Rest in peace dear Mr. Penland. You were the best teacher there ever was in our world. I was greatly inspired by you and I enjoyed being in your class. We love you and that we miss you. As students, as the school, as a family, we hope that you may, rest in peace.🕊️🤍👾
Rest in peace Mr. Penland. Thank you teaching us all of these amazing things. You will forever be in our hearts. Once an eagle, always an eagle. We love you, and remember, it's dangerous to go alone!
rest in peace mr penland❤️ thank you for everything, i will never forget all you did for me, you were a great person and an amazing teacher
Rest in peace dear Mr. Penland. You were the best teacher there ever was in our world. I was greatly inspired by you and I enjoyed being in your class. We love you and that we miss you. As students, as the school, as a family, we hope that you may, rest in peace.🕊️🤍👾
Rest in peace Mr. Penland. Thank you teaching us all of these amazing things. You will forever be in our hearts. Once an eagle, always an eagle. We love you, and remember, it's dangerous to go alone!
Ehat happen to him?
@@revakayana7916 he was a teacher and he just suddenly died they said
@@sircharles2078 ON GOD???
@@revakayana7916 he was a video game design design teacher and i havent got told how he died yet but it was like february when he passed away
@@revakayana7916 not in class he was at home when he passed i think
thank u so much for this video, i really needed this to complete my assignment
thank you for the tips!
Instructions unclear i burned my house down
Did you try turning your house off and back on again?
Rest in peace MR Penland