Ato Elias, thank you for you inspiring presentations in general. I had known Ato Yared Tibebu in our early 20s. We shared, for sometimes together in the struggle. Always , I had respected his genuine commitment, his clarity, and lofty discipline. I am not surprised to witness his coherent consistencies.
Very good perspective 50yr of experience and the missing part is what was ELF & EPLF role for both EPRE & they were the drive force from beyond may be Bereket interview can expand that like Abey Burule did interview before....because it's complex relationships that caused some much life on both end of society...I appreciate Ato. Yared service for his democratic value for future generations....the deep problem has been it's the belief system need to change to valued system thus we have value for our fellow members of our struggling wingman....thank you for enlighten us how many Eritrean were involved within EPRP as well
የሕዝብ ጥያቄ የገባው እንዱ ምሑር እቶ ያሬድ 🙏🙏🙏🙏 እስኪ እምባሳደር Of USA 🇺🇸 in Addis Ababa ስለስጡት መግለጫ ተወያዩበት እማራን በሚመለከት I thought it should have been Anthony Blinken to address such issues. እማራ ፉኖን ተደራደሩ ብለዋልswitch to current affairs EA. 🙏🙏Amharas are bleeding 🩸
Yared does not want to say anything why his party switched from class struggle to 'national struggle' of TPLF labelling Amharas as enemies to fight against. When TPLF took power, leaders of TPLF appointed members of Yared's party to rule and layout the bureaucracy and security system of Amhara region in the interests of TPLF since TPLF had found them out obedient lackeys. When TPLF was replaced by OPDO, they again submitted to Prime Minister Abiy proving that servility is their seond nature. Fanos are fighting to uproot these oppressing rulers with their security and bureaucracy.
I will ask Mr Yared one more and final time if he is able to tell us who killed Jemila or Medferiashworl Work Belay .She was killed by TPLF in wolkait It will be nice to tell her story when her families are still alive
We are at the Ara of imperialism .Do you forget we were fighting for socialist revolution so why do you say the starting of capitalism in Ethiopia not clear.
Tigray tribalists are the poster children of deeply rooted hatred, culturally treacherous, tormented inherently dishonest souls that never feel comfortable unless they blame others for their misfortunes can only define their success in the demise of their perceived enemies.
ጋሽ ያሬድ ኤልያስ እናመሰግናለን❤👌🙏
Ato Elias, thank you for you inspiring presentations in general.
I had known Ato Yared Tibebu in our early 20s. We shared, for sometimes together in the struggle. Always , I had respected his genuine commitment, his clarity, and lofty discipline. I am not surprised to witness his coherent consistencies.
Very good perspective 50yr of experience and the missing part is what was ELF & EPLF role for both EPRE & they were the drive force from beyond may be Bereket interview can expand that like Abey Burule did interview before....because it's complex relationships that caused some much life on both end of society...I appreciate Ato. Yared service for his democratic value for future generations....the deep problem has been it's the belief system need to change to valued system thus we have value for our fellow members of our struggling wingman....thank you for enlighten us how many Eritrean were involved within EPRP as well
የኤልያስ አቀራረብ ነው ውይይቱን ውብ ያደረገው:: ይልመድብህ ኤልያስ!!!!
ያሬድና ጓደኞቹ የተማረ ንቅናቄ ከሚሉት ጀምሮ አስከ ኢሕአፖና ኢሒድንና በአዴን ድረስ አማራ ጨኳኙ፣ ትምክህተኛውና ነፍጠኛው አያላችሁ አማራውን ለጥቃት የዳረጋችሁ አይደላችሁም?
ኤሊያስ በቀይ ሽብር ስላለቁት ብዙ ያወራል። በኢህአፖ ነጭ ሽብር ጭካኔ ስለተገደሉት ተራ ሰዎች ተማሪዎች ምንም ነገር ለማለት አይፈልግም። በሞታቸውም ደስተኛ ይመስላል። ይህትክክል አይመስለኝም።
ኤሊያስ በርታልን አድናቂህ ነኝ።ሁሉንም በተከታታይ የቀረቡትን የ ያሬድን ቃለመጠይቅ ደጋግሜ ሰምቻቸዉ በክብርና በአድናቆት ስሜቴን ገልፃለሁ።እነበረከት እና ሌሎችም ቢቀርቡልን።ያሬድም ምላሾችህ አሳማኝና የተረጋጉ ገላጮች ናቸዉና ምስጋና እና አድናቆቴ ይድረስህ።ስለግልፅነትህና የተረጋጋ አቀራረብህ።
Yared ye weyanay Aggaasseesse !!!
ያሬድ እና መስለቹ ጡረታ ቢወጡ ትክክል እና ትክክል አለመሆናቸውን አሁን በአለው ሁኔታ አይተው ቢወጡ ። ምክንያቱም ጊዜ፥ስልጣናኔ፥ የሕዝብ ብዛት ይሄን ሁሉ አይተው ጥረታ ቢወጡ
የሕዝብ ጥያቄ የገባው እንዱ ምሑር እቶ ያሬድ 🙏🙏🙏🙏
እስኪ እምባሳደር Of USA 🇺🇸 in Addis Ababa ስለስጡት መግለጫ ተወያዩበት እማራን በሚመለከት I thought it should have been Anthony Blinken to address such issues. እማራ ፉኖን ተደራደሩ ብለዋልswitch to current affairs EA. 🙏🙏Amharas are bleeding 🩸
ኤሊያሥ፣ ግዴለህም "በእናንተ ውይይት ሳቢያ የአቋም ሽግሽግ አድርጊያለሁ" የሚልህን አትመነው። የናንተን ቃለ መጠይቅ ጨርሶ የሌላውን ሲቀጥል እንደገና አቋሙን እንደሚቀይር አትጠራጠር።ምድረ ወሽዋሻ "ኢሕአዴግ ማረኝ" ሲል ሁሉ እየተሰማ ነው።በእውቀት የምትወያዩትን በእውቀት ሳይሆን በሥሜት ነው የሚረዳችሁ (የሚፈልጋት የሆነች ነገር ሥትኖር ብቻ ነው የሚያዳምጥ)።
አቶ ያሬድ አሁንስ አማራ ህዝብ ምን አላቹ
አማራ 28 አመት ለመን ዘም አለ ህዋት አማረ ክልል አልፎ አዲስ አበባ ስልጣን እስኪይዝ ይገርመኛል 800 ኪሎሜትር ከክልሉ ርቆ ሕዝቤ ናቸው ብሎ በማያስባቸው መሃል እንዴት 28 አመት ገዛ ? ለምን ጥርግ አይሉም መገንጠላቸው የስደስተናል አንከፋም ምን ሊቀርብን ነው
Yared does not want to say anything why his party switched from class struggle to 'national struggle' of TPLF labelling Amharas as enemies to fight against. When TPLF took power, leaders of TPLF appointed members of Yared's party to rule and layout the bureaucracy and security system of Amhara region in the interests of TPLF since TPLF had found them out obedient lackeys. When TPLF was replaced by OPDO, they again submitted to Prime Minister Abiy proving that servility is their seond nature. Fanos are fighting to uproot these oppressing rulers with their security and bureaucracy.
What happened interview with Dr. Alemu Abebe ?
Intellectually dishonest couple it with Age ,the whole interview sounds like TPLF Propaganda. What a waste of time.
For everything Ethiopia, you guys responsible for everything is up now you guys make it that you guys first responsible for this is up now
ከህወሀት ዙሪያ አትወጣም ??
I am an Amhara from Gondar it was Tesma Gebrehiwot born in Gondar from Tigray parents who requested me to work with and should I have trusted him
You guys response with what happened in any Topia right now first you guys make this?
ምንለማለት ፈልገህ ነው ወይንስ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አያቅም ብለህ ነው አባል ሳትሆን ቅስቀሳ ያደረከው
I will ask Mr Yared one more and final time if he is able to tell us who killed Jemila or Medferiashworl Work Belay .She was killed by TPLF in wolkait
It will be nice to tell her story when her families are still alive
What about Tselote Eskiyas 😊if u know let me know thanks
Ere gash yared be zan weket condoms ayetawekem .
We are at the Ara of imperialism .Do you forget we were fighting for socialist revolution so why do you say the starting of capitalism in Ethiopia not clear.
በድርጅት ውስጥ ድርጅት ፈጥራቹህ በድብቅ ከህዋህት ጋር ላለመነጋገራቹህ ያቀረብከው ምክንያት አያረካም በዚያ ላይ በጠቅላላው የኢህድን አባልና አመራር ለህውሃት በትግል ሜዳ ላይ ጅምሮ እደሎሌ ያገለገሉ ናቸው እስከ ዛሬም ለአብይ አገዛዝ በማገልገል ላይ ናቸው
ያውኢህአፓነበሩ የሞተውሞተ ሱዳንየገባው ገባ ወደወያኔ የገባውያው ታዝሎ የራሱአቅምእና አፍሣይኖረው የሕሕዋት ልጅሆነው እየተቆነጠጡያንንየመሠለአቋም የነበረው😢ወጣትወርደው የብሔርአቀንቃኝመሆናቸው ለሥልጣንብቻአይናቸውንእንዲያፈጡ ያደረጋቸው ከነበራቸውሀገራዊዕሣቤወደታች መውረዳቸውሁሌ ገራሚነውእናም እንቆቅሎሽነው
ሰውየው ሲጀመር አማራም አይደለም፡ ሲቀጥል የወያኔን ትርክት ያመነ ና አማራን ትምክህተኛ በሚል ጥላቻ የፈረጀ ክፉ ሰው ነው።
በዚህ ልክ ነው መረዳት ያለብን።
ያሬድ በቃ ይችን ቅቤ ምላስ እያለሳለሰ ወግ ከማሳመር ውጭ ሌላ ጠንከር ያለ ሀሳብ እንኳን የለህም::: ታስቁናለሽ አለ ሀጎስ::
Tigray tribalists are the poster children of deeply rooted hatred, culturally treacherous, tormented inherently dishonest souls that never feel comfortable unless they blame others for their misfortunes can only define their success in the demise of their perceived enemies.
Not a right place for illiterates
Oh take it easy 😢
ደንቆሮ ወያኔ።
የናንተ ዘመናችሁ አብቅቷል። ላለመሞት ና ዳቦ ለማግኘት፡ ዝም ብለሺ የጋላ እግር ስር ተንደፋደፊ።