Ethnic Hungarians mark national day in Romania

  • Опубліковано 19 бер 2017
  • (15 Mar 2017) Ethnic Hungarians in Romania's Transylvania region marked the anniversary of Hungary's 1848 revolution against the Habsburg empire on Wednesday.
    In the town of Targu Secuiesc, hundreds watched as men and women, many in traditional dress, paraded to the central square.
    Some men dressed up as Hussars (Hungarian light cavalry soldiers) to make their way to the Nyerges Pass in the nearyby mountains.
    There, they visited a memorial to Gabor Aron, a local hero who led ethnic Hungarian forces during the revolution and who was killed in battle in 1849.
    Most of Romania's ethnic Hungarians live in eastern Transylvania, a rural area with vast potato crops and mineral water springs.
    The region was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918, when Hungary lost a huge swathe of its territory to Romania, Slovakia and other states.
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  • @christian2M
    @christian2M 4 роки тому +9

    Sunt roman si-i respect pe secui. Dumnezeul sa-i binecuvanteze pe secui si romani. Aveti-va ca fratii, vin vremuri grele dragi romani si secui.

  • @maritza507
    @maritza507 3 роки тому +5

    Hesta Hungarorum Transilvania dream land : "It simply came to our notice then And, remaining here longer, Tuhutum, Horca's father, as he was a cunning man, after learning from the inhabitants of the goodness of the country beyond the forests, where the reign had a certain Blac Gelou, began to sigh. , if he could not somehow gain by a favor from Duke Arpad, the country beyond the forests, for himself and his descendants. Which is exactly what happened next. For the Ultrasilvan country was ruled by the descendants of Tuhutum until the time of King Stephen the Holy and would have ruled it further, if Gyla the Little had received and become a Christian, along with his two sons Biuia and Bucna and he would not always have worked against the holy king, as will be shown hereafter. About Tuhutum's provision And the aforesaid Tuhutum, a very prudent man, sent a cunning man, Ocmand, the father of Opaforcus, to secretly inquire about the quality and fertility of the land in Ultrasylvania and what kind of people the inhabitants there and if it were possible to make war on them. For Tuhutum wanted to gain both name and land, as our fiddlers say: they all gained land and got a good name. What should I say next? When Father Ogmand, the spy of Tuhutum, circling like a fox, saw, as far as he could comprehend the sight of man, the goodness and fruitfulness of the earth and its inhabitants, he liked it exceedingly, and in the greatest haste returned to and when he arrived, he told his lord much about the goodness of that land: that that land is watered by the best rivers, whose name and use he reminded them in turn, that from their sand gold is gathered, that the gold of that country is the best gold, because salt and salt are extracted from it, and that the inhabitants of that country are the most needy people in the whole world. Because there are Blachi and Slaves who have no weapons other than bows and arrows and their Duke Gelou is a little steadfast and has no good soldiers around him and would not dare to resist the courage of the Hungarians, because he suffers many shortcomings from the Cumans and the Pechenegs. .

  • @b.d.369
    @b.d.369 3 роки тому +1

    Fiecare are dreptul la cultura proprie si libertatea de a se exprima. Bv lor.

  • @dearomania8289
    @dearomania8289 3 роки тому +1

    I wanna puke

    • @GAO9563
      @GAO9563 8 місяців тому

      Do to your national flag!
      It would be better!😅

  • @exstazius
    @exstazius 4 роки тому +8


  • @bogdanstanescu9990
    @bogdanstanescu9990 5 років тому +10

    Ce ne facemi ca suntem cam bruneti! :))))))

  • @predacorneliu
    @predacorneliu 5 років тому +18

    Nice party!

    • @Vlad2005
      @Vlad2005 3 роки тому


    • @predacorneliu
      @predacorneliu 3 роки тому +4

      @@Vlad2005 Fake party!

    • @fureszadam3160
      @fureszadam3160 3 роки тому +3

      @@predacorneliu The revolution happend so i dont think so

  • @sandorlichtmann5787
    @sandorlichtmann5787 4 роки тому +6

    I condemn the military marching even if there is a national day and acted by minority or majority. It sends a terrible message and does not promote the appeasement that should be a clear aim to be achieved. Also, I condemn the ,,mongol" labeling and other horribly low speech I usually read, written by romanian ,,patriots". Transylvania and moreover Romania is highly multicultural as far as I know. Let the people live together in peace. Cheers! For a better neighborhood!

  • @tomasdariuspaun7586
    @tomasdariuspaun7586 4 місяці тому +1

    Hungarians in romania have all the right to celebrate their national holiday. This is beautiful.

  • @iulianboidache3455
    @iulianboidache3455 3 роки тому

    Pai si noi ce sa mai zicem ca Basarabia neo luato rusi

  • @domiv766
    @domiv766 4 роки тому +2

    Ok, dar mi se pare ca copilul e chinuit adica nu-mi vine sa cred, rusine sa va fie,

    • @_emcike
      @_emcike 3 роки тому

      cum ai ajuns la aceasta concluzie?

  • @gabrielvaideanu1104
    @gabrielvaideanu1104 5 років тому

    Nu a fost revoluție ci a fost un război de secesiune.

  • @Alkyps
    @Alkyps 6 років тому +2

    Hungary didnt lost land to no one of the other countries.
    read, Romanians have always been there. Hitler just gave a part of Romania and other countries as part of a treaty when they fought for him in WW2
    we romanians don't so much about it, but the most annoying thing is to say that land was their before ...
    well Hungarians arrived in europe around 9th century, and as you think that land was owned by romanians and other groups/tribes/countries and so on...
    GOOGLE it :

    • @Alkyps
      @Alkyps 6 років тому +1

    • @ba8005
      @ba8005 5 років тому

      first use google translate 2. Omule daca ai fi citit istoria adevarata ai fi aflat ca voi ungurii* sunteti un popor ce a migrat pana aici 3. V o luat 250 de ani sa cuceriti transilvania pe atunci Romania nu exista pe de alta parte romanii pe vremea regelui Gelu din Cluj-Napoca sau daca nici asta nu te convinge cauta sa vezi teritorile dacilor ca sa vezi cum arata DACIA*

    • @gergoszoke1019
      @gergoszoke1019 4 роки тому

      Nice we can all trust wijapedia

    • @hunmax5416
      @hunmax5416 4 роки тому

      ohh thanks the link:
      very informative... on the maps i do not see Romania only Hungaria and Bulgaria

    • @alexthegreat5009
      @alexthegreat5009 4 роки тому +1

      Transylvania was ours for 1000 years. Romanians just migrated in because they didn't want to fight the ottomans.

  • @g0blin11
    @g0blin11 2 роки тому

    Spend your national day in ulan bator, your homeland.

  • @martonsoos2953
    @martonsoos2953 4 роки тому +26

    Erdély Magyar!🇭🇺❤🇭🇺

    • @danielbejan5424
      @danielbejan5424 4 роки тому +17

      Erdely România

    • @alexthegreat5009
      @alexthegreat5009 4 роки тому +3

      @Alex C for fucks sake we were never Mongols and not from Asia

    • @timi1655
      @timi1655 4 роки тому +1

      @@alexthegreat5009 nem tudják felfogni fölösleges erőltetni. Nem is csoda azután amit nekik az iskolákban tanítanak.

    • @Spirtonus
      @Spirtonus 4 роки тому +8

      Transilvania Este Romania!

    • @TheFifferes
      @TheFifferes 3 роки тому +1

      @@danielbejan5424 Erdely Magyarország