Capitalism vs Socialism vs Communism - The Easiest Explanation

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2025


  • @deepak-dhankhar
    @deepak-dhankhar 2 роки тому +391

    Yes, in India, socialism is there and govt can acquire one's property if needed, but in exchange govt will pay appropriate amount to the person, that is our constitutional right, not fundamental right.

    • @prashikshegaonkar5357
      @prashikshegaonkar5357 2 роки тому +47

      Yes, but the issue is that the Government itself decides the ‘appropriate amount’, which in most cases is very less than the market value of the property.

    • @ulisirius9027
      @ulisirius9027 2 роки тому

      Globalism takes over the whole world without any exception all over for all eternity. All will be absorbed, no outside anymore.
      Teil 1 : Der subjektlose Prozess der Verwertung des Werts aus Wert mehr Wert zu generieren führt vermittelt durch den stummen Zwang der Konkurrenz zum Prozess des Kapitals zum Weltkapital. Dabei bleiben schwache Nationen auf der Strecke, mittlere werden unterhöhlt, starke bilden Tiefe Staaten aus. Bei diesem Prozess bildet sich eine transnationale Ebene , bestehend aus Multis, Multikultis, NGOs, EU usw.. ( Globalisierung). Globalismus befördert diesen Prozess, bewusst wie bewusstlos.
      Teil 2 Vermittelt durch den stummen Zwang der Konkurrenz, dem Neid, der Gier, ab er auch dem Wunsch nach Sorgfalt, der ökologischen Rückverfolgbarkeit, der Bekämpfung von Kriminalität, Steuerhinterziehung, dem Wunsch zu kennen was der Konsument wie konsumiert, dem Wunsch nach Kontrolle, der besseren Konsumierbarkeit, der immanenten technischen Entwicklung bedingt auch durch mögliche Kriege usw., wird die Technologie, Information, Konsumption, Produktion zusammengeschaltet gleichgeschaltet und immer mehr werden angeschlossen. Immer mehr wird vercodet und gechipt.Die industrielle Maschinerie verschmilzt mit dem Organischen und der nationalen Staatsmaschine. Alles was hergestellt wird kommt in die Maschine alles was benötigt wird aus der Maschine. Güter fliessen in der Maschine. Alle sind angeschlossen. Überall ist Zentrum.
      Teil 3 Rückkopplung des Konsums in die Produktion geschieht automatisch. Jeder Wunsch jede Ab- Stimmung wird erfasst und koppelt sich in die Maschine zurück Das Marketing möchte das wie, wann wo und warum kennen. Cookies werden losgeschickt und implementiert. Zentralisierung der Macht führt zum planetaren Kontrollstellen wie im Bankenwesen. Digitalisierung führt zur Abschaffung des Bar- Geldes.
      Teil 4 Das Warenuniversum des Kapitals und seine Logik ist imperial und total. Alles wird absorbiert, verschiedenes wird verglichen, bedingt durch das Geld, dem Gleichmacher, es ist Vergleichung. Die Egalité ist was sehr kapitalistisches. Das Kapital geht mit der Communis schwanger.
      Teil 5 Jede Abstimmung immerzu soll da in Perfektion erfasst sein und keine Ab- Stimmung soll verloren gehen. Die Geldmonaden, das formvollendete Individuum soll da schwirren in der Zirkulation, global total. Frei verfügbar soll die Arbeitskraft weltweit verwertet werden
      können. Nationalstaaten sind heute dafür nur noch hinderlich. Die reine Plutokratie ist durchgesetztes Weltkapital. Radikal imperial. Formvollendete Verhandelbarkeit von allem Abstimmbarkeit über jedes Vegleichbarkeit von allem. D.h. auch Austauschbarkeit. Voilà der Globalfaschismus als vollendete Plutokratie. Dieser kann mehr technokratische, mehr ökofaschistische Züge haben, er kann auch oszillieren. Hängt wohl von der Verlaufsform ab.
      Teil 6 Vergleichung ist dem Gelde immanent. Irgend ein Schnösel legt ein Sack davon auf den Tisch. Wer Gleichheit ablehnt muss das Geldsystem ablehnen. So liegt in der Unterhölung des Bargeldes immer auch die Kontrolle, der Kontrollwunsch. Die Krise kann zu Reformgeld aber auch zur Weltkastenherrschaft führen. Die Eliten können direkt durchregieren. Voilà, Globalfaschismus als Kastenherrschaft.
      Teil 7 Die Digitalisierung führt zur weiteren Machtkonzentration aber auch der Abschaffung des Bargeldes. Da alle an die Maschine angeschlossen sind kann theoretisch eben auch die Dazwischenkunft des Geldes ganz abgeschafft werden. Die Leute nehmen sich das was sie benötigen "aus" der Maschine. Was knapp ist wird via Zufallsgeneratoren zugewiesen.
      Jeder ist qua Geburt oder Zeugung darin. Alle sind schlussendlich eingebetet in die Maschine. Es gibt kein Aussen mehr. Alle Universa und Dimensionen sind all absorbiert für alle Zeit und Ewigkeit bis in alle Ewigkeit. Voilà Globalfaschismus als Communis. Lohnsystem ist auch beseitigt. Zumindest politökonomisch. (Bei-Sein-In).
      Teil 8 Durch Machtkämpfe können sich Eliten durchsetzen die die Technologien völlig nihilistisch befördern. Es entstehen dystopisch kollektivistische Szenarien. Giger Kunst, Borg, Matrix worin die Technik den Menschen verschlingt und vernutzt. ( In- Sein-Bei). Voilà Globalfaschismus als Dystopie.
      Teil 9 Und bedingt durch Ordo ab Chaos Strategien, aber auch apolaren Strategien, werden Nationalstaaten geschwächt. Umvolkung bzw. Migrationspakt laufen aus dem Ruder. Der faschistische Islam übernimmt das Szepter. Auch durch Dekadenz ist ein solches Szenario möglich. Voilà der Islamfaschismus. Umma als sklavistisch mafiotisches Dschihad Imperium.
      Teil 10 Wichtig ist noch folgendes. Die Communis basiert auf Transzendenz auf Entwicklungsfähigkeit. Dazu ist eine Art bewusste Religion/ Spiritualität vonnöten. Dies zur Abgrenzung der Dystopie. Wir wollen den neuen Menschen als Chiborg( Kiborg) nicht Borg.
      Teil 11 Dies und das. Vermehrung erfolgt kulturell wie von einer gewissen Stabilität aus betrachtet aber auch idealtypisch 1. Monogam, 2.polygam( mit Sexsklaverei und Cousinenehe), 3. Retortenzucht, Eugenik, Euthanasie oder Lebensschutz. 4. Promisk in Kombination mit öffentlichen Ritualen 5. Polyamorie kann durchaus überall auftreten. Ist aber keine feste Struktur. --- Ausserdem kämpft das Lebensschützerische gegen das Bevölkerungsreduktionistische. Das Sexualfeindliche gegen das Sexualfreundliche.
      Teil 12 Der universale Kampf. Seit es höhere Staatlichkeit oder militärische Kampfkraft gibt, gibt es die Auseinandersetzung ob die Ordnung lokal, gruppenspezifisch, regional zu verbleiben hat oder "überall" zu gelten hat. Dabei ist es einerlei ob etwas partikulares universal ausgebreitet wird oder eine universelle Idee. Da es nicht nur die Erde mit Leben gibt, sondern auch andere Planeten mit Leben und auch höherem Leben, ist davon auszugehen das dieser Grundkonflikt wirklich und wahrhaftig universal ist. Dieser Kampf ist derjenige zwischen Empire/ Global Gouvernance/Weltordnungsidee/ Reichsidee auf der einen Seite und der nationalen Souveränität(Nationalsouveränismus) auf der anderen Seite. Dabei gibt es viele Pläne auf allen Seiten, bewusstes wie unbewusstes agieren. Die Vertreter der Weltordnungsidee agieren dabei selbstverständlich mit allen Mitteln Mitteln, wie auch ihre Gegner. Heute zumeist unipolar oder apolar. Die souveränistischen Akteure zumeist von strikter Souveränität( mit Cheks and Balances und direkter Kommunikation) oder gehen von einem Konzept von Multipolarität aus. Nationale Souveränisten gehen davon aus das es Freihandel nur unter gleichstarken geben kann. Idealtypisch demokratisch, moderate Libertäre wie moderate Sozialisten. Starker Präsident oder Milizkollegium. Der Kapitalismus wird sozial gezähmt, allerdings nicht überwunden. Jede Nation soll ihre eigene Raumfahrt machen. --- Es ist noch hinzuzufügen das es wechselnde Allianzen und Querfronten geben kann. Und auch die Strömungen untereinander sich zum Teil heftig bekämpfen können.
      Teil 13. Attila Hildmann. Faktisch alles kann globalistisch transformiert werden. Selbst völkisches und partikulares kann umgedreht werden. Deshalb wäre bei Durchsetzung des deutschen Nationalsozialismus umgehend ein globalistischer Transnationalsozialismus geworden. Hildmann verkürzt vieles ist aber unterstützenswert da er das Overton Fenster verschiebt. Hildmann ist wie Kenfm Antizionist. Kenfm hat mehr Einfluss wie ein Hildmann. Zionismus. Ist die Bewegung für Volk und Heimat im Judentum und die Durchsetzung europäisch abendländischer Nationalstaatlichkeit innerhalb des Judentums. Bei allen Allianzen, mit Globalisten Selbsthassern, Islamisten usw., war der Zionismus bis jetzt sehr erfolgreich sich durchzusetzen. Antisemitismus kann man überwinden durch Affirmation der Zirkulation. Zum einen wie Trump durch nationalen Patriotismus und (säkularisierten) Calvinismus. Zum anderen wie es Finanzglobalisten tun, alles in die Zirkulation. Dahin gehört auch der Globalfaschismus der Israel zu Weltisrael (Postzionismus) aufbläst oder die Zirkulation durch die Maschine ersetzt oder diese deckungsgleich macht. (Postkapitalismus) Attila verbleibt auf der subjektiven Handlungsebene und verabsolutiert diese bzw. hängt sich bei Spezialplänen auf. Es ist zwar richtig das es Verantwortlichkeiten gibt, es den universalen Kampf aber eben nicht juckt ob mehr Soros, mehr, Transhumanismus mehr Gates oder Rockefeller dahintersteckt, die Engelwesen auf Sirius juckt das nicht... Es sind eben nicht nur Juden sondern auch Buddhisten, Christen, Synkretisten, Mohammedaner, Nihilisten,Atheisten usw unter den globalistischen Akteuren... Compact Magazin.
      Communis ist gemeinschaftlich durchgeführter Genuss. Dies gilt überhistorisch. Das marxsche präfaschistische Verständnis verbleibt in erster Linie bürgerlich immanent. Heute wissen wir: Emanzipation führt in den Transhumanismus, ist zwar auch globalfaschistisch, aber wohl dystopisch.
      Bin zwar kein Identitärer aber ohne Identitäres wird es nicht gehen. War früher eher wachstumskritisch, bzw. für einen Mix, heute neige ich immer mehr zur massiven Steigerung der Energieflussdichte, mindestens bis die Nationen eigene Weltraumsiedlungen haben.Siehe Positionen Dr Blex, Benedict Kaiser, Sieferle, Sellner, Curio, LaRouche.(Spannungsbogen).
      Quelle zum Globalfaschismus. Kommentarsektion von Kenfm. Dort treten Globalfaschisten hervor. Propagieren aggressiv Reichsidee. Bedrohen AfD, Identitäre, Kenfm und seine Querfronten, Patrioten usw..Sind für (!!!) SAntifa.

    • @cm17070
      @cm17070 2 роки тому +10

      @@prashikshegaonkar5357 market value is mostly decided by upper classes people, businessmen or corrupt people but that's not the actual value

    • @prashikshegaonkar5357
      @prashikshegaonkar5357 2 роки тому +24

      @@cm17070 Thats not the actual value? Then what is? The one which Government decides? Figured…😄

    • @sugargay7168
      @sugargay7168 2 роки тому +6

      Theres the same here in the US. Its referred to as “imminent domain”

  • @Emoechaiti
    @Emoechaiti 2 роки тому +311

    It's stupid for a country to hold onto one ideology. A country should focus on development and apply whatever ideology is suitable at that given time.

    • @exponentialcomplexity3051
      @exponentialcomplexity3051 2 роки тому +45

      No. Capitalism is the only ideology which can really ensure that everyone benefits by creating opportunities.

    • @AnIndividual836
      @AnIndividual836 2 роки тому +42

      @@exponentialcomplexity3051 Even the person who popularised this concept had said that there need to be check

    • @exponentialcomplexity3051
      @exponentialcomplexity3051 2 роки тому +37

      @@AnIndividual836 Of course. No system without any checks and balances will work. But I was comparing capitalism against communism. Communism only gives an illusion of shared wealth. In reality it's always the rule of a few small minority.

    • @anthonyesposito7
      @anthonyesposito7 2 роки тому +7

      @@exponentialcomplexity3051 So in other other word capitalism and communism are the same 🤔

    • @AnIndividual836
      @AnIndividual836 2 роки тому

      @@exponentialcomplexity3051 Communism is a failed ideology.. it's not practical , socialism too.. Capitalism with welfareism is the only way

  • @harshgoyal4258
    @harshgoyal4258 2 роки тому +103

    Right to Property is actually a legal Right in constitution not a FR it was one of the biggest controversies in Indian Polity.

    • @vihaan1311
      @vihaan1311 2 роки тому +1

      wasn't it removed from the constitution ?

    • @romilmahant2971
      @romilmahant2971 Рік тому +2

      Do you knew what was the situation of the country that time and who was owning majority of property with free bonded labours?

    • @BackslashUnderscoreFullstop
      @BackslashUnderscoreFullstop Рік тому +1

      @@romilmahant2971 nope .. tell me

    • @OnlymineA
      @OnlymineA 8 місяців тому +3

      Earlier right to property was a fundamental right u/Article 31 ,but later on by 44th constitunal amendment it removed and replaced as a Legal right u/Article 300(a).
      Through this amendment Article 19(1)(g) &Article 31 removed from fundamental rights and become constitunal or legal right.

    • @AgoristsRising
      @AgoristsRising 4 місяці тому +1

      What is the difference between "legal" and "fundamental" rights? 🤔

  • @harshdubey4037
    @harshdubey4037 Рік тому +45

    Short term explanation wrt to political parties and their ideology.
    Congress before 1992:-Socialism
    After 1992:-A mix chunk of all communism,capitalism and socialism
    Left parties:-Communism.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 11 місяців тому +12

      That was the most lamest and stupidly simplified definition of India's history.
      India was never a Socialist country.
      1) Did India nationalize all the lands before 1990? No.
      2) Did India get rid of the landlord class before 1990? No.
      3) Were there private property in India before 1990? Yes, Ambani, Tata and Birla are who? Communists?
      4) Was Nehru a Socialist? No. Watch his interviews where he bashed Socialism.

    • @maitreyeemishra2498
      @maitreyeemishra2498 8 місяців тому +7

      ​@@morningstararun6278indeed bjp isn't capitalist purely too

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому +3

      @@maitreyeemishra2498 BJP isn't purely capitalist? How? Explain this to me. They are the most capitalist and ultra right wing party in India today.

    • @maitreyeemishra2498
      @maitreyeemishra2498 8 місяців тому +8

      @@morningstararun6278 their vote Bank makes them adopt pragmatic politics like the gareeb Kalyan yojana moreover india isn't a compettition driven society, bjp solidified reservations for ews people
      Indeed, they are ultra right, but economics us adjustable

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому

      @@maitreyeemishra2498 They have a really few policies that sound Socialist, because they too have the pressure of electoral politics. But they screw the working class and poor people completely by writing off the debts of companies that go bankrupt.

  • @akshatverma2981
    @akshatverma2981 Рік тому +18

    Venezuela was one of the richest countries in 2010, an oil rich nation had a gdp per capita of 14,000 USD in 2014, today it's about 3000 USD, every single developed country in the west is a Capitalist country but still some idiots would endorse socialism and that's the reason for India still being a 3rd world country

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 11 місяців тому +2

      USSR from a poor illiterate country to a superpower in 30 years.
      China from the sickman of Asia to a superpower in 74 years.
      And still some idiots would endorse Capitalism. And btw, India was never a Socialist country ever.If you think Nehru was a Socialist, then just watch his interviews

    • @maitreyeemishra2498
      @maitreyeemishra2498 8 місяців тому +2

      Do you even know what's a third world country, it's just the non aligned block not some economic basis

    • @iampiyushsingh7544
      @iampiyushsingh7544 8 місяців тому +1

      @@morningstararun6278 Yeah if they are your reference, then we are doommed. The entire freedom to comment here will be gone.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому

      @@iampiyushsingh7544 Be more clear. No one understands the focking point you are trying to make here. what is my reference that you are referring to?

    • @BananaChip68
      @BananaChip68 8 місяців тому +2

      Venezuela is a country with socialist party not socialist economy. Norway is a lot more socialist country than Venezuela with 66% of nationalised economy. Probably you won't provide example of Norway and Nordics which ranting about Socialism

  • @Moonuuu
    @Moonuuu 2 роки тому +170

    Capitalism: Jio & Airtel
    Socialism: BSNL

    • @anuragsarkar7671
      @anuragsarkar7671 2 роки тому +11

      Bsnl needs to be revitalized.

    • @ankit4323
      @ankit4323 2 роки тому


    • @nirbhaysharma9872
      @nirbhaysharma9872 2 роки тому +7

      Well that explains 2g scam

    • @anuragsarkar7671
      @anuragsarkar7671 2 роки тому +9

      @ It's called a government business. And government state controlled economy is the reason why former Soviet Union and present China made so economic progress. It's estimated that the Soviet gdp would be 30 trillion dollars ahead of China and USA if it would exist today. That's the power of economic socialism.

    • @SanctuM8117
      @SanctuM8117 2 роки тому +6

      @@anuragsarkar7671 yes but all that money isnt of any use to the common man because the common man doesnt have freedom. also, even if the government is good for now, there is no guarantee that the next generation of leaders would be kind. if you give too much power to one entity (govt in case of socialism and communism) the possibility of corruption increases. there is no way socialism or communism will ever work without a dictatorship ruining it for everyone

  • @alokshrivastav234
    @alokshrivastav234 2 роки тому +359

    Love from Nepal love to all the right wing community 🇳🇵🇳🇵

    • @allahlesboslu2_9
      @allahlesboslu2_9 2 роки тому +30

      Hopefully Nepal and India become Hindu nations constitutionally 🤝 coz lot of South Asian nations like p u stoon kangludesh are already constitutionally b u &!@ m ! Why should only Hindus s u ccumb to s I c u larizm

    • @googleuser6894
      @googleuser6894 2 роки тому

      Also Nepalese shud fight to destroy the evil Nepalese Communist party which is becoming slave of China. Hope Nepal does not become like Pakistan.

    • @123austinpowers
      @123austinpowers 2 роки тому +13

      @@allahlesboslu2_9 nope. Let them live their own way. Why do u want to involve them if they dont want to. Hostile takeover is never the answer

    • @dwight2762
      @dwight2762 2 роки тому

      @@123austinpowers go check how this commie regime was instituted in Nepal . There was a coup ( helped by congress ofc ) all the heirs of the Royal Family were killed and the Hindu Rashtra was destroyed.

    • @_v3nom_737
      @_v3nom_737 2 роки тому +11

      @@allahlesboslu2_9 We don't want our society and political structure to be dominated by religion.

  • @ankit4323
    @ankit4323 2 роки тому +94

    Capitalism: Our evil
    Communism: Your evil
    Socialism: Still Confused 🤔🤔

    • @SonLe-gh3dz
      @SonLe-gh3dz 2 роки тому +7

      We evil

    • @Commielover69
      @Commielover69 Рік тому +10

      No you're still confused what socialism is
      Socialism is a path or step to communism

    • @FineWine-v4.0
      @FineWine-v4.0 11 місяців тому

      ​@@skrtfghsI feel pity for you

    • @ThoughtfulVoyager
      @ThoughtfulVoyager 11 місяців тому +3

      @@skrtfghs cause you don't have any knowledge of communism

    • @ThoughtfulVoyager
      @ThoughtfulVoyager 11 місяців тому +2

      @@skrtfghs communism don't have single party system.
      That has nothing to do with communism, Singapore is a capitalist country but they also have single party system.

  • @Indiapooks03
    @Indiapooks03 2 роки тому +23

    Right to property is not a fundamental right but it is a LEGAL RIGHT !!

  • @kumarraj9035
    @kumarraj9035 2 роки тому +47

    (05:11) "sovereign, socialist, secular ,democratic & republic" that's all... why Ranveer & co. don't know it despite having so much Knowledge. I think every one should know it...

    • @_v3nom_737
      @_v3nom_737 2 роки тому

      India is not at all Socialist.

    • @vihaan1311
      @vihaan1311 2 роки тому

      that is the first thing we are taught in our chapter 1 in Civics 'Our Constitution'

    • @mylord8105
      @mylord8105 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah lol

    • @aimexcellence1315
      @aimexcellence1315 Рік тому +3

      his guests an his many topics are from WhatsApp university bro, dont expect him to be erudite

    • @SaiAbitathaDUCIC
      @SaiAbitathaDUCIC Рік тому

      First of all, mentioning 'socialist' in the preamble is the biggest crime ever. Socialism can be the ideology of a political party, not of a country.

  • @anirudhchakra3975
    @anirudhchakra3975 2 роки тому +86

    Actually old india before invasions ( before 1200 AD) india followed none of this ...bharat followed it's old dharmic distribution of wealth..the divide between rich and poor is extremely less ..everyone except king and his family lived equally with right distribution of rights and money

    • @tivky
      @tivky 2 роки тому +33

      the king and his family too lived equally with the common people. that's why in south you will see all the big temples but not palaces and all

    • @Ashish-ss5nt
      @Ashish-ss5nt 2 роки тому +1

      But how to implement it today that's the question

    • @chan_for
      @chan_for 2 роки тому +14

      @@tivky ​ It's not only south but in north too, the difference is that peacefuls stayed more in north

    • @spilltea4241
      @spilltea4241 2 роки тому +9

      Lmao no

    • @nischaymiglani2617
      @nischaymiglani2617 2 роки тому +10

      @@tivky palaces in north have been made in recent centuries.
      In ancient times it wasn't like that.
      Majority of palaces were built during British era of British style.

  • @andyhandy9977
    @andyhandy9977 2 роки тому +39

    Actually..Socialism isn't that's just Nehru and Congress implemented it the bad way..nehru followed " Fabian Socialism " which is worst than communism

    • @TrophyGuide101
      @TrophyGuide101 2 роки тому

      Socialism doesn't work because it requires the state asserting control over an individual's labor, people will never accept that.

    • @allahlesboslu2_9
      @allahlesboslu2_9 2 роки тому

      Nehru was busy l I cking b u &!@ m a $$ 🤣😂😂🤣😂

    • @staymotivated5743
      @staymotivated5743 2 роки тому +28

      every socialist and communist said that

    • @socialistsolidarity
      @socialistsolidarity 2 роки тому +20

      @@staymotivated5743 Maybe because they read and learn what socialism actually is. Whereas you probably blindly follow capitalism.

    • @theardentreader1984
      @theardentreader1984 2 роки тому +22

      Typical socialist argument 😅.

  • @HarshSharma-jk5hv
    @HarshSharma-jk5hv 2 роки тому +57

    According to me, socialism,communism and capitalism are nothing but just the political promises and manifestos put forward by politicians to woo people. And at the end it's always few people who will come on top and will rule and use power for their own use. Rajneeti h sab

    • @pduttagupta
      @pduttagupta Рік тому +8

      Agreed there is no utopian society country should belive at any ideology they like at a given point of time

    • @bzzz5276
      @bzzz5276 Рік тому +2


    • @maitreyeemishra2498
      @maitreyeemishra2498 8 місяців тому

      Very biased right. People literally gave up their lives for communism in countries like republican China, Iran and tsarist Russia
      Capitalism I'd a tool of rich for the rich by the rich just asbout wealth accumulating and that hoax of consumer sovereignty Is hilarious

  • @anindyasantra9397
    @anindyasantra9397 Рік тому +8

    Capitalism also same it's a clever way to rule by a very few of people...clever way to promote feudalism and slaverism

    • @gauraveshwar
      @gauraveshwar Рік тому

      Communism promote slavery see in china, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 11 місяців тому +5

      ​@@gauraveshwar See in China, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea? Where? There is no slavery in all of the countries you said. But US has a history of slavery, So how about not being a different©ahead from now on?

    • @mukulsharma788
      @mukulsharma788 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@morningstararun6278okk in America socialism in democracy Biggest example Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and many more boy

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 3 місяці тому

      @@mukulsharma788 What is even your point? Some American leader are indeed Social Democrats. And Social Democracy is Capitalism with some.welfare schemes, it is not Socialism. The most necessity of Socialism is, Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The working class should have the ultimate power in politics, economy and technology of the country. In India, it is the rich billionaires, and their political sheeps who have that power. That is why India is a dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie.

    • @hiphop24-s3s
      @hiphop24-s3s 27 днів тому

      In pure socialism the disadvantage is if you are a intelligent person and you have a chance to become rich because of your intelligence as you became as businessman etc for example... You cant do it because you shall be just a mediocre person and need follow the majority/standard of living, if your communist country is a low middle icome country, then you should also need to be a low middle income person

  • @themotarcyclediaries
    @themotarcyclediaries 2 роки тому +52

    Socialism and communism is a nice to have concept and an ideal one which can be implemented to animals but not to humans who entice personal desires, that’s why capitalism is practical and communism is theoretical.
    Hybrid model like in Germany should be an ideal one for humans.

    • @holod3380
      @holod3380 2 роки тому +1

      for the same reason that a world without war is theory, and a world with war is practice. But does that make a world with wars or a few wars better?

    • @themotarcyclediaries
      @themotarcyclediaries 2 роки тому +18

      @@holod3380 have you ever seen/read in any stages of human history where there was no wars? Absolute peace?, because wars always exists, only the reasons for the war change, why ? Again it’s because of human desire and ambitions. If desires are true then pursue economic model which is true and not an unreal one like communism

    • @holod3380
      @holod3380 2 роки тому +1

      @@themotarcyclediaries If there has never been a world without war, there is nothing to start. Correctly?

    • @themotarcyclediaries
      @themotarcyclediaries 2 роки тому +9

      @@holod3380 yes, the best is to be prepared for it

    • @harshrai8267
      @harshrai8267 2 роки тому +4

      @@holod3380 war is a natural characteristic of any state. Talking for peace could be a necessity for short termed economical development but various mode of warfare could be executed for political aspirations in other way. So peace was never an option because we know other side won't miss any chance

  • @Cidagent999
    @Cidagent999 2 роки тому +18

    I've watched several videos and this one has given me the most clarity

    • @itisharaghu9857
      @itisharaghu9857 2 роки тому +13

      if youre actually looking for information this video isn't the best source

    • @zauva4617
      @zauva4617 2 роки тому +5

      @@itisharaghu9857 exactly🤣🤣

    • @kunalfadtare2056
      @kunalfadtare2056 Рік тому +4

      The information in this video is wrong

  • @Moonuuu
    @Moonuuu 2 роки тому +40

    Socialism is like bsnl and Capitalism like Jio Airtel.

    • @Rayan42069
      @Rayan42069 Рік тому +10

      Bsnl is like communalism or even SBI bank. Where benefit goes to employees rather than customers

    • @AshwaniKumar-bq8bo
      @AshwaniKumar-bq8bo Рік тому

      BSNL is not profitable for consumers

    • @temjenimchen7925
      @temjenimchen7925 7 місяців тому

      BSNL branded as Socialism by name but it worked like a capitalism.

  • @yashlodh3677
    @yashlodh3677 Рік тому +10

    I love to COMMUNISM ❤

    • @sharathgovindappa1783
      @sharathgovindappa1783 Рік тому +12

      Go to school kid

    • @ninjasword629
      @ninjasword629 Рік тому +3

      @@sharathgovindappa1783 bro you go

    • @gauraveshwar
      @gauraveshwar Рік тому +4

      it means u are lazy and want other's money for free by doing nothing😂😂..

    • @yashlodh3677
      @yashlodh3677 Рік тому +1

      @@gauraveshwar bro read the concept of socialism in taxation u will able to understand the building blocks of development

  • @NuclearFusion200
    @NuclearFusion200 8 місяців тому +3

    Chinese and Soviet communist can call themselves communist all they want but they all fail to understand communist leading to a authorian governments. But authorism is not inherent to communist or socialism. It's just a result of historical context and internal circumstances

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому +1

      The western powers played a great role in disrupting their economic and political management during their initial and critical stage of implementing the ideology and managing and rapidly modernising their country. While already struggling in their internal management, they faced wars, propaganda and sanctions but still managed to somewhat overcome them in very little time . The Soviet Union even managed to fight and win World War 2 and built itself from scratch to a superpower and come at par with the US in the cold war who was already powerful long before. Too much threats both internally and externally forced them to come to desperate violent measures which backfired. These things that distracted them from effective managing their country and the huge propaganda of demonizing communism by the west to maintain its global dominance and the capitalist supporters within the country and the authority eventually led to the downfall.
      Now people are using these events to prove communism is just a fairy tale and unrealistic

  • @akashmaurya7676
    @akashmaurya7676 Рік тому +7

    Yo man that's my wife
    No mate it's ours .

  • @andyhandy9977
    @andyhandy9977 2 роки тому +38

    Today capitalism is followed by almost every country ...capitalism divides the rich and's increases the GAP between poor and rich so's not the best way

    • @robertdowneyjr7903
      @robertdowneyjr7903 2 роки тому +56

      bro equality is a myth ik i sound wrong but it is true no one can function in an equal society its not possible

    • @kanishkmod
      @kanishkmod 2 роки тому +32

      We don't need an equal society we need a justifiable society

    • @shlokyadav348
      @shlokyadav348 2 роки тому +7

      Dude no one is created no one the myth that everyone is equal is absolutely BS no one is equal in captalism if you want to come under 5% of rich people you have to try new ideas be innovative and smart.

    • @googleuser6894
      @googleuser6894 2 роки тому +16

      @@robertdowneyjr7903 Absolutely. It is artificial, unnatural. Even in the nature u will not see equality. The best hunter animal survives, the best tree survives. It's just a rosy sweet idea which feels good only on paper. In reality everyone wants to succeed, go ahead, want more. It's a human nature. If u give a person rice, tomorrow he will want roti, next he will want paneer, next he will want gulab jamun, next he will want more than one sabjis etc. Growth is natural process. All cannot be kept poor or on equal salary/money.

    • @holod3380
      @holod3380 2 роки тому +5

      @@shlokyadav348 This is naive, in order to become rich, first of all, you need not an idea, but capital. You live in a myth that anyone can become rich.

  • @DelvingDeeper
    @DelvingDeeper 2 роки тому +6

    You clearly don’t understand socialism and communism enough to be speaking about the two and it’s rather apparent in the way you stumble over towards the end. There are clear definitions… For capitalism too which you somehow managed to not represent fully as well. One would have to however actually read up on the subject which you clearly didn’t.

  • @singh-gv8ut
    @singh-gv8ut 4 місяці тому

    5:48 5:47 your first statement is correct that right to property is not a fundamental right.
    But your second statement is incorrect that government can take your property and it is not unconstitutional.
    Explanation: Under 44 amendment act 1978 right to property was removed from the fundamental right but it is still in the constitution under article 300A.
    Hence government can't take away your property if it do then it is unconstitutional.

  • @FineWine-v4.0
    @FineWine-v4.0 11 місяців тому +8

    Everyone loves capitalism until they get a taste of what it means to lose in a system like that & then watch them whine & cry😂😂😂

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 місяців тому +3

      How dare you say that, Sir? I have seen people living in the horrible slums of Mumbai and Manila who love Capitalism and Pree Marget 😂😂

    • @rickfresher
      @rickfresher 3 місяці тому

      They were living in those Slums even before capitalism was a thing in india ​@@morningstararun6278

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 3 місяці тому

      @@rickfresher Ooh weren't we supposed to believe that Capitalism would uplift those people who are already living in poverty? Because in the USSR, people were living in near medieval conditions before Socialism, and after Socialism, they took off like anything, that they landed in space just 30 years later. China was the 2nd poorest country in the entire world before Socialism, and the after Socialism, today they are the 2nd richest country in the entire world, also being the only country to have the most technological sovereignty. What changed in India after Capitalism? People are having easier access to foreign brands, but nothing fundamentally changed beyond that. People used to live in horrible poverty conditions before Capitalism in India, and they still do after Capitalism.

  • @enoshsubba5875
    @enoshsubba5875 11 місяців тому +4

    The Root of all conflict

  • @maari7132
    @maari7132 2 роки тому +17

    I simple words if u refer communism and socialism then it would be nothing but disadvantages of capitalist ×1000 times

    • @loggygaming2112
      @loggygaming2112 2 роки тому +3

      And I think you only hear some things and make a book from them without reading carefully

    • @wolfheart5408
      @wolfheart5408 Рік тому +1

      Its not that simple. Communism is obviously ass, as seem from the evident examples, but capitalism is the hidden evil too. Take America for example, the greed of American capitalists made Mexico poor, and so many Mexicans and other people had to fall to poverty and drugs. It's just math, you can't create wealth from thin air. If you're bringing gold to your country, then you are most likely taking it from some other country.
      You know, listen to Philosophy of poverty by immortal technique

  • @DrBGMI77
    @DrBGMI77 2 роки тому +28

    The guy said there are no clear cut definitions.
    Here we go.
    Marxism: Criticism of feudal and capitalist societies laid out by Karl Marx within Das Kapital.
    Socialism: Seizure of the materials required for production from the hands of the bourgeoisie, who are business owners.
    Socialist state: A state, which is a representative of the working class, which is set up for the gradual seizure of the means of production from the bourgeoisie class.
    Communism: A stateless, classless, moneyless society where the workers control the production and the business owner class does not exist..
    Saying that these things do not have real definitions highlight the ignorance of the expert in the video.

    • @HarshSharma-jk5hv
      @HarshSharma-jk5hv 2 роки тому +5

      He also said the same things basically and I don't see any ignorance

    • @roushansingh7884
      @roushansingh7884 2 роки тому +13

      He said the very same thing.. but yeah in real society, things overlap.. nothing is in its pure form! India is not purely socialist nor purely capitalist.. it is in the between! Well, situation also matters to form a kind of state the country needs to.. right now India should tend towards capitalism..

    • @prakhargoyal_6483
      @prakhargoyal_6483 2 роки тому

      finally someone said it

    • @percybeck923
      @percybeck923 Рік тому +4

      @@HarshSharma-jk5hv He didn't say the same thing, he was so wrong about socialism that he ended up in calling India a socialist country, India is a capitalist welfare state, china is the socialist state, socialism is basically the transition state from Capitalism to communism, presently Socialist states are China, Cuba, Vietnam and laos.

    • @percybeck923
      @percybeck923 Рік тому +2

      @@roushansingh7884 india isn't a Socialist states by any means, india is a welfare state, china is the socialist state

  • @hharish2134
    @hharish2134 Рік тому +12

    Socialism / Communism - Can only be implemented by coercion , ie. an Authority (Government)
    Capitalism - It was not "formed" or forced , but merely observed how free human beings will naturally will function. i.e. exchange value/service each other for a profit.
    Socialism Logical Fault - Is based on DISTRIBUTION , not mention of any CREATION. When no CREATION how can you DISTRIBUTE? Wealth is not created by DISTRIBUTION.

    • @FineWine-v4.0
      @FineWine-v4.0 11 місяців тому +1

      Of course there is coercion in capitalism
      The state does it on the behalf of capitalists
      Internet was created via public funding

    • @hharish2134
      @hharish2134 11 місяців тому

      @@FineWine-v4.0 When STATE is on bed with CORPORATIONS that is called "Corporate Fascism" aka "Chronic Capitalism" aka "Monopoly". In the real capitalism its all about Free Market.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому

      @@hharish2134 Whatever the sh!t that you refer to as real capitalism or "free" market have never existed in reality, because they either fail at the inception or after a few miles down the road.

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      People always forget that the aim of these totalitarian governments is to transition society from socialism to communism where governments cease to exist

    • @AJX0X0
      @AJX0X0 4 місяці тому

      explain how socialism is logically fault?

  • @nutanmallick738
    @nutanmallick738 2 роки тому +10

    Please have a brief podcast about communism

  • @thomasolson7447
    @thomasolson7447 2 роки тому +22

    Who gave the soviets the bomb? I'll also note that Communism has a *capital* 'c' in it.

    • @awesomeguy6171
      @awesomeguy6171 2 роки тому

      Soviets 'Stole' the secrets. Thanks to KGB.

    • @thomasolson7447
      @thomasolson7447 2 роки тому

      @@awesomeguy6171 those were American's converted to KGB after the fact. Easy to do if they were brainwashed in University. You think the government would let KGB have those plans?

    • @srishreyas2170
      @srishreyas2170 2 роки тому +3

      Doesn't make any sense 🤣

  • @SATYA-31
    @SATYA-31 2 роки тому +12

    Simple example of its
    - we get independence in 1947 🇮🇳
    - China get independence 1949 🇨🇳
    … compare us with them and u get answer

    • @davidbilla8063
      @davidbilla8063 2 роки тому +1

      Lol china opened their market to capitalist America in 1970 tell that too. Today they rise to this level is thanks to capitalist companies who opened manufacturing and assembly companies in china

    • @Aegon_Targaryen
      @Aegon_Targaryen 2 роки тому +1

      Only government of China is Communist but they are hard-core Capitalist
      They support apple company more then there workers

    • @rahilvig8185
      @rahilvig8185 2 роки тому +22

      India was socialist and still is socialist. China became very capitalist after 1978 so they became rich.

    • @thorasgardian616
      @thorasgardian616 Рік тому +4

      ​@@rahilvig8185lol during the rule of Deng Xiaping's ideologies China grew a lot. It wasn't based on captilasim, rather a modified communism .

    • @whitehavencpu6813
      @whitehavencpu6813 Рік тому +5

      @@thorasgardian616 They adopted capitalist ideas into the economy, namely free markets and free enterprise.

  • @astronics
    @astronics Рік тому +6

    This is so wrong, he speaks bs with such confidence and people believe him

    • @pduttagupta
      @pduttagupta Рік тому

      What is wrong care to explain,?

    • @Mr.Robot-_-
      @Mr.Robot-_- Рік тому +1

      @@Chaddest_Maximus For one, he rarely mentioned the means of production and how whomever owns it, gets to dictate how to spend the profit. In socialism, it's the workers who own it, and they get to democratically decide how to spend it. (Hiring more staff, to decrease working ours) or (Increasing the salary, or investing in better working conditions, etc...) Under capitalism, the means of production, and the profit generated by the workers is privately owned by a small few. And as a result, they choose to spend the profit for their own self interests, completely disregarding the workers who made those profits possible.

    • @gauraveshwar
      @gauraveshwar Рік тому

      @@Mr.Robot-_-Workers are should get salary of CEO?😂 why dont these workers start their own companies? I believe everyone should be an entreprenuer, ser ur rate as per ur u.. if u are software developer or lawyer anythung.. promote freelancing cultute No free money to beggers

    • @Mr.Robot-_-
      @Mr.Robot-_- Рік тому +2

      @@gauraveshwar you are deeply brainwashed. Society needs workers buddy, and they should be fairly compensated for their work. And who is going to work if everyone becomes entrepreneurs😭? One of the biggest roles of the CEO is to create profits for shareholders, especially at the expense of the workers. The CEO needs the workers, not the other way around.
      I agree with you, "no free money for beggars", but you seem to be confused who that is. The shareholders and the CEOs are the ones collecting the profit generated BY THE WORKERS. So fairly compensate the workers, for their work, and give the CEOs and shareholders a smaller piece of the pie. since all they do is steal profits that come from the worker. Can't wait for the working class to realize how exploited they are, maybe we should replace all CEO's with Artificial Intelligence😂. That will save so much money that the workers can use.

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      ​@@gauraveshwarso immature thinking, why don't you learn a little before you say anything. Your whole worldwide seems to be only from capitalist lens

  • @vitalstats4122
    @vitalstats4122 Рік тому +19

    Everyone wants to earn money and make themselves rich. When we shall think rationally then we will realise capitalism is way more better than communism. On paper communism seems Utopian but the people who expirence they find it a dystopian. Socialism involves some of elements Marxist and ideology. Hence, Socialism is all about society and the state.

    • @yogeshdangi3253
      @yogeshdangi3253 Рік тому +1

      True. Communism failed everytime, everywhere

    • @MarkAntony-l7s
      @MarkAntony-l7s Рік тому +4

      I'd agree that capitalism is better than communism but it is by no means ideal. Capitalism is based on liberalism and individualism. These ideas are deeply engrained into Western society but not into India and most other non-Western countries. We have always traditionally been collectivist societies and that factor must be taken into account when governing a country like India. What we need is an indigenous system that is based on our own values while adopting elements of foreign ideologies selectively if they are in our best interest.

    • @kamilocaqverdiyev
      @kamilocaqverdiyev 7 місяців тому

      Don't lie. You see all the people dying from hunger under capitalism. Communism is better than capitalism. You just didn't experience real poverty under capitalism. Go ask people who are 60 + years old from Post-USSR countries like Russia, Poland etc, they all want communism back.

    • @gowtham7231
      @gowtham7231 5 місяців тому +1

      Capitalism in India has led to widening wealth inequality

    • @Aarav.patel000
      @Aarav.patel000 5 місяців тому +1

      @@gowtham7231 Socialism in Venezuela has led to immense Inflation

  • @MarkAntony-l7s
    @MarkAntony-l7s Рік тому +1

    So basically both capitalism and communism/socialism are flawed. What is the solution then?

  • @aayushdoshi3833
    @aayushdoshi3833 2 роки тому +12

    This guy is just too good

  • @rajmita2057
    @rajmita2057 2 роки тому +10

    Initially right to property was a fundamental right maybe because at the time of separation many people came from the other side of the borders for few decades. But later when everyone was more or less settled in India the right was amended as a legal right through 44th constitutional amendment,1978

  • @spndp7
    @spndp7 Рік тому +2

    5:11 These highly educated people don't even know the 1st line of Preamble of the Indian Constitution 😂 Man

  • @satyadeepak5
    @satyadeepak5 2 роки тому +11

    Please try to get Barack Obama.. His view will be really interesting

  • @Saswata_97
    @Saswata_97 2 роки тому +4

    He just totally messed up the basic concept of socialism and communism. 🤦‍♂️
    He knows very least about these.

    • @thorasgardian616
      @thorasgardian616 Рік тому +1

      yeah these people shows communism as a mere tool of dictatorship but it's not. A true communism can be only attained if the people firstly get the basic amenities and proper education like in Kerala for example.

    • @sattwikmohanty3272
      @sattwikmohanty3272 Рік тому +4

      @@thorasgardian616yes nice education there , engineers applying for peon jobs

    • @rickfresher
      @rickfresher 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@thorasgardian616writtinng ur own name in malayalam is not education neega 🤣🤣🤣kerala is in trouble today

  • @RaviPrakash-dm2jb
    @RaviPrakash-dm2jb 2 роки тому +23

    Ranveer I am really enjoying your each and every content that you are providing us Your thought process is absolutely tremendous

  • @kameshjagtap207
    @kameshjagtap207 2 роки тому +26

    Capitalism is creation of wealth
    Communism is distribution of wealth

    •  2 роки тому

      Overdevelopment is worse than underdevelopment democracy must exist

    • @josethomas8274
      @josethomas8274 2 роки тому

      Capitalism is creation of wealth.
      Communism/ Socialism is destruction of wealth.

    • @yashwant675
      @yashwant675 Рік тому +7

      Jab wealth banegi nahi to distribute kya karoge 😂😂

    • @pduttagupta
      @pduttagupta Рік тому +1

      @@yashwant675 banegi par sabko equal milega

    • @gauraveshwar
      @gauraveshwar Рік тому

      @@pduttaguptaKaun banayega?

  • @niteshmurti
    @niteshmurti 2 роки тому +23

    respect abhijit a lot, but if i'm not mistaken even in united states,australia government can take your property for public benefit, not 100% sure about this.
    EDIT: It's called Eminent Domain. In America, it's in the fifth amendment of their constitution (last sentence of 5th Amendment). cannot seize private property without giving just compensation. Even in India, a just and fair amount needs to be given to the citizen who's property is being seized, amount shall not be less than the market value of the property (Article 31A)

    • @goldberg2795
      @goldberg2795 2 роки тому +5

      art. 31 is deleted from fundamental rights and added as 300A as legal right in India.

    • @manumudgal4988
      @manumudgal4988 Рік тому

      @@goldberg2795 He is talking about Foreign

  • @krishnakantgupta6651
    @krishnakantgupta6651 2 роки тому +9

    Listening abhijit chavda is like a soothing exercise

  • @anmolpandey9670
    @anmolpandey9670 2 роки тому +22

    Capitalism....Work hard and be the Boss💖

    • @nobody_3812
      @nobody_3812 Рік тому


    • @gowtham7231
      @gowtham7231 5 місяців тому +1

      And exploit people and be corrupt😂

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому +1

      Yes working 10 hours a day for 15k salary makes you the boss

  • @alliswell3711
    @alliswell3711 6 місяців тому

    Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. the person don't understand marxism clearly.

  • @psikeyhackr6914
    @psikeyhackr6914 2 роки тому

    What did Karl Marx say about vanadium steel?
    The Laws of Physics do not care about economics. Machines wear out and therefore depreciate. The Laws of Physics cannot tell the difference between capital machines and consumer machines.
    We are listening to economists who can't do algebra.
    NDP = GDP - Dcap [Western economic calculation]
    NDP = GDP - (Dcap + Dcon) [reality]
    Dcap: Depreciation of Capital Goods
    Dcon: Depreciation of Durable Consumer Goods
    GDP: Grossly Distorted Propaganda
    Manufacturing trash designed to become obsolete is not creating wealth.

  • @sarg1944
    @sarg1944 7 місяців тому

    Capitalism without socialism is fascism, Socialism without Capitalism is communism, you need both to have a fair & progressive society.

  • @faaeizkhan6134
    @faaeizkhan6134 Рік тому

    0:00 capitalism
    2:02 communism
    5:02 socialism

  • @pirbhusdots1247
    @pirbhusdots1247 7 місяців тому +1

    Dear you don't Study in deep. Marx said dictatorship of proletariat, a party of proletariat will run the system, not goons or mafia. Don't see Stalin, just take a look on Leninism. Utopian was different different from Marxism. I think u don't know what Bhagat Singh said? You can't understand Marxism or Einstein or Darwin in a six or seven minutes video. One life is not enough dear. You live in AC room, ask the 80% of Indians who.......

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 місяців тому

      Why shouldn't we look at Stalin? Mate, the very reason that you are even celebrating Socialism is because of Stalin and his cleverly planned execution of Gosplan, which changed USSR from being dirt poor and superstitious into a global superpower in 30 years, which is within one single generation. Celebrating Socialism, but dismissing Stalin is like praising a beautiful building without foundation, which is dangerous. Yes, there were some goddamn mistakes along the way, but there was no better way. The parasitical factions that were already existing in USSR during Lenin's times, were actively collaborating with Britain, Nazi and Japanese foreign agencies to make a counter revolution in Leningrad, at the verge of WW2 in the late 30s. How would the so-called Socialists who despise Stalin would deal in that situation?
      "I think u don't know what Bhagat Singh said?"
      Do you know that Stalin invited Bhagat Singh to meet with him personally in Kremlin for his heroic role in Anti-Colonial movements?

  • @pratinavp
    @pratinavp 2 роки тому +28

    I think it's high time we break the shackles of socialism and actually focus on creating some wealth in a nation with so much potential. The fact is, in the name of distribution of wealth, we are effectively distributing poverty across the nation since the fact is that there is simply not enough wealth to even support the basic material needs of our indian society. We must realise this and become more enterprising and goal oriented while being productive and proactive in contributing to national wealth for larger good of the country. Otherwise we can never become a vishwaguru or establish our own sphere of influence. Wealth and economic power is the single most important thing which helped the US establish a huge sphere of influence. Much larger than Russia. Now, china is on the same path. It's high time India rises to the occasion. Disinvestment, free markets with necessary regulations, an economy which fosters competition and the functioning of price mechanism is of utmost importance to achieve the objective. Just an opinion 😀

    • @askmeanything2119
      @askmeanything2119 2 роки тому

      here indians are thinking about bringing in abrupt capitalism at times when the western world has tried , tested and failed . The only true utopian society will be a Neo marxist communist democracy , like Sweden and Finland .

    • @aimexcellence1315
      @aimexcellence1315 Рік тому +12

      what is your nation? only 7 or 8 bussinesmans and their close tied families?? we have grown economic valley, on side indian companies earning 300 crore per day other side farmers die for 5k / 10k ka karja, aren't these farmers/small people not coming under your definition of "nation"

    • @akhileshpatro8707
      @akhileshpatro8707 Рік тому +1

      @aimexcellence1315 we need make such laws that big people do not exploit small people but that doesnt mean we should not support capitalism. It is only way to become superpower.

    • @damn7637
      @damn7637 Рік тому +5

      How adani earning money increases nations wealth??

    • @tusharsharma8952
      @tusharsharma8952 Рік тому +1

      @@aimexcellence1315 toh bhai kisne mana kiya hai farmers ko kamane ke liye. kamane ke liye bhi mehnat lagti hai. Har koi zero se start karta hai. businessmen ko crores bhagwan ji nahi deke jaate

  • @Facts_bookss
    @Facts_bookss 2 роки тому +9

    Capitalism 💖

  • @namangarg5284
    @namangarg5284 8 місяців тому +1

    क्या है दक्षिण, क्या है वाम
    भूखे को रोटी से काम।

  • @gaurangkulkarni4357
    @gaurangkulkarni4357 Рік тому +9

    So basically communism is full anarchy

    • @gauraveshwar
      @gauraveshwar Рік тому +5

      rule of cunning thugs

    • @maitreyeemishra2498
      @maitreyeemishra2498 8 місяців тому

      Capitalism minus wealth motive

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@maitreyeemishra2498 Communism is wealth for all motive. The definition of Communism written by a toiletless Uttar Pradesh guy is not the right meaning of Communism.

  • @angurdas8110
    @angurdas8110 11 місяців тому +1

    What is Liberalism

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому +1

      Apocalyptic wasteland where few elites are the ruler and the rest like scavenging or caged animals

    • @angurdas8110
      @angurdas8110 4 місяці тому

      @@Sigma-l3k7n That's kinda society is my type

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 4 місяці тому

      @@angurdas8110 yes very logical of you

  • @shaam3214
    @shaam3214 2 роки тому

    Ranveer Brar or something......!
    It's not socialist or something...
    It's our preamble and constitution and it's our fundamental duty to respect and honour it.
    It's actually "Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic"
    Every word in the preamble is intended and deliberately put in such a way that even the commas and periods are thought more than over a 100 times before being used.
    The constitutional framers have intentionally used the words and where to put them and in what sequence should they be.
    The Constitutional framing process took 2 years 11 months and 18 days and everything we do now is a gift from the constitution, even the UA-cam videos we make, and the Freedom of speech we have and Healthy Food, environment, freedom etc we enjoy is the gift of constitution.
    So, my request is please atleast get to know about it atleast the basics and respect it.
    We spend a lot of time in unnessary activity but getting to know the constitution will improve us intellectually and individually too..
    Like for an Human being the name is his/her Identity and for the Country the constitution is.

  • @user-mm8ru1iy2k
    @user-mm8ru1iy2k 2 роки тому +5

    Every ism of this world is bad.....
    World doesnt work like this

    • @holod3380
      @holod3380 2 роки тому

      Choice only from this. Is there an option without ism?

    • @wolfheart5408
      @wolfheart5408 Рік тому +3

      ​@@holod3380 Yes, the Arthashastra

    • @moonaka2
      @moonaka2 Рік тому +1

      What about Humanitarianism. Check mate.

    • @user-mm8ru1iy2k
      @user-mm8ru1iy2k Рік тому

      @@moonaka2 what about animal rights
      Why not biocracy

    • @moonaka2
      @moonaka2 Рік тому

      @@user-mm8ru1iy2k The promotion of human welfare, or "Humanitarianism" doesn't require a demotion of the importance of animal welfare. Checkmate

  • @invalidaccount6147
    @invalidaccount6147 9 місяців тому +4

    No knowledge just bla bla bla.
    One dislike from here

  • @Moonuuu
    @Moonuuu 2 роки тому +17

    90% successful country follow capitalism.

    • @SATYA-31
      @SATYA-31 2 роки тому +1

      And there 90% wealth hold by 1% people 😂

    • @Moonuuu
      @Moonuuu 2 роки тому +11

      @@SATYA-31 Their per capita is much far higher then socialist country who is mostly poor expect some natural resources country.

    • @Moonuuu
      @Moonuuu 2 роки тому +7

      @@SATYA-31 and see South Korea and North Korea one follow capitalism one socialist

    • @whitebarackobama7999
      @whitebarackobama7999 2 роки тому +3

      @@Moonuuu who said to you nk is socialist?Do they equally distribute money to all people?only their party members are rich..Just like businessman in capitalism

    • @whitehavencpu6813
      @whitehavencpu6813 Рік тому

      @@whitebarackobama7999 "only their party members are rich" that is the feature of socialism lmao. Only the government is rich.

  • @siddharthsoni6734
    @siddharthsoni6734 2 роки тому +2

    Socialism and communism just doesn't work in economic sense.
    Ultra capitalism is bad too.

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      Oh yes right you know better than many big philosophers, scientists and leaders right?

    • @siddharthsoni6734
      @siddharthsoni6734 5 місяців тому

      @@Sigma-l3k7n yeah. Enough to learn from kerala and west Bengal. Even China and Russia had to lean on bit of Capitalism for development.

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      @@siddharthsoni6734 do you really know the reasons of the things you're talk about?

    • @siddharthsoni6734
      @siddharthsoni6734 5 місяців тому

      @@Sigma-l3k7n might be wrong, happy to know your thoughts tbh

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому +1

      @@siddharthsoni6734 Just think how can a system that longs social justice, economic equality, welfare for all, tolerance for all race, religion etc be evil and dangerous but a system that promotes welfare of the few and exploitation of the workers be anywhere near good or ideal.
      The reason USSR fell, the reason many communism didn't turn out good were not because communism was flawed but the system has huge challenges, yes many challenges but not impossible. But the west who wanted to secure their global dominance raised propaganda against it and imposed sanctions and disturbed their security and management and corrupted people internally which forced them to take desperate measures which in turn were used against them. Communism is hard to achieve, and very prone to totalitarianism but that doesn't mean it is a fantasy or it can never work. We should advocate for it all the time as this is the system which is best for the lives of everyone. Even Albert Einstein expressed his hatred for capitalism and the need for socialism

  • @lesblack413
    @lesblack413 3 місяці тому

    Very interisting!!

  • @robindungdung2772
    @robindungdung2772 2 роки тому +1

    Please make a video on privatization of PSU

  • @mr.harry06
    @mr.harry06 2 роки тому +4

    Bakwaas, kuch nhi pta isko.... 'communist society'? There's never been a communist society...nd socialism is a way, a transitional stage to move to a communist one.

    • @DisProfundis
      @DisProfundis Рік тому +5

      fir se wahi chudaap. There has never been a communist society because it really can't exist without bringing some sort of authoritarianism in the mix.

    • @thorasgardian616
      @thorasgardian616 Рік тому +1

      ​@@DisProfundisyeah these people shows communism as a mere tool of dictatorship but it's not. A true communism can be only attained if the people firstly get the basic amenities and proper education like in Kerala for example.

    • @whitehavencpu6813
      @whitehavencpu6813 Рік тому

      Lmao so "Its not real communism" lol?

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      ​@@whitehavencpu6813you tell me how it is

    • @whitehavencpu6813
      @whitehavencpu6813 5 місяців тому

      @@Sigma-l3k7n the people who created it were communists, and called it communism.

  • @M3ganwillslay
    @M3ganwillslay Рік тому +3

    Aleays remember christians gave education to hindus .
    Brahmins oppressed and made sure hindus never get educated and never moved up in social hierachy .

  • @abhaswasnik7337
    @abhaswasnik7337 2 роки тому +10

    Ranveer please stick to Semen retention and NoFap education, you exploring any domain outside of this is harmful to the political discourse

  • @YRS24
    @YRS24 6 місяців тому

    What do you mean it doesn’t works? China is 30 years ahead of India.

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому +1

      Although China seem to abandon communism and using market capitalism, it is done so that it can firstly be economically content and self reliably to eventually shift to true communism

    • @rickfresher
      @rickfresher 3 місяці тому

      Lol china is not a communist state deng xipong is called as the architect of modern China his son his in a wheelchair because mao and his red guard pushed him from a high rankings building during cultural revolution mao accused deng of being a capitalist which he was

    • @YRS24
      @YRS24 3 місяці тому +1

      @@rickfresher you’re wrong, China is a communist country. The core industries are in the hands of the communist party, even the capitalist there are subject to the rule of the communist party (see how Jack Ma got silenced when he started doing dodgy things). Over there the billionaires are scared of the government, here the billionaires own the government. They have lifted 800 million people out of poverty in 60 years. Here the government and capitalist has exploited the working and middle class and made life worse.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 3 місяці тому

      Only Indian bhakts call Deng Xiaoping the architect of modern China. In China, people refer to Mao as the architect of modern China. Lol Mao and Deng worked together for many years, and the most funny things is that, Deng was actually helping Mao do great leap forward and cultural revolution. Deng was just as Communist as Mao was. It is funny how you Capitalist bunnies refer to Deng as a Capitalist, while he would laughed at you all for saying that. Deng Liberalized the market, but he never privatized everything like India did in 1991. China under Deng, underwent a strategic reform of careful opening, instead of making yourself naked for foreign companies, like India did. All the lands in China, even today, are owned by the state. Almost 45 percent of China's GDP is from the state sector, while just 18 percent of India's GDP is from the state sector. All the construction companies, energy sector and mining companies are state owned in China, while in India, they were privatized long ago. India has a much more market oriented Capitalist economy than China, but why isn't India developing like China does? Shouldn't more Capitalism = more growth?
      Yes, India grows in paper. Measure India's growth infrastructure wise. North Korea, one of the poorest, sanctioned, Socialist country, has a better urban infra than the Capitalist India. That says a lot about Capitalism, doesn't it?

  • @BiswasBabu
    @BiswasBabu 5 місяців тому

    Socialism...not really you own it... USSR was socialist

  • @_Shubham_K
    @_Shubham_K 2 роки тому +5

    Ek baat sabko bhulna nahi chahiye - Hitler ka "Nazism" ke German name - Nationalsozialismus and iske English name - National Socialism

  • @josephsego1095
    @josephsego1095 8 місяців тому +1

    I've never heard a valid argument in favor of capitalism. Proponents of capitalism only ever try to implement gaslighting and/or logical fallacies. Really. Try to have a sane, civil, honest conversation with any proponent of capitalism, and they'll prove my point.
    But if you like all manner products within the capitalst matrix, if you own a business, and have employees. and you still want a much more sane and harmonious economic system, You're Not A Fucking Hypocrite.
    Don't let them silence you with that weak argument .
    It would be just as ridiculous to argue that one is a hypocrite for drinking city tap water, when they had no other options , and therefore one shouldn't be able consider better sources of water.
    Narcissistic personality disorder is an epedemic.
    And when they project "well the problem is nobody wants to work. " Ask them what landlords even fucking do . Ask them what the CEO of Starbucks actually does . Etc.
    No shade at seasons of nondoership. But shade @ projection.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому

      Landlords were literally focking around in the town, birthing children out of a wedlock. Starbucks CEO does exactly the same, while also spending a few minutes thinking about improving the business. That is a lot of hard work brother.

  • @angurdas8110
    @angurdas8110 11 місяців тому

    What is Liberalism society

  • @turjobennington1677
    @turjobennington1677 8 місяців тому

    did he mispresent the communism theory?

    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      Yep communism is about classless stateless society ie governments and authority doesn't exist but he's telling it as some thug government

  • @anindyasarkar5208
    @anindyasarkar5208 Рік тому

    How can you suggest communism in civil a society where you don't have anything to own.

  • @Palash_aar_Putush
    @Palash_aar_Putush Рік тому +4

    Very poorly explained, I have to say 😢😂.

  • @SurroachAbhinav1110
    @SurroachAbhinav1110 2 роки тому +2


  • @aryansingh-ne9je
    @aryansingh-ne9je 2 роки тому +2

    Socialism is the intermediary stage for a transition to a communist utopia. And speaking so much about power-hungry people, what do you think capitalism has no goons? all these prominent industrialists, big business families like tata, Ambani, Adani or Godrej upon their collection and overexploitation of resources, environment, workers and whatnot to build the empire we see today. Most of that wealth goes within the corporation or the owner or the shareholders but if we talk about the real stakeholders of the industry are only ripped off. They control the government by funding, lobbying etc. while making and holding most of the wealth there in the country. Oligarchy in Russia was only possible because of the collapse of the soviet union!

    • @anshumanjaiswal5787
      @anshumanjaiswal5787 2 роки тому

      Agree . But what to do next?

    • @whitehavencpu6813
      @whitehavencpu6813 Рік тому

      So rich people in a corrupt socialist country is an example of Capitalism? i'm willing to bet all those people got rich with the help of government, not through capitalism.

    • @nisthabhattacharya4854
      @nisthabhattacharya4854 9 місяців тому

      Exactly...fine let's accept communism is dictatorship... atleast they do it on face not under a this country only 2% of the population hold the country's wealth and also the country with highest number of poor people...and communists are dictators😂😂...and even in developed capitalist countries...they have the same issue...idk if communists do not at all think about it's people...but capitalist definitely do not...and yes a mixed model should be adopted...not extreme of anything.

  • @aritrajitchakraborty8389
    @aritrajitchakraborty8389 5 місяців тому

    Socialism is the best way😊. India is totally capitalism country

  • @blckut9391
    @blckut9391 2 роки тому +2

    Very wrong defination

  • @kavyabhandari5865
    @kavyabhandari5865 Рік тому +3

    Capitalism is important for country growth but there should not be blind capitalism as blind capitalism lead to supression of poor and socially weak .

  • @itsrikam
    @itsrikam 2 місяці тому

    Democratic socialist 5:21 to be exact

  • @KhitishKalindi
    @KhitishKalindi 10 місяців тому

    Quite relevant 🙌

  • @nicolasbrown8541
    @nicolasbrown8541 2 роки тому


    • @Sigma-l3k7n
      @Sigma-l3k7n 5 місяців тому

      Lol worst explanation ever

  • @jayanchada859
    @jayanchada859 2 роки тому +2

    Best best is mixed economy like Singapore

    • @rahilvig8185
      @rahilvig8185 2 роки тому +1

      😂😂 Singapore is NOT a mixed economy. It is one of the MOST capitalist societies on the planet!

    • @blackracer688
      @blackracer688 2 роки тому +1

      @@rahilvig8185" mixed economy " is the answer given by Failed Socialist/communist. 😂

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому

      @@rahilvig8185 😂😂😂😂 Here is an interesting fact for you Mr. Capitalist deepthr0ater. More than 80 percent of the Singaporeans live in government housing. More than 40 percent of Singapore's income come from state owned enterprises. Singapore is much more Socialist than India

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 8 місяців тому

      @@blackracer688 "mixed economy" is an answer given by failed capitalist countries like Pakistan, India and all the third world capitalist countries.

  • @memewala8337
    @memewala8337 Рік тому +1

    is mahaan vyakti ko preamble of constitution ka pata nahi aur chale hai gyaan dene desho ka 🤣🤣 kya guest aate hai yaar

  • @KedarJugdar
    @KedarJugdar 8 місяців тому

    Socialism - Property can be taken by state. ??
    WAFQ Board laughing from the corner 😂😂

  • @picaachu7172
    @picaachu7172 2 роки тому +1

    become begger if you are so good

  • @__.shivam.singh._
    @__.shivam.singh._ 2 роки тому

    Awesome 🔥🔥!

  • @tanmoynath2688
    @tanmoynath2688 Рік тому

    Very very useful 😊😊😊😊😊

  • @BiswasBabu
    @BiswasBabu 5 місяців тому

    Capitalism --- free market

  • @thebadnamepoet580
    @thebadnamepoet580 2 роки тому +1

    Capitalism vs socialism - basic difference who owns the means of production

  • @iceape5250
    @iceape5250 Рік тому

    Bro should get a better set of chairs. The way you're sitting looks so uncomfortable and conjusted

  • @nikitasharma3752
    @nikitasharma3752 Рік тому

    sovereign socialist secular democratic republic

  • @Hemusinghrajput
    @Hemusinghrajput Рік тому +2

    India is a dominion state without authority u can't do anything in india ok

  • @TheLogotero
    @TheLogotero 5 місяців тому

    That's not socialism 😅

  • @nicolasbrown8541
    @nicolasbrown8541 2 роки тому

    Agreed To All Points

  • @joegoldberg1543
    @joegoldberg1543 Рік тому +2

    The Problem with communism unfortunately is that we are humans !!!

  • @biswaranjanmishra9689
    @biswaranjanmishra9689 Рік тому

    Thank you very much

  • @nitishcarlin1926
    @nitishcarlin1926 Рік тому

    Exploitation of classes will never stop.

  • @officialaccount-xf9gm
    @officialaccount-xf9gm Рік тому +1

    India is secular socialtist soverign democractic republic , not spirit and all😂😂 this happens when there is a discussion between science and commerce , dont underrate arts

  • @rahulkailad8621
    @rahulkailad8621 Рік тому

    Concept explain karna tha 🤦‍♂️. Ye kya hai

  • @nidhisharma8514
    @nidhisharma8514 Рік тому

    The worst explanation ever! The speaker might have a very good knowledge on the subject but does not know how to explain it to the people at all. Anyone who is looking for the EASIEST explanation will never understand anything from this video.
    This explanation might have worked for those who already had some knowledge of the topic but surely not for someone who is a newbie here.

  • @azazulhaque8932
    @azazulhaque8932 Рік тому

    mehnatkash mazdoor zindabad