Homosexuality | S2E17

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @eliavesikula2870
    @eliavesikula2870 4 місяці тому

    We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and also to save us....Ist Cor 6:9. New Living Translation
    Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Don’t fool yourselves, Those who indulge in sexual sins. Or who worship idols, or who commit adultery or are male prostitutes or practise homosexualiry.

  • @kevindavis8646
    @kevindavis8646 2 місяці тому

    Nobody perfect down here on this earth
    Sin is sin no matter what is y,all just trying cherry pick
    Sexuality not a struggle at all

  • @blubberbooty
    @blubberbooty Рік тому +5

    If you are taking the words of the Bible to live by, will you stone your son or daughter if they disobey you? Would you make your daughter marry the guy that raped her?

    • @foxyghg
      @foxyghg Рік тому +2

      Your comment shows that you are not educated in theology. Please dig deeper.

  • @ferizsolnai
    @ferizsolnai 4 місяці тому

    So, I listened to your conversation, and then read the 3-part article, and although I am not suicidal, it made me entertain the thought to just end it right away. That article is very dark, and jumps to a lot of conclusions by presenting half-truths. It is misguided at best, and harmful at worst. And I would think twice before I'd recommend it. I don't doubt your good intentions, but you must be more careful with your advice.

    • @eliavesikula2870
      @eliavesikula2870 4 місяці тому +1

      Pray to the Lord Jesus for salvation and protection. God bless you

  • @larry1824
    @larry1824 Рік тому +1

    Ill answer when i come home from P town 😅

  • @777ebailey
    @777ebailey 7 місяців тому

    I wished you have contacted me before this episode

  • @777ebailey
    @777ebailey 7 місяців тому


  • @4thbrooker
    @4thbrooker 2 роки тому +7

    "Jeff has a PhD in.. something fancy.. he's a smart guy..."
    You are referencing Jeff Miller, whose article, "Homosexuality: Society, Science, and Psychology", you highly acclaim and mention several times throughout this video. Jeff Miller has a PhD in Biomechanical Engineering - his graduate and undergraduate degrees are no more relevant to the topic of Christian Theology and homosexuality than his doctorate is. So, yes, while he may be an intelligent individual, his PhD hardly lends credence to his claims about homosexuality and how it pertains to Christian theology.
    Indeed, right from the beginning of his article one must question Miller’s ability to faithfully engage with this topic. And I seriously mean that. I genuinely am questioning whether or not Miller has any interest whatsoever in faithfully engaging this topic. Why do I say this? Because right off the bat he shows that he is entirely unable to comprehend a piece of literature that is obviously written a specific way - a way that Miller entirely misses. The way he chooses to set the stage for the entire article is by quoting the complete text of Michael Swift’s “Gay Manifesto” (which was originally titled “Gay Revolutionary”). Miller even went so far as to put in bold the parts he found particularly pertinent for painting his anti-homosexuality picture. It is truly amazing to me how the irony of this seems to go completely over Miller’s head and, since you so strongly endorsed this article, yours as well. Usually, the first sentence of the “Gay Revolutionary” is left out when cited by right wing, conservative Christian sources. However, Miller actually includes it. Which makes this all the more interesting, because the first sentence provides more than enough context to know that this document is satirical! It was never meant to be taken literally! And anyone who can’t read the first few lines and understand that - I must conclude - is either unbelievably ignorant or simply has an anti-homosexual presupposition that they are trying to find supporting evidence for. Those are really the only two options.
    The very first sentence of “Gay Revolutionary” is this: “This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.” Even if you don’t know what an “outré” is referring to, one should still be able to read this sentence and understand that what they are about to read is going to be intentionally over-the-top. And if one simply does a bit of research on the word “outré”, this becomes abundantly clear. “Outré” means something along the lines of “carry to excess” or “to go beyond”. Does it get any clearer? To take Michael Swift’s “Gay Revolutionary” and use it as evidence of the “gay agenda” is just unbelievably ridiculous. It is also unbelievably ironic. Why? Because “Gay Revolutionary” is literally playing on the very homophobic tropes that people like Miller use it as evidence for! All you and Miller are doing by using it this way is literally exposing your own ignorance! This is truly just unreal. Am I dreaming right now? Seriously. The only agenda that is being exposed here is your own anti-homosexuality agenda. And yes, I do mean you three, the hosts of this podcast. You are putting your voice and your opinions out into the public sphere, and as such, you are responsible for making sure your sources are legitimate.
    So, please, I beg you, think about the implications of setting the tone of one’s entire article by using a piece of literature completely fallaciously. If one is not capable of properly understanding the intent and purpose of a piece of literature that they use as the foundation - the tone-setter - of their article, what does that say about their ability to faithfully and accurately engage the topic as a whole?
    I also beg you, plead with you to read the following article: www.boxturtlebulletin.com/Articles/000,015.pdf
    This is a parody article titled “The Heterosexual Agenda.” Its author states, “This is a parody. In writing this, I used the same methods that NARTH, Focus on the Family, American Family Association, and many others use to write this “antistraight” tract. And I did this using social science research exactly as they do.”
    The reason I am begging you to read this (and I mean actually read it without just assuming that it’s total rubbish before you even engage it faithfully) is because Jeff Miller’s article, the one you so highly commend, is quite literally the epitome of what “The Heterosexual Agenda” is making a parody of. “The Heterosexual Agenda” isn’t just a parody, however. It is done in such a way that exposes the nonsense methodologies used to discredit the lives and loves of homosexual people.
    You claim to care about the lives and souls of homosexual people. I beg you to challenge yourself to do one of the following things:
    1. Actually work diligently to faithfully engage the literature and work of pro-LGBTQ Christian theologians and scholars. Read David Gushee’s book “Changing Our Mind” and work hard to approach it faithfully and as unbiased as you can be.
    2. If you’re not willing to do number 1, resolve to just simply not talk about the topic of homosexuality within the scope of Christian theology. Let people who are actually capable of engaging the nuance and complexity around the topic do the talking and writing.

    • @KadesVideoList
      @KadesVideoList 2 роки тому +2

      That was one of the longest ad hominem attacks I've ever read.

    • @4thbrooker
      @4thbrooker 2 роки тому +2

      @@KadesVideoList If one is not capable of reading literature and understanding its genre and thus able to determine whether or not someone is using that literature improperly in order to push an agenda, they should be called out.
      We can get to the the actual position that is being held *after* we deal with the fact that the article that is most referenced in this video has formed its entire argument after improperly using a piece of literature. And it isn't just a random piece of literature thrown it. It is literally used to set the tone of the entire article.
      Call it an ad hominem if you like, but it must be addressed. However, as you can see, so far these creators don't appear to be engaging with their comments or they are ignoring me intentionally. So, don't worry, I'm sure my concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

    • @KadesVideoList
      @KadesVideoList 2 роки тому

      @@4thbrooker how about you steel man your opponent instead of all this meta? You want engagement? Deal with the heart of the issue, not the leaves at the edges of the bush.
      Everyone else has better things to do with their time.

    • @4thbrooker
      @4thbrooker 2 роки тому

      @@KadesVideoList Hopefully people have enough time to engage a glaring hole in the main source they are using to make their argument.
      I'd love to steel man their argument. However, it isn't quite that simple when it comes to Biblical hermeneutics and theological claims. Ultimately they are free to believe what ever they want to believe.
      My aim with my comment here is to poke one single small hole in the argument that they probably think is bullet proof. I need no bullet to poke a hole, just one fragile finger is enough to show how horrible their main source is.

    • @KadesVideoList
      @KadesVideoList 2 роки тому +1

      @@4thbrooker and this is why they don't give you their time.

  • @Taylartot99
    @Taylartot99 7 місяців тому

    Great video guys! Lots of good points!