35vn was heavily requested by customers. It wasn’t what they wanted to build for everyone. I bought the S35vn #3 because I support the company, not cuz I think it’s gonna be the best blade they got. And that particular blade has been designated as a EDC and something I cut miles of tape with at work. If I was going somewhere away from home, I’d be leaving it behind. My suggestion is, don’t get the S35vn if it’s gonna be the only one you have.
Great video! Muy entretenido 👍
Nice review . Where did you buy the scales ?
Nevermind , I found it , thought all they had was G10
Good review I agree with most but like the DBK review and others peoples comment like myself we try to pigeon hole these as bush craft knives not survival knives made to get you through a survival situation which is different. It's a great knife for getting out of say a downed aircraft or car and surviving till you get help its survival with brute force while Bush craft its the survival with artistic and craftsman like detail
Survival school lol
Be you
if they make and esse 4 hm in s35vn ill pee my pants in excitement
My favorite knife Tops BOB
what the hell is s knaf is that a failed attempt at a southern accent or are you from another country ?
I love your comment. Yes to everything, lol. Well, actually, perhaps not. I'm equally confused as you as to what a Knaf is I'm only calling this thing what the Esee folks were calling it when I was down (up for me, actually) in Alabama with them. As far as the accent goes, I'm what you call a box of chocolates when it comes to what accent I'll use next... you really never know what you're gonna get. Finally, I may indeed be from another country... but that is entirely dependent on what country you're from since the answer to the question is relative to the person asking it.
What is certain is that I am unquestionably a ball of goof who is grateful for your viewership.
@@JustCantGetRight lol hes got a southern accent you werent to fsr off but s liittle off im from kentuky so i tslk like them
@@JustCantGetRight Well said. 🦖
Sarcasm is the language of the devil.
Missed the mark. Corny paintball videos sure that’s your lane but not at all what I want from a knife video. Get rid of the fluff
You're certainly welcome to continue expressing yourself constructively in the next knife video.
Dude this was a great video, need more peeps like him. You missed the mark, not him
I personally thought he done a great job with this review
The Madman great response,that was very professional and respectful of you
Please.. This was so much better than your typical table top or do the same shit over and over videos. Hope to see more of these.
Why are you intentionally mispronouncing "Knife" ??? not cute bruh
It’s a knaf goofy
@@Pointman-LiveWire no. It's a k ifr. Dodk