Patch 9.2 - Sylvanas Ending (Spoilers)

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @DAntiprodukt
    @DAntiprodukt 2 роки тому +66

    Forced to play shadowlands forever, a fate far worse than death.

    • @al5306
      @al5306 2 роки тому +1

      You’re so edgy

  • @syzygyusry
    @syzygyusry 2 роки тому +27

    So her fate is to be the player character…. Damn I didn’t know blizz hated her that much 🥴

  • @icresp4263
    @icresp4263 2 роки тому +16

    Hey at least this happened in game, not in a book

  • @Mrpickleweasel
    @Mrpickleweasel 2 роки тому +14

    ya know, im not mad at this ending

  • @dracozar151
    @dracozar151 2 роки тому +25

    Well, I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. I actually like this ending.

    • @GazingTrandoshan
      @GazingTrandoshan 2 роки тому +4

      Best form of repentance in this case scenario . Its very very fitting and I am very happy they went this route with her and they are making sure she is supervised

    • @altonbunnjr
      @altonbunnjr 2 роки тому +2

      So do I.

  • @arbenzotaj8342
    @arbenzotaj8342 Рік тому +1

    it is unknown if arthas' real soul is still out there somewhere in the maw after last remnant and flicker of arthas' soul was part of his entire soul and also his evil death knight lich king dark side and half soul fragment and good paladin prince soul fragment and half is also still out there somewhere in the maw since arthas' soul was split whrn he carried took and touched frostmourne and arthas will be judged and redeemed in his trial by the new arbiter after zovaal's defeat.

  • @kristian9955
    @kristian9955 2 роки тому +7

    holy shit, this is actually.. good?
    No redemption, no "get out of jail free"-card. just an eternity in hell fixing her mistakes.
    Actually a fitting end for sylvanas. hopefully we'll never see her again.

    • @alfredoarellano6606
      @alfredoarellano6606 2 роки тому +2

      This is Blizzard. She will be back in 11.0 after freeing all the souls.

    • @kristian9955
      @kristian9955 2 роки тому

      @@alfredoarellano6606 of COURSE she will, she has to save nathanos obviously

  • @charlescharng5180
    @charlescharng5180 2 роки тому +3

    Seeing that time works differently in the Maw/Shadowlands, we might see her again sooner than we expect.

    • @preds43
      @preds43 2 роки тому

      Once again, Time is only PERCEIVED differently in the Shadowlands to different types of mortals cause the concept literally doesn’t exist in such a place, due to Time being a construct of Order, not Death.
      Blizzard’s talked about this 20 times already. It’s like the only real thing about this expac they actually fucking clarified on regarding how this place works in detail

    • @Knownasnemoo
      @Knownasnemoo 2 роки тому

      @@preds43 but what if it is time dialation? that some other force than strong gravity slowing space-time down, so even when we experience time "normally" inside the shadowlands, the outside has gone by maybe 5 times as long? who knows.

    • @preds43
      @preds43 2 роки тому

      @@Knownasnemoo Nah, Blizzard stated that anything relating to time just straight up doesn't exist in the Shadowlands, while in our material Reality, Time is basically flowing the same as it's always been. Nothing relating to "time" dilation or anything of the sort. The Shadowlands represents Eternity, "Time" as a concept just straight up doesn't exist, so for us, whatever we experience in the Shadowlands will FEEL longer than it actually is, but in Reality, Time is still flowing the same way, if you know what I mean? Danuser talks about it around 47 minutes in.

  • @TheFalladin
    @TheFalladin 2 роки тому +3

    So... Calia Menethil will be the new leader of the forsaken then I guess.

    • @GazingTrandoshan
      @GazingTrandoshan 2 роки тому

      She does not want to be there leader , she wants to mediate and help them and there family members come to term

  • @ToqWork
    @ToqWork 2 роки тому +3

    Just let me as a player cleave sylvanas into multiple pieces with gorehowl infront of saurfangs grave and ill forgive blizz for shadowlands story

  • @PleaseUseTheWiki
    @PleaseUseTheWiki 2 роки тому +4

    "My actions were my own", yet you burned down teldrassil so you could flow more souls into the maw thus powering the jailer, because he told you to do just that...

    • @GazingTrandoshan
      @GazingTrandoshan 2 роки тому +1

      You know its a 2 way street right , the point is shes not mind controlled to do that , she made the choice to follow .

    • @talmanes4589
      @talmanes4589 2 роки тому

      If someone tells you to do something wrong and you do it, that's on you as much if not more than it is on them. There's always an option to not blindly obey bad orders.

  • @bindair_dundat
    @bindair_dundat 2 роки тому +3

    I hope she will reappear in a couple of weeks with an aged look (time flows differently in the Shadowlands): "I know you hate me, I deserve it. But I have seen what Zovaal was trying so hard to avoid. You must trust me, or the universe is lost." or something like that.

    • @kiretoandslimglarus
      @kiretoandslimglarus 2 роки тому

      🤣and they burn down Teldrassil after it gets restored all over again in the name of good this time.

  • @raidwipe
    @raidwipe 2 роки тому +3

    So sylvanas gets eventual redemption, arthas does not? And why aren’t they starting a full on rescue mission for those night elf souls. They’re just leaving them for sylvanas to find?

    • @Thialas
      @Thialas 2 роки тому +2

      I think the issue is Arthas's soul was used as material to create the mournblade or whatever it was, so nothing of his soul is left. Besides, Arthas is such an iconic character. Do you REALLY want them to ruin his story with a redemption?

    • @raidwipe
      @raidwipe 2 роки тому +1

      @@Thialas I don't want a redemption story for either of them. It's just weird that they've managed to twist Arthas into being irredeemable, but Sylvanas can be redeemed and will return in a few expansions redeemed.

    • @arbenzotaj8342
      @arbenzotaj8342 Рік тому +1

      but arthas is not evil and villain anymore he's just a pawn and victim brainwashed in the jailer and nathrezim's long game after arthas was corrupted by frostmourne and frostmourne stole his soul and zovaal and/ or the primus was responsible for corrupting manipulating and turn arthas evil through frostmourne helm of domination and domination magic all along since nathrezim are liars deceivers and manipulators.

  • @rek8193
    @rek8193 2 роки тому +8

    That... that's actually pretty good.

  • @TheTerspet
    @TheTerspet 2 роки тому +2

    ye sure, basicly kill arthas forever because reasons, when arthas atleast hat good intentions for picking up frostmourne, then is a *minion* of the jailer and gets ereased like that, sylvanas who commited mulitple genocides gets a fuck you sylvanas but we need you later again in case of emergency 2.0 and people still call it good storywriting

  • @adamray4020
    @adamray4020 2 роки тому

    solid ending to a cluster fuck of a story - happy with this

  • @filipfenix
    @filipfenix 2 роки тому

    It could be worse, those same people could be working on the next expansion.............................

  • @rosethorn9327
    @rosethorn9327 2 роки тому

    The other thing I am really confused about is why are we/Tyrande not starting some kind of "save innocent souls" operation over just sending ...Sylvanas? Would this not mean a lot of innocents are going to suffer longer?

    • @Noel-vq4de
      @Noel-vq4de 2 роки тому

      You're not supposed to be asking these types of questions.

  • @baskkev7459
    @baskkev7459 2 роки тому +1

    Still is stupid. Look at how they treaded Arthas vs this.... No horde bias my ass.

  • @user-lydia698
    @user-lydia698 2 роки тому +1

    Who is the new Night Elf Jailor? I couldn't catch her name, and I didn't recognise her voice. 🤔

    • @lily_evildm2317
      @lily_evildm2317 2 роки тому +1

      Not super sure, but it sounded like Maiev to me. And to be completely honest as I thought this I realised I have 0 clue as to what happened to Maiev.

    • @user-lydia698
      @user-lydia698 2 роки тому

      @@lily_evildm2317 She disappeared after BfA, I doubt that she went to the SL, but we will see in game
      Well not me personally, because I cancelled my subscription after what they did to Arthas 😠😡🤬... Good Theory though... 😃

    • @lily_evildm2317
      @lily_evildm2317 2 роки тому +1

      @@user-lydia698 yh will be seeing it on youtube myself :P Quit retail not long after 9.1 launched when my guild quit

    • @user-lydia698
      @user-lydia698 2 роки тому

      @@lily_evildm2317 Wow went downhill after Legion. BfA was half was decsnt compared to SL, and destroying Arthas's character was the last straw.

  • @pozziellen
    @pozziellen 2 роки тому

    So her destiny is to be doing dailies? Yeah, sounds punishment enough.

  • @ThaneGreenMate
    @ThaneGreenMate 2 роки тому

    I dont know how to feel about Blizzard backtracking...they cant neither acomoted the mess they did with with lore or erased it.This ending is such a soft move for all that happened previously.Everything seems an absurd and incomplete work from every perspective.

  • @yeet6876
    @yeet6876 2 роки тому

    Dang I did not think they would send sylvanas there it kinda sucks this is her fate

  • @lesleyyu6338
    @lesleyyu6338 2 роки тому +1

    Kk thx bye sylvanas forever in the maw saving souls doing daileys.
    While tyrande 🦉 watching her. 😂
    Arthas just disappears, garrosh just fuck you all and also disappeared.
    Wtf moments of all wow history 🤣

  • @jmsytbe
    @jmsytbe 2 роки тому

    Probably as good an ending as we were likely to get. She's essentially been put in cold storage, Illidan style. Hopefully, if they do bring her back some day, it will be under better writers than they have today.

  • @rosethorn9327
    @rosethorn9327 2 роки тому

    I don't personally understand why did she deserve this and Arthas ...deserved to be completely destroyed? What what?
    Serious second question for the super lore fans! Are there actually any real threats left in the Maw? Or is most of her work to just find lost souls there and send them out? Like is this actually a punishment over a long daily quest?

  • @GazingTrandoshan
    @GazingTrandoshan 2 роки тому

    Perfectly fitting ending

  • @m123c456r789
    @m123c456r789 2 роки тому +3

    Tyrande's punishment is doing maw dailies?

  • @noodlebox37517
    @noodlebox37517 2 роки тому +2

    Ill burn a thousand trees before ill accept this version :P #not my banshee queen (could have been worse tho)

  • @thesavagemonster2910
    @thesavagemonster2910 2 роки тому

    The only redeeming quality for this awful expansion - still not coming back. I rather spend my $30 on bread crumbs.

  • @Noel-vq4de
    @Noel-vq4de 2 роки тому

    A great ending since Sylvie has all the time in the universe to repeat the daily until the tryhardwarrior is satisfied. However, it does not make sense since she was literally influenced by the Jalier to be her ally. I doubt anyone would have acted any different if they had half of their soul taken and the remaining part being heavily influenced by a higher power.

  • @db7073
    @db7073 2 роки тому

    Wow is dead anyways

  • @DaishDaishDaish
    @DaishDaishDaish 2 роки тому +3

    Diversity council promoted him because he is transgendered

    • @GazingTrandoshan
      @GazingTrandoshan 2 роки тому +1

      I love how much this makes you seethe

    • @DaishDaishDaish
      @DaishDaishDaish 2 роки тому

      @@GazingTrandoshan im not sure you understand what the word seethe means
      i called it a "he" and not by its biological birth sex

  • @099Nitro
    @099Nitro 2 роки тому

    Alliance bias

    • @63Limar
      @63Limar 2 роки тому

      I mean, Alliance got Teldrassil burned to the ground and souls of these people trapped in the maw

    • @Dinghys
      @Dinghys 2 роки тому +1

      Lets give them this. They lose everywhere else Kekw

  • @Winsor1986
    @Winsor1986 2 роки тому
