I find it funny that the crew acknowledges that you can Manifest Dread some big creatures when talking about Abhorent Oculus... but no one mentioned that you can manifest the Oculus itself and get around the additional casting cost
I think you play Abhorrent Oculus as a manifest target to get around the additional cast cost. Then you can flip up for 3 mana. If it gets in your hand use it for your discard costs. PS, there are plenty of reanimation cards for targets with 3 mana or less too!
I think one big thing you guys missed on the oculus card is that you most likely put this into a manifest dead deck, which fills your yard and gives you a shot at throwing this face down, then it's a 3 mana 5/5 manifesting every turn
Curses aren’t just an Innistrad thing. There are curses on Amonket, as well as mechanically unique curses printed directly into commander. They shouldn’t be restricted by plane. If the card was Curse of Grievous Wounds, it wouldn’t be out of place on a horror movie themed plane
25:00 To be fair, what MaRo said was: "The card started as part of a mechanic, called injury, that we didn’t use in the set, so I think we saw it through that lens (as an injury rather than a curse). The card changed as the mechanic went away until its current version. I don’t know whether or not they talked about it being a Curse in set design, but I do know there was a conscious attempt to keep Duskmourn separate from Innistrad, so that might have had a role."
That’s true but is there a lot of desire for that cycle to be finished? I think people seem really hyped for the Verge lands compared to the bfz cycle. Not as clued into commander anymore so I could be wrong
Richard's take on the Mindskinner is wild 🤣he's talking like there is just a suite of 3 mana unblockable 10/1s that just deal damage out there to choose from.
I think Melissa DeTora said in one of those Morning Magic episodes with Gavin that she thinks the commander curses were kind of a design mistake, not because they are powerful but because they put a target on a single person and kinda hate them all of the game, so Richard definetely has a point about curses.
@@ConManAU I'm intrigued. But I really like Bloodletter of Aclaztoz in the four drop slot. I also like the combo finish of having a couple of Scourge of the Skyclave (also with the Warlock Class). It might be good but would require more of a rebuild into control/burn and less combo?
To expand on the reason Richard, and myself included, feel like Reluctant Role Model is immersion breaking (and Neon Dynasty isn't) being because of the way he is dressed. It really looks like they are from Earth, where in Kamigawa, even if it isn't fantasy and more sci-fi, they are still foreign or different enough from our reality that it doesn't feel like they just put some guy from the 80's on a card. There is still some element of it being foreign and magical in Neon Dynasty.
I'm with Richard on the Role Model art. The reason Kamigawa Neon Dynasty felt in-universe was that it still felt otherworldly. New Capenna was similar too, even if it was inspired by early 20th century art deco and "mafia tropes". As some of the set and character designs get closer to being "Earth spin-offs", with regular human beings in 20th/21st century attire/gear, the worlds feel less like fantasy worlds in the Magic multiverse.
I think watching Leyline of Transformation is definitely a thing we should do, not because of standard now, but because of standard a year from now when we return to Lorwyn.
I'm glad that Grievous Wounds isn't every opponent, because that will result in a very clear 3v1 player removal scenario, with you being the 1. Also, I will play this card in my Sheoldred list (with Underworld Dreams + Teferi's Puzzle Box), simply for the jackpot of getting it + Sol Ring + Dark Ritual to flat-out grief an opponent on turn 2. Also, Oculus is a dread card. It's going to come down as a 2/2 and it flips for 3. For example, Turn 2 Growing Dread into turn 3, flip this for 3 and swing in. It will probably be Simic, with 2x Hedge Shredder and a couple Hauntwood Shriekers.
@@KVGKQuake Yeah. A thing that I think a lot of people haven't realized with shredder is that dread mills, and so if you manifest the top 2 cards and one is a creature and the other is a land, you get the creature face-down and the land tapped. It's a very strong simic ramp shell that might get splashed into Sultrai/Bant for removal.
Leyline of Resonance needs to be pre-banned in arena, because its a pretty reasonable 2 turn guaranteed win with a rather high draw chance on a mull to 5. Fastest way to get your free dailies will be mull to 5 until you get the combo, scoop-reroll the match if you don't. Imagine what a great meta it will be, half the matches you'll lose before you get to actually play your second land, half the matches they will scoop before you get to play your first, and nobody will get to ever actually play the fucking game.
“How often do you go down to the check lands or pain lands?” At least one or two of these are in all sixteen of my commander decks. Check lands have only recently stopped being auto includes for me as my basic counts in 3 color get low. I think Seth is right that we get another 5 of these coming soon. We didn’t have to wait at all to complete the Innistrad slow lands cycle, and MaRo has been pretty explicit lately that current design sense says it shouldn’t be harder to play enemy colors than allied ones in general. They’re named very carefully to apply easily on other planes, probably better than they do on Duskmourn.
Grievous wounds also triggers on people using colored mana from pain or shock lands. I think it'd be surprisingly effective in some cases. And in commander, YOU don't need to deal the damage, any of the players can damage that person for the effect...
Reluctant Role Model feels like an homage to Dying Light. It's a post-apocalyptic zombie game where you craft weapons out of whatever you can find in buildings. One of the equipment in this set also seems like a reference to it, Conducted Machete. Adding electricity to your machetes/melee weapons is something you do often in Dying Light.
Mono Red games end turn 3. "Drawing your leyline" isn't really a downside when it's only a 4/53 chance for 3 turns and it drastically increases your game in hand winrate.
Verge lands are better the more fetches/shocks are in your deck. They're better in 3 color decks in pioneer and commander because they run out of shocks, but have enough to turn these on reliably.
A bit of quick math to explain how insane Leyline is, it's roughly 33.6% to draw exactly one copy of Leyline in opening hand and only around a 5.9% chance to draw 2 copies (odds of drawing 3 or 4 are negligible). Even if you wiff opening hand and mull once, it's now a 30.5% and a 4.4% chance to draw 2. And let's say you draw 12 cards so a 5 turn mono red aggro game there's only a 17.4% chance of drawing 2 or more Leylines. There are some other considerations like the opportunity cost of keeping a leyline in hand being treated the same as keeping a 1-drop and removing other cards to include it but you won't brick nearly as often as you'll get a crazy opener.
Yes but for fast aggro decks that want to win on turn 3, consistency is way too important. Dropping your consitency for potential blow out one turn earlier will be harsly worth it.
One thing I wanted to ask based on the discussion about the lands: Do you all think it's better when Standard has "perfect mana," or is mana sometimes being clunky a feature of the format?
Personally I like it when playing 3 or especially 4 or 5 colours comes with a drawback. Otherwise you see decks casting heavy pip cards too easily, like those Grixis decks that were easily casting Invoke Despair a few years ago.
I think that you need a diversity of lands, though each set doesn’t need to have a full cycle/half cycle. Right now mana is clunky in Standard if you think of the dual cycles: surveillance lands, the restless creature lands, the fast lands and the pain lands. 2 tapped cycles, one cycle that is good early but falls off hard in grindy games, leaving the pain lands as the only untapped cycle. So mana doesn’t need to be “perfect,” but it shouldn’t be too prohibitive either.
manabases being bad is ok but i hate when they don't print full cycles, it just feels dumb for no reason, it typically doesn't ever push a deck out of playability but just makes it more annoying when you don't draw the right lands also, say you really want to play a particular golgari deck but you're on the bad end of a rotation where your lands are worse than other color combos. you try to play the deck but it's too inconsistent with a lack of untapped lands. you wait for the next rotation when golgari has a good landbase and now key pieces of the deck you wanted to play rotated out. was there any chance to challenge your deckbuilding skill there? not really imo
I totally agree with Richard on that one. Entire Duskmourn feels more universes beyond than even Warhammer 40k. it's even worse for me because it will play together with cards from bloomburrow. "Oh, i'll play this really cute mice and also cast Fred from scooby doo. - Ok in my turn i'll cast chainsaw and play Meathook Massacre II" Heck, fortnite felt less offensive
For Layline of Reaonance, as somebody who is playing against mono red constantly, if they don’t win by turn 2 or 3, they are guaranteed to run out of gas, bc I’m running a discard deck. Also, against a discard deck, if you draw extra Leylines, it’s an easy choice
There were tons of curses in Amonkhet. Grievous Wounds not being a curse is a huge oversight and they're covering for it. Or they thought it wasn't a curse for flavor reasons. Which I could see
Abhorrent Oculus is my favorite card for Commander so far. Sidisi, Brood Tyrant; Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer; and Zellix, Sanity Flayer are the three I can think of the top of my head.
43:10 Thank you Richard, I completely agree. Totally kills the immersion. The design of this set is Universes Beyond and it's really disappointing to see, especially since some of the other art is so fantastic. Normally I love prerelease and cracking packs but I'll be passing on this set just like I pass on all Universes Beyond.
Every set this year has been universes beyond if you think about it. MKM was clue, cowboys and Indians magic edition, red wall, now this. There’s no immersion or fantasy in magic. The fourth wall has been absolutely obliterated never to return. There is nothing but greed left at WOTC
Magic’s card design has gotten pretty on the nose and trope-y (yes, even Bloomburrow), so I guess this doesn’t feel so out of place now. I’m of the opinion that Magic is a game based around an infinite multiverse, so not everything is going to line up with fantasy settings, etc.
@@Lazydino59 To be fair, I think the majority of the greed is coming from Hasbro, but I don't think it excuses the over-tropification and immershion-shattering we've been experiencing
All modern needs is something like Serra's Sanctum and a Leyline deck can be real. Starfield of Nyx functions well enough as Opalescence, then you could have the deck be all leylines. I've seen Leyline show up and steal a few games in Legacy when SCG was hosting events.
I think the verge lands are better than the pathways for many decks in Pioneer. Decks like Rakdos Midrange or Atarka Red rely heavily on the base color (black and red respectively). I would love to see the cycle rounded out, at least with the enemy cycle and maybe eventually with the inverse 10
I think abhorrent oculus is meant to be played with other manifest dread cards since it's great to flip up and manifesting enables it, although it's doubtful such a deck will end up good
so the verges give mono color decks the ability to potentially run other color sideboard cards without many issues. This combined with fast lands and your mono red can splash green for sideboard cards. Also with grievous wound you cannot trigger this with multiple creatures in one attack. it would only trigger once. damage from combat is one instance of damage.
Richard is right. Half the cards in Duskmourn are unplayable because they break immersion. Reluctant Role Model could say "1, T: Win the game" and you wouldn't catch me dead running it in a deck.
can't grievous wound slot into the bloodletter of aclazotz + rush of dread deck in standard? i know it isn't exactly tier, but it does slot in really well.
I feel like aberrant occulist could exist in like a helping hand / picklock prankster deck. Its really cool that when it does stick it can hit itself off manifest Edit: lmao thanks seth
Could you in theory get every land out of your deck with the landfall mill crabs and Hedge Shredder? Not saying it's a viable deck archetype but it sounds like sweet landscaping value. Obv not in standard specifically. Also, my first thought with Reluctant Role Model is he looks like the frat guy version of Dwight from DBD with a hockey stick. He feels very Scream Queens and less specific to a particular plane. I hate it and love it at the same time. Also, Split Up seems sweet in a Katilda deck where you can control when your creatures are all tapped to set it up.
Im pretty sure the abhorrent occulus is meant to be played as a manifest payoff. It can flip for its manavalue of 3 without having to pay the cost. It seems like a really really good payoff if you can get it as one of your facedown manifests. That deck probably isnt a thing in standard but this would be a really good card in it if it was
I think they’re underselling split up as a one/two sided wrath in commander. People always leave untapped utility creatures with abilities so this domes those players. If someone alpha strikes some players or does a huge go wide attack you’ve got them too. Being a sorcery definitely makes it worse but I think it’s better than what they’re saying
They are but I don’t think that’s the point. The argument here is if it’s sitting in your hand and your already banking on turn 1-2 surveil/triome/shock it’s better than the fast and slow lands
*The Meatball* is the glowing orb or exhaust fan in the middle of the art. These Meatballs were snowballin and in testing would've been in the same standard??
Reluctant Role Model looks like Aaron Hernandez IMO I would want to know who the artist modeled the character after because otherwise it may have been a killer
Meathook Massacre II for X=0 makes Slaughter Pact a Lightning Bolt. You're welcome, everyone! On a serious note, this is probably busted in most mono black decks, especially if it's an aristorcat deck
"Curse is an Innistrad thing." - Maro Amonkhet would like to have a word with you; [[Fraying Sanity]], [[Tresspassers Curse]], [[Cruel Reality]], [[Overwhelming Splendor]], [[Torment of Scarabs]]...
I'm a tiny bit confused or maybe skeptical. Maybe you can point me towards the rules? In the combat damage step, creatures deal damage at the same time. Does it matter if there's more than one source? I was looking through scryfall and couldn't find any other cards that trigger specifically on a player being "dealt damage". In my mind, this card would seem too strong as an overrun-effect. Like I can see how having a double striker could half a player's life total twice in one round of attack, when I read the card but I was surprised to hear everyone say it's GG if you simply hit someone with 4 creatures. Are people 100% positive that every creature dealing damage will creature a sepperate trigger.
Split up so unbelievably hoses Vigilance it’s really funny to me. Vigilant creatures finally getting there comeuppance like those dang Flier. Bout time long overdue. Rise of the Deathtouchers. Also The Role Model’s eyes are like lopsided. I know his glasses are crooked but his face is messed up
Richard finally speaking sense talking about not liking reluctant role model because it's immersion breaking.
I find it funny that the crew acknowledges that you can Manifest Dread some big creatures when talking about Abhorent Oculus... but no one mentioned that you can manifest the Oculus itself and get around the additional casting cost
I think you play Abhorrent Oculus as a manifest target to get around the additional cast cost. Then you can flip up for 3 mana. If it gets in your hand use it for your discard costs. PS, there are plenty of reanimation cards for targets with 3 mana or less too!
I think one big thing you guys missed on the oculus card is that you most likely put this into a manifest dead deck, which fills your yard and gives you a shot at throwing this face down, then it's a 3 mana 5/5 manifesting every turn
I feel like Richard always gets the best haircuts when he goes on vacation to China
Curses aren’t just an Innistrad thing. There are curses on Amonket, as well as mechanically unique curses printed directly into commander. They shouldn’t be restricted by plane. If the card was Curse of Grievous Wounds, it wouldn’t be out of place on a horror movie themed plane
MaRo said that, at least early on in design, they consciously avoided giving things the Curse type to try to avoid comparisons to innistrad
Curses are also a me thing. Curse of the all land hands. Curse of the floodout. Curse of the roping opponent. Curse of the bombless draft. Etc.
I'm with Richard on Reluctant Role Model. When I first saw it, I thought the art must be a promo because of how ridiculous it looked.
25:00 To be fair, what MaRo said was: "The card started as part of a mechanic, called injury, that we didn’t use in the set, so I think we saw it through that lens (as an injury rather than a curse). The card changed as the mechanic went away until its current version. I don’t know whether or not they talked about it being a Curse in set design, but I do know there was a conscious attempt to keep Duskmourn separate from Innistrad, so that might have had a role."
Ah, that makes a lot more sense than "Curses are an Innistrad thing", which is what Seth has continued to say was the argument.
Reluctant Role Model is just Richard in great shape with his meta glasses.
Most first-pickable:
5. Patrick Mahomes
4. Sprout Swarm
3. Christian McCaffrey
2. 2016 David Johnson
1. Pack Rat
"They won't let us wait 5 years for the rest of this cycle." Still haven't finished the bfz lands cycles
That’s true but is there a lot of desire for that cycle to be finished? I think people seem really hyped for the Verge lands compared to the bfz cycle. Not as clued into commander anymore so I could be wrong
@@austinturgoose Finish all land cycles is the correct answer. If they have shown a pattern of faili g to do so, then they very well may continue.
They haven’t been doing that of late, usually in the next set
*cries in Amonkhet cycle land* (yes I know they’ve been power crept now but we would’ve killed for them in like 2018)
@@austinturgooseI’ve been waiting forever. 😭
"well for now we're a magic podcast" "the meatloaf massacre" jeebous cripes you guys crack me up 😂😂
Richard's take on the Mindskinner is wild 🤣he's talking like there is just a suite of 3 mana unblockable 10/1s that just deal damage out there to choose from.
13:36 Richard said the same thing about the Surveil lands from MKM and look how that turned out lol
Grievous wound in commander, enchant yourself, fractured identity give each opponent a copy
That doesn't work how you want, each opponent gets a copy that they can then attach to anyone.
@@retributin2849 that sounds like exactly how I want it to work. I don't know who is dying, but at least two of us are
Richard, they attack, you fog, then play split up on your turn.... fog meta baby 😂
The movie Richard is thinking about it The Wizard. "The Power Glove... It's so bad."
I think Melissa DeTora said in one of those Morning Magic episodes with Gavin that she thinks the commander curses were kind of a design mistake, not because they are powerful but because they put a target on a single person and kinda hate them all of the game, so Richard definetely has a point about curses.
Four black pips on MM is nutty for devotion
I can see it doing some work in Pioneer Mono B devotion, especially if you use it to re-trigger your Gray Merchants.
@@ConManAU I'm intrigued. But I really like Bloodletter of Aclaztoz in the four drop slot. I also like the combo finish of having a couple of Scourge of the Skyclave (also with the Warlock Class). It might be good but would require more of a rebuild into control/burn and less combo?
To expand on the reason Richard, and myself included, feel like Reluctant Role Model is immersion breaking (and Neon Dynasty isn't) being because of the way he is dressed. It really looks like they are from Earth, where in Kamigawa, even if it isn't fantasy and more sci-fi, they are still foreign or different enough from our reality that it doesn't feel like they just put some guy from the 80's on a card. There is still some element of it being foreign and magical in Neon Dynasty.
I'm with Richard on the Role Model art. The reason Kamigawa Neon Dynasty felt in-universe was that it still felt otherworldly. New Capenna was similar too, even if it was inspired by early 20th century art deco and "mafia tropes". As some of the set and character designs get closer to being "Earth spin-offs", with regular human beings in 20th/21st century attire/gear, the worlds feel less like fantasy worlds in the Magic multiverse.
another thing about abhorant oculus is that you don't have to exile if you manifest it
I think watching Leyline of Transformation is definitely a thing we should do, not because of standard now, but because of standard a year from now when we return to Lorwyn.
I'm glad that Grievous Wounds isn't every opponent, because that will result in a very clear 3v1 player removal scenario, with you being the 1. Also, I will play this card in my Sheoldred list (with Underworld Dreams + Teferi's Puzzle Box), simply for the jackpot of getting it + Sol Ring + Dark Ritual to flat-out grief an opponent on turn 2.
Also, Oculus is a dread card. It's going to come down as a 2/2 and it flips for 3. For example, Turn 2 Growing Dread into turn 3, flip this for 3 and swing in. It will probably be Simic, with 2x Hedge Shredder and a couple Hauntwood Shriekers.
This sounds like a really funndeck that I would play
@@KVGKQuake Yeah. A thing that I think a lot of people haven't realized with shredder is that dread mills, and so if you manifest the top 2 cards and one is a creature and the other is a land, you get the creature face-down and the land tapped. It's a very strong simic ramp shell that might get splashed into Sultrai/Bant for removal.
Leyline of Resonance needs to be pre-banned in arena, because its a pretty reasonable 2 turn guaranteed win with a rather high draw chance on a mull to 5. Fastest way to get your free dailies will be mull to 5 until you get the combo, scoop-reroll the match if you don't.
Imagine what a great meta it will be, half the matches you'll lose before you get to actually play your second land, half the matches they will scoop before you get to play your first, and nobody will get to ever actually play the fucking game.
Hey, apparentlely Crim would really like it...
They should just leave leylines alone forever. This is a dumb design.
58:32 book burning
“How often do you go down to the check lands or pain lands?” At least one or two of these are in all sixteen of my commander decks. Check lands have only recently stopped being auto includes for me as my basic counts in 3 color get low.
I think Seth is right that we get another 5 of these coming soon. We didn’t have to wait at all to complete the Innistrad slow lands cycle, and MaRo has been pretty explicit lately that current design sense says it shouldn’t be harder to play enemy colors than allied ones in general. They’re named very carefully to apply easily on other planes, probably better than they do on Duskmourn.
Grievous wounds also triggers on people using colored mana from pain or shock lands. I think it'd be surprisingly effective in some cases.
And in commander, YOU don't need to deal the damage, any of the players can damage that person for the effect...
The land cycle comprises 20 of them (a Rakdos land which adds red without check + the Rakdos which adds black without check)
Reluctant Role Model feels like an homage to Dying Light. It's a post-apocalyptic zombie game where you craft weapons out of whatever you can find in buildings. One of the equipment in this set also seems like a reference to it, Conducted Machete. Adding electricity to your machetes/melee weapons is something you do often in Dying Light.
I love split up!! It’s only 3 mana!!!! It will be a one sided board wipe most of the time. It’s so good. We will have it for 3 years. Love it
Mono Red games end turn 3. "Drawing your leyline" isn't really a downside when it's only a 4/53 chance for 3 turns and it drastically increases your game in hand winrate.
Oh my God PLEASE do a goldfish fantasy league. Id love every ending of the regular pods to be a weekly recap
New duals all stars for splashing a color.
Verge lands are better the more fetches/shocks are in your deck. They're better in 3 color decks in pioneer and commander because they run out of shocks, but have enough to turn these on reliably.
A bit of quick math to explain how insane Leyline is, it's roughly 33.6% to draw exactly one copy of Leyline in opening hand and only around a 5.9% chance to draw 2 copies (odds of drawing 3 or 4 are negligible). Even if you wiff opening hand and mull once, it's now a 30.5% and a 4.4% chance to draw 2. And let's say you draw 12 cards so a 5 turn mono red aggro game there's only a 17.4% chance of drawing 2 or more Leylines.
There are some other considerations like the opportunity cost of keeping a leyline in hand being treated the same as keeping a 1-drop and removing other cards to include it but you won't brick nearly as often as you'll get a crazy opener.
Yes but for fast aggro decks that want to win on turn 3, consistency is way too important. Dropping your consitency for potential blow out one turn earlier will be harsly worth it.
It’s gonna go the way of Tibalt’s trickery. It’s not going to be the #1 deck, but it’s gonna be so binary it’s banned for play pattern health
Mindskinner plus virtue of knowledge will be awesome. Attack and mill 20 sounds awesome
The eye is very good if you manifest it - making it good in multiples
One thing I wanted to ask based on the discussion about the lands: Do you all think it's better when Standard has "perfect mana," or is mana sometimes being clunky a feature of the format?
Personally I like it when playing 3 or especially 4 or 5 colours comes with a drawback. Otherwise you see decks casting heavy pip cards too easily, like those Grixis decks that were easily casting Invoke Despair a few years ago.
I think that you need a diversity of lands, though each set doesn’t need to have a full cycle/half cycle. Right now mana is clunky in Standard if you think of the dual cycles: surveillance lands, the restless creature lands, the fast lands and the pain lands. 2 tapped cycles, one cycle that is good early but falls off hard in grindy games, leaving the pain lands as the only untapped cycle. So mana doesn’t need to be “perfect,” but it shouldn’t be too prohibitive either.
manabases being bad is ok but i hate when they don't print full cycles, it just feels dumb for no reason, it typically doesn't ever push a deck out of playability but just makes it more annoying when you don't draw the right lands
also, say you really want to play a particular golgari deck but you're on the bad end of a rotation where your lands are worse than other color combos. you try to play the deck but it's too inconsistent with a lack of untapped lands. you wait for the next rotation when golgari has a good landbase and now key pieces of the deck you wanted to play rotated out. was there any chance to challenge your deckbuilding skill there? not really imo
I totally agree with Richard on that one. Entire Duskmourn feels more universes beyond than even Warhammer 40k. it's even worse for me because it will play together with cards from bloomburrow. "Oh, i'll play this really cute mice and also cast Fred from scooby doo. - Ok in my turn i'll cast chainsaw and play Meathook Massacre II"
Heck, fortnite felt less offensive
For Layline of Reaonance, as somebody who is playing against mono red constantly, if they don’t win by turn 2 or 3, they are guaranteed to run out of gas, bc I’m running a discard deck.
Also, against a discard deck, if you draw extra Leylines, it’s an easy choice
There were tons of curses in Amonkhet. Grievous Wounds not being a curse is a huge oversight and they're covering for it. Or they thought it wasn't a curse for flavor reasons. Which I could see
Crim is mind skinner good
One doesnt ask me that !!!!!!
Ruluctant Role Model can give counter to ANY Creature if u have something with fanality counter or -1/-1 counter u can target opp creatures
Hedron crab + Hedge shredder sounds like fun
The new rarelands should be called the splash lands...the second color turrn on once you have your main color as if you're "splashing"
Abhorrent Oculus is my favorite card for Commander so far. Sidisi, Brood Tyrant; Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer; and Zellix, Sanity Flayer are the three I can think of the top of my head.
Idc about the power, but I’m just excited they brought back eyes!
23:33 Hopeless Nightmare does not work with Grievous Wound, since Hopeless Nightmare is life loss and not damage.
Crim's a Broncos fan. Honestly never would've guessed that. That's awesome! Go Broncos!
Lets ride
43:10 Thank you Richard, I completely agree. Totally kills the immersion. The design of this set is Universes Beyond and it's really disappointing to see, especially since some of the other art is so fantastic. Normally I love prerelease and cracking packs but I'll be passing on this set just like I pass on all Universes Beyond.
Every set this year has been universes beyond if you think about it. MKM was clue, cowboys and Indians magic edition, red wall, now this. There’s no immersion or fantasy in magic. The fourth wall has been absolutely obliterated never to return. There is nothing but greed left at WOTC
Magic’s card design has gotten pretty on the nose and trope-y (yes, even Bloomburrow), so I guess this doesn’t feel so out of place now. I’m of the opinion that Magic is a game based around an infinite multiverse, so not everything is going to line up with fantasy settings, etc.
@@Lazydino59 To be fair, I think the majority of the greed is coming from Hasbro, but I don't think it excuses the over-tropification and immershion-shattering we've been experiencing
@@JayoticMTG When it comes to design, I feel what you won't do is just as important as what you will do
There is also a world in which you manifest dread into the Eye on 2, and flip it on 3 to get around the delve.
Crim if you're not scared drop your fantasy line-up
All modern needs is something like Serra's Sanctum and a Leyline deck can be real. Starfield of Nyx functions well enough as Opalescence, then you could have the deck be all leylines. I've seen Leyline show up and steal a few games in Legacy when SCG was hosting events.
I think the verge lands are better than the pathways for many decks in Pioneer. Decks like Rakdos Midrange or Atarka Red rely heavily on the base color (black and red respectively). I would love to see the cycle rounded out, at least with the enemy cycle and maybe eventually with the inverse 10
Whenever people talk about American football I sleep. I have no idea what they are talking about. 🥝
I think abhorrent oculus is meant to be played with other manifest dread cards since it's great to flip up and manifesting enables it, although it's doubtful such a deck will end up good
I love Mindskinner in Commander. If this thing were red, I would build that thing so degenerately it wouldn't even be funny.
I need to Ruchard to start playing Standard or Pioneer so his takes make sense.
Bigger and blacker isn't always better.
Profile pic checks out
@@JStack That's true every profile picture. They all exist and they all check out.
so the verges give mono color decks the ability to potentially run other color sideboard cards without many issues. This combined with fast lands and your mono red can splash green for sideboard cards. Also with grievous wound you cannot trigger this with multiple creatures in one attack. it would only trigger once. damage from combat is one instance of damage.
Unless you have first strike
@@KVGKQuake or triple strike
49:12 Super Mario 64
Richard is right. Half the cards in Duskmourn are unplayable because they break immersion. Reluctant Role Model could say "1, T: Win the game" and you wouldn't catch me dead running it in a deck.
The Wizard was the Power Glove movie
The Mindskinner and fling effects!
Split Up is Plague Wind in a goad deck. My goad deck.
Invoke Despair was banned in standard and it was had BBB in the cost, so the BBBB in Meathook isn't an issue. The only thing to ask is "is it good?"
can't grievous wound slot into the bloodletter of aclazotz + rush of dread deck in standard? i know it isn't exactly tier, but it does slot in really well.
Immediately disagree with Crim on the first card discussed. Aliens is not better than the original.
Completely different genres though. Aliens is more an action sci fi than a sci fi horror.
You want to sell Richard on Split Up? You cast it the turn after you fog.
I feel like aberrant occulist could exist in like a helping hand / picklock prankster deck. Its really cool that when it does stick it can hit itself off manifest
Edit: lmao thanks seth
The playability of the Verges is very dependent on whether you need double pips. Otherwise they feel marginal.
I think you could see all the lands in standard since they don't have the basic types to turn each other on
Could you in theory get every land out of your deck with the landfall mill crabs and Hedge Shredder? Not saying it's a viable deck archetype but it sounds like sweet landscaping value.
Obv not in standard specifically.
Also, my first thought with Reluctant Role Model is he looks like the frat guy version of Dwight from DBD with a hockey stick. He feels very Scream Queens and less specific to a particular plane. I hate it and love it at the same time.
Also, Split Up seems sweet in a Katilda deck where you can control when your creatures are all tapped to set it up.
“Why didnt Kamigawa ruin your immersion?”
It did.
Im pretty sure the abhorrent occulus is meant to be played as a manifest payoff. It can flip for its manavalue of 3 without having to pay the cost. It seems like a really really good payoff if you can get it as one of your facedown manifests. That deck probably isnt a thing in standard but this would be a really good card in it if it was
I think they’re underselling split up as a one/two sided wrath in commander. People always leave untapped utility creatures with abilities so this domes those players. If someone alpha strikes some players or does a huge go wide attack you’ve got them too. Being a sorcery definitely makes it worse but I think it’s better than what they’re saying
Hedge Trimmer + Heritage Druid = yes
I'm with Richard, I can't play Reluctant Role Model lol
Meathook 2 is gonna be good and grindy in standard.
13:00 these verge lands are really good. If you can fetch a triome, it will turn on almost all of them
If we're fetching aren't shock and surveil lands better?
They are but I don’t think that’s the point. The argument here is if it’s sitting in your hand and your already banking on turn 1-2 surveil/triome/shock it’s better than the fast and slow lands
@@sergiorios1596 agreed. I think a lot of people will use these. You're gonna see them a lot.
Did Richard just reference the Fred Savage movie "The Wizard"?
Abhorrent Occulus is good. I'm calling it now.
*The Meatball* is the glowing orb or exhaust fan in the middle of the art. These Meatballs were snowballin and in testing would've been in the same standard??
For commander, you die in 5, for other format's, in 4 1/1s.
40 -> 39 -> 19
19 -> 18 -> 9
9 -> 8 -> 4
4 -> 3 -> 1
1 -> 0
20 -> 19 -> 10
10 -> 9 -> 4
4 -> 3 -> 1
1-> 0
Reluctant Role Model looks like Aaron Hernandez IMO I would want to know who the artist modeled the character after because otherwise it may have been a killer
Isn’t this standard format far more aggressive? People are starting to adjust like Boros control but it’s definitely not as grindy as before rotation
Yeah turn 3 kills are normal in standard now, kind of annoying but not unbeatable.
Isnt the manifest eyeball just murktide if you really squint?
Meathook Massacre II for X=0 makes Slaughter Pact a Lightning Bolt. You're welcome, everyone!
On a serious note, this is probably busted in most mono black decks, especially if it's an aristorcat deck
If they ever let me into a fantasy league I’m going to take a page from my boy Taco from the League’s book and grab all kickers
"Curse is an Innistrad thing." - Maro
Amonkhet would like to have a word with you; [[Fraying Sanity]], [[Tresspassers Curse]], [[Cruel Reality]], [[Overwhelming Splendor]], [[Torment of Scarabs]]...
u know what, i am surprised we did not get a dead by daylight secret lair to the duskmourn spoilers.
How about minkskinner plus Bruvac plus virtue of knowledge all used together. Sounds so good. Then fraying sanity. Somebody is dead
Richard's take on Split Up is showing how smooth his brain is.
i have my reservations on this duskmourn set. I will wait and see.
Grievous wound seems like a funny black overrun effect lol
I'm a tiny bit confused or maybe skeptical. Maybe you can point me towards the rules?
In the combat damage step, creatures deal damage at the same time. Does it matter if there's more than one source? I was looking through scryfall and couldn't find any other cards that trigger specifically on a player being "dealt damage". In my mind, this card would seem too strong as an overrun-effect.
Like I can see how having a double striker could half a player's life total twice in one round of attack, when I read the card but I was surprised to hear everyone say it's GG if you simply hit someone with 4 creatures.
Are people 100% positive that every creature dealing damage will creature a sepperate trigger.
I forget Seth is from WNY area... makes sense lol I grew up in Niagara falls and I swear every 3rd white guy has his look 😂 no offense Seth! Go bills!
Am I crazy or is Split Up not the best white card in like 5 sets.. it’s gonna be a one sided board wipe sooo often and for only 3 mana!?!?
Destroy effects are only medicore these days. Too much reanimate. But it will suck for aggro.
Split up so unbelievably hoses Vigilance it’s really funny to me. Vigilant creatures finally getting there comeuppance like those dang Flier. Bout time long overdue. Rise of the Deathtouchers.
Also The Role Model’s eyes are like lopsided. I know his glasses are crooked but his face is messed up
Combat damage is one instance of damage