Excerpt from "10 Classic Head & Neck Dermatopathology Unknown Cases" (full video: kikoxp.com/posts/6045). A complete organized library of all my videos, digital slides, pics, & sample pathology reports is available here: kikoxp.com/posts/5084 (dermpath) & kikoxp.com/posts/5083 (bone/soft tissue sarcoma pathology).
Excerpt from "10 Classic Head & Neck Dermatopathology Unknown Cases" (full video: kikoxp.com/posts/6045). A complete organized library of all my videos, digital slides, pics, & sample pathology reports is available here: kikoxp.com/posts/5084 (dermpath) & kikoxp.com/posts/5083 (bone/soft tissue sarcoma pathology).
Beautiful description, thanks
Thank you for this !!
How are they treated and or prevented?
Hi Jerad, do you suggest using pigmented inverted follicular keratosis as a separate entity?
I think of pigmented as an adjective. I think it’s the same as IFK but with extra pigmented melanocytes and melanin.
That’s histological picture, want physical feature.