This lesson is quite good. I self-taught myself this song many years ago, and it's nice to see it all brought together for us so very well, and with instructions. This video helps me to solidify my own understanding of the song. It's all done so very well in this video. Much appreciated! A++ !!
Jimi was so versatile!! You make it look so easy… I have been playing “ self- taught” for about 5 years now and YOU have helped me to find my rhythm again !! I have a LesPaul 60’s vintage and have made it work !! Having a lot of fun !!
Its over 55 years since this single was released, just before my 14th birthday, i never tire of istening to it, every little nuance still is an absolute joy for me, and likewise your tuition has been a treat to watch and learn from after several reference views, !thankyou for shoveling a glimpse into the ditch of what jimi has inspired in you and all of us who hear it and can but wonder 👍😎
Excellent lesson! Been trying to get this song right for years. Your lesson is a perfect demonstration and provides a great target to shoot for. This is one of my favorite Jimi Hendrix songs, so will keep trying. Thank you!
Your accuracy is what sets you apart from others and makes me want to go to you to learn a song! Iam 66yrs and been a drummer for 55yrs! I've always fxcked around w guitar but only now am getting serious. Your good a ND refreshing. I used to run clubs and known many players.I won't drop names , but thank you.
I've seen many other guitarists cover this very same song, but none like YOU! Your approach is just what other guitarist need to pay attention too. You approached the song like YOU really wanted to teach it and you wanted everyone to understand what you were showing, Most people do song demoes from that standpoint that the audience already knows how to play to the level that it would take to play a song. But. in your case, you completely deciphered the song. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR DOING SO. It's very encouraging to see a musician take so much pride and time in what he's teaching. Your demo was amazing. It left me with something to really practice. Please continue to do so.
I have seen this played different ways over the years. You give a very detailed narration on the tone and equipment in addition to actually explaining the musical theory behind the licks. I love the “nuances” you provide behind theory which most players don’t want to give up to others. Great job on the skills and tone. This song I believe is one of Hendrix’s best that shows the true ability and depth of his background and influences to his sound.
How you can call The Wind Cries Mary a 'rock' song is beyond me.To me calling Hendrix a 'rock guitarist is an insult.I dont think Hendrix knew what 'rock' music was-Thank Christ.
@@1Keef Hello Mr Keef, Yes, I've heard of psychedelic rock,a label given to music of the late sixties,used by record companies and PR men, to seduce the young people of the day into thinking they were "different"and "hip",in order to make a lot of money.I can recall reading two interviews with Hendrix,where he stated in both,that he didn't know what psychedelic meant.He often stated that all he played was "loud blues",and that's all Hendrix was-a blues player,along with a jazz and country and western slant.I personally cannot stand "psychedelic rock,and even worse heavy metal,which is why l listen to Hendrix,and have been doing so for the last fifty two years.Regarding Johnny B Goode,this was used as an opener that's all,and rarely played.He listened to blues players,jazz and rythmn and blues musicians,and you can hear all this in his playing.As far as I'm concerned,NEVER a rock guitarist,and Thank Christ for that.
I subscribed. This is the best note for note lesson of this Hendrix classic on the internet. Highly appreciate your effort. I have been struggling with this for years. Now I will give it another shot.
Good morning ,or day/night to all. Love this song and have played it my way for many years. Today I get to learn it properly from a man with a better ear than mine and a really easy relaxed teaching style. I was hooked the moment I saw the first Stones song and I now have three guitars with different tuning ie normal,another with G tuning and the other with E tuning and I have to say my world has opened up tremendously as far playing goes. It’s given me a whole new pallet to work with and my song writing is expanding by the day. All I can say is I wish I had UA-cam in the seventies when I began playing. So, thank you for your vids, your guitar collection,amps etc. All the best from Perth,Western Australia. Cheers
Great tutorial on Henry/Maggie May. I've been wanting to learn that for years but thought it was beyond my abilities. Now I can play it, as well as all your other song tutorials. Love the way you go about teaching. Also you've some awesome gear especially the collection of vintage Fender amps. Keep them coming my friend. Your knowledge is empecable!!!
Jimi's genius lays in that he is a songwriter as well as a guitarist and always chose the appropriate approach on guitar to match the mood of the composition. He sparse soulful approach reflects the haunting and rueful subject of desolation loneliness and regret
Black on black strat is so sick. Great instructions, just learned hey Joe from this channel and now on to this one. Always been scared to learn hendrix but just going for it now and you make it much more manageable
Awesome guitar work, I think you nailed it . Great sounds, and the little things Jimi did in this song. Makes this a classic. I will be watching more. Thanks
I subscribed even though I'm a very experienced guitarist. I plan to share your channel with anyone who wants to learn how to play stuff correctly. And if I want to learn any song (like this one):more quickly. Great work!
I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart... I could have played this years ago if I could have found someone that actually broke it down and explained what chords you re playing and fingers you re using.... I have seen awesome players try the same thing, and they play well and it sounds great but I have no idea what finger is doing what... I get the style but you explained what was actually happening. And the explanation of the Jimi chord will help me with so many others like Little Wing etc. You helped me get slightly closer to the best ever. Grin ear to ear. Thank you, means the world to me. P.S. For requests, not sure if you've done it as I've just subscribed but would love somw help on "Life Without You" by the great SRV. I wish I was born earlier so I could have seen all these legends... World misses em for sure. That being said check out the young Aussie, Taj Farrant... future is bright with him around.
Mr Hendrix had a great understanding of the guitar, Some such as this are so melodic, One cant help to want to play these songs.I guess when you live and sleep with the guitar it does become attached to the body.Nice playing by you, Thanks..
Excellent rendition of classic Jimi, love it. I had just learned it a little different but yours is better because the chords C,B ,F are closer and not as much string dragging noise. I had watched a couple other videos of yours and was impressed, thanks 🙏 🕊️
Just great! Tone, playing, lesson style... I was around 8 when this song came out, loved it immediately. My friend got to see him backing the Monkees in Miami shortly after. Anyway, there is a fairly recent Eddie Kramer video breaking down this song... he shows that there are several guitars playing simultaneously, one just lightly brushing the strings...keep up the great work!
I'm betting that the so-called "Hendrix family" de-monetized this lesson on the day it was posted. The man died over fifty years ago, and had no children. All of his music should have been placed in the public domain a long time ago.
Great lesson. Very accurate to the recording. Has all the solo parts and the outro solo/fills. Many lessons on this song do not include those! Keep up the great work Mr 12ft🤘
Brilliant thanks, you’ve given me loads to work on. Super clear instructions and it’s great you keep refreshing what you’re teaching for oldies like me 👴 Thanks for sharing your thoughts and knowledge 👍🏻
That’s when I was born, 1967. If it wasn’t for me being born in that era, and bringing my energy into this realm we live, none of this music would have existed, I am a Legend in my own mind 😂😂😂
If ever there was a good example of what makes a great guitarist just that, you nailed the mechanics of the song and all respect to you, but Jimi had his own special touch that is not something anyone can copy, you will always get close but he like other giants of the fretboard are playing their personality directly in to our ears, that said its still a good vid and accurate, way to go man.
Very cool video. I love your attention to detail. That 2 amp sound is awesome and pretty spot on. I'm not good enough to play it quite like that. I just try to get the spirit of what he's doing.
Thankyou for this, I always wanted to get to grips with this great song, and always meaning to come back to it. I have watched a few really good guitar teachers on youtube for a while but had not subscribed to any as yet. I saw your video this morning and I have now subscribed to your channel and hit the bell, and of course, I thumbed up this video, this should tell you how much I liked this presentation and I downloaded the vid, thankyou again for putting it all together in such an easy to follow way. Now all I have to do is retune the strat back to standard having just put it into an unusual G chord tuning to relearn Fearless by Pink Floyd. I mean TWCM wouldn't really be quite right to learn on a Telecaster huh... LoL, I guess that one goes to GGDGBB then and the Strat gets back to standard for this one, I always figured Jimi was on the neck pickup with this and looks and sounds like you have yours on there too. Song suggestions? Can't think of anything I wanted to learn 'more' than this one, but something does seem to come to mind. I always liked the Quo, and I think it was on "Whatever You Want" that I noticed Francis Rossi seemed to be getting some pretty amazing mileage with riffing and rythmn in the 5th position I think.. he makes it look easy. Great Song too, I love Status Quo and this one's one of my faves of theirs - Cheers and do keep up the Great work, I'll be watching for sure
New subscriber, great lesson. I learned this song years ago and spent a considerable amount of time trying to nail his guitar tone. I also use two amplifiers, I've an old Silverface Twin Reverb and an older Marshall Plexi. Using a clean-ish Fender amplifier really did put the icing on the cake for me. Great content, Thank You
Hi ya, very cool lesson. I just noticed I wasn’t subbed to your channel here and I’ve watched a few others as well. Thanks for sharing this, explained real well 🤙
I watched quite a few UA-cam's of people teaching this song but this is by far the most accurate rendition. Thanks.
This song shows Jimi’s abosolute genius as a rhythm guitarist.
Really he takes 4 chords in to the stratosphere.
Какой ритм у Хендрикса, спонтанная какофония нот, он сочинял музыку свою в наркотическом угаре
This lesson is quite good. I self-taught myself this song many years ago, and it's nice to see it all brought together for us so very well, and with instructions. This video helps me to solidify my own understanding of the song. It's all done so very well in this video. Much appreciated! A++ !!
You are the only guy on the internet that actually Plays Hendrix correctly Thank You
Jimi was so versatile!! You make it look so easy… I have been playing “ self- taught” for about 5 years now and YOU have helped me to find my rhythm again !! I have a LesPaul 60’s vintage and have made it work !! Having a lot of fun !!
Glad to hear!
Its over 55 years since this single was released, just before my 14th birthday,
i never tire of istening to it, every little nuance still is an absolute joy for me,
and likewise your tuition has been a treat to watch and learn from after
several reference views, !thankyou for shoveling a glimpse into the ditch of what
jimi has inspired in you and all of us who hear it and can but wonder 👍😎
Excellent lesson! Been trying to get this song right for years. Your lesson is a perfect demonstration and provides a great target to shoot for. This is one of my favorite Jimi Hendrix songs, so will keep trying. Thank you!
Thank you!
Your accuracy is what sets you apart from others and makes me want to go to you to learn a song! Iam 66yrs and been a drummer for 55yrs! I've always fxcked around w guitar but only now am getting serious. Your good a ND refreshing. I used to run clubs and known many players.I won't drop names , but thank you.
Thanks so much! I'm the opposite , lifelong guitar player who would love to drum! Welcome
Where has this lesson been all my life? I’m lovin’ it!
I've seen many other guitarists cover this very same song, but none like YOU!
Your approach is just what other guitarist need to pay attention too. You approached the song like YOU really wanted to teach it and you wanted everyone to understand what you were showing,
Most people do song demoes from that standpoint that the audience already knows how to play to the level that it would take to play a song. But. in your case, you completely deciphered the song.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR DOING SO. It's very encouraging to see a musician take so much pride and time in what he's teaching. Your demo was amazing. It left me with something to really practice.
Please continue to do so.
Great lesson, really easy to follow and well paced. Perfect lead tone for one of the great Jimi songs.
Thanks dude your tutorials are just the best, really apriciate what you do
wow - thanks so much! Glad you are enjoying
Beautiful, his way of mixing leads and chords was so unique, so great, great lesson
I have seen this played different ways over the years. You give a very detailed narration on the tone and equipment in addition to actually explaining the musical theory behind the licks. I love the “nuances” you provide behind theory which most players don’t want to give up to others. Great job on the skills and tone. This song I believe is one of Hendrix’s best that shows the true ability and depth of his background and influences to his sound.
You are a skillful teacher and I like that you don’t hype it or exaggerate how sure we are 100% about how it is done or what tone etc
I wish we could hear/watch the whole song finished. the rhythm is important too. Best one of a dozen I listened too. Thanx.
One of the greatest rock songs of all time. Brilliant playing and lesson. Thanks for posting! 👍👍
How you can call The Wind Cries Mary a 'rock' song is beyond me.To me calling Hendrix a 'rock guitarist is an insult.I dont think Hendrix knew what 'rock' music was-Thank Christ.
@@michaelgaskell7408 I beg to differ. Ever hear of psychedelic rock? He played many rock songs including Johnny b Goode
@@1Keef Hello Mr Keef, Yes, I've heard of psychedelic rock,a label given to music of the late sixties,used by record companies and PR men, to seduce the young people of the day into thinking they were "different"and "hip",in order to make a lot of money.I can recall reading two interviews with Hendrix,where he stated in both,that he didn't know what psychedelic meant.He often stated that all he played was "loud blues",and that's all Hendrix was-a blues player,along with a jazz and country and western slant.I personally cannot stand "psychedelic rock,and even worse heavy metal,which is why l listen to Hendrix,and have been doing so for the last fifty two years.Regarding Johnny B Goode,this was used as an opener that's all,and rarely played.He listened to blues players,jazz and rythmn and blues musicians,and you can hear all this in his playing.As far as I'm concerned,NEVER a rock guitarist,and Thank Christ for that.
@@michaelgaskell7408 Yeah and you know everything about music, it's classed as rock wether you like it or not,
Awesome. You captured nuances i didn't know were there.
Great teaching method to include the underlying chords in the lead instruction. Excellent job. 👍
Thank you so much for sharing this lesson. It's the nuances that create the emotion - and you nail 'em! Play on brother!
You have a gift for making this stuff that I thought was impossible seem doable. Thank you for the glimmer of hope.
Just an excellent tutorial. Thank you so much!
I believe he used a capo . Because for some reason I play it in E , and I get some serious Hendixisoms .
I subscribed. This is the best note for note lesson of this Hendrix classic on the internet. Highly appreciate your effort. I have been struggling with this for years. Now I will give it another shot.
Good morning ,or day/night to all. Love this song and have played it my way for many years. Today I get to learn it properly from a man with a better ear than mine and a really easy relaxed teaching style. I was hooked the moment I saw the first Stones song and I now have three guitars with different tuning ie normal,another with G tuning and the other with E tuning and I have to say my world has opened up tremendously as far playing goes. It’s given me a whole new pallet to work with and my song writing is expanding by the day. All I can say is I wish I had UA-cam in the seventies when I began playing. So, thank you for your vids, your guitar collection,amps etc. All the best from Perth,Western Australia. Cheers
Thank you for the kind words! Glad you are continuing on with your playing. Rock on!
Best guitar lesson version of this song I have heard. Well done and thank you.
Thank you!
so cool
Thank you very much!
Great tutorial on Henry/Maggie May. I've been wanting to learn that for years but thought it was beyond my abilities. Now I can play it, as well as all your other song tutorials. Love the way you go about teaching. Also you've some awesome gear especially the collection of vintage Fender amps. Keep them coming my friend. Your knowledge is empecable!!!
Jimi's genius lays in that he is a songwriter as well as a guitarist and always chose the appropriate approach on guitar to match the mood of the composition. He sparse soulful approach reflects the haunting and rueful subject of desolation loneliness and regret
Really can't thank you enough for these lessons, for me your style of teaching is spot on. And as accurate as you can get to the records, thanks.
I must thank you for this elaborate and accurate lesson. It is very well explained and easy to understand.
You're very welcome!
This is the best lesson I've had on this incredible song! Thank you so much!
Great lesson and explanation of the chords the song is built around, which act as landmarks to help remember how the parts go!
Black on black strat is so sick. Great instructions, just learned hey Joe from this channel and now on to this one. Always been scared to learn hendrix but just going for it now and you make it much more manageable
Wow! Thank you. One of the best-paced lessons on UA-cam 😊
The best teacher in the web (and why not live as well)..
Fantastic. Brilliant lesson. So very well explained. Really easy to understand where all the licks and embellshments are coming from. Love it ❤
Glad it was helpful!
Awesome guitar work, I think you nailed it . Great sounds, and the little things Jimi did in this song. Makes this a classic. I will be watching more. Thanks
I subscribed even though I'm a very experienced guitarist. I plan to share your channel with anyone who wants to learn how to play stuff correctly. And if I want to learn any song (like this one):more quickly. Great work!
Thank you thank you thank you!!
Thank you Sir - you are perfectly talking a language I can understand and follow along! Much appreciated👏 salute from Austria
You are very welcome
This is the first time I hav seen this played correctly. Good job.
I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart... I could have played this years ago if I could have found someone that actually broke it down and explained what chords you re playing and fingers you re using.... I have seen awesome players try the same thing, and they play well and it sounds great but I have no idea what finger is doing what... I get the style but you explained what was actually happening. And the explanation of the Jimi chord will help me with so many others like Little Wing etc.
You helped me get slightly closer to the best ever. Grin ear to ear. Thank you, means the world to me.
P.S. For requests, not sure if you've done it as I've just subscribed but would love somw help on "Life Without You" by the great SRV. I wish I was born earlier so I could have seen all these legends... World misses em for sure. That being said check out the young Aussie, Taj Farrant... future is bright with him around.
Mr Hendrix had a great understanding of the guitar, Some such as this are so melodic, One cant help to want to play these songs.I guess when you live and sleep with the guitar it does become attached to the body.Nice playing by you, Thanks..
Love your amps .I just got a Deluxe Reverb and really love Fender amps.So expressive.Great lesson
Your channels growing like a wildfire, great!
Excellent rendition of classic Jimi, love it. I had just learned it a little different but yours is better because the chords C,B ,F are closer and not as much string dragging noise. I had watched a couple other videos of yours and was impressed, thanks 🙏 🕊️
I only just found this channel and I love it! I hope you keep going, Thank you!
Excellent work! I self taught myself this song but I missed quite a few of the subtleties. This lesson fill in all the gaps. 👍
Wow, gonna try to climb this mountain. Thanks!
Just got to this. Great lesson - thanks very much.
Great sounding Strat + great lesson , Thanks .
Just great! Tone, playing, lesson style... I was around 8 when this song came out, loved it immediately. My friend got to see him backing the Monkees in Miami shortly after. Anyway, there is a fairly recent Eddie Kramer video breaking down this song... he shows that there are several guitars playing simultaneously, one just lightly brushing the strings...keep up the great work!
Love your teaching style. Great lesson!
This is Excellent, and the tone is so close you can get without running a stack on full tilt.
Thanks for another great lesson, Love your use of amplifiers to achieve Jimi's sound, well done!
Mate, you are amazing. You play it just like it sounds. Thanks a lot.
Thank you, glad you liked
Love your lessons/Style. Thanks for this one
Thanks for helping me clean up the way I have been playing this song 😊🎸
Awsom. Best explanation on technique.
I like the opening demo of the subject song; it's a nice way to entice add'l viewers. You should follow this procedure more often!!
I'm betting that the so-called "Hendrix family" de-monetized this lesson on the day it was posted. The man died over fifty years ago, and had no children. All of his music should have been placed in the public domain a long time ago.
Brilliant song and a fabulous lesson! Thanks so much!
Legend ! You and Jimi .Cheers👍
my new favorite youtube channel!
Excellent video thanks. I think Jimi influenced Ron Wood during their time as flatmates in London.
Gracias maestro, muy bien explicado !!! Slds! desde Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
Jimi Hendrix ❤️
Great lesson. Very accurate to the recording. Has all the solo parts and the outro solo/fills. Many lessons on this song do not include those! Keep up the great work Mr 12ft🤘
I love your lessons ... the best!
I love that band, “ The Record”, always wanted to play their version of this song.
Cool lesson.! You covered all the bases.. I would love to see you recap after 2 or 3 parts.. ?Thanks.!👍🏼❤️
That was a great lesson. Man, your
channel grew. I remember when you incarnated the name...Keep on growin'!
Brilliant thanks, you’ve given me loads to work on. Super clear instructions and it’s great you keep refreshing what you’re teaching for oldies like me 👴 Thanks for sharing your thoughts and knowledge 👍🏻
Nicely done and very cool! Lots to absorb and work on. Thank you for sharing with us wannabes!
That’s when I was born, 1967. If it wasn’t for me being born in that era, and bringing my energy into this realm we live, none of this music would have existed, I am a Legend in my own mind 😂😂😂
You look like Coach. Great lesson man! Thanks!
Great lesson well presented and well explained, and just as important you come across as a nice guy and not someone who only wants to show off.
thank you very very much! For this tutorial. I hope more Jimmy songs come
always loved that song.
Very good lesson thanks. Always enjoyed Jimi’s cool çhords and the sweet guitar tones on this one
Really like the way you teach 👏🏼👏🏼been trying to learn this song for a while, now I think I got it 👍 thanks
If ever there was a good example of what makes a great guitarist just that, you nailed the mechanics of the song and all respect to you, but Jimi had his own special touch that is not something anyone can copy, you will always get close but he like other giants of the fretboard are playing their personality directly in to our ears, that said its still a good vid and accurate, way to go man.
Brilliant lesson.. thanks a million man 🙏☘️☘️☘️
This is an excellent lesson, tone sounds great!
Very cool video. I love your attention to detail. That 2 amp sound is awesome and pretty spot on. I'm not good enough to play it quite like that. I just try to get the spirit of what he's doing.
much appreciated! like your teaching style. glad I found you.. would you consider breaking down Parchman Farm by cactus?
Nice lesson!!. You look like Hayden Fox from the TV show Coach😊.
Great video thanks, subscribed 👍🏻
A+++ Jimi will be proud of you ❤❤❤
Thanks 12 foot chain!
excellent tutorial
Thankyou for this, I always wanted to get to grips with this great song, and always meaning to come back to it. I have watched a few really good guitar teachers on youtube for a while but had not subscribed to any as yet. I saw your video this morning and I have now subscribed to your channel and hit the bell, and of course, I thumbed up this video, this should tell you how much I liked this presentation and I downloaded the vid, thankyou again for putting it all together in such an easy to follow way.
Now all I have to do is retune the strat back to standard having just put it into an unusual G chord tuning to relearn Fearless by Pink Floyd. I mean TWCM wouldn't really be quite right to learn on a Telecaster huh... LoL, I guess that one goes to GGDGBB then and the Strat gets back to standard for this one, I always figured Jimi was on the neck pickup with this and looks and sounds like you have yours on there too. Song suggestions? Can't think of anything I wanted to learn 'more' than this one, but something does seem to come to mind. I always liked the Quo, and I think it was on "Whatever You Want" that I noticed Francis Rossi seemed to be getting some pretty amazing mileage with riffing and rythmn in the 5th position I think.. he makes it look easy. Great Song too, I love Status Quo and this one's one of my faves of theirs - Cheers and do keep up the Great work, I'll be watching for sure
Great work! easy to follow you TY
New subscriber, great lesson.
I learned this song years ago and spent a considerable amount of time trying to nail his guitar tone.
I also use two amplifiers, I've an old Silverface Twin Reverb and an older Marshall Plexi.
Using a clean-ish Fender amplifier really did put the icing on the cake for me.
Great content, Thank You
Hi ya, very cool lesson. I just noticed I wasn’t subbed to your channel here and I’ve watched a few others as well. Thanks for sharing this, explained real well 🤙
Fantastic Tutorial
Great lesson
AWESOME LESSON!!! Have you done 51st anniversary??! Thank you for your time and teaching us!! 😊
Best so far.. nice!
Thank you for posting this!
Thank you for this wonderful lesson!!!