Health and Fitness Trends-Susan Jansson

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
  • Now that we're coming out of out of the totally phase, what what are you noticing about people in their health concerns? What I'm noticing and most of the stories that I get when people come in is that they're a little, they've forgotten what to do, they're out of the habit.
    And I noticed a sense of disappointment in themselves. They're like, ah yeah, I'm walking and then I'll ask them and is that working for you? And the answer is, no, not really. But when I go into the health club, the equipment's all in a new place and they have new people and I don't know what to do.
    So everybody's kind of out of the habit and and you guys have made some changes internally, what kind of, what kind of physical space changes have you made in the clubs that you, some of our changes have been around adding more space between the equipment, so having less equipment which is working out well, we also have more outdoor opportunities for people, which is new and so people want to know, oh, something's outside.
    Well I have a solution for that, I don't know if you want me to go into our, okay, what we have found that people need now is their goal is kind of seems to be kind of a dream to them now. Yes, that's, I would love to be able to be more active, but I don't know if I can, and so we ask into that and we find out that it's really the habit that has changed and that if they don't commit to a habit or if we don't help them with their behavior, they're not going to have success.
    So we've got to have the programs be fun, we've got to have the every person meet with a professional, they can't just come in anymore and say I want a membership and I'll figure it out myself. So we're doing that offer and as we are learning we find out a lot about what they need and then we designed the programs according to what they need and we mainly want to stick with them for the first maybe eight visits to the club where they will meet with someone that many times so that they can reestablish their confidence and their habit of yes, oh yeah, I can do this, I've got this and then they end up being content and they've kind of gone out and gotten over the hump, so that that has been fun to see and fun to put into place, wow. Yeah, they need a lot, it sounds like a lot more guidance than what they thought they needed before before.
    Yes. And encouragement and getting over the beginning again, feeling and knowing that someone understands that we're all there and it's not a big deal, we can help you with it. It'll take some time, but we've got methods and support for you. What what have you done to update your marketing and in the way you're doing outreach to prospective members in this this time.
    And so I've been learning a lot, but I find that I absolutely need someone who knows about marketing and so are you, have you have, so you hired some people and then, are they, how are they approaching the marketing for the club's differently now than before, covid, what campaigns, what's the themes like, what are you doing differently or is it all the same?
    Well you've uh you've been in the health club industry for a few years and I'm sure you've seen the trends come and go, what what do you see coming up trend wise in the year 22 and 23 for for us that are gonna be exercising in health clubs. I think people are ready to have fun. What I noticed, for example, at one of our clubs, we have a very charismatic instructor who is working with small groups right in the middle of the weight room.
    And so it feels like a big dance party in there because everybody who's lifting is enjoying the music, they're watching them lift their getting inspired by the new exercises that that small group is participating in. Often they'll just stand there and tap their toe and kind of smile and in between sets so it's uh making the process accessible and keeping it fun.
    And I think that's the trend. It's you can't just sell the thing, it's not selling a piece of equipment or a particular class, it's selling support and encouragement and kind of freedom to enjoy. That's nice. That's a good, I like that trend.
    The freedom to enjoy. Well what is your number one secret tip for how to stay fit through an entire lifetime. And number one secret it would be consistency. That's my number one tip. But I don't care if you walk five minutes or you work out for three hours, mind what you like to do, the body is meant to move and so have a regular habit of your version of what exercises for you and enjoy moving your body.
    So that's that's the number one tip and you can learn new exercises and that's always fun. But stay with the consistency of what you know you do every day.
    Yes. The funny thing about that. Alright, well anything else that I should know about. Health clubs or health club business or fitness right now. I've got a ton of things but I think we're probably good for now.
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