Health Update October 2021.. this year has been a rough ride // Gut Improvements & Clearing debt

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
    @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому +2

    Recovery tribe I'm in the process of filming my next update. There have been ups and downs, but mostly ups :)

  • @FreshAgenda
    @FreshAgenda 2 роки тому +2

    Do you think if you didn't have all that stress from your neighbor, that you world be further along? ?
    We have such a hard time with responding to stress. Especially since we are already amped up.
    Check out Dan Buglio's video interviews with CFS recoveries... I have come to 100% believe that we will not diet, supplement, or doctor our way out. Until we learn how to calm down and respond to stress in a better way we will be stuck... my worst crashes were based on interactions with other people. Support stuff is great, but if our nervous system is still jacked, no treatment will last long. You know this. Dan Neuffer explains very clearly in ANSREWIRE. You can do this man. We ALL can do this! You've come sooooooo far. Time to put in the final piece. Thanks for the update!

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому +2

      100% I would be further along if I didn't have to deal with him. It's why its been so soul destroying and whether I give up the beautiful flat or not. It was a hard update video to make, because I know how much others want me to progress forwards too. I have some big decisions to make. I wish you all the best on your recovery too :)

    • @FreshAgenda
      @FreshAgenda 2 роки тому +3

      @@jacksrecoverycfs4643 you know what occurred to me is that when you let go of all the "recovering" over that summer and just did what made you happy, you seemed to be doing better and better... I think there is a lesson there. It's one I've been trying too, but it can be hard with this and working etc.. but I think when we take the laser focus off of regimens and techniques and spend our time doing what we enjoy, with a loose grip, then that takes some pressure off the nervous system... what do you think?

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому

      @@FreshAgenda Yeah I often found that too. I'd often surprise myself with how much more I could do when having more joy. Of course keeping doing everything helpful for recovery too was also needed, and just having a gentle balance of both. Too much pressure has been detrimental in my opinion as I already have achiever traits, so it often felt like I was trying on top of already trying to work hard at it.
      I found being strict most of the time with a healthy diet (I really enjoy eating healthily so it's pretty easy), being strict with getting early nights (when not having noisy neighbours below me) was easy because I get sleepy in the evenings and and feels natural, meditating daily for 35-45 minutes per day (I sometimes found this hard, but committed anyway regardless of if I had monkey mind or not). But because my environment has not been good and I can't always get to sleep due to loud music, everything has gone a bit wobbly with my routine recently.
      Are you working fulltime/part time?

    • @FreshAgenda
      @FreshAgenda 2 роки тому +2

      @@jacksrecoverycfs4643 I hear ya... the foundational stuff like sleep and not eating garbage is important to maintain. I do work full-time at a job that requires me to be a people pleaser perfectionist. However I have no choice it seems as I have a family I have to support. It's challenging, but I'm trying to "care less" if that makes sense. I think constantly trying to impress or be good enough for everyone is one piece of the perfect storm that led to the illness.
      Do you feel like you are on the verge of panic at times? Especially when other people are involved .. I also, like most of us have extreme symptom anxiety which really is the final piece keeping most of us stuck and chasing the next supplement or doctor... I have found doctors to be more scarers than healers. Most know nothing about stress illnesses in my experience.
      I'm probably more than 20 years older than you, but I know that anyone can overcome this. It seems to me that 98% of the work is internal. Looking back, I see that I spent years building to this in late 2019 when the fist signs began showing up. Our thinking plays a major role.
      I hate that you are going through this with your shit neighbor. I have a similar problem with a family member that keeps me stressed. I think if I didn't give so much of a damn it would be easier. I'm getting there. I hope you get this worked out soon.

  • @kathystoner5239
    @kathystoner5239 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the update! I hope you will make good progress and get to full recovery soon!

  • @awarewolf2685
    @awarewolf2685 2 роки тому +1

    Oxygen-therapy is known to put the mitochondria to work, which would explain why most patients of ME end up crashing when doing it, since ME is appearently mitochondria dysfunction. I would stop if I was you. But great video Jake. Looking forward to see further updates from you :)

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому

      Activated oxygen is not pure oxygen. It is singlet oxygen which switches back to ground state oxygen before you breathe it in, which gives off energy. It's helped me a lot the past few months. I'll post another update soon!

  • @gaoshikui88
    @gaoshikui88 2 роки тому +1

    Hey Jackson (?) is that your name? You seem like a cool guy to live with. I had an idea that CFS ppl like us could live together and help each other do certain things like cooking and pick up the slack for each other when one person has more energy than the other. Just a pipe dream lol.
    I am curious if you continued on with the LDN?

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому

      Thanks Steve, it's Jack :) I think living in a community off grid in a relaxed and zen environment would be ideal. However I think the socialising part could be tough because I find socialising with other sick people keeps me in that 'sick' mindset. But definitely better than any antisocial behaviour haha. And no I didn't do well on LDN at all. Some people thrive on it, others do really badly like me. I've got a friend who is really thriving on it though. So everyone's bodies are different.

  • @jonnyb4271
    @jonnyb4271 2 роки тому

    Hi Jack , it makes me so angry to hear your peace being shattered by a selfish turd. I think I may of lost my cool and confronted him. I cannot think of anything worse whilst in recovery, I suffer with really bad IBS and have found the omad diet helps. I hope you're seeing some progression anyway. Stay strong dude!

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому

      Thanks Jonny! Yeah he is a selfish turd haha, but he will always be the same. Will never change. I'll post another update asap! Glad you've found a diet that is helping the IBS!

  • @Star5dg
    @Star5dg 2 роки тому

    how you doing now mate?

  • @santella.story.healing
    @santella.story.healing 2 роки тому +2

    Yes all this sensitivity is just a dysregulated ns. It’s the mind that needs retraining mate. Nothing wrong with your body.

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому +1

      I agree with you totally. However I can't retrain my mind out of loud music keeping me up at night. I need to sort my environment before anything else.

    • @santella.story.healing
      @santella.story.healing 2 роки тому

      @@jacksrecoverycfs4643 yes completely agree. Have u managed to sort out the music/living situation? Maybe try to be away when he’s loud? I’m amazed u can see friends and do things. That’s massive!! Have u tried ldn

    • @djVania08
      @djVania08 2 роки тому

      Tella I agree too. Question is how though? That is still a mystery to me.

    • @santella.story.healing
      @santella.story.healing 2 роки тому +1

      @@djVania08 loads of free info. Address brain retraining, traumas, u helpful patterns, somatic work etc

  • @DocCokie
    @DocCokie 2 роки тому

    I'm also 3 years in with ME/CFS. I also have student loan $110k, 7.6% interest. Good for you for getting it written off. That's amazing. I don't have that option in the US 😕 That's amazing you can get your own flat. I'm stuck at my parents. Your flat looks wonderful, I'm sorry about the jerk. That's awful.

    • @jacksrecoverycfs4643
      @jacksrecoverycfs4643  2 роки тому

      Sorry to hear you are suffering. It can take time. I had to work really hard to get my loan written off. I'm not too sure about how that all works in the USA.