How a Russian community is establishing itself in Serbia | DW News

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024


  • @DmitriyLavrov
    @DmitriyLavrov 7 місяців тому +120

    Nažalost, ovo nije istina. Ja sam učesnik ovog intervju. I moje reči su odgovor za drugo pitanje.

    • @dragan_avramov
      @dragan_avramov 7 місяців тому +4

      Теперь ты кое-чему научилась. Всевозможные СМИ с Запада опрыскивают нас в Сербии круглосуточно в протяжении более тридцати лет и вот уже как минимум полтора десятилетия, они не могут придумать ни одного трюка, при котором среднестатистический гражданин Сербии мог бы поверить в их истинность. Возможно, пришло время тебе осознать, что для некоторых там BBC, Deutsche Welle, CNN или любого СМИ Запада, ты всего лишь инструмент, украшение для их повествования. Как говорят у нас, вырасти клыки и когда сотрудники СМИ которое не из Сербии, где ты сейчас или из России, откуда ты, спрашивают тебе что-то о Сербии и России, ты прямиком отправи их в пешее эротическое путешествие. Просто из уважения к себе

    • @jainks
      @jainks 7 місяців тому +24

      Види се зла намера DW.
      Ми волимо када чујемо руски језик на улицама српских градова.🇷🇸♥️🇷🇺

    • @user-ls8us2pg5l
      @user-ls8us2pg5l 7 місяців тому +8

      Ми одлично знамо какве намере имају Аустријанци ...зато,нека причају шта хоће!

    • @danicadabic9789
      @danicadabic9789 7 місяців тому +1

      This is so typical. They will edit your words to mean something totally different and fit their agenda. This is the so called "West" that would like to preach about honesty and democracy.

    • @serjtubin
      @serjtubin 6 місяців тому

      @@jainks po čemu se vidi zla namera, intersuje me (iskreno)?
      DW često postavljaju reportaže gde sami sebe kritikuju (što je osobina jakih uredjenja, spremnih da sami sebe preispitaju).

  • @AndreyGirko
    @AndreyGirko 7 місяців тому +241

    Это видео совершенно некорректно смонтировано, что сильно изменило смысл моих слов.
    Меня зовут Андрей и это я на видео. Я долго и красиво рассказывал, как нам нравится Сербия, как мы благодарны сербам, которые приняли нас. И как мы рады дружному комьюнити.
    Но при этом я говорил, что мы изучаем язык, что я тренируюсь и дружу с сербами, что мы планируем общие мероприятия, чтобы лучше понять культуру Сербии и что я планирую отдать свою дочь в сербскую школу. И да, пока что многие наши проекты работают только на русских, но мы хотим, чтобы они были востребованы всеми.
    Из всего этого оставили только несколько слов, что мы живём в нами же созданном гетто. Объективность интервью не впечатляет .
    This video was completely incorrectly edited, which greatly changed the meaning of my words.
    My name is Andrey and that's me in the video. I spoke long and beautifully about how much we like Serbia, how grateful we are to the Serbs who accepted us. And how glad we are to have a friendly community.
    But at the same time, I said that we were learning the language, that I was training and making friends with Serbs, that we were planning common events to better understand the culture of Serbia, and that I was planning to send my daughter to a Serbian school.
    And yes, so far many of our projects work only for Russians, but we want them to be in demand by everyone.
    From all this, only a few words were left that we live in a ghetto that we created. The objectivity of the interview is not impressive

    • @marko4134
      @marko4134 7 місяців тому +42

      Thank you for correcting that. The editing seemed suspicious from the beginning. And the bias was self-evident. All our brothers and sisters are welcome in Serbia :)

    • @GrZeljko
      @GrZeljko 7 місяців тому +25

      What else did you espect from Amerikanische Welle? To be honest, many Serbs consider you deserters, but that is not our problem, that is between you and your motherland. As long as you are here, respect our laws and cooperate with domestic population, you are welcome. Speaking Russian language is a plus, as we like to hear it even if we do not understand fuly. Be well.

    • @St_just
      @St_just 7 місяців тому +14

      Руские, я много с вами общаюсь, вы умние и топ в сфере бизнеса и организации, но психический уровень, на котором находится большинство из вас в Сербии, напоминает на психо-состояние
      на котором мы Серби были в начале 2000-х, когда мы свергли «злого диктатора» Милошевича и когда мы думали, что ЕС - наше будущее...
      Дурацкие...теперь, уже 25 лет, мы прекрасно знаем, что такое DW, BBC, CNN и как работает ети фабрике лжи... как ваш лубимии портал Медуза... Они попробовали создать новый майдан, сейчас после выборов 2000 человек вышли протестовать

    • @jainks
      @jainks 7 місяців тому +23

      Види се зла намера DW.
      Ми волимо Русе и знамо да Руси воле нас. 🇷🇸♥️🇷🇺
      Ми волимо када чујемо руски језик на улицама српских градова.

    • @dejansinadinovic402
      @dejansinadinovic402 7 місяців тому

      We Serbs know what the West and Western media are like. Most Russians in Serbia are pro Western. You'll get to know them also and understand our fondness for Russia. You are welcome here brothers.

  • @user-lf2jh2ru9f
    @user-lf2jh2ru9f 7 місяців тому +209

    This is not the first time that Russians have immigrated en masse to Serbia. Each time they were welcomed as brothers, quickly included in the community and became useful and successful citizens of Serbia. I hope it will be like that this time as well.

    • @wokeaf1337
      @wokeaf1337 7 місяців тому +21

      So they never learned the serbian language.

    • @user-rt4fw5fk3u
      @user-rt4fw5fk3u 7 місяців тому +13

      Became useful and soon left for France, USA, etc.

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +20

      Integration includes
      learning the language
      of the host country.

    • @user-lf2jh2ru9f
      @user-lf2jh2ru9f 7 місяців тому +31

      @@here_we_go_again2571 Not mandatory. The Albanians who filled Serbia during communism didn't want to go to school, they didn't learn the language, they were supported, constantly demonstrated and demanded their own state.

    • @user-lf2jh2ru9f
      @user-lf2jh2ru9f 7 місяців тому +18

      @@wokeaf1337 Serbian and Russian are so similar (like most Slavic languages) that if someone doesn't learn it well, it just sounds funny. I said, for children it is a month of socializing with their peers.

  • @FilipPetrovic999
    @FilipPetrovic999 7 місяців тому +82

    DW "accidentally" interviewed a member of an NGO funded by the European Union (Germany) out of so many citizens of Serbia. It must be an impartial and objective interview.

  • @brankaarena
    @brankaarena 7 місяців тому +21

    All Russians, Ukrainas, Belorusians, are welcome to stay in Serbia! ❤❤❤

  • @veljkoivetic1903
    @veljkoivetic1903 7 місяців тому +38

    So much rusofobia in Western Europe

    • @YujiroHanmaaaa
      @YujiroHanmaaaa 6 місяців тому

      If the West is so Russophobia why do Russians prefer to Migrate to the West`and not your country Serbia?

    • @Bionickpunk
      @Bionickpunk 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@YujiroHanmaaaa Looking at Russian immigrations after the war started, their migrations in the west are significantly lower compared to Serbia, in large parts because Serbia didn't put sanctions on Russia, due to having already centuries old established Russian communities and institutions to help ease their immigration, and general lack of outright hatred towards them simply for being Russians. There are also many factors in play such as economic position and independence from state payed jobs, cultural, language and religious compatibility, along with social class position of the different Russian immigrant groups.

  • @DM_Laf
    @DM_Laf 7 місяців тому +159

    In Serbia, Montenegro and have almost as many Russians as Ukrainas. They function normal together

    • @wom_Bat
      @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому +18

      russian colonialism always causes an issue. Just wait until they come to protect russians there.

    • @reinhardvonloengram8020
      @reinhardvonloengram8020 7 місяців тому +12


    • @wom_Bat
      @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому +8

      @@reinhardvonloengram8020 They did it in Moldova, Chechnya twice, Georgia twice, and Ukraine. Who will be lucky number 7?

    • @reinhardvonloengram8020
      @reinhardvonloengram8020 7 місяців тому +21

      ​@@wom_Bat Serbia surely wont. We have good relations with Russia and we don't discriminate against Russian people like some other countries do.

    • @wom_Bat
      @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому +6

      ​@@reinhardvonloengram8020 All those countries had good relations. That's the problem. Kazakhstan has good relations too. It didn't stop them from busting a supposed russian sponsored separatists in 2020/21

  • @reframeservices
    @reframeservices 7 місяців тому +27

    Last summer during vacation I saw in Kotor (MN) Russian and Ukranian cars, Serbian and Croatian cars parked to each other near the beach. Then i relized that there are only two nations, religions, skin colors and ideologies. Rich and poor.

  • @Scrooge1Percenter
    @Scrooge1Percenter 7 місяців тому +18

    Serbs and Russians have no issue so they are welcome.
    Also many Ukrainians came to Serbia will the next report be about that DW?

  • @user-lg4wc3mp8r
    @user-lg4wc3mp8r 6 місяців тому +6

    I work in a private high school in Novi Sad, Serbia. Between 5-10% of our students are Russian and they are actually learning the Serbian language (curriculum is 100% in Serbian). It is perfectly normal to try and keep in touch with your countrymen in a foreign country. Integration doesn't happen overnight, it takes years and years, and in the end, it is and should be their choice.
    On the whole, the entire undertone of this report is quite rude, to both Serbs and Russians, suggesting that Russians live in some kind of parallel society somehow tricking Serbia, while naive Serbs are not smart enough to see they're being used. Shame on you, DW.

  • @carpediem7654
    @carpediem7654 6 місяців тому +5

    Although i don't agree with these Russians fleeing their homeland, i welcome them in Serbia. I think one should stay and fight for his homeland when his homeland is in need. This is clearly a NATO proxy war against Russia and aggression against Russia. It is a just war. However, on the other hand, i respect their desires as humans. They are always welcome.

  • @zoinked1351
    @zoinked1351 7 місяців тому +130

    Why are they so proud of the fact that they have absolutely no interest or need of integrating in the Serbian society?

    • @MagMar-kv9ne
      @MagMar-kv9ne 7 місяців тому +22

      That´s actually pretty dangerous...

    • @Rig0rM
      @Rig0rM 7 місяців тому +40

      I am pretty sure that shown cases are not quite relevant. I live in Novi Sad and the first thing I've started to do was learning Serbian. And I know lots of people who think the same.

    • @varcoliciulalex
      @varcoliciulalex 7 місяців тому +12

      Because they are Russians, they are perfect, they are the true children of God, didn't you know that :)

    • @Nikola83ify
      @Nikola83ify 7 місяців тому +35

      Because it is DW News. Reality is, of course, quite different. Many want to integrate and Serbs are not so much worried about them staying with us, if they decide that way. Some want to come back to Russia after the war. Both solutions are totally fine to me. They are more than welcome here.

    • @user-lf2jh2ru9f
      @user-lf2jh2ru9f 7 місяців тому +10

      @@varcoliciulalex Serbs are even more perfect, they sat with God in a pub and drank beer.

  • @user-nn3zb2cg4w
    @user-nn3zb2cg4w 7 місяців тому +9


  • @spiraboy
    @spiraboy 7 місяців тому +12

    Haha DW is giving a false picture. The guys from the video commented bellow and said that it was purposefully misleading. They do integrate and learn the language

  • @user-jn6cn9bh6x
    @user-jn6cn9bh6x 7 місяців тому +71

    Most Russian immigrants, who don't learn Serbian and don't integrate, they don't plan to stay in Serbia very long, they'll probably move elsewhere in 2-3 years. Russians who want to stay and integrate don't have any problems with Serbian.

    • @zoinked1351
      @zoinked1351 7 місяців тому +3

      Move where? And what's the speculation of 2-3 years?

    • @jusebacho
      @jusebacho 7 місяців тому +2

      There is a Russian minority oppressed by the Serbs

    • @user-lf2jh2ru9f
      @user-lf2jh2ru9f 7 місяців тому +32

      @@jusebacho Oppressed? You are talking nonsense, Russians have always been welcomed as brothers in Serbia and treated kindly. And not only Russians, any Slavic people.

    • @user-jn6cn9bh6x
      @user-jn6cn9bh6x 7 місяців тому +7

      @@zoinked1351 to EU, for example. A lot of Russians in Serbia are in IT and it's still entirely possible for them to get a visa and a job in a European country and move there.

    • @Siranoxz
      @Siranoxz 7 місяців тому

      @@user-jn6cn9bh6x Russians are restricted into the EU zone, even the educated ones.

  • @argavenharge9704
    @argavenharge9704 6 місяців тому +4

    Hey,Russians,your welcomed in Serbia.If you dont like,your free to go !As Serbian,im happy to help you,even few days!😃

  • @anhedonie92
    @anhedonie92 7 місяців тому +130

    As a Serb to all the Russians - learn the language if you want to stay, it's not hard for you. We (at least me and my circle of people) do not approve of the Russian only speaking cafes, public places or companies. We welcome you to come but we expect you to learn the language and integrate if you wish to stay.

    • @aliprandusaliprandis5908
      @aliprandusaliprandis5908 7 місяців тому +23

      E ako si im rekao, sad će svi da se prijave na ubrzani kurs srpskog jezika da biste ih prihvatili ti i tvoji ortaci..

    • @user-rt4fw5fk3u
      @user-rt4fw5fk3u 7 місяців тому +6

      War will not continue for too long. Most of Russians will move to Russia or to developed countries. So, little incentives to learn Serb-Croatian

    • @user-jn6cn9bh6x
      @user-jn6cn9bh6x 7 місяців тому +14

      I personally think there are no Russian only speaking cafes. The thing is that in Russia it is not allowed to smoke inside cafes/bars/restaurants, so a lot of Russians prefer Serbian places where smoking is limited or not allowed, but many of those places are owned by Russians too :) So it leads to the existence of cafes where most customers and owners are Russian, but nobody planned to make it "Russian only". I just want to add some perspective.

    • @marchvertochko0056
      @marchvertochko0056 7 місяців тому +15

      As I Russian having a plenty of people in my circle having moved to Serbia long-term, all of them are putting into efforts and prefer to learn Serbian over English even, so there are a lot of ‘exceptions’ to the rule

    • @emikomina
      @emikomina 7 місяців тому +23

      poor serbia. in the not too distant future russians there will form separatist movements like they did in donbass, soon russia will come knocking saying that they need to protect the russian ethnic groups there like in crimea.

  • @kname1882
    @kname1882 7 місяців тому +79

    All Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians are welcome to come and stay in Serbia and be full citizens. 🇺🇦🇷🇺🇧🇾🇷🇸😊😊😊
    Majority people want them to come here and life here❤❤❤

    • @gorishokgo5825
      @gorishokgo5825 7 місяців тому +4

      Learn russian 😂

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +8

      Learn Serbian, if they
      plan to stay! Not make
      an ethnic Russian
      enclave in Serbia.
      If this is allowed to
      continue it will cause
      trouble for the Serbs.
      The same happned
      in Estonia, Latvia
      and Lithuania.

    • @kname1882
      @kname1882 7 місяців тому +1

      Please keep outside if youre not talking about the topic, there could come and stay becuse Serbia facing great demography fall and becuase they can integrate in zhe society

    • @MWENDA-vv5im
      @MWENDA-vv5im 7 місяців тому

      Why? Did you even watch the video? According to the video, the immigrants and Serbians can communicate via English.@@gorishokgo5825

    • @gaborrajnai6213
      @gaborrajnai6213 7 місяців тому +1

      Really I thought that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania got under Russian rule, because they sided with the Russian boyars against their then German opressors, who of course built their cities and dared to enjoy a higher income life after their initial investment turned profit. Turns out these little countries are pretty xenophobic, have problems with basically the whole world and not having really good life choices, the best course of action is leave them alone till they find some common sense.@@here_we_go_again2571

  • @vladimirgrujicic9656
    @vladimirgrujicic9656 7 місяців тому +8

    How a Turkish community is establishing itself in Germany

    • @user-ls8us2pg5l
      @user-ls8us2pg5l 7 місяців тому +1

      hey, they don't make shows about that! Turks have no intention of assimilating into German society, and it won't be long before they will have their own Turkish republic within Germany!

  • @mudristefamon2338
    @mudristefamon2338 6 місяців тому +5

    I was born in Moscow, and my mother is Russian, throughout my life it was only a benefit when I mentioned to someone that I am from Russia (Although I came here when I was 2 years old), Serbs appreciate Russians more than anyone else.

  • @SH-jg5zq
    @SH-jg5zq 7 місяців тому +4

    DW as always is biased

  • @prostadušaslovenska
    @prostadušaslovenska 7 місяців тому +14

    If they want to stay in Serbia they have to learn Serbian and integrate into Serbian society. If all foreigners that came to Serbia learned the language even though their native language isn’t Slavic and completely different from Serbian Russians are no exception. It would be easier for them to learn it because Serbian and Russian are both Slavic and share some similarities.

  • @darkmatter5424
    @darkmatter5424 7 місяців тому +34

    This is really pushing it. Parallel society is like Malmö, Sweden where there are places that even the government cannot control. These are newly arrived residents and are in the adjustment period. It takes years to integrate linguistically and culturally which will really be easy as Russians and Serbs are culturally and linguistically similar. In Sweden and Germany, integration has failed even after a generation. But yeah, smear campaign can start as early as now I guess. 😅

    • @stefandusan9629
      @stefandusan9629 7 місяців тому +8

      Russians are not Somalis

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому

      @ darkmatter5424
      Exactly! Not a good idea!
      >"This is really pushing it. Parallel society is like Malmö, Sweden"

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +5

      Tell that to the Estonians,
      Latvians and Lithuanians
      who have ethnic Russians
      in their countries who
      have not bothered to learn
      the language since their
      parents arrived (i.e. 30-
      40 years or more ago.)
      It is a parallel society and
      that is not a good thing
      for Estonia, Latvia and
      Lithuania (who are not
      Slavs, their native language
      is more akin to Finnish.

    • @uroboros4260
      @uroboros4260 7 місяців тому +5

      @@here_we_go_again2571 why are you comparing fascist countries that divide people on "non-citizens" based on their ethnicity and normal countries like Serbia? lunаtiс

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +1

      "Fascist" ... Good buzz word!
      Do you know what it means?
      People ALL people are inertly tribal.
      People naturally favor their immediate family over outsiders.
      People show favoritism to other people
      who may share one of these (or other traits)
      Same religion.
      Same ethnicity
      Same race
      Same ideology etc.
      When the going gets tough, people favor
      those who share the most traits and/or
      values with them.
      Given Putin's twisted idea of a "Greater
      Russia" whereby ethnic Russians are the
      top group (same as within the old USSR)
      Having Russians establishing a parallel
      society in Serbia is not going to bode well
      for the Serbs.
      Just ask the Ukrainians, the Estonians,
      the Latvians, the Lithuanians and the Finns!

  • @rashabelgrade
    @rashabelgrade 7 місяців тому +10

    Ocekovati od Svaba da kazu istinu i da budu objektivni je isto kao i pisati u vjetar.

  • @user-xw8rl5em3f
    @user-xw8rl5em3f 7 місяців тому +24

    Pozdrowienia dla braci Serbow. Eu mafija - Kosovo je Srbija!

  • @alexchevelev3250
    @alexchevelev3250 7 місяців тому +22

    "It's unlikely they will learn language any time soon" - it was said about kids in pre-school. Just complete lack of knowledge in topic. All of those kids will learn Serbian when they go to school, which is mandatory and Serbian is the learning language there. In fact these kids will pick up the language very soon. They will have Serbian friends, some more, some less. And these kids may be friends in school with Russian-speaking Ukranian kids who left the Ukraine. Just seeing how it works.

  • @shubitoxX
    @shubitoxX 7 місяців тому +11

    Good for them to have a safe place but I think learning the local language and culture is a must have no matter where you are.

  • @sgtK0420
    @sgtK0420 7 місяців тому +4

    It's nonsense to say that Russian are not integrating to Serbian society. They are same people anyways. It's not something like between Brita and Pakistanis or French and Congolese... lol

  • @bojanm986
    @bojanm986 7 місяців тому +47

    Funny thing is that they came to a country where majority of people love and support Russia.

  • @brooklyn9422
    @brooklyn9422 7 місяців тому +22

    Русофобский канал

    • @gorishokgo5825
      @gorishokgo5825 7 місяців тому

      Хуху хо-хо ?

    • @unoduetrechiki
      @unoduetrechiki 7 місяців тому +1

      Ну так не смотри, смотри русолюбские каналы)))

    • @brooklyn9422
      @brooklyn9422 7 місяців тому +3

      @@unoduetrechiki да я вообще никакие не смотрю просто это говно в рекомендации выскочило

    • @NameRiioz
      @NameRiioz 7 місяців тому +1

      @@unoduetrechiki Наверно тебя забыли спросить.

    • @reinhardvonloengram8020
      @reinhardvonloengram8020 7 місяців тому +4

      Да. Но нам Сербам плевать на их мнение.

  • @HelgCan
    @HelgCan 6 місяців тому +3

    Germans and Americans are simply jealous of the Serbs because of the Ukrainian and Russian IT specialists. You won't be able to split us😂

  • @lingvaterra
    @lingvaterra 7 місяців тому +18

    A lot of my colleagues immigrated either to Israel or Serbia due to the obvious reasons and plan to stay there. There is no "parallel reality", you still have to integrate to the society and learn a local language. There is a huge community of Turks in Deutschland where people sometimes barely speak German (I used to live there), how about their parallel reality, @dw? You should be much concerned of your housing crisis, poverty and inflation rate with skyrocketing prices for rent, let alone your immigration crisis and massive spread of drugs. Oh, I must have forgotten - you are dying too with your fast pace of ageing you should really think of your own business and not poke your nose into the other's

    • @kname1882
      @kname1882 7 місяців тому +12

      All Russians are welcome to stay and gain a serbian citizenship😊😊😊 and thats what majority thinks

    • @lingvaterra
      @lingvaterra 7 місяців тому +8

      @@kname1882 😅😄Why should they not, they spend their hard-earned money in Serbia💰 and are really really grateful for what they get in return😇😊

    • @brankaarena
      @brankaarena 7 місяців тому +3

      All Russians are welcome to Serbia!!

  • @stepheniwundi9159
    @stepheniwundi9159 7 місяців тому +5

    Is this not the problem of most immigrants around Europe.
    In Germany,it is WORST.

  • @bartsted8369
    @bartsted8369 7 місяців тому +44

    I hate how people leave their own problems just to not want to learn Serbian life and language thru school. just the peace it brings and f@$k the rest

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +3

      If they are so fond of the
      Russian language and
      Russia; they should return
      to Russia.

    • @Hfgh564
      @Hfgh564 7 місяців тому +9

      As a russian immigrant I agree, creating marginal diaspora - bad idea. Kids have to go local schools. Parents have to TRY to study local lang... it's tough but doable (I did).

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому

      Many of them are Liberals that not even russians from Russia likes...

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому +2

      Totally agree 💯
      Тако треба!

    • @andin3720
      @andin3720 7 місяців тому

      Why should they? Serbia will simply join Russia in the future.

  • @stainlessfrenky
    @stainlessfrenky 7 місяців тому +4

    Maybe because Serbs don't forbid their own language and force them to assimilate with them. In Serbia everyone have right to his own culture despite of a disturbed picture that west media create about them. There is a large community of Ukrainians too, they also have same rights as Russians.

    • @Bionickpunk
      @Bionickpunk 6 місяців тому +2

      They don't force assimilation, but Russians eventual assimilated on their own due to comparable cultures, same with Ukranians and Rusyns who weren't part of Ruthenian Greek Catholic church.

  • @scoobybopbop
    @scoobybopbop 7 місяців тому +50

    Uh oh Serbia should be careful. If Russians got too many there, putin will annex that town as part of Russia.

    • @bartsted8369
      @bartsted8369 7 місяців тому +12

      run from issues and then also don't want to learn anything in the country they live in now

    • @alic5812
      @alic5812 7 місяців тому +3

      I was thinking the same...naiveness is too easy

    • @andin3720
      @andin3720 7 місяців тому

      Serb nationalists will be shocked. lol

  • @Hfgh564
    @Hfgh564 7 місяців тому +9

    As a russian who emigrated some time ago I think russian kindergarden is BAD. To which school will your kids go?? Serbian? Kids absorbing local language so quick and you seize their opportunity to get adapted. My kido is speaking local lang better that russian. This is what good parent should do to the kid when you're planning to change the living country.

    • @alexchevelev3250
      @alexchevelev3250 7 місяців тому

      They may go to Serbian or Russian school, or some English-speaking school abroad. And pre-school has Serbian and English classes.

    • @Hfgh564
      @Hfgh564 7 місяців тому +2

      @@alexchevelev3250 Having "classes" of local language in russian environment for the kids abroad and getting kid dive into local environment with locals (and having additional russian classes?) are two different planets. This is how you grow second generation marginals / members of diaspora, who won't be able to adapt and feel foreign forever.
      Yeah, going to other english school..blah blah...aha, there is a huge choice for this ppl who desperately seek jobs, new life opportunities, etc ... Do you know how much decent english school costs in the EU ? Well, it starts from ~600-800 eur/month minimal. Not sure there are many of them in Serbia. With russian passport forget about UK/USA visa, btw.

    • @alexchevelev3250
      @alexchevelev3250 7 місяців тому +2

      When kids go to a local school they will have the full dive into the local environment. It will happen next year or year + 1 for them. In school Russian kids are picking up basic Serbian in ~ half a year from what I see and widely said by people here. The languages are quite close, not the same of course. So they will start integrating. Not all of those kids will stay forever in Serbia, some will move to some EU countries or Canada, or even US, some will return back. I don't think the diaspora will be a really big but who knows. Hopefully it will bring far closer contacts between Russian and Serbian kids and knowledge of Serbian culture among the next generation of people in Russia.
      "Yeah, going to other english school..blah blah...aha, there is a huge choice for this ppl who desperately seek jobs, new life opportunities, etc ...". I would say, 75% of their families are relatively well paid as they are working in IT. This pre-school will likely cost 350+ EUR a month.
      "Do you know how much decent english school costs in the EU ? Well, it starts from ~600-800 eur/month minimal. Not sure there are many of them in Serbia." Some cheaper options on e.g. Cyprus, maybe Malta? I guess, for families where both of parents are working - it is bearable.
      "With russian passport forget about UK/USA visa, btw." Not sure, if this is true about the IT specialists.

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому


  • @kname1882
    @kname1882 7 місяців тому +35

    в Сербии рады всем русским, Сербия - второй дом для русского народа🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇸🇷🇺
    With love from Serbia😊😊😊

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому +5

      Али Либерале нећемо...

    • @kname1882
      @kname1882 7 місяців тому +3

      @@user-wp3yk3ip7o pričaj u svoje ime tebra

    • @user-nn3zb2cg4w
      @user-nn3zb2cg4w 7 місяців тому +4


  • @edmundtory6931
    @edmundtory6931 7 місяців тому +4

    When will DW make a documentary about Turkish/Arabic "parallel societies" in Germany lol?

  • @denis3208
    @denis3208 6 місяців тому +3

    Its a free country you can live how ever you want, this should be obvious. Learning a language spoken where you live is a practical thing that makes your life much easier, but if you can't or don't want for what ever reason its still your choice. I don't know why there is a need for accusatory tone in the video.

  • @ivanz6368
    @ivanz6368 7 місяців тому +5

    Nemojte da lažete

  • @Nikola83ify
    @Nikola83ify 7 місяців тому +25

    Welcome to Serbia. Добро пожаловать в Сербию.

    • @freyrnjordrson1418
      @freyrnjordrson1418 7 місяців тому +7

      Хвала вам

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому +3

      ...али научите српски језик и културу...

  • @mb77mb66
    @mb77mb66 7 місяців тому +11

    Welcome brother Russians!

    • @bingo737
      @bingo737 7 місяців тому +2

      Ne balavi

  • @Zarturael
    @Zarturael 7 місяців тому +60

    They should be careful, it might seem harmless now, but they could literally get themselves in a "let's liberate and make a new country" situation in the future, just like Donbas, Donetsk or Crimea

    • @niki287
      @niki287 7 місяців тому +23

      Well, Serbia already had that situation"liberate and make new country "with Albanians on Kosovo and Metohija

    • @Zarturael
      @Zarturael 7 місяців тому +17

      @@niki287 that's actually exactly the reason why I'm so surprised that they're taking this new situation with the Russians so lightly and not seriously at all lol
      It could easily end up being another Kosovo situation in the future
      It's good that Serbia is friendly towards Russians, because it's not the fault of the normal people that their government is crazy, but I think that the Russians are very disrespectful towards Serbia in this case. They should at least try and learn some Serbian and try to fit into the culture of the country, not just isolate themselves and have a mini-Russia in the middle of Serbia 🤷‍♂

    • @ValsiKek
      @ValsiKek 7 місяців тому +3

      @@Zarturael very well said m8

    • @tandrichter
      @tandrichter 7 місяців тому

      There's one counter-argument to that, Serbs are famous for being fierce nationalists. They will soon take measures against such development.

    • @bojanm986
      @bojanm986 7 місяців тому +5

      Don't forget Kosovo.

  • @here_we_go_again2571
    @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +5

    Hmm .... Turkey is doing the same sort of thing in Germany by allowing those in "Greater Turkey" to vote in Turkish elections.

  • @andrejparunovic6888
    @andrejparunovic6888 7 місяців тому +8

    All this is good. As long as they pay taxes and follow the laws here, Serbia is lucky to have them. If they chose to stay, their children will learn Serbian in a decade or two, and everything will work itself out

  • @FreelancerGoranCirkovic
    @FreelancerGoranCirkovic 5 місяців тому +2

    My kids have new friends from both Russia and Ukraine in the kindergarten and school. They are all 100% accepted from the day one. We also invited them to our birthday party... German hate all Slavic nations, so this footage is intended to cast a worm of doubt.

  • @melindabraun6060
    @melindabraun6060 7 місяців тому +23

    I know that Serbia is very very Russia friendly, yet it blows my mind how they refuse to integrate into the host country and instead establish little Russia in Serbia. The utter impertinence of it is revolting.

    • @tetianawatson9507
      @tetianawatson9507 7 місяців тому +1

      They always refuse! And then putler will want to " liberate" Serbia! Be careful brothers 🙏❤️

    • @DashieDe
      @DashieDe 7 місяців тому +5

      Maybe they don't want to stay in Serbia forever

    • @abijitguptatrading
      @abijitguptatrading 7 місяців тому +5

      like the English in Spain?

    • @mb77mb66
      @mb77mb66 7 місяців тому +10

      You mean same as Turks in Germany, Egyptians in Germany, Balkans in Germany.... People do not love learning new languages. But they should if they plan to stay, people should adopt to host country.

    • @kailaniivo
      @kailaniivo 7 місяців тому +8

      The guy from the video commented on that, his comment is just above yours. It's in Russian and in English. He said the interview cut out all parts of him talking about integration and made it sound like the Russians there weren't planning on integrating. In fact, they are. It's just that they got there fairly recently and are still figuring things out.

  • @masuo1904
    @masuo1904 7 місяців тому +3

    Thankfully russians don't tend to make separatist movements

  • @Nadia-kj9kt
    @Nadia-kj9kt 7 місяців тому +6

    I have one question. How is it possible Russians get Serbian settlement visa not passing test in Serbian?

    • @user-jn6cn9bh6x
      @user-jn6cn9bh6x 7 місяців тому +8

      It is not required for temporary residence permit.

    • @sollte1239
      @sollte1239 7 місяців тому +11

      You can get it in many countries without the language

    • @js4182
      @js4182 7 місяців тому +14

      Because Russians, thanks to what Russia did throughout history, deserve special treatment in Serbia. And they will have it for eternity. Serbs and Russians are one nation separated by long distance and even longer history. Early Russia was heavily influenced by Serbian culture, and once it firmly established itself as a state, Russian culture found its way back to influence Serbia. Where, in time, Serbian empire fell - Russian empire emerged. From being allies in all massive wars, to intertwined culture, shared history, religion, general views... Main of the early Serbian kingdoms on Balkans was called - Rashka. Etc.

    • @andin3720
      @andin3720 7 місяців тому +2

      @@js4182And yet not a single Russian cares about your “story”. They don’t even care to learn your language even though they live there.

    • @js4182
      @js4182 7 місяців тому +1

      @@andin3720 they are not obliged to care about Serbian entire story or any part of it. We are just happy that they are doing well, because we are proud of them and grateful that throughout history Russians somehow remembered the Serbian story when it counted.
      I don't know how to explain your unbiased hate towards Russia after everything Russia has done for humanity and especially for Europe. I bet you hate China too. Westerners train their dogs well.

  • @richardandersen5813
    @richardandersen5813 7 місяців тому +21

    Ah immigrants always integrate don’t they ?

    • @princeofexcess
      @princeofexcess 7 місяців тому

      Treating all immigrants the same is not valid. Some immigrants just seek handouts. As long as they work they will eventually integrate. It just takes time. You cannot change everything about your culture in one day.

    • @Aya-bp4ys
      @Aya-bp4ys 6 місяців тому +1

      I lived for 11 years in USA. I never watched Superbowl because I don’t understand American football, went once to Halloween party and felt like outsider, never tried cranberry sauce, don’t have American friends…. after 11 years moved back to Serbia.

    • @princeofexcess
      @princeofexcess 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Aya-bp4ys I will always be an outsider but I am also an outsider in Poland my home country.
      Its been over 20 years in US now and I did integrate in the last 5 years much more. I dont watch American football or celebrate haloween but who cares.

  • @genlala
    @genlala 7 місяців тому +10

    So far we have only seen opinions of 2 (!) people. The fact is, it might have nothing to do with the opinion of the other people who came into the country. Please keep that in mind.

    • @duncan.o-vic
      @duncan.o-vic 7 місяців тому

      Not really, there was material evidence like that kindergarten. No one is saying all Russians aren't integrating, but majority of them seem to work remotely or for Russian companies, and socialize with other Russians, typical with large waves of emigration.

  • @MazaFakaHare
    @MazaFakaHare 7 місяців тому +8

    Мы никому ничего не должны. Исправно платим за квартиры, платим налоги, на пособии не сидим, а работаем. Каждый сам ставит приоритеты и изучение языка - далеко не первая задача в этом списке, когда есть возможность объясниться на Английском. Спасибо сербскому народу за то, что приютили, многого мы не просим.
    Не надо, пожалуйста, все сводить к языку. Язык, это всего лишь средство коммуникации.
    Владея только языком - долго не проживешь.
    А те, кто уже как-то устроил жизнь - большинство изучает сербский язык, потому что это, как минимум - удобно.

    • @djdjukic
      @djdjukic 7 місяців тому +13

      Ovo je slobodna zemlja. Al' da vam je stav arogantan, arogantan je.

    • @videoizazov
      @videoizazov 7 місяців тому +4

      Ima ih arogantnih, činjenica je, al najviše me nervira što ćute o Putinu zlotvoru najobičnijem. Ali zato primećuju smeće po Beogradu i to im smeta, a ludak zbog koga su i pobegli. Kao zaliveni ćute. Kukavički. I još to kao liberali...

    • @MazaFakaHare
      @MazaFakaHare 7 місяців тому +5

      @@djdjukic Извини ако сам те увредио. Нисам желео. Само што је на снимку све приказано врло једнострано и увређен сам што овај канал чини да све изгледа као да се у Србији појављује руски гето.

    • @MazaFakaHare
      @MazaFakaHare 7 місяців тому +1

      @@videoizazov Не ћуте, ово је пут. Они који ћуте - плаше се, то је природно људско осећање. А они који не ћуте прегласно, не продужавају боровак.

    • @videoizazov
      @videoizazov 7 місяців тому

      @@MazaFakaHare Ja Ruse slabo čujem. Kao da ih ne zanima. Niste vi krivci za celo to zlo, al mora da se čuje i pruži jači otpor Putinu. Mene nerviraju ulizice i dupeuvlakači Putinu i kod nas ovde među Srbima. Ali ipak progovaramo jače protiv domaće vlasti. Mislim da će se to vama obiti o glavu na kraju jer ste navikli još od SSSRa da ćutite... Makar u drugoj zemlji kao migranti možete otvorenije i javno da kažete da vam je dosta strahovlade tamošnjeg uzurpatora države i tamošnjeg diktatora... ali vi se niste odvojili dovoljno, vi niste disidenti, vi čekate povratak, niste prodali imovinu, u strahu ste od odmazde i ne utičete dovoljno na promenu sistema. Ne zanima vas previše... A Ukrajina je 2 godine u ratu. Bombe mogu pasti svakog trenutka na bilo kog građanina Ukrajine. Tako živeti mi znamo kako je, živeli smo pod nato bombama, al dosta kraće i bez kopnene invazije... Malo ko od Rusa kaže - dosta više s tim! Dosta da ginu slovenska braća i sestre...Tiho je i sporadično...

  • @r.s.1281
    @r.s.1281 7 місяців тому +7

    Parallel societies are never a good idea! If you move to another country with the intention to stay you should integrate into your new society; it is your duty. And of course you should learn the language of the country you live in - believing that English is enough is naïve.

  • @Nista357
    @Nista357 7 місяців тому +5

    Russians are welcome! Come whenever you like and stay as long as you like, Serbia is your home! 🇷🇸❤️🇷🇺

    • @bingo737
      @bingo737 7 місяців тому +2

      😂 ne balavi

  • @DrDude-fp6mr
    @DrDude-fp6mr 7 місяців тому +3

    Um the white Russians in the 1920's In Beograd

  • @VilkatisJanis
    @VilkatisJanis 7 місяців тому +27

    Serbs should be careful that as russian population grows putin might decide to go defend them.. :D

    • @tompeled6193
      @tompeled6193 7 місяців тому +29

      Serbia doesn't discriminate against Russians. There's no danger.

    • @VilkatisJanis
      @VilkatisJanis 7 місяців тому +19

      @@tompeled6193 that is the thing, when you look into it, no one is realy discriminating against them, unles you find asking citizens to know official language discriminatory.. :D

    • @bojanm986
      @bojanm986 7 місяців тому +8

      Funny thing is that they came to a country where majority of people love and support Russia.

    • @bojanm986
      @bojanm986 7 місяців тому +4

      Funny thing is that they came to a country where majority of people love and support Russia.

    • @VilkatisJanis
      @VilkatisJanis 7 місяців тому

      @@bojanm986 idk. i Love my country, i find living in one country and loving other country a strange concept. if i ever find loving other country, i will probably move. :D

  • @D4NK1
    @D4NK1 7 місяців тому +4

    As a Serb, let them learn Serbian at their own pace.
    People in the comments act like Serbia is Switzerland and people are dying to move there.
    Serbia has more to gain from Russians and Ukrainians coming to Serbia than those people have from moving there.
    Most Serbs who live abroad don't want to move back.
    If anything Serbia should give them free housing

  • @Helios1001
    @Helios1001 7 місяців тому +5

    What happen to learning the local language and culture?

  • @lazar923
    @lazar923 7 місяців тому +3

    Historical replay 😔
    White Russians in 1920s

    • @user-ls8us2pg5l
      @user-ls8us2pg5l 7 місяців тому +1

      If you have any idea about history!

  • @richardgreenwood7956
    @richardgreenwood7956 7 місяців тому +24

    From personal experience from a Latvian, the difference between Ukrainians & Russians who have moved to live here is that - Ukrainian learn basic language skills in 6-12 months, Russians usually don’t, even if they have been living here for 30 years.
    Off course there are exceptions, but those Russian usually don’t proudly say that they are Russian, as they probably don’t want to be associated with the rest of them.

    • @stipe3124
      @stipe3124 7 місяців тому +1

      They are probably even more lazy in Serbia not just because of English but because you can actually talk in two different Slavic languages and still understand alot

    • @Blastsniper
      @Blastsniper 7 місяців тому +3

      Most people in Latvia speak Russian though, why would they learn Latvian if they can use Russian to order a pizza and do shopping etc.

    • @Shatterfury1871
      @Shatterfury1871 7 місяців тому +2

      Yeah, the old people. The young ones know English so the orcs will have to learn the local language.

    • @Blastsniper
      @Blastsniper 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Shatterfury1871 Why? Noone wants to stay and live in Latvia.. If anything its the Russians keeping Riga somewhat wealthy..

    • @dain6250
      @dain6250 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Blastsniper I think you have it the other way around. More Latvians have access to basic services like power and indoor plumbing than Russians. The Kremlin's own statistics show that more than 30% of Russians still have to use a latrine.

  • @Shadow-te2qb
    @Shadow-te2qb 7 місяців тому +2


  • @lianam3262
    @lianam3262 7 місяців тому +4

    Время покажет " каков будет результат " .Только на своём опыте люди и получают" опыт, сын ошибок трудных ".

  • @branislavpopkonstantinovic6990
    @branislavpopkonstantinovic6990 7 місяців тому +4

    Rusi su dobgodošlu u Srbiju uvek. Neka ostanu u Srbiji zauvek, ako žele.

    • @rogyn8484
      @rogyn8484 7 місяців тому

      Zato izgleda samo Srbi u Srbiji nisu uvek dobrodošli, bitno da se našim studentima i radnicima deru kirije i izbacuju se na ulicu. Niti su Rusi slični nama, niti smo isti mentalitet, niti smo ista genetika. Da li će taj Rus koji je došao ovde da brani Srbiju kad zatreba ukoliko dobije Srpski pasoš? 99% ovih koji su ovde mrzi svoju vlast u Moskvi i mrzi svoju vojsku. Dakle konkrento pitanje bez okolišanja, da li si spreman da gineš ako zatreba dok taj Rus sedi i ispija kaficu u Beogradu zato što su uvek svi dobrodošli da ostanu zauvek?

    • @branilavvasic9727
      @branilavvasic9727 7 місяців тому +2

      ​@@rogyn8484A kad su dolazili ilamisti sa bliskog istoka reportaze se nisu o tome radile

  • @biljanadograr9194
    @biljanadograr9194 6 місяців тому +1

    Our brothers❤️

  • @SgtCake101
    @SgtCake101 7 місяців тому +31

    Serbia is waiving goodbye to its chances of ever joining the EU with things like these

    • @urbansenicar81
      @urbansenicar81 7 місяців тому +9

      Now, why is that?

    • @Siranoxz
      @Siranoxz 7 місяців тому +12

      Serbia´s chances to join the EU block was never high to begin with, as their prime minister plays the balancing act between the west and east and not willing to commit into a full EU member but just to receiving EU funding benefits.
      This has gladly stopped for now.

    • @urbansenicar81
      @urbansenicar81 7 місяців тому +4

      @@Siranoxz "Balancing act between the west and east " would be exactly where Sebia lies.
      And I'm not aware of any requirements to sever ties to Russia, if you want to join the EU.

    • @VilkatisJanis
      @VilkatisJanis 7 місяців тому +6

      @@urbansenicar81 yeah but if one wants to join EU they have to work to fix issues with corruption, has to work to increase equality between LGBT community members and heterosexuals, man and women , etc , has to put in work to improve Democracy..
      you know, things russian government actively work against

    • @jusebacho
      @jusebacho 7 місяців тому +4

      Serbia is part of Russia, there is a Russian minority there who are not taught Russian in schools and are oppressed by the Serbs population

  • @RemboUSMC
    @RemboUSMC 7 місяців тому +13

    It makes you wonder if this is just another move where they integrate into another country, another society, and then overtime become pro Russian separatists. Just a curiosity based on history.

    • @Sr.Princip
      @Sr.Princip 7 місяців тому +11

      They are welcome any time ,already 100000 Russians are in Serbia and Montenegro ,we are brothers ,we Serbians are fighting for Russia as volunters ,so as they helped us in WW1

    • @republicofserbia
      @republicofserbia 7 місяців тому +7

      chill, this is not Hollywood

    • @quinncreel6091
      @quinncreel6091 7 місяців тому

      @@Sr.Princip You have more in common with Ukraine than you do with Russia. Why on earth would you side with Russia, unless of course you want Serbia to be wiped off the map some day too? 🤦‍♂

    • @uroboros4260
      @uroboros4260 7 місяців тому +6

      more like, just a russophobia based on nothing but hatred :)

    • @republicofserbia
      @republicofserbia 7 місяців тому +1

      @@uroboros4260 in other words, yeah

  • @rogyn8484
    @rogyn8484 7 місяців тому +2

    I have many Russian friends, however l need to react to bots like "you are all welcome to get our citizenship". One question for Serbs to whom Russia is their so-called "mother" and to Russians who wish fast track passports without knowing the local language and culture. Would those 300.000 Russians tomorrow defend Serbia? I guarantee that 99% of those who arrived here hate Putin, if they are not ready to defend their own things for Russia would all of them be ready tomorrow to take uniform and defend Serbia directly if needed? Yes or No? We all know the answer to this question so if you are not ready for such sacrifices which go along citizenships then do not demand a passport. l would also make mandatory for our passport for kids and parents to know Serbian at least to B1 with obligatory kids going into regular primary schools (not the private Russian ones)

    • @Dotalol123
      @Dotalol123 6 місяців тому +2

      NATO is around Serbia, so there won't be wars, if there is a war, Serbia has 6 million inhabitants so even God can't help them in that case, never mind the Russians 😂

    • @rogyn8484
      @rogyn8484 6 місяців тому

      @@Dotalol123 It's not question what will happen it is question are they are ready for this if needed?

    • @Dotalol123
      @Dotalol123 6 місяців тому +2

      @@rogyn8484 Hypothetical analysis is a waste of time, its like thinking about fantasy how will your life look like if you marry Hollywood actress, what would be the point of that? People are preoccupied with their jobs and real life issues too much to think about an event that has no chance of happening, nobody on the Balkans has capacity to wage wars, economy is weak, youth is moving to west and countries are mostly occupied with pensioners... Name me a single Balkan country that has more than 100k soldiers? How do you wage a war without at least couple of divisions? How can those miniature countries with weak service economy support large armies? As you can see your argument is hollow like a Swiss cheese...

    • @rogyn8484
      @rogyn8484 6 місяців тому

      @@Dotalol123 It is not a about hypothetical thinking it is about citizenship, are they ready to give their signature for this or not? Would they be there in a critical situation or run away? This is the main question no excuses on this topic about some fantasy or whatever, real life also needs responsibilities like them or not, whether they will happen or not.

    • @Dotalol123
      @Dotalol123 6 місяців тому +2

      @@rogyn8484 Ok dude, think about your "What if?" scenarios, i won't stop you, enjoy it, sooner or later you will have to find a job like everyone else. 🤣

  • @SerbAtheist
    @SerbAtheist 2 місяці тому

    Look, all communities when they migrate, especially in circumstances of stress and strife, need to have their bubble and space where they can feel at home and among their kin. It's nothing unusual, in fact it's completely human, and it doesn't mean they aren't integrating into the Serbian society.

  • @TomWaldgeist
    @TomWaldgeist 7 місяців тому +5

    Serbia, the soon Oblast of Russia.

  • @JMK948
    @JMK948 7 місяців тому +11

    Why do I keep confusing Serbia with Siberia?

    • @MagMar-kv9ne
      @MagMar-kv9ne 7 місяців тому +9

      Its essentially the same thing...Serbia is the Siberia of the EU neighbors.

    • @zloinaopako
      @zloinaopako 7 місяців тому +11

      It might have something to do with education. Do you also mix up Haiti 🇭🇹 with Tahiti?

    • @nataliakondrateva5557
      @nataliakondrateva5557 7 місяців тому +9

      Are you this kind of people who mix Austria & Australia?😂

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому


    • @deanosaur808
      @deanosaur808 7 місяців тому +2

      Don't mention Hungary, I'm hungry 🤣

  • @alexchevelev3250
    @alexchevelev3250 7 місяців тому +4

    "Over 300,000 Russians have emigrated to Serbia since the start of the war in Ukraine" is also a false claim. The ministry of internal affairs of Serbia said 370,000 Russians entered the country and 340,332 left within the same period (feb 22 - april 23)

    • @duncan.o-vic
      @duncan.o-vic 7 місяців тому

      It's called a visa-run, every month you cross the border so you can have your stay extended for another month... as said in the video, only 30 000 of them have residence permits.

    • @alexchevelev3250
      @alexchevelev3250 7 місяців тому +1

      @@duncan.o-vic yes, it is and people did it multiple times. Plus before getting residence permit people will have few visa-runs. Plus there are still tens of thousands of tourists, I guess. Plus some people are moving to other countries, returning back to Russia. So if there are 340,000 non-resident border crosses done in 14 months, the number of people cannot be 300,000. As a speculation, within 30-60K visa-runners + 30K with 1Y residence permit.

    • @duncan.o-vic
      @duncan.o-vic 7 місяців тому

      @@alexchevelev3250 I'm not gonna speculate on your numbers and how you make your guesses, but what you claimed (or guessed), was not in contradiction to what they wrote, even if it was accurate.
      According to your numbers, over 300 000 Russians have indeed emmigrated to Serbia since the start of the war.
      Now if you wanna argue that majority of them are only tourists or that they have migrated back, that is not clear from the above mentioned data.
      Some of them are actually visa-running for almost 2 years now.
      A matter of fact - the only way to have 370 000 Russian immigrants and only 30 000 of them as residents is if 340 000 is leaving (and possibly coming back) each month (and every year). We know that there are many of those 340 000 who are still in Serbia. The actuall numbers are not known.
      There is no false claims from DW side.

    • @alexchevelev3250
      @alexchevelev3250 7 місяців тому +3

      @duncan.o-vic Over 300 000 _visited_ but not _emigrated_ as it claimed in the video description ) According to 2022 census Belgrade is 1.68M, Novi Sad is 367K - two major cities where majority of Russians settled. 340K Russians would be >15% of their total population. That's ridiculous ) You can often hear Russian language in centres but rarely far outside. And rent prices are slightly going down, doesn't look like significant inflow.

    • @aq-ze3kh
      @aq-ze3kh 7 місяців тому

      ​​@@alexchevelev3250 they can be on the tourist visa but be living here actually for months or years. They just need to re-enter from Bosnia or Montenegro every month. And yes there's a lot of them in Belgrade and Novi Sad.

  • @rastkosimic6975
    @rastkosimic6975 7 місяців тому

    I would disagree with what the guy said at the end. Most IT guys from Russia do speak English but even some of them don't to my big surprise. Other Russians outside the IT speak very bad and basic English. So, I would say that they just wait for the war to end and disappear from here as they had no intentions leaving Russia and going elsewhere if it wasn't for the war.

  • @sd6582
    @sd6582 4 місяці тому

    Rusi dont have to inertegate same people😂😂😂😂

  • @user-zh2ih6iv4k
    @user-zh2ih6iv4k 6 місяців тому +3

    Russians are welcome in Serbia always.

  • @NS-mz8gq
    @NS-mz8gq 7 місяців тому +1

    Srbi ratuju u Ukraini a Rusi dolaze u Srbiju i begaju od rata

  • @daneurope9167
    @daneurope9167 7 місяців тому +6

    lets hope putin will not say in the future that he will protect russians in serbia..

    • @soreeyez
      @soreeyez 7 місяців тому +6

      Let's hope there's less Russophobes there.

    • @wom_Bat
      @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому +5

      @@soreeyez Transnistria, Chechnya twice, Georgia twice, Ukraine. Since 1991 russia has started 6 wars "to save russian speakers" then annexed land. It's a legitimate concern.

    • @soreeyez
      @soreeyez 7 місяців тому +6

      @@wom_Bat u failed to mention NATO interference in those countries?

    • @jake-qn3tl
      @jake-qn3tl 7 місяців тому

      ​@@soreeyezPutin is an imperialistic dictator

    • @wom_Bat
      @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому

      @@soreeyez Lol, you must need to do some serious mental gymnastics to believe that vranyo. NATO is a response to russian expansion. US and France even talked of ending it until russia gave it new life.

  • @ilirajeti4207
    @ilirajeti4207 7 місяців тому +2

    Children are from ukrain

  • @dubsar
    @dubsar 7 місяців тому +1

    I call it metastasis.

  • @user-px9fi7pr9f
    @user-px9fi7pr9f 7 місяців тому +2

    Это потому что русские гражданы знают что тут будут временно. Единственная причина почему живут в Сербии, не нужно виза и нету запрета на въезд. Так было и после первой мировой. То что сербы много фантазируют и в голове представляют русских очень близкими это другое дело. Я как серб пишу, отличаемся много и это заметно. Русским по менталитету намного ближе Германия и Финляндия, а Сербам Турция, Греция и арабский мир. Пусть имеют свои бизнес, и пусть живут как хотят. Налоги платят

  • @2Munchy4U
    @2Munchy4U 4 місяці тому

    how much did u pay this actors ?

  • @LucFedes7
    @LucFedes7 7 місяців тому +3

    Like Turks in Germany.

    • @MazaFakaHare
      @MazaFakaHare 7 місяців тому +4

      Нет, мы на пособии не сидим, а работаем как проклятые.

  • @idraote
    @idraote 7 місяців тому +6

    Will we have a new Transnistria in Serbia?

    • @andrejparunovic6888
      @andrejparunovic6888 7 місяців тому +7

      no. Be serious

    • @milostomic8539
      @milostomic8539 7 місяців тому +1

      Nope, but we have Albanian separatism for an entire century.
      It started in 1920s.

  • @miodrag0078
    @miodrag0078 6 місяців тому +2

    hahahaha nvo placenici

  • @williamsimmons7093
    @williamsimmons7093 7 місяців тому +9

    Russia 's support for Serbia resulted in WW 1

    • @dailylearning1706
      @dailylearning1706 7 місяців тому +1

      There was no country called Russia in WW1

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому

      Tsarist Russia did not exist
      when WW1 began?

    • @petarjovanovic1481
      @petarjovanovic1481 7 місяців тому +2

      Hahahaha. More like, German imperialism resulted in WWI. Go get a 🧠.

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому

      *It wasn't just Germany!*
      (But Germany's saber-rattling did play a big
      part in the Triple Entente's desire to form
      their alliance and, eventually, to go to
      With the exception of Serbia, the UK and the
      US; all of the participants' elite had the
      goal of acquiring more territory from their
      *My personal opinion is that the USA*
      *should have stayed out of WW1* But
      the Germans, stupidly, sunk a passenger
      liner (RMS Lusitania in May 1915) with
      many Americans on board. That and the
      revelation of the Zimmerman telegram
      (January 1917) is what pushed the USA
      into WW1.
      Prior to the above incidents:
      Americans ( *at least those who were aware*
      *of what was going on* -- Mostly those on the
      east coast) were unhappy with the German
      attacks on American merchant ships
      Americans were also shocked and disgusted
      by the use of poison gas and the aerial bombing
      of UK by Germany
      In case you didn't know it; one-fourth to
      one-third of the USA population in 1914
      was of German descent. Most of those
      people had parents and grandparents
      who had left Europe to avoid monarchy
      and their incessant wars on the European
      Also, at that time, most Americans
      considered the French to be very artistic,
      literate and creative. But also to be morally
      corrupt regarding sexual matters.[American Protestantism vs. (perceived as) almost casual
      French Catholicism.]

    • @milostomic8539
      @milostomic8539 7 місяців тому +1

      Well that is what allies do, they support each other.
      Around 28 % of Serbs died in WW1.
      Was it worth?Absolutely yes.

  • @anastasijajelic3298
    @anastasijajelic3298 7 місяців тому

    Can you look your self in the mirror and say: I did the good thing for my people and country.

  • @comacuma2869
    @comacuma2869 7 місяців тому

    Gray gold of germany,,,,vs real bright prospect

  • @lif6737
    @lif6737 7 місяців тому +6

    I hope they’ll learn the language. Watch out for Transnistria 2.0

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому +2


    • @andin3720
      @andin3720 7 місяців тому

      It’s okay. Serbs will be happy, they love Russia no matter what. lol

    • @here_we_go_again2571
      @here_we_go_again2571 7 місяців тому

      >" ... no matter what ..."<
      Until that "no matter" happens!
      Ukrainians did not think that Russia
      would grab territory (2014) or start
      a war (2022) because Putin had
      delusions of a "Greater Russia" ---
      "Back to the (style of the old) USSR"
      USSR = Soviet Empire

  • @cybersid
    @cybersid 7 місяців тому +2

    If you cannot sing the Russian anthem while riding on a bear and drinking vodka, you are not fully Russian.

    • @ilijaspasojevic7031
      @ilijaspasojevic7031 7 місяців тому +1


    • @deanosaur808
      @deanosaur808 7 місяців тому +1

      I do that everyday yet I'm not russian 🤣

  • @katarinamanojlovic7736
    @katarinamanojlovic7736 6 місяців тому

    They don't seem to integrate same as Chinese community in Serbia.

    • @Bionickpunk
      @Bionickpunk 6 місяців тому

      Chinese never integrated no matter where they went in the west. Racially and culturally too different. There is already historical proof with Russians perfectly assimilating withing Serb population after WW1, or how Serbs assimilated into Ukranian and Russian population in the 18th century.

  • @reySRB
    @reySRB 7 місяців тому +2

    why would anyone in serbia wish to speak english if thats not our main/native language, like tf?

    • @andrejparunovic6888
      @andrejparunovic6888 7 місяців тому +3

      Why not? Why be needlessly difficult?
      In any case, it's nice to have someone to talk to in english, since otherwise you don't have much chance to.

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому


  • @wom_Bat
    @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому +1

    russkiye colonialism hard at work russifying Serbia..

    • @petarjovanovic1481
      @petarjovanovic1481 7 місяців тому +2

      Sure. Hahahaha. Go get a 🧠.

    • @wom_Bat
      @wom_Bat 7 місяців тому

      @@petarjovanovic1481 Speak for yourself buddy

    • @petarjovanovic1481
      @petarjovanovic1481 7 місяців тому +1

      @@wom_Bat I am. You are just 🧠💀

  • @tadehaloian5747
    @tadehaloian5747 7 місяців тому

    tsekh taam dzer glkhin. roosnere bidi gaayin akhb havaakin makrin yerkire. inknerd ho baani bedk chek menak tsaak jarek pakhnek

  • @user24874
    @user24874 7 місяців тому +2

    If I moved to live in Serbia, the first thing I would do is learn the Serbian language. But I am Ukrainian, not Russian.

    • @MazaFakaHare
      @MazaFakaHare 7 місяців тому +1

      А жил бы ты на что, дружище? Изучением языка ты семью не прокормишь, детям образование не обеспечишь.
      Наверное, рациональнее было бы (по возможности) найти местную работу, стабилизировать свое положение, и потом уже думать о комфорте. И в отличии от тебя, многие и россияне, и украинцы уже тут и прикладывают немало усилий, чтобы тут достойно жить.

    • @Bionickpunk
      @Bionickpunk 6 місяців тому

      I highly doubt it, you would just blend in with other Ukranians or Rusyns.

  • @KolinWindow
    @KolinWindow 7 місяців тому +3

    Kosovo republic 🇽🇰 independent. Bye bye Serbia.

  • @stanislav295
    @stanislav295 6 місяців тому +1

    I am Serb and i support Ukraine! Слава Україні 🇷🇸🤝🏼🇺🇦

  • @emikomina
    @emikomina 7 місяців тому +4

    poor serbia. in the not too distant future russians there will form separatist movements like they did in donbass, soon russia will come knocking saying that they need to protect the russian ethnic groups there like in crimea.

    • @soreeyez
      @soreeyez 7 місяців тому +5

      They won't need separating if there is no Russophobia?

    • @cte4dota
      @cte4dota 7 місяців тому +4

      Not at all that what nato did to Serbia. Bmoming and destruction.

    • @mwv4ikz
      @mwv4ikz 7 місяців тому

      Those who want to annex territories and those who leave their homes in Russia because they do not support the current government policies - two different types of people.

    • @user-wp3yk3ip7o
      @user-wp3yk3ip7o 7 місяців тому

      ...and they are called Liberals...hated even in Russia...

    • @Bionickpunk
      @Bionickpunk 6 місяців тому

      That wont happen, their future generations will assimilate with the natives, the same thing happened to Serbs living in Ukraine. They are not Catholics.

  • @GrimmGaming3000
    @GrimmGaming3000 7 місяців тому +1

    And soon they will form separate Russian Republics. 😂

  • @bringbackmy90s
    @bringbackmy90s 7 місяців тому +1

    Another "russkij mir", have fun serbs :D

    • @user-ls8us2pg5l
      @user-ls8us2pg5l 7 місяців тому +1

      Yes, don't worry about us!!! We are quite satisfied with the Russian world! We don't need yours!

    • @bringbackmy90s
      @bringbackmy90s 7 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@user-ls8us2pg5land that is why you always fail with barbarians on your side like Putin. Da li se uopste setis sta je Putin pricao tada o Srebrenici XD
      Koliko ste glupi nacionalisti. 😅 Slava Ukrajini i ukrajinskoj Vojvodini

    • @user-ls8us2pg5l
      @user-ls8us2pg5l 7 місяців тому +1

      @@bringbackmy90s Ma можеш да их славиш колико хоћеш!! Сви знамо ко ће изаћи као победник из ове битке! Зато вам се и тресу гаћееее😘

  • @husseinjovic2958
    @husseinjovic2958 7 місяців тому

    Ziveo Balkan, Ziveo Nato, Zivela Evropska Unija, Zivela Ukrajina 🇷🇸☪️✝️