These stealth and silent takedowns were spectacularly conspicuous, and yet somehow we got away with them?? Here are the stealth takedowns that were anything but. Enjoy!
I don't think you understand what "stealth takedown" means. It means that the target doesn't notice what you've done. That's why Mike is so good at Hitman! ...Or possibly why I'm so bad at it.
The clip from Shadow of War was the wrong one. The stealth dominate ability is activated just like a sneak attack, the footage you showed was from an earlier point in the game and you used the standard dominate move (Might want to edit that before my pedantic brethren arrive :P)
Beowulf Mars from AEOAR here and I should have known Mike would go with the abrupt approach and not the silent one. Agent 47's personality has always seemed wooden. I don't know, maybe I was barking up the wrong tree. Anyway, I have to leaf.
Yeah, different games have different definitions of stealth. Some games it's "No one knows the guy died", some games it's "no one saw you", in Wolfenstien it's "No one heard gunshots"
At least those are all instantly fatal. What about shooting an arrow at someone in Skyrim, not quite killing them, but because they didn't see you they assume it was a rat or something, and go about their business?
kingofthebottleshooters "Oh no! I seem to have taken an arrow to the knee!" *looks around for 15 seconds, finds nothing and gives up the search* "Must've been the wind. Oh well, time to retire and become a guard so I can spend the rest of my life complaining to travelers about how I used to be an adventurer."
I managed to get a not-so-silent unarmed stealth kill. Some guy was reading, leaning over a table, and being a sneaky khajiit, I was sneaking up on him unarmed. Get within killing range, and my character kills him by slamming his face into the table. Very silent
exactly! except i normally stab them in the back because its more fun and rewarding then shooting their face 3 times... altho i am curious as to how the draugr didn't notice me shoot him right in the butt, and how i headshot that bandit and he said it was him just hearing things???
Mike was wearing an outfit(waiter) that made him blend in with the crowd(kitchen staff), used a weapon that did not cause him to be visibly armed(seriously, it looks like a rubber duck, not a bomb), and avoided being near the dead body. So it made sense for him to not get seen by the guards. The part of the rubber duck incident that was amazing luck was how he killed the target and ONLY the target.
They're saying that the inverted takedown isn't a silent takedown because the guards to over to the person who is yelling, also the takedown through the vent gate thing just said "takedown" not "silent takedown"
The wall takedown in Human Revolution is not a stealth takedown. It never says it's a stealth takedown, and if you break through a wall with people in the adjacent room they will hear you. None of the melee lethal takedowns are stealth takedowns, as every lethal takedown will alert other enemies within a set radius. They could've gone for any of the other stealth takedowns and called them out for being noisier than HR makes them out to be, but claiming the wall takedown is 'stealthy' is blatantly incorrect
I'm not too worried. As long as he doesn't reveal where his shiny bits are, Ellen wouldn't have a chance in defeating him. Plus, it'll be a hefty climb.
The ones from the arkham games arent silent. Only the choke moves are quiet. Inverted takedowns, busting through walls, and loud punch moves will send everyone in the room running your way.
Soon as you get out of site, they spread out to begin looking for you- and often split up in doing so. They also become panicked and nervous often times, after taking put a few of them they'll definitely be shaking too- in which case they may begin randomly turning around (though chances are, you're either out of sight or already close enough to immediately take them down anyways).
Slicing someones knees with a hatchet doesn't make that much noise, unless your victim can speak, in which case they will scream so loudly, they can be heard in Alpha Centauri.
Assasins Creed Black Flags Arial takedowns. Somehow. *Stands four stories above target* This is more effective. Obviously. *Jumps the four stories, sinks a blade into a leaders neck without breaking their legs, and walks away Scott free.*
Oh my god!!! What the hell is wrong with u guys!! Air assassinations are not stealthy. Everyone notices you. Its NOT stealthy. Then, why should it be here? Though i agree with far cry comment coz it is super noisy and yet shown as stealthy
Kind of unfair on Batman...most of those takedowns are clearly "brutal" takedowns. Designed to place remaining enemies into a state of fear or to simply take the enemy down quicker than a stealth takedown would. They tell you that in the games.
And in many of the examples they are not described as "stealth", you can see that many of them are ever titled around what they involve e.g "inverted" "corner" or just as "takedown" and you can hear the other enemies react to the noise so it in no way gives the impression that its intention was stealth unless you do the take down where you have to actually crouch walk behind the enemie
Fun fact: Less than half of the takedowns they showed us in the Batman clips were "stealth" takedowns. The inverted, environmental, and knockout smash takedowns all make noise. The ledge and corner takedowns are silent.
Insert Generic Username Here I believe in asylum, the inverted takedown is stealthy until he drops them even after they scream as you grab them. They fixed this in other games and they are alerted earlier
Are you saying my mentor was wrong when he said "the greatest strength lies in man's ability to crouch walk."? He also after that said "great crouch walking skills is great responsibility."
Lara Croft shoots a gas can with an arrow and creates a huge explosion that nobody notices. I shoot a gas can with an arrow *one time*, and the police get called, I have to do a psych eval, they take my archery supplies away, and that gas station is still there charging 20 cents a gallon over standard.
My favorite "stealth" systems are in Skyrim and fallout where you can hit someone once from far away and if they don't find you for a few seconds then they'll just go "oh this arrow/bullet in my chest was just my imagination"
To be fair to a few of these, any enemy that has ever had any legitimate experience with a gun will be wearing ear protection because of the loud explosions happening inside little metal tubes less than three feet away.
You never realise just how flipping loud they are until you see one in action. Went to a history event (like a renaissance fair but covering other historical periods) and they had a WWII reenactment and I could sometimes ‘feel’ the shots
Most of the Batman takedowns that were shown weren't actually "stealth" takedowns, and the ones that _were_ Stealth takedowns didn't actually make a lot of noise (although the Knight's ranged corner takedown would have at least made "body hitting the floor" noise as they fell down, even if the grapple closed around their neck to prevent them yelling during the process). Other than that, there are agreeably a lot of times in games where I'm irritated on my enemy's behalf by how they're injured in some crippling, quickly-lethal fashion (i.e. stab to the chest) that doesn't actually prevent them making noise but they still can't find it in themselves to warn their friends.
To be fair, most of the takedowns in the Batman series aren't meant to be silent - the other goons in the room will hear and come running for the majority.
Me: What weapons come in your mind when you hear "Stealth"? Guy: RPGs and Tanks, duh. Me: Why? Guy: NOBODY WILL NOTICE IF THERE IS NOBODY TO NOTICE!!!!
Jordan Rabbetts I hate how stealth take downs aren't even guaranteed to work in that game if you don't have high enough damage. I get why for bosses and stuff but the regular soldiers?
100 Sneak in Fallout New Vegas. "Silently" sniped a Legionnaire with an Anti-Material Rifle (no silencer mods) with explosive ammo. With a fair amount of distance
100 sneak in skyrim. "silently" sniped a bandit with my bound bow (no silencer mods) with explosive arrows. (???) with a fair amount of distance skyrim doesn't work as well for copying games with guns.
In the defence of Arkham Knight, a lot of the takedowns shown in this video were just 'takedowns' and not 'silent takedowns'; they weren't stealthy by design, and would alert enemies.
Neither was the Punch through walls one. It sets enemies on alarmed and they go to investigate. Yeah, it doesn't set them on instant attack mode, but it still alarms every enemy in the area.
Suprised Elly's take down from the last of us isn't on here. I was always so paranoid of getting caught cause of how much noise she makes or the handgun take down from the farcry series cause you literally fire a unsuppressed gun into as many enemies as possible yet no one hears a thing
So I'm not saying that they're not rediculous. But most of the"stealth" takedowns you mentioned for Batman weren't classified as such, and did alert enemies to investigate the noise in game
He's kind of messing around with them and deliberately getting their attention to scare his victims. Batman wants you to know you might be the next to disappear. He sure needs a psychiatric evaluation...
Plus he can get away very quickly via grappling hook, or just find the nearest floor grate, or if seen, drop a smoke pellet, and get the fuck out of there. I've been playing Arkham Origins and City recently, and I usually spend an inordinate amount of time on the stealth sections.
Most of the "stealth" take downs they showed from the Arkham games aren't even considered as stealth moves in the games. Following that, one of Batman's main things is playing with the idea of "fear" and this is confirmed not only through dialogue and abilities, but also through the many brutal takedowns he does. A prime example of this being the inverted takedown, one you happened to show in this video. I've also played through both of the Mordor games so I feel obligated to respond there as well. Celebrimbor is not yelling when an uruk is branded. Almost all of the uruks and humans in these games can't see or hear Celebrimbor, even when he is projected near Talion. This is made quite evident through the many interactions between Talion/Celebrimbor and Ratbag through the games with Celebrimbor never speaking directly to the uruk and Ratbag never actually regarding the wraith when he projects himself outside of Talion's body.
It was used to take down birds or tie up people. I don't remember but it had a cool name. I might be thinking of the nets that gladiators used. The weapons are simalar. Now that I think of it the yo-yo and maces are similar. Maybe he decided to make a new style mace. One that doesn't have spikes on it.
8:39 I agree with this one. I was entering a room containing 3 guys and one of them happened to be near a wall. I decided to take out the guy the near the wall, doing a badass entrance and kill the other 2 with a grenade. I was surprised that they didn't notice me and continued to talk about relationship problems.
@@therunawaykid6523 he speakd in the wraith world into there mind and the jumping elves are actually very silent so are rangers those together are really quiet
Batman has Stealth Takedowns as separate from the rest of the takedowns, which are violent and noisy on purpose, because he can disappear the next second
"Well, here's one Dwarf she won't so easily ensnare. I have the eyes of a hawk and ears of a fox! Oh!" "The Dwarf breathed so loud we could have shot him in the dark."
I'm pretty sure the elf magic in shadow of series is only seen by main character and few magical creatures, calabrimbor notes his surprise when a character sees him, So those stealth takedowns seen by another orc would be one of his frenemies suddenly convulsing, drop to his knees screaming in pain and then suddenly a human is holding his skull which promptly explodes....yeah, I'd pretend to see nothing to.
I was thinking the same thing. But... in either Middle-Earth games, the stealth takedowns are pretty loud. The Uruks tend to let out some noise when they're killed. I have taken down Uruks who were standing maybe 2ft away from another one where he yelled, and I got away with it.
Also, the stealth drain/brand actually makes him put is hand on his face. The one they show is the not stealth version. I'm not sure how orcs see you but not like you do in the game.Orcs can shout "He appears like a wraith!" - in SoM I think, or SoW, or both, but definitely one of them. Honestly I thought they were going to bash brutalizing for not being "stealthy."
I know, the silent takedowns are the ones that he sneaks up on the goon and grabs them and sleeper holds them. All the other takedowns are loud and will alert the other goons to that location. The game even doesn't call them silent takedowns.
I loved it when the stealthy assassin (AC series) inconspicuously killed lookouts on the roof with his hidden blade... and then let the body fall to the streets bellow, alerting everyone of his position.
Or flicking Crazy Bones at them hard enough to knock them out. A Crazy Bones pinged at you from a rubber band between two prongs of a twig'd probably really hurt, and yes, I have completely blanked on what such a thing would be called.
In Batmans defense, the ledge takedown is silent and dose not attract anyone (unless you use the knock out smash) but the other examples you gave are not called "scilent" takedowns. They're just called takedowns. Or as Andy would call them: "Loop holes" No offense to you guys however. Love both Oxbox and Oxtra! And you're right about everything else.
To be fair, the entire point of those Arkham takedowns is the manipulation of fear. Also, not all of those were even masked as silent, the grate one was just called "takedown" and makes a lot of noise, and the environmental ones are the same.
Earlier in my gaming career I had played Arkham City and stopped for a while. When I got back to it I had forgotten that "knockout smash" was a fast knockout in a pinch and not a legit stealth tactic. I thought it was how you did stealth takedowns, so I kept smashing enemies out and could for the life of me not understand why I was being discovered so easily xD
*slits guards throat before snapping there neck" guard 1: AAAARREGGHGGGGGGLLAAAHH *SNAP* *standing next to him with his back turned* guard 2: huh? oh... must've been nothing.
Hey in Arkham games it alerts the enemies if you choose to take the knock out smash takedown or the take down from behind the wall. It is not a stealth takedown
8:32 except... No. It's.... It's not stealthy. Enemies will hear you do that and move to investigate. I distinctly remember this being a problem in my plan to infiltrate the mafia in HR.
What about drop assassinations in Dishonored? Falling from multiple stories and slamming a guy on the ground makes no sound apparently.. Basically everything NOT loud and deadly in Dishonored actually is.
Ah stealth. Aka the main way I'm progressing through Kingdoms of Amalur because I'm too much of a baby to run at them all head on. YEAH TAKE THAT BROWNIES.
You should really try just wading in lobbing Chakrams everywhere, it's immensely cathartic, though it does tend to leave loot spread over quite a wide area
Most of the assassinations would actually get you noticed though. Before Unity a basic hidden blade kill could be considered stealthy by the in universe logic since the idea was to kill and move on before anyone realized what you did.
What always bothered me in the AC games was that whenever you killed someone with a hidden blade they'd make that typical ''death sound'', loud enough for anyone near such event would be able to hear, but not the guard that's standing just 2 meters away from him on an empty and quiet rooftop. Not at all.
In Shadow of War you weren't actually doing the stealth dominate you were doing the normal one, the stealth one involves talion turning the enemy around placing his hand on their cheek while the loudest sizzling sound like you just dumped an entire package of bacon into a deep fryer plays. Not to mention stealth brutalize exists, where you stealthily and quietly repeatedly stab an orc with your dagger while you hear dismemberment and blood gushing happen, but stealth
Jane’s is supreme evil, Ellen’s adorable, Mike’s basically a walking explosion, and Andy is the guy with the bad puns and obscure references. I wonder what kind of person the subscribe orb is. What would it say if I asked it accompany me to Walmart? Would it accept my life? Would it murder me in an alley? I must know...
And Luke? What about Luke? Is he a secret sociopath who acts all friendly in public but always keeps a well-sharpened knife in his pocket? ...wait, that's me.
The Arkham take downs and the wall punch are not meant to be stealthy. Further more in both those and Rise of the Tomb Raider, a skilled player can use the loud noise as a way of distracting the enemies making it easier to either take them down or escape them.
Pretty much any assassins creed Game should be on this list. Launching yourself off a building with complete faith and trust in gravity to land perfectly on guards ufortunate shoulders deliver death from above IS GOING TO MAKE A LOUD SOUND!
If I remember correctly the interrogations in Shadow or War aren't actually silent since they aren't considered stealth in the game. You can sneak up to them and do it but the act itself isn't stealth. Branding can be stealth but the interrogations that may or may not lead to a brand isn't (like fore captains or "worms") The ranged brand with the beam isn't either. If you're close enough enemies still hear it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that during interrogation celebrimbor enters the orcs mind, so no one except tone one orc hears him speak (or shout)
this is super late, but the stealth domination they showed, isn't even the stealth domination. The stealth domination has you run up to them and basically slap them for a second to dominate it. They used the normal domination.
I would add the "Silent Takedown" from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, where any melee weapon - even the delightful sledgehammer counts as a silent takedown from behind, even when you wind it up like Harley Quinn and launch the unsuspecting victim across the room.
Actually a hatchet to the throat is very quiet,whats wrong with the game,is he goes for the legs 1st,which the person would be screaming in pain,before being sliced in the throat.Now if you just went for the throat,& have an extremely sharp hatchet,you could potentially decapitate your victim, & maybye the only thing that is heard is the head hitting the floor. But its a game,& players would get bored doing the same thing over & over.
Anyone Who Plays Batman Knows That Those Take downs Can Be Heard And Their Not Silent And Never Says They Are Silent As There Title Is " Stealth" Take downs That Aren't Stealthy Batman Never Considered Them "Stealthy "
I never understood typing like that. There's no option on any keyboard in existence for that, which means you are going out of your way to hit the capitalize button for every single word you type. How do you live like this? Who hurt you?
@@rodimusmaximus3912 I know this was made a year ago but you can look back at the comment you made. It's the "Caps Lock" key. Ordinarily, when you hold the "Shift" key and press a letter, it makes that letter capital, while the rest are lower case. If you press the "Caps Lock" key, it has the opposite effect. It will make it so that every letter is capital, unless you hold the "Shift" key which will make it lower case.
Well the point still stands that it’s not like the game presented it as though you were being sneaky. Those moves are for when speed is more important than discretion.
If it unless it specifically involves choking them out (in which case the game actually will call it a "silent" take down), yes, they all attract enemies to you. It also freaks them out, especially as you take out more and more thugs. Only reason you don't get spotted is because it is easy to quickly go back into hiding before anyone arrives.
ok when Ellen started with the "stop the presses" joke i was prepared for a kinda stupid one but what it actually was both caught me off guard and was fairly funny.
The best "stealth" attack is still mike rubber duck exploding a twin :) Also my fave Elvis song is return to sender But...... WHAT DID ELLEN DROP AT THE END TO RUN BACK FOR!
Nah, the Chef. Tight space with a group of people and only hit the target and was unnoticed. In contrast, Andy followed the chef to find a more stealthy way and ended up fleeing from the gunfire after throwing a knife in his head in front of people.
These stealth and silent takedowns were spectacularly conspicuous, and yet somehow we got away with them?? Here are the stealth takedowns that were anything but. Enjoy!
I don't think you understand what "stealth takedown" means. It means that the target doesn't notice what you've done. That's why Mike is so good at Hitman!
...Or possibly why I'm so bad at it.
The clip from Shadow of War was the wrong one. The stealth dominate ability is activated just like a sneak attack, the footage you showed was from an earlier point in the game and you used the standard dominate move
(Might want to edit that before my pedantic brethren arrive :P)
Time's Jerk of the Year? Congratulations on beating Ajit Pai mate. ,must have taken some effort.
Beowulf Mars from AEOAR here and I should have known Mike would go with the abrupt approach and not the silent one. Agent 47's personality has always seemed wooden. I don't know, maybe I was barking up the wrong tree. Anyway, I have to leaf.
Thres that one watchdogs outfit thats really hard to get, but it makes all of your stealth kills like the exorcist and its hella loud
Guard 1: explodes leaving only a pile of ash
Guard 2: doesnt see who did it
Guard 2: *"must've been the wind"*
Andy Mcp a man of culture as well
Yeah, different games have different definitions of stealth. Some games it's "No one knows the guy died", some games it's "no one saw you", in Wolfenstien it's "No one heard gunshots"
Lol Skyrim in a nut shell
A sad day when the wind gains the ability to cause humans to explode. How do we counter this new threat?
At least those are all instantly fatal. What about shooting an arrow at someone in Skyrim, not quite killing them, but because they didn't see you they assume it was a rat or something, and go about their business?
kingofthebottleshooters "Oh no! I seem to have taken an arrow to the knee!" *looks around for 15 seconds, finds nothing and gives up the search* "Must've been the wind. Oh well, time to retire and become a guard so I can spend the rest of my life complaining to travelers about how I used to be an adventurer."
"Must have been imagining things"
*Sits down with arrow jutting out of neck
*Sips from mug
I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. The wind did it, I swear!
I managed to get a not-so-silent unarmed stealth kill. Some guy was reading, leaning over a table, and being a sneaky khajiit, I was sneaking up on him unarmed. Get within killing range, and my character kills him by slamming his face into the table. Very silent
exactly! except i normally stab them in the back because its more fun and rewarding then shooting their face 3 times... altho i am curious as to how the draugr didn't notice me shoot him right in the butt, and how i headshot that bandit and he said it was him just hearing things???
Ok during some of the Batman ones, you can literally hear the other enemies saying “what was that” and “there he is” on multiple occasions
@@Zhy-Fi.X Half of them were. The reverse ledge one literally has the "Silent Takedown" tag on the button prompt.
games think that if you melee kill them its "stealth"
Let's not forget the most stealthy of silent takedowns. Exploding rubber ducks.
and golf balls >:)
Undizz It was an "Unnoticed kill"! How?
Don't forget the screaming. HOW'S THIS FOR ERRATIC?!
To be fair, he actually got away with that one. Somehow.
Mike was wearing an outfit(waiter) that made him blend in with the crowd(kitchen staff), used a weapon that did not cause him to be visibly armed(seriously, it looks like a rubber duck, not a bomb), and avoided being near the dead body. So it made sense for him to not get seen by the guards. The part of the rubber duck incident that was amazing luck was how he killed the target and ONLY the target.
To be honest, most of the takedowns they mentioned from the Arkham series does alert the enemies around you
only when you do knockout smash
And inverted takedown
And Harley Quinn in the DLC. And Red Hood breaking a villain’s neck.
@@kadenthorson5706 ok boomer
"I prefer the screaming elvish"
"I said elvish, *ELVISH* "
I prefer the screaming elvis.
Be honest, Mike. The first thing you thought of when you heard "stealth" was "exploding rubber ducky".
Mike's ultimate stealth weapon at its finest.
Or just explosions in general
Eyela I was thinking about the grende incident.
Rimu Rune what about back flips
If everyone is deafened by the noise of the explosion, no-one can hear him running away from the scene.
I'm surprised this list isn't just 7 of Mike's kills in Hitman.
Lance Perchance nah they just asked him what his favorite "stealth" take downs were
I now need a list of Mike’s “stealthiest” moments. Only issue is it’d only have a rubber duck and a flintlock pistol.
Nathan Abel *7 times Mike broke logic*
That damn rubber duck...
The Batman so called "stealth takedowns" were not stealth takedowns as gaurds immediately come to where they heard the noise to investigate.
Your thinking of the smash takedown and only enemies with heart monitors at least from my playing will come there
They're saying that the inverted takedown isn't a silent takedown because the guards to over to the person who is yelling, also the takedown through the vent gate thing just said "takedown" not "silent takedown"
In Batman all the takedowns unless if it’s the corner or the silent thugs will investigate which makes sense because those are the only two quiet ones
Thank you I was hoping someone would point this out
@@Shittyrapper. Also the reverse ledge takedown. But if you're playing Arkham Knight, the ledge and grate takedowns are quiet as well.
Far cry 4 bait. *throw a pebble* everyone "What was that?!" *Toss a couple pounds of meat at someone's feet* No one notices until the bear shows up.
Stands up everyone starts shooting
Punches though wall and kills guy "did someone say something"
Rory McGaming Ah, standing. The greatest of crimes
The wall takedown in Human Revolution is not a stealth takedown. It never says it's a stealth takedown, and if you break through a wall with people in the adjacent room they will hear you. None of the melee lethal takedowns are stealth takedowns, as every lethal takedown will alert other enemies within a set radius. They could've gone for any of the other stealth takedowns and called them out for being noisier than HR makes them out to be, but claiming the wall takedown is 'stealthy' is blatantly incorrect
First word when each Oxbox member hears the word "stealth" :
Andy: Emetic poison
Jane: Screwdriver
Mike: Fire axe!
Mike: Exploding golf ball!
Mike: Exploding rubber duck.
Which somehow worked.
Yet jane tried an axe.
StirrCrazy90 that was hilarious.
Mike: tactical nuke!
a lot of the batman moves you talked about aren't stealth takedowns, they're made to be heard, you even heard people react in game...
Lazy writing.
Yeah that is true
Craziest stealth kill of all time. Operation. You had to remove this dude's organs with tweezers without him noticing.
And I always failed! :(
A: stealth
B: Leather
A: Why tho
B: its made of hide....
Nice. Very nice.
*slow clap*
I’m worried about Lukes safety, it seems Ellen is taking the term “a hostile work enviroment” to a whole new level
Henriette Hetta what? I didn't see anything, what are you talking about?
Ellen!? No. You should be more sweet than that.
William Dunhan clearly you've never upset a short woman
They go for the shins!
I'm not too worried. As long as he doesn't reveal where his shiny bits are, Ellen wouldn't have a chance in defeating him. Plus, it'll be a hefty climb.
The ones from the arkham games arent silent. Only the choke moves are quiet. Inverted takedowns, busting through walls, and loud punch moves will send everyone in the room running your way.
TheFrostyCrane yup learnt that the hard way lol
Soon as you get out of site, they spread out to begin looking for you- and often split up in doing so. They also become panicked and nervous often times, after taking put a few of them they'll definitely be shaking too- in which case they may begin randomly turning around (though chances are, you're either out of sight or already close enough to immediately take them down anyways).
If "Stealth takedown" refers to the relation between you and the target then all of these are stealthy, since they did not know what hit them
Slicing someones knees with a hatchet doesn't make that much noise, unless your victim can speak, in which case they will scream so loudly, they can be heard in Alpha Centauri.
Ironic Dutch Moonshade nor is a throat slice
Ironic Dutch Moonshade Stealth hatchet is for noobs, I went full fire axe in vampire masquerade.
Ironic Dutch Moonshade If you're swinging hard enough to cut both knees off it's going to make noise. Cutting through bone isn't silent
Menuki that’s why you slice the wind pipe.
Dylan Cross he never said cut both knees off. And unless you are a surgeon or a butcher you have no idea what slicing bone sounds like.
Watchdogs logic:
Random Girl: Help there is a man killi...
Police: The line went dead, guess she's ok.
Where's the loud scream that girl's made and the sound of phone dropped and also the gun sounds
Damn prank callers.
Assasins Creed Black Flags Arial takedowns. Somehow.
*Stands four stories above target*
This is more effective. Obviously.
*Jumps the four stories, sinks a blade into a leaders neck without breaking their legs, and walks away Scott free.*
I know right and its worked since AC 2
Far cry. You can jump straight down from a mountain and land on someome and smash their head in then.
Oh my god!!! What the hell is wrong with u guys!! Air assassinations are not stealthy. Everyone notices you. Its NOT stealthy. Then, why should it be here? Though i agree with far cry comment coz it is super noisy and yet shown as stealthy
@@abhinandjaikishan4823 air assassinations can totally be stealthy.....just aren't always
They just use the he happened to have his neck in my knife as I fell excuse
Kind of unfair on Batman...most of those takedowns are clearly "brutal" takedowns. Designed to place remaining enemies into a state of fear or to simply take the enemy down quicker than a stealth takedown would. They tell you that in the games.
And in many of the examples they are not described as "stealth", you can see that many of them are ever titled around what they involve e.g "inverted" "corner" or just as "takedown" and you can hear the other enemies react to the noise so it in no way gives the impression that its intention was stealth unless you do the take down where you have to actually crouch walk behind the enemie
Fun fact: Less than half of the takedowns they showed us in the Batman clips were "stealth" takedowns. The inverted, environmental, and knockout smash takedowns all make noise. The ledge and corner takedowns are silent.
Insert Generic Username Here I believe in asylum, the inverted takedown is stealthy until he drops them even after they scream as you grab them. They fixed this in other games and they are alerted earlier
Ryan Oliveira Thanks, I didn't know that actually. I never did play much of asylum, City and Origins have been the winning games for me.
Insert Generic Username Here origins was a winning game? I’m sorry… also please play Arkham Knight
Are you saying my mentor was wrong when he said "the greatest strength lies in man's ability to crouch walk."? He also after that said "great crouch walking skills is great responsibility."
The only thing my mentor said about crouchwalking was "If you press down, you can make me do the duckwalk! Cool, huh?"
My mentor was the worst.
My mentor was the Dovahkiin. We all know about him.
SS10 they where his last words, not a time to think about sentence structure
Player: I’m about to take this guy down so stealth like hehe, *Hits Stealth Button*
Game: *Picks up Baseball bat and starts battering enemy*
Lara Croft shoots a gas can with an arrow and creates a huge explosion that nobody notices. I shoot a gas can with an arrow *one time*, and the police get called, I have to do a psych eval, they take my archery supplies away, and that gas station is still there charging 20 cents a gallon over standard.
nightsong81 hahaha nice
Ha lol good joke
That's some bullshit right there
Whose teaching these guys to stealth take down!? Mike? It's Mike isn't it...
Best Friends Forever Who Game I think this is where Mike learned "stealth"
Yup its definitively mike.
No, if was Mike things would be even more explodier. I know what I said
If Mike is a stealth game, it would be Far Cry.
Premiee What’s Far Cry stealth like? Or not like, if it doesn’t exist. Or like, if it’s all explosions
My favorite "stealth" systems are in Skyrim and fallout where you can hit someone once from far away and if they don't find you for a few seconds then they'll just go "oh this arrow/bullet in my chest was just my imagination"
Ok butt People would hear those louder takedowns in Arkham. The video even shows People noticing...
"What was that?"
"Hey over here!"
OutsideXtra needs to do their homework, huh? XD
And also in Hitman you would get shot if you were seen doing the scenes they showed.
also the game doesnt say that there silent take downs it just says takedown
butt People.. hehe
i thought you were saying "Butt People" as if that was a specific type of person
To be fair to a few of these, any enemy that has ever had any legitimate experience with a gun will be wearing ear protection because of the loud explosions happening inside little metal tubes less than three feet away.
IKR, not enough ear pro in action movies/games.
MAJOR pet peeve
You never realise just how flipping loud they are until you see one in action. Went to a history event (like a renaissance fair but covering other historical periods) and they had a WWII reenactment and I could sometimes ‘feel’ the shots
Most of the Batman takedowns that were shown weren't actually "stealth" takedowns, and the ones that _were_ Stealth takedowns didn't actually make a lot of noise (although the Knight's ranged corner takedown would have at least made "body hitting the floor" noise as they fell down, even if the grapple closed around their neck to prevent them yelling during the process). Other than that, there are agreeably a lot of times in games where I'm irritated on my enemy's behalf by how they're injured in some crippling, quickly-lethal fashion (i.e. stab to the chest) that doesn't actually prevent them making noise but they still can't find it in themselves to warn their friends.
To be fair, most of the takedowns in the Batman series aren't meant to be silent - the other goons in the room will hear and come running for the majority.
Charlie boy yeah and the environmental takedown is considered a takedown not silent takedown
Whats that guys? We're using 80's toys as weapons now?
*Cracks open the box of lawn darts*
Alex Healy oh yeah ? * Pulls out gas propelled tomato gun*
*pulls out slinky
*pelts foes with Trolls*
gets my tamagotchi
I prefer the deeper history. I pummel my enemies with a stick passed down from my ancestors since the caveman times.
Me: What weapons come in your mind when you hear "Stealth"?
Guy: RPGs and Tanks, duh.
Me: Why?
Tfw: you kill all the npcs before you are given a mission in that area.
it’s a suppressed pistol for me tho
Deus ex comes to mind.
"I like to make a silent takedown. Give me the GEP gun"
@@gamescapegamer Fiber wire for me
Ever heard of Warframe?
Their idea of "stealth" is beating an enemy into the ground with a battleaxe
Jordan Rabbetts I hate how stealth take downs aren't even guaranteed to work in that game if you don't have high enough damage. I get why for bosses and stuff but the regular soldiers?
And that's why I hate the forced stealth sections in that game. That and enemies are inconsistent with what they notice.
President of Whiteistan so true
CrazyDolphin ever had a 6 yes old try to take you down?
You ever try to stealth kill a high level Nox? ITS IMPOSSIBLE
I didn't think mulch of Ellen's 'branch' joke.
Took a second read to spot that excellent pun. Well done. 👍
Kudos, Snoballuk, took me a while to twig what was going on...
It's easy to moss over a really good pun. :)
No need to bark at her over youtube. Besides, Luke is the root of the problem. He needs to leaf the punning to you guys!
leaf ellen alone. and nobody ashed you anyways. lol
Me when I hear stealth:
A f***ing shotgun
Weak sauce
Even more stealthy than a shotgun........... rocket launcher.
@@LadyOnikara Even more stealthy than a rocket launcher...
A massive bloody moose
@@omori3703 Or a mounted moose or elk head falling on the person sitting directly under it.
@@LadyOnikara In a Swedish embassy?
100 Sneak in Fallout New Vegas. "Silently" sniped a Legionnaire with an Anti-Material Rifle (no silencer mods) with explosive ammo. With a fair amount of distance
Took out 8 Legion from stealth with the C-finder, un-noticed kills.
100 sneak in skyrim. "silently" sniped a bandit with my bound bow (no silencer mods) with explosive arrows. (???) with a fair amount of distance
skyrim doesn't work as well for copying games with guns.
I had a good sniper rifle with me and I sat up high above a Legion camp. I nailed eight of those murdering jerks before anyone noticed.
In the defence of Arkham Knight, a lot of the takedowns shown in this video were just 'takedowns' and not 'silent takedowns'; they weren't stealthy by design, and would alert enemies.
Neither was the Punch through walls one. It sets enemies on alarmed and they go to investigate. Yeah, it doesn't set them on instant attack mode, but it still alarms every enemy in the area.
Suprised Elly's take down from the last of us isn't on here. I was always so paranoid of getting caught cause of how much noise she makes or the handgun take down from the farcry series cause you literally fire a unsuppressed gun into as many enemies as possible yet no one hears a thing
So I'm not saying that they're not rediculous. But most of the"stealth" takedowns you mentioned for Batman weren't classified as such, and did alert enemies to investigate the noise in game
He's kind of messing around with them and deliberately getting their attention to scare his victims. Batman wants you to know you might be the next to disappear. He sure needs a psychiatric evaluation...
They are constantly forgetting Batman does not operate by real world logic so it is not a surprise they forgot that too.
Plus he can get away very quickly via grappling hook, or just find the nearest floor grate, or if seen, drop a smoke pellet, and get the fuck out of there. I've been playing Arkham Origins and City recently, and I usually spend an inordinate amount of time on the stealth sections.
Scrolled too far for this comment!
Most of the "stealth" take downs they showed from the Arkham games aren't even considered as stealth moves in the games. Following that, one of Batman's main things is playing with the idea of "fear" and this is confirmed not only through dialogue and abilities, but also through the many brutal takedowns he does. A prime example of this being the inverted takedown, one you happened to show in this video.
I've also played through both of the Mordor games so I feel obligated to respond there as well. Celebrimbor is not yelling when an uruk is branded. Almost all of the uruks and humans in these games can't see or hear Celebrimbor, even when he is projected near Talion. This is made quite evident through the many interactions between Talion/Celebrimbor and Ratbag through the games with Celebrimbor never speaking directly to the uruk and Ratbag never actually regarding the wraith when he projects himself outside of Talion's body.
Fallout New Vegas using a Chainsaw to kill an enemy while in stealth.
The yo-yo according to my research was originally intended to be a weapon.
The yo-yo was indeed a weapon back in the days.
It was used to take down birds or tie up people. I don't remember but it had a cool name. I might be thinking of the nets that gladiators used. The weapons are simalar. Now that I think of it the yo-yo and maces are similar. Maybe he decided to make a new style mace. One that doesn't have spikes on it.
Firestorm 1101 was it originally a bola that got toyified
Ada's stealth takedown from RE6 is so loud it has Albert Wesker turning in his volcanic grave
Dean Winchester GOD
8:39 I agree with this one. I was entering a room containing 3 guys and one of them happened to be near a wall. I decided to take out the guy the near the wall, doing a badass entrance and kill the other 2 with a grenade. I was surprised that they didn't notice me and continued to talk about relationship problems.
Khalifa Binhendi Weird! They totally noticed me! Must've been a bug.
The best silent takedown: *A ghost literally jumps out of your and screams in some dudes face*
Hattless Mario I couldn't believe that is considered as a stealth takedown. Other orcs: "what was that?, probably nothing" rofl
"A ghost literally jumps out of your..."?
Oblige me, with the benefit of your!
I am so sorry...
the ghost is in their head, its mental manipulation.
@@therunawaykid6523 he speakd in the wraith world into there mind and the jumping elves are actually very silent so are rangers those together are really quiet
Whimsical Trex yea I was like screaming because weirdos didn’t know this that it’s only in their mind
Batman has Stealth Takedowns as separate from the rest of the takedowns, which are violent and noisy on purpose, because he can disappear the next second
"Well, here's one Dwarf she won't so easily ensnare. I have the eyes of a hawk and ears of a fox! Oh!"
"The Dwarf breathed so loud we could have shot him in the dark."
I'm pretty sure the elf magic in shadow of series is only seen by main character and few magical creatures, calabrimbor notes his surprise when a character sees him,
So those stealth takedowns seen by another orc would be one of his frenemies suddenly convulsing, drop to his knees screaming in pain and then suddenly a human is holding his skull which promptly explodes....yeah, I'd pretend to see nothing to.
Lone Wandering it's like how only Stand users can see other Stands.
is that a motherFUCKIN JOJO REFERENCE????
The Old Deus you thought it was a Jojo reference but it was me, Dio!
I was thinking the same thing. But... in either Middle-Earth games, the stealth takedowns are pretty loud. The Uruks tend to let out some noise when they're killed. I have taken down Uruks who were standing maybe 2ft away from another one where he yelled, and I got away with it.
Also, the stealth drain/brand actually makes him put is hand on his face. The one they show is the not stealth version.
I'm not sure how orcs see you but not like you do in the game.Orcs can shout "He appears like a wraith!" - in SoM I think, or SoW, or both, but definitely one of them.
Honestly I thought they were going to bash brutalizing for not being "stealthy."
The takedowns in Batman: Arkham series are different from the stealth takedowns!
I know, the silent takedowns are the ones that he sneaks up on the goon and grabs them and sleeper holds them. All the other takedowns are loud and will alert the other goons to that location. The game even doesn't call them silent takedowns.
Yeah and neither is the punching though wall in Human Revolution
Yeah. You can hear them say." What was that," in the video.
Exactly, when they started talking about that stuff I was like "Did you guys... actually... play the game? Or pay attention?"
I loved it when the stealthy assassin (AC series) inconspicuously killed lookouts on the roof with his hidden blade... and then let the body fall to the streets bellow, alerting everyone of his position.
*Cuts to mike on any stealth game ever*
Hey, where’s, I’ll just go. This seems important
With Batman his takedowns only said take down they didn't say stealth takedown
MiniMu 34 omg, they didn't!
Yeah whoever pick batman takedowns in this channel is just an idiot
no there was "takedown" and silent takedown"
1:35 what about bludgeoning them with a Rubiks cube
Or flicking Crazy Bones at them hard enough to knock them out. A Crazy Bones pinged at you from a rubber band between two prongs of a twig'd probably really hurt, and yes, I have completely blanked on what such a thing would be called.
And then afterwards you can put the pieces back together to make it look like you solved it on your own. THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE!!!
outlier 07 Solved or unsolved?
Ironic Dutch Moonshade unsolved of course. No one actually knows how to solve those things..
TheWeiseth Give me a brush, six buckets of paint and ten minutes and I'll solve it for you.
In Batmans defense, the ledge takedown is silent and dose not attract anyone (unless you use the knock out smash) but the other examples you gave are not called "scilent" takedowns. They're just called takedowns.
Or as Andy would call them: "Loop holes"
No offense to you guys however. Love both Oxbox and Oxtra! And you're right about everything else.
12:15 the beautiful irony is that the captions read that as “Elvis” and they’re not grey they’re white, meaning it’s absolutely sure that’s what it is
Grey subtitles mean they aren't sure? My whole life was a lie.
To be fair, the entire point of those Arkham takedowns is the manipulation of fear. Also, not all of those were even masked as silent, the grate one was just called "takedown" and makes a lot of noise, and the environmental ones are the same.
most of the batman ones u guys mentioned alert enemies
The Tomb Raider ones does, too. It´s jsut that they don´t know what caused the explosion.
Earlier in my gaming career I had played Arkham City and stopped for a while. When I got back to it I had forgotten that "knockout smash" was a fast knockout in a pinch and not a legit stealth tactic. I thought it was how you did stealth takedowns, so I kept smashing enemies out and could for the life of me not understand why I was being discovered so easily xD
*slits guards throat before snapping there neck"
*standing next to him with his back turned*
guard 2: huh? oh... must've been nothing.
3:55 Connor's tomahawk?
Me: "Cloaks with deep hoods!"
Nuts. I would've bet money that when presented with the word "Stealth" Mike would have said "Grenade."
Hatchet-grenade. Trust in Mike to include explosions into everything.
Hey in Arkham games it alerts the enemies if you choose to take the knock out smash takedown or the take down from behind the wall. It is not a stealth takedown
Harshit Jaiswal so your not gonna defend watch dogs? That’s your profile picture
Acadia The hedgehog lol I would but then I thought it is a bit unstealthy thought nt as much as they say
8:32 except... No. It's.... It's not stealthy. Enemies will hear you do that and move to investigate. I distinctly remember this being a problem in my plan to infiltrate the mafia in HR.
What about drop assassinations in Dishonored?
Falling from multiple stories and slamming a guy on the ground makes no sound apparently..
Basically everything NOT loud and deadly in Dishonored actually is.
chokeholds and knife to the neck are just one of the effective elements in any stealth.
Ah stealth. Aka the main way I'm progressing through Kingdoms of Amalur because I'm too much of a baby to run at them all head on. YEAH TAKE THAT BROWNIES.
Caitlin RC Aka the way I progress through literally ANY game that gives me the option for stealth.
You should really try just wading in lobbing Chakrams everywhere, it's immensely cathartic, though it does tend to leave loot spread over quite a wide area
I will keep that in mind Geoff, maybe better than getting my butt handed to me.
It's honestly a lot more fun
Where is this kingdom you speak of? Never heard of it
Strealth games make me laugh sometimes. Like you’ll throw a guy off a cliff and he won’t scream or say anything. Like wtf?😂
I'm honestly surprised none of the stealth kills from Assassin's Creed games made it into this list.
Most of the assassinations would actually get you noticed though. Before Unity a basic hidden blade kill could be considered stealthy by the in universe logic since the idea was to kill and move on before anyone realized what you did.
What always bothered me in the AC games was that whenever you killed someone with a hidden blade they'd make that typical ''death sound'', loud enough for anyone near such event would be able to hear, but not the guard that's standing just 2 meters away from him on an empty and quiet rooftop. Not at all.
Straight Busta! But when I stab someone with the dagger with actually less loud sound effect they hear you instantly.
It may not be the stealthiest takedown but at least Laura's _having a blast_ .
In Shadow of War you weren't actually doing the stealth dominate you were doing the normal one, the stealth one involves talion turning the enemy around placing his hand on their cheek while the loudest sizzling sound like you just dumped an entire package of bacon into a deep fryer plays. Not to mention stealth brutalize exists, where you stealthily and quietly repeatedly stab an orc with your dagger while you hear dismemberment and blood gushing happen, but stealth
You get detection everytime you use those takedown in batman -_-
PrO_ChinMay Well you don’t get detected if they don’t see you but it does alert the enemies and makes them move to that location.
Hey fellow person that has pro in their name
Ellen is just too adorable.
PixelJanosz We all know that ;)
Jane’s is supreme evil, Ellen’s adorable, Mike’s basically a walking explosion, and Andy is the guy with the bad puns and obscure references. I wonder what kind of person the subscribe orb is. What would it say if I asked it accompany me to Walmart? Would it accept my life? Would it murder me in an alley? I must know...
And Luke? What about Luke? Is he a secret sociopath who acts all friendly in public but always keeps a well-sharpened knife in his pocket? ...wait, that's me.
But... I'm Luke. Figuratively & Literally. XD
Also, yeah, Ellen is just adorable & precious.
Different Luke maybe. Surely there's more than one in this world.
Wow, new assassins creed game looks great! I love the tolkein fantasy look of it!
Same!!! Looks a lot like middle earth but its Assassin's creed so im not complaining!
Was... was that an Archer refrence?
“Slightly darker turtlenecks”
Danger zone!
The thing with the Arkham series is that if you use a knockout takedown it alerts enemies
"BOOOOOOO... even for you."
Cheesy, but caught me off-guard nonetheless and made me laugh out loud.
They didn't once actually use the stealth dominate in shadow of war.
I think they misunderstood how to do it,or ignored the obvious button prompt.
Thank you so much for mentioning this. It annoyed me so much.
They don’t understand when calebrimbore is shouting he’s in the wraith world not the real world
I know! Wtf?!
Wow, Ellen really had it in for Luke this episode. She's probably still upset that he took both of her pastries from last week.
Frodo Baggins had to read that again; didn't think it said 'pastries'
Frodo Baggins I love your pfp!
-Silenced pistols?
I like to make a silent takedown.
The Arkham take downs and the wall punch are not meant to be stealthy. Further more in both those and Rise of the Tomb Raider, a skilled player can use the loud noise as a way of distracting the enemies making it easier to either take them down or escape them.
Pretty much any assassins creed Game should be on this list. Launching yourself off a building with complete faith and trust in gravity to land perfectly on guards ufortunate shoulders deliver death from above IS GOING TO MAKE A LOUD SOUND!
'tut, they will print anything these days' - J Bond
I love how Ellen is basically a cat in Luke's background. Stealthily walks in, ready to pounce, gets noticed, dashes across the room!
If I remember correctly the interrogations in Shadow or War aren't actually silent since they aren't considered stealth in the game. You can sneak up to them and do it but the act itself isn't stealth. Branding can be stealth but the interrogations that may or may not lead to a brand isn't (like fore captains or "worms") The ranged brand with the beam isn't either. If you're close enough enemies still hear it.
Finally someone who gets it
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that during interrogation celebrimbor enters the orcs mind, so no one except tone one orc hears him speak (or shout)
njokuman So... You have to literally be a foot from them
this is super late, but the stealth domination they showed, isn't even the stealth domination. The stealth domination has you run up to them and basically slap them for a second to dominate it. They used the normal domination.
Fyrlekko I was about to say that when you actually stealth dominate them, it takes 2 seconds.
How can you forget the "Shuffler" takedown on Watchdogs 2?! The first time I used it it really surprised me and immediately scared the hell out of me.
I would add the "Silent Takedown" from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, where any melee weapon - even the delightful sledgehammer counts as a silent takedown from behind, even when you wind it up like Harley Quinn and launch the unsuspecting victim across the room.
5:56 Batman DEFINITELY doesn't want to talk about parents...
"no one thinks of hatchets" someone hasn't played ac3 recently.
edit one min later......HA lol
Haha, you shoulda seen my French Battle Ace that I carried everywhere... I was a king with that beast
Im 21 and I understood the DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince Reference, but not the replacement. Is that wrong
I had to look it up. Tho to be fair I'm 35 and don't know jack about music that isn't on an OST.
That’s cause DJ Jazzy Jeff was the best xD for like those two or three episodes xD
I've never watch fresh prince & I still understood it better than the replacement.... at least the 1st one had names I recognize...
Devilangel6161 I'm 15 and I only understood the Fresh Prince reference
The inverted takedown was never soposed to be quiet and arkham knight focused on fear not quiet
Tim Looney Good thing fear only works on Batman goons
When you pull someone of a cliff in assassins creed they scream like they're going to die.... So stealthy
But enemy can actually hear batman if the takedown was loud
Actually a hatchet to the throat is very quiet,whats wrong with the game,is he goes for the legs 1st,which the person would be screaming in pain,before being sliced in the throat.Now if you just went for the throat,& have an extremely sharp hatchet,you could potentially decapitate your victim, & maybye the only thing that is heard is the head hitting the floor. But its a game,& players would get bored doing the same thing over & over.
Anyone Who Plays Batman Knows That Those Take downs Can Be Heard And Their Not Silent And Never Says They Are Silent As There Title Is " Stealth" Take downs That Aren't Stealthy Batman Never Considered Them "Stealthy "
The only one really is when he chokes them out
Reading this made my eyes hurt. Type normally.
I never understood typing like that. There's no option on any keyboard in existence for that, which means you are going out of your way to hit the capitalize button for every single word you type. How do you live like this? Who hurt you?
@@rodimusmaximus3912 I know this was made a year ago but you can look back at the comment you made. It's the "Caps Lock" key. Ordinarily, when you hold the "Shift" key and press a letter, it makes that letter capital, while the rest are lower case. If you press the "Caps Lock" key, it has the opposite effect. It will make it so that every letter is capital, unless you hold the "Shift" key which will make it lower case.
Didn't the ones you showed for batman all attract enemy attention though?
coolbones not all of them. And some of them don't have the enemy immediately running, they just say "uh, what was that?"
Well the point still stands that it’s not like the game presented it as though you were being sneaky. Those moves are for when speed is more important than discretion.
If it unless it specifically involves choking them out (in which case the game actually will call it a "silent" take down), yes, they all attract enemies to you. It also freaks them out, especially as you take out more and more thugs.
Only reason you don't get spotted is because it is easy to quickly go back into hiding before anyone arrives.
Most of them weren't stealth attacks
ok when Ellen started with the "stop the presses" joke i was prepared for a kinda stupid one but what it actually was both caught me off guard and was fairly funny.
"They'll print anything these days" - James Bond, Tomorrow Never Dies
In watch dogs 2 the secret outfit his stealth take down is where he rises them in the air and crushes each of their bones
The best "stealth" attack is still mike rubber duck exploding a twin :)
Also my fave Elvis song is return to sender
Nah, the Chef. Tight space with a group of people and only hit the target and was unnoticed.
In contrast, Andy followed the chef to find a more stealthy way and ended up fleeing from the gunfire after throwing a knife in his head in front of people.
Mike Wood Mine's Burning Love, it's like 90 percent of the reason why I tolerate the original Homefront, but Return to Sender is definitely up there.